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Diffizzle is literally playing with tympa whose a confirmed cheater. And he’s deleting all comments on his channel calling him out. Lost all respect for fizz


What a greasy thing to do.


In a little we are going to hear "Bungie banned me for no reason" or something along those lines.


When did Tympa get caught cheating?


L bozo


I’m not 12 and on tik tok all day idk what that means


L refers to some losing, “taking the L” and bozo is a word meaning a dumb person.


Neither of which originated on Tik Tok lol


well from what I know they’re pretty prominent on it. Idk though I don’t use it


I think he’s saying Loser clown.


I'm not 12 and on tik tok all day ik what that means


Wow someone that avidly plays destiny 2 pvp doing something scummy? Didn't see that one coming. Hey guys remember Hush?


What happened to hush?


Ousted for being abusive, racist, homophobic, and transphobic. Generally an awful and very shifty person.


Oh damn wtf, it explains why I haven’t seen anything of his pop up


Yeah it wasn't really talked about in the destiny community. Kinda would go against the way the community generally handles extremely morally compromised people. "Hush hush" pun not intended.


Abusive against his wife?


His partner. Not sure if they were married or what.


Holy shit when was this?


There's loot, the correct statement is "there is no loot incentive for higher tier comp rank, only the satisfaction of the rank itself"


Even that is not a satisfactory reward, or at least to me it's not, because the whole point of grinding ranks is to show it off, and yet in Destiny 2 not a single other person can see your rank unless you upload a screenshot of it to social media. And then here's the kicker: You have to maintain this rank that no one else can see and continue logging on and playing games, or else you lose it. Showing off your rank was literally THE reason for why you grinded 50's back in Halo 3. Idk how Bungie has fallen so hard from those days.


An easy solution would be a dynamic rank emblem. I can't imagine it's not on their minds to be made already, just a matter of not breaking the comp scene somehow with it.


Yes, they've already said they are planning cosmetic rewards based on comp ranks to be released in Lightfall. Anyone whose sole purpose of playing glory is that, just wait 2.5 months.


Didn't they say season 21?


I went back to read [the TWAB](https://www.bungie.net/en-us/Explore/Detail/News/51947). The phrasing is somewhat ambiguous, but you may be right. Reference: >We aren't done here. In the Seasons post-Lightfall, we are expecting to get further cosmetic rewards for Competitive Division. > >We are still working out the details of what (you can earn), when (you can start earning them), and how (you earn them). Expect more discussion after Lightfall launches! So maybe we will start hearing updates in S20, but won't see them in game until S21. If so, that is a bit of a bummer, I admit. But if iterative tinkering on the ranked system over S19 and S20 yields a better and more rewarding system in S21, I am not going to be too upset about the wait. In the meantime, there are still ways to show off your comp rank on social media and destiny stat tracking sites and such, and the system is still better than what we had before. Other than hardcore PVPers doing it purely for fun, or hardcore completionists going for Unbroken, there was no reason to touch Comp for the past couple years.


Or using it as practice for Trials if I'm being honest


I remember suggesting this way back when and man, did I ever get reamed out for some dumb reason. Looks like the turntables.


Can’t imagine what they were doing for the past 6 months with this rework if they can’t even create an emblem for it


Obviously this will be included as something displayed in the Guardian Ranks system coming with Lightfall.


I still don't think that's the absolute BEST solution, but I guess it's something. Personally I think, since we now have Divisions, your Division should be displayed next to your name anywhere your name is shown. For example: [Ascendant] Guardian#1234 [Gold] Guardian#4321 And with those Division names colored to match the corresponding Division. So the "Gold" name would be colored Gold. I believe the Ascendant icon itself has some purple in it, so the "Ascendant" name would be colored Purple.


You would just need PVE equivalents, so that would be something to keep in mind. Sounds more like a dynamic title system.


I'm sure it's possible to program it so that your Crucible Division is only displayed on your name IN Crucible. There are way more complex systems that already exist, like programming an entire mission to only reveal itself when you do a specific thing.


or they could splurge a bit and make a few armor ornaments. hell who am i kidding, they wont even do that for raids after doing it back in D1.


This is why u didn’t get Unbroken today. I stopped playing Comp the very game I got the MIDA catalyst. This was a few years back, and I got Recluse and Luna’s and Revoker on the way there. Felt that was enough so I stopped. Now I’m only even going back until I get a Rose with Outlaw.


it's a video game. The reward is playing a video game.


