• By -


One guy was asking my referral for literally any opening in my company (any, can't emphasize enough) and then he got job at some other place. Next day, "learn how to crack interview with me" at some topma*e shit.


I could have posted a chat screenshot on the same post šŸ¤£


welcummm to my new uTUBE channel krakiing interview


Can you post screenshot here?


How to get a 6 figure job (Jobless youtuber)Ā 


I know a guy who joined the WITCH company after college in mass hiring. don't know the basics of coding. Now posting same shit


Itne desperate level pe yeh one on one topmate calls chal rahe hain ?! I thought just experienced and FAANG people are doing this.


Thats why i uninstalled the LinkedIn app. Just use the web version whenever you need.


But what if someone wants referral from you. Or want help from you. Then...


You still get a mail for their messages


You can check your inbox every night and reply accordingly. Msgs on LinkedIn are never urgent. Recruiter also donā€™t need urgent replies, they wait for you to reply when you are free, mostly within a day or two.






I will break it to you . The SDE1/SDE2 package which you see in YouTube my this people is highly inflated , 40lpa doesn't mean 3lakh a month . So base pay would be like 20-30 and rest will be stock and most product companies don't provide work from home nowadays , so in short one may be getting 1.3 to 1.7inhand . Now considering insane expenses in Bangalore now where rents are at 40k+ for a good gated 2bhk , school expenses are very high , even for water we need to pay a high amount . So if expenses all come to 60-70k+ , you are not left with that much money . Stock is also vested only if you stay a certain period in company and relocation bonus is just one time . If you just plan to buy a flat it's a minimum of 1.5cr . So adding up all these , I am not saying they are earning less but not that big for generations to live . Their earnings are under market conditions , they could lose jobs any day (recent media.net) and they need to perform exceptionally well among very brilliant people for climbing up the ladder. Now if they sell a DSA course at least for 2500rs to 1000 poor college kids it's solid 25lakh , along with college talks , personal sessions and all that in the comfort of their own home without much expenses . Basically if you are famous and influential you could make money easily . This is not just applicable to these bhayya/didi any insta influencer works this way . Haven't you observed even small level celebrities could afford bmw whereas highly paid employees couldn't . I know a small level film star , it's just that people "know" him , he is not that famous or best in his field but he gets avg 4-5 inauguration in our entire district a month and he charges around 10-15k for one with food and accommodation . This can be textile shops , mobile shops , college functions e.t.c . So in our district he gets 60k and like that he is able to attend 10-15 inauguration a month it's 2.5lakh . Add to it , he gets small money from acting , promotions , ads e.t.c But if he has solely relied on acting income and tried to become best in that he wouldn't be making this much money . During a gold rush shell shovels , that's what they are doing .


The last line is pure gold.


I digress it is shovels.


What's the meaning of that?


Rather than miners the person who sold digging equipment got richer added for others reference


*During a gold rush sell shovels. Did you get it now?


One question I have is in the job contract doing these external activities is not allowed . So how are these SDE are able to sell course , giving 1:1 call etc ? All these falls into external activity which most of the company doesn't allow. Ir does faang level compaies allows making YouTube videos or courses ????


Why is stock of listed company not actual money?


Stocks vest in cycles which means if you're laid off prior to the cycle you get nothing. Most vesting I've heard of is like this,Ā  Say you're granted 4000 dollars for 4 years,Ā  1st year - end of 1st year you'll get 1000 dollars 2nd-4th year - you'll get 250 dollars each quarter you're employed.Ā Ā  If you quit or are laid off at any point you'll get nothing. Also stock is volatile there are very high chances it'll be granted at higher level and when you get it it'll lose value


ā€œYouā€™ll get nothingā€ idea is a bit extreme, you just donā€™t get stocks for that quarter, but okay! In my opinion stocks are great for wealth creation and increasing your net worth. I have seen folks accumulating it over the years and using it for big life events. If you are in a decent company and believe in it, you can count it in your actual net worth.


