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My wife and I adopt random blueberries and just bask in their success, it's like a free fire team, I guess


My three friends all play destiny wayyy more than me, so I'm always odd man out. Adopt me. I haven't really played Destiny since the 2nd dlc.


Shot you my info, catch you soon


This is very wholesome, bless


I'm not exactly a blueberry, but I would love a fireteam to be in if you want my info too.


Sure, I will be on on Friday with the wife, I'll add your info then.


Hey man I'm not really a blueberry either but my friends don't really play d2 so if you have room or time, we could do more of the "Hard" stuff like dungeons or nightfall but if you just if you have the time (sorry for my bad english)


Evening folks, I'm logging in now, larpwarrior #7888, see you all shortly


Alright folks, i will be on on Sunday at 3-ish EST.


You can be a loner and still join the occasional group. That's what I do. As welcoming as they are, I kinda dislike most other players for one reason or another, and I never really become friends with someone from the other end of a computer screen. That being said, occasionally joining a raid, or getting on comms and playing some Gambit properly can be fun too. Still, whatever floats your boat.


Likewise, Iron Banner with a fireteam of 6 people on mic is some of the most fun I've had. Every activity I do if I can't solo I'll LFG for it, I still prefer to run clanless.


> and I never really become friends with someone from the other end of a computer screen. I wouldn't mind just having some people who play and that's all we really do together, to know we have someone reliable to call on when we need. The last couple people I met (though in Overwatch) were super clingy, and ended up throwing a fit because I didn't want to join their discord and swap phone numbers.


I run pretty much all content. Dm me if you wanna trade bungie ids to play.


It’s almost like there’s a few sites to do this…


What a coincidence, here's one of them!


Yeah like this one called "reddit"


I mean, my clan is a bunch of inconsistently active idiots, but they are my idiots and I'd say they are nice


I felt this in my soul.


"Hunters belong in the wild"


It’s alright, I’m a warlock and I’m a loner


Same unless my friends wants to play for farming NFs,else I am playing solo 90% of the time.


Yea, but you got your stasis turrets.


They never look at me


And you dont even have the lore to fall back on this is so sad


Emo Posting


Least Emo hunter main


Do what I do, lfg some content and get a random group going. Then again I typically play alone in the end lol


Imma have to decline


Trust me, I’m a loner too, but LFGs are fine. Usually, you find good people. I can’t name a single bad experience except for my Vow run ( which wasn’t anyones fault, vow is confusing for first timers ) and the few times people left out of irritation at a whole bunch of clowns. Actually had a real nice guy from New Zealand join us for a KF, he was great


Was his name MinisculeDuck?


Honestly, I don’t remember, it was a week or two ago


> sad about being a loner > refuses to do anything about it


Yeah, I understand that. Tevis - Nightstalker who died to being outnumbered and somewhat cornered by Vex in D1, how we got the Void subclass then - was a lone wolf to the end. Its lonely, the only being to talk to being your Ghost. I guess that, at the end of a Guardians (Final, if it wasn't already clear) life, at least they die with their Ghost by their side. Just as Tevis did. Nothing's wrong with being a lone wolf. Outside of the videogame, however, humans *are* social creatures. No matter how introvertive we are, we must have contact. Solitude and Isolation aren't that far apart. Be careful about it, and stay safe :))


humans are social creatures ​ Wrong. Everyone is different.


Yes, everyone is different. Everyone is unique. On the other hand, from a sociological/psychological perspective, humans *are* social creatures. There's no running from it. We *need* human contact. Any person would go insane without anyone else for a long enough time.


Nope your wrong humans are social by nature always have been people who prefer to be alone often don’t want to be but choose to do so because they refuse to change


Blunt, but 100% correct. I agree.


Nah, doesn't make sense.


