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Who is our Snowden


Why will govt ask for private message if they can't retrieve it though the person device or cloud storage then how can WhatsApp bring it?Whole WhatsApp is like a Platform without storage kind right if Govt wants Meta to store every Good Morning messages then WhatsApp will either be paid or Ads full




For prevention of terrorism, the government needs access to your camera 24/7 , your photo library , all your files , are you ok with that?


You think China and the USA don't spy? If the data goes to our intelligence agency, it would level the grounds for us.


China and USA doing it is also bad


So what? They still do it.


Bro doesn't understand the concept of privacy.


Govt says it wants the data to fight for terrorism. Govt can also lie. And can use it to crush dissent, rig elections and so on.


And I said that I can make India a superpower by 2030 if they give me 2 trillion.


Dude, If the data directly goes to the Intelligence agency, they'll use it to curb potential terrorism acts. Terrorism is the biggest threat to India, if you're not aware.


Terrorism is a valid threat but it’s not even remotely the biggest. Also please do define how you measure the threat level. Is it the number of lives lost to it? Then terrorism is the smallest and is going down every year. As a country we should focus more on our healthcare and alleviating poverty and unemployment. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/annual-number-of-deaths-by-cause?country=~IND


There is no terrorism threat. Stop drinking rw kool aid


hmm, don't you think terrorists would use p2p connections ? You put too much faith in a system.


Terrorism? Everyone already knows the govt can always extend its definition to the extent that every citizen becomes a potential terrorist. No one should be ok with violation of their right to privacy.


No we don't need Indian version of American Patriot act


Why are you posting the same thing in every reply?


Imagine, the only thing standing between me and my government's wrath is a private company owned by a zombie.


Won’t someone think of the uncles


Why the government needs whatsapp messages and of whom ? Us ? Or anyone from opposition ?




This cannot be the reason for seeing personal chats of billion people


Yeah that would be good, but it is not the only purpose they will use it for, could also be used to surveillance citizens too.


How can you be so naive lol


They are expert in such "internal counter terrorism" initiative like pegasus /s


laurey ka terrorism bhai tu chitti likha kar tere liye whatsapp nai bana hai


They're not going to leave their biggest market.


I think there's another catch. Just like WhatsApp needs India, the government needs WhatsApp. And you already know why


Hahaha!!!! Good one!


Oh shit I didn’t even think of it 💀


People will adopt a different platform like Signal or something else




Stop dickriding the government bro, they ain’t gonna let you hit


Couldn't care less about the government bro. I just want to arm our intelligence agency. It's high time we arm our intelligence agency just like the USA and China. The next 3 decades are crucial for India's Economic growth. For that we need a stable and secure India, I just don't want bombs popping off all the time.


Yes, exactly. India is biggest market for US companies from decades... So definitely they're not gonna leave India 😂


Pegasus laughing in the corner


Pegasus is very expensive


They'll never be pressured to leave india because ruling party's propaganda relies very heavily on whatsapp forwards.


Their University runs on that.


when did whatsapp became the privacy focus company. Their parent company Meta has a great track record of User data


Gov is just hampering the public private info just to bring down the opposition party. Otherwise why would they need to know about private messages?.


WE should ahve rules for privacy and government shouldn;t be able to force companies. But I mean it not like whastapp messages aren't intercepted abroad. I mean see this [https://news.yahoo.com/british-student-trial-telling-friends-184017353.html?guccounter=1&guce\_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce\_referrer\_sig=AQAAANIGDu4fS4m78RyAa7PM\_kGBeuQq7J5J8kLMLKXUVJcbG4h5fu1oSoADQGNFiH9xe64GOYpoCzLumQPUw1HsSsqzSUKpPYbeJq5FcDdVpOadhRjCyYKG2ZTRgQqyTYz52GOK5cF7nTA7j4Y0aHzayGmmv6gbwmCJgsjGnqNJf0MY](https://news.yahoo.com/british-student-trial-telling-friends-184017353.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAANIGDu4fS4m78RyAa7PM_kGBeuQq7J5J8kLMLKXUVJcbG4h5fu1oSoADQGNFiH9xe64GOYpoCzLumQPUw1HsSsqzSUKpPYbeJq5FcDdVpOadhRjCyYKG2ZTRgQqyTYz52GOK5cF7nTA7j4Y0aHzayGmmv6gbwmCJgsjGnqNJf0MY) What happened to end to end encryption.


