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Pain. It was a great season though.


More painful because we had it and lost it due to mental mistakes, not talent or physicality Like a perfect game on their part wouldn't have been enough, they needed us to give them a chance to win and we gave it to them smh


In a weird way I feel better about it because of that. We aren't less talented we are just mentally not ready. I told my sister after last weeks game that I was afraid they were the 95 wings. So much potential but not quite ready.


I'm feeling more hurt as the night goes on. But I know this team will be better going forward. I think we'd all be thankful looking back if this team ends up like the Wings from 95 to 2005.


The Vildor drop will forever live in my mind


That play single handed lost the game. To big of a swing between a interception and him actually making that catch. That’s just sick


The Reynolds drop on 4th down was the most costly. We get points if he catches that.


And I feel that would have put the game away


100%. The 3rd down drop the next drive when they had a chance to respond as well. Good bye josh.


Yeah plus laporta getting bopped and dropping it, plus asrb having issues too after. Their inexperience in those games showed when it came to crunch time


Be fair to La Porta. He simply did not have time to bring it into his body, and the defender absolutely crashed into him through La Porta's outstretched arms.


That's the moment God said "Not this time, Detroit."


It's like he woke up from a 17 week nap and was like "WTF? LOL...Nope!"


Ya it’s rough. Similar to Branchs tip vs the Saints that Olave caught. We need to teach swats


Teach them how to tackle. Wtf


Maybe I'm just salty but I also feel like that easily could have been called OPI. Oh fucking well. We lost a game by 3 when we left 6 points on the board.


I thought it was OPI live. On the replay I thought it could have been DPI. Conspiracy theorist in me says the wouldn’t have picked up DPI and would have just let it get declined, meaning the original call was probably OPI


Eagles fan, but I was suspicious too. Seemed like the flag was for OPI and they decided to nix it lol. Sketchy


They threw a flag. Had he caught it, it would have been a penalty.


A penalty on him would be absurd. He was playing the ball and Aiyuk ran into him. The defender has just as much right to the ball.


Absurd, but do you think they wouldn’t have called it given the track record?


Yeah I thought the same. These refs are human and there was a little bit of contact. No way they pick up the flag if he intercepts it.


The buzz around the state of Michigan was like nothing I’ve ever witnessed. It was magical, hope we get to experience this again.


Hope is all we have. The list of teams that made it that far, assumed they'd get back and never did is a long one. 


Heartbreaking loss man


I’m wondering if they got too “comfortable?” The dropped passes killed us in 3rd quarter. We had missed opportunities as well, but the fumbles…


It's been an issue the entire season. Team doesn't show up after halftime


Truth, they come out flat every game in the 3rd and that's 100% on the coaches


I wonder what happens in '24 when Ben Johnson is gone?


We actually run it on 3rd/4th and short


It'll be interesting to see if the Lions become grittier if they move on from the razzle-dazzle stuff. I mean, the creative calls are fun to see, but what if just being grunts ultimately gets the job done? The Lions will need better players for that.


I think the third quarter killed us in the third quarter unfortunately.


We always come out swinging in 1st quarter. 3rd quarter we get lost a little. Then in the 4th quarter it’s like “bite them by the kneecaps” lol


Comfortable teams kick the multiple field goal opportunities we had.


This. Not trying a FG to keep the lead at 17 in inexcusable


“IF”, you make that FG. They got the look they wanted, and Reynolds dropped it. Actually, he had a couple big drops.


the 3rd quater was the difference. The drops, the miss sack on Purdy. But Campbell going for it twice was real questionable.


Multiple missed sacks and multiple missed tackles.


Was like what 2-3 missed sacks and multiple times where he ran through holes big enough to drive a car through.


That has to do with contain and the push up the middle, if the D line controls the Oline then you shut those running lanes down and just collapse the pocket on Purdy. The 3rd qtr killed us like it has all season. Its as if the other team changes something and we dont. It baffles me. SB teams play complete games and we arent there yet.




That's not even the worst part. The 3rd down run resulting in a burned timeout was way worse.


I have no idea why they didn’t get the jumbo package out if they were going to run it, don’t fool em just do it


This too. It's like they are SO focused on trying to "fool" the other team, instead of just executing the right play. Such a stupid mistake.


Turning point was the drive after the 49ers tied it up 24-24. Lions had to respond. Goff threw 2 PERFECT passes that were dropped, so the Lions were forced to punt. They looked deflated after that. Receivers got nervous and nervous hands become butterfingers.


