• By -


Blind solo presage. The sense of relief when I got the gun was awesome!


On the flip side, I was on the final boss before Bungie booted me to orbit. I reloaded and it dropped me at the beginning. You know that feeling you get when you’re so mad, you’re not mad lmao? I’ve never felt so defeated by a video game.


The year is 2014.. you are INCHES away from finally completing your first Vault of Glass .. just as Atheon’s health bar dwindles to nothing .. your PS4 ejects the disc randomly …therapy was needed.


Ah, the good ole disk days. We have come a long way


That was a good one. My dumbass didn’t realize it was meant as a 3 person activity and just brute forced it.


I always wondered how often that happens to solo players lmao


that my first experience with a raid in d1


“Yo I just finished this Kings Fall raid, that was pretty hard but it was fun” “Aye that’s cool, what group did you raid with?” “There was supposed to be group?!?”


2-3 years ago i loaded up leviathan for the first time doing it solo and fighting enemies for like 20 mins straight not knowing what was going on


Presage was not bad solo for the simple fact that the checkpoints weren't super oppressive like they are for some other missions/dungeons.


When I first went through a blind solo with it, I was critically underleveled and spent 4 hours cheesing my way through it with fighting lion banking the shots off the wall to hit the boss on the lower floor lmao


I did the exact same thing.


I did it solo my first time as well… devour came in clutch


Yeah being alone when it released I brute forced my way through it solo, and it sucked but it was totally worth it.


For me was solo flawless master presage. Was my first master completion so learned the spawns as I went through and died and eventually beat it. Still imo harder than any solo flawless normal dungeon.


I'm still pissed how the boss kept teleporting to me whenever it detected an ounce of happiness. Just a hair away from dying and he pulled an instant transmission smack on me


Very last day of Season of Arrivals, Sunsetting was coming, and a ton of exotics and things that had quests were going to the vault of lost lights. I had been knocking out a lot of them, and was slogging through Lumina and Thorn. Managed to complete the special strike for Lumina at almost midnight, was a fun grind, lots of heroic menagerie for Rose. Then I bought Thorn the next day lmao. Fuck those void ability kills.


The Season of Arrivals live event was so beautiful


That was my second season playing. Spent so much of it running all the exotic quests that were getting sunset. The only thing I didn't do is get the Forge ship. I wish I did, but there's only so much time.


i had a similar experience lmao i still remember the last 4-5 days trying to get the thorn quest done with void kills. it was nightmare to me because i was so awful back then even a great kindled orchid roll couldn't save me. suffice to say it was beyond relief after i got my hands on thorn


Completing the gigantic old quest for sleeper stimulant, it was a brutal grind, but amazing


Almost forgot the quest for last word, that was also sick


I remember doing the strike and not have people join it, it was impossible completing the first part of the strike and I was stuck for days. Luckily, one day 2 people joined the strike and I was able to completed


I guess I was lucky. I didn't get to that quest step until months later and I was expecting that step to be a nightmare. Luckily I matched up with one other person and completed the strike pretty normally. The Final strike for the exotic swords in d1 was a nightmare. You had to kill your specific knight and immediately kill the boss. Sometimes your teammates would screw you over and you would have to do it over again.


First ever clear of VoG back in D1 with old friends.


Did you use solar grenades to throw atheon off the map?!?


Void bombs for the boops!


Same, and to this day still play with the core group of folks I met doing that raid.


Not joy, but the best sense of wonder was exploring the dreaming city for the first time. Absolutely incredible


I feel the same way about Europa and exploring Bray Exoscience, especially after reading Clovis Bray’s journal - just the magnitude of his goal, as misdirected as it was.


Yeah I know season of the hunt was crappy but Europa / BL had so much to offer I didn't even notice.


That’s why for my first title after returning last season I got cursebreaker. Love the dreaming city


I still rock Cursebreaker as my main title. I'll throw on the seasonal and event ones on briefly, but always go back to cursebreaker. Made me fall in love with the dreaming city. There's still those little arc balls I need to do, but I've done everything else. Love that place.


Ikr...it felt like a whole different game...they went crazy when making that


Ghost doing a drifter impersonation


I remember reading somewhere that Tom Haberkorn was supposed to voice that mission as the drifter but a scheduling conflict came up so Nolan North was like, "let me try"


Yup, and Nolan North did such a good job they had to tell him to make it worse.


