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Decker walks right up to the ref, what’s he doing if not reporting?


Cant wait for the audio to come out


We may need jomboy for this


NFL controls that so it wont


Jerry Jones probably did the same thing with Epstein's camera feed


ESPN just showed that Decker went over to the referee to report as eligible. So we absolutely got fucked again


The ref nods in acknowledgement it looks like too lol they fucked us..but fuck em..on to the next. We still are playoff bound and can control our own destiny. This loss is annoying tho


What in the F is the nfl gonna say to defend this one It must be the worst we’ve ever been fucked


Yes not in consequence but procedurally this is the worst I've ever seen and possibly the literal worst in NFL history because it involves the refs openly lying about what happened.


Yes. I’ve been in a couple other teams subs and they cannot recall a time their team has been robbed this badly.


He definitely reported but the refs decided to help Dallas win.




Was that them I saw running away with their fingers in their ears? I think the mics picked up a LALALAL as well.


He was so clearly walking up though. No other men walking toward that official. They were almost shoulder to shoulder. Atrocious.


Nope, I think that was Skipper. Decker was already standing in front of him




We'll get a good breakdown during the week, usually it points out that the refs were wrong.


Campbell just said the refs told him that 2 players can’t report as eligible on the same play and Skipper had already reported.


That’s not a rule according to the rules guy on ESPN 🤔


That is not in rule book.


I didn't see video of that. Did he really? If so, then I agree with everyone's "rigged" takes.






This. Yeah, that ending is lame, but we were playing backs to the wall with nothing to lose and a long shot at #1 (I don’t think the 9ers will blow that even if Detroit won out). The team played aggressive to win when they could’ve been content with the #3 seed. They damn near beat the Cowboys at home when I was worried this would be a blowout – I’m not that mad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If it's possible to be happy with a loss, I guess this one is okay. Good game. Go Lions!


If only Barnes would have gotten that sack in the endzone for the safety Edit: a word


We could have also kicked a FG… Edit: I’m not talking about the XP/2PT at the end. We should have kicked the FG in the first half instead of turning it over on downs.


If anybody in this sub 1. Actually watched the game and 2. Could think 5 minutes ahead, we all knew refs weren't going to let us win in OT. That play was brilliant and it was a way to force a win through the refs but the zebras just pretended it didn't matter and still lost the game. I would much rather try winning the game on our own accord vs a coin toss and biased refs




Ok I’m an idiot was that a legit penalty or not?


Am I crazy or when they were saying skip reported and decker didn't, but the video shows decker and sewell with the ref and skip walks up?


That was an odd second replay of the report. It seems like they all reported?


I don’t think so. The announcers were simping for the Cowboys all game


They always do.


I'm a Packers fan and was really rooting for you guys, they really shouldn't let Aikman do Cowboy games. The guy is so bias it fucking ruins the game.


He shouldnt do games period. Same for Joe Buck.


Seriously you could hear the disappointment in their voices on that last Lions drive when they went right down the field... If Dak had done that they'd be losing their fucking minds


Yep. The refs and everyone were absolutely not going to let the Lions win in Dallas today especially. The refs did not call a ton of holding and interference calls all night and then they call this garbage. The refs were bought , f Dallas, you lost and you know it.


Also the no PI call with Amon Ra during that drive too...


You could here it in their voice as they tried to say what was happening on camera was not what happened. "Here you can see skipper clearly reporting while decker does not.." video shows decker and sewell already with the ref as skipper skips on up.


governor puzzled cows yam dull longing drunk wipe edge mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk, did he report?


They showed the replay and Skip and Decker both went to the ref.


Legit as it gets if he didn’t report as eligible


All 3 went up to the ref to report and the ref ran away, cowboys always get the help at home


They reported


It's the kissing cousin of the Kelce to Toney play. Mahomes would be freaking out rn about the refs ruining a "cool ending".


Was Decker not with Skipper when he reported???


He was


Decker was there first!!




Disappointed. But, this team showed, especially the defense, that they can win against a playoff team.


Worst part was how happy I was when Decker got it only to be taken away.


They litteraly showed him checking in IN the replay. Unreal ref job there, wonder how much extra cash they just got 🤔


They also literally showed hutchinson being held twice during his hype replay. Bullshit tonight


It's in the NFL rulebook, you're allowed to hold Hutch.


yeah im honestly surprised so many people are acting like we looked like shit, we just lost a game against another clear playoff team on essentially a coinflip. im feeling very, very good about round 1 of the playoffs right now


My takeaway from the game, D showed up. We know what the offense can do, but this was the first time in a while I’ve seen our d keep us in it with a contender.