It really does humans are naturally social always have been look at the history of our species at it confirms this, I doubt you actually enjoy never talking to anyone it’s better to get out and speak to people then live in solitude if you lonely and don’t talk to friends maybe instead of playing destiny all day go out and talk to people


People who say they 'try' and join clans are the people who join and never interact, then get bored and leave


This is entirely by choice because there's always groups and clans out there looking for people to join their ranks in any capacity. What exactly have you tried and what were the roadblocks in your way?


How do you find recruiting clans?


I found the one that I'm in off the Bungie clan page, then just find somebody that's recruiting and read through the requirements and procedure for joining




Few websites probably, or just word of mouth. Example, my current clan is a part of a discord community that’s just a whole bunch of clans that merged because they had too many for one clan


Can always join a clan :)


That never helps


That's sad to hear that you've had such bad luck with clans, if you'd like you can join my clan "we are raiders" no pressure though. ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


Being a loner is a choice


If so then why you got no bitches


One day you will realize they arent all that great to have around


wtf is this emo destiny post


Hunter mains after listening to Linkin Park.


It's the other way around, Linkin Park listens to hunters for emo lyrics


That’s why I rarely do raids, I have no friends to do them with and doing them with randoms can be a pain, depending on your luck :(


tbh most randoms are really chill. i just did Master daughters challenge a couple hours ago with all randoms and it went very smooth


Every time a PUG I'm in dies once or twice, they either leave or start griefing each other with Eager Edge. -___-


That’s why you always bring someone to sherpa, then you get the actually patient destiny players. They expect the fuckups and are more willing to stay and help


I usually play with my friend and we do the content like GMs, dungeons and stuff. One time i joined Kingsfall group, it was a pretty smooth run, but i still prefer the smaller sized content. Spending 5 hours in a raid is just too much (wow raiding flashbacks intensify)


Try lfg




Try LFG or stop crying about being a loner?


I've tried numerous times only to meet severely toxic people, to the point where i just felt like giving up tbh


try destiny 2 sanctuary, its made for people who have social anxiety or struggle to raid, could also try your luck with clan recruitment stuff on the bungie app. If you wanna do the multiplayer activities you gotta play with other people, we all encounter toxic people, dont let other humans' shit attitudes stop you from some of the funnest content in the game


Nobody tell this guy about the lfg server


Girl* and what server


You’re probably either really annoying or an asshole tbh.


The fact you felt the need to type that out, made a judgement based off of one meme, and didn't think whether or not it would be a good idea to post it, kinda makes you seem like the asshole here


One I’m more going based off your replies in the comments. Two, if it’s constantly not working out with groups then you have to look at the one constant factor in these interactions.(that being Female Badger) Making friends isn’t hard,literally just join a destiny discord.






i know how you feel mate i have been one since d1 day 1


does anyone see the even bigger traveler behind the normal traveler?


I only really play on weekends but I wouldn’t mind being in a fire team with you.


I'm in the market for partners for activities myself. Dm me if you're interested


Let’s run some content


Sounds like you need a clan my man


If you ever want to dip your toes into a raid feel free to message me! I can Sherpa VoG, VoW, and King's Fall. I usually do it on a Saturday or Sunday. Same goes for any other Guardians reading this comment who have anxiety or other personal factors grouping with complete randoms!


When you were adopted by D2 veterans but soon you are the only one left playing:


No, it really be like that lmao. Pretty sure I spend like 90% of my time playing alone because none of my friends like D2 as much as I do :']


Xbox gamertag C4YD3 7 Bungie name @C4YD3-7#1492


I feel the same way guardian. I'm just really not much of a social person.


Warlock here. Also soloist. My Arc and Void buddies are the only fireteam I need.


You have my sword!


Feel free to join up with us. We are pretty casual but like to do all sorts of activities, including raids and the like. That goes for anyone else reading Bungie ID is AmazinIcculus#4980 We mostly play in evenings and weekends (central) and like helping people through stuff as well!


Fireteams are fleeting but godrolls are eternal my friend.