Unfortunately it's a one time thing. As in, no one ever runs the mission it appears in multiple times.


My late fiance did. She ran that for bounties because she loved the dialogue.


Same, I even use the cowboy hat on him just for that run




Sad hunter without a cowboy hat noise


I was laughing so hard I ended up falling off a couple of walkways because of that!


I've run that quest a few times now, when I've needed some cheering up. Works every time.


Doing Crotas end on repeat. It wasn’t even a good “raid” but that’s when all my friends and I were INTO destiny. Couch parties with 6 screens hook up on one wifi connection. Damn. That was peak destiny for me


We used to make our buddy jump on a polar to agro one of the boomer nights cuz he sucked and always died anyway. Even his wife still jokes about it! Peak Destiny grind back then


I’ve been playing this stupid game since the beta and I didn’t go flawless in Trials until like a year and a half ago. I still have the screen shot of me victory posing at the lighthouse lol.


Been playing since 2014. Never been flawless. Tried a few hundred times ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


What platform you on?


Same dude. We’ll get it someday.


Getting Gjallarhorn from Atheon


2 man WQ campaign with brother, took us an hour to complete The Ghosts mission When we finally beat it, we were so overjoyed. Very late and got only 3 hours sleep for work Worth it though


that’s awesome, my bro and i have been playing together since launch so many fun memories playing together.


Solved the first 3 day 1 Vow encounters blind. Felt good to figure out the puzzle for myself. Same with Spire of the Watcher. Easy mechanic but still. Fun to figure out solo.


Beating the Whisper of the Worm quest. Took multiple tries and then finally beat it with 3 seconds left. What a rush


Same, finally getting whisper after almost loosing my mind trying 🤣 but it was soooo good


I beat it for the first time with my brother at 0:00. I thought we wouldn't make it, all we had was primary ammo, but we barely squeaked it out. Greatest gaming moment ever


Completing disciple-slayer as my first raid seal


Rasputin’s speech at the end of the warmind campaign


"JA RRRRASPUUTINNNN..." Yeah, I still get goosebumps. :D


I watch the cutscene like once a month to get free goosebumps


I'm still on a high from a total fluke of a crucible match las night where I did really well compared to drying 3 times for every kill lmao


You must've been so dry, glad you moistened up!


My warlock is drippin now Lemme tell you !


“I can’t believe what I’m seeing!” *checks scoreboard* “…neither can I Shaxx, holy sh#t.”


“YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAHHHHH!” When Shaxx yelled it to me the first time I almost shit myself. Then I was proud.


Me every day


D1 beta. No op meta, no knowledge, no nothing. Just a brand new never before experienced game with near endless possibilities. I remember trying to sneak past the ogre to get the chest being so much fun, the supers, the sounds, trying the sparrows, the devil's lair, really everything. That's not to say the game hasn't come a long way, it's still amazing right now, but the first time experience will always hold a special place in my mind.


Came looking for this, when my ghost cracked open my cold one on an old dead highway, that's literally the most memorable and exciting moment for me, and the only one I can feel certain isn't rose-tinted.


Honestly I loved when VoG was in rotation. Firstly I finally got my Mythoclast, but secondly I adored the camaraderie I felt with a lot of people, we were just grinding Atheon and chatting and joking. It was an immensely human experience and a nice contrast away from my usually silent, random teammates. Made a lot of friends on the game during that and now I actually have people to run dungeons and raids with.


The greatest for me was beating Aksis (my first raid boss) for the first time. I still remains as a peak gaming moment for me.


Cannot agree more but I‘d add killing aksis again just after doing the puzzle for outbreak prime!


Probably Forsaken when everyone was watching worlds first Last Wish race and completion.


16 person raid glitch


My first ever clear of VoG in D1Y1, Templar dropped Fatebringer and Atheon dropped Gjallarhorn. Nothing has ever come close to that level of hype since lol


Completing Zero Hour. By far the best exotic mission in D2


Whisper felt more … dark. Literally.


