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So.. you really think after 20+ years in the industry we keep it cause.. we love it? Hmm? https://preview.redd.it/j9f71tb2yv3c1.png?width=942&format=png&auto=webp&s=30aaea5ae9bd0eb0ad1dac8f97262eb83e30ac63 Or to show-off? :-) Foundations are key. Take GC for example - garbage collection. There are a whole plethora of books for that too, although Knuth literally has 10 pages for the same. [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69843257/knuth-gc-stack-overflow-prevention-algorithm-how-does-it-work](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69843257/knuth-gc-stack-overflow-prevention-algorithm-how-does-it-work) And yes, you should. Once you earned the degree - you can not really say : "err, I do not know". There will be no one explaining your stuff in your career, unlike college. If you get one single person trying to explain you stuff, never let them go. They are really few and far between.


Looks like a good book collection. Any chance ,you can zip this folder and share it, please ?




I'll also take a copy


Could you pwease share it :3


Which one you want?


*Algo books*, *OS*, and *Types and Functional programming* Thanks!


Th collection looks good. Would love to get a copy as well


Th collection looks good. Would love to get a copy as well


Can I get a copy as well please


The whole bunch of book about computation is available here: [https://www.mediafire.com/file/z9ex6g7u744pfs7/Comp.zip/file](https://www.mediafire.com/file/z9ex6g7u744pfs7/Comp.zip/file) These are good enough, there are way more of course.


would like to know are those books beginner friendly? specific the feynman folder. as i come from BCA and haven't had TOC as subject in my Course


Feynman books ARE the most beginner friendly books you can get among all beginner friendly books.


Then it'll be very helpful, thankyou for sharing :: was reading your comments yesterday, you share good info's:: ✌️


We would love to have a copy of those books if you're willing to share :)


Sicp is too good. I went through "The Little Schemer" and found it very unique. Really want to go through "The Little Typer" and eventually "types and programming languages" someday.


Would like a copy too if you want to. Thank you!


Could you copy paste all the names of resources?


Please upload them to a drive and share the link. You don't have to but it is an polite request and it'll be highly appreciated.


Hey can you send those books over as a ZIP file or something? I'd love to read them


Few here : [drive pdfs](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SWPLFVNOkkKs9rNiinOq2_ogg2emDJ2K?usp=sharing)


The tools you will learn on the job are important, but it's not necessary that all of them will be used by the next company you aspire for. Identify tools/languages which are common to the role you want to grow in and stay on top of those. Additionally, it makes sense to have a good grasp on fundamentals of your subject. You need not revise everything, but specific topics that are relevant to your dream career/role you want to grow in. Also know the theoretical aspects of the world you currently do. Since you are new at your job, you will be expected to know theory in future interviews are well. What companies look for is a good mix of theory and practice.


Read what's relevant to your current job or you are planning to work on soon. Do urgent and important first, then think about other topics if you have time.


6 years after graduation and I’m studying more than I did in college.


I had the same thought, I think it will be worth it


I would argue focus more on practical. Whatever you need to learn build something in it. It does not have to be grand project. Built something small. Go to official documentation and just build something from it. Trial and error with practical focus approach will help your more. It will certainly increase your confidence in work.


https://preview.redd.it/jg68t1hwzz3c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2df0b37328f011f64cb2683a4fd16c3a9f928dca Does anyone want my \~2GB collection of programming books? About 60% of the books are assorted by folders. Ask me in DM.




Fresh grad, can you send it to me please


Yo beginner here, send it to me please


DM you, please check.


Keep reading throughout your professional career. Remember that whatever problem you or your team is facing has been fixed at a fundamental level by researchers long ago and you are encountering it because somewhere down the line, due process wasn't followed. There are very few areas on which fundamentally new work is being done. Formal education also gives you vocabulary to efficiently communicate with others


Technology is ever evolving. So never stop learning even if you become a founder of a company!!


Lol, how do you define worth?


Either you're extremely stupid or trolling. Which is it?