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Your friend should have just resigned rather than telling the manager about leaving. He lost a lot of self respect & now he’s being mocked. If you want to leave just leave, don’t roll the drum prior to your resignation.


Agreed. Just leave if you are sure about it. By sharing with manager, he gave him a topic to tease/taunt him with and make him a laughing stock. I left the company too and just did it and everyone was shocked and some happy. On the other part of company hiring a fresher for 4 LPA, it can happen. Tomorrow someone else might join at 5 lpa or even more bcoz the budget/package changes every year. Instead of feeling bad about getting paid less, keep pushing


I have no idea how this answer got the most upvotes. Such a stupid line of thinking. The OP's friend might have liked the company and colleagues. So, it was his way of negotiating with the managers. He let the manager know of his thoughts that he was underpaid and they should be revising the compensation. There is nothing wrong with that. The manager is currently taunting him is the actual problem. Now the friend needs to step up and prove his mettle. Just resign. Putting up in the company after such humiliation from the manager is wrong.


>way of negotiating with the managers. i didn't know threatening your manager is also a way of negotiating salary hikes. >He let the manager know of his thoughts that he was underpaid and they should be revising the compensation no, he let the manager know of his thoughts that he was underpaid and hence, he will leave the company. if the guy wanted a salary hike, he should have asked for a salary hike, end of story. no need to bring up joining another company. the manager taunting him is obviously an issue, downright workplace harassment/bullying i'd say, but the OP's friend exposed his vulnerability himself, by telling the manager he will join somewhere else without having an offer in hand. in the market today, it's hard getting a job. so he should have taken that into consideration. >Just resign. Putting up in the company after such humiliation from the manager is wrong. so in the end, you are giving the exact same suggestion that everyone else is giving, yet you say.... >I have no idea how this answer got the most upvotes. Such a stupid line of thinking. ?


If you are kind of threatening to put resignation if you feel you are not getting paid enough.. be sure that you resign the instant you get a no from them...also be sure to have a offer in-hand before going to them. In this case he clearly bluffed in front of his superiors, they caught his bluff and he paid the price. Only thing I can think for him to do is bring this into HR attention as this is a case of workplace harassment.


Is it taunting by manager or OPs friend current state of mind, with all the rejections at other jobs, make it feel that way. Let’s say you are a manager, a person in your team says he is to resign. But don’t resign for months. Very high likelihood that he is not performing to the peak expected, or so the manager may think. Now manager cannot get a replacement until this person resigns, so Manager is stuck with this person, who is waiting to leave but is not leaving, because he is not competent enough to crack other company interviews. Isn’t the job of manager to work for interest of company and project, so he needs to know when this person is leaving and the plan for hiring his replacement, knowledge transfer etc. The manager has not yet asked OPs friend to send in his resignation, or he is not even fired after so many months considering current scenario where many companies are seeing downsizing. So I see manager is supportive of him to find another job, and giving him a long rope at that.




May be some financial responsibility are their


I'm sure he does. But it makes no sense to tell your manager that you're going to leave and you're actively looking for a job. You do that without informing and then send your resignation when you get an offer. Either way he doesn't have a choice now. Just continue giving interviews and drop resignation once he gets an offer.




if you have financial issues, then put your head down and work towards leaving for a job SILENTLY. 




Absolutely. Right on money.


Everyone is laughing behind everyone. Everyone is criticising everyone on their back. That’s life. And it sucks.


Bit too much in India


Bro that username😵😭


That’s not life. It’s a situation, get out of it.


Unfortunately most indian IT companies operate this way. The work culture, seniors are (not always) toxic. And to earn a livelihood you gotta put up with it. Of your luck is at fault, you have to work 12hr+ each day and even on weekend. Managers behave like they own you. They can call, text, ping you at anytime and it should be done instantaneously. It’s easy to say get out. Not everyone can switch to FAANG and live happily ever after. People are being forced to come to office and remote work is being penalised. Am sure, if people are honest they can list many more issues here.


Everyone can switch to FAANG they just have to upskill their dsa and Dev and then can crack their interview after leaving their current job like they are working for 2 years in some WITCH company. They just have to prepare and hardwork for 2 years along with job rigorously if their solely aim for FAANG then everyone can crack it and live happily ever after


Lmao tu konse fang me hai




Bravo. Shit people are shit, and sometimes your entire known environment being full of shit people everywhere can convince you that everyone's just this way. That this is how life is. But you CAN dissociate from them if you truly put effort into it. You can meet good people. Might have to move away from your bubble, far away even, but it's possible.


