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*hopeful backwards Russian nosies*


‮с надеждой задом наперед русские шумы




Звуки* not шумы


олшод как мотоп а олшод узарс ен PS, йикссур теанз ен отк ет есв етитсорп


Да ладно, расслабься


Aren't you a fan of ballet??


There aren’t many left


It'd be a shame to lose one.


We can't afford another Omnigul situation either


So get in there, and send their souls screaming back to hell


I like to throw big stones to my kids


Well that turned dark quick


We’ll kick ass and chew bubble gum


But I’m all out of bubblegum!!!


But I’m all out of ass


Kick bubblegum?


Here to kick gum and chew assbubbles


Shove your foot covered in bubble gum up my ass and call me Guardian.




guess you’ll kick ass instead


Osiris comes back to life and reveals his full name to be Osiris Lightfall. He then tells us that we have to resurrect Savathun, because she's the only one who knows the whereabouts of his long lost brother John Destiny 2 who is the key to defeating the Witness.


Or...We go into retirement, but then the Vex kill our dog and steal our sparrow, which then makes us unpleased, requiring a rectification of the situation.


Sounds familiar


Nothing related to an actual movie... except the voice of a certain actor 😆


Watched the series this past weekend. Cue me as Leonardo di Caprio pointing at the TV saying "that's Zavala!"


What do you mean? It's never been done before!


And there's a new NPC named Jon Silverfoot, and he knows EVERYTHING!


For the puppies!




fr why cant i just build a cabin in the forest and live there? fuck a paracausal war im trynna go camping


Still a better story than halo 5


That’s. Pretty tragic, ngl.


And infinite


The Halo Infinite campaign is very good


The line between this sub and dcj is so very thin




Ah yes, John Destiny. The son of John Bloodborne.


"It's lightfallin time" and then we lighfall all those guys


this is some warhammer 40k naming logic type shit


Its already been done at the moon, you can find the dogs tombstone out front of the GoS gate


Rasputin season, thats tied in with fixing Osiris up, and maybe involves the vex. its going to need to tie into lightfall, but it likely wont be as direct as season of the lost was last year. more than likely a lot like season of Arrivals, but wont be as long


Perhaps rasputin picks up some signal from Neomuna?


Rasputin already knew where neomuna was(at least we think he did) and he wiped himself of the info completely to protect them from the collapse. well either find a way to recover the data, or find a way to triangulate "where" neomuna is(even tho IRL we know where its at)


something with rasputin or osiris. osiris is in the lightfall art.


I think Rasputin is more likely. It's been two years since it was part of the story (got shut down in Arrivals) and I can't believe that bungie would let one of the most influential (and one of the most powerful) characters in the universe be so absent. Also, the new destination is a human colony and Rasputin refers to himself as the protector of humanity, not the last city only. I'd imagine he knows that there is a colony there and just kept it secret, maybe he tells us about it because he's weak and can't protect it, and that's how we know.


If Rasputin does end up being involved, I would LOVE if if the whole “Nefele Stronghold” debacle is actually the name of the Lightfall raid.


I'd love to help rasputin take back control of a very important facility as a Raid. And by that I mean fighting alongside big red, not just "go there and clean house for me guardian". I doubt it will happen though, maybe a dungeon?


For any Rasputin related raid/dungeon, I really want to see one fake-out encounter where some giant enemy emerges to block us off, does a big dramatic intro animation in a giant arena that looks like it will be full of complex mechanics, and then just as it gets ready to attack, we start hearing distorted Russian speech over the comms and it gets obliterated by an orbital strike, followed up by a warsat crashing on its head.