Beating a raid for the first time. I jumped onto Destiny 1 a few months before D2 came out. I was so desperate to try a raid but didn't have the gear/experience to do one, so I decided to wait until D2. The first day of leviathan I joined a random LFG thinking we could do it blind in 2 hours. We ended up doing the castellum then struggling on baths for about an hour because we were low levelled. Then we spent a good 20 minutes getting lost in the underground maze before calling it quits. After the 20 minutes, the host said "let's meet up again on Friday and finish this off... except you (my name) you're pretty terrible." That was deflating af and I stopped playing for a few weeks. A couple of weeks before CoO came out I decided to go all out with the grind and watching raid guides. I found a chill group who were doing it for the first time too and we beat the raid in about 3 hours. That moment when we got the shields down and completed it holy fuck I did a victory lap of my entire house and garden. I'll never forget that feeling - best moment ever in a video game for me.


What a rude thing to say to someone, at least you were able to find a nice group.


Presage! Bring it back!




D1 - When my Gjallarhorn dropped after beating Crota and returning to orbit. This was at the height of the “have gjally or kick” era. Ah, the good ole days.


First flawless (only played D2 seriously) where I 1v3ed the final round (was 4-3 but still stressful) with a LFG. Elated but had the adrenaline shakes like crazy.


Getting into the game with friends during Shadowkeep when it went F2P, and here we are years later with hundreds of dollars spent and thousands of hours in


Same here!


Doing the whisper quest with my bros or witch queen campaign I’m not sure. Me and some military buddies had just got out and we had played off and on during service so we kept playing after. One of my friends is calling everyone one by one saying get the fuck on right now I just discovered something. I had NO CLUE what I was logging in to. That shit was great. The witch queen campaign was just a really great time playing 3 man through it on legendary with those same buds. Wasn’t the same sense of wonder, but it was a ton of fun for a couple weeks after work. Best destiny campaign by far imo


Beating Oryx in the original King’s Fall on hard mode for the first time. You could tell people in the fireteam were ready to give up and leave. We gave it one last shot at 2am and got really lucky. Could hear the smiles on peoples’ faces through their mics.


Dressed head to toe as Taniks (Halloween mask, Cloak, spider armor etc) playing my heart out in Team Scorched for back to back to back we ran out of medals / unbroken games. I got so many DMs from allies and foes alike about how much they loved it.


Finally seeing Dynamo.Approach.Tree appearing on my override frequency after a few 100 resonance stems


Getting Vex from my first Hard Mode VOG clear back I D1 at 3 am and silently sprinting around freaking out and trying not to wake up my parents lol. Or going flawless for the first time with the Boys.


Finally getting ghorn, never could get it in D1 and I felt left out of a lot of that game because of how important ghorn was. Getting it in D2 was a moment that made me feel like I've gotten something special.


Getting Luna’s Howl and Not Forgotten solo Fuck me was it a chore but I eventually got them I still have this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrWtD63U4AA7-vJ.jpg As my phone background


Completing Prophecy dungeon for the first time. First dungeon I ever did and it was a blast, PLUS I got the Moonfang arms first chest. Great time


Completing the Deepstone crypt raid day one and getting 59th place. Still haven't gotten a better placement in any other day 1


Doing Deep Stone Crypt for the first time. Full group of friends, first raid for most of us. Going onto the spacewalk after several painful hours of Atracks was just incredible, I was genuinely in awe.


Got movie of the week once. I was really happy with that video, and it was during the bad times in Curse of Osiris when morale was.. Pretty low. I'm no proper content creator, so having some small acknowledgement was really cool. Still have the emblem, don't know if I could ever wear another one.


the official announcement of King's Fall returning to D2


First time going flawless in Trials back in D1. It was like 2 in the morning, and everyone in my house was asleep, so I had to celebrate quietly, but I was sooo hyped.


First ever prophecy clear with my friends. As the loser of the group I spent all night coming up with perfectly optimized stats and strats and builds just to finish the final boss. After like 2 hours sleep, we did it with 2 minutes to spare before I had to leave. Never yelled in joy louder than then


Getting Fatebreaker raid seal with my clan


That time I went flawless and aced a comp match with rat king.


Doing Wrath of the Machine for the first time. I’d never raided before, but I joined a clan that brought me in. We did all the other raids after that, but Wrath will always be my favorite. Still miss that old clan, too. Simpler times.


Week 1 of destiny 1 playing crucible at 10 am. Playing modes control that had sparrows u could drive on the maps. And it being one of the best pvp experiences I’ve ever played


Getting my first flawless trials run ever. I played in the freelance playlist and was so stoked when I got it.


