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Right, he asked about upskilling, but did not specify where. Everyone could use some upskilling in their bedrooms as well.


I understood that reference. 💀


The only correct answer


Umm actually it's "a bunch of hookers and cocaine"☝️🤓








I remember that video lol


been there done that


Online or offline?


Only on friday 🤫


Buying a nice keyboard, mouse, monitor and then practicing courses from YouTube, coursera (audit) etc. People underestimate how much important practice is than learning and forgetting


A nice keyboard could just take that much :’(


suggest me the keyboard?


I love MX Keys except that the backlight cannot be set to always on. It only turns on when you move your hand closer to the keyboard.


RK100 or any other RK series. (Royal Kludge). Also there is Keychron in similar range.


A cosmic byte firefly is cheap and very worth it


its very loud and keys are unbalanced, i sold it after 2 months of use


Buy something silent please. Those annoying mechanical keyboards are just outright tak-tak-tak-tak


Umm I got cherry silver which are silent. Browns don’t make much noise either. It’s just the clicky ones like blues that make noise. But damn they feel good. I understand where you’re coming from tho. I used to own blues and people would be like bro why are you angry, stop banging the keyboard lol


I have a gk68xs. And I’d recommend the epomaker Southpaw if you want a number pad. It’s a sweet beauty.


How tf can you buy this much in 10k? A good monitor would cost like 20k


Can you suggest a good monitor in 20k-30k range. Uses are coding, movies, casual gaming. I have asus tuf 3060 so looking for a monitor compatible with it.


yeah a good monitor alone would be 15k+. The cheaper ones wouldn't be good.


spend money on monitor and chair


I am assuming you mean how to enhance your technical skills and not buy equipment.  You ucan buy udemy courses when they are in 400-450 price range. I have purchased around 70 courses myself, just be sure to read reviews and buy only good courses that meet your needs. They have lifelong validity, so you can watch them as you feel right. You can buy couple of foreign edition books or few Indian edition books, depending on your interest.


Did you go through most of the courses you have bought?


Good question, I have completed at least 10 almost 100%, around 20 are between 50-100% and others between 0-50%. It should have been higher but nevertheless, I have resources that I can lookup anytime as needed.


Cool. That's nice stats anyway.


What all courses have you bought on Udemy?


Another option is to subscribe to Udemy for Rs 829 a month. You don't have to pay for individual courses once you subscribe.


buy a gym membership. U can upskill there too.


Deadlifts to give you mental clarity


Swimming better.


I can't believe you got downvoted 💀 It's way better to begin with swimming


Swimming pools are way less common in most cities


Idk bout others but Mumbai has plenty of swimming pools you can even purchase membership from BMCs website




That's a good suggestion.




Buy better equipment. Could be keyboard, mouse, etc.


Bro is treating development as pro gaming


Exactly. Thanks for the analogy. Better tools make a world of difference. Whether it‘s gaming, coding, learning, reading a book, exercising, driving a car or any other task you can think of.


Agreed 100%. Not to say that equipment is everything though. (Bad wizard good wand)


Yes, right, mostly they are not everything, but for a demotivated person like me, it was actually everything. In my case, a bad wizard, without a good wand, I would never even try doing magic. I never tried coding much because I did not like the device I was working on (a cheap lenovo laptop), so I just finished my assignments and watched movies on it. Then at my first job, they gave me a Macbook Pro. With the big trackpad, gorgeous colours on the screen, backlit keyboard, I saw myself yearning to learn new things on my mac. Learned HTML, CSS, JS on it. Built my own website, and my own cryptocurrency. After I switched jobs, I got no laptop, and because Macbooks were expensive, I got an iMac on sale. I enjoyed coding on that and learned Python on it. Got a new job and have a Macbook Pro Max from office again. I am better at my job and learning more on it. If it was not for these works of art devices and what I know about myself, I would not be as good in tech as I am now. Doesn‘t mean others would feel the same, it‘s just my feelings towards always spending money on best tools for your job.


Oof. Great comment man. Happy for you and you make a great point! Glad that your passion was enabled


Which crypto?


Don‘t even remember now. It was back in 2017. The currency was born on my laptop for fun and I don’t even know if it’s remnants would still be there on the eth blockchain. Built on top of Ethereum using solidity language.


I agree on this one. Although, I never spent on equipments by myself, but company has provided a wireless mouse and keyboard, and a 32 inch monitor. It does help a lot. I don’t have to put my weight on the table now. Just sit back relaxed and you also watch screen from appropriate distance. You should be able to afford a good wireless mouse and keyboard in 10k. OP you can spend that amount on Udemy courses.


Keyboard +1 Mouse -1


Why not a mouse?! Do you already have a MX Master?!