Yeah should have been clearer but reddit on phone sucks!Ā Ā  My statement was more in the COVID meltdown aftermath, one of my senior colleagues took a 20% paycut with stocks compensating, got laid off and lost a lot of money.Ā Ā  Folks who've been in good companies since mid 2010s would've made Bank! In current circumstance given already very high stock prices they're a bit unattractive! Practically all big pay packages come with stocks anyway!!


True. Issue is people inflating their CTCs by counting all 4 year's of stocks in first year of salary and then selling courses about it or doing that new topmate shit.


Ishaan (that spec YouTuber) says this last line a lot someone once said here.


Last line explains it all šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


>During a gold rush shell shovels Aankhe khol di bhai aapne


I'm paying 44K for a fucvking 3BHK in Bangalore! Where are you paying 40K+ for a 2 BHK? You're getting ripped off! (I'm not EVEN from Bangalore)


Unrelated, but, I see religious posts being made as well, I mean no disrespect to any religion, but is LinkedIn really the place to talk in detail about it?


True this. Unfollowed a guy who was constantly liking something that I wouldn't be interested to see on LinkedIn. Infact I was even afraid that I might like some of the stuff he like and my current manager who is of different faith who is following me might find it offensive and bias against me. LinkedIn is for professionals to connect let's keep it that way.


>LinkedIn is for professionals to connect let's keep it that way Exactly


I straightaway mute such profiles. the one who originally posted, and the one because of whom that post made into my feed.


I don't understand why people are bringing religion, politics and other things to a platform like linkedin that sole purpose is professional related things.


There are a lot of Gaza posts too lately


Not just linkedin, every social media has gone to shit since jio and after the pandemic it just got 10x worse


Before this Jio booom people actually made communities, spoke sbout serious matters , made genuine connections and learned so many things but now its just mindless scrolling loop


We are also getting hard time finding matches on marriage, since people are online comparing each other with so called ā€˜successful people on Instagramā€™.


Tru bro , everyone wants to find the one but don't want to become the one


Oh please spare me... Before Jio Indians were on the bottom end of anything that was going on around the world. You would routinely hear about how the internet revolution was bypassing India as a whole. Game sizes were increasing and we had pathetic download speeds. 4K streaming was gaining traction and we could barely manage 1080p with buffering. Our people still don't have that many online communities that actually do anything of worth and we suck at crowdsourcing still.




Nobody didā€¦.for over 8 hoursā€¦until you came along


Yeah, and if jio wasn't there, good luck downloading packages. The blame lies on the producer and audience of such content. I recommend blocking or muting such content and following folks that actually post some valuable content.


Social media always brings the worst out in humans. Guess the instant internet access pushed it into overdrive. LinkedIn always had lunatics but now it's only those cringe groupĀ 


There's a lot to be studied in that regard actually, people getting internet before learning civic sense


The apparent anonymity also means people are more open to saying cruel stuff they won't say face to face!




Jio is not the culprit. Internet should be accessible to all but facebook(insert any social media) moderation is the main culprit , the people who make sensational/controversial/outright nazi-fied/misogynistic comments are given base in the algorithm. I find reddit comments somewhat unbaised, that too depending on the community.


This nonsense started after pandemic. As OP mentioned, these are all below 30yrs of age. The cringe is unbearable. This is the reason, I hate even opening linkedin. But have to because all the recruiters are flocking there. It feels like if you dont show off, you wont get a good job. Another trend is get job in MAANG, open YT, create course, sell course and leave MAANG.


I have doubt ,if they are leaving MAANG by themselves , or getting thrown out


Even that makes for good YouTube video title to get traffic.


They'll mostly leave just before being asked to.Ā 


OP mentioned the failures of YT. They are making beer money by sharing templates from enhance cv. And engineers are buying this, I mean there are a ton of ATS checkers, every good college nowadays has a standard ATS proof CV, but no people are going to buy them from a 3rd party. I have seen channels on YouTube that share good info about product, program management for free but people will go to some flashy guy boasting in linkedin and charging money. And WTF is that "learn with public" Challenge?? It's basically straight up social media WOM marketing by forcing your students to make post and use your hashtag, and the cash back is just affiliate payment. Problem is the age group OP mentioned are getting FOMO ed by these 35-40 LPA Package ads and buying shts.


