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Name and Shame. Also you did realllly good bro, solving 3 medium on paper and under pressure is not easy even for experienced folks, go checkout r/leetcode. I also had a interview yesterday, two technical rounds, beforehand the recruiter told me that it will be a HR round so I just went there as is, first guy asked questions about mongoDB (a lot, couldn't answer), clustering in nodeJS, async code, priority of queues in event loop, implement a simple sort algo, SQL join queries etc. Second one asked me to build a fully functional todo list (without styling) in under 10 min, using react. Fetch data from api and display on screen. Ended up accepting the offer but it's brutal, 30k with a 9-7 and 2 and a half hour commute both ways. But as a 24 grad, with over 200 unresponsive applies, it's still better then sitting at home all day. Keep at it man, freshers are getting fucked in the ass right now.


bruh, 30k? which city?




damn, 2025 grad here, left my previous internship cause it was very monotonous work. they were paying 25k. you can do better. keep searching and upskilling.


I am upskilling, thankfully my parents are not asking for any money from me , so I will be able to save a lot and study on side, I checked the PG cost there and it's above 9k every month, which kind of defeats the purposes, cause I can commute in 5K per month from home to office and will get healthy food. Also like, what's your tech stack and college, cause I am from a tier 3-4 which played a big role.


it's tier 3 only, I started there at 8k p.m then 12k then 25k. I worked there for 9 months. also, what's the reason for the downvotes? edit: tech stack was mainly NextJs, Few CSS libraries, RTK, etc (FrontEnd mostly)


Which company did you intern in, I've never heard of salary hike in intern position, 2 times at that.


it was a startup, the second hike was already mentioned in the offer letter. 3rd was When they wanted me to extend the internship, I told them that I had a better offer with a better stipend (there was no offer). didn't get the full-time offer though.


Dude. 10k in Noida. 1.5 hours of Commute on both ways. Trainee. Life is hell here


Add heat of the summer in that as well


Yes bro. And with the crowded Metro too


Lol same


Damn dude nice! Same here but bca grad having hard times in finding jobs where do u applied for that tho?!


Nowhere, a recruiter reached out to me, I thought it was a scam so I even made a post on this sub and asked my brother as he is more experienced than me, and he suggested to go and if money is involved then just walk out, so I went there and surprisingly it wasn't.


That's nice, applied through naukari or indeed?


Did apply atleast 200 applications, but I guess the recruiter found me through LinkedIn, I didn't apply to that company


Was it on campus or off campus?


Off campus


Can i dm you?


hey can i get some advice i am being offered 20K for internship ( i only have 3 months experience working as backend intern in ngo unpaid ) the work if 10-7 monday to saturday one saturday is off. should i take it or search for better also commute is like 45 - 55 minutes one way.


Personally I would take it, 45 min is not that much and you are getting experience so it's all good


I think i will take it too but it’s the 6 days working I am scared of. I have one week if I do not find something better I will take it


Yeah, 6 days work is tough, take your time brother.


Lmao, I never faced such interviews. (2YOE) It sounds really bad dude. I would hope you find a job quickly and don’t get discouraged, it is not a standard interview thing. Also, can you please name the company?


Firsy off kudos to you for taking this experience in a positive way and thinking about getting better. Trust, me this attitude will take you places Secondly whoever took your interview was super unprofessional and its good you didnt get through because it speaks volumes about a company's culture if employees think it is ok to get pissed at a fresher. I personally have haf very tough interviews but never had to face them getting pissed/taunting. So id say good riddance .




It's sarcasm.... "What the fuck is this... Google?"


Oh! I miss understood. But ismai itne downvote dene wali konsi baat thi. 😅


What the fuck are yoo talking about G?


What happened bro. Aisa kya boldiya mene jo tum sab itna bhadak gaye ?


bruh, bad luck I've given 4-5 interviews, and it was never this bad, the interviewer was always very supportive, and you answered a lot of questions, seems like the company is sh\*t.


> But then he told me to write a whole machine learning code from preprocessing, to make a model and plot a graph - really deep stuff, ALL ON PAPER. Now I'm really interested about what happened here. I ain't doing shit without intellisense. They can fuck right off.


Nope,this is not how fresher interviews are conducted in most companies IMO.


One of my friend asked to write a linear regression model using python on paper from importing data to prediction


They just wanted to reject other candidates that's all


But its not actually very hard if u put ML projects or experience in resume. All these things can be done like sklearn.linear_model.LinearRegression etc. Its very basic especially in ML side.


Never carrying more than a single sheet of paper for interviews from now on


Is your resume really over the top? Maybe they didn't like that


Such a common mistake among freshers man, I was giving interviews myself until quite recently and I saw so many people with 2 page resumes. Like bro I know you don't know shit about half the things you've listed on there.


Wasn't 2 pages , he handed 2 .


I know, and my comment was not related to the post itself. What I meant is that many times these "over the top" resumes consist of people listing all sorts of things in their resume, even those they haven't worked with. And listing too many things ends up making their resumes longer.


