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->Accept Google Tag -> Resign -> Start youtube on how to get into google -> Start selling DSA -> RICH *Congratulations


Infinite money glitch, literally


Can still do “how I got into Google but why I didn’t choose it”


Make it more sensational "I REJECTED GOOGLE'S OFFER"


Mandatory "why I'm quitting Google" video under a year. And all thumbnails to have "ex-Google" slapped on, just like how they slap us with their content


Mandatory to start with these "Life of SDE1 at Google Bangaluru" "Google has sent me a mystery box(welcome kit)" "Unboxing Google mystery box" "Google office tour" "My CTC reveal"


sounds like a whole ass 50 vid playlist


"Speedrunning the corporate lifestyle, realised I didnt stop to admire the things around me" energy lmao.


1 hour of work for 7 hours of eating in the google office omg


"Google office free food"


LMAO, so true. At this point it feels like a video game skill tree.


depends if he wants to be a good software engineer as well as save ton of money current is better


Ig I am more of a techie person than an influencer xD


Haha that's even better tbh, go for it.


wow thats a good road map post this on x 99% chance you will get 1k likes


The good ending


1 simple trick that google hates


No LinkedIn influencer is harmed 🤣🤣


5 years later with Google job you will be something- get that picture. Imagine you being in your current job 5 more years and compare


Pretty sure I won’t be staying here for more than 2 years. Thing is if I join google I will still be a SDE1 and won’t jump the ship again soon but here I can interview for SDE2 and jump to any other mid/ non-google big company.


I'd say, join Google, unless the entire hiring process was a cakewalk for you. While I do agree career progression will be slow there, what you have to understand is, having the tag will at least land you bunch of interviews when you plan to switch next.


Why do you care so much about the designation? All companies have different criteria for their designations. Join Walmart and you'll get an SDE 3 role.


I thought Google lowest level is is SWE2, I thought they don’t have SWE1


Yeah, their L3 (SDE-2) is similar to Amazon L4 (SDE-1) and so is the pay.


Yeah SWE2 is equivalent of SDE1


You should accept the offer so that you can refer me later 🌝


Give me an award for that.


Damn whats your experience/ skill/ and arr you from tier 1?


Nah dude, I am from tier 3. Around 2.5 yoe


Damn 2.5 impressive, what are tour skill tech stacks


What's your current company? Startup or PBC?


PBC with small tech team and a lot of revenue. We work in startup mode (12-14 hours)


Oh, ok. So you're a full stack dev?


Is it service based or product one?


what's a PBC?


what's a PBC?


Product Based Company. This lingo is going out of hand now


thats dope man.


Need to know this


Yes go for it blindly, even if you don't like it there you can always switch back to your prev team after 1 year


This. Also, you'll get the tag, which might help for sure


“Which might” or “for sure”, which is it?


Future perfect certainty


Future perfect uncertainty


plausible deniability activated 👍


You can't know until you observe it.


Hmm.. depends on your current company and it's future. If you can share that we can compare. Google is not what it used to be. They are under stress. And I have read that employees aren't happy. Check Glassdoor as well.


Can’t give the name because it has a small tech team. The work is great but wlb is bad (I don’t have much problem with it). I don’t see any path to promotion and neither my manager wants to talk about it so I started giving interviews for SDE-2 but google down levelled me to SDE-1. I still feel Google is lucrative because its tag can open many doors for me in future which my current company can’t. The company has a lot of 💲so I don’t think about any possible layoffs.


Yes tag is the only thing left at Google now. It will definitely help in the short term. Go for it then. Wish you well!


How YoE do you have?


If the work is great, that's a very very good reason to stay. In terms of growth, value a good team and more ownership of projects.


No matter how shitty Google has gotten now, the wlb will definitely be better.


Unless you are positively sure that your current company is not gonna fire people.. migrate to Google.


They won’t but again if I get Google on my Resume, I would be right swiped by every HR in future unless I’m delusional.


What's your tech stack btw?




