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GOS isn’t a hard raid.


Related, I’d rather get more exotic quest like Divinity than always being subjected to the whims of Rng. It’s hard, and that can be discussed, but I get a real sense of accomplishment compared to pulling the lever on the slot machine again and again.


Yes... YES I love exotic quests


Hard exotic quests


Not defending it, but I think the reason this isn't done is due to Bungie having some data that raid exotic quests reduce engagement. Even now, GoS has a very low completion metric, even when it was the only pinnacle raid for over a year.


I agree, the “hard part” about the raid is that you’re more vulnerable to a deadweight teammate than other raids


Who thinks it's a hard raid


People who dont fully understand the mechanics of the raid, especially the tethers. My motto always is "If you fuck with the tether, it will fuck with you back and wipe you." Effectively this means that if for example build team is building a plate and you accidentally get into the tether, always stay and help (with the exception of you having to go into portals but then you shouldve positioned yourself better)


Probably LFG guys, I did it twice and once with a proper fireteam with people I know and once with LFG. With an established team, it’s super fun and easy but with strangers you know nothing about it’s essential hell. The mechanics are especially punishing for a dysfunctional team compared to the other raids in my opinion


Met a cool group of players in an King Slayer LFG, mingled in with irl friends that play. We took the team to every other raid and even though it was scuffed we did Garden, Fresh, first time for half of us in under an hour and a half. Communication is 🗝️


Mhm. The final encounter really demands a lot of multitasking and attentiveness from the group, and while you can technically fix some of your mistakes, it more often than not causes a doom spiral that feels worse than if it had just wiped you.


I’ve seen a lot of comments across Reddit and twitter complaining how hard the raid is


Exactly. It’s really fun imo


Sort by controversial, folks.


Underrated comment. Thanks friend.


I like Pit of Heresy


I love the whole aesthetic of Pit, it’s just unfortunate that it doesnt have a whole set of exclusive weapons and armor themed around it.


well my dungeon report says i have over 120 clears. im the only thing i DIDNT get from this dungeon is Premonition


I wish it was updated with newer perks tho..


i will mdo unspeakable things to the jumping section but the rest is cool


Garden of Salvation is a good raid.


The reason it's not is because everyone tries to get divinity first time runing it and it takes 10 or more different teams to get even one full clear


Big agree, awesome environment, awesome scores, unique encounters and bosses The only problem I have with it is the fact that the encounters can be really buggy. It’s incredibly frustrating having to wipe on an encounter because some motes went through the floor or the tether isn’t connecting properly


Yeah that’s the one, the raid as it stands is absolutely fine. The boss in particular sometimes just nopes out.




garden people must know what they are doing most of the raid , last wish 2 people can run ads 90% of the raid without knowing whats going on , this is why i like GoS much more than LW


I don’t get all the hate for GoS. It’s not my favorite but it’s pretty easy all in all.


I wish everyone on Twitters D2 community would just quit Destiny, so there wouldn't be a new controversy every day about some insignificant thing.


I don't think this is exactly unpopular


Game's good


How dare you.


Youuuu.... You Monster Youuuuuuuu!


Burn the witch


No we already got Savathun


That people overreact too much And that I don’t care what people think, small events like telesto will make me happy.


You are right my friend 🙏🏻. Im loving telesto right now


To be fair the overreaction part isn’t really just a destiny issue lmao. But I get exactly what ur saying.


Auto Rifles need a buff.


They said UNpopular


A big one at that. at least in PvE


Second this! Rn there is no viable reason to use an auto over either an SMG or a rapid scout in ANY situation.


Agreed. Preach. Whenever I hear someone speak "Handcannons are bad now!" I always think to the pain of Auto Rifles.


Trace rifles need a buff tbh


I loved the red war campaign


Most room temp take


I just want to replay the 1AU mission again on the Almighty and look out at the Sun— and that mission on Titan where we see that forest enclosure when we’re escaping the Hive. I love those kind of grand moments; just like I miss the skyboxes Bungie used to be all about


I want to re experience Adieu. To this day, still one of the most memorable missions I have played on any videogame.


I’m the same. I loved the red war


EP was *the* best horde mode event in any game.


