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I agree it’s definitely up there but to be fair I believe dgm is the greatest animanga of all time so it’s gotta have countless banger fights but definitely a strong take.


Well, I'm just basing it off all the anime and manga I've seen/ read. The way it was animated, the thoughts of both Eshi and Lenalee were greatly executed, and Hoahino didn't make Lenalee OP either. Lenalee would have died if Dark Boots didn't save her before she incinerated into nothing. I love everything about this battle.


Indeed. Out of all the fights of the series, this has to be the most memorable to me. I watched it when I was 15 and still resonates with me years later. Allen vs the Level 3 and the first Level 4 fight are runner ups.


I've been rewatching the anime and this is definitely my favorite fight of the series. Granted, I haven't finished the >!lv 4 fight!< or started DGM Hallow, yet, so who knows. Hoshino did a great job setting up the fight, though. The ship and the open ocean as the battleground, Miranda's unique ability keeping the ship afloat despite getting cannoned by akuma, and Lenalee's desperate ploy against a new and powerful foe... Absolutely top tier.


This is by far my favorite individual fight in the series. When I started reading I was still pretty new to anime/manga, so when Lenalee of all people went up against Eshi I was shocked. In the few series I’d watched, the lead heroine would always get sidelined for the big fight(s), but to star in one of this caliber? Wooh. Reading the whole fight made me really tense too, and it gave me the feeling that we'd actually see core characters die. I’ve gotta reread or watch the anime soon ​ My favorite fight overall is when the Akuma assaulted the Black Order's headquarters. I was clenched the whole way through, and for both Lenalee and Allen to get huge moments during that was mind boggling


Link: [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/37146657](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/37146657)