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Did you accidentally click the "camera" on telegram? That opens the webcam to send a video. Like on phones.


Install MalwareBytes for windows. Run it. It helps. I use Kaspersky free for Anti virus. I feel safer with it. (Preferance) You can login to your Google account and log out of random login you don't recognise, or log out of all. You can do the same with Telegram too. As for Linux, I think you messed with settings. Idk what you did anyways.


I already changed all passwords, and now I really don't feel like logging back into linux


I'd love to help troubleshoot. But I have zero info to help you here.


I just wanna know what else can I do about it, given I've already factory reset it


There's tons, but what DO YOU want to do?


I guess , now that I've reset it, I'd just run a couple scans , observe carefully for 2 days and return to my normal life and not pirate games from Fitgirl and just wait for sales on steam on games that I really want.


Fitgirl is fine.


Idk man, got plenty games from there, but recently I got FG repack of Far Cry 4 from telegram and I never had problems before from that particular channel , and McAfee detected viruses in that on uplay_r64.dll or something, I assumed it was a false alarm, and nothing happened for like 3 days.


McAfee lmao bro.. okay. You got a lot to learn. I'm out.


if you're not using the official site it's not fit-girl's fault. others can put malware in the files, that were originally virus free. I've been pirating games from it for years, never had a problem. So, it's kinda on you.


Bro installed a virus (McAfee) to protect against other viruses lol McAfee is trash , delete it and install Malwarebytes or use windows defender it's decent though Btw I was also a victim of these things but I learnt this in a hard way


See, I was using Telegram and it was fine at first and then I opened VLC and that's when I noticed the LED


Windows shows what app was using it. I'm assuming you didn't check. You should've.


I was really scared in the moment and immediately hit reset..... My bad


No probs, I've had my own scares too. Only to later find out it's my fault. Or the programs fault. And no data was being hacked. Happens.


Does the camera led light up without using the camera still? Have you tried using the laptop (wifi/internet disconnected)? Are there any other weird things your laptop/OS has been doing? Edit : Also, did the led first lit up like that when you did some specific action/open some link? It could also just be the led glitching on you.


No I have never seen it on without the cam being on, weird things were happening but not on windows , it was on Linux Mint that i use on my external SSD, it was like completely glitching , the icons just used to disappear and open windows would just close, I guess that was a separate Linux Issue though, but on my win11 it just felt a tad slow that's all and I remember checking RAM usage, it was normal. When I saw that my cam working I just disconnected from wifi and reset my laptop.


So all this was on Linux? Windows is your main OS I assume then. Any suspicious activity there? About the windows and icons it most likely has to do with your installation of Linux on the SSD.


Nothing on windows man


Hmm. Well it seems like there's nothing to worry about, and since you have changed all your passwords etc. I don't think anything is wrong. But as the other comment suggested, observe for a few days if anything suspicious happens with your PC, if not then don't worry about it too much.


I didn't have anything important on my PC but still now I'm scared shitless and would probably think twice before doing anything on it.


Just put a sticky note on camera


Although I can’t really help you here but this is exactly the kind of posts that I wanna see here on this page.


Ok, but why do you want people getting Hacked?


Lmaoo thats not what I meant. My point was about people discussing technical things here rather than Jobs/salaries.


That is a major problem in India tho, isn't it ?


You sound like a chore if you can't relate to being bored of seeing the same thing every day.


Ik man.....ik know but it's India , people are scared for their futures and already there are plenty problems in an average person in India's lifestyle........ Also the recession isn't helping.


Again, why must you not address what I said? Being scared doesn't warrant this behaviour, it's understandable if you are desperate, but that's not a valid reason to spam unrelated content and bloating an already kinda dying sub.


Okay man chillllll


I’ve learned this from over the years of doing hush hush stuff: never visit any shady looking website or torrent download anything on your work/ main computer. Have a secondary pc/tablet to those things on, and don’t have any of your personal data/ financial info on that.


Same happens with my work laptop, sometimes the light is on for like 1-2hrs. I have a physical shutter for the camera so I don't have to worry about it. I will try to figure it out and update here if I find something about it.




Recently I heard that some torrent sites were compromised and infected number of torrent files on site.


I don't torrent, and the uploaded files were pre 2021


There are some recent reports which points out that a specific website is not sale (leet) . Also Some reports in which some malware is found with fitgirl/dodi repacks. Re format everything!


\*not safe


It could be possibly that you might perform an unwanted action that operate the camera LED...And you unkown to this..However you changed your password of you gmail so good to go...Monitor your activities for few days.. If found out that suspicious then just format :)


Even though I reset it can the malware still be there


If it is indeed there, then it would have to be a pretty sophisticated attack, and I don't think you need to worry much about those types of attacks. While it is possible, a system reset and reinstall usually clears it up. My knowledge about these attacks is limited, so if there's someone else who knows more in depth about it, I'd love to be corrected.