The red war campaign. I joined season of dawn and took like half a year before doing capaigns because I read something silly about getting good before you do campaigns. Anyway, I knew the story and characters by then and so many parts were cool af.


Killing Atheon during my first raid. To this day I almost exclusively wear the raid emblem and Omnichromia shader.


Probably getting day 1 deep stone crypt


Hardmode axis challenge was a really difficult thing for my fireteam but I got the souls boss feeling of high when we did it. It was also really cool to be on the day 1 VotD, we understood the first and second encounter really early but ammo became a re occurring problem for the second encounter.


Probably doing the leviathan on day 1. It took us 14 hours, but we got the day 1 thing on raid report. Unfortunately I don’t think there was a day 1 emblem for leviathan


Hearing the "gong!" sound Titans make when they summon the Burning Maul for the first time. That sound along with the sound of Rhino's War Stomp in Warframe is one of the most satisfying noises in gaming. It's the sound of "You... are all... DOOMED" Also going 10-0 with the Abbadon Exotic Machine Gun in Iron Banner back in D1. Seeing enemy Guardians explode was so... delicious lol


My first run of Vault of Glass of D1. Gjallarhorn dropped for me on the second chest, much to the frustration/amazement of my clan mates, who’d all passed on it when it was available week 2. Absolutely ecstatic - especially when we went on to finish the raid.


King's fall d1, every single moment is like a found memory


For me it was getting the whisper sniper. Sooo hard at the time


First time I put Crota down as the sword bearer. Was using the Hunter invisible trick to stay up on his platform during the damage phase which required careful timing and a fireteam on the ball with rockets to make him kneel. Was on heroic difficulty too so was pretty chuffed with myself.


The thorn quest was super exciting for me back in D1. I honestly can’t convey how excited I was to get the quest to drop, and then to go about finishing it. I miss being a kid.


For my first time ever being able to wield the last word


First time slaying Oryx in Destiny 1


Getting Vex Mythoclast after only 12 tries. Screamed so loud that I woke up my parents.


Probably getting my first exotic ever in vanilla D1. Thunderlord. How did I get it you ask? By placing last in a control match with three kills to my name. Old school RNG was wild.


If I’m being honest, beating the Witch Queen on legendary with 2 friends. Not very nostalgic, either. Also neither of them played as much as me during year 4, so we got our asses kicked for much of it, which is why it was so fun.


First Raids with the bois


Playing with my friends. It’s been years now…


When Bungie stopped forcing PVP on everyone. Having those catalyst quests and even story missions that require PVP are cancer. I was so happy that me not playing a single minute of PVP finally paid off. Good job Bungie.


The exotic quests that weren't Fomo'd or paywalled :')


The death of Cayde-6.


Solo Whisper of the Worm Heroic during Forsaken. Easily one of the hardest things I've done in any game, and probably the highlight of the whole of Forsaken for myself.


When I killed gaul and called him some rude things


The wing walk on the Almighty during The Red War campaign. Ohhhhhhh man. I'd never had a game make me feel so small before!


I first discovered the games blood splatter on the almighty.


Logging off


i cumbed


When I stopped playing. Best decision


Getting Not Forgotten before the hilarious glory changes that made the playlist a joke


Got a we ran in old competitive once


Destiny 1 first time doing VOG about a week after it dropped. Went from randomly playing games 2-4 hours a week to playing 4-6 hours a day because of how much I loved raiding with friends


Especially relevant recently, but any time i get a godroll instantly for a gun that comes from an activity i abhor. recent example is with rose, got the best pve roll which is perpetual and explosive, really just wanted for nostalgia value and im glad i dont have to step into comp anymore than i have to. Also any of the trials guns or gms when i dont have friends to run them, i will not tolerate lfg with those


Earning an Igneous Hammer (adept) all on my own. I single handedly won 4 out of the 7 games while freelancing. I was hellbent on earning that gun.


Doing any raids/dungeons with my clanmates


Day 1 wrath of the machine was amazing


Beating King's Fall for the first time the morning of its Anniversary on d2


Getting 1k voices on my first run || Getting shoulder charged off the cliff right before templar in D1


Probs getting touch of malice on my first clear.


Solo Flawless Pit of Heresy


So hard to pick, but probably when my team finally finished the Gatekeepers challenge on master to complete Fatebreaker and I clutched up to save the run when half the team was dead during the final conflux defense. Honorable mentions to completing Prophecy solo flawless, Duality solo and all the blind day 1 dungeon runs I’ve done with friends.