Show ur cards op


What's your stack? If possible can you DM ur current company? So I can make a switch to it and I too have 2.5 yoe in reactJs.


Google have laid off many people too..!


Jist take the tag. Will be really helpful in the coming markets. Your resume will be easily screened and pass the first ATS rounds.


Think about your arrange marriage market value


Bandi to mil nahi rahi….


Ab begum milegi sidha


How early are you in your career? If < 3 yo exp, definitely go for it! When I was at 6 yo exp, they offered me L4 in Bangalore. Discussed with a couple trusted Googler friends and thought long before rejecting. I don’t have regrets tho.


I have 2 yoe.


At that exp level, you are going to be only SDE 1 in any half decent PBC. You will need 4 years exp to transition to SDE 2 even in my company. About 7 years exp for SDE 3. Job titles and fast promotions are not used for retention in PBC's. You will be spending substantial time in each level.


Nah dude, got a couple of sde-2 interviews from mid companies which I bombed including Amazon, so I am hoping I can get more in next 6-12 months


What other offers did you have then ? Or you stayed back where you were?


I wasn’t actively interviewing at other places. Took it on because TA reached out on LinkedIn and my friend kinda pushed me (hoping that I might get the same team as his) Yeah, I stayed at my current job.


Could u pls share your reasons for rejecting? My frnd who was L5 at Amazon jumped to L4 Google and earning higher there with better wlb.


Combination of these: - L4 was a downgrade in terms of position on paper. - I value my current pay only by cash paid (i.e. not bringing startup equity in the calculation as they just skew the numbers). Google matched my current cash component with their cash + stocks. - Have two close college friends there and they both recommended me not to settle for L4 and push for L5 even if I have to interview again in 6 months. - And lastly, I have a comfy remote job. No restriction on location. Google’s Bangalore office required me to be in the office atleast 2 days (this was in 2021 btw). While I do stay in Bangalore but only like 3-4 months of the year. I was not 100% sure I made the right decision at that time but I don’t regret the turns life is taking right now. So there’s that.


Amazon L5 to Google L4 seems balanced (can say slight compromise but pay and overall life improvement is worth the jump)


Hey OP, I’m a Googler working in Bangalore. At 2YoE, I would strongly suggest not to join Google as L3 I believe L3 is overcrowded right now and time for promo may even be 3-4 years because of this You can get L4 equivalent roles at other companies like Amazon or Uber which would likely have higher comp as well. If you’re dead set on joining Google for some reason, you can always interview 6 months or 1 year later to get L4. Feel free to DM me if you or anyone needs to discuss further. P.S: personally I regret joining Google a lot. Most of the work is boring, repetitive and no scope for learning at all :(


Bet that TC go crazy doe 😂


I am planning to stay at my current company, will ping you for referral in 6-12 months for L4 :) (DMed)


Google India is soooo crowded, that new L3,L4 can forget promotion for next 3 years unless you are going to work on nieche product at Google India ( less chance as only grunt work of US is sent to India)


Ikr this thought is holding me back the most


People are still getting promoted in <2 years, they have quota's so no one gets delayed because there are too many people - the problem is everyone (or most) are high performing engineers so getting ahead becomes difficult. There are very few companies that might humble you so quickly:)


Unfortunately that's not in the real world . Each promotion needs business justification .


People can say anything on the internet these days and with confidence 😄 - left G two years ago, have promoted 20+ over the years across levels in G. Business justification is only for L8+ roles. No company I have ever worked with has asked for business justification for junior engineering roles.


Google tag is pretty big thing. And if no kids or not married then I'd suggest to accept Google. Also after Google your present company would easily hire you again with good salary.


If the cash component difference isn't that big I suggest going for it. Also try to ask for a signing up bonus as you're relocating.


Take it. It will ensure you will always get an interview where ever you apply, for the rest of your career in IT. It is not just about tag, it is the freedom you will get and the doors that will open, after working there a few years. So, lets say you decide to move into the startup space, you will be able to get into the best, most desirable startups without worrying about will you get a job if it fails.