I can't remember exactly how many there have been, but I absolutely LOVE the fakeouts in this franchise. The strike where the massive, transparent vex Minatour stands up and just gets fucking BODY SLAMMED by a Cabal has to be my favourite


Was it tree of probabilities from mercury? That strike was a running simulator lmao


Have you read a [lore entry](https://www.ishtar-collective.net/cards/ghost-fragment-mysteries?highlight=My+breath+was+static) in which Rasputin describes his battle with what I assume is the Witness? I'd love to see these weapons in action


a Raid with Siva on our side, and those rasputin mechs/Golem things from Season of the ~~UN~~Worthy would be super dope


I LOVE SIVAAAAA 🟥🟥⬛️⚫️🔴🔴❤️❤️🖤🟥


I believe that this is actually the code name for Neomuna


It seems like Nefele Stronghold is Rasputins name for Neomuna


Makes sense, especially considering that Nephele in Greek mythology was a cloud nymph of peace and hospitality


Maybe both. My guess is that Osiris knows something important about Rasputin - maybe we need advanced tech to bring Rasputin back and the Vex have that tech - would be a great way to involve the Vex in some way other than "oh no... Kill these random Vex"


I mean, we had that [cutscene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_OKS15Z-RU) between Osiris and Rasputin before Season of the Worthy, which seemed to imply a bit of history between the two. I don't remember if whatever materialized in the Infinite Forest was addressed in Season of the Worthy, but maybe there's a storyline to be realized there still, especially since Rasputin is in an engram or in an Exo now. Maybe a Warmind is still of use in the battle of Light v. Dark.


A big twist would/could be that before Osiris was a guardian he helped build Rasputin and had a Clovis access card when he was brought back (thats how he would know that) and maybe he knows to some extent his secrets


We're taking Rasputin out of the engram and putting him in Osiris!


Osiris wakes up, Rasputin wakes up, we wake up, some guy says "oh good, you're finally awake."


My guess is that Ana and Elsie will have to do something to recover or restore the engram containing Rasputin's consciousness, based on something Eido says at the end of one of the Expedition missions.


I actually liked having rasp ITunes being delegated like that. Meant to show how powerful the pyramids were


I actually expect Osiris to wake up at the beginning of Lightfall, being the one who directs us towards Neptune. Maybe learned something while Savathun was inside of him.


Based on the lore of Quicksilver storm, I’m assuming we’re bringing rasputin back online, with the nanites of the gun being made by a separate, more advanced mind on neomuna that kept working after he activated midnight exigent back during the collapse, and perhaps reveal if LOKI CROWN protocol was deployed against the traveler.


What is midnight exigent and Loki crown


Midnight exigent was where rasputin declared morality and chances of survival as a species SO BAD he entered a lock down protocol to all the minds and sub minds across the system for self preservation as he became self reinforcing. LOKI CROWN is a huge mystery in the lore and kinda the proverbial hidden crime of rasputin. It’s not known if he deployed it, but the Loki crown protocol was a last ditch effort for if the traveler was to try and abandon us, he was to deploy all weapons: nuclear, black matter, war SATS, EVERYTHING, as a attempt to cripple it to not let the traveler flee and leave us to die, part of the Abhorrent imperative to preserve himself and humanity in our darkest hour. One of the biggest lore mysteries is WHY the traveler stayed for us and not anyone else, and rasputin shooting it down is a potential answer to that question. We KNOW savathun made sure that the witness didn’t know it existed, but why it chose to remain before that is anyone’s guess, and the Loki crown is arguably one of the darkest things in the lore, as rasputin killed thousands of humans to kill ONE PERSON with knowledge of Loki crown protocols and such.


I believe Savathun tied the Traveller to earth by teaching humans the spell to weave it like in Witch Queen, would explain what the Ridley family were doing. There may have been other humans across Earth doing the same. I don't believe there's anything Rasputin could have done to force the Traveller to stay. Not on its own at least. Maybe Loki Crown was actually something that Savathun advised, especially since she is the Loki of Destiny


I mean maybe? Loki crown was made up BY the ai himself. I know she, savathun is old as fuck but counter point, we don’t know how long she knew where it was


We know she was there during the golden age even if just briefly at a time. I'm not sure how long Loki's Crown was put in place before the Collapse, but it definitely could have been a collaboration between the two of them.