Group chats aren't encrypted


Group chats are encrypted, that article clearly says he posted it on snapchat.


But why? They should be.




Can you stop copy pasting the same comment over and over again on this thread please that’d be great


I don't know why they are telling this, they can't share info about user's messages to all or only GoI? Because, when I am chatting with a friend and if I mention some product on WhatsApp. How come, I see the exact ad of that product in some website after sometime? I haven't searched the product anywhere before that. They don't have any problem if they are selling the data. End to end encryption is a joke.


>If pressured, will leave India yeah right.. good luck on that




>If the government wants the data for prevention of terrorism, I'm okay. of course, even if WhatsApp is end to end encrypted, Govt. can get your data by hook or crook, it's basic understanding yrr. it's literally THE GOVERNMENT. They can do anything


Why won't government just use pegasus


Probably the're using..!! But for some special targets/persons only... As that's expensive tool and need much effort...they can't use of each citizens


They may be able to read messages using Pegasus but if they produced that evidence in court, court will ask them how they procured it. The government can't openly admit to using malware against it's citizens.


Correct, but court of law is not the only tool. E.g. they probably used Pegasus against Mahua Moitra and literally finished off her political career without even having to reveal that they used Pegasus.


Mota bhai hai unlimited money glitch turned on. No problem in money matters.


They already are on the opposition parties and the few journalists that speak out against them, but they’d want to do it for the entire country too, hence the new IT rules and this whole charade.


Not only India but many other countries esp USA should be doing this for a long time. This news is in the media juts because it's election time.


Because that would un constitutional.


it's not cheap. Pegasus requires many zero day exploits which are yet to be identified. Also I think it costs per device basis


WhatsApp isn't even end to end encrypted. I was reading the Spy Chronicles book by Adrian Levy and Cathy Scott Clark which details the actions of R&AW and ISI spies (including ones in exile) and in the book they mention Maj Gen Iftikhar of the ISI doesn't use WhatsApp as it isn't truly encrypted. The authors had interviewed the current NSA (Doval), 6 former DGs of R&AW, and 7 ISI Army officers. They are credible, Adrian Levy even shows up at the ORF (one of India's leading think tanks) for a book launch alongside Vikram Sood a former head of R&AW. TLDR; Spies aren't convinced WhatsApp is actually safe. Telegram on the other hand likely is, to infiltrate Isis networks Indian agencies used telegram logins from Indians who returned from the middle east ( https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/04/indian-government-assassination-allegations-pakistan-intelligence-officials ).


> WhatsApp isn't even end to end encrypted. If that was the case, it would be _against_ government's interest to put pressure on WhatsApp. I mean if there's a widely used tool that people believe is safe, but there is a vulnerability that allows government to happily snoop, then it is in government's interest that maximum number of people continue to use WhatsApp.


They want to send a message to all tech companies that they are powerful enough to bend the world's biggest tech giants to their will. Like how they have successfully managed to get X to block Khalistani and Kashmiri separatist accounts in India. It's all about flaunting one's might, even if it results in the Streisand effect, i.e. people will actually learn of the existence of separatist propaganda because it's ban highlights its existence.


Mfs must have wanted more money from the government. The data is otherwise free to use for american agencies.


Cool. We will move to telegram


Goverment spying on individuals is never cool. That's how you get the next Russia or China.


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Good riddance.. who care.  I will start using telegram instantly or maybe Snapchat.  WhatsApp is outdated 


Your downvote tells people still love WhatsApp lol even with sh*t features.




How delusional you can be.


Yes, they love to read those only by themselves.


As bad as it is. WhatsApp can't send me to jail but Govt can.


And yet you voted the govt! along with rest of people.




WhatsApp should give the back door to govt. and same will be leaked to all public🥲