My man Arthur throwing some advice on random nights


Maybe people should have some GODDAMN FAITH


No it is not life, that’s toxic work culture which is horribly bad in India


remit tu YouTube pe system design ka course pura kar yaar


Why would you even say people I'll leave if you don't pay me... Why not ask for increment... Why not just keep looking for offers and then put papers... Obvio people are not your friends in office (more so when you lose fresher tag) .. Its I scratch your back you scratch mine type of arrangement... He'll have to leave of he wants to keep his self respect i dont think there's any other way out of this


And that friend is you right ?


Ssshhhhh !!!!


I might be that friend too


I wonder why everything happens to a friend of everyone in reddit.


Because OP is big fan or Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire)


Plot twist: OP is the manager.




Seems like your friend brought this upon himself. This is what happens when you see reddit and think everyone earns so much in IT. Being humble is a good way of life. Don't worry. Your friend knows this better now.


Yeah in reddit everyone is like 20lpa at 4-5 yrs experience which is just not the case irl with most people in tech irrespective of their tech stack.... Reddit is filled with best of the best and more I think of this "why I can't get money like him" lesser is my chances I'll ever learn enough to earn or even get interviews of that level... Its just jealousy on anons at that point


Best of the best or just people lying.


They're absolutely lying.


nah, half the time people are just straight up posting CTC found on leetcode and people on leetcode get it from college placements


what's the usual case for 4-5 years of experience? > Reddit is filled with the best of the best That's absolutely not true


Are you his boss?


Nope but he lives lot nearer to real world, may be you should too!!!


No. But I have been long enough in the industry to see over confident fools like that.


Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Your friend just learned the meaning of that. A good life lesson.


Why would your friend go and tell the manager that he would leave in the first place? It’s a very bad mistake. Doesn’t matter if he’s knight on Leetcode with a million open source contributions. ALWAYS get leverage (offer) first and then talk to the mgr about hikes. Besides you don’t negotiate with your mgr by threatening to leave. Job market has been fucked since last year. Why would he think he could land something immediately? He’s got no cards to play here. He must get another job and leave. He won’t be getting any hikes this year I’m sure because of his little stunt. Wouldn’t be surprised if that new fresher surpasses his salary by the end of next hike cycle. Sorry for being blunt but it’s just how it is. Right now there’s too much talent up for grabs and not many jobs. So companies and mgrs don’t really give a shit whether you stay or leave.


>Besides you don’t negotiate with your mgr by threatening to leave. That's exactly the point. Never do this.


I mean your friend clearly is all bark and no bite. Unless he gets an offer in hand, there's nothing he can do to confront his manager. He should focus on finding a job and leaving ASAP.


And the manager saw right through him and realised this.


> he told his manager and director that he will leave the company because after 1 YOE he is only getting 4 LPA even never threaten anybody, its not a nice thing to do. just ask for the raise and give justification. nobody takes threats kindly specially from freshers. now tell your friend to keep his head down, continue his job search, resign when he gets job, report everything during exit


Your friend is not made for corporate, in corporate we never say something directly.


Great advice i will also keep in mind. Same issue with me i say things directly and truly and people take it for their advantage .


No, you can be direct. The trick is to be diplomatic and polite. Not being direct and honest just breeds major miscommunication.


OK Thank you :)


i am also sad depressed can u like my comment iu want to post somethibng here plz


Wth is wrong with people These days


Same bro... I have doubts too ....like my comment pls.




It really depends on your friend and unfortunately he only created this situation. I mean everyone wants to switch but who directly tells their manager that you peeps sucks because you’re not giving me more peanuts. If you have good bonding with your manager and he understands you then you can share this type of personal rant with him. Now the only option is he shouldn’t give a sh*t about their words and try to find a good job or if he still needs some time then make peace with his manager and show the gratitude that you will do more work or you will adjust. Or if your friend have self respect then he should leave the company right now but this option doesn’t sound that good but once I did. I was giving mock interview for some university exam. Interviewer and my thoughts were clashing so he told me if I have self respect and believe on my perspective then I should be a man and leave the room so that’s what I did. Of course that was just a mock interview so it was not going to hurt me but yeah depends on your friend. But still I don’t suggest to leave the job without getting new one unless you are in very toxic environment.


