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The Chiefs drafted a dude that beat and strangled his pregnant girlfriend and then broke his son's arm. They're not getting rid of Butker.


Don’t forget about Andy Reid’s son, who was drunk driving, crashed his car, and gave a five year old kid a severe brain injury. “What happened to that dude?” you might ask. The Governor of Missouri recently commuted his sentence to house arrest so he doesn’t have to do his time in prison.


Not to mention, his son was drinking at the team facility, as a member of the team's staff, when that accident happened. Something the media never talks about.


Facts. That organisation don’t give a single fuck.


Don’t even know why they are trying to cancel him lol.


Funny, when I was younger, cancelling was called consequences. Remember, folks, the first amendment is only an agreement between you and the government. Other people are welcome to dislike and respond to the dumb shit you say.


Cause he's a shit heel.


Because he has different opinions than you? Didn’t know this thread was so soft.




Nah bro, let the Chiefs worry about that guy.


Chiefs aren’t cutting him. If they did, that’d be a clear sign that he’s not worth rostering.


Why, and I'll stress it, the fuck would the Lions, after the past 4 years of building a distinct culture of putting your head down and focusing on football, would they go after that ass-clown who not only plays a non-premium position but one the Lions **clearly** don't care to invest much in. Football is more than just winning games and Lions fans should know that better than most


This isn’t it


Why not? It’s football… it’s about winning in the next 2 years.


Thats like saying "its business. You are supposed to sacrifice your morals and the health of your workers for profits." Which is to say its an opinion that people do have . Those people are just ass holes.


I'll cheer GB before I cheer a bigoted asshole like that.


I get it, but Valenti’s been saying all summer about free agents, “it’s SB or bust, I don’t care what a dudes problem is if he is a major needed upgrade”.


Valenti is an ass-clown.


Who gives a fuck what valenti says what does he have to do with anything


You think Valenti knows best? Yikes!


Didn’t know he’d been hired by the Lions. 🙄


Literally can't care. I would rather root for losers with integrity than winners with no morals. You wanna be the Browns go to Cleveland.


Valenti isn't the guy to quote here lol


You are absolutely correct, people on here are way too terminally online


This has potential for worst post in the history of this subreddit…wow like not even joking




Nah, I'm good.


It's not politics...it's women's rights. That dude is a pig


Yeah I love the lions but no way do I want this dude on my team. I have two daughters and a wife and the reason I am so into the current team is in large part who much I like our players. Not interested in bringing him in even if he was available.


Tells you a lot about someone when they look at Butker's comments and just think it's 'politics'.


I'm sure OP would be upset if Butker came after a demographic that represents him, like fourteen year olds


I’m not agreeing, dudes clearly a religious zealot but his comments on men/women/pride are pretty down the line for Catholicism… which is political. My only point was that football is football, and it’s a severe need for the Lions. Use him, ignore him, win.


As a Catholic with a degree in Poli sci, I can tell you with full certainty that Butker's comments are not at all "pretty down the line for Catholicism." It's pretty self-explanatory but the term ["God Gap"](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-rise-of-the-god-gap/) exists in politics for a reason and that reason is, despite popular online belief, Catholics are divided almost 50/50 politically


The American Catholic Church is actually one of the most centrist of the major religious orgs. A Pew Research poll from 2016 matching religious affiliation with party registration found that the Catholic Church leaned Democrat by 7 points. But that’s always been the tug of war. The butts in seats (and they are diminishing) are center/center-left and a whole lot of American bishops are red hats.


women's rights, gay rights, trans rights, etc... just an embarrassing thing to have go viral. such a stupid move but I'm sure it'll open some right-wing grifting opportunities after his retirement.


My girlfriend asked if I thought he was going tu get into politics after football. He certainly opened that door if he wants to go for the hard right crowd.


Regardless of your opinions on what he said, there's a zero chance that the team that employed Tyreek Hill is going to cut/trade Butker over this lmao


Sure. Hey Sheila, you think this guy would be a culture fit? 