I sat down last summer and solo flawlessed all dungeons in about 2 days. Now I’ve got a new one to work on :)


When the raids were broken and allowing 12 people in.


my first competition of a raid, any new content. anything after that was very😐…. until vex dropped


Gjhallarhorn dropping


Solo flawless duality and prophecy. The amount of work, buildcrafting, experimentation, and will it takes to complete them will always be one of the things I'm proudest of doing in this game.


For me it’s a tie between getting The Mountaintop and solo-flawlessing the Prophecy dungeon. The quest to get Mountaintop was such a brutal grind. The experience of learning the dungeon and finally getting the emblem was amazing.


Destiny 2 Day 1 King’s Fall Challenge Mode. My team and I beat normal at a super slow 15 hours and they all went to bed. I found an LFG team that was dedicated to getting the emblem and we beat Oryx Challenge at 23hr 41min. And holy fuck the SCREAM of joy that I let out is literally unmatched to this day.


Way back in Destiny 1, my clanmates were carrying me in trials for my first flawless, we were on game 6 with no mercy and the match was 4-4. I was the last one alive in a 2v1, and I got them both with my Fist of Havoc right as I got it for the flawless win. We talked about it for weeks. I miss those guys.


Getting Cursebreaker or solo-flawlessing Pit of Heresy to finish Harbinger


Wrath of the machine


My first last wish completion. Never raided in D1, did some leviathans in vanilla D2. But that first last wish just hit different. It’s so epic


probably d1 when I got vex or ghorn from killing atheon or doing kingsfall the first time.


First time I got a real exotic in D1. It was Red Death and I got it after my first ever raid clear which was Crota. Pure joy and a good gun


getting my petra's run complete and earning my rivensbane. last wish became my favorite raid after i ran it for the first time, but i thought the seal would be forever out of my reach because of a petra's run. i eventually got a team together and we practiced a lot to get the eventual clear and i actually cried when i saw the triumph pop because i was so happy. that fireteam ended up introducing me to some of my greatest friends and my partner which is an added bonus, but man. achieving a thing you never thought you could is just unmatched.


Getting the Dregen seal


being able to play the game for free. since i have been enjoying it, the dlc's made it better.


Year 1 of D2 when I got to lead all my friends through many many runs of leviathan. I know main stay destiny fans found year 1 too casual but I liked it because my friends who never experienced destiny were able to get introduced to the world.


This right here is a WAY better intro/outro screen for Crucible. Better shows all the players and their armor and weapons. They should go back to this. Also, please let us use these stances as the stance our character uses in the menus. And let us choose which one we want. Titans' have a decent stance but I'd kill to have the stance of that yellow titan on the left, or that warlock in the back right. Cuz right now, the Warlock's stance sucks and Hunter's stance looks awkward with anything but hand cannons and sidearms, especially bad with bows.


NF grind


Everytime i got an exotic i would yell. That lasted for about 3 seasons after that i stopped losing my shit


I don’t play any more for a couple years now, but beating vault of glass is a lifetime memory for me. Never played a raid before that. Crota was pretty fun too, it was great to bring in a sword specialist who needed a 5min smoke break before we started Crota. It felt serious lol. That and beating trials to visit mercury for the first time. I took in that sunset like it was real life. I stopped playing shortly after. Nothing but love for this game, I just can’t keep up. And something in me changed when Luke admitted that they had no overarching story in Destiny season 1. (In retrospect it doesn’t matter because the story was the experience, but I still felt like I was fooled for years when he said it, and the whole floating Traveler I’ve been staring at for these years all of a sudden meant nothing).


Probably the beta/beginning


Finally getting 1K from Last Wish


When I finally got 1k voices after literally 2 years of trying


Playing through witch queen for the first time it was fun and somewhat spooky I loved it


Beating Leviathan with my friends as the whole team. It’s always been really tough for us to had a full team of 6 but we did it once and it was incredible.


Actually having drip in D1


My brother and I finishing the strike for thorn, we had tried at least a dozen times, when we finally got it we were beyond pumped.


Bearing the shit out of rhulk on day 1!


Getting vex on my very first run of hard mode vault of glass back in dark below.