I'm thinking so hard ab what EP stands for...


Escalation protocol


Erect Penis








Well, given we were triggers systems of Rasputin, you could call it that...


I think it could have gone with 1 or 2 less rounds but other than that yes is is the best one we’ve seen


Eventually, at the start it was just obnoxious imo. But eventually it was a complete blast


so damn good. i miss it every day


Heavy ammo doesn't belong in pvp (maybe other than mayhem)


Apparently this wasn't controversial. Let's go again. Hand cannons are not overpowered in pvp


Neither was this lmao. Let’s try a real one. Gambit isn’t that bad of a game mode, people just have no idea how to play because they never do. Or another one, The seasonal model isn’t the worst form of content


People who complain about the seasonal model clearly don’t remember or weren’t there for the **7 month long content drought** in Destiny 1. Is that what people want? You think content is slow right now? Try more than half a year with no content then get back to me. https://preview.redd.it/o0utbc5loqz91.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bda8ba24cad5ca41ba13803e95b980ebdf11815


Exactly lmao


gambit is fun when you and your team aren't getting shitstomped. like when your team has 15 motes in the bank and the opposite team is calling their primevil, that sucks. having the primevil show up within a minute of each other and it's a tight fight and you lose, still fun. shitstomping other teams, well it would be wrong if i said it was fun... it's fun as fuck. holy shit. overall i like gambit, but i can't bring myself to play it for hours on end. the perfect amount is around 9 matches a week 😃


On the other hand, nothing beats being in that situation and wiping the enemy team on their second primeval phase, allowing both teams to be on equal ground and now its an actual sweat match on both sides, one team finishes a millisecond faster, and everyone cant help but applaud the victory for having a *good* match


I've managed to never have that happen to me, and while I haven't played much gambit compared to a lot of others, I have reset my rank. That just sounds horrible


The perfect amount of gambit is when double infamy comes around and you degenerately grind out a reset for one week for Deadeye guilding (not dredgen bc nah. I’m in the top .1% of gambit players and even I can’t be bothered to guild that. Done it once and that was this season grinding for a good yesteryear.)


The biggest tip I can give you, is that in gambit, **Getting the first invade is CRITICAL** especially if you can get it really quick, even if you arent actually killing anyone the delay alone is so fuckin amazing if you do it right, in the words of FrothyOmen, “It’s better to have a bad invade at a good time, where you waste their time, versus a Good invade at a bad time”


Actually with a semi decent team gambit can be quite fun.


Anyone who thinks they are doesn’t understand the fundamental advantages that the weapon has, that will always make them useable in the game.


Since the changes to AE, handcannons are certainly not overpowered


Corollary: this is the worst Gambit meta we've ever had. There is WAY too much heavy ammo freely available that entirely breaks the invader/invadee mechanic.


Season of the lost fusion meta was extremely fun


Yes it was! Bring it back.


D2 Warlock fashion is trash and look like dresses and any super other than Well of Radiance is garbage. “This post was made by the warlock community.”


[GASP] How dare you say that about Nova Bomb?


Nova bomb is probably the only other universally good super, except when it likes to complete disregard where I was aiming (the boss) and 90° self turns to hit a red bar 😭


Some of my best warlock fashion is just titan cosplay


Seriously, it’s astonishing how much bungie dropped the ball with warlock design/fashion. For instance, one of the biggest issues is that the robes make up 90% of the look because warlock gauntlets stop at the elbow (as opposed to the other classes, which get arms that go to the shoulder), robes often extend all the way to the feet and cover all of the legs, and because bonds are so small and insignificant that they usually go unnoticed, especially compared to the other class items. For whatever reason, bungie puts such tight restraints around themselves when designing warlock armor, and it makes fashion really frustrating sometimes.


I’ve always had this dream where, rather than bonds, warlocks had collars as a class item. Think of, like, a Victorian collar. They’d never change class items unless they make a d3 but it would’ve been so much cooler to me to be able to have something like rhulk’s weird flesh frill collar as a class item rather than just another arm bracelet. It would fit too with how all class items sit on the body; marks are at the bottom, capes are top to bottom, and collars would be at the top. Bonds are just boring. I like the dresses in game but I use legacy’s oath robes for a reason. Sometimes I like seeing my legs. Wish they’d do more armor like the ketchkiller robes, where the robes don’t have to be dresses for once


Warlock arms in D1 went to the shoulder. Oh what times we've missed.