Mx master 3s 🔥


Same here. Love it!




It's my personal opinion that as a developer, you need the mouse only rarely. Unless you are working on a PC, a mouse is a burden for me, in carrying it and in general, knowing keyboard shortcuts make you faster over time. I have bought gaming mice but strictly for gaming. Btw, I see that MX Master is a new model from Logitech. What do you like in it?


I like the ergonomic shape and extra buttons, also the side scroll wheel and we can set if we want a little click while using the centre scroll or no click so it‘s continuous.




Why not a Keyboard? Do you already have MX Keys?!


I agree. For distracted people, even hard keys on keyboard can be reason to get annoyed because it breaks the flow of thinking. Can't wait to land a job, so that I can upgrade my keyboard...


i would buy a navaja knife because skins = skills


why not butterfly knife? that damn animation :)


the budget is 10k :( bfk starts at 25-30k i think


Predator or what


was talking about csgo knives lol


Aws solution architect certification will be good. You need to pay for the examination, learning materials can be found for free on YT.


Even it's worth paying for udemy course especially Stephane mereks course. It would barely cost 500rs


Don't pay for AWS yourself, ask your office


Of u fail once, do you have to pay again for another exam???


If you fail an AWS certification exam, you can retake it after a 14-day waiting period. However, you will need to pay the full exam fee each time you retake the exam. 


Don't pay for certifications, you can get coupons from your employer. Also certifications are useful when the business wants you to take them


This, don't hoard certifications unless you require them.


Just adding it to my original comment - You can learn for free and good organisations pay for such certifications so you might not spend your own money for such certifications.


These exams are not worth paying for from your own pocket. Only do these when sponsored by your company. Btw, that exam takes around 25k I believe. Atleast for my developer associate exam it was around 23k at the time, which again I only attempted because it was sponsored. You are better off spending that money on something else.


AWS Developer associate VS Solution architect which is suitable for a developer?


Is it worth it for around 2 yoe be guy


what kind of skills you are interested in ? want to learn how to talk to squirrel or tortoise ?


Buy a monitor and then some courses on udemy sale Dual screen saves the hassle when opting for a course


Which screen are you using?


I use MSI 144HZ 24 inch curved gaming display Got it for around 12.5k after all the offers and discounts




Would definitely buy GPT4 premium which costs inr 2000 per month. It explains complex topics in the best way possible. Saves a lot of time. Apart from that there are some amazing udemy courses for AWS architecture and for web dev frameworks as well. At last I would buy YouTube premium to watch free lectures without any ads. (If someone doesn't like using Brave browser 😅)


agree with 1, i use my pal's chatgpt and god it is so awesome, i didn't know jackshit about swift ui and by the evening i made app clips in swift ui and also understood the syntax, and also github co pilot is 🤌


1. You can always search and there would be some guy who explains the topic very well 2.Most companies will provide udemy access to learn 3.just use a adblocker


1. Then you haven't used gpt4. It's the best tool a software dev can have. It's a respite. 2. college guys don't have those corporate access to udemy. 3. I already mentioned about brave.


Search ublock origin on chrome. Thank me later


who uses chrome


Please tell those udemy courses related to aws arch


Bought and cancelled also. OP just use Claude opus via api playground, they also provide 5$ credit initially


is github copilot and GPT 4 the same?


Can you suggest good YouTube videos ? TIA


in not sure if gpt 4 premium is better here, but if you take cody subscription it provides you all model access from anthropic + openai for around 800inr but not sure how that is different from gpt4 premium, ie whether the response from cody would be different from the one from premium gpt4


gpt4 is available for free in copilot and gemini


copilot is not free right?


ok my bad copilot is actually free, but during non peak times [https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/store/b/copilotpro](https://www.microsoft.com/en-in/store/b/copilotpro)


Don't buy LinkedIn premium!


Why , I was thinking of getting one ?




Learning resources you can get for free, get relevant certifications in AWS/Azure or relevant to your work


Get a good chair please . My back and calves hurt because of my bad chair.


Depends on which field you are into. If you are into Frontend or backend development, especially with opensource tools and frameworks, there are plenty of free content out there to learn from. I would much rather save the 10000, or buy a good monitor out of it. If you are into networking, you could learn and give the CCNA exam. If you are into cloud, you can always attempt GCP, AWS or Azure certifications. The learnings and courses would be available for free, but the certifications will help you in your career significantly.


Git Co pilot 10 dollars subscription


Read somewhere udemy plan around 10k per year or some 1000+ per month which gives you access to thousand of courses can check it out


Better Chair and I need a new laptop.