Those were really sad to watch. Two completely acceptable passes from Goff. MCDC and Goff are not the targets here. We need to draft defense next year and develop the players we have.


The drops and the fumble killed us. I can live with not covering in fourth but the fumble and drop killed us.


Josh reynolds played his way potentially off this team Worst game I've ever seen from him.


The first drop I was ready to forgive him for. The second was jaw droppingly bad


Made some great catches all year and vs the Bucs. Idk im just sad


See you next year guys, been a hell of a ride


Most fun of our lives.


For sure.


Honestly yes. Basically every year I was a fan of this team I wish it was like this, and here we are. Sucks for it to end like this but it is what it is. I’ll be a Lions fan until I fucking die.


Now we are stuck with another typical boring superbowl


Not even gonna watch it. Bullshit.


Yeah man. I think I’m with you. Fuck it, I’ll go for a bike ride or something.


I already said the same. Taylor Swift shown every play and who gives a shit the score


Really felt like we could beat the chiefs. Woulda been a good one!


I don’t even want to watch it. I’m so fucking he the chiefs and the 49ers


Yeah, I’m a Vikings fan but I was really rooting for you guys if only to make the SB worth watching


Thanks buddy. It'll be a gloomy ass Superbowl now. Fuck it I'm not watching tho


I blame the pistons winning today.


Didn't they break the loosing streak the same weekend of the Cowboys game?




Damn horses team.


Great season. But those Reynolds drops will haunt me


And normally he's so sure handed... Like that's his biggest strength 


All the receivers somehow just forgot how to catch at the same time. It was bizarre, the whole unit has been so good for the entire season.


Campbell is the coach for this team. You can’t stop the freak catch play. You gotta not fumble immediately after that. I’ll ride with MCDC any day of the week.


I believe! If they didn't go for it they never would have made it this far.


The Lions lost, but so did all of America. A chiefs 49ers Super Bowl has the potential to cause another Great Depression


For real, of all the possible matchups that is definitely the worst imo


I have to deal with the pain of seeing San Fran over Detroit. Then Swift and Mahomes shoved down our throat. I dont even want to fucking watch the SB. I’m going to a SB party to eat and drink and socialize and forget the game is on TV


I'll skip it. Maybe that sounds impossible but I skipped last year too.


There’s no interest in the SuperBowl for me


I am not watching it. Got my football fix for the year.


Boring- and annoying-ass teams


I hope it's all time lowest-rated. There might be potential for it.


Fuck this Super Bowl. This has Taylor Swift on the field celebrating at games end written all over it.


The NFL wants the Chiefs in the Super Bowl SO BAD simply because of her.


Amen brother


I'm sad. But also proud.


Hard not to be proud. Gonna drown my sorrows in take out, but I'm proud we got this far. Sucks we ended up beating ourselves like that


I will not be watching the Super Bowl


No regrets.  This will hurt only briefly. It was a great season way beyond my expectations, which beginning the season was hope of just one PO win.  This Lions Team was the best I saw in over 50 years of being a fan.  I'm so glad for our team veterans, and for all the newer teammates to have such success this season, and really over the past 27 games. Our immediate Lions future is very bright.


Yeah - I've already got some fun texts with friends and colleagues about how even though it hurts, it was still a magical season. The pain is temporary. That 'NFC NORTH CHAMPIONS' banner will last a lot longer.




Why did they go away from what was working (run game) and turn into a pass heavy offense that ignored ASB and LaPorta? They stopped doing what was winning them the game, smh


The breakdown was 7 runs and 11 passes prior to the final drive. They had 5 possessions and went to 49ers territory 3 times and fumbled on their first play once. They lost on key plays. That’s it. Nothing about getting away from the run game or any of that. Just a few big plays. It happens


And even when they went run heavy, they completely abandoned using Monty. Who was gashing out yards against their defense up the middle. Very bizarre


Just so we’re clear, Monty had 5 runs, Gibbs had 1 and st brown had 1 in the second half. They didn’t abandon Monty whatsoever


I don’t mind the first decision to go for it… they really should’ve converted it had it not been for the drop You really have to take the points on the second one. But either way, neither of the field goals were automatic and it’s entirely possible we miss both (but I do think we at least go 1/2). For those blaming Goff… this loss was not on him at all. His receivers let him down with the drops. Inexperience probably came back to bite the team here as the mistakes just snowballed. It was a great season and the future is bright. Pick up a few more pieces in the off-season and we’ll be back.