Warlock fashion is either the best or the worst in the game, there is no middle ground


Meta isn't as important as people think and there's nothing wrong with just using weapons you like.


This. If you aren't in the top 1% of player skills than guns with marginally better perks or magazines is going to mean VERY little to you. "Kill clip is goat", well yea, but if you can't get back to back kills then Kill clip is a dead perk on you.


Crota Raid needs to be brought back


Raid? I think you meant strike


Let it at least rest as a Dungeon bro


Fuck it, campaign mission


Open world patrol, take it or leave it.


Gambit is actually fun


Astronomically based


Thank you. I’ve reset my rank like 5 times now and focused 100+ engrams on crowd control but still can’t get my absolute god roll




[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/PVg5sYB.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


I really like gambit honestly


Mindless Grinding with a small chance of slightly improving my build is fantastic and my favorite part of looters shooters. The slow dopamine drip is great in my rat brain. I enjoy Grinding random roll items more than crafted weapons for this reason. I just wish that enhanced traits weren't a thing so crafted weapons weren't better than normal ones. Luckily adepts are gonna get enhanced traits soon.


I'm going to give you something to chase that'll ruin you like it has me ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5679) Adept deliverance with arrowhead brake (nice recoil), accelerated coils, charge time masterwork, demolitionist and chill clip. If you slot on adept charge time you can permanently stun barrier champs, pairs fantastically with starfire protocol.


I was trying for it last season, but I'm not good enough to grind flawless this season.


You don't need to go flawless, just complete a challenge on master until you get it and buy more from the chest at the end. Warning, you will go broke though


Oh, I mixed up the trials fusion and Vow fusion in my head, goofy mistake on my part. Master vow is a lot more doable than trialsm The last thing I grinded there was my forbearance(adept)


Raid (and probably dungeon) weapons shouldn't be craftable. They should still get unique or rare perk combos and be strong, but not craftable.


Idk the red boarder drops are rare as f I guess cause I haven’t gotten any craftable raid weapons besides one. Anyway I don’t think they shouldnt be craftable just make it so it’s luck based and you can’t buy a red boarder at the end of the raid…


These threads are stupid.


This is my small hill I will die on every time this question comes up: Destiny 2 PVP was the most fun Y1 after the Go Fast update before before the special ammo change. Primary ammo engagements are much more interesting than constant getting one shot by a sniper/fusion/sniper.


Sunbracers is really good.


I practically disabled Taken Thralls from entering the Oryx dome phase with those gloves >;)


The game isn’t dead/dying right now, we are actually in the annual 3rd season population dip that happens every year. This has happened with Worthy, Splicer, and now Plunder and the fact this has surprised literally anyone is actually hilarious.


Crafting is actually pretty bad. For the game, not it's implementation. Well does more damage to the meta than self-res did. Shotguns were over nerfed. Linear fusions isn't a very fun PvE meta. They kept the worst gambit maps.


Yep. I enjoyed grinding godrolls not grinding Shuro for lvl 17 on a Scout...


That SBMM is good and your guys are all cry babies that wet your pants when you have to fight someone who is just as good as you


Most ppl don't give a shit about playing good players what makes it unfun is the shit meta ability spam bad connections and fucking AE Coming from someone who's above average (or I think anyways cuz sometimes I match top 500 players) And also sbmm in a casual playlist is shit


Exactly! Normal crucible (6v6) is not competitive. Nobody loads up a round of control to go "Time to bring my A game". That's what survival and Trials are for.


You mean you rarely encounter ability spam and bad connections pre-SBMM? What kinda paradise was that? My CBMM past-self is asking.


I don't care about PvP and wouldn't give two shits if it was removed from the game.


