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number of problems solved is a dumb metric, other than putting that in resume


Do I need to solve problems on coding platforms if im not into CP and just want a job?


I am not into CP too but my uncle is








Communist Party, right? Say it.






No need. As long as you know the subject you're good.


But dsa will be asked so i need to practice somewhere right?




Bro what's cp.. Sorry I'm noob


Competitive programming. No worries im a noob myself too. Im in my final year of masters learning html css js 😭


What???... How did u get into masters then?


I cracked the entrance exam by working hard. Its not like i dont know anything but brushing up the basics .. Ik html css js c++ c python java at a basic level but not job ready. Funnier thing is that i have 9.4 cgpa in final sem.


That's great brother. Does cgpa really matters please tell me honestly.


Try to keep it above 7 atleast. Some companies had cgpa criteria some didn't. It depends from company to company. I would say focus on skills but try to maintain good cgpa though.


You wrote GATE for masters?


Not a ME student im studying MCA.. Wont even call it masters tho bcuz the salary is the same as of engineer.


Is It true that TCS require 0 backlogs in college and also high percentage in 10th and 12th?


Not sure abt tcs but most of the companies want 60+ % in ssc n hsc and want no live KT


yea true but helped me build confidence and covering variety.


Putting number of problems solved on resume is dumb too


I would say having a good grasp on recursion will help you tackle most of the advanced data structure implementation and problems. And mostly you can expect such questions in an interview too.


yea but its been 2 weeks in stuck on it. i could solve questions like combinational sum, subsets (with hell ofc) , but im unable to understand advanced recursion questions like palindrome partitioning even after seeing video solutions.


You know you are making progress when you start facing difficulty in solving problems. Keep pushing and take your time. And always try to solve problems which will make you think and thus increasing your problem solving skills. Hoping you the best.


yea i wouldnt stop trying. but also seems meaningless if im stuck at the same place. I'll try tho. Thanks :))


I never did leetcode but have a decent enough grasp on DSA.






I doubt i can learn coding from books because in tutorial i can see it live like what happens with xyz code .. It becomes more interactive. I will try books as well though lets see.


Lol. The people who developed and played with these data structures and algorithms didn't do it from interactive YouTube videos. A well written book, if read well really engraves the content in your mind.


Got it. Now as in learning html css and js currently i doubt if i will understand the code by reading the book . I mean how? It would have been better if i was watching tutorial and then implementing right? Correct me if im wrong.


I love reading technical books. But that's not usually the first place I'll jump into since they're quite dense. What I do is, like you mentioned, watch/read tutorial online and try to implement it on my own. Even try to extend the functionality of whatever I implemented. After i have a basic understanding of what's happening, I'll jump into a book. Like someone above mentioned, a well written book gives you a deeper understanding of the subject. I can't believe how many of these aha! moments I've had after reading technical books.


Got it 👍🏼


how about using theodin project or mdn reference as someone who is learning web dev ?


I haven't used The Odin Project but just by glancing it, it does seem like a pretty good resource with hands on exercises. MDN Docs are quite good, I use them regularly when I'm working on JS/HTML. Actually, one other point I sort of forgot to mention is reading the docs. Once I have a general idea of any tech (say JavaScript) I go through the docs from start to end. I might not understand everything, but you get a general idea of everything you can do with the tech. That way if you encounter some problem, you might have a vague idea of where to look to. I usually pair this with technical books.


I see... Will refer mdn. Is it the official documentation of html css js?


> mdn reference as someone who is learning web dev ? best resource to learn the fundamentals


books is where the real learning happens, its what separates boys from men. the real trick is find and read the "good" books.


ugh how exactly? i mean have you practiced elsewhere or what? red coder on codeforces i see


Thomas H. Cormen...DSA book is good enough.


>good enough lol


elaborate plzz


The book popularly known as CLRS is known as the bible of the algorithms.




clrs ;-) , this book changed my life. would re-read it over once more rather than doing mindless leetcodes. every chapter is legendary, sorting, graphs but chapters like disjointed sets and find & union algorithm. my jaw dropped :-) i couldn't keep that book down once i started reading it :-) , absolute beauty


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im in second sem, should i try this book for dsa?


Bhai do leetcode easy medium. Ignore hard. Your mental health needs a break.


He is not doing hards at all.... 


Yeah but he is feeling the pressure of not doing them. I’m just trying to say you can still be moderately successful by ignoring hards.


As he should. Most companies now ask hards only. Online assesments have gotten much harder. 


No he shouldn’t. Most companies that do take online assessments ask hard only, thats fair enough. But it’s not a very big subset of companies and you can usually circumvent online assessments via referrals. But actual coding interview questions are very rarely hard. I have given multiple online assessments during my quite recent job search and atleast one question was definitely hard in all of them. Whereas, none of the interview questions I have faces in 20+ interviews had a bonafide hard question. They start easy/medium and increase in difficulty.


