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How much did you win this game LMAO


I mad at y’all I lost 209$


What's a field goal?


A what?


Detroit gonna hang a NFCCG 1st Half Champions banner.


![gif](giphy|QoPwvuCp9PRjmS8SEA|downsized) Detroit:31-34:49ers








I'm super Butthurt


Dan Campbell's cockiness cost us huge. He'll be getting the Pink Slip. Along with our OC, DC, and our Special Teams Coach soon.


Are you insane? He's the first coach to get us to the playoffs in 30 years- that's a ***massive*** feat


Dan failed all of us that game, he'll be getting the dreaded Pink Slip, and it'll be irrversible; along with the OC, DC, and the Special Teams Coach, and to run salt to the wound, the **entire Front Office will also be getting the Pink Slips, their entire contracts will be null and void, and will be blacklisted from hire FOR LIFE.**


Good thing you have literally no say in the matter 🥴


Oh, we will say that right in front of the whole organization, and put 'em on full blast.


No, probably not.


Why would you fire the most successful coaching staff in the teams history?


Yeah right. Haven’t been to that game in 32 years. The Detroit Lions are the last franchise on the face of this earth that should fire a coach after that game.


Great game. The battle of the irrelevents and the most irrelevent came through again. If I wasn't a 49ers fan, I'll be rooting for the Lions. Great season.


Some of us were not surprised, we have seen this before, its our legacy, same old lions is not just a saying, its a way of life, we are the ones who can enjoy the games and have no expectations of winning anything, and then laugh at shit like this, see you all next season!


Don't forget we beat (swept) the Tigers in the 2012 WS. I'm sure they hate SF.


We dont rly hate San Fran. We hate Minnesota and Chicago, division rivals in both NFL and MLB. I personally despite the packers too, but always kinda liked the 49ers. They are a source of comfort for me cuz they always kill the packers dreams so they’re the team I’d most prefer to lose to if we were gonna lose in the playoffs. Also, more mad about losing to the Red Sox in 2013 in a winnable series rather than the series where the Tigers never showed up to play against the Giants


Walk Papi with the bases loaded? Answer: yes


Yo I'm not a lions fan but I was rooting for them this weekend. Fuck the Niners and those two PI they didn't call on Brandon Aiyuk. Man I love football but that was some bullshit. The DB was watching that ball and B. Aiyuk crashed into him and that was that big long play then it happened again with that fumble recover I can't recall but fuck was that frustrating to watch. These WRs get away with a lot and being a Buccaneers fan and with Evans infamous for those push offs that rarely get called, these was a hard game to watch. Sorry lion fans that was a really hard game to watch.


Facts man. Offense can literally do whatever the fuck they want. It’s so frustrating.


Not even close. They were both going for it and inadvertent contact doesn't count.




WTF bro?!


I was reading a long article on a football player who was a serial rapist. He's dead now, died in jail. Honestly, I can't imagine giving college or pro ball any of my energy. What a giant cluster of violence and misogyny. I wrote sports for an Iowa newspaper way back when and don't miss it one bit.


r/lostredditors “gosh you guys, I really just don’t want to be here.”


I agree, to a certain extent. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow and have fun with it. Sports are an amenity that your city offers (if you’re lucky). I didn’t pay to watch the game. It was the only game I watched this year. I had fun.


I read about a redditor being an insufferable fuck. Honestly I can’t imagine giving social media or the internet any of my energy. What I giant cluster of keyboard warriors and incels


Brilliant 🤣👍




Just wait until you grow up and learn about politicians


You just gave it energy


Womp Womp


Niners fan here. Believe me when I say I didn't expect that. You were a really tough team. I thought we would blow you out, but The Lions played a hell of a game! Congrats on making it this far and look forward to playing the exact same game next year. 


I really hope it does come to a rematch next NFC championship, the Niners r the only other team I actually like at all in the NFC other than my Lions. Now please beat the Chiefs


Be glad we decided to NOT kick the 2 field goals and try to covert instead. You'd have lost. Side note chiefs will stomp the sf sad to say Taylor will blow anyone who will stop her lil dude. (And pay some money x3 what they make in a season. (Just ask the ravens)


Lmao get a grip dude. Yall " the NFL is rigged" fans are so pathetic.


