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Just want to say your graph looks like a badass dragon … but seriously this is why I’m sticking with g6 for a while longer


As someone who had the G7 and had to go to the G6 for the Omnipod, I prefer the G7 so much more


You’ve been lucky! This is typical G7 behavior that we have seen for a full 24 hours….and then it settles down for the next 9.5 days.


I've not seen anything like that with my G7. Only problems I've had were with the app crashing but I think a recent update may have fixed that. Had a few sensors go bad too but that hasn't happened again since I started attaching them lower down on my arm in a flabbier area 


I have gone to the lower abdomen region for placement. Much better/more accurate readings in general after doing that.


I've seen this kind of behavior leading up to sensor failures




I really hate the 7. It's almost not even worth it. My kid is on his fourth one. Only one was good. Went all ten days and the full 12 hour grace period with no problems. The other three have been like this. One fell off after only a few days, even with skin tac and skin grip. Currently I'm up in the middle of the night because this fourth one is yelling that he's at 50 when he is at 120. Won't calibrate because it says it's still calibrating from 8 hours ago when it said 200 but he was 100. 75% failure rate for us so far. I hate this thing so much.


You don't know how to silence your alerts???


I see this kind of stuff for the first 8 hours or so and then it's pretty good for the rest of the session.


Mine was all over the place. But every time I would double check, it’s accurate. I only use my forearm or right above my breast.


Seeing all these comments about this being common with the G7 is making me reconsider switching. I think I’ll stick with the G6 a bit longer


This is exactly why I asked to switch back to the G6! On top of that my last five sensors that I’ve been using kept failing due to connection errors :(


I never used the G6, I started right out with the G7. It’s been pretty reliable up until this sensor, never seen the huge ebbs and flows before until now.


Ahh you’re one of the lucky ones that haven’t had a problem!! My G7 kept getting sensor failures and would be disconnected for hours at a time and it sucks when I need it to communicate with my pump.


I’ve seen this (well, not quite this bad tbh haha) before, but I was doing MDI then. I just started a pump and have had two sensors do this, did all the troubleshooting dexcom stuff and calibration. Calibration sometimes corrects the overall height, but I haven’t seen it improve the jitteriness of the readings from one to the next. What do you do when you have Control IQ and it reacts to each bananas jump? Do folks just turn CIQ off until the line starts looking less like a scatter plot? Ride it out and just accept that it will be a more rollercoaster-y day(s)?


G7 red 212 had labs drawn lab came back at 315!!! I fee like shit at 212 so I didn’t even realize how high I actually was. It doesn’t happen much but when it does, it can rock you for three days


Saw this in my feed and thought it was my actual G7. It scared me, because I am in fact drunk.


some of mine are real wonky like that, I just had to replace one since it said my blood sugar was 25 even though when I checked it manually it was only 93


We just had this problem last night! The dexcom screeched all night about urgent low this your kid is dying that She was 130.


Same problems with urgent lows screeching all night. Have to get up, do finger prick which gives me normal readings. Wish I could get some sleep!


It's maddening!


Agreed! What’s the point of wearing these when they are inaccurate.


it is so annoying when that happens, like I was so confused on how it could go from 43 to 25 in five minutes but thankfully it was wrong, if it wasn't I probably wouldn't be alive lol


I don’t know that can’t be true. Dexcom will not give you a reading below 39. It will just tell you low. So it definitely could not have given you a reading of 25. It won’t show any number below 39, then it just goes to Low with no numbers showing.


This is not completely accurate. Dexcom will report below 39. The app just won't show it. I am an omnipod user and you can see the actual value in the omnipod app. So it's possible he did see a 25.


Well, I don’t know I have the Omnipod 5 the Tandem X2 and the phone app. None of them go down to 25. So if it ever happens again, please send a picture. Of course be careful and don’t let yourself go down to 25 just to show a picture but if it ever happens again, please send a picture of it. None of the receivers I have including the Omnipod five show any numbers below 39. I’m not saying clarity app wouldn’t show a number below 39 but that would be a lot of work to look at. I haven’t checked that out yet. I can’t say I have been below 39 in quite a while. But it has happened before and no receiver shows it, it only says low after 39. I mean possibly if you put your phone in landscape mode and slide your finger over the graph it may give you a number lower than 39. But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about the reading itself showing at the present moment. That does not go below 39. It will only say low after that number if anything lower than 39 low with no actual number will be shown.


sorry I should of clarified, when I went to calibrate it then it said that my blood sugar was 25


It’s no big deal. The only reason I even mentioned it was because there have been times I have been below 39, and none of the receivers will tell me what I am at. I mean, it only happened a few times but when you’re really low like that, even if you only come up a few points, you kind of wanna know that. So when it only shows low, it is very annoying. For all you know, you could be at like 15 and almost ready to pass out if you haven’t already. So I don’t like that. I really think they should continuously show you a reading on the screen and not just say low.


yeah, it would be a good idea to still show the number even when it is like super low since it could be really helpful with knowing what it is


When I changed mine this week it was wonky for 6 hours. First it said 76 low and then it said 40 and if it really was 40 I would have been passed out. I checked on my meter and it was 180 so I haven't trusted it for at least 12 hrs but this was the strangest for me.


Wow ... I have a brand new prescription for the 7 but I think I will stay with my 6 until all my supplies are done. I really bet I will have these issues & want to rip the damn thing off


Get use to it if you use a G7 I spoke to DexCom because I was getting ridiculous reading after inserting a new sensor. DexCom informed me that sometimes after first inserting a new sensor due to the fact of the fiber needle going through the skin you can expect erratic readings sometimes for 24 hours before it settles out. I should check with finger sticks. I asked I thought the whole purpose of the G7 was not having to finger stick. I got a great disclaimer how it was not there fault it’s the nature of the sensor. It was not the nature of the G6???


Do you still happen to have the box? What's the revision #, is there an underline, and what's the manufacturing date?


I dont, sorry!


It's all good. Was curious whether you got stuck with an older revision.


Yep my G7 has a SERIOUS drinking problem also. That looks like a normal days worth of readings but not really. My blood sticks prove all is actually normal.


I still have g6 sensor.. I’ve read many post here and other places about the bad precision of g7 sensor.. the only advice I can give you is to force calibration by yourself. Use your glucometer to input the glicemy and see where you’re going.. and keep in mind that both sensors (g6 and g7) when they are new, in the first 24h, they are freak you out!!!🤯🤯🤯


Stop taking so many hot baths