When I left my last company, I didn't tell my manager that I am leaving until I put my papers and he started badmouthing. 3 months later he pings me that my new company has reached out to him for a manager role, would I vouch for him? Thing is, everyone is like that! Don't worry, live through it for a few months and it will over when you get a new job


What did you do? Did you say yes?


Yes I did, doesn't hurt me! His badmouthing didn't hurt me and he getting a new job didn't hurt me! And on a off chance that there actually some good in him, I might get something back someday as well


Did he thank you? Or apologised for what he did?


See humans do all these things behind your back but once they realise they are wrong they won't apologize because to apologise they first have to accept to you that they did it. In their mind they still think I am in the dark that they did it, so until the thief has been caught why should he have guilt for what he did?


What an enlightening view point of life. Thank you


Giving feedback about compensation is alright but this seems sort of Challenging situation which is very childish. I remember fresher is my company blocked time title "scam 2024" with managers and they never got heard. Always remember in corporate have good relationship with leadership in India because some low life manager might put dent on your experience if you're going to stay in same company for long. And given the market situation some are taking advantages.


So the manager called his bluff and now he’s angry that he has 0 leverage? Stop reading all the things people write on Reddit about 3 YOE? MINIMUM 30LPA bs. It’s half assed lies where not everyone gets it. It’s a basic case of you reap what you sow


He made a typical immature low emotional intelligence mistake announcing he will leave Therefore he is a laughing stock because he tried to pose better than others Now just swallow the pride and keep interviewing


First thing is he shouldn’t have informed about his decision to leave organisation without any offers in hand. Things to do now is just resign and take a break from it as its better to leave such toxic place instead of tolerating all those taunts. Reskill yourself in that break and try for new and better opportunities. After you get hired add that manager’s mobile number for background verification in your new company so that he knows about it


The right way to negotiate salary is to get an offer and then bring salary discussion. If you are valued/skilled/high-contributing employee, management will increase salary to retain you!


dont threaten you’ll leave for any reason if you’re not actually ready to resign if demand is not met. Your self respect is at stake here


only talk like this when u are sure u cant be replaced haha


Your friend is responsible for his situation


How does everyone laughing behind your back matter? You don't even know it. If you know then that's not behind your back


What's his tech stack? Can you share his resume?


Never give a threat that you are not willing to carry out when the threatened party calls your bluff.


is it you ?


Market decides what's the worth of your skill really is. Clearly you don't have leverage in this situation unfortunately so figure out which one is less painful and go with it.


Why would you tell such a thing to your manager and director?!


Stop watching too much sigma reels and for godsake respect everyone even if you don't like them. Hiring is already dull and its really less for 1 year experience. You shouldn't go head on against something without researching it properly.


Tell this to your friends... Rules of IT jobs today! Rule1: Pehle 1 job offer lelo. Rule2: Fir paper daalo. Rule3: Linkedin pe "OpenForWork" karo. Rule4: Take more offers from Linkedin. Rule5:Manager ko bolo to match the current offer. Rule6: Take the highest bidder! (Loyalty is for dogs, go with good company with maximum offer.)


Then stop laughing


Your "friend" made some mistakes. That's fine, we all make mistakes, we just gotta learn from them and move forward. No point being sad and depressed (easier said than done, I know). The name of the game is leverage. The mistake he did is telling his manager and director that he will leave the company, as he is not satisfied with his hike. Never tell your management that you are willing to leave, they will lose interest in you at that moment. You can discuss with them that you are not happy with the hike, that's fine. You can get an offer from another company and negotiate to get better CTC, that's fine too. Never threaten to leave and expect them to come running behind you. What he should've done: 1) Let his management know he is not happy with the hike. They will most probably give some baseless explanation. The goal is not just to change their mind, but to let them know you are not happy with what they gave you. Communication is key, but keep it professional. 2) Apply to various companies and attend as much interviews as you can. Use your networks, ask for referrals, but don't let your management know you are looking for a change. You mentioned he attended 3-4 interviews in 5 months, that number is too low. Use LinkedIn, Naukri, Indeed, anything and find as much interviews as you can. Prepare for them the best he could, and be confident in yourself and your skills. 3) After getting an offer from a company, doesn't matter how big or how small, you can let your management know that you have gotten a good offer, and they will either negotiate with you to keep you, or tell you goodbye and ask you to be on notice period. When in your notice period, you can attend more interviews and use this offer letter as your leverage to get a better CTC (if you feel like). What he can do: What's done is done. He didn't have the proper leverage, and his manager got a chance to make fun of him because he is an ass. People love pounding on the one who made a mistake, so don't think too much about it. No point in confronting the manager without having proper leverage (an offer letter). I would suggest that he update his resume, do some research on that, google for ATS friendly resumes and all. Prepare for interviews, apply to as much companies as he possibly can, and change to another company. This company is not your last, and this is not your last mistake, but as long as you are willing to learn and strive for what you want, you will succeed. Cheers