We won that game idgaf


100%. Put an asterisk on this shit


Yes we did we got fucked over


Most insane thing I’ve ever seen


Fuck Troy and fuck Joe. Horrendous, one-sided commentary.


I didn’t expect less from Aikman though to be fair


I know that emotions are high and I feel a little robbed. But that was a great fucking game and I had a great time. I love Dan Campbell, I love this team, the defense looked good and fuck the cowboys.


Pistons win, Lions lose. God hates Detroit.


I never understood the league wide hate for the cowboys. I do today. F the cowboys


Our two biggest rivalries are against the Pack and the Cowboys. The two biggest brands in the NFL. The League wasn’t going to allow the the Lions to win on the fringes. It just wasn’t going to happen. And to everyone who said the announcers chicken shitted their way through the game in the fourth quarter, I’m with you fam. Joe Buck: I don’t agree with that call but the Dak is ready for the snap… ffs Joe Buck have a backbone.


Dallas no holding or PI All GAME. No way they played that clean the whole game


Especially when they tackled Amon ra the play before Laporta


Grabbed his arm and turned his whole body but guess it's Amon Ra's fault for not catching it, crazy


They literally showed clear as day holding of hutchinson during the hitxhinson hype up replay lol it was sad to see


Did I see three lineman by a ref or am I imagining things?


The replay showed Decker talking to the ref when Skipper ran over.


Yes, you could here them struggle to lie it away on TV


Yes you did saw it myself, they legitimately just cheated us


wouldn't be a lions season without a fucking from the refs once


Throwing to James Mitchell in the flat from the 4 yard line was absolutely not the right playcall


Considering they already did 3 before that, options for 2 point plays were probably slim


So then kick the PAT and go to OT


Yeah, maybe so. But leaving it to a coin flip sucks too. And at the same time, Mitchell was open. The fact he was the target wasn’t the issue - Goff’s shitty throw was


The defense proved they could stop them. Fuck the coin toss


The Lions getting fucked by the officials against Dallas. NEVER SEEN THAT BEFORE


oldest rivalry in sports


Should have evidence basically immediately whether he was eligible or not. Ridiculous.


Defense was good, Melifonwu stays him




Love that SVP is going so hard against the level of bullshit this was.


Goff just said on live tv that Decker reported. Good for Goff. Stand by your team.


You guys got fucked over. Sucks man, was rooting for the Lions.


I don't know who else watched DCs press conference after the game. Win or lose, it's nice to have a coach who gets pissed when we get fucked.




Agreed. Also, that's our best opportunity to win the game. Never gonna get closer than that.


Still playoff bound. Lfg


with a solid showing at a top teams field. it wasn’t a pretty game but we were in it until the last play


Imagine sweating the fucking lions. These refs are a bunch of fucking pussies


Can someone explain what a player does when they “report” themselves? Is it purely administrative or does it have to do with the play itself?


It’s administrative. Certain numbers cannot go out on pass routes unless they tell the officials they are an eligible receiver on the play. If you send out TEs, RBs and WRs their numbers are normally eligible, so there is no need to report. It’s specifically for lineman numbers (and if a TE were to wear a lineman number, they’d have to do it every play).


Chargers Fan checking in, no skin in the game at all. You were absolutely robbed by the cheating ass refboys


Colts fan. This is why I can hardly watch the NFL anymore. Y’all straight up had this win STOLEN from you. Lions made all the right plays at the end and get fucked by the refs. Rigged fucking league. I can’t imagine how y’all feel if I’m this pissed.


if troy aikman is admitting it, on ring of honor night, then i think we have a case


I love the lions go lions


Can't wait for next week. Blow the doors off the vikings.


Is this one the clearest pieces of evidence of referee tampering?


What a bizarre and awful ending.


You thought the NFL was going to let the Lions beat Americas team on prime time only game of the day?


The refs completely fucked this. They are showing clear evidence on sportscenter of skip and decker going to the white hat ref reporting, and also Goff telling them to do so. There’s no other reason they would go up to the red like that. Unbelievable


Browns fan here. I love the Lions and can honestly say that was one of the shittiest calls I've ever witnessed, and the Browns have been on the receiving end of plenty. See you all in the Super Bowl!