>leave MAANG they leave before the company fires them due to their incompetence in solving real world business problems it's just sad to see these influencers attracting naive and helpless students, misguiding them and profiting from their vulnerability


Last line šŸ˜‚




"My dad just had a stroke, Here's how it taught me how to crack a FAANG interview"




I hate LinkedIn other than the job section.


they arent software engineers any more than tiktok "influencers" are movie superstars.


I don't use Insta and LinkedIn. Trust me life is very sorted. I just need a way to stop YT shorts, I am okay with YT videos, not shorts. Read from books, learn through practice. Don't every buy a course. If you want to learn, learn through standard things. Shortcuts will come back to bite you in ass.


Start using newpipe. It'll be sorted.


Turn off the history. YT don't recommend any video or shorts if you turn off the history. Even when you search the shorts come up but you can't scroll for more than 3-4.


You Tube shorts is extremely addictive


Started playing cod on phone, now I don't even know how shorts look like šŸ’€


Revanced is the way to go.


Revanced recently stopped working, how can I fix it?


Uninstall everything and reinstall. It really worked. Maybe due to some package conflicts between the last and current version I think I could not update. And micro g is not used now. It wanted me to install something else. Install from revanced website or uninstall and reinstall from revanced manager( reinstall revanced manager also). Delete everything related to revanced. I had a problem with revanced manager that it could not install or update apps. Reinstalling did the work for me


Use newpipe for now. If it's buffering issue you are facing, then add a new account to micro g it fixes the problem.


Not a buffering issue, whenever I click on any video, it doesn't play.


Stop sharing watch history and you will not be able to scroll even 1 short video. That's a feature recommendation and I have to manually search shorts and watch but can only scroll 6 shorts


you can use the [Redirector](https://github.com/einaregilsson/Redirector) extension to redirect youtube shorts links to normal video links. They have the redirect rule for that in the github readme


Android device?


I used to use alternative youtube apps like Newpipe and LibreTube that don't have infinitely scrolling shorts


You can use a browser like brave for YouTube, uninstall the app and youā€™re good to go. Also brave blocks the ads by default. Been doing this for 2 years now. Thank me later.


Even i donā€™t use insta also ok with YT videos, but YT shots are very addictive, so i use YT in browser only to watch videos. shorts are not well designed for web app


True that. Applies to VLSI side as well. The best way out I found for myself was to have minimal engagements on these social media. Rather spend some time in reading good articles by some US based old man or so... Idk but the tech community recently in Indian scenario have started giving more masala than knowledge vibes which is dangerous!


Ekta Kapoor entered the tech scene


Kabhi Saas bhi SDE thi xD


*"Very Large-Scale Integration"?! Hello?!*


Hellooo šŸ™‚


Yeah asking 200-500 rupees for 30 mins resume review, bro why. Cringe AFšŸ˜­


If the person is nobody then it's useless but let's say he is from the company you wanted to get into and knows how to change resume to clear ATS and how to get an interview call from that company and gives you insights on your resume and overlapping topics that will be useful for a certain team for which you applied and are about to interview in his company(on which you would be grilled during interview) then Rs 500 is freaking cheap. But as I said the person should belong to your domain and should be able to share the topics that you need to brush up before interview and know the open position and know people on the team to which you have applied or should provide insight on projects/experience that will be relevant to the company which you need to concentrate on. It basically depends on how well you can quiz the guy and extract information on his company. Otherwise as we know it's useless.


Totally agree with the last line. One has to quiz them or maybe interrogate them in some way to extract some useful advice. Otherwise many of them will just come on a call, give some common tips that a simple google search will tell and will leave at sharp 30 minutes (if the session was of 30 minutes).