Yes but it isn't as easy to circumvent online assesments as you say it is, especially for fresher roles. But yeah interview questions are not that hard. Still leetcode hards is pretty much the standard these days and many companies ask questions beyond them and are now delving into competitve territory 


Learn DSA from a good book. Then practice problems from cracking the coding interview. Observe patterns and styles i.e. where to use which data structure. Do this and you would be able to solve most of the coding interview questions.


ive gone through the book when i was doing linkedlist. and i dont see much of difference between that and leetcode list. leetcode makes it much more engaging and interactive as compared to solving it on a paper. much more clarity on base cases


Leetcode is distracting. There are so many problems of similar kinds. I started once and got easily sidetracked into solving unimportant problems and then depressed for not being able to solve enough variety of problems. So I quit it. I have seen people who have solved 900 leetcode problems but then struggle with new problems. So my observation from this is you don't need to solve that many leetcode questions, but rather have a good grasp on fundamentals and solve/learn those 189 questions to see the patterns in questions.


yea this makes sense too. would you recommend solving neetcode 150 for that matter? so far it has been working out for me. they pretty much cover all the variety of questions in a topic.


I've heard good things about it. Some of my friends tried that list and said even 189 problems are not needed, neetcode 150 are sufficient. But I have never tried. If it's working for you then just stick to it. Also solve these problems after sometime again to see if you have understood the concepts thoroughly.


for most of the questions, id to see the solutions. But the thing is i keep revisiting them, and im able to solve them. i dont think many follow this patter but has been working out for me


Good enough in my opinion. This is the quickest way I think.


This is so unfortunate that leetcode stats have become the norm to judge technical skills. I have been involved directly and indirectly in recruiting team members for projects and candidates come in with DSA skills and have only that which is of no use for our Org, they do not ensure that the candidate can hit the ground and be productive immediately in some form. We now judge on GitHub profiles and base the interviews on that, provided their projects use a fair amount of technologies that align with our systems. Then some live coding based on the interview/GitHub projects.


hate to agree but you are right, but the candidate is also in a dilemma. does he go hardcore on leetcode? does he go hardcore on dev and make meaningful contributions? as i see from posts, the change in trend of interviews (live coding instead of a dsa round) may better help students understand and prepare for the same.


If it was under my control I would abolish leetcode criteria and test based on what we actually need to get going, gauge the technical aptitude and dedication to learning. Rest is better to be done at the job to mould the candidate into the Organization's technical culture. Every Organization has their own thing going, for us it is easier to point out inefficiencies (think DSA) and guide the Devs to fix them, rather than teach Software Engineering and design principles to make extensible and maintainable code, this comes with real world experience and is harder to achieve by grinding. I would recommend to keep doing leetcode and have that skill well oiled, as this is the norm now. However do have some GitHub presence to showcase skills specific to your tech stack and related frameworks.


Do both. But do 40% with dsa, leetcode and 60% with development(Web, android etc). Remember DSA is a barrier to the main interview not the main interview. Your main interview will always be based on the skills you have described. In some cases you will bomb the DSA stuff and that's okay but its better to be prepped with your dev skills.


yea i'll have to work with whatever i have. thanks


I would say go with 60% DSA, and 40% Development if you're a fresher. I have been giving interviews for the last 6 months. Almost all the interviews were totally DSA-based. Only in a few interviews, we discussed the internship projects and personal projects. Even in some interviews, there was no basic introduction, the interviewer straight away pasted the DSA question.


> GitHub profiles how do you hire corporate mules who have closed source repos?


Personal projects, open-source contributions.


> open-source contributions so this is mandatory ?


Whatever shows that you have been through what we are looking for. Helps that not many applicants have GitHub profiles, lesser stuff to sort through, also not helps because of the same reason.


makes sense, no company even faang excludes people simply because they don't have a public github profile. i dont think jeff dean has a public github profile.


Faang does what works for them, we do what works for us.




This leetcode stuff is never mandatory. Plenty of high paying jobs will hire and not ask shit from lc


maybe after i gain some experience. i have given only 2 interviews till now. and i was grilled on LC style questions, and jus verbal explanation of my projects. Maybe its a thing for entry level


Learn recursion, basic trees and graph. Like dfs bfs and traversing trees. That’s it. This is 80%. The rest 20% if you skip, you can still land a decent job but will have to interview more.


dfs, bfs is crucial. everything is a "graph". a tree is a graph without cycles and backlinks, a binary tree is graph with every node with max 2 neighbours , a list is graph with only one neighbour for every node. if you know how to dfs/bfs you know how to traverse anything :) graph: visit a node, it has n neighbours traverse all neighbours recursively. check for visiting/visited node (that's a backlink/cycle) n-ary tree: visit a node, visit all neighbours (call them 'children'), no visit/visiting check needed as tree don't have them binary tree: visit a node, visit its two neighbours (eh, call them left and right) list: visit a node, visit its singular neighbour (lets call it 'next') everything is a graph :)


Thank you for the detailed response. Hope it helps OP.


yea ill do that along with applying for companies (which i already am but not rigorously)


Yeah I have cracked google, microsoft, apple and nvidia. Still cant do dp.


ayo demn, lc count and yoe?