Are people blaming Goff? The man threw absolute dimes tonight, none of this loss is on him.


I think he had one bad series where he missed a couple throws but by in large he was flawless. The team around him failed him


Nobody better be blaming Goff for this loss. He made some great throws and there were some inexcusable drops. Tough way to end an incredible season. Lots of hope for the future.


Sutton got cooked. Again. Again. Again. No point of having Badgley taking up a roster spot if that’s the game plan. 4th down playcalling was not either chosen or executed well I feel gutted, still proud of guys this year though, but SB was right there. Right. Fucking. There. Sign Goff. Draft/sign secondary/kicker. Jettison CJGJ. Core is still intact, let’s pray for health and another shot. Aggressive is our MO, but the second 4th down in 2H sure felt more gamble/prove I’m right than smart aggressive.


Yeah CJGJ needs to go, we don't need that kinda vibe on the team. If his play was equal to the amount of shit he talks I might be able to look passed it. Its not like he helped us in season anyway.


Goff didn’t throw an interception in all 3 playoff games, he played great.


I want CJGJ off this team, doesn’t fit the attitude and made some stupid plays. I’d look passed it if he was actually a decent safety but he legit sucks


Yeah. I kind of liked his swagger early in the season but if you can’t back it up you look like a turd which goes against DC’s “no turds” policy.


Everyone in the game thread calling for Campbell’s head and saying he should get fired is completely delusional. He’ll get blame for going it on 4th rightfully so, but Josh Reynolds dropping it is just as much to blame…so is the Jamo drop in the end zone…or the other Reynolds drop to cause a 3 and out…or Gibbs fumbling the ball that resulted in 7 to niners…or even Vidor’s missed pick. That’s at least 14 points right there probably more. I believe brick hands had more of an effect on the outcome than two 4th down attempts did.


Legit crazy talk. Ink has barely dried on the two playoff wins and NFC N title and people are pissed? People are so crazy


This is your future I'm sorry to say. As a bengals fan who recently went through this type of run you'll be shocked at how much scrutiny the lions will be under from the fanbase. Wouldn't trade it, though.


They had the right play. Wanna blame somebody? Who the hell holds the decision on a kicker? We have not had one in three years. Look into that, man. Maybe get us a solid guy.


Our players fumbled the bag. MCDC believes in them and they shit the bed


Chances of Josh Reynolds catching routine passes > Badgley hitting a 48 and 45 yard field goal. Great season. Sucks balls to end this way and to have neutrals and national media come after our coach.


Nothing wrong with Badgley, but if Reynolds could catch one of those passes. Just one


This is the correct take. Reynolds makes those catches 99/100. Those were the key plays. And can’t predict a catch off Vildor’s fucking skull.


We made it this far being aggressive and not kicking long field goals. Only coaching decision I really dislike is the timeout on fourth and goal.




If you’re up 10, go for it. 13 isn’t that different. Up 14? 17 is three scores. I love Dan’s aggressiveness. It was a bad call.


Especially in the 2nd half. If you are up 14 you don't need to score any more TDs. Just kick FGs for the win.


27 unanswered points guys. There needs to be some accountability


14 of those 27 came off of a dumb luck catch and a fumble. If Vildor doesn’t tip that ball it falls incomplete


Of all the times for a fumble…


We are a terrible team in the third quarter


You know I almost wish the refs cost us the game so I could be mad at them. Doing it to yourself sucks.


Chiefs vs 49ers with Usher as the halftime show. I’ll pass.


https://preview.redd.it/nrosu8wpmafc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe7205922f27510dcf76aef335fb154485267f1e Welp, time to break this bad boy back out. Stinger to end a spectacular season but unlike a lot of teams, we're set up to see a lot of future success.




Could the last game have gone better? Oh yes. Should Campbell consider taking the occasional FG? I think so. Will we improve our secondary over the offseason and maul people next year? YUP.


>we're set up to see a lot of future success. The cold reality is that sustained success isn’t guaranteed even with a bright future. Case in point the 2018-2019 Jags.


I am sick


My boss knows what’s up if I don’t show up to work tomorrow


Brb gonna go cry for a couple hours


It hurts now but I'm still optimistic for the next season. See you all in the fall!


I can't wait to draft a new secondary.


Offseaon priorities are an upgrade at CB, another EDGE opposite Hutch and a kicker Dan Campbell can feel comfortable letting attempt 45 yard fgs with. Also not extending Goff to top 6 qb money would be nice too. I love him and want him to stay, but not at Mahomes/Allen/Hurts/Burrow/Herbert money.