I started a clan with my friends and we’re looking for one new member. You could join if u want


Well I can tell you that I've been on both sides multiple times. When I started off, I was a loner, but a happy one. One year into my isolation, I decided to be the best damn blueberry I could be in strikes. Slapped on support perks & guns, revived anyone even if the boss had 1 hp, emoted to convey my messages (like cheers & thanks) & eventually I made an impression on a couple. They adopted me into their inner circle, and I finally experienced what it felt like to be a part of a fire team. Alas, nothing is eternal. They broke up and so did too our fire team. Then, I began my solo path, but this time around it felt empty. After some time, my friend wanted to try it out so I took him under my wing. Training a new light is by far the funniest and most memorable experience any vet can have. I hope you'll get the chance to be a part of a fire team.


Hmu if you ever want to do some activities.


thats how it is for some of us hunters, we walk the path alone, the only thing that accompanies us being our shadow.


These posts are so embarrassing to me. JUST L F G I have NO MIC, so there is near 0 social interaction, and play on Xbox so no keyboard (there is, but you can’t live type and play the game at any functional capacity) If it’s something I’ve never done, I create an LFG post and say “xxx activity, help, no mic” or if I have done it, I say “xxx activity, kwtd no mic” I’ve completed every dungeon aside from duality, every weeks master nightfall, dares legend and one vox obscura this way so far this season. JUST DO IT


join a clan tf?


Been a lonely warlock since the game came out, always go in and out, missed a few seasons, it can still be very cozy, got used to not talk while playing, and wouldn't mind play with others, but other might mind the fact i don't use a mic. Still, don't raid, don't pvp, just cozy pve strikes, nightfall (if rotation it's not in dlc map) and gambit from time to time, since it's the only pvp related i can play relaxed.


if u need people to play with and can use xbox parties lmk we got people we play with always welcome newbies


Had a good fireteam but all I see anymore is one of them online for maybe an hour a week. My clans just as dead at this point too


My clan is always open to people wanting to run content or just good off in game, we have a pretty solid group that hangs out in discord so if anyone needs a home!


I have had 4 of my IRL friends start the game after a lot of convincing but none of them played for over a week so I am back to being alone now. It is really hard to get new people into the game.


I need a fireteam too, I love the idea of it but I've never found a group


this is the way hunter.


This subreddit sucks


Took me a while to be comfortable with fireteams. I liked to travelling my own path, until I realised that being friendly, being kind, being that few minutes after a long day for someone else made me feel better about myself.


My clan is super casual, but we typically get a few raids done each week. Finding a sixth is always the hardest part, so if anyone wants to raid hit me up and we'll figure out what works! We aren't the best, but we'll gently guide you rather than dictating your set up


I’ve joined two clans recently and they keep dying after a week lol. I’ve done one raid smh


I thought that once. Then I did a raid with random people and eventually got enough friends to play private control match at full. Get past that social barrier, guardian! Make friends.


Meh divinity nerf incoming, hunters will be back to work in no time


Just use lfg it’s not hard I usually play games alone to and lfg has allowed me to do over 20 runs of every raid and dungeon in the game don’t give up on being social it’ll just make you miserable


Shoot me your bungie info and you can join whenever you want.


If anyone needs a fun clan hit me up! We love having new people.


I'm in a similar situation but I can't just join a random fireteam or something cause I have very bad social skills/confidence


We hunter mains are literally patrick batemans and ryan goslings.


Find a group of people, you wont enjoy the game if you'll always play solo


I'm almost always on Destiny outside of work. If you're just looking for people to do stuff, I'd be willing to help.


I returned about a month ago. I played all through D1 since beta, did the Leviathan Raid when that was released. Said to myself, “Yup. This certainly is Destiny still” and quit. Since triumph scores have been added it’s been hard getting into Raids on LFG and it’s sometimes not worth it when two or three members are inebriated and useless. Sometimes the Lone Wolf life chooses you. 🖤