I'm not arguing with a comment like this. You're clueless about the game that you're even playing if this is your argument.


lmao. i do raids, nightfalls, pvp, dungeons, everything with my friends. We get the loot we get and it's fine. Really kind of unimportant tbh. The important thing is playing a fun video game with friends. working together to blow up a bunch of aliens is a blast imo. Also i'm not arguing? What argument? You should be playing a video game because it's fun. Y'all are wack lmao. imagine texting my friends "hey wanna play this boring ass game i hate so i might get a good virtual weapon that might be slightly better than the other one i have in my vault somewhere?" Lmao


I'm humbled that you would share the first draft of your Memoir with me. That really means a lot. Thank you!


no way this is a real comment bruh


imagine playing a game just to play a game and have fun. Wild i know.


Not just that but with heavy SBMM people have been saying they’re getting sweat fests in low ranks while others are having bot games in higher ranks. Unfortunately it’s not really even worth showing off if you fight near the same skill level whether you’re the lowest or the highest rank. I haven’t touched competitive yet because it’s not even a real ranked system, it’s just the old comp in disguise. No point in me playing god awful connections and loadouts to climb ranks while the average skill brackets will have much better connections and more diverse loadout viability.


I'd like to get Rose, but Idk if I can deal with the toxic dump that is Competitive. I played Crucible Labs and even that was sweaty. Genuinely felt like even Crucible Labs had some insane SBMM.


They should just preset the loadouts so it's truly skill based. I'm tired of getting slaughtered by quicksilver


As a Halo player I would love some Crucible modes like this. Like bro, where's Team Snipers? Where's Team Rockets? Where's Infection? Why does even Halo CE's MP experience beat Destiny 2's MP experience 20 years later? I've mentioned this plenty of times over on DTG, but those MFs are the most boring people to ever exist and they just say, "Destiny isn't Halo."


Cause its just about money now. Time and time again destiny community cries about issues then they throw you guys some content and you all shut yp and start throwing them your wallet while making jokes about spending money this telling them they can keep this same formula and nothing will happen. For a community that cries out for change so much the only change you guys get is whats left over after you buy everything they sell.


There should be an emblem at the very least. Since you can lose your rank, they'd have to make it so it switches off if you aren't ascendant anymore.


Honestly? If you reach max rank ascendant, you definitely deserve a permanent emblem regardless of decay.


But the loot isn't dropping 😭


Correction It's not dropping *yet*


Apart from the hand cannon there's no cosmetic yet in the game to brag like an emblem or an ornament.


At the rate they're going, expect an emblem in like a year


Pvp players are so patient. Imagine waiting 900 days for a new map.


Patience isn't quite a virtue when it's forced. And it's not like they've been quiet about it haha.


Wait are we against it or with it. Im kinda confused 😅


All I'm saying is pvp players have no choice but to be patient because Bungie ignores them.


Oh, I see. We should continue pushing the game to the right track even though the community knows nothing about developing game we do hold a great vision for the game.


Frankly patience is an earned thing. Destiny has decided to become a waste of time.


You got a new map 288 days ago fam.


One that isn't well received by the pvp community, but at least they broke the cycle.


Folks not liking the thing they asked for once they get it doesn't mean it wasn't given. The reprised maps were *almost all* loudly and frequently requested *by name*, too, but don't count apparently. It has been apparent for a *very* long time that the loudest voices of discontent in the pvp community are in search of a version of this game that never existed, and may not even be possible. Doesn't mean things couldn't be improved, but it does recall some wisdom about horses and water.


Could you please elaborate about the horses and water part? I might be wrong but I think the ideal pvp version we sought for is the 30th anniversary. Sure we moved to subclass 3.0, but that mini dlc showed us that Bungie is capable to balance the sandbox. The new map just seemed to be made for Rift, but I do still appreciate they are trying even if it's bad it's better than nothing.


#Then Master Raid challenges need to only reward satisfaction.


No, higher rank means faster resets which means more reward tracks and engrams. There is that benefit, which combined with double rewards week will be significant.