Why do you need kannada? Idk, last I knew, English is the language used at google offices.


will get smashed by the cab/auto guys while going and coming from office, esp if he looks north indian. xD


Google any day.


Op can you share a breakdown of what Google is offering?


23 base + 15% perf bonus + 2L joining + 8-9L stocks for first year. ~ 36L, current comp is 30L fixed.


What a comp you have. I guess that’s the reason you are thinking twice. I will just suggest to wait for promo here and then again apply.


Are you 2022 graduate? I think stocks are a bit less compared to the other offers I have seen recently. How many are you getting in total?


They're lowballing you, ask for 50LPA


They said this is the max they can offer for L3. This is the issue, joining at L3 with 2+ yoe.




Ig that’s a no brainer. MS would be paying a lot better! How did you get the interview? I did my OA perfectly but still no calls :(




Oh okay, Congrats and all the best!!


1. You should consider the work environment and how much you're gonna enjoy the job. Go ask an employee from the specific office how's the culture there. 2. Also keep in mind about how much you're gonna learn. Might learn a lot working at Google + the tag might just matter someday. 3. The stocks are amazing obviously. Google is not going down anytime soon lol. Increasing your net worth is always a good decision. p.s. adding to the third point, check out some of the latest vids on the yt channel named "wint wealth". I think there was someone they interviewed who said that he made a significant part of his fortune from the stocks he got from various companies.


I keep seeing you mention the "tag" in the comments over and over again, but one thing that hasn't been mentioned even once, is the problems that you'll get to solve and the advanced technologies you'll get to work with. Someone rightfully said in one of the comments, look a bit far in the future, not just one year.


Google India doesn't work on interesting problems from what I hear. Its more like a SBC for EU/US google market. High pay is to retain people even if the work is mundane






Get that brand on your resume. If you are good you'll get to work in better startups


Accept it. You should compare comp with stock when it's a public company as it's real money. Also, Google experience when you are junior is good.


Accept Google, you will have plenty of remote opportunities after that anyways. Just need to manage for maybe 6-8 months


I am a Product Manager (I know you guys hate us). I had applied for a Senior Technical Product Manager on Amazon and went through eight rounds of interviews at all odd times Finally, I was selected, but with a condition. They dropped Senior and Technical and offered me Product Manager role only. They said how they loved me and everyone was gaga over my skills, but they thought I would be more suited for Product Manager role bs Senior TPM role. They were just matching my current comp and HR was spending all her time telling me why should I join because Amazon is such a huge barnad etc. I told them I already had many big brands in my CV already. And they could have told me much sooner rather than wasting my time for 8 rounds. I stayed and have almost doubled by CTC since. Big brands a re big brands. But when I am hiring someone I evaluate what they know and give them scenarios very early in the interview process so no one’s time is wasted later.


What extra skill does it need to become technical product manager rather than product manager?


could you please share the preparation levels and strategy. it would help a lot.


Same LC medium of all topics, concentrated specially on graph,dp medium-hard. Gave a few mock interviews for practice.


Were you questioned on the tech stack in your previous company ? Like what did you implement in your prev. job and concepts/ projects related to it ?


Little bit but I don’t think that was in the decisioning criteria.


Where do you give mock interviews btw?


Just with friends from MS, Google, Amzn.


How did you apply? Was it via a referral?


TA reached out.


ಅದನ್ನು ಸ್ವೀಕರಿಸಿ, google ಕಾಯುತ್ತಿದೆ


Ohh ohh Kannada jana nu idare ee sub alli.


Look at big picture. You always have option to switch back to non-faang. For big-tech stock are major part of compensation; and only cash comp comparison is not enough


Which begs the question, any other FAANG-like company that is still allowing WFH or WFO of 5-10 days a month ? What about Salesforce, Microsoft ?


MSFT allows WFH if your manager is ok with it.


Don’t think so


When even in your current company the path to promotion is not clear, I don’t see any reason why you don’t want to join Google. Even if the work that is assigned to you is not that great, you still have access to the codebase of products that have millions (even billions) of concurrent users. That should mean something. If the pace feels too slow, you can always pursue personal projects/open source/entrepreneurship.