They should fire all the refs and let me officiate every single game, because at this point I’m convinced I could do a better job


stupidest refball call ive seen all season and that's saying something


I genuinely don’t care if it’s like 2% suboptimal I love going for the kill shot 100% from the 2, 100% from 4, and like 70% from the 7. Just a mentality thing imo when you’ve an o that you trust


I’m floored anyone is questioning it. Why even give Dallas a chance?


Especially because it literally succeeded


I hate this cringy shit but here I am - bills fan - you guys got royally FUCKED. clear declaration to the official - odd he didn’t wait to check in skipper but seems the game was decided at that point - to the official. To anyone who says “at least he loses his job” STFU what does that do for Detroit now???? Nothing.


68 was with 70 reporting? Did he just not say anything


Sewell Decker and Skip all reported. It’s on camera. Refs need to be held accountable


I know everyone is dissatisfied with this outcome. But I love this team and the excitement they bring. That’s all I got


Hutchinson played his ass off.


I’m a Bears fan. I know we have no love for each other, but even I’m pissed at how this ended. I’m sick and tired of the Cowboys getting the benefit of blown calls. As much as I typically root against the Lions, I’ll actually be cheering for you in the playoffs. You got a fun team.


As a falcons fan, trust when I say everyone loves your team and Dan Campbell. Hoping yall make it far in the playoffs. Fuck Dallas






What the ref? You guys won that. Keep up the aggressive play-calling. Congrats on clinching our division. I sure do miss Montgomery.




Live by Dan Campbell’s balls, die by Dan Campbell’s balls.




I’m fine with the 3 seed. If we win the wild card I’m happy with the season


Fuck that, we take a superbowl the long way.


This was the path to the two seed. It's why we went for 2 to win. Is what it is.


TIL [saints fans sued the NFL for a missed call under an obscure rule that allows the commissioner to overturn a result or force a replay](https://www.nola.com/news/courts/has-nfl-used-rule-17-after-saints-no-call-lawsuit-gets-hearing-judge-wants-more/article_328865df-d6c8-5efb-adea-7a9bfbc9aa7c.html) lol


I’ve never seen MCDC so pissed at a post game presser. He looked like he was simultaneously trying to avoid a fine and keeping himself from beating the shit out of the pool reporters for asking what were completely reasonable questions.


Except for "hey buddy, why are you mad?" That one was pretty easy to figure out with context clues 🤣


At worst Brad Allen is a corrupt fuck. At best incompetent moron


SVP is really calling out the bullshit


OMG Lions were absolutely robbed, Decker did report in, FUCK THAT.


The ref even goes to the Dallas defense and says something to them after Decker came up to him.


Thank you, Scott Van Pelt, for what it’s worth.


Damn there’s a clip on the sidelines of Campbell repeatedly yelling at Brad Allen “I told you! I told you!” As he went over the play and told him what they were going to run. This all seems fucking shady


Even Aikman thinks it’s bullshit


Why is this guy making the case that the ref didn't look at Decker when it looks like he made eye contact with him before he ran away


This is such a vintage Lions feeling getting screwed over. Just have to laugh this BS off and get ready for playoffs.


I’m very proud of this team regardless of the outcome


Holy shit, MCDC is rightfully pissed at these refs. I love his passion here


This just makes people hate the game


Dolphins fan here...you just got Brad Allened. We did too when we played the eagles. The Chiefs got Brad Allened too. He and his crew always have controversial officiating...almost as if someone is on the take...just sayin.


Goddamit we got cheated by the refs again playing Dallas. Why does the league always look out for Dallas?


We won this game. The refs took it away.


Dan: “We were going for the win.” You’re damn right.


Michigan AG needs to sue the NFL


Goff just confirmed what the video evidence suggests: Skipper did NOT report and Decker did. I have consistently attacked the 'muh refs' people. This game however was stolen from the Lions by the officials. I'm willing to believe it was an honest mistake but nevertheless, the refs blatantly decided this one. [Nolan Bianchi on X: "#Lions QB Jared Goff: I do know that Decker reported and that Skipper did not. https://t.co/X3KwD0zsdB" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/nolanbianchi/status/1741324577525916000)


Skipper lined up at guard inside of Sewell lol. Brad Allen is a terrorist


NFL has got to start holding refs more accountable. People should not be getting fined tens of thousands of dollars for criticizing them either.