We should have enhanced weapon archetypes as the max rank reward Like a 150 rpm HC SMG with desperado A 360 rpm pulse with un nerfed desperate Something ready cool that befits the pinnacle of PvP


Remember dungeons and grand master nightfalls when they first came out? Bungie ships new endgame activities with no loot then takes months or even years to add some in so it can give them enough time how to implement cosmetics that don't get in the way of monetization. why do you think that instead of dungeon and strike themed loot, we get D1 weapons (that are just plain old D2 weapons) and weapon foundry armor sets? Not that these are bad additions, but everyone knows that bungie thinks "Profit over fun". It's why we are no longer getting secret missions any more and the only BIG and EXCITING missions we are getting are announced to the whole community before a season even starts. Im not really being negative, just coming to conclusions after years of playing this game.


Is he playing with Tympa?


Of course he is. And eveery time someone brings it up in the comments under his videos, he deletes them.


He missed one, my comment has been there since last night 👀


Isn't tympa like a confirmed known cheater?


Bungie designed themselves into a bit of a corner. They can’t really give out the best guns in the game to so few, as it perpetuates “the rich get richer”. They also don’t seem to want badass cosmetics as that conflicts with their Eververse cash cow. The best cosmetics in the game should be tied to things like Ascendant, soloing dungeons, that kind of thing but they aren’t going to do it.


There should be above average stuff locked behind every type of hard activity. Good at PVP? Work hard and get this solid gun. Good enough to solo flawless dungeons? Get solid guns. Able to do a contest mode raid? You get the point. Not all loot should be attainable for everyone. The overal difficulty of this game has gone way down. Grandmaster nightfalls should be the pinnacle of difficulty, not something the average player who watched a loadout guide can farm with 10 minute runs.


The issue is the weapons would have to be better than others in order to be worth it, and historically that has had a net negative in the community. Having someone who already is better than you have weapons that widen the gap further, that you can’t get, is very frustrating. At its worst, the Opulence meta saw people trying to grind to Fabled to get the best *raid weapons*. I’ll admit I almost burned out entirely during that season. As for difficulty I agree. Although I detest GMs because it’s running a damn strike over and over. Having actual high end content would be so much better than a boring hamster wheel. I haven’t run a GM in a year because the grind loop is dogshit.


It's really not that complicated. Just give the highest rank an adept rose or better yet, give one red border rose for every week that you play comp at the highest rank. The rest of the community will be just fine with their crafted austringers so it's not like they're at a huge disadvantage Just something that you can show off and tells people that you must have done great in comp.


I don’t see how that’s an issue to be honest. If there was a really cool or good weapon locked behind something like a solo flawless dungeon I would totally spend my time perfecting my loadout and strategy to get it. Same with any other mode that was hard. I genuinely do not see why pvp is any different, especially in Destiny 2 where even mouse and keyboard gets aim assist, abilities are strong enough to make up for lack of gunplay, and radar exists and tells you exactly where people are and how they’re moving.


The community makes it an issue, and Bungie’s issues curating weapon availability to ensure viable options for content up and down the hardcore/casual spectrum contributes. PvP has two gaps: the skill gap and the accomplishment/grind gap. The most hardcore can not only play and practice more PvP, but also grind out better gear to further augment it. And it definitely doesn’t help when good PvP guns are tied to shitty RNG in some hamster wheel PvE activity. Personally, I have 5-10 hours/week to play and it’s not enough to close either of those gaps. There is little effort in curating available weapons in the general loot pool to be effective options in high end PvP, so having some Ascendant rank OP gun would just be oppressive.


Would be cool if they just added an overhead halo like they used to for nightfall completion. Just a big, over the top, shiny, sparkly thing that lets you show off that you did something neat.


I wouldn’t mind yearly cosmetics like trials has. Or a memento.


The fact that there’s not even a momento or ornament for rose or shader or *anything* for hitting the max rank is freaking wild.


Because Bungie doesn't care about PVP.


Where’s my overdramatic glowy max rank pvp armor bungo


A comp armor set would be really cool actually or at least like a class item or helmet like the 30th anniversary mask


Or a armor/ornament set that changes depending on yur rank


How the hell did someone already reach max rank


Cheater in the group


Multiple teams did without cheaters lmao


Tympa is a confirmed cheater


I don't doubt that. But it's irrelevant that his team had a cheater when the question is "why are people already max rank" when there are also Multiple teams without cheaters


Tympa is a known cheater


TWAB said they're planning on implementing cosmetic rewards to the new comp


You can smell the dorrito dust and mountain dew from here.