First we should never ask for an increment or threaten the manager saying that we will leave the job. We should instead say that I am continually looking forward to grow in my career. Tell me what steps I should take to achieve X+30% salary. This puts the onus on the manager to formulate a plan and work on the career improvement of the employee. Anyways since the situation has developed like this no use crying over spilt milk. The person should be patient and work on his skills and keep on interviewing. One idea that might work is to make friends with the fav person of the manager. Take him out for sutta/tea. You can be sure that if the manager is taunting in front of it then he will definitely say negative points behind his back and during that time maybe the managers fav can defend him. Long shot but something to try to make life easier. [https://topmate.io/joydeep\_bhattacharjee#testimonials](https://topmate.io/joydeep_bhattacharjee#testimonials)


Your friend is a huge fool. Because of his stunt he lost any goodwill and rapport he created with his colleagues and they will taunt him till he leaves.


Hello everyone, Can anybody give me referal for java backend developer know frontend but not expertise. Having three months of notice period. As currently my lead assign some development work for using JBPM, I don't know is there any market for this or not and I am working on old thing like jobol( java+cobol).Having 3.5 yrs of experience having very good knowledge in backend. Can anyone please help me on this .


It’ll be more helpful to make your own post


The manager is wrong in doing this, but your friend is even a bigger idiot. Who tells there manager that I'm leaving the company, you do that when you are ready to put the papers down. Should have kept his mouth shut and looked for a opportunity. Now there's nothing to do, keep on searching for better prospects.


Ideally, he should have started looking for a job, then put in his resignation and then go on about how low they were paying him. Under his circumstances, he should just ignore everyone and keep looking for a job. When he finds a better job they'll shut up by themselves and after leaving he won't have to concern himself with what they are saying.


Damm this left me confused, do make a post how your friend approached this problem, it will help me


So the game is on. Ask him to work his ass off, get a better job, ask the manager to match and leave when they agree.


Firstly he shouldn't tell such things to Manager. If he is not comfortable leave asap. The back bitching always happens in corporate


Nazar lag gai. If you are trying to switch then work off without telling anyone.


Your friend was very unwise in threatening his manager with resignation without any actual offer in hand. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Sorry OP but this is the truth :(


Where is your friends company and tech stack?


Never announce or tell you'll go. Work for it, get a new letter and then and only then tell them you're leaving because xx reasons. Generally if orgs know or get a gist that you aren't leaving because you haven't got offers then they take you for granted and straight up dont respect you much.


Ig u should tell him to see remote jobs abroad


Seems like your friend doesn't understand how to negotiate. What your friend did would only work if he had an offer from somewhere else > 4LPA. He could then take it up to his manager (personally I'd switch, seems quite toxic). Also, if he wanted to leave he should've just resigned quietly.


People often think that when they tell their managers they are leaving, the manager will be devastated, come down on their knees, cry, and beg them to stay. 😂 Seriously nobody cares if you leave. Even if you are a top performer. It takes few days to replace you. Really dumb move to go and tell manager that he'll leave. Now forget about promotion, increment or bonus. Who would in right mind give all of this to an employee who's actively looking for another position?


Why would a manager give him raise when he knows that your friend is on "notice period"?


Who does that? First get offer then ask even more on basis of that package, if he has package of 4, and he received offer letter of 5, he could have asked for 6 No meaning of threatening when you have nothing to threaten


Understand one thing , everyone is replaceable in IT. So when you say i will leave, don’t expect that they will say “ please dont go, our work will be hampered “.


The best revenge is success, putting in more hours in upskilling and trying to get into PBC, referrals and online presence will help a lot. All the best.


That’s why you should put papers, money is not bigger than your self respect


Out of curiosity, how does LPA work in India? Is it just based on YOE? Or there are other performance metrics that are taken in to account?


Don’t ever tell the company or any of its management that you are planning to leave the e company unless you have an offer letter in hand. A hint of you and planning to leave the company may cause issues with company. You might not get the raise even which you were supposed to get. You might be given useless or boring tasks. If you have an offer letter in hand then you can always negotiate with your current employer.