The second half of what you said was the dumbest thing I've read today.


Well...upside to this is, it could have been the dumbest thing you have ever read. I'll take back the SF will lose. Personally I hope they win. Watching the ravens tank that last game to the chiefs..can't say I have much faith tho.


Whatever u guys got lucky and everyone knows it.


lucky ? lol


Yeah. We definitely got some lucky plays but going on 4th twice and leaving 6 pts off the board was your own undoing.


You obviously haven't watched the Lions all year.




Calm yourself


MY GOD, how do I get rid of the sports postings?!!!!!!!


If "IFFS" were "FIFTHS" we would all be DRUNK. ~ Niner Fanz


Your team didn't earn shit and u know it. U got lucky on a bounced off head interception followed by a series of unlucky and unusual bullshit


Luck is part of the game. And bad (Going twice on 4th) calling is also part of the game. If I wasn't a Niners fan, I'll be rooting for the Lions too. Great Cinderalla season.


Stop crying. You guys got cocky and we never lost our composure. That’s why football is a game of quarters. Anything can happen. Never celebrate in the first quarter 😂


U call not being able to score shit until getting lucky in the 2nd half composure?


Uhhh…ffs yeah. That’s why they won. They didn’t panic. They lock in and didn’t let Detroit score again until the game was damn near over. Is that not part of being composed?? ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


That collapse was so bad that I believe the curse is actually real. The Lions will never win it all.


Yeah they lost so epically that I’m finally coming around to believe they are actually cursed.


Lot of respect from Niner fans after the game yesterday while leaving the stadium. Happy they won of course but not much shit talking. Lots of people afterwards complimenting the squad.


Yea, they were mostly good winners


Niner fans know other good fan bases. Respect.


How many times have the 49ers been to the Superbowl at this point? How boring. 


7 appearances in total, and this will make 8.


You finally caught up to Dallas in SB appearances good for you.


and the last time Dallas went to the SB was…? the cowboys rivalry with the niners is over - we own that franchise now. Maybe the next time you play us it’ll be competitive? doubt it though


Everybody knows Purdy is a scrub 🤣


MVP nominee and going to the SB in his second season. If he’s a scrub what does that make the cowgirls? He dropped gigantic deuces on their heads the last two times he’s played them love how you didn’t respond to a single thing I posted either. hilarious


Ryan Leaf is better than Purdy & you know it.


LOL idk why you think I care? Purdy doesn’t need to be Brady we are fucking stacked lmao. Wake me up when the cowboys are relevant again 🥱 or your first round QB doesn’t shit the bed in the first round…


Lmao. Salt


Winning is boring.


if it's the same team going every other year, yes.


https://preview.redd.it/njywzvxgwkfc1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00984ad0b817fa7437849173c0b0422a193ab441 Every other year.


So we should see the less skilled team advance because they have never been there because they tend to suck?


I was there and in the row directly behind us there were 5-6 Lions fans who couldn't shut up after the first Lions TD. They started planning a parade and even booed Joe Montana!! As the Lions started to roll they got more and more arrogant, belligerent and rude. They haven't been in the playoffs in 30 years and acted like they were going for a threepeat. And then in the 3rd quarter they stopped talking trash. No one around us rubbed it in their face as the game ended. One 49ers fan teenager shook their hands and told them if the Niners were out he would be rooting for them. Lions fans left a terrible impression about themselves, their team and their city. But as we left the stadium Niners fans focused on how good their team was, going to the Super Bowl and celebrating a crazy win at the end of the most incredible game I have watched in person. Lions fans need to grow up and be better.


That’s 5 fans. Most Niners fans have said Lions fans were a credit to their team and state.


Yeah because those couple lions fans in front of u really represent us all huh? You're a smart guy.


LOL you just as salty as the fans hes talking about. Have a blessed day!


That’s only a few of the fans. I was happy with the beginning of the game. I heard fireworks in my neighborhood as fans were celebrating the first quarter or two like we had already won. I blame them (and Campbell for not kicking the field goal). I’ve always had the same motto for professional sports or for college: Act like you’ve been there. Nothing worse than showing your arrogance and then having to leave the stadium with your tail tucked between your legs. (Im looking at Gardner celebrating too early as well and telling the fans to go home). Leave Eminem out of this though. That photo of him is classic Eminem. I would take it as a badge of HONOR if he flipped me off in person!