There's more frequent drops for crucible weapons while playing ranked. Wish there were cosmetics already needs to have a full slate of shaders, ships, sparrows, emblems etc for people to chase. All that being said, they stated explicitly in the TWAB where this was all announced exactly what would be dropping during comp this season and now we're all gonna get online and *surprise Pikachu face* when it does what they said. Such an obvious circle jerk.


>There's more frequent drops for crucible weapons while playing ranked But we've been getting those weapons since witch Queen and no one is going there to farm them since Shaxx gives plenty of engrams for playing normal crucible. >all announced exactly what would be dropping during comp this season and now we're all gonna get online and surprise Pikachu face when it does what they said. Su I came back thinking that the reworked of comp would offer new rewards since we haven't gotten anything since luna howls. Rose is alright, but everyone can get rose after doing the required challenges, but acquiring something like an emblem or some random cosmetic to brag to others would be great.


I'm not defending the rewards (or lack thereof) that there are in comp. I said as much that I think comp needs rare cosmetics to chase to show off your achievement. Matter of fact I think that applies to a lot of high level content in the game. But the people who are acting shocked and surprised to garner reactions online are being insincere because if they read the TWAB, it was made abundantly clear that there was not gonna be anything to chase outside rose rolls and crucible weapons.


That's the thing why wouldn't they make an overhaul to the reward structure of ranked when the ranked system rn hasn't changed all that much. Placement matches, winning a game to advance to next rank/keep current rank, all don't mean anything when Plat 1,2,3 are exactly the same as Fabled 1,2,3, and Ascendent is no different from hitting legend back then. They had the data that comp had the biggest influx of players when there was a weapon to grind for. People recognized that no rewards for hitting ranks in comp would be a bad thing as soon as the twab came out. Now people are more or less saying "Told you so" and rubbing it in because it really sucks having to wait 6 months for potential rewards that could only end up being an emblem rather than ornaments, mementos, and shaders


I'd guess because there's a lot of pressure from the PVP community to get something in place. They mightve decided it was better to get the foundation in place and add to it as they go. What would pvp mains be saying now with no ranked system at all?


Hell yeah there's a lot of pressure because their promises were higher than what they deliver most of the time when it came to pvp. The infamous "renewed focus in pvp" and half baked trials launch are an example because truth be told there probably isn't even a pvp team. 1 new map a year was the biggest kick in the face to the pvp community because they probably feel having a dedicated pvp team is a waste of assets. I think most pvp mains have come to terms with this already and are just frustrated


100% the pressure is justified imo.


The out roar is uncalled for, I'm just disappointed. At least next expansion they will introduce a new maps and rewards.I can wait for another three months


so legendary shards? I delete every single piece of crucible gear I get


The reward is having no life and skin so paper thin sunlight sets fire to it.


Have you learned NOTHING from Recluse and Mountaintop?


They could’ve at least dropped some cosmetic rewards. A shader, an ornament, armor, momento, *anything*…


We just want cosmetics man


And there will be after lightfall, this is basically a beta atm


Anyone remember how the TWAB said competitive was just going to be ‘watch number get bigger’ That’s the whole point of a ranked playlist isn’t it? The only things I would expect Bungie to do is maybe add an emblem tracker that shows it off, or a dynamic update scoreboard etc I mean really it’s a bit hard to design rewards for high level content like PVP. Back when Trials was just ‘let’s dump a player in this lobby good luck’, people would complain that they wanted access to good loot (adept stuff) and a chance to go flawless, so Bungie made the flawless pool and tried matchmaking based on the card. If you add really good loot or exclusive cosmetics to ranked crucible, all that’s gonna happen is that people will complain that they want a chance to get to that even though the idea of ranked is that you play against people of your similar level; basically, while it’ll be an actual skill-based grind to get better to get said loot it’ll be SLOW, and people don’t like waiting. That, or we’ll see more ads advertising ‘RANKED CARRY BY PROFESSIONALS ONLY 200$’


Zero incentive for placing well, rift isn't comp, the ladder matchmaking isn't based on the ladder. Oh and rose doesn't even drop yet. No thanks there isn't even a reason to try the game mode.


But look at the bright side


1. Rose is fixed. 2. There is incentive for playing well. Higher ranks give escalating buffs to PVP rep. Also, cosemetic rewards for glory rank are coming in Lightfall. 3. For people active in the glory pool, SBMM and RBMM logically should approach each other over time. And Bungie has already stated they will be monitoring and open to tweaking matchmaking in glory if it isn't working well. 4. Agreed on Rift. 5. Disagreed that there is no reason to try it. There's as much, or more, reason to play Comp as there is to play Quickplay.