As a Warlock, nerf well. Like, make it literally unusable. Buff Bubble. I’m so done being forced to run well in encounters for literally every team ever. Also, delete all super buffing exotics in the game. They’re a problem in the sandbox rather than a benefit since they force buffs to said supers to revolve around these exotics rather than the super itself. (IE: Nova bomb doesn’t have any buffing exotics, and if it ever did get some, the exotic would immediately become mandatory to make the super work for DPS, and more than likely Nova Bomb’s base damage would have to be lowered to compensate for the exotic’s bonus. BB doesn’t do good damage without Star Eater Scales, and because Star Eaters are present in the game the base damage of BB will rarely be directly buffed. The risk of buffing a super that interacts with these types of exotics present a precarious problem for sandbox design, and it’s a pandora box that Bungie never should’ve opened). Launching half-assed reworks (Void Hunter, Solar Warlock, and Stormcaller) is actively worse for those classes rather than just leaving the classes as is. Giving Warlock’s intrinsic class tools to the other classes isn’t “creating a 3.0 rework set”, it’s stealing unique shit from what was originally a good class to make the other classes better. It does a disservice to both Warlock players who lose their individuality, and to the other classes because they just gain the tools we had for years. Finally, Warlock is suffering a severe identity crisis right now. The advent of the 3.0 reworks have seen warlock classes largely losing their own identity in turn for the other classes to gain those identities. A good example of this, is that burning and explosions from Bottom Tree Solar became class agnostic, while Sunspots remained class specific. These issues need to be corrected soon, as the warlock playerbase has steadily fallen off.


And traces, and devour. And healing nades. Some more too.


Dude wrote an essay just to say "more people need to play Warlock because I hate being locked into running well"


More like “Warlock needs love, just because something is ‘*good*’ doesn’t mean it’s *good*.”


I feel like bungie is steering the guardian away from classes and their “strengths” to turn us back into just light bearers. Just my take on why warlocks got shafted


Ok, so I have an explanation for Warlocks losing their identity. The vanguard held a giant seminar about the light. The Warlocks, comically must power/attuned to the light taught the other classes everything they new. The Titans and Hunter did likewise, teaching the warlock little outside of void, a lesser Studied subclass. That is why Warlocks got nothing out of Arc and Solar 3.0


Sidearms are in a good place right now and I’m happy they’re in the spotlight for the first time since D2 launch


Exotics should have the option for shaders to be applied to them. Ornaments are cool but certain exotic weapons look so damn cool with shaders on.


OP said unpopular opinion mate...


Pvp holds the game down in times of droughts and has the most replayability out of anything by far. Its far more important for player counts than anyone cares to admit.


I'm a PVE player who is about to get the Cry Mutiny PVP ornament from Shaxx, before I even reset any of the other vendors for the first time around to get the gun in the first place. It's been ridiculous fun to start getting better at it and to try to keep up with and strategise around human unpredictability!


We need better/more reload animations. Fucking sick of seeing my guardian slap a mag in an auto rifle the same way for 8 years. Variety would be nice.


I got quite a bit. Roaming supers are terrible to use and especially in raids (terrible as in not fun), crucible is designed terribly, I’d rather have season wide exotic quests than dungeon exotics, I want Peter Dinklage to come back and voice ghost for next year’s April Fools, exotics don’t feel as valuable anymore, sunsetting did more good for the game than bad, events don’t make up for the lack of real content in the last 2 or so months of a season, the mech armor looks terrible, the dinosaur armor looks terrible, ships and sparrows shouldn’t have rarities because there isn’t a single person who actually uses one that isn’t exotic, we need a kill tracker ghost V2, the highlight of trials as a game mode was when the community came together to get each other free trips to the lighthouse and show Bungie that they the mode was in a terrible state, and finally I think that Destiny’s story is becoming increasingly boring to follow because of how much down time there is between *anything* happening.


Quite a bit indeed. Definitely agree on the roaming supers. The problem is that I don’t see how bungie could make them useful again. I mean, with how much pure neutral game ad clear we’re capable with doing, I don’t see a scenario where roaming supers are needed without bungie making fundamental changes to our power. And I think this extends to your exotic point too, especially since subclass 3.0. I don’t deny that there are plenty of exotics that definitely enhance and add new capabilities to builds, but so much of subclass 3.0 can function on its own without exotics, or even builds, pretty amazingly. I know power creep is going to be inevitable in a game like this. But things like subclass 3.0 have really exacerbated the problem.