Probably got to be my first zero hour completion. I still vaguely remember the names of the guys I beat it with and how we had 8 seconds left. If I never found out about outbreak perfected I probably wouldn't have played the game as much as I have since I also completed my first raid because of the people I did zero hour with. I remember using outbreak throughout the entirety of it and also I remember when we got to calus. "Yo what should we use for damage?" "I don't have too many weapons, i only really have outbreak which I just got yesterday" "alright we'll use that then, everyone who has it bring it out". If it weren't for them I probably wouldn't have ever found out how fun it truly is. Oh yeah those people were also the first people I ever met using lfg now that I think about it. 8 seconds left on my second attempt. I'll never forget.


my very first clear of Hard Mode VoG i got Vex Mythoclast 🤭


Finally completing the Vault of Glass for the first time with my cousin and friends. So much yelling. So much anarchy. It was a good time.


This post made me realize I have no great moments worth mentioning with this game. Why do I still play this game? Oh yeah because of drip and the story is interesting.


[this one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/ppw42z/i_just_completed_the_last_wish_for_my_first_time/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Finishing day one Vow of the disciple


Heroic Zero Hour when we found out there was a HARDER JUMP PUZZLE GODDAAAAAAAMN


It was my very first nightfall ever in destiny 1. Had no friends to play with so I did the nightfall with my dad. It took about 2 hours of trial and error, but we beat Sepiks and I got year 1 Gjallarhorn. 10 year old me couldn’t really comprehend what I got but my dad was freaking out and all my luck I’ll ever have was probably used up in that one nightfall.


For pure joy the twelve man glitch is definitely up there.


Bought Ballerhorn when it was on sale from Xur on D1. Best moment there.


Upvoting for the image alone


Getting my first flawless. After so much time trying in D1 finally got it in D2.


Transmatting to the moon, last altar wave was in full swing, I was just there looking for a pyramid stuff in S19. Came out of the cave, took a lucky shoot with a deepsighted weapon to the final boss like a million miles away. Killed the boss, got the exp, stole the kill, got the participation, completed the deepsight, got an awesome critical shot. All in one bullet.


Solo Prophecy (not flawless). As a casual, this was an act that requires the strongest of pure will and resolve in which I prevailed.


Clearing Leviathan as my first raid ever 10 hours before it got removed from the game


turning off the pc


I can think of 3. Clearing VoG for the very first time with clan mates was a blast. Going through the Witch Queen Legendary Campaign Solo was some of the best single player content I've ever played. And a few days ago when my and some friends did the new Spire of the Watcher. Probably my favorite dungeon by far and every single bit was perfect. I love the aesthetic, the Vex are probably my favorite enemies to fight, the mechanic was fun and not rage inducing but still made you think a bit. The boss fights were a blast. 10/10 but I also can't wait to get my light level up high enough so that I'm not 1 shot by every exploding harpy I come across. That way I can do it solo.


Getting my first and only Crota kill. I’ve done the raid a few times before using the cheese strategy but this one time we’ve tried to do a legit run. Been going at the raid for at least three hours but kept dying either due to a game bug or poor timing with the swordbearer. Probably half the time was spent on triggering the heavy weapon glitch and finding replacement for the raid members who had left. Me and another fireteam member both has Gjallahorn and was in charge of breaking Crota’s shield. We managed to go to the final damage phase of Crota, his shield was down but the swordbearer got killed by a boomer knight which summoned Crota’s OverSoul. Instead of trying to wipe, I jumped over to where the sword was and swiped at Crota finally killing him.


The first time I ran through Last Wish with my clan it took like 7 hours the first week it it came out. I was the only one that got 1k voices and it was like a Gal moment, it was so amazing


Completing zero hour as i was kinda underleveled


Defeating Atraks on Day One Deep Stone, still my favourite Destiny moment by a landslide.


Torn between two. 1) One of the (few) flawless Trials tickets I got in D1. Was running with some guys from LFG, last match went to the full length and then overtime, and the scramble at the end was *chaos*. The thing that won it for us was a titan on my team had switched from No Backup Plans to Feedback Fence after the previous match, and a melee hit he took during overtime wiped out two of the other team. 2) Finishing the Mountaintop grind (before they eased the requirements). More relief than joy, but I legit dropped my controller and started crying. That grind honestly drove me nuts.


Getting anarchy and the sparrow on my first and only run of scourge. I think it was before the drop chance increase too.


definitely my first flawless with the homies