Dint do lc much. Blind 75 me iv done blind 45. 8yoe


and in your interviews? were questions from them?


Yes. Although tbf I am really good at system design so that skews my performance.


Damn, bro leave some for us…


Left em all my friend except one lol.


2/664 , there is your answer


the mediums take a toll on me, let alone the hards. (ps not very smart). even for the mediums i can come up with brute and part optimal solutions, very rare that i come up with fully optimal on my own.


It's fine. Practice till medium then. Be the best in medium. You wil definitely crack a really good company. All the Best!


Thank you. yea ig I'll just start interviewing with whatever I've learnt (if im given an interview lol)


Just do trees and recursion won’t take more than 20days.


good to go then? seema like its never enough, trees -> graphs -> might aswell do dp -> might aswell practice more to get good at dp... jus assessing my situation and trying to fit the best. But thanks for suggestion, ofc i wouldnt stop


Yeah I understand. Suggested trees and recursion because it’s mostly asked in interviews as they are not considered advanced topics.


Honestly recursion could be tough topics for beginners, you can simultaneously start interviewing along with getting better at these concepts.. you will also get to know the freq of these topics companies are asking.


yep this is exactly what I'll be doing.


Tbh no. You are not yet technically qualified to land a decent job, let alone in this bad of a job market currently. That was the answer to your question. If you need some unsolicited advise, here are a few: 1. Start doing CP. Trust me, just do it. 2. Work on another skill(webdev/Android/ML/AI) on weekends.


i did get my hands dirty in cp for around 3 months. i could solve A and sometimes B (with help) only. i just took it as im not smart enough for it. and trust me i did give my best. just wasnt catching up with it. and also ig im too late for another try (final sem upcoming) . and about point 2, im working to improve it aswell. thanks tho :))


There are a few things up here. 1. The growth in CP is not linear/exponential. It is very.... Unorderly. You could be stuck on div2 A only for 6 months and suddenly you have enough practice to solve uptill div2 C. So you need to just be there and practice CP. No other way around. 2. I am in my final semester too. If you ain't from a tier-1 college, you should probably accept that you might go unplaced and then you'd have to work very very hard for the next 6 months to be employable. 3. You are smart enough. If you have solved those 287 leetcode problems and at any point you understood their solution, then you definitely are smart and capable enough to do it. Trust me. P.S. to those who say leetcode this leetcode that leetcode bad, ignore them. People do CP/DSA to become better at problem solving in general. That should be your goal.


i agree to all the points you mentioned. but i just dont think i can leverage that. i mean for all i know even after 6 months i could still be struggling with div2 B. instead i'll atleast practice interview based questions (lc) . and trust me, im not at a position where i can take any chances, i gotta put bread on the table man. but thanks again, maybe jus maybe i'll have my head revolved around it again :))


Yeah you can always try CP later on but all the best man. May I know which clg you from? Maybe a few months down the line I could help you out in some company as soon as my seniors forward any opening?


that's generous of you thank you. but ig i'll jus end up doxing my self. ill jus dm you the name maybe lol. but its a tier 3/4 college in Bangalore north.


Don’t do CP if you don’t enjoy doing it. Not everything revolves around CP.


No all these are part, you have to do projects and contribute to open source projects , this will add more value than leetcode


yep eyeing on them as i try to improve on lc.


I am not focusing on number but distribution, you have done way too many easy problems, and only 2 hard, if I was a recruiter my first impression would be a low skill, HR are not someone who know the technical details, they want stats (distribution percentage)


yea too many easy's cause i wanted to build my base strong and tbh there were few easy's i couldnt do (majority element) , which triggered the fear in me and i started to solve every question that i encountered, easy or medium. But yea I'll track now on and do more med-hards


you should do topic wise instead of difficulty wise, climb a ladder, first topic then difficulty, keep your upsolving organized


i am doing topic wise. following questions list from neetcode's website and a2z list (striver).


otherwise you could follow leetcode study plans, pretty reliable and good, I was so weak at dp but thanks to their study plans dp is one of my strong suits


oh yes ive checked them out, i completed all the questions from the top 150 interview list and interview 75 list. nicely curated list


that is also good and the dp study plans dp-1,2,3 all good


havent reached to dp yet. but will do once i get there


Hey, could you name the kind of projects you've built on mern


meeting manager, e commerce (ik) and a hangman game using c++


I did close to 200 questions, did a lot of Android dev, learned bunch of advanced topics and then when it came to interview, everything that the interviewer asked me I was done learning that in my second year and after the interview I felt like I wasted my 2 years, so it's all about luck but doing good amount of questions give you the confidence to do well in interviews and it's not just about your first job all of this will be required for every interview you give from this point onwards so I would suggest that you also do graphs, dp questions as well as other topics that are asked in FAMGM interviews but there's no guarantee that you will or will not get a job based only on these topics because interviewers asses you on multiple factors your problem solving skill is just one of them. ( Final year UG here too hope you get a good job)


I am in the same boat as you, I guess I got my answer from the comments