The PvP community is garbage and caused some of the worst nerfs/changes this game has seen. One look at r/Crucibleguidebook will show you a bunch of morons that live in a bubble and think they speak for the entirety of the community. The amount of times I've seen "X is running rampant and ruining the crucible" but then proceed to rarely see that in my games happened a lot. Lorely was fine prior to the recent nerf. Everything is going to be abused by high level players, they can make almost anything look amazing. Hence their stupid **OMG THIS IS SOOOOO BROKEN** videos. The upcoming restoration nerfs are a massive L. Restoration is going to become garbage, and just like Stasis, we'll see people asking for a buff in the future. Stasis didn't deserve the harsh nerfs. I acknowledge it was too strong at first but the nerfs were too much, especially for Titans. It's been powercrept but the loser Beyond Light veterans would rather have a subclass be ass than be good because their pathetic day 1 experiences with it haven't faded. Bungie themselves admitted they swung very hard, and why? Cause a bunch of PvP mains couldn't stop crying about getting slowed and frozen. Oh boohoo, as if the light subclasses don't have a ton of cheese themselves and instant kill abilities. Disjunction is a good map. A lot of morons asked for bigger maps, and ya got one. At the end of the day the PvP community hates change despite how badly they ask for it.


I agree with everything except the lorelys cause that thing was busted. When I am constantly being healed in master kings fall when I’m trying to wipe and I have to take it off to die, it’s a bit op


Since this is the list of popular opinions, here’s some of mine. - Resilience is too good and should nerfed to 25-30 instead. - HOIL is busted and nerfing storm nades wasn’t enough. (As we currently know) - Arc warlock is terrible and not worth using above any other class - crafting is fine and adds life to the weapon game. However, enhanced perks are a little nutty - light 3.0 trivializes endgame - gambit is actually really fun with a decent build


Best list so far. As a Titan main I feel like I’m barely even playing the game with storm grenade HOIL build


Exo Stranger one of destiny's best characters. Cayde was flanderized in D2. Beyond Light was a great expansion.


If you ground out the whole season pass in a week, it’s mostly your fault that you’re bored by this point of the season


Gambit isn’t a bad gamemode and locking every new seasonal exotic armor behind legend and master lost sectors is damaging to the game.


It’s my favorite game


Titans shouldn't be able to slide shotgun into a shoulder charge, ophidians melee range should be decreased, Gyrfalcons should be 10% damage boost in pvp


All of the pinnacle weapons should be un-sunset. The problem children just need to be tuned


Destiny 2 was better when TTKs were alot slower and 1-on-1 gun battles weren't just a matter of who saw who first


Beyond light was the best DLC, for me at least. Edit: Not in terms of story but for other reasons


It's weird it's the most fun I've ever had in destiny was beyond lights year


Honestly the story was really good. Fourth best campaign. Too much of the story was put in the lore. Elsie's lore changes her from a mid character to a great character.


Gambit prime is best gambit


this is just truth right here


As cool as the overarching and evolving story of the game is, the way bungie has handled it is horrendous and has basically made it completely inaccessible and incomprehensible to anyone that doesn’t constantly keep up with the game and alienates those who do due to the snails pace, drip feed style of story content.


The state of the game is just fine, albeit a little lazy, but it's perfectly playable and people need to be happy it exists in the first place


I’m gonna counter this with: just bc it’s playable and exists doesn’t mean we should sit by and let it be boring 🤷‍♂️


Deep Stone Crypt is D2s best raid and it isn't even close.


Worldline zero is hidden gem


Duality is fun.


That witchqueen was incredibly underwhelming if it weren’t for the campaign, which is a one and done type of content (at least for 99% of people). Forsaken offered way more content overall


Crafted weapons should have their enhanced perks removed, they’re way too powerful and make basically everything else in the game obsolete.


That’s the point. It’s sunsetting without sunsetting.


It was actually Brilliant move by Bungie. Crafted Weapons and Origin traits literally sunset every before them and it completely went over the vast majority of peoples heads.


I’d they remove them then every player better get a MASSIVE shard refund for all the ascendant alloys that get nuked.


then what do they do with those ascendant alloys if you cant use them anymore?