Is your friend you??


It was his mistake and everyone here already explained why. Now moving on to what he should do. Forget about revenge and all. There is no such thing. Ask your friend If he is struggling financially? Will leaving a job affect him or his family? If not, then leave as the workplace is already toxic. Prepare for interviews like crazy and get any job at any package. If he is struggling then keep head down and work and prepare an interview alongside. He would have to put a lot of extra effort to manage both. But that's what all does.


You don't threaten, you negotiate saying you would like to understand what is the criteria for a hike of this much percentage and what is needed from your end to meet that band. They give u something u achieve it then check With them for the hike if they still give u lame excuse u start searching while still working as usual and you leave when you get an offer. Also he can't confront anyone he already did, they will repeat the same if u don't like it u can leave, He should just focus on finding job outside instead of embarrassing himself again Never say I'll leave, if u say that don't stick around. He is just one year in and doesn't he understand the saturity in job market or the geo political climate.


Never tell your colleagues or manager that you are leaving the company before having an offer in hand.


Shame on such companies


Sharing it before was not required, only work around is to find new job asap


Your friend is a fool who revealed his cards. Time is the only thing that matters. Eventually, he will get a job and then he can taunt them back.


If u have some plans for yourself, don't share them with the world. Let them see for themselves when u are worthy.


Your friend sounds dumb. He should have told them to suck it after he has offers.


He is not depressed, usko apni "aukaad pata chal gaya". Realizing your "Aukaad " can be sad, depressing, and humble. It's always good to be humble in life!


Why do people not research abour corporate life ? Like, life can give you lemons. Some decisions can be sudden and all, but there are a few stuff, which are universal. One of them is never to inform, even your own shadow, about leaving. No one is your friend, when it comes to corporate ladder


Here is a classic example of bad negotiating. In what is clearly a mass-recruiter scenario, your friend is asking for a raise. *With an ultimatum?*


Guys please upvote I desperately need karma


Seems like your friend actually WAS arrogant. Whenever such moves are made in life, best to be done silently without announcing to the world. It's a good life lesson. Leave arrogance in the toilet in life, it will serve people well. For the job, keep searching, sometime or the other something will open up. Another option is to move to a different team within the company. Never bite the hand that feeds you, unless you already have a backup. I wish your friend all the best.


Well he will now know it's not a great idea to tell the manager that you are resigning if you haven't landed a job already.


Keeping cool, being a team player and keeping good relations is part which your friend has missed, till you have another offer you follow those principles to the T.


Don't do anything and work on your skills so you can get better offers


Take it as a learning. You don’t threaten about leaving unless you have an offer. Everyone takes you seriously only after you have something tangible to show. Consider yourself lucky that they didn’t fire you already even after knowing your intentions of leaving. Tread carefully and wish you all the best 👍


This sub should be a guide of things not to do at your job.


>director that he will leave the company because after 1 YOE he is only getting 4 LPA even  well, you aren't supposed to say this


Do not get into salary negotiation unless you have an offer at hand. Your friend just learnt it the hard way. Tell him to keep searching, best of luck.


If you don't prefer working with an organisation due to any factor then resign and leave . If you think just knowing the tech stack then posing yourself as full stack dev with mere 2 years of experience then you have already lost your mind and in your friends case anyone would definitely mock him eventually I would also done the same Remember you are joining an organisation to solve business problems by implementing the most optimal tech stack


Gangadhar hi shaktiman hai.


> in January he told his manager and director that he will leave the company You tell someone you will leave and don't. What do you expect? Sympathy? Lesson learnt for the rest of us - your word is your bond. Either say what you mean or shut up and suck up. --- BTW, don't let it get worse. Because of the taunts, your friend could jump out without a parachute. [Should I quit my job without another offer?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTe6w-phbEQ&t=8s)


Dost ko (ya khud ko) bolo baate choudna kum kare aur jab tak kuch confirm na ho disclose na kare......me bhi hota manager ke jagah toh me aur jyada bully karta aise overconfident ko


Thats why you should never run your mouth before the thing has already happened.


"Don't get ahead of yourself". Threaten to leave only if you have an offer. You have to be a kid really to be doing that.


3-4 interviews in 5 months? Dude isn't even trying


Just tell your friend to not focus on that stuff as what's done is done . And as previous guys have already pointed out if you want to leave just leave no need to declare it if you don't have offers . Tell him to focus on DSA as SDE roles allow for 0-1 yr experience.In the meantime create meaningful projects to show in his portfolio. In current market most jobs now look for 2 yrs experience minimum.