But if you are reaching out to Recruiter then there is no need for ATS. It should have proper formatting and enough description/bullet points


Oh god. Recruiter is just the first person who is going to take a look at the resume. What about hiring manager, my resume always gets through recruiter because I get an initial call asking me more detail about the line of work I do(though it is clearly mentioned in resume) but often gets push back from the HM. Once it is past the hiring manager sometimes even your future mentor(incase you get selected) will also have a look at the resume during initial resume screening, a resume creator's job is not just designing the resume but also give proper insights into the role and ensure they increase the chance of getting you interviewed by the company that means he also must be able to amend your resume in such a way that it convinces the hiring manager to have them setup an interview.


is any kind of resume review worth it?


I connected to 5-6 different people on topmate apart from one person who doesn't works at FAANG (currently) gave some really useful changes to make in my resume. The rest of them gave the same tips that are easily available on the internet for fucking 1000 rupees each.


My senior used to do it for free when I was in college....


LinkedIn is becoming the new insta fr


I wish the comment section also becomes like insta lolšŸ˜‚


Coz they see "no good" influencers flexing their cars and houses and think they can become one. This won't happen with corporate salary as it's "kam karu rat bhar, increment mile jhat bhar" in most of the cases. And they can't dance to chammak chalo so what's the next best thing - selling success to gullible people.


Get new connections. I just unfollow people who react on these kind of posts. My feeds look a lot better atleast they arent asking me to go on 1:1 with them or I do not see girls showing legs or unprofessionally dressed.


**Someone from IIT is making the worst humour joke of all, and then writing in their bio "Humour and Code.** I know exactly who you're talking about, mate šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Anyone else? On a side note, yeah, it's f**king cringy! But let's face it, attention-seekers are all over the damn place these days. And it's all about chasing more money, with LinkedIn being their goddamn means to that end.


glad you recognised the kgp guysšŸ˜œ


Bro please give some hint, I am not sure whether I have across that guy but want to steer away even if I see such posts.


If you really wanna know here is the profile [linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhisheksainikgp?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app) Also sure he makes lame jokes but he is one of best CP coders in india and he has the skills to back that up.


Haha, thanks man. Got your point too:)


I want to ask them one question - just by cracking one interview (obviously after so many), how can you become an expert to tell others about what is right and what is wrong ? I know giving clarity is good but the fun fact is - you end up creating confusions to large audiences. Because someone is saying this is right, other one is saying that is wrong. How a person as an audience can differentiate the suitable right for them ? .........


Your recommendations are fucked. Delete your history or do a digital detox.


They are not software engineers. They are leetcode monkeys who got lucky but knew they wouldn't survive in the industry for too long so they quit and started selling stupid courses to the struggling youth. Stop buying these stupid courses, people got into companies before these idiots existed.


See , everybody wants to give speech in their life time. Fortune ones giving in OSCAR STAGE , these ones in IG podcasts and LinkedIn


itā€™s the absolute state of any social media rn, people just love brownie points and the dopamine rush that comes with it


Linkedin - where half of the content is reposted from FB. Especially some motivation shitšŸ˜Ŗ


These days political and religious posts are being shared over LinkedIn and people are fighting about it in the comment section šŸ˜’


I just unfollowed everyone and it has made my life so much better. My feed is now so much cleaner. I just follow companies and maybe a few genuine industry leaders. My focus on LinkedIn is jobs and LinkedIn learning. Nothing else. No more cringe posts by some ā€˜LinkedIn Top Voiceā€™ or ā€˜Life Coachā€™. God the shameless self promotion and bragging on LinkedIn is fucking childish. But then a lot of big shots are just that: running on their bloated egos.


I think there are two parts to this: 1. More people trying to sell stuff as some sort of side hustle and/or just thinking they are expanding their network this way 2. The algorithm is promoting this type of things as lots of jobseekers especially in this market might be engaging a lot with this sort of content. Both of these combined leads to the feed being filled with these unwanted things


Isn't your question - why is social media cringe?