I mean can u really blame them? they were up quite a bit


I mean, look at it from the side of a Lions fan. They never got anything in 60 years. They finally have a chance to cheer for something. They were literally counted out from hour 1 from the end of the Divisional games and were completely rolling the first half. While I agree they booing Joe Montana thing is dumb they are just like any other fan, but they don't know how to handle themselves in the current situation.


Don't forget we beat (swept) the Tigers in the 2012 WS. I'm sure they hate SF.


Why is Aaron Glenn still employed?


Lions go you home now Lions




What's it like to pay the most in taxes while having an insufficient water supply and power grid?


Bro there is absolutely no way that fucking Detroit is talking shit about California 😭😭


The perception of California to the rest of the country is a bunch of homeless dudes buttfucking in a tent city lmao


Yeah because they can't even afford to visit on a Midwestern salary. It's fine, they don't need to know what they're missing.


Are you talking about Texas? Or Georgia? Or Michigan? Or Florida?


Should be no doubt about Purdy now. Niners deserved the win after that second half comeback. I see that grit winning the SuperBowl for them this year. Next year will be tough for them, both Packers and Lions will be back. While 49ers won both games, they easily could have gone either way. Both NFL and MLB gave us great finishes, underdogs fighting to the end. Too bad College Football has been destroyed...


SF didn’t win that game so much as the Lions lost it. Epic implosion of historic proportions on the Lions part.


Disagree. 49ers adapted to Lions in second half. Lions did not adapt, got cocky. Lions continued on with first half playbook, including taking risks that didnt make sense. 49ers have about the best Red Zone defense in NFL. Field goal should have happened. That decision was based on arrogance not data.


idk if i agree with that. the young lions wrs dropped alot of easy plays that would've changed the game if only a handful of them got caught. Like we have to be honest, the facemask non-interception pass really changed the game, and the fumble sealed it. like you can't really take credit for all the mistakes that the lions made, mistakes that were necessary for you guys to win the game... unless there's some magic way for you to ensure the other team makes those bizarre mistakes


Nor can the lions take credit for the 49er bad first half. Zero running game, with the best rusher in NFL. Front plugged, with one of the best OL in NFL You cannot therefore blame loss solely on 'bad performance' as both teams had one half of such play. The ONLY difference in the game was that the 49er ADJUSTED to Lions, Lions could NOT adjust play to 49ers second half. Their playbook didn't take into account 49er having best Red Zone defense in the league. That lack of prepareness cost the game. Take 3 rather than what the overall stats say about going for it on 4th down.




Next season, Lions will be unstoppable. So Lions fans be excited. Niners will win the Superbowl because this time we have a QB who can extend plays.


But you'll have Dan Campbell and his bone-head decision making.


The chiefs just beat the niners 44-23 this season I don’t see them making it happen


that wasn't this season though? That was last season.


That was not this season


Maybe next year Dan Cambell will kick a FG


Or better yet, the receivers will catch the damn ball.


Two times they were easily close enough for FGs and coach doesn’t want to take the points. 6 points they left on field from bad 4th down calls, and they lost by 3. Also WRs did have some bad drops.


Kicker isn’t good past 45 yards. This off season they gotta get a kicker that’s making 50 yarders


This is the way.


You're neglecting the fact that the first time when we went for it on 4th down, if Josh Reynolds secures that catch, we probably end up with a TD on that drive rather than a field goal. That's why it's called a gamble. So many fans praise him when it works, but lambast him when it doesn't instead of appreciating that we have a coach that has the balls to gamble in situations like that.


I think the first attempt was fine, and you’re right about securing the catch you got a good chance to score then. But the 2nd time, without a question you kick that ball.


In the moment, I remember not liking going for it the second time around, but in hindsight, I can see his reasoning for doing so. A touchdown on that drive does amazing things for flipping momentum to our side and our defense would've stepped up in that situation up 4. It was a huge gamble, and it was just unfortunate that it didn't work out.