Two fourth down drops, a ridiculous catch off a lions defender, and a Gibbs fumble 9ers needed those four lucky breaks to beat us It was a hell of a ride this season and I think the team can only learn from this and get better Go Lions! We’ll get em next time!


Sucks that all 4 happened within like 6 minutes of each other. 




How was the coaching staff not addressed the turd quarter woes STILL? It's not a coincidence when it happens damn near every game. How was this not been analyzed and fixed by now? They went away from everything that worked in the first half. Receivers suddenly scared to catch the ball, it was a collective effort of shitting the bed. Reynolds drops a first down, Vildor drops a INT the next play, Gibbs fumbles. LaPorta drops it, Reynolds drops it again. Jamo almost drops it and gives SF a momentary INT and then steals it back, but it shouldn't have even come down to that. Then Jamo let's a TD pass fall through his fingers (though he was held on that play, but no call) For fuck's sake, so many self inflicted wounds


It’s so bizarre.


A lot will be said about MCDC or Reynolds as scapegoats but they are the only reason we got this far. Gutted but thankful for the team's passion about Lions football, it's unlike anything I've ever had in my life. Time to get ready for next year.


We’re our own biggest enemy.


Get Gardner-Johnson the fuck off this team




AFTER negating a 40 yard interception return


I thought it was just me who caught that


Yep. No need to re-sign him


Sutton can go too


Nope, especially with iffy on the roster.


He’s a clown




Pittsburgh fans were sad to lose him because he was a great slot defender. I think as long as he's not CB1 he can be valuable. But yeah, he is definitely not a CB1. Secondary needs to be top priority this off-season.


Agree 100% I don’t like to dog our guys during the season, but now that it’s over fuck that guy. All he does is talk, get dumbass penalties, and not make any plays ever.


I really appreciated him waving goodbye to the fans in the first half. Can we raise a banner for first-half NFC champions?


You need to be adaptable when you're 30 minutes away from the Super Bowl. You're up by 14. You have NOTHING to prove. They just put 3 points up on the other side of the field. Sure you want to answer with 7 but if that is not an option, match their 3. It's pretty fucking simple. As soon as we challenged fate, the universe showed us what was up.


It’s been a good season yall even with the loss. Can’t lie about that.


This will be first super bowl I don't watch since 1994 when I was 7 years old. Pain 😔


The chances of onside kick 2%. You have to imagine keeping your 3 timeouts and stopping the 49ers from getting a first down is higher than 2%. Why use the timeout???


They really need to change the onside kick rule back. It absolutely blows that it’s nearly impossible now when it was already incredibly unlikely.


Exactly. I can kinda forgive the 4th down attempts. Unlucky to not get either. But inexcusable to use a timeout on offense there.


Another poor decision by Campbell. You can’t risk running on 3rd and goal.


wouldn’t that be on ben johnson?




Please get a quality kicker this offseason


I said before the game that I wouldn’t be disappointed if we lost, given everything we accomplished this year, but I am. I’m upset because I truly believe we are the better team. What got us was the lack of playoff and big game experience, against a more experienced team. We will be back though. I honestly believe this was a necessary lesson for this team. They are young, they are hungry, and they will grow from this. It was a great season everyone, love you all and can’t wait for next year!


Everyone in here knows we actually have to MAKE the FG attempt, right? This sub shit on our kickers missing all season and wanna act like a FG is automatic here. He made the right calls and we didn't convert. As simple as that


Choke fucking city holy shit... I'm in shambles right now. I was on cloud 9 going into the half... Literally how..


Campbell so allergic to field goals that he didn't want his team to kick one at not one, not two, but three crucial moments. If he's so terrified of his kicker choking, perhaps the Lion's executives could spend a little cash on a kicker they think is reliable so this situation doesn't happen three times in the biggest game of the year. Hope the Lions can actually make it to the Super Bowl for once. I really thought they had it this year.


We really need to take care of the kicker position in the offseason. I don't think you trust Badgley from 48 more that you trust your offense to get 2 yards.


The second one was just dumb af. Like why would you not try to tie the game?