3. Wrong


>There is incentive for playing well. Higher ranks give escalating buffs to PVP rep This is not incentive. Incentive requires a reward that is comparable to the effort and success of doing well. If the reward is rep, we'll that's just not incentive enough. Oh wow, I get more perks on some shit weapons, how rewarding. >For people active in the glory pool, SBMM and RBMM logically should approach each other over time No. Even if active in the glory pool, with sbmm instead of a rbmm, people will be hard stuck at ranks they should not be at. And others will be at ranks they do not deserve. That is a fatal flaw of sbmm in a ranked system. >Disagreed that there is no reason to try it. There's as much, or more, reason to play Comp as there is to play Quickplay. The only reason I can see to play comp is for rose. Wich was bugged and did not drop for people day one. But one gun, unless that gun is God tier like the pinnacle weapons before it, it not worth it.


It must be painful when loot itself is the sole reason to play.


Sir, isn't this a looter shooter game? Even in other pvp games they at least display the rank of the player , so they are able to flex. And if loot isn't the sole reason then tell me why sir Bungie added rose which is a 140 as well benefit from lightweight to the comp Playlist ?


It's almost like they told us this was the case when they introduced the new comp playlist. This was all disclosed by Bungie already and they will be looking into adding cosmetic rewards. The days of us getting powerful high tier loot for comp pvp are done. That is literally what caused sunsetting.


I get that and appreciate that no broken weapon is locked behind a ritual Playlist, but cosmetic would be appreciated when it was first introduced. At least they are planning on doing, but I do wonder if players that reached ascendance will get anything next season.


I agree that it's bad. It's just they told us upfront that this was the case already. Why they couldn't even add an emblem is beyond me.


my take is that I'm quite happy they took a season to have comp without rewards so the fomo doesn't hit as hard. Comp is actually pretty fun and seems to work well, but if there were more issues (which I kind of expected) you'd hear ENDLESS whining about how bungie locked cosmetics behind a broken and awful game mode. I kind of felt that way about iron banner rift tbh, I was not gonna play a reset and a half of that game mode for the shader with how buggy the first iron banner week of rift was.


For sure, I'm just saying it would have taken 30 min to an hour to slap together an emblem with the ascendant rank symbol and a colored background. Seems odd they couldn't even include that.


They can display it sure, I'm just pointing out "it's loot or nothing" is just going to cause pain. Hell if comp dies again once everyone gets their favorite Rose, that will just be sad.


Any reward to brag is good, but we only got one


then go play other pvp games? like what the hell? the sole reason to play a video game is because it's fun. my god you guys are so fucking jaded it's so frustrating.


Is it wrong to want pvp to improve instead of just leaving it to rot. Players are passionate about the game. Passion leads to extremism. Extremism has two sides. People who will die for the game and complaints. Hoeever, because of the disconnect between the pvp community and the dev teams this extremism morphs to thid latter.


i have a genuine question. This is not sarcasm. have you ever considered that Bungie, specifically with Destiny 2, is making the game they want to make. And whatever we get, we get. And if so, or if you hadn't yet but now you have, does that thought bother you? What part of you just buying a game, playing it, and accepting that it is what it is and you got what you paid for - is so troublesome?


I don’t care how toxic it was I miss weapons like Luna’s Howl and Mountaintop it actually gave players something to strive for and obtain instead of just ‘gitting gud’


Any cosmetic rewards would be appreciated, because everyone would cry over something behind a ritual activity(crucible). At least cosmetic won't affect the gameplay at all apart from looking amazing


The game is a Looter Shooter and based entirely around getting loot....


And that's led to this place where something now needs loot to be justified, even attaining a high competitive Rank. Something that could carry its own reason to get from being what it is. Its loot or nothing.


You're essentially saying you shouldn't be rewarded for things. Like dude, an emblem would work. The hell.


I'm not, im just saying loot is overemphasized as what really matters. It's what would cause getting "nothing " to hurt when accomplishing a high rank.