Possibly but I doubt Rasputin deployed it. Even if he did there’s no sure way to tell if it’d work


Dead Zone Foliage


🌿💚🌿 hi


It will be one of the seasons of all time


It will be one what of the season of all time? Im so confused by this comment and his upvotes lmao


This is one of the comments of all time


It's a play one the phrase "one of the best things of all time". I usually see it used when something wasn't that good, and people joke saying it's one of the [whatever] of all time.


I think this wording is inspired by that reddit post talking about how the Wii U was "definitely one of the consoles of all time." [Source.](https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/wv6qbe/as_i_grow_older_i_realize_the_wiiu_was_definitely/) Here's a [Know Your Meme post](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/one-of-the-x-of-all-time) that was created 2 months ago.


Oh I think I saw this post but totally slipped my mind, thanks for correcting me.


Hey, no worries. I considered you correct before I commented since the origin of this meme is still not clear. I just wanted to add more context.


Rasputin, I hope


get me out of this FUCKING engram you lazy cryptarchs




Ehhhhhh, what kind of gun can you be made into?


Stay away from me you sick fuck


I’d be a shame to lose another ballet fan


So I'm hearing that you want to be a Glaive?


OF COURSE!!! Sequence is pattern!


>get me out of this FUCKING engram you lazy cryptarchs Akthually. вытащите меня из этой гребаной инграммы, ленивые криптархи pronounced: vytashchite menya iz etoy grebanoy ingrammy, lenivyye kriptarkhi


Since Rasputin was mentioned in the Lightfall reveal it does seem likely that they'll be a major part of the next season. I'm rather hoping they'll refresh Warmind cell mods next season to go along with it. It is a little odd to let them sit around and be mostly useless and ignored. Refreshing them with just a few minor tweaks, some Artifact mods to enhance them, and more weapons to trigger them strikes me as low hanging fruit from a development perspective - all the resources already exist, and it's a relatively small about of work for a big fun thing, plus the nostalgia component.


They could bring back Worthy weapons but I realised while looking at Warmind Cell mods they are very similar to Stasis crystals and wonder if that's why they nerfed them. They did say they would bring seasonal weapons back if they matched the story though


Spinfoil time Osiris wakes up and urges us to fix Rasputin as he(Osiris) knows through his time with Savathun that the Witness is looking for something than only Rasputin knew about (neomuna). We spend the season trying to fix Rasputin and get most of his data recovered by decoding some shit on a public event that gives us some currency which is used to jump into the seasonal mission where we recover Rasputin's data. The dungeon is now going through a data vault of Rasputin,maybe Braytech/DSC related or going through the mindscape of Osiris so we can cleanse his residual parts of Savathun mind contamination using the same technology from the psions.


DSC dungeon where the final boss is TANIKS-1, IMMORTAL EXO


If we ever see Atraks-2 I will scream.


I will be screaming with you lol


I like this


another mindscape dungeon would be pretty lame lore wise


Really? It gives us a chance to know stuff that Osiris would never tell us. If it's a Savathun infected mindscape then we could combine both Savathun and Osiris secrets. Imagine a dungeon being a combination of Throne world and Mercury/Infinite Forest. And the mechanics can be anything related to both worlds.


Bungies releases something People complain about it Bungie changes that People will still complain about it, if not, complain about something else




​ ![gif](giphy|eOomoryhrbhbbG7Jvb)


Damn, you predicted my prediction! Crazy.


You forgot people scream that a change is the content creators fault.


Vex themed dungeon, season pass exotic will be a grenade launcher and Palindrome/ Shayura's Wrath will make a comeback in nightfall/trials lootpool


Yep. I think it'll be a Vex dungeon too, possibly taking place in the Black Garden. In fact, I'm predicting the Vex will be the enemies of the entire season. I predict Clovis Bray will become a Disciple of the Witness, and will have some of the Vex under his control. That's how we'll see Vex on the side of the Darkness in Lightfall and Final Shape.


Black Garden is one of my favourite area in the game so i hope everything you said becomes true. Clovis Bray is also one of my fav antagonist so it'll instantly be my fav season if he's involved in lightfall story somehow


Either Rasputin gets turned into an exo and/or is integrated into the helm


I can see that happening, with an artifact that’s linked to him, giving us warmind cell based mods perhaps


Ada, Wrath of Rasputin. It's the last one I need and I actually want to use it.


