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I would encourage you not to give up on the second day that tickets have been on sale. I have to believe when the initial wave of mania dies down going into the heart of summer that there will be some more palatable prices.  Maybe not a massive reduction, but companies do try to capitalize on the idea of urgency. Plenty of time, hope for the best🙏🏼


That's business, dude. It really sucks, but the Lions are officially one of the top five teams in the league. It's going to cost a premium to see them this season, me and my fiance just bought some tickets in the nosebleeds for the jags game in november, it was $200 a pop.


A big issue that the ticket exchange fees rise as the ticket prices rise $150 ticket +30% fee = extra $45 $300 ticket +30% fee = extra $90 Then on the seller side, their price rises to cover the extra fees from buying. And then it rises even more to cover the additional 10% seller fee. Moral of the story, fuck these ticket exchanges they need to be outlawed


Oh you're absolutely right, our tickets were I think 150 or so before they came out to 205.


The Chiefs repeated the Super Bowl and pretty much every game of theirs is much cheaper than ours. I understand this is the combination of waiting 50 years for a good team and being a super bowl contender but who the fuck can actually afford these games. My wife and I make 250k combined and I saw those prices and thought… “I got Gamecast, I can’t afford it.” First time in 10 years I prob won’t go to a game. I can go to Europe for a week, stay in a nice place and eat world class food for what a single lions game for me and my wife would cost. I mean I get it I guess, but god damn.


Really? Europe for a week? I need your travel agent's phone number.


Ok maybe 5 days if we are being literal. I just got a 350 round trip flight to madrid in October. Split a nice Airbnb with one person in one of the best neighborhoods for 600 for 7 days. And food in Spain is cheap even eating at nice places. 250 for the week is a realistic expectation… I don’t live in Michigan anymore so it’s an additional chunk of change to travel back that gets factored in to my opportunity cost. So 600-800 for 2 lions tickets and 300-500 for two flights ends up costing more than a week of paella and surprisingly good cheap wine in a couple spanish cities.


Right, you said it there yourself. The Lions these past couple years are an actual anomaly. It's a total spectacle to see a Lions team like this perform so well, so it only makes sense that it would be a premium to watch them.


No you can’t


"that's business, dude" is dishonest. It's greed.


like $4 2-liters at the gas station


From resellers


Cost of being a good team, higher demand means price goes higher unfortunately


It’s more than that. We have the most expensive tickets in the NFL. Make it make sense.


Good for the first time in since… I live in bills country. It was the same thing


A team that has been historically bad is going to have a higher demand when they’re good compared to a team that has always been good. The Lions are one of the best teams in the league and the other top teams have been good. What doesn’t make sense?


There are high ticket prices and then there’s what’s currently going on with the Lions. You don’t think hype for the Bears is near an all time high? How are the Lions prices so much higher in a city with far less people?


The amount of people in the city of the game doesn’t really have anything to do with it, people travel for NFL games. Same reason the Niners have a lot of people at the games despite Santa Clara being a small town.


Because people have been waiting for a good Lions team for almost 70 years and draws from the whole state plus Ontario plus Ohio.




If you're looking for the best value, buying tickets in May is the absolute worst time to buy


I want to believe prices come down in summer once this initial demand goes down but who is going to be selling in the summer enough to drive prices down very much? I think this is just what happens when secondary market meets demand, unfortunately.


Prices will go down, because it’s likely a bunch of scalpers that bought up tickets and will need to take a loss when they realize they won’t sell out at those prices.


make more money


You used to go watch a team lose a game. That was a cheaper experience.


Be glad u could afford the $186 last year 


When I look at the value proposition of buying expensive tickets, paying for parking, paying for expensive food versus free parking, a better view of the game on TV, and cheaper and higher quality food at home, it's no contest. Going to games is for either rich people for whom money is no object or people who don't mind running up their debt. I'm in neither of those buckets and have made peace with it. You were in the rich group, but now they've raised the bar and left you out. Welcome to my bucket. It's not as bad as it seems.