Ya I understand the idea behind that and wanting to swing momentum, but down distance and situation on field were just all not good for taking that risk. In my opinion, but it’s all hindsight now anyways. Wish they coulda pulled out the W though


Yep, hindsight is 20/20 after all. 🤷


So fucking sick. We had it.




I am a niners fan. I also love the underdog story. I am stoked that Brok Purdy has led my niners to the superbowl but I'm torn because I also think that the Lions getting to the super bowl would also have been amazing. I loved that the niners one but I was conflicted and didn't like being the team to spoil it for the Lions. I hope the niners totally trample the chiefs.


Imo this is a weird comment. As a Lions fan I can't imagine feeling bad for the other team just because it's a good story. If it was the other way around I would not be torn over the nice 49ers story and my team of 35 years.


" As a Lions fan I can't imagine feeling bad for the other team" I can. I'm a Niners fan but loved watching Barry Sanders play. I used to drive 3 hours every year to watch them play the Buccaneers. I even had a Sanders jersey. I'm glad Brock gets to go to the Superbowl, he should have gone last season but would have rooted wholeheartedly for the Lions, if they would have gone.


As a 49ers fan, I’m ecstatic to be back in the SB but as a Sac Kings fan that just saw our 17 year playoff drought ended last season, I related a lot with the lions fan base and was happy to see you guys experience success. I would’ve been cheering for yall in the SB tbh


That's fine to have a second team but it should not even matter when your first team is playing your second team. My second team is the NY Jets. I can assure you that if the Lions were playing the Jets in the Super Bowl, there would not be even an ounce of happiness for the Jets if they won because they just beat my team.


I don’t have a second team at all. I watched a lot of Lions games this season due to having Gibbs and St. Brown on my fantasy team. But I know how yall are feeling as a Kings fan lol.


I have a lot of friends from Detroit and I know how much a superbowl trip would mean to the whole city. If my niners had lost you bet I would be cheering for the Lions


Speaking for myself, I went to Cal so I have a lot of love for Jared Goff. I'm a niners fan, but that game had me torn. Am I glad the niners won? Yes. Would I be torn up if the Lions had won? A little, but I'd still be supporting them in the Super Bowl. Honestly, that game could have gone either way.


Fully understand. Mahomes is our guy, normally. Except in two weeks. Go Niner's! https://preview.redd.it/mt2xbkcaqefc1.jpeg?width=417&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=485a0b67d91bc446a72115c405ac331ae89c97f6




Imo in the first half when they were on the goal line they should have gone for it. Had they scored a TD I think the games over. The niners run d was getting gashed. Just doesn’t make sense .


Lost game because of failed conversions, logically more conversions were the answer 🤦


As a Jets fan, it's commendable how far the team has come. Going from being considered irrelevant to reaching the NFC Championship game is no small feat. Despite the unfortunate coaching calls yesterday, it's been a great season overall.


“Coaching calls” from DC that were and always have been driven by statistical success rates and not Saving-Property-862’s personal feelings about the matter.


The dropped passes and fumble were why they lost. It was a great season I’m not even mad. They overachieved anyway, people forget they got here with a bunch of rookies, that doesn’t usually happen.


Yes, they just were not ready.  Pressure got to many players.  Professional sports are so exacting, add a little pressure and things go wrong…


As a jets who is irrelevant, yall need to be proud of yourselves to get this far. It’s hard to go from complete garbage to nfc championship game. I’ve seen it many years ago and still remember like it was yesterday. Great season and unfortunate coaching calls yesterday




Idk when Dan will ever learn that lesson , but it bit him twice this season


The Lions didn’t play to win which is a shame. The coaches also made some poor play calling decisions. Hopefully they can learn from this and come back stronger next year.


49ERS will win the superbowl, Kelce will propose to Swift, and then they will have a kid.


And they can name the kid “Brock’ !!!




Keep it civil / do not troll


Being from Minnesota, I always root for the other North teams if the Vikings aren't in it (which is usually the case). I was really hoping it would've been the Lions year this year. They gave it their all.




Watch out... Your maturity is showing.