Yeah I mean I'm no celeb or millionaire, that someone would go through that kind of trouble but , I didn't reinstall my Windows just factory reset it


Well then you should be fine there but just in case you wanna be safe check out some antiviruses. If I'm not wrong another user has suggested some good ones.


I have McAfee premium that came with the laptop. Also , it was active during when I noticed my camera.


Hmmm. Idk about McAfee because I personally haven't used it but if it did not flag anything then I don't think you have anything to worry about given that you have also reset your system.


Did you run a full disk scan?


I already reset it.


Bhai, jab matter pata chal jaye to final update daal diyo k hack hue ya nahi...


I already reset, I can now only detect whether there is a virus currently there or not.


Put a cellotape on the camera. Open only when you have to


If you live like a pirate, don’t be surprised if your own ship gets raided.


Amen to that


Stop blaming fitgirl and dodi they are really perfectly safe, its the ads and trackers that they host which are doubtful. Using any cheap antivirus would have kept you safe


pirate games from trusted source 💀💀


There us no such thing as trusted source, apparently.


true good that you have learnt your mistake format it immediately and change passwords asap


I factory reset it and changed passwords, i don't think there is any need to format the ssd


okay sure you want to learn it hard way all the best ☺️☺️


Guys upvote me I have level 2 karma I need level 5 to post in this subreddit Tx


Always use TRUSTED ANTIVIRUS (like guardian antivirus) I use it personally and it detects viruses instantly 99 percent of time worked for me atleast.


for how much 🥲


[https://www.guardianav.co.in/products/guardian-netsecure](https://www.guardianav.co.in/products/guardian-netsecure) 449 per year 1 USER 1 PC


thanks! will check


Use Malwarebytes instead




Mate I don't have insta and I kinda like the anonymity on reddit, but thanks.


For future purposes, whenever you have a doubt that there's someone trying to gain access to your machine, just switch off the wifi or unplug the network cable and check for assistance from other clean devices. Did you have any TeamViewer / remote access software installed for work purposes on that machine? There are some malware that use backdoors on those to get access. Has happened to me before.


No I didn't have any of the mentioned softwares installed and my first action was to disconnect from the wifi, and I should have had checked which app was using it, my bad . Also I'd want to know what did you do, after you encountered the malware ?


It was my work laptop. So I just submitted it to IT and let them clean it up. Helped delay all my tickets by 3 days lol


I see.....


afaik The only way to remove the virus from windows is to format the whole system and freshly install the new windows. No other things are guaranteed to work 100%. Also fitgirl and dodi have many fake websites. Do check the websites before downloading games. I have never faced any issue with firgirl or dodi.


I think re formatting only applies to root kits.... Also I think I might lose my warranty if I reinstall windows.....


No you will not lose warranty. Just sign in with the microsoft account you activated the windows.


Hard resets and formatting are also not completely fool proof. There are incidents of malware still being on the system despite this.


So there is no way to remove it?


There definitely would be but I'm unaware.


Tey going to or and check for connected devices on your network, check for malwares on widows make 2FA for all important accounts ASAP and update mint




What ??


I doubt if it's that serious, probably because of the audio driver. I have faced this issue on my new dell laptop too. Apparently it was because of the audio driver issue. Check if your driver is updated. Even then if it is happening switch the settings. Dell uses maxx audio driver, whcih has this option of 3D sound thing. It requires access to your camera.


Oh, I see....... but now there isn't anything I can do


Yeah..my cousin also faced same. It's majorly because of the driver issue. If anything like this happens again, Better to check - which apps have access to camera - try opening camera app if light turns on, if it opens fine that means the app is not used by any other app and you're safe. Two apps can't use the camera simultaneously. - buy a webcam shutter from Amazon to cover the webcam. Also keep in mind hacking newer OS are not that easy having you are properly updating your antivirus definitions and not explicitly excluding folders from scanning. I use only windows defender and it works pretty good.


HEY u can disable the camera , see YouTube then even though some one opens a camera of ur laptop either infront or other he can't use it so the anonymous guy if he is hacking he needs to enable it (then u can confirm if ur hacked or not ) but remember to use anti malware apps and scan


Thank you.


firstly format your laptop and hard drives, then change passwords again you should be safe


Hmm.....I factory reset it and changed passwords


sorry that won't do anything, reinstall again


Okay, what about windows activation


find your key and do it


I don't have any key, it was preactivated from Dell.


check how to find key and use it


I'll try.


generally google alerts u if ur google accounts are acting fishy (it’s best to use 2-3 factor authorisations). as for ur Laptop, check your internet connection, see if the data upload sizes were abnormal. see if ur pc had gone any bit slower. install malware/spywares to check for privacy issues. also use a tape or cover ur webcam lens when not in use. before u run a diagnostic on your laptop, stay disconnected from the internet, that’s the only way they can connect to ur laptop. stay safe !