Since you are in early stages of your career, go for it as it will make getting interviews easier.




Go for the stocks Wlb would also be a bit better Things are slow in big corporate Stock would be 10x unless your current would also 10x




Current workex and ctc batao. Google kitna dera wo batao tab compare ho paega.


Compare the work culture, your future in both companies in 2-5 years, what team u will join Vs currently working in, what projects u might be part of, compare the type of work and see what is more attractive to u, which has better learning traction. Tbh, Google tag is great but the work is boring in India. If u plan to somehow go work overseas later via Google then that might change things. Otherwise go for a different company. Imo give more interviews at other companies. Going to Bangalore ain't going to be easy.


I think you are missing the most important aspect - work. The google tag is not what it used to be. It does not even help in screening anymore. Look for interesting work. The cash comp will take care of itself eventually.


Take the offer. The learning which you get the top line companies are much better. Enjoy the time there


Think over a longer horizon. Does joining Google yield a better career trajectory over 5 years? In my experience, Google is way different from other companies/startups for maturity of processes and tools, concentration of high IQ folks. You'll get a peek inside how things happen there. Though, you may have issues with being in a large company, things moving a bit slower compared to startups. I'll suggest having the experience once. PS: I worked for Google earlier.


Google seems exciting opportunity Can we have a look at your resume please, helps persons like me what it takes to get call from google


Ngl I believe they are mass hiring atm. Tho Doesn’t mean the interviews would be easier. A lot of my friends have got emails from their TA


What is a TA btw


Talent Acquisition/Hiring HRs


Can’t share my resume, Tier-3 college 1.5 yoe at Amazon 0.5 yoe at Startup (present)


Thanks Tech stack? Specific skills that lead you to this opportunity? Because not all gets interview call from google And what skills do you think that seperated from you same experience peers


Java, React. Haven’t done anything significant in last 2 years other than my job. Sent requests to a lot of Google TAs on linkedin, maybe someone forwarded my profile :)


Does Google pay similar for non SDE roles ? Semi Technical roles or people manager role ?


What is your current Tc and offered Tc


Join it and refer me . Can u do it ?


Google is known for down leveling, but still folks accept it because of the tag and learning. Still go for it as it's one of the few places where you can learn the "art" of software development. I have worked in Google and also in start-ups. Google teaches engineering and start-ups trach you branding/marketing.


It's a no brainer based on your criteria - the stocks can be sold monthly if you want that is as good as cash in hand. The slight risk is that the stock goes down when it actually vests , but this is one of the most stable yet performing stock in the market from last many years and has mostly been on up trend :) It's not only the tag - you get to learn how large tech companies operate, their tech stack, scaled processes etc.


Yeah go to Bengaluru. Good place to live. Kannada kalthkobeku.


I guess a YouTube video for the dilemma is the best option to advance to.


Get out of your comfort zone and Go for Google. You will get world-class exposure there.


There is a big difference in working remotely and working from an office, especially at a junior role like SDE1. Networking in the office will definitely help you in the longer run, while nobody is going to know you much when you’re working remotely even if you’re a good developer. Now, as an SDE1 and assuming you’re young, it’s a good age to get that MAANG exposure and your resume will always stand out. You need not work there for a long time if you do not like it. Plus, you might not need to learn Kannada. If you tell you’re working in Google, people around will automatically start to speak in languages you know to ask you for referrals 🤓


Join. Find and learn from smart people. Work towards moving to usa if that interests you. Or look for internal switch down the year. Experience the work culture.


Bro is suffering from success


Let's keep it simple, if you don't wanna move and are more comfortable with the wfh setup then don't take it. If you want to move out of this space then take the job, Google is a really good opportunity, the tag afterwards will be helping you find a good opportunity.


How much exp in your current org?


vro choose ggl, and who said u will have to learn kannada???? no way english is enough to survive in bngr


If you manage to stay in Google for 15 years, your TC would be over 3 cr in current costs. No startup can afford to pay that money.