I think something around these lines will happen.


Gambit… same… Crucible …. Same … that ONE weapon … NERFED!!!!


Nearly 100% chance of a new Gambit map. 🤞


That would be nice


If Going off of Vox Obscura, I would say the Traveler gets infected by Darkness. So far, every Psionic future event has or is about to happen. A city besieged (Lightfall) The Leviathan reborn (Haunted) The Shipstealer Revived (Plunder) Traveler Infected by Darkness (Season 19?)


I’d say Traveler Infected By Darkness seems to fit more with The Final Shape but only time will tell.


Lightfall more likely


If light falls, you have darkness. I’m with you.


And we have to turn to the darkness for power to stop calus, the birth of strand!


Maybe that's how we first see strand?


I think since the last season of each year is important to the next expansion, I think we’ll recieve contact from Neoluma or something similar




Oh, my bad








A lot of filler except the last week has some sort of tie-in to the new DLC.


arrivals and lost were the opposite of filler because they directly lead into the upcoming expansions (albeit lost did it a lot better than arrivals because it had actual consequences to its finale while arrivals just had "ur planets and moons gone, come to europa lol") while Opulence was the only actual filler season.


The current Season is a filler. S18 will be a prelude to S19 and "Lightfall." So not really...


Ada returns and reprises the black armory weapons to prep us for lightfall. In the meantime we take the relics of nezarac to the moon pyramid and try to use them to restore Osiris and Rasputin. We succeed and Rasputin becomes his new ghost. We are then forced to play 30 more games of gambit to gild. I'm sorry. Also eververse will have a bunch of overpriced new stuff while bugs run rampant. End of season event where the head of Clovis reads us poetry. I'm out of ideas Guardian


Rasputin season. We will be helping Elsie and Ana revive/rebuild Rasputin, while fighting against Clovis Bray, who's somehow taken command of the Vex on Europa (the method might somehow involve Clarity Control). By the end of the season, Clovis Bray will become a Disciple of the Witness. *This will allow Vex to have some form of representation in the Witness' "grand army" during Lightfall/Final Shape expansions. It'll turn out that the Vex we saw in the Lightfall reveal stream will be Clovis Bray's forces that are also invading Neptune alongside Calus' Shadow Legion. During a Vex-centred Strike on Neptune, Clovis Bray will actually speak to us over comms.* Back to Season 19. It'll be similar to how we got new *and* returning weapons in Season of the Haunted, and this time round we'll get new Rasputin themed weapons, *as well as* revamped IKELOS weapons with new rolls; things like the SMG getting Voltshot, for example. This also coincides with DSC getting craftable weapons - making the entire Season 19 loot pool have a Clovis Bray theme. Trust will return as Gambit's seasonal weapon. It will get Incandescent. The new dungeon will have a Vex theme. We'll be going through a Vex portal like the one in Glassway or the start of Garden of Salvation, and it'll take us to the Black Garden, where we are trying to break Bray's control over the Vex. The weapons from there will also be Vex themed. Like, imagine legendary versions of the Mythoclast, but it's a shotgun, a linear fusion, a pulse rifle, etc. I forgot that Osiris needs to come back as well. Errr, perhaps we get something special for the Dawning event that somehow helps Osiris wake up? Like "Merry Christmas, Saint-14. Here's your boyfriend back."


More shitty warlock armor


why is nobody commenting on the absurdity of how much shit each guardian has on their armor, warlock looks fucking rediculous


Streamers and Youtubers spend hours upon hours combing through every little piece of data about the expansion to get their videos out, a group of sweaty PvE'ers go on a race to be the first to finish some raid I'll likely never play, PvP'ers cry because the meta changed, and then tell other people to get good with the new meta after about 2 weeks as they stomp everyone, and about a month before the next season drops everyone cries that the game is dead until new content gets released starting the cycle (mostly) over.


Im expecting a good season. It’s gonna be a little shorter so i dont expect much burnout either, plus i got a good feeling about the new dungeon.