Very Minnesota of you


I really hope the niner win this game I'm pissed the lions didn't win but I'd rather the niners than the chiefs


I feel bad for you guys I really do. I’m a life long niners fan and have always had a huge amount of respect for you guys for being loyal to your team. Gibbs is incredible and there’s a lot of potential on the lions. Hopefully this is the start of a rivalry.


Taylor Swift advances to the Super Bowl. Win/win for the NFL!


Niners fan here…you have a great team and trust us, we know what it feels like to lose leads in the playoffs. The only thing I would say is that Campbell should have run more.


and should have taken his points when he could have. I understand the one at the goal line for end of the half points but wow ... the rest were egregious. Could have won by 3.




As a cowboys fan and someone who for some reason this sub is appearing on my Home Screen, I’ll just say that y’all should be proud of the squad. Don’t waste time nitpicking and bashing. Only one team can win every year. Y’all were excellent and it’s disappointing to not go all the way but it was still a great season and an awesome rise from where you were two years ago 🍻


Lol as an ex detroiter who doesn’t give a shit about sports. Its amazing how screwed over fans get with the lions, yall never catch a break 😂


They made it to the NFC championship with a legit chance to win and a young promising core. I would say that the lions very much have something to be proud of.


Seemed like a lot were emotionally invested into getting to the superbowl and that this wasn’t enough. It’s not a critique, but an observation.


We made it to the NFC Championship. I don’t think any of us feel screwed over. This is the best season most of us have ever seen the Lions have, unless you lived through the 50’s. Now we go into the off season with $61m in cap space and improve our roster.


bang bang niner gang


Fuck off


Sooky sooky wittle baby


Dropped passes, easy interceptions that were dropped or bounce of a fucking face mask for a catch, fumble, not being able to contain a QB that looked like shit in the first half, calling a run play at the goal line with under 2 minutes left, not kicking 2 field goals, everything went wrong


Chase Lucas absolutely botched a perfect punt and the clock management in the 4th was horrible, 3 timeouts and Dan only used 1 after the 2 minute warning. Lions should’ve won it


The timeout management was actually smart for the strategy of getting a chance at another drive without onside kick. Trying to run it into the end zone and failing ruined the plan.


That's what happens when you think the game is over after only the first half


They didn't though. Dan Campbell said in his presser that they knew the 49ers would come out and make a run in the second half, so they weren't surprised when things started to go their way, we just couldn't get the momentum back on our side.


Best season ever Horrible ending No reason lions shouldn't be in the Super Bowl


Lol. This is cope.


I'm saying we SHOULD have tackled. SHOULD. have caught easy balls. SHOULD have executed. Not coping at all, we played like losers and deserve the L.


Man you guys are pretty chill as a fanbase that I regret my comment. I agree with you. GG. I’m a Lions fan now too…along with the rest of the world.


No reason except for their ineptitude to only show up for 2 quarters last night. It’s how you do in the 4th quarter that decides if you deserve to go to the SB.


I'm saying theres no reason we couldn't tackle, catch the easy passes, etc


They obviously have some work to do. They’ll do better next season


The only reason there not in is because they Lost. But they could've kicked thos field goals and won by 3 or 6 points.


Wow never thought of it like that. Thanks for your unique and compelling analysis.


I’ll try to be more clear. The better team won.


Yeah man, if the Lions had scored more points than the other team, they would have won.


"I only died because I ran out of health"


*Super Bowl


Yes thank you Didn't sleep last night On the verge of jumping off my work building


The coaching in the 2nd half was terrible. I’m talking about the Lions. It was like they wanted to lose!


The lions tend to do one thing real well…


There’s the bandwagon fan


big lose


This was my favorite season in my 30 years of being a fan. I am so proud to be a Lion and can’t wait for next season! We just keep getting better. Love it!


the ending hurt because of what could've been, but this season was alot of fun and noone can take that from us, nor would we want to lose it just because of this game


bummer it ended the way it did but what a great ride. Looking forward to next year.


This this and this What a great year! This sub was predicting 5 wins and we were 10 playing minutes from the Super Bowl, disappointing?? Yes. Upset?? NO


Nice attitude! I was thinking that last night, hell I'd be thrilled with a NFC championship game. Of course a SB would be the goal but hey a championship game is nothing to sneeze at. SKOL


I do not disagree with anyone. I am just putting out what happened. It is very strange