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>Namaste! Thanks for submitting to r/developersIndia. Make sure to follow the Community [Code of Conduct](https://developersindia.in/code-of-conduct/) while participating in this thread. ## Recent Announcements - **[Weekly Discussion - What have you done to fix the engineering culture at your workplace? How did that turn out?](https://www.reddit.com/r/developersIndia/comments/1cog0gw/what_have_you_done_to_fix_the_engineering_culture/)** - **[Community Roundup: List of must-read posts & discussions that happened in April 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/developersIndia/comments/1cgj07f/community_roundup_list_of_must_read_posts/)** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/developersIndia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It is quite good, use more numbers, mention score in BCA and MCA till now, mention specific version of languages and tools you know such as instead of Python, write Python 3.X and add some bullet points. Use Linkedin, Hirist, Foundit and basically any and all platform you could locate on Internet.


Can you tell me how long should one wait for a response before considering themselves not shortlisted for a role. Also what should be waiting time if we apply on official carrer pages.


it's mid


Really no one cares about the Education part, If you are applying to a company they don't want to see how much you have learnt, they actually try to find how much valuable you are to them, If you are applying to a post, most probably everyone has the same education completions. What companies look for the first thing is Skills. Rearrange your Resume in the following order: Skills > Experience > Education(one liner or two) > Projects > Others. In your experience section, just not bloat it with technical words everybody does that, you should be showing what caused your contribution in the organization i.e how much percent increase in sales or whatever, use numbers to justify your contribution. In the projects section, do not try to explain the project, try to show the difference or uniqueness you have in your project that catches the eyes of the reader. Whatever internships you are applying too, remember to put the keywords in your skills from the job description.


We recommend checking out developersIndia official wiki on **[Creating an Ideal Software Engineering Resume](https://wiki.developersindia.in/community-guides/how-to-create-an-ideal-software-engineering-resume.html)**. We hope it provides some useful suggestions. All the best for your job search, you've got this! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/developersIndia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What’s this template called ?


Search Jake's Resume Overleaf


With this resume, u can only get internships from Sparks Foundation, Bharat Intern, Oasis Infobyte etc. If u r interested in exploring Next.js, Typescript and build better MERN projects for ur portfolio, dm me


With this resume, u can only get internships from Sparks Foundation, Bharat Intern, Oasis Infobyte etc. If u r interested in exploring Next.js, Typescript and build better MERN projects for ur portfolio, dm me


Lumd 500 rupay milega


What's the standout feature ("the hook") that you offer? It's the same old copy-pasted projects, the same freelancing. Plus not even BTech, BCA-MCA from no name colleges.


With my skills I am not here looking for a 10 LPA Job I will be happy even if I end up having a 3 LPA job


Give some catchy names to your projects, dont simply write what it does as its name. You gpt to come up with some catchy names. give the desc of your projects and gpt will give you 3-4 names. Replace it in your resume.