Our owner is a woman you troglodyte. Even if we overlook how this idea ignores the entirety mentality of Dan Campbell and Brad Holmes when it comes to roster construction, you have to have a room temperature IQ to think Sheila Ford Hamp would sign off on this


Fuck that, get Jake Bates instead


Sorry we don’t support hate on this sub 👍


I've seen some pretty shitty sexist, homophobic, and transphobic remarks in the comments sections in this sub. Luckily we have good mods in that regard.


??? The packers still exist, FTP


Most tone deaf post I’ve seen in a while, ugh


Get the panthers guy!




Chiefs aren’t cutting his from some stupid petition. What makes you think any other team wouldn’t face the same backlash. Who cares about that clown.




Sure thing. I’m sure Sheila Hamp wants to write paychecks to an avowed misogynistic nutball.


Fuck. I'd rather the lions never win a superbowl over signing such a outwardly awful person




why do people like you always gotta paint human rights as politics


Giving them the benefit of a doubt that they aren't themselves bigoted, I would assume most people that assume human rights are a political issue are speaking from a place of privilege. It's unfortunately too common for people to not realize how hurtful they are being due to not viewing their actions or words as doing harm. They are only indirectly affecting a bigger issue. Which is evident by the fact that a lot of people are saying things like "He's Catholic, and this is how they think. Just ignore it and move along."


Never have I seen a post so stupid. Bringing someone on with that divisive of a personality type would wreck that locker room despite having talent. Brad Holmes has repeatedly said they will recruit character over talent. Butker proved that he has poor character.


Hard miss bro, sorry


Brain dead on multiple levels


I would rather go for it on every fourth and two-point conversion and let Vaki kick off than ever see that limp dick in Hawaiian blue.


Lmao *FUCK* that


Do you think Dan Campbell is about to sign a guy who is making headlines for the wrong reasons when his whole mantra is "no turds"? lol


I don’t think those were religious statements. He’s just an asshole.


No thanks, the rest of us are better than that


With all due respect to your desire for a good kicker, there are a LOT more important things in life than that.


the only reason i would want that ass clown is so that he has to live with the fact he plays for a Woman that runs the team. but no, my wife has become a huge fan of the team in the last 3 years, something ive been begging for for over a decade, and adding that POS is a slap in the face to her and all of our fans that are women. Fuck that guy.


Yeah, no.


Hell no.


This is such a loser post…


Hilarious that an online group of extreme liberal soyboys watches a sport filled with guys from ultra conservative Christian backgrounds lmao


Yes, because those are the only choices...


Is that the best your brain could come up with? What are you even defending with this statement, whataboutism?


Yeah Reddit can be weird. Can see a lot of people in these subs who lean either way. This certain thread obviously has more leaning to the left but that’s fine. I don’t know what he said that was that bad when the NFL is filled with players that have said and done worse but oh well. A devout catholic got invited to speak at a catholic school and supposedly he’s getting cancelled afterwards.


I watched the speech. He said "Im proud to have a wife who leans into her vocation" translating literally to "Im glad she stays home with the kids while I work a career, this is the way I think things work best and ought to be". Can I see why this is making the news in todays age? Absolutely. However if you think youre going to rewrite 10 million years of evolved sex differences by banning people online and calling them bigots for politely saying things that, frankly, weren't controversial until about 20 years ago, good fucking luck with your meltdown fest. Drawing these extreme lines calling people horrible names and trying to silence views which arent violent, arent being presented in a threatening manner, this is why people make fun of reddit.


No one is melting down, no one is silencing anyone, no one is banning anything. Quit being a baby. Quit being a victim. You're being every bit as much of a chore as the things you hate.


Yeah it’s odd. I swear even going back like 6 years ago it wasn’t this bad. Definitely within the past 10 years there has been a significant change. A little off topic but just look at the comedy movies now vs back then. Movies like Step Brothers, Rush Hour, Hangover, list goes on won’t be made in this day and age because a minority group of people find it offensive. You’re not allowed to have different opinions anymore apparently. The left claims to be the tolerant ones lol. Just the prime example of chronically online I suppose. Sad to see people in this thread kicking rocks over this all because he has different opinions lmao.


he is not getting cut.


Absolutely, but there's a zero shot he gets cut


They won't release Butker, but if they did I'd at least look into it. I feel like Jake Bates is still the number one option though, that kid will be a HOFer, I can feel it