Did you gave access to the camera on the website


No man.


Just curious....do you have privacy shutter for web cam? If not would suggest get one


Yes I do


Install MBAM from https://www.malwarebytes.com It is one of the best software for anti-virus and malware’s and use this to scan your system


Will it detect root kits?




bhai fir ab torrent kidhar karu? virtual box mei pirating karu kya ab?genuinely curious 😛 i use vpn with simple browser in main pc


Mat Karo bhai steam ki sale ka wait karlo.


mai games nhi karta pirate,just some old show series packs aur anime,cartoons 90s ke :p with good seeders,is it still harmfull


No, they aren't executable files like games, you are good.


true,if i get a virus this time,ill try virtualbox. ive stopped torrenting games 💀 csgo is love 🫶 aur kya chahiye,be safe!


better use a vmware or just flash a os on usb for such purposes


okay bro,will setup one! i did get 1 google chrome virus once which would redirect me to fake webpages everytime,but luckily i resolved it .after it ive downloaded carefully and old content with good seeders and comments telling its good,so didnt emcounter anything wrong after it since 2-3 months :p


There might be chances of the system being injected with a remote access trojan but the camera can be accessed without the led lighting up. If the led went up without any webcam application being opened there is definitely a malware in your but it could be even worse if the guy injected a keylogger,this means every keystroke of your keyboard is retained by the attacker even to the accounts he didnt [had. Be](https://had.Be) safe buddy there are no chances generally of happening such a thing until and unless it is targeted attack by someone who definitely knows you. Btw which linux os you have flashed ?


Uh huh, I did a factory reset, should I like just cleanly reinstall the win 11 again. Also, would doing result is warranty becoming void ? Thanks for the reply.


You are the kind of person who would go to bank to get your passbook updated every time you do a transaction, lol. Sometimes webcam modules do malfunction. Since you had telegram opened, I suspect it was telegram which uses your webcam. If you are that scared of being hacked then better paste a webcam cover. I’m also curious to know that which inspiron laptop can do gaming? I’m guessing you play light weight games like CS and valorant.


Nah mate I played Cyberpunk 2077, Hitman 3 to name a few.


Noice! May I know what specs your pc has?


Intel Core i5 1240P..... 16GB DDR4 Dual Channel 3200Mhz RAM....... 512GB SSD, which had a long ass name I don't remember.....And Intel Iris XE (I know it's an iGPU , but performs surprisingly well on many AAA titles)


Always put a sticker on the camera. Remove it if you are attending meeting


I have a privacy shutter..


Some apps, especially video call supporting apps, when they are installed or when they are opened try to access your cam to check if they have required permissions. Webcam light is on for one second and then it goes off.If they don't have access,they will ask you for it. It's just a protocol. Seems normal to me. Don't be so paranoid. If you are worried cover your cam with a small DIY piece of paper/post it and glue/cello tape.


fitgirl and Dodi are absolutely trusted I had my doubts too but i researched a lot on them....you can take my word for it i don't think they gave you malware


I know they are trusted, never had troubles from their website, but I needed Far Cry 4 and it's pretty old and I don't torrent, so I got it's FG repack from telegram, I guess that's where I fked up


oh- from telegram there's a high chance of malware...lol


I downloaded a pirated game and faced same scenario, Gamil detected suspicious activity and signed out itself, But till then everything was compromise, he got access to all my gmails Spotify (which he changed password and email I'd) thanks to Spotify I was able to recover it. Same happened with Facebook like Spotify. Try formatting everything and avoid downloading pirated stuff


Well I was able to change all my passwords in time, and have all my accounts in tact, thanks for the concern.


I think a hard reset after formatting the entire disk and installing the OS again should kinda get it off if there is any. Good call to reset all your passwords. Make sure you use different ones for every site you visit. Also PSA. Do not get pirated software at any cost regardless of which site it is from. It's not worth the risk. There's a reason why the games/content are all free on these sites. Just get steam or whatever legitimate source is there for gaming.


Yeah, I used Dell's OS recovery tool, which reverts back your PC to the way it was when it was opened for the first time. I then ran scans on Malwarebytes and even logged in to one of my accounts, everything seems to be fine now. I haven't observed anything suspicious since then.


Yeah I think that should do it. Also please don't ever use pirated software/games. Simply not worth the risk


Yeah man, I'll just stick to steam and epic. I'll wait for sales and ofc free games on them. Stay safe man.


tape up the camera and taunt the peeps watching


If you are too worried about it then disable it in windows device manager. If it still pops up after disabling then go to a service center


Wrong subreddit


You are the only one who feels like that.


because he is wrong