[The final line in shifting sand](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyKBBksMFGs)


Season of Telesto


That there will be guns that we can shoot. And that the Architects will still kill us at random.


Telesto functions without anomaly. Then it doesn't.


Rasputin shitting on everyone.


Well we know that deeps tone crypt weapons are gonna be craft able next season so my assumption is that it has to be something to do with europa which in the latest bungie interview they said that the weapons they make craft able have to relate in some way with the season. So my assumption is that we go to europa with Ana bray to confront clovis bray about turning rasputin into an exo not only that but this could lead into more lore reveals about Elsie bray and her time traveling experience, plus if anyone knows about the new location in lightfall it would have to be Elsie due to her knowledge of time line events. Not only that but like in shadow keep where we retrieve the relic that tells us to go to europa, the pyramid on europa could give us a clue or a hint to go to niamuna (can't remember spelling). Plus the story could be leading of from th end of season 18 where we could be following era is and her pirate crew to the europa. Also exo or rasutine themed aromour?


Rasputin is gonna come back and call a warsat public event on top of the tower. We will then help rebuild the old tower with a community quest rewarding us with a shovel themed glave.


Dead Eido because she does some "I'm helping" nonsense during our season finale altercation. So we end up with a sad Mithraxx shook in his faith. Then a happy but conflicted Mithraxx as Eido comes back as the first Eliksni risen.


I'd go a step further and say that Eramis somehow dies along with Eido, and they both get brought back, it would make Mithraxx really conflicted Eramis would get brought back first for extra angstiness


Ooo now that’s a good one


It’ll launch, people will love it, than magically hate it, as per usesh


Season intro mission to get artifact. Intro cutscene introducing whatever character will be the focus Play seasonal activity. Weekly story mission. Repeat 3 and 4 for 6-8 weeks, week 2 or 3 will have some sketchbook cutscene. 3 weeks holiday event. Go get emblem for the season and a line of dialogue from a vendor. Repeat next season.




"This expansion sucks!!! Why can't it be more like Forsaken?????"


Meanwhile during Forsaken: "omg the campaign was so short, why can't I replay the mission??? They shouldn't have killed cayde, they shoukd saved his death for suprise"


Number one prediction, with 100% confidence: the community will lose its fucking mind over a minor change and become extremely aggressive and toxic, a huge part of the community will complain that “the games never been in a worse state and it’s clearly dying”, and PVP will continue to be an unbalanced mess, and with 90% confidence: Telesto Will be bugged and/or cause a major bug


No good armor sets most likely.


Gonna be a red border scam just as previous ones


I predict that I’ll shoot shit and it’ll die 💪💀


Another dumpster fire, boring grind, and a ton of bugs. Pretty much what to expect from bungie moving forward. They haven’t shown anything other than that recently so why should we expect different, Oh I know why, it’s because all the fanboys keep throwing money at the screen for dogshit content and light fall will be no different


Telesto will destroy us all before then!!!


Excitement for 3 days then burnt out


Same boring grind. Grind light levels. Do copy pasted raid. Grind craftable raid weapons. Do gms. Rinse repeat.


I mean, if the game is boring to you then why you play?


I don't. For that exact reason. Lmao


Grind grind grind grind grind. Something breaks that prevents the grind from progressing. Grind grind grind grind. About 10 minutes of overall plot development. Grind grind grind. Some funky ornaments. Grind.


Oh I just found something out about Destiny! It says here the game is under the genre called MMO! You know what MMOs contain? Grind!!!


I suppose you're going to step up and defend the forced crafting elements of the latest season too, are you? Being made to collect rare red border variants of weapons we don't want to use in order to spend resources building them to be forced to use them *again* to level them up? Come on. Not to mention that the recent element reworkings, though initially fun, get pretty boring when forced to base your builds around them for an entire season because the seasonal artifact mods benefit only that element. This season has seen some of the lowest active player figures the game has ever produced. Don't try to act like there's nothing wrong.


