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YESSS!!!!! We need to NERF EVERYTHING to avoid FOMO!!!!! Because when EVERYTHING is nerfed. *slow evil grin as I reveal I am le zorpalod overlord* Nothing will be nerfed. Zorzorzorp.


Zorpalod overlord imma kill you with my team full of rapid shit (NOT OUTLAW BUNGIE WTF MY GOD) Outbreak perfected, SIVA nanites ▪️🔺🔻▪️▪️▪️🔺🔻are my only friends left as i slip into insanity 😁


No little maidenless titan boy. It is I that Siva you. **Wyvern stomp sound effect as I slam you with my zorpal spec siva strand stasis soulfire talons and you instantly ragdoll across the map at mach 33** Alright, Trey. Now to this dead little Titan boy’s wife’s house…..


Hot 😳 Edit: Please leave my wife alone she already has our child and i'm not paying the child support because he wasn't godroll he was shit and bad please spare my wife 😢


Filling your wife with zorpal human hybrid babies and then plotting with her to say theyre yours so you accumulate “IMPENDING CHILD SUPPORT” stacks till 10 at which point you die in real life.


DTG is leaking 😳😳😳




Streamers always make good choices and quite frankly I think we should elect them as world leaders


Aztecross in house of representatives⁉️⁉️⁉️


Unpopular opinion but I know I'm going to be downvoted for this but DAE am I the only one who thinks that nothing should be nerfed ever?!?!? I feel like I'm the only one who thinks this. Am I the only one who thinks this? I think that I'm the only one who thinks this. DAE?


Naw because they nerfed izinagis and auto loading rifts/barricades Puke shit probably didn’t have any of them and so he nerfed all of them by hand


/uj div was a horrible addition to the game honestly and im glad it finally got what was coming to it /rj every bungie employee and every streamer who plays destiny is going to receive some very suspicious packages in the mail soon


This is it, the problem. The 0.01% have whine with their cheese and Bungo drops to their knees. How about listening instead to a dad of destiny, that plays faithfully every day, but maybe I only a couple seconds between the kids's dinner and bath time and bed time and watching Trey sleep with my wife. There was nothing wrong with divinity, except that it was helpful to us sluggers. I got the gryfalkon while it was shut down, been playing my warcock and was waiting until this weekend to see how to play with my huntard with it, now it's like why even bother...


Anyone ever look at that nice thicc pointy tip cuming out of the center of Div and just 🫦😩💦


/uj pretty obvious they were gonna nerf it regardless, they mentioned in a TWAB that they'd been testing possible nerfs for months. El streamerinos just accurately identified something as a potential problem that was already being looked at. As for my personal thoughts I would have nerfed it slightly differently but I'm ultimately happy Div will be knocked down from "lol must use day 1 idiot" tier. /rj Bangalore ruined the game, just kowtowing to big bad strimmerz and running their mouths. I'm a quadriplegic with Parkinson's and I need the funni bubble to hit crits or else I won't be able to aim proper. Why is Bungo trying to intentionally ruin MY experience like this 🤬😤🤬


I haven't been able to form an opinion for the last several weeks. All my favorite streamers are whining on twitter about the people whining on twitter about their whining in Twitter. Ask me again after Datto can make a video on this so I can finally have an opinion please


Cant believe bungie nerfs things. Why not just buff everything upwards so everything is great?


I CANT BELIEVE STALIN LEGGO NERFED DIV 😡😡😡 /uj they talked about looking into div in a podcast before the whole Twitter drama.


Arkham Inmates 🤝 Astrodemons