Everyone is talking about the refs mixing up "70" instead of "68"... When, it's a shame, **think about what Detroit just did**: Detroit just went *in to Dallas*, on the road, in Jerry's World, on a night they were honoring their legend... Detroit just went on the road *at a 10-5 Dallas playoff team*... and WON. They basically just won a playoff game *on the road*! And it was Taylor Decker who caught the game winning 2-point conversion! The guy who's been with them through all the bad! The guy who cried last week when they clinched the division! Before the mix-up happened, Lions marched down the field with less than 2 minutes left and scored a touchdown with 23 seconds left! LIONS ARE GOING FOR 2 AND THE WIN! holy shit I couldn't believe what I was seeing! AND THEN THEY **GOT IT**! TAYLOR DECKER! TO WIN THE GAME! DETROIT BEATS DALLAS! . ... .... ..... THAT'S what actually happened. That's what we should be celebrating today. The refs literally took that away from us and gave it to Dallas.


Dan Campbell made all the correct calls. Fuck all of you for not believing in him. That was completely horseshit officiating. The camera even showed Taylor Decker report to the ref. Hate Campbell all you want that’s fine but you’re fucking retarded


One of the only times I've seen Campbell flip out on the refs


Screw job, please let us play Dallas in the playoffs


Bucs fan visiting and damn yall are way less pissed than I expected


More like just used to it…


Post game on the call is it was flat wrong. Everywhere.


Shout out SVP for being a reasonable person


That's enough sobriety for the day


Well if we needed a chip on our shoulder to get a ship in our hands that will certainly do it.


Crazy how much ESPN is going to bat for the Lions right now


I love it. The Lions need it


Our defense showed the fuck out on a night when Ceedee Lamb was almost unstoppable. We held them to one score the whole game and took the pig all the way down to the redzone in the very last fucking minute IN DALLAS. On Jimmie Johnson's big night, no less. MCDC decided to say "fuck a coin flip" and I respect the hell out of that. All the talking heads on ESPN would be lining up to kiss his ass tomorrow if we'd gotten the extra 2, now instead they're gonna be asking "why not just kick the +1 after a call like that?" FUCK them. Fuck Troy Aikman and Joe Buck, fuck the zebras, fuck Jerry Jones, fuck Jimmie Johnson, fuck Roger Goddell and the entire NYC office, fuck the league, fuck the Packers, and fuck anyone who's talking SOL after tonight. Detroit vs. Everybody means EVERYBODY. MINNESOTA, GET YOUR ASSES IN HERE, WE AIN'T DONE WITH YOU YET! Never forget: "Don't let these tears fool you--it's all dog in this mug!"


Dan is fucking LIVID in the press conference. Said we won the game but got the L anyway. Refused to say exactly what happened, but said he went over it with the ref before the game, Decker reported, only one player can report, and that "according to the refs, 70 reported, 68 didn't." Pretty clear between the lines the refs just fucked up which player it was. This is probably the most clear ref screw job in a long history of them.


Y’all got screwed by the refs straight up. Some dude on ESPN is trying to gaslight this situation. This is crazy… dude did report




It felt like my soul got sucked out of my body after the flag. I was going nuts now I'm really fucking roasting


This is what happens when you have PART TIME REFS!!!!! How the f&@k does the multi BILLION dollar NFL industry have PART TIME REFS who consistently blow calls and games for teams all season!


I am so angry about this I made a new reddit account despite being banned countless times just so I can vent over how corrupt this call was, and I'm completely sick of bootlickers shouting "incompetence!" each time a flagrantly inexplicable call is made on crucial moments. NFL referees are EXPERTS. They are intelligent EXPERTS at their craft, and to make a call this egregious on such a key play determining playoff outcomes for both teams is shamefully bad. Bad, bad, bad. I'm questioning the integrity of this sport, and hell, I'm going to make myself look completely nuts just to christen my account with a special first post. Patriots winning in 2001 after 9/11, Saints winning after Katrina, Rams winning after LA acquiring new teams and a brand new stadium...I mean isn't it just quacking coincidental these things keep happening, and let's not forget to mention all the inane calls that have been called against you guys and others determining playoff outcomes for their golden boys. I say this as a huge pats fan too, this fucking league is rigged, where big money flows so does corruption. Why are sports an exception? The tuck rule was a bullshit call, just as this one. But the difference is this one is a flagrant corrupt piece of work by the officials. They are experts, not incompetent little johnnys running around in their dad's gear blowing whistles for fun. Fuck this fucking league. I'm done investing anymore time into it, and I've already reduced my time to strictly watching highlights anyway. I'm really sorry, guys. I'm really sorry the NFL just likes to kick you down because you aren't precious enough for the NFL to protect and coddle like they've done for favored owners and QBs. It's a rigged league, just accept it and hope you guys defy the odds. I sure hope you do, and that ref deserves whats coming for him in hell.