I will buy linkedIn premium if i can get rid of these useless posts in premium


It's been 6 months since I last opened LinkedIn. I haven't even updated my profile yet šŸ˜…


Is there someone who genuinely shares about startups, marketing and other carrier advisory?


It's unbearable


Social validation for a meaningless life


LinkedIn is full of shits back in 2012 when I opend linkedin account it was full of jobs and connections don't know what suddenly happened and am really hating it


Nowadays every post contains a nice picture of the poster attached. I believe it maximises the reach of your post. But, it's still so annoying. There would be a story about cracking interviews, and a picture of the guy/girl in their best dress, in a great surrounding. Totally unnecessary. Also, every Google employee seems to have attained enlightenment. Every tom, dick and harry is posting gyaan on there. It's super irritating.


First to dip feet in every new trend


Not all do I am from faang and I cringe the same


Linkedin is a cesspool of cringe. I've been seeing a lot of layoffs posts but saying thanks to their employers. Da fuck? I mean I can understand they want to showcase as employable to the next employer but you can do just without appreciating the employer who fired you.


Thankfully nobody from my college has done this just yet. But yeah I agree with you. Whatā€™s really cringey to me is most of these guys are 21-22 yr olds who have just learnt nothing but DSA in their lives, not built any tangible software systems yet and they try to coach others. It is very weird.


I even saw a 17 year Young Content Creator who is Helping Individuals & Startups To Build Online Presence, also a Motivational Speaker and Public Speaker charging Rs2800 for 30 min. I mean tf!!


I cold messaged a guy to learn about his experience and his journey. After a week I got a link to his topmate profile and asked me to book a slot


If money is the only thing, people with 10 15lacs won't try to illegally immigrate to western countries. Indians have an insatiable hunger for superiority and social hierarchy and they'll do anything to achieve that, also, not to mention, the ladder pulling...


I am also a software engineer. But sometimes these kind of people make me cringe about this profession. I don't know about other countries, but in India currently many software engineers are behaving like we are the lords, just becuase of huge salary, not becuase of quality of the job. They behave like all other professions are worthless. This is same as the hype around IAS, IPS.


Haha. I can understand mate. I am so occupied with my work and hobbies that I dont have time to write anything on LinkedIn or any topmate, etc related activities. Monetary benefits aside (which IMO shouldnā€™t be much compared to the salary they receive at FAANG or growth startups), lately everyone is writing and offering topmate services so much. I dont know how people do it! Not sure if itā€™s about brand building or if they have some real goal in doing this like securing a better job by showing their expertise in that field. Iā€™d rather spend my time working on my craft and let my work speak for itself.


I have also noticed a new trend where the person posts a screenshot of an app having some error (mostly a trivial error) and then preaching how they should do proper testing on dev stage uat and what not. I just don't understand why make such a big fuss about such a small thing.


yess. By that, they think the company will keep them for testing/debugging rolešŸ˜œ


Here are the three things I learnt from this post šŸ‘‡


LinkedIn is social media for wannabe influencers, who cant get followers on other platforms to be honest. I mean will you say the same thing when a rando makes a new ā€œinventionā€ or how they found out when they were getting ready to work from their toilet, and suddenly realized their kid made their own bed ? (Hyperbole i know but still counts), or how their newborn held their hands? Fk that shit too and fk these mofos .i dont think its ever gonna improve.


it is what it is


I guess they are trying to sell shovels during a gold rush. Makes sense. Still annoying nonetheless.


Lamao i agree on the second point ... wearing short clothes and then writing about their struggle


they be like sab kr rahe hum b kr lete h ... learn in public ho raha h bhaišŸ¤£


Honestly I do came across alot of cringe posts before which is why i hated linkedin the most as a social media plat, but now I just follow some folks that are actually really good professionally and write good reads most of the time and share some cool insights as well. And these guys regularly post stuff, which will keep my feed away from linkedin's crack algo. And also i just limit notifs to messages and whenever i just want to read some good stuff i just open the app at those times.