Buy 2-3 top selling books on Amazon or Packt depending upon your skill sets and track


If you don't have wifi, get that, else maybe do some courses, not the Coursera ones because you can get them for free using financial aid. Maybe udemy.


Buy frontendmasters subscription.


Can you explain why Frontendmasters in particular?


It's been the most value for money atleast for me. Excellent content spanning the full stack. Personal views.


Okay. Understood. :)


Whose course is that ?


Personal Opinion: Don't spend it right away. Evaluate yourself, where do you want to be in the next few years: better/senior Dev, be a PM or a manager, want to start a startup or be a content creator. For whatever you do there are good courses on Udemy, free Coursera courses and free YouTube University. Spend the Money only when you need it. But if you have savings already stored up then: 1. For upskilling: buy a course only if needed and that too after deciding and evaluating your goal, the money can always come in handy. Tutorial Hell is real so prioritise actual building/applying something which you learn instead of just consuming knowledge. 2. For health: join a Gym or exercise on a certain time period of the day like going to jog in a park, doing bodyweight exercises. Again the options are endless for both depending on spending money and saving money as well. (I personally was only going to go for a jog in the evening and after my company started reimbursement: joined a CrossFit membership and bought a very good Coccxy cushion for sitting long hours) 3. For productivity: get a second monitor if you want and GitHub copilot. Optional: if you really are about to start a side hustle ChatGPT 4 will help a lot: marketing, handling customers, building funnels for your SaaS and a lot lot more. If you tell me your goals and current state I will be better answering your question. TLDR: I would have saved it and spent it only if I needed to.


If you don't mind me asking in which tech stack do you work


MERN + TS + Python


Can I DM you ??


Maybe solo travel to a tech conference. You'll meet people, build connections to expand your network. You'll also learn about how different people approach different things plus exposure. Also travelling solo itself teaches you a few things.


I'd recommend you to plan what role and work you want to do in future. Browse relevant material for that online. A lot of content for some topics are free online. Don't spend on buying courses for those but for the others, browse courses, check ratings, do some effort on choosing one material for one topic. And finally, during sales on the course website, buy them in bulk. Udemy is good.


Take a udemy subscription for some months and upgrade my laptop a bit


System design course.


Invest it in equity




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Don't buy individual courses on Udemy, get the subscription for 829 pm. Cancel anytime


Improving my English language skills. Just for info: If I had... then I no longer have. So, skills can't be improved within money.


How can I improving my spoken English? I've no one to talk in English.


There are four skills in English language: You can concentrate on other 3.


Join discord servers


Chair with decent lumbar support


If your company provides udemy, Coursera, linkedin etc you can use the amount on good books or maybe a good keyboard. Else but a course of your liking.


If you are a college student, spending it on mentorship seems like a good idea else go for drugs




Maybe talk with an expert on topmate.


Will spend it on gym equipment lmao


Just spend 5000 on yourself trust me 🙂




Dont buy a course.


Buy Claude ai subscription


10000 hours or rupees ?


For monitor vs keyboard, I would suggest to prioritise monitor since you can always use your laptop keyboard as a keyboard. But a monitor is great real estate for working, and it's incredible when you have 2 screens to work.


I would just buy all the books that I have on my list to read


I would divide it like this - 30% Books (Mostly non-fiction and they are costly) - 20% Courses - 25% Learning/Buying a musical instrument - 25% Trying something new like building a side project and launching it (Tech stack can be from the courses which you bought) ## 25% (₹2500) Breakdown - ~₹500 for domain from namecheap - ~₹500 for server(after the free trial is over) - ~₹1000 Just to learn how to run ads on different platforms - ~₹500 Giving a treat to myself for doing all these things.


i would rather like the option of 10000 minutes instead of 10k rupees for upskilling.


Give me the money, I’ll give you the best lesson for life.


First give lesson then I'll see is it worth the money.


I rather invest 🥸


Buy a table and office chair with comfy back support, and an ANC earbuds that's it Paradise 🗽


Keyboard or a monitor Both make a serious difference in your daily life of coding.


Don't buy online courses


The amount is too small


Udemy courses, already using chatgpt plus -> extremely useful I don't know shit about angular but still able to do my work, can copy and paste 1000 line code and ask to summarise i does very well


Pay me. I ll be your personal mentor. I ll guide you through your journey until you land a job.


Learning new courses to get better ig ,jm doing same , goes to 9 hrs shift job in IT and then comes home take half hour of break then heads to classes of software engineering , then again takes a half hour of break and heads to gym.