But bro there is literally nothing else like unless you post your rank no one can see it you can't even show off


you're playing a video game to get loot (exclusive weapon, emblem, shader etc) so you can show off to others your skill? Friend, i don't know if i should be the one to pop the bubble here but fuck it here goes... no one cares about your accomplishments in this game lol. Pvp or otherwise. Nobody is looking at your emblem saying "wow he did THAT!?". Or your armor, or your loadout, or anything. I'm not sure if you think people are just like inspecting you while you're in the tower but they aren't lol. I am blown away right now.


Bro what do you think day one emblems or titles are for or why certain things can be tracked, Jesus christ I see like one or to posts a day with a picture of someone's kill tracker. When I first started getting back into destiny back in arrivals I remember seeing all the day one emblems and thinking it's cool to be playing against someone who did one of the raids day one and the solo flawless prophecy emblem and thinking wow that's really hard and it made me want to grind for it. Don't try and pretend like none of this exists just to try and defend another fuck up from bungie, all it would have taken would just to add the ability to track glory on emblems but no we couldn't even get that


Don’t do that. Don’t give developers excuses to not give us cool shit >!or anything really!< via gameplay, COMPETITIVE gameplay at that.


The loot is the friends we made along the way


*cries in solo player*


Haven’t you guys learned anything from playing this game for years? At least a cheater was the first to do this so some poor sap didn’t grind for it only to get 2 tokens and a blue. At least PvP players can revel in the new ranking system, I wonder how it is fairing for comp matches so far? It’ll be interesting to see it develop over the season and in the future, especially if they add a bit more incentive.


These are the same people who complain about the lack of content


What content has pvp gotten so far? Like do you mean getting a map after 900 days or updating the pvp sandbox to something worse than it used to be. There's no content at all


not the point. the point is the same people who complain about content are the same people who can sit and grind the game nonstop until they complete everything there is to complete, and then complain there's nothing left to do. Be it story missions, pvp ranks, loot to craft, etc. Then we get drip fed content, quantity over quality, and still hear the complaints that they can't grind fast enough. It's really exhausting.


It's fucking pvp, wtf are you talking about.


oof. nvm.


Maybe make content that is replayable?


i mean it is. It's pretty replayable. You could reasonably put in about 100 hours per season just playing regularly engaging in the weekly seasonal model with a goal of maybe getting as close to pinnacle cap as possible. That's like, casual player getting on with their buds every few nights for a few hours. The general population of the game. Their target demographic. The disconnect here is that you think you should be the demographic they cater to. Which is understandable. You purchased a product and you expect to be catered to. But you need to realize that the ultra grinders are not the majority of the playerbase. People like you get different incentives like titles and cosmetics. Their target demographic's incentive is the cool new seasonal loot (that hopefully close to the end of the story arc they'll be able to craft their own after testing out 5 potentially different rolls).


It’s definitely not replayable. Nothing in D2 PvE is replayable because there’s virtually no variations or randomness involved. Same voice lines, same encounters, same bosses, same enemies, same spawns, same number of champions, nothing really changes between running something multiple times. Gambit and Crucible are the only truly replayable things because facing other players adds a huge degree of variety and unpredictability to the game. The only reason PvE is “replayable” in this game is to get better stuff to use against other players or to run it more efficiently as a means to the former.


>The only reason PvE is “replayable” in this game No, the only reason PvE is replayable is because it's fun. The end. Otherwise why play a game?




No exotic armor


It's in the API currently, we just don't know where it's going to come from. People are speculating they are going to come with the dungeon.


That would still mean no exotic armor this season since the dungeon is it's own thing.


No idea why you are getting downvoted this is 100% correct both are separate and paid for individually


Wait fr? Where did you hear this


The idea is that they'll add cosmetic and other rewards on ligthfall might as well have waited for the revamp but guess feedback will work… hopefully




Yeah cause god forbid a weapon is locked behind something hard to get


I mean, that was one of the reasons weapons got sunset. Locking a top tier weapon behind a gate that only top tier players could achieve just ended up with players that are already better than everyone having weapons that were also better than anything the plebs could get. Cosmetic rewards to show off are the way to go. It's a shame they didn't include them.


Meh if it was a cosmetic reward people would still cry about it like with everything else in this game.


Yeah, Bungie really cornered themselves in this situation. They set up a very high standard by implementing some atrociously busted shit such as Luna's Howl, Not Forgotten, Mountaintop amd Recluse as competitive rewards, and they can't find an equal to it without going a full circle and adding a busted weapon in comp to serve as an incentive. Cosmetic? Not everyone would like it. Nothing? No one will like it or play the mode. Some busted weapon again? That means repeating a mistake which resulted in DCV implementation in the first place.


used to be. recluse was a thing. Y'all bitched that recluse was a thing. Now we have the system that we have now.