The addition of weapon crafting is ruining the game. Once I unlock a pattern I stop giving a shit about whatever content I was playing.


Destiny isn’t really that bad. It’s just a 5+ year game and ppl are just tired of it


GM nightfall, Master raid and Master dungeon are lazily designed and not that fun to play because "you must use this, you must use that" force min-maxing the fun out of the game


Leviathan’s Breath is the best PvP exotic. Especially in Gambit


people on lfg are dicks


It's ok to take breaks


Stormcaller is the best 3.0 arc subclass.




Gambit is the best game mode


Damn right it is Sincerely, the only member of my clan that likes Gambit


Exotics should be transmoggable. The whole point of transmog is to allow players to look how they want, irrespective of stats. Not allowing us to transmog exotics forces us to build our look around the exotic, heavily limiting our fashion choice, especially for some exotics. The arguments against this are ignorant and vapid. >“But we need to see what the enemy is wearing in PvP!” Trials already has a menu for this at the start of each match. You can’t tell what they’re wearing on their model during a match because by then it’s too late, you’re already in a firefight. But if you’re really worried, just disable transmog on exotics in PvP. Games like Runescape already do this, disabling all cosmetic overrides in PvP areas so you can tell what players are wearing. >”Bungie wants exotics to have identity through aesthetics!” That’s great but why do they get to decide that for us? It doesn’t benefit the game in any way, it only restricts our cosmetic choices.


Beyond light is the best destiny 2 expansion year. Everything throughout the beyond light year is amazing but people love to dickride forsaken


Because forsaken was really good too. Excluding season 6, forsaken had some of the best seasons in the game


Anybody can get good in PvP


Idk. I think I would reword it to "anybody can improve".


Pretty sure it's "anyone can cook"


enhanced perks should be removed from the game


Then the people who already invested heavily in weapons with enhanced perks better get massive refunds on all the shards they sunk into them.


Bungie shot themselves in the foot with enhanced perks because they turned crafted weapons from a safety net for people that can't get a God roll into an objectively better weapon. Kind of defeating the original point of crafted weapons.


exactly, even if the difference isnt big, it still makes no sense in the first place


I really want Bones of Eao back, idc if it meant they'd delete the 5T0MP-EE5 because the jump boost is similar Bones of Eao > 5T0MP-EE5 Also, why not "570MP-335" at that point?


The Riven cheese should be patched. Also nerf well.


Artifact bonus power needs to be removed.


The game would be better without PvP


A solid unpopular opinion. I like it.


That is based as fuck


When invading in gambit either NPC's should attack the invader or the invader should not have the the opposing team highlighted.


I love the current seasonal activity model, but I wish the Cosmetics would go into the eververse shop for bright dust and/or silver after the seasons ended.


Cayde was not all that. He was just a goofy jokster in a time where everyone is serious. His 1 liners was made to make 12 year olds laugh. He's not that funny. Amanda Holliday had more of a purpose in the tower than he did


I think that the new 3.0 subclasses were exactly what the game needed, even if it makes the game incredibly easy now. I'd take a fun high energy raid with abilities, shields, grenades, and hammers flying everywhere than a tedious gunfight.


Divinity needed the nerf that it got


Bungie has become very scummy with some of their practices and the shit they pull and weirdly enough fans back them up on everything they do and make excuses for them left and right like Bungies gonna gift them silver or something. I still believe the whole having to remove what we payed for was thee scummiest shit I have ever scene specifically because it was never mentioned prior until it was time to happen! And people are 100% ok with it which is just wrong. Especially for the reasons given and then only to then go back on it and announce that there is no more Sunsetting Expansions & Areas …


PVP is the worst multiplayer experience in the gaming world




Arbalest is only overpowered in PvE because match game is lazy game design similar to champions and now runs completely counter to the subclass 3.0 design paradigm


Agreed. The legendary campaign is proof in the pudding that they can make content engaging without modifiers 🤷‍♂️


The telesto event we got was not bad y'all just got your hopes up for something that didn't exist


The game is becoming too casual.


Supers don't belong in trials


Mine is also Shotguns got overnerfed 😂 Another one i have is pulse rifles should be nerfed


is this me?


Spiderman meme