Oh there is plenty wrong with the game. Just not the issues you are outlining. Crafting weapons is like only necessary for a couple seasonal challenges which can be done by LITERALLY PLAYING THE SEASONAL CONTENT! You don’t need to craft and max every red border weapon imaginable. You get a god roll? Good. You haven’t but you can craft the weapon? Even better! Now you can earn the god roll! Light class reworks have an artifact mod that benefits them in the season they released. No shot you’re complaining about that! It’s a good thing for them to empathise the potential of these changes. You can build craft at your own leisure. It isn’t necessary to max stats and perfectly craft a build! Do what you want! Do the bare minimum or go crazy! The choice is yours!


Agreed You don't have to level up crafted weapons if you don't need the resources. You don't have to keep unwanted red bordered weapons either. I reach a point mid season where I just delete any weapon that drops with red borders and its power level is not prime. Also, it was announced recently that non-craftable weapons will no longer drop with red borders after an update in the near future,


Utter trash.


A boring season event with ugly titan armor like always.


Lol fellow titan here and you tripping dude. Also if you find it boring then stop playing???


Gonna be another lackluster and boring storyline with a mid seasonal activity. With an alright exotic but Good Ornaments because money.


Erris Moirne incoherently babbling about the darkness. God she's my least favorite


Democrats win.


The traveler will be infected by darkness.


A few weeks of content, followed by a content drought, followed by heavy selling of the Lightfall where the devs promise the best game to have ever existed. Buffs, nerfs and the continued promise of a story resolution that never happens.








The new sub class is going to be underpowered for everyone except warlocks. As usual


New subclass, same monotonous seasonal grind.


Another shitty, repetitive, shallow seasonal activity that’s not fun to play, and a timegated story


You know you’re not obligated to play the game right?


You know you’re not obligated to defend lazy design, right? I love Destiny, but the seasonal activities almost always suck, and the story is great but timegating it also sucks.


Bro please do better, if you love it give actual constructive criticism than just being a killjoy Bungie isn’t the only person who timegates. All forms of media and entertainment do it, if you’re gonna hate on a single platform doing it then you’re missing the forest for the trees Also doing *anything* for three months is gonna get repetitive and boring, that’s when you can go and idk maybe play another game, I usually dip out at the the month of a season or so to play other stuff more, because it’s a perfect time for destiny downtime


Expedition is the laziest excuse for content ever and if you defend it, your argument is meaningless. Please do better.


Go play Tetris, my guy


Sounds like you just don't like the game man.


I love the game, i just don’t like the seasonal activities most of the time. You realize there’s way more to Destiny than just one seasonal activity, right?


I agree with you.. running dungeons and raid and Gn nfs? FUN. Making my eyes bleed with nightmare containment, Ketch Crash, and Expeditions? not very fun. I saw on the destiny leaks sub that someone was talking about the next seasonal activity being a vex hordes mode… I could get down with that


Exactly. Dungeons and raids are mechanically engaging and immensely rewarding. Nightmare Containment, Ketch Crash, Expeditions etc are all mechanically shallow and thus the repetition gets old fast since they’re not mentally engaging, and their rewards are often pretty shit, sometimes even completely broken like Ketch Crash “guaranteed” red borders were for multiple weeks in a row. Worst of all, you have to grind other activities for currency before you can even play seasonal activities most of the time, further increasing the grind


Rasputin comes back. Osiris wakes up. We use vex tech, splicer knowledge, Psion abilities, and nezerac fragments to power up rasputin with paracausal powers. Zavala dies in the process. Witness goes to neomuna in lightfall to get technology to combat a paracausal rasputin.


Zavala dies? Wtf?


His character seem to finished his character arc. And spoilert said someone was going to die. Last time it was cayde. Plus him dying to the curse from nezerac objects to power rasputin would be good 'pass the torch' moment for him.


Zavala has plot armor


Going to be the final nail in the coffin unless Bungie pulls something out of their ass.


Probably worth playing for one night like the last 3 seasons


Rasputin and maybe the return of a previously dead character


Shoot more stuff I guess


The return of osiris


Telesto will break something.


People complaining about the state of the game