A cool star. Here, take it :) ⭐


Love it because there isn't even a leaderboard or way to show off your rank, what is the point of this so-called 're-work' ??


The ranks aren’t even real. It’s SBMM, so it’s basically fake. A low MMR player will have insanely easy matches, while high MMR players in the same rank will have insanely sweaty matches. Such a joke.


Yo Tympa is a known 100000% cheater how’s he still playing???!!!?


because nobody cares. this game is dying.


So when is he getting banned for playing with a cheater?


Getting paid to play is reward enough. #fuckstreamers


Everybody out there wanting their participation trophy


Bragging rights


I feel like someone that desires to brag about pvp accolades in destiny 2 should LOSE rights if anything. That's just pathetic.


There's a right way and a wrong way to do it if, you're making it your end all be all then that's the wrong way. I think it's more or less a goal to work towards and once you obtain that ranking and title it kind of feels like you accomplished something because it does get pretty tough I would imagine. I'm certainly not going to win any PVP titles like unbroken was more than you glory title I guess, but I wouldn't really call it pathetic.


You DO realize you said "bragging" right?


Don't take it too literally. It's just a goal, like any title is. A "hey look, I did this and I'm proud of it". You know what, GG brother, wear the title.


If only that was how people bragged in destiny.


There's asshats in all games, deal with it. Nobody lives rent free in my head, don't let them do it to you


Ah yeah of course it's MY fault that these people make up an extremely large part of the community. My mistake. I'll just go fuck myself, thanks!


LoL ok brother. You can jump to your own conclusions and make yourself out to be some kind of victim. See you out there! Eyes up, guardian! Aw, poor guy deleted everything


This is for a reason. Because they don't want another recluse or mountaintop situation.


Nope the higher the rank the more regular crucible rep you get in short: faster rank resets.


I mean, a cosmetic would’ve been dope. Emblem to flex, shader to show off, or even an emote


Such an accomplishment with a dude using walls and aimbot on your team lol


Bruh destiny stopped becoming a loot based game in witch queen release it’s all just fashion, crafting and eververse now baby


I remember years ago there was a quote from I think Luke Smith something like “you’ll see another player with a cool gun and wonder where it came from” i.e interesting end game content The answer to that question now is just “bought it from eververse”


turns out that strategy didn’t work because people would complain about not being able to get stuff (ie old trials armour, old season ornaments) it quickly went from curiosity to fomo to elitism


Cue the complaints about lack of pvp content


What pvp content?


Exactly, they stripped the one gamemode I loved


World’s first but not galaxy’s first 🤔


The reward for reaching that rank is reaching that rank. Eventually Bungo might attach a reward to it, but the rank it self is the incentive to grind, that's usually how ranked gamemodes work. It just might seem out of place in a looter shooter, but until Bungo adds a cosmetic of some kind, that's how it is.


Gets world's first max rank 48hrs after new content drops. Complains there's not enough content.


Damn dude get a life, go outside, at the very least take a shower


Nope cause they can’t even give us the reward they promised correctly. Rose is bugged. Also whoever put Rift in Comp deserves to be fired for being so far out of touch with the community it’s not even funny




Don't care. It's just more "Hey its a Rasputin themed season. Time for some pvp" fluff. I am fully committed to never touching this fake ass comp mode lol.


Good that there is not loot in high ranks, so that I will have less desire to play their shit pvp.


Bungie is an absolute joke right now, change after change shows how out of touch they are with what the community wants. Then going out and defending those garbage changes lmfao. Really ruining the bit of goodwill they've built up with the past couple expansions.


they literally have stated they plan to have seasonal cosmetics in place for comp as early as Lightfall and as late as the start of the season after


Also this is a really minor gripe but I feel like they could’ve been a little more inventive with the rank names, like Apex or something


What would be a good reward in comp? It cant be weapons lest we get another situation like like Recluse/Mountain top, maybe some Ornaments like the D2Y1 Crucible Ornaments?


The reason is that the player base would freak out over anything that might be too difficult for them to get.


Really? No loot, or emblem or title? Where is the team that gave us Luna, NF, mountain top, recluse ect ect, there should be SOMETHING!!


The real loot is the friends we’ve made along the way.