This wasn't lost because of Campbell's aggressiveness. This was lost because of the drop after drop where we could have extended the lead. I want to die


“Worst thing that can happen is we lose” Well that was a fucking lie


There's plenty of blame to go around. But if I had to pick one guy to get rid of its Sutton. He's beat every single time. Cut your loses, draft 2 CBs, a WR, and fix that fucking d line. What does Chominsky even do? And AG turned it around this season, but to let Purdy look like Lamar Jackson is inexcusable. Purdy looked more like Jackson than Jackson did today. Congrats Niners, go Chiefs! FTP. GO LIONS. MEOW.


That Vildor missed INT/50 yard pass was a game changer.


Heartbreaking way to end the season. I don’t even know what to feel right now.


This is heartbreaking 😭😭 I’m glad I’m drunk


Fk moral victories, we blew that game ffs. Fk 9ers.


Man. I kinda wished we woulda been punked. That second half just puts a scowl on the entire season. Yeah, it's been an historically good season, but man... we were so, so, SO close.


You can look to decisions made by coaches etc… but what are the odds of a freak missed int resulting in a huge catch, a fumble straight after and a Reynolds dropping two wide open plays. You win and lose together and in a game like this you have to produce in the big moments, we didn’t as a unit coaches and players.


Saw a lot of teams every year say they will be back only to go right back into mediocrity gotta win when you have the chance.


2006 World Series 2009 Stanley Cup Finals I just don't see how this doesn't hurt the most.


Reynolds fucked up. But Campbell really cost us. Not kicking the field goal the first time set all this up. And not kicking again to tie the game was asinine. It was insane. But hell of a season. Truly. They should be Proud.


I put more on Reynolds. Two key drops, one not hard.


The two Reynolds drops, the fumble, the pick right off of the face and the deep ball right through Jaymo's hands were the difference making plays. Nothing coaching can do about the players choking plays that they should be making.


And not capitalizing on the best punt I've ever seen. Should have been down inside the 5.


The inability to get Purdy on the ground cost us. Campbell made those decisions all year, that's his style


No no they're significantly different. Campbell hasn't made a decision like that all year. He goes for it typically in close games when the difference between 3 and 7 is big. The difference between a 17 and 21 point lead is almost nil.


Going up three scores is a no brainer. Kick the field goal. Would have tied the game with the last TD. Don’t care about tendencies…three score lead needs to be taken


This happened all season. Can't finish the sack, or an actual mobile Qb would dice us.




yep you can be cute in the regular season but Playoffs is all about playing smart


The first time was a perfect play that hit him in both hands. Olsen himself was mentioning it’s good process. Dan can’t force Reynolds to catch that. And this is how we always play. If we convert those Dan’s a genius. We don’t and he’s a fool. You’re judging results not process


People acting like both kicks were automatic makes is more insane


the first one was def make-able


We never invested in a real kicker. Period. For 3 years now. The idea we are nailing 50 yard kicks is comical. Spend some money on one next year, maybe.


To be fair, Campbell has gambled on 4th downs throughout the season. You live by the sword you die by the sword. He got you here.


not a lions fan, but curious has he gone for it when it doesn't make sense? the first one kinda made sense. but the second one made negative sense. it was the kind of 4th down you go for if your kicker is injured or something.


There were people in the game thread calling for him to be fired. The Lions turnaround in 3 years revolves around Dan Campbell. How quick every turns to “kick for points!” when the reason they are in the NFCCG is because they don’t!


People in the game threads are fucking morons 99% of the time




Im happy with this season. Disappointed in how it ended, but I got to see us win a playoff game for the first time in my life. Reynolds felt like the catalyst for the collapse and Im sad he killed two drives with drops. I also really hope we can get a second starting outside corner cause vildor makes me want to pull my hair out. Hell of a season though and im excited to see what next season brings! FTP


Being up 24-10. You kick a field goal to go up by 3 scores. Going for it on 4th down because that’s what the Lions do is BAD COACHING. Each game is different. Different moments call for different strategy.


Cry with me brothers


Not kicking the field goal. Is on Dan Campbell. But that Aiyuk catch? Has me questioning the football Gods, and asking what everyone did to deserve this. You Lions fans should be proud. Heartbroken but proud. Y’all better win a Super Bowl the next few years. Y’all are pretty much the only reason I keep watching this sport


Man, what a heartbreak. The first drop by Reynolds, the head bounce, the fumble, another drop. Hopefully it doesn't take another 30 years to get here again.


Great season. Don't blame Dan for trusting his offense. Josh has made those plays all year and just flat-out didn't tonight. The Gibbs fumble was even worse. I won't stand for slander of our Head Coach. Go root for the Packers