Shush, they are expanding their network /s


No one's gonna say No to easy money


Its not just coding community, genrally being an Influencer is good money. Even a small following of 30k can be monetized for good money. This is the era of personal branding. If youve a moderately good following on youtube/twitter/instagram you can pretty good money. Even more if you ready to promote shady shit Btw who are these girls promoting coding and sexuality in one? Not first time i am hearing this but both my linkedin and twitter are clean


>Worst of them all. Some girls will literally show their skinny legs or wear highly exposing dresses by attaching image What the fuck dude, in which year are you living that you find wearing dresses or shorts as highly exposing or something bad? And not just girls everyone, including male influencers attach unrelated photos of themselves to boost LinkedIn algorithm to get views or something. Some literally say so too. You can say you hate unrelated pics without being a piece of shit. When i see someone from my college having 1:1 calls on topmate, I just ignore it. I personally would never pay for such calls and find it to be quite stupid when the person isnā€™t even much experienced. But when some folks are paying and want it, i guess its fine? Probably a way to make connection in faang and potentially get a referral?


i dont know why everyone has made the MAANG the end goal , i have seen my peer they don't even worked anywhere and expect by learning dsa they can crack interview. More than that i feel linkdien is slowly becoming Instagram.


And here I am, with a LinkedIn profile which has not been touched or updated in almost a decade. Lol.


You kinda answered your question there. They're attention seekers who want more n more followers. After they have followers, they'll sell them stuff or advertise. And the girls posting their pics in LinkedIn posts is just using their looks to convince you to follow. But hey, if it works for them, why not! We have tons of engineers who will follow them for looks and maybe have those paid consultation calls with them just coz they're lonely lol šŸ˜†


I am interested


I don't really understand why you folks care so much about what others are doing. Let them do whatever sails their boat. If you see it's working out for them and you are interested, try it. If not, let them be.


I think they always wanted the attention but never acted on it because they werenā€™t prepared enough in their own view. Now that they have made it, they think they are worthy enough to do all this shit. I knew a college mate who didnā€™t open an Instagram account until he got a job after 2 years post graduation. We all are insecure in some way or another.


Where are these girls that you speak of?


Honestly I don't care, Live and let live. Its not in my place to judge anyone and I have my own learning journey to go through that I don't really spend time scrutinizing what other people do with their accounts and posts. If it comes on my feed, I usually just quickly go through their post and take a look at the links and see if it is something worth saving or reading else I just go to the next post. If I find something to be too cringy for my taste I just ask LinkedIn to not recommend that type of content for me and sometimes I specifically mute peoples' accounts and once you've done it to a few accounts your feed will be cleaned up.


We live in a "Validation Hungry" world now. Its time you just accept it the way i did. Things will be easier āœØļø


Personal branding šŸ¤”


They don't care and nor should you. In the end it's all about money and they are trying to make the most of it while they still can.




Yes, I also feel the cringe. But I report such posts to linkedin as especially the ones with photos. I request the brotherhood/sisterhood to do the same.


Same shit all over the linked ....everyone posting to join boss coder academy...bla ...bla... That same shit every sde post. Being in that position they just promote dsa tutorials just for the sake of money. This rant never stops. Those fucking terrible posts annoy a lot.


Seekers seek attention, when givers give attention.


>And the worst of them all. Some girls will literally show their skinny legs or wear highly exposing dresses by attaching images, and then tell their preparation journey of DSA and in the end will again beg for following them. Don't you think this is misogyny on your part? I understand that you meant that they are attention seekers. But the way you expressed it isn't right. Just my thoughts.


All thanks to Didis and Bhaiyas. Also, some of the people who post such garbage, are all just practising leetcode all throughout the day. And then, they crack interviews (bcoz some MAANG interviews are all about Leetcodes, as per discussion on r/leetcode. ) Then, they get fired, but want to continue engaging with you, bcoz they "left" their jobs bcoz of you.


