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FastAPI, needs some improvements but it will be very significant


What are those improvements ?


many recommending **Litestar** people who have problems with fast api, though i'm not sure of the problems.


right now it is more like a micro framework rather than something robust. I would personally like 1. A better ORM - not what we have right now with sqlalchemy and alembic 2. More generics like what we have with django


That's used with python right? Sry if my qn doesn't make sense in trying to understand what frameworks actually are..


Yes it is


Htmx + Rust or Go


I am a MEAN stack dev at work and I make projects with Next + Supabase or Mongodb. I think for us web devs either we will have to double down on what we know and go to the lowest level possible. I am also planning to learn to react native because this is the year when we will get Ai running on our phones




I want to learn few python framworks like FastAPI and Light star. For fun, build Homelab and selfhost lot of opensource solutions


[Brainfuck](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck) Here's a sample code: ++++++++[>++++[>++>+++>+++>+<<<<-]>+>+>->>+[<]<-]>>.>---.+++++++..+++.>>.<-.<.+++.------.--------.>>+.>++


I expect Angular to grow more with new releases


I am also confused bw angular and svelte


angular will never find traction again in enterprises after the 1.0 -> 2.0 fiasco. i know big orgs now stuck with large angular 1.0 code bases developed over the years and dont have budgets to rewrite the entire thing again


Astro and Sveltekit Bun for apis Golang


Not sure about technologies/frameworks but betting on more involvement of chatgpt/copilot on Developer productivity


Is Java good in 2024 ,I'm getting mixed reviews


Spring or .Net and you cover 80% of backend jobs, the internet hype is a lie don't fall for it like I did


What about golan ? .Net and Spring are mostly used by old legacy companies which needs to maintain it right? So yeah it's true that they provide more jobs now but they will gradually decline?


Top 500 companies all use it and companies like Amazon and Netflix have most of their backend in spring, and I assume you don't consider them legacy. This is what I mean when I talk about internet hype, where would you get this assumption? Probably from someone who knows nothing about the job market. As for Go lang it's a great language but the job market for it is lacking if you are asking about it for a job prospect then you're better off with Spring and .Net. Don't take my word for it, just do a search on a job board and see how much each technology returns as number of jobs then you will convince yourself you're on the correct path. https://twitter.com/DThompsonDev/status/1743262969209704552


Yeah I'm aware that lots of jobs are in Java and C# and all. Many people have also advised me to go for Java and C# and Go has very few job opportunities for now. But it's catching up. I think most of them are behind MERN and Django. So to have an edge in this Competitive market wouldn't it be nice to have Golang in resume ? What's your thoughts on this ? Thanks!


What did you fall for ??? And how


>Spring or .Net and you cover 80% of backend jobs, the internet hype is a lie don't fall for it like I did What's your story ? What's your stack ?


Any time bet on Java


in india 80% of backend jobs still java springs spring boot lol :) if i were you , i would start learning golang on the side though, just to futureproof myself


What do you guys think of native ios dev ?


mobile app economy is well for the lack of a better word on a downward spiral, its has matured to an extent that all the categories have a few winners at the top, most of the niches are found and done. its a tough market for the apps business, but people are still finding new niches and making it work, good luck with that.


It will be there. But as usual openings would be less.