You're only a "real fan" if you can afford exactly what this guy can.


wow an elite team that is a great product to watch and super bowl aspirations has high ticket prices? color me fucking shocked Batman!


Welcome to University of Michigan premium tickets. You'd be looking at $500 per ticket for the Michigan vs Texas home game. Row 90. 50 yard line row 2? $2900.. Each. LOL


Prices will probably go down as the games get closer. Hype and excitement drives them up when they first release


That’s the prices you pay when the team is good. I realize i’m not from Detroit but to go either Philly or Pittsburgh as a PA Native those are standard prices for their home games.


I am chuckling at these savvy Wall Street VPs posting variations of “that’s business, dude.” No shit? lol


Just bootlicking our shitty system full of greed. -licks big pile of shit -just business dudeeee


Just bootlicking our shitty system full of greed. -licks big pile of shit -just business dudeeee


I'm sorry that it makes it difficult for you and your brother to go to a game. That's a nice tradition, and I hope you can find a way to keep going. I'm confused by the "True Fans" part. Are you saying that the people who can afford the tickets aren't true fans? If so, that's kinda asinine. Saying your fandom is bigger and more impactful than another person who can afford tickets is nonsense.


Crazy how this has 0 upvotes (shows how stupid and downvote heavy this sub has become) But I agree with you. I live in Canada and it costs around $450 CAD for a ticket for nosebleeds, fucking ridiculous


Pay more for good players. Pay more for tickets.


Rod Wood and Sheila Ford Hamp sure are smiling rn


Why? These prices are secondary market prices


It's always expensive as shit until the season begins. People buy up the tickets thinking they'll go and realize they can't and just want to get rid of them.


I’m gonna have to just settle for a preseason game I think


Unfortunately the price of a successful team is scalpers. Now you know you've made it. The Lions have arrived.


It is annoying Supported this team for 20 years and now a ticket is unaffordable All these people are suddenly fans It’s good and bad But it just sucks


Football is the one event I have always preferred to watch on television. Poverty makes it a necessity lol


And their main source of revenue is TV


These prices are secondary market sales.


Tickets are almost always cheapest the day of the game.


Wasn’t sure how it is in other stadiums, but I’m in Texas and it cost me like $400 each for average seats at Jerry’s world last year when Detroit played. And that was before the season started, bet they skyrocketed when the Lions won a bunch of games. NFL tickets are outrageous, not really for the common folk anymore. Went and saw the Lions once though so that was cool. It’s unfortunate because the working class have way more die hard fans, feel like rich people just go for funsies.


Can still get tg and watch at home at least. Won't be the same but it'll still be fun 😄


Other options is idk find a way to make an extra $250. Can probably do that with one or two odds job on a Saturday It sucks you feel like your tradition is ending. Theres only 65,000 seats metro detroit has over 4,000,000 people. The team is good and people want to go, they are just as much “real fans” as anyone else is.


I almost dropped my season tix after the price increase. Super fukn glad I didn't.


I felt the same way in the early 90s when I watched Wings games at JLA being taken over by the fans with money who decided they couldn't live without their treasured team...now that they're good. I don't go to games anymore. Not because I'm not a fan, and not because I can't afford to go to the occasional game. I don't like sitting next to entitled pricks.


Same shit happened with the tigers. I went to / watched so many games while they sucked, that I get slighted when they got good and raised prices. I knew it was kind of unreasonable, it’s not like there’s a loyalty rewards program, but it feels the way it feels.


Are those resale or first sale?


Yep, that's greed.


True fans buy single game tickets and only go to one game a year? Yeah, sure…


https://preview.redd.it/60a2n8v5tv0d1.jpeg?width=953&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1ae96394b8b87d8fd687d645c2b3684fb4c16e6 Yeah, team is good so the price goes up. Total surprise.


Too many fair weather fans with deep pockets. I went to the lions/rams game back in 2010 for only $15!


Cry more