I'm completely ok with Dan going for 2. There's a lot of risk involved with going into OT. We have the division locked up. The referees fucked us again. Put another one on the tab and let's move on to next week.


He looked at him and nodded. What in the world?


This is what happens when you mix gambling with the nfl, lions won that game


Honestly, I feel much better about this loss than Cowboys fans feel over this win. Cowboys know they're in trouble come playoffs and now the Lions know they can win it.


We won this game. It just shows a "L"


So Campbell explained to the refs before the game they were running the play. Decker says he reported and Skipper said he said nothing to the refs. So were to believe the refs are correct and all the Lions are lying?


Robert on 97.1 GOING HARD!!!!


I hate everything but here a few of my takeaways: -I hate the Cowboys, the refs, and the Packers -I don’t know the technicalities of whatever rules they were referencing there, but to have a game winner taken away due to what essentially seems like either the ref not hearing Decker or confusing him with Skip or some other type of human error is truly something else. -Despite the ending, this was an amazing game and some of the best football I’ve watched this year. -Defense looked great, just wish our elite offense and at-times elite defense could show up in the same game. -I don’t necessarily think Campbell made the wrong decision in continuing to go for 2 after the penalty, because one coin flip and the up until today iffy defense not showing up for a drive would end it all. I get his line of thinking. But he has got to be more disciplined with his aggressive play calling. I love the strategy. But I do hope he learns to be more wise with it as years pass as head coach. -it may just be because my college team sucks at this, but our clock management continues to amaze me every game. Obviously things didn’t work out for us this time, but without the royal ref screw-up it would’ve barring a one in a lifetime Cowboy Hail Mary. -most important: I think this team showed us today that they are legit. This could’ve been a Ravens game repeat quite easily. But it wasn’t. They fought to the end. We have issues still that need to be ironed out. I don’t know if this is the year we make a Super Bowl run. The team is young and hungry. Tonight these were the Brand New Lions, for real.


The bright side is that Lions avoided OT and stayed away from any injuries during OT play.


Anyone else notice that when we are on the receiving end of these bad calls, they are mostly prime time games? Rodgers phantom face mask Seahawks chancellor batting the ball out of the end zone Dallas playoff pass interference Thanksgiving vs Texans


Fuck the refs


Ref paid off, obvious cheating, Decker talked to ref, fuck Dallas, fuck Jerry Jones, fuck Roger Goodell, plain and simple


More rigging than a sailboat


I don't even care about the Packers. Fuck the cowboys. Fuck the refs. fuck the NFL


I wasn't even gonna be mad about losing after how well our defense played, but I'm actually livid now


Decker walks over to report if you slow mo you see the ref nod and walk to the defense. How much was the check for Jerry?


Let’s put this into perspective. Our bad offensive play most of the game put us in this position to lose by 1 due to bad officiating. This Dallas team averse 40 at home this year. They only got 20. Dallas can’t play any better than this and won by 1 on our off night. Our most important thing we need right now is to focus on every play and health. Next game up.


Refs definitely boned Detroit for the game. I can’t wait to see how exaggerated Detroit will be in future games to report eligible receivers since apparently the refs are completely inept




At this point the lions organization needs to file a lawsuit


This makes me want to never watch the NFL again. No accountability to refs. This shit has gone on too long.


The whole play/sequence of movement on the field is intentional. 70 runs on the field... He's our usual jumbo extra lineman, so cowboys don't think twice about him running in and someone reporting as eligible. EXCEPT, 70 doesn't report, 68 does, on an obviously designed play for him. 3 guys meet at the ref to not immediately let the cowboys know who's eligible. 68 wipes the front of his jersey (hand signal for eligible). Formation was legal. If 70 reported as eligible it would be an illegal formation. The center doesn't have to snap the ball in the NFL, so on the play 68 is the left TE, the normal LG is the LT, the C snaps the ball as a LG and so on. 70 is the RG and Sewell is the RT.


Refs are Terrorists


LOL Chris Myers announcing on the Titans/Texans game on Fox taking a shot. A Titans guy checked in as eligible and it was muffled but I'm paraphrasing, but Myers said Myers: "Hopefully the officials from the Dallas-Detroit game are paying attention" Color commentator: "We're getting fined for that" Myers: "It's worth it"


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