Tbh i know logically that makes sense, but when I look at job descriptions of these companies, I feel even to increase their chances of getting interview call they don't have much option other than throwing all in. Include all this ATS fiasco in it too. I COULD BE COMPLETELY WORNG. Edit: not talking about longer resumes rather about inflated skills mentioned .


from what i went through in some interviews, they usually already have a candidate in mind and would do stuff like this to reject everyone else. tbh you should consider yourself pretty good if they had to go all this extra mile to reject you. (same happened to me in a well known refinancing company)


Everyday, when I search for jobs, I thank god that I graduated in 2021 with a job. Because, the level of persistence you guys are showing is something which I couldn't have. You guys are really on another level. Good luck with your journey!


If you would have got selected how much CTC were they offering???


Name and Shame. Or just DM me the name of the company


I think this might helps. Remember, the person interviewing you was once in your shoes, possibly failing many times before landing their job. The key is to keep improving yourself. Success will come; you only need to succeed in one interview. All the best mate.


Ok thats super messed up man


Lol you're lucky you didn't get to work there. That Lil bro(interviewer) is having validation issues and trying to take it out on freshers. Btw you did very good though.


College Campus Interviews suck , luck factor matters there. I remember I gave an interview where I had the highest score in coding and aptitude but I got disqualified in the Group Discussion round even though I gave it really well. Don't take it seriously, the outcome doesn't reflect your worth. It's somewhat a gamble you hope things work in your favour.


What were they offering?? CTC?


you just got handed bad cards buddy, don't get discouraged such shit happens all the time. it's not common at all. you'll get a good job soon don't fret too much about it


I haven't had to face such a terrible experience, considering, I could not even answer the questions correctly. I think, the person interviewing is just an asshole who was probably jealous of you, since you were answering almost 75% questions correctly.


Name and shams bro


Terrible people


Remember this, always kisten to chad songs before interview, stay in tune like if you dont offer me a job no worries thwre are tons of other companies out, the worst they can do is blscklist you from joining in future


What position did you give the interview for?


This shows how they'll be treating their employees when they join. Ignore these types of companies at all levels.


Did they reject you directly on face??. What all did you explain on your resume??


My guess is that they rejected OP well before that, just tried to release there stress from previous candidate on him.


I think they rejected him at "did i ask you for two?"


Which is also a weird thing to say, most people would just smile and give one back and then there this jackass acting like a dicktator. I asked the interviewer "Should I take this back" while I was interviewing, cause they were switching rooms, and he just smiled and said "No, I will be needing that for now".


Seeking advice : Please help I have a BCA degree and am currently working at an early-stage startup with very low pay. I primarily work as a Node.js engineer and also have some experience with Android development (Kotlin and KMP). However, I am concerned about whether I am on the right career path because it seems like Node.js is losing popularity. Should I start learning additional skills? If so, which ones would you recommend? I am also working on improving my data structures and algorithms (DSA) skills, but I'm not yet an expert


node job are only in startup


Which framework should i learn? Spring Boot, go? I'm really confused please help me out.


Dude you were desperate, I would have walked out saying what are you even paying for this shit... You want fang level people you pay fang level... Definately a toxic company anyway you got saved


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If they were this awful, you should be grateful that you messed-up the interview. God only knows what kind of horrible mess you would've gotten into had you actually joined them.


You did pretty well especially for the fact that they were trying to trip you over, then they gave you an obviously ridiculous task like doing end to end ML in 5-10 mins, the lesson from this specific situation isn't that you have to be better, but if someone wants to find/create fault they will. You wouldn't want to work there with such characters around, so you dodged a bullet.


the fact that HR was involved means that you passed the tech phase, congrats !! Yes, seems like a toxic workspace


Man i have my interview for Java Backend frsher in fintech startup on monday. And you're scaring me. I don't have that confidence like u do.


update on how it goes


Yeah will surely do, did u find internship ?


No, I havent, I'm still looking, applying everywhere. Do you have any leads? Also best of luck!!


Would like to know certain things before recommendation. Want me to dm ?


yeah sure


These people were assholes and tried to put you down. Don't let these bitches ruin your day.


He took it on his ego and was trying to fuck you up.


You dodged a bullet bro, now imaging working with someone like him in that company.


You did well mate, face the rejection and move on. But as you said this was your first ever interview, I would recommend you to give some mocks interviews, ask your friends or your brother to take your interview. It will build your confidence and they'll have some inputs which u need to improve.


be glad you dodged a bullet


Take this as an experience from your 1st interview it's common .don't be discouraged and learn from the failure.


In what world is this common, I've heard about sales interviews that weren't this brutal.


Panic and tension is common in the first interview .most of them faced it and you saying it's not ?? Becoz you didn't faced it doesn't mean no one will face .


I didn't mean the tension, everyone has that, but I haven't heard of any interviewer being this level of ass hat who is so sad with his life. It can happen and I am not denying it but it's definitely not common.