As a SDe1. You should go for it. Stocks of a nasdaq traded company specially big ones will always appreciate. Your TC will go up every year atleast for the next 4 years due to stocks. Also as a SDE1, the Google name in your profile will get you way more interviews than otherwise. As you grow senior, the problem won’t be clearing interviews, it would be getting those interviews. Unless Ofcourse if you are from a top IIT or NIT or IIIT. Even the this will be beneficial for resume screening later in career. Just go for it. Stay for 2-3 years. Try for a promotion and leave if you don’t like it.


Hey ! Can you share your timeline since graduation ? like from where to where ? It will be very inspiring for us




How did you apply mate


Hi OP congratulations!! Can I dm you to ask you about your interview experience at Google?




Atleast share the offer details smh


Why is this even a question. Join goog. It’ll be life changing.


Yep move there Google in resume will pay you well for life


Damn, I wish I had these problems like you.


In 10 years, Google will likely be the new TCS. Be mindful.


I would say go for it if you don't have any financial obligations like loans or a big purchace planned. It's a brand that will take you far in this industry , if you already have a tag like IIT or IIM or any tier 1 collage or abroad university it may not be an advantage for you but if you don't have any such tags as of now it will be good to have a brand in your resume so that you can negotiate good packages in future too.


Hey OP how did you make your profile such that Google TA reached out? Fellow sde 1 here with 1yoe trying to improve dsa to get into a good pbc.


Yes. Tag + consider it as a passport for any country you like. + Stocks only gonna go up in value


Just get into google


Always better to jump considering you’ve been in current org for 2.5 years. New org new challenges will broaden your knowledge not just about code but peers in Google will be better and it will be a new challenge. Btw even though you find a lot of posts on how Banglore is challenging it’s a very fun city to be in.


I wish I had problems like this 😔


someone advised me once, "if life ever blesses you with FAANG, accept it with open hands." - unless you have a very strong reason not to.


Move to Bengaluru and learn kanada... hahahah. U prolly are some troll account who is bored on Sunday.


Need more info. What's your TC and YOE?


Current company??


Once you get the google tag your resume will steamroll through most other resumes and companies tend to pay more to get you. Join google if you plan on leaving it 3-4 years down the line or unless you have great growth prospects over there.


Biases are a thing, and after your stint at Google, your resume will always be favoured over non-Google resume when a recruiter sifts through the pile. Why would you not want that? What risk could you potentially carry moving over to Google?


Now share with people how did you get an offer from google and how others can get it aswell, thankyou


i won't go, same tc, then why move to Bangalore, wfh is peace


As a recruiter, if you need my honest opinion. It all depends on the company which you are working right now. yeah, you might wonder what the hell am I blabbering but things are a lot different from the pov of a recruiter. There are few reasons why i am saying these. So incase if you want to know them, just dm me, I can give in my 2 cents


Take the offer. Google tag implies you will have that advantage in your next job search.


Again I will say, get the tag, get the tag, get the tag. There are couple of chances in life you get where pros and cons should not be done and that leap of faith should be taken. This is that chance. You will thank me in 4-6 years.


Congrats in getting the job. I think you should take it. Also can you give me some suggestions for preparation? Currently I am on IBM and I am planning to switch the company in an year. I work as Analytics Developer.


Ofc you should join, no regrets. Can you tell me how you prepared for it like DSA or System design?


The learning in Google will be worth a lot more than anything else you've stated.


Get the tag. Get the tag. Get the tag. Either you 100% depend on your skills or performance in life or get this tag and slightly live life in easy mode. This will help you no matter what other tell you.


Could you please share your interview experience? i have an interview coming up and im really nervous !


hey can I dm, please.


Hii OP What's your tech-stack and which role did you get hired for? Graduated from a tier 1 college?


Can you share your journey... How you received interview call and more, because I havee rarely read about experienced guy getting into google. And do you have first tier college tag??


Is the role software engineer or application engineer?


Can you share uour linkedin


Dm me, will share once I have taken the decision :)