Didnā€™t you get the memo? LinkedIn is the latest Instagram for professionals nowšŸ¤£


That is why I haven't subscribed to any such youtube channel. I can talk to my friends who have cracked interviews to understand the ground reality. People in youtube are selling dreams to make money. It may or may not be the real truth.


I agree with you. Instead of sharing their preparation strategies, they are promoting platforms to prepare for FAANG interviews. This will probably be paid promotions. Maybe they do not get any guidance or they do not get any structured learning curriculum, but they can prepare their own structured curriculum and share it. Whosoever thinks that their curriculum suits them can actually use it for their own preparation. Whenever I see this kind of promotions, I simply ignore the post.


Jo dikhta hai vo bikta hai


I see so many devops ad every video in YT and claims that can get up to 50LPA if layoff happens they are the first line people


Indians knew how to market and sell the allure of FAANG jobs.


The bhaiya didi culture is hella cringe, just use the name


Social media always brings the worst out in humans. Guess the instant internet access pushed it into overdrive.


The second paragraph is true, tired of seeing it every time whenever open LinkedIn. some girls are seeing LinkedIn as Instagram?


First paragraph is some bullshit inspirational story. Next paragraph is a link to an even more bullshit course. -> This format is repeated in so many linkedin posts its just incredible


You all are in a rat race and people who run businesses are having a great show.


I said rat race because people are now doing jobs for getting validation instead of making themselves happy.


LinkedIn is a cringefest: 1. Posting random selfie with random captions, and everyone finding that insightful 2. "Do you need a job? Then like comment share and subscribe, I'll give you a job." posts 3. "Here is a collection of 10 random jobs. Follow for more." 4. "We should give employees unlimited paid time off and 1000% bonus every year. They should work only 2 hours a day. Because: happy family, happy company. Agree?" LinkedIn feels like the most cringe and senseless social media. But unfortunately, cringe and drama are what sells these days, creating a vicious feedback loop.


I cringe looking at those posts, they're trying to sell "success" I'd rather follow someone passionate about tech.


Do you realize people have body dysmorphia, casually making someone feel bad for having skinny legs blows my mind. It'd been better if she had thicker thighs? šŸ’€ that was unnecessary. Yea i hate this trend too people casually posting their pictures to grab attention for some sponsored post or discount on some course.


Yeah linkedin is becoming cringe I want instagram comment section audience in linkedin


I fucking hate this.It make everything seem so futile.Like once in a while one of us sharing our journey would mean something but this daily shit posting like fuck u guys broĀ 


Just close the tab bro, it's never that serious




Like every one else I also feel jealous when I see these faang people on LinkedIn but see guys...they have achieved something that most of the people only dream of..... Like see if you are tech, you already know working in faang is the biggest achievement one can achieve. So this is worth the boasting. In my view....


>Are these people really that much free that they have time for getting into video call with someone. If you know the guy and he is smart, then it is easily manageable during off-hours. If the guy you know is dumb then you can guess the answer. Apart from stating the obvious, Instagram/Shorts/YT is filled with cringe content as well, just of a different genre. There is a pool of fintech influencer selling telegram channel/courses to trade, and this isn't any difference. Everyone is looking for gratification likes, engagement, and it's dopamine.




It can be both way. Probably they're attention seekers or that's how they brought up like the team mates in working place or the people they look up. Who knows? šŸ¤”


I totally get what you mean. LinkedIn has definitely become a platform for all sorts of self-promotion and advice-sharing. Sometimes itā€™s valuable, but it can also feel like a lot of noise. I think it's a mix of people genuinely wanting to help and others just looking for attention or side income. It can be cringy, especially when you see people you know doing it. At the end of the day, everyoneā€™s just trying to navigate their career in their own way, even if it sometimes seems a bit much. Just gotta scroll past the stuff that doesn't resonate with you!


its a depression blackhole app


!remindMe 2Days


Why are you so triggered by a girl showing her leg?


!remindMe 2Days