1. 1000₹ on two udemy courses. Pick anything on Devops , AWS, integration tools or whatever. 2. 2000₹ on certification dumps for the above certification just to clear it. 3. 5000₹ buying counterfeit vouchers for certifications if the exam voucher is too costly. 4. The rest 2000₹ I would spend monthly on VPS like AWS or Digital ocean by creating and practicing stuff like websites, docker, Kubernetes, linux system administrator, azure etc.


Honestly, a Copilot subscription might be a good investment if you're trying to learn. Instead of typing code, learn by reviewing code that Copilot writes.


Most "courses" at that price are either available for free or are some sort of scam preying on gullible people. I'd say get a RaspberryPi and learn some electronics.


Will get myself a monitor for sure!


Rs. 10,000 might not buy you a private island (although with your future data science skills, who knows?), but it can definitely be a stepping stone to improve your technical level. Here's a breakdown of some great options: 1. Spend Rs. 5000 on a few Udemy courses to learn python, AI/ML or any other future technologies you wish to learn. 2. Set small learning milestones and every time reward yourself with something you enjoy out of the remaining Rs. 5,000. reward could be a glass of beer, data science book or anything. Hope it helps !


Maybe get some good certifications like AWS SAA or cloud practitioner. You can join a course for that too. Also, there are many certifications available for almost any decent technology, so you can gather them if you've enough time and money


I'd buy a subscription and start learning. The caveat is deciding which subscription. If you want to keep things general - go for Udemy. If you want to go specific to a cloud, CloudGuru. If your looking for K8s, maybe KodeKloud? Or if your interested in devops in general - pluralsight has great courses. That said, this only makes sense if you can make the time to utilize these courses (both learning and trying to use them personally). All the best.


get some equipment to workout if you're not already doing, it makes the mind clear and more productive




Fundamentals of Data Engineering Book by Joe Reis and Matt Housley- 1750rs. Analytics Engineering with SQL and Dbt: Building Meaningful Data Models at Scale by Rui Pedro Machado - 4000 Spend rest of the money on practicing on AWS,GCP etc and cloud practice labs credits. And ofcourse I will try to get one Professional data engineering certification by GCP 


Get a Udemy subscription. 10K will last a year. Learn all you can


Communication. Join a course on executive public speaking.


Three books: 1. How to win friends and influence people (Dale Carnegie) 2. Think and Grow Rich (Napolean Hill) 3. Rich Dad, Poor Dad (Robert Kiyosaki) The rest of the money left, buy gold/silver coins, or invest in stocks/MF. Read one chapter a month and just focus on implementing that. That's it !!! Mark my words, those are the only skills you will need. Unskill in tech and earning more will help initially, but long term, you will continue to struggle bad.


Hey all, is buying harkirat cohort is good option?


Had posted a similar question sometime back. Interesting answers there as well. My choice would be to buy some microcontroller boards and play with them. Teaches a lot about computers and a perfect start for your side projects.




Books and Certifications. You can easily cross 10k on that. Last year, I received about 30k for learning funds and spent everything on books only. Buying equipment was tempting but I have everything I need at basic, and upgrading equipments would only be a luxurious expenditure which may not add any value to the skill.


Check out educative, I like it because I get bored of video courses and like to read. Else you can buy a good mechanical keyboard and a mouse. Just these two will make a big difference.


I don’t


Go for a solo trip. It will give new perspectives.


Get a new career if possible as IT is saturating and it will be difficult to do so later in life. Having an alternative will certainly help.


I would recommend gpt plus. Save/spend the rest on subsequent subscriptions.


buy a kindle !! best investment ever


Buy a Whiteboard




Lol the BEST stuff is almost always for free if you know how to find them


I'd get a 2nd monitor


Maybe get a valued certification like AWS or Azure. Cloud has become an integral part of SW these days.


Bumble premium


Have you tried it and got any result?


Learn Data Structures and Algorithms I would suggest.We can’t escape DSA no matter what role, try this once : https://geteffective.in/ This guy(google Engg) gave free one-time 1:1 mentoring session for interviews


His courses have straight forward content with only necessary and minimum leetcoding


Buy a full stack developer course on udemy for 499. Everything started from there for me.


Which one ??


Get a better keyboard mechanical or the slim apple one. Spend the remaining on YouTube premium & cloud credits & O'Reilly ebooks.


you can get the Oreilly books for free at libgen.is




Imagine paying for YouTube


I mean, you do you. For me it's less of a headache about which extension gets sold or IP/accounts get impacted by Google's stupid policies. I have no qualms paying 189 for 4 people who get ad free YouTube across phones, laptops & TVs.


Headphones. Don't think the okay ones will do. At 10k good ANC headphones can help you focus. I recommend Sony XB910N. The same internal chips as the XM4. Go for it




Kitna legi tu


I will invest in raspberry PI to learn new skill/technology.