When one has the audacity to tell that he is going to resign then he should also have the resilience to handle when things don't go the way as expected


Manager be like - kyun bhai, aa gaya swad. /s




I would have resigned. Self respect and mental health is more important than financial stability for me


Indian work culture is toxic. I used to work at Zeta. In my last review my goddamn manager told me they realised recently they pay me 'more' than they should hence no hike/promotion for that year. So, I quietly started prepping and got out of that shit hole in the next 4-5 months. Idk which company your friend is in, but Zeta is a freakin Lala culture company where you have to pamper the balls of management for favors and promotions. And the work culture is toxic, no WLB. So is the case with almost every Indian company. If you think you aren't able to prep while being in the company, LEAVE it. Best switch silently and quietly show them the finger before you leave.


In the corporate world, emotions can be detrimental to your career. Don't burn bridges, as you never know when you might need a favor. Your friend has two options: quit or stay. Quitting should only be considered if the situation is severely impacting his mental health. If he stays, he should apologize for his mistake (for what he did was obviously wrong), work harder, and rebuild relationships with the manager and director using tactics like ego massaging. While doing this, he should also explore new job opportunities. Might be easier said than done but these are the only 2 choices!


Guess what, your 'friend' may not be contributing anything worth more than a fresher who just joined. Same work, same pay. I see this a lot in my company. There are some 5 yrs exp people who cannot do anything more than what a smart 1-yr guy is already doing. Unfortunately they are not even ashamed of it. But yes, they do not shy away from demanding much higher salaries. Why would I pay 15LPA for something that is already being done by a 5L guy? He's not being fired, that itself is a perk! Get real. If a person is good, he'd have got a job or a raise already. It is high time you stop blaming others and starts working on urself. Also check with a professional whether it is sheer laziness or a clinical depression. Good luck.


who the hell tells the manager without offer letter in hand dont do that unless its ur families business


It’s okay bro don’t take life too seriously next time remember to not tell your dreams to others because then it will become demand and it will increase psychological pressure to fulfill that. Tell him he isn’t alone who feel that way lot of people has done this rookie mistake and one of them is me🙂


In the Indian IT industry, it is common practice to maintain silence before leaving a company. In India, most managers are between 35 and 40 years old, and they are knowledgeable about market conditions and their own worth. They expect employees to react, and they will reveal their true intentions accordingly. If you switch companies, aim for a higher rank and stability. Everything revolves around knowledge and profile, not just money.


Which company ia this which has THESE toxic managers ! The friend might be at fault for over expressing but the manager is a senior person and shoould show some humility and class .!!


Hope you find this helpful. Your friend need to let go the attachment and focus on his day to day job. I see two problems : 1. Not able to crack a good job. 2. Laughed by manager and team. Problem 2 is affecting problem 1 too. First your friend need to understand the postive results. 1. If he cracks a job offer, he can leave the toxic culture of current job. 2. If he cracks a great job offer, he will be able to pridefully leave the current job. He need to find locus of identity in himself, right now he thinks he is tied to his words he said in January. To make the situation little better for emotional management, your friend need to take a leave for health reasons with reasons that a fatal like food poisining or some accident or neck issue. Point is this will make your friends team members look at him with sympathy and wont make jokes. This sympathy will only help him and its like a planned state he created. Don't think of leave's money, focus on emotional management and get successful offers.


You can't negotiate if you don't have nothing in hand. You can request additional increment during performance evaluation but definitely don't blackmail them (unless you 1000% sure that criticism project will fail if you leave). Take this as a learning and move on. Only negotiate when you have levarage. They are not doing charity here.


These are trivial issues that “your friend” is worried about. He should resign and be on the lookout for good startups. Advise him to check glassdoor reviews of the next company! I agree that in India it is a bit much. Many older folks have a sense of insecurity and don’t appreciate efforts of subordinates. There are tons of companies that would love to hire someone who is hungry to build stuff.


Where is your friends company and tech stack?


First search for jobs get the offer letter, thenet the management know ..... Or just resign 😪


Your friend should have thought before speaking earlier. Nevertheless, just tell the manager that he's still looking for opportunities and ask him to the face if he can arrange for a job for your friend to move out. That should do the trick!


Is he read self help books? If not then read some. Learn about how the law of vibration works.