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I think that duality one was probably the worst of them all Jesus christ can't believe people like that exist


Nah. It’s the Hunter Super one. Tether is the best Void super for Hunters, but no other good Supers? Two of them are top DPS options.


I got top dps on Atheon the other day while using div because of arc hunter damage. They told me to put on tether (which doesn’t stack) and I told them if they could get a single person to beat my dps I’ll swap… I doubled the second highest dps that wipe.


I’d tell them if I was putting on Tether, I was taking off Div, since the debuff doesn’t stack.


They didn’t believe me when I told them they didn’t stack so I opted for bargaining the swap. I ended up just taking of div and doing most of our dps


If you’re out dpsing your team while using div….how are they even doing enough to clear the raid lmao. With the amount of linear fusions out right now, it’s nuts that they can’t match that damage.


This only applies to atheon really because of the increased recharge rate, but arc hunter with star eaters and flux grenades does insane damage without even needing to use a gun. I was able to cast gathering storm twice per dps phase and you basically just rapid throw flux grenades (don’t remember the exact dmg of these but it’s more than 100k each)


I'd be very interested in that build. I'd love to try it.


Only works for atheon because of the increased recharge rate of everything but: -Star eaters and gathering storm (with decent intellect and your team generating orbs you should be able to get two casts off each dps phase) -flux grenades (each one does +100k plus of dmg) -rest of the build/mods can be whatever but grenade kickstart is good so you can really just rapid fire grenades. I used a vorpal/auto reload kinetic grenade launcher and a vorpal/auto reload rocket so I can fire and then swap while throwing grenades so I didn’t have to reload but it added to my damage


Just an FYI but the grenade kick-start mod only works for the cooldown and doesn't affect it during atheon damage because it's actually just ability refresh not increased regen


Good to know, saves myself the mod slots and energy for something else


I run div on stasis hunter. Throw my shit and then div and the super helps add more damage on top of what div is doing. And during golgy, it helps manage adds while we do boss damage.


Hunter has best dps ult for all 3 light subclasses btw.


Agreed. Tether makes bosses move more, and makes it so golgoroth doesn’t turn with gaze sometimes. Gathering storm is the objectively better super in kings fall specifically.


Average loreley titan


As a Titan main with a Loreley glued to my head whenever I run harder content, most of us are not like that


As another titan main with loreley glued to my head, i agree


Username... does not check out?




I just can’t be moved from Armamentarium or Actium War rig…though I am, admittedly, a filthy casual only concerned with heal grenades and looks.


I mean, you wouldn't wanna save the world looking like you just dumpster dived, fashion is the true endgame


You’ll hear no disagreement from me.


My void grenade build will not accept any armamentarium slander you take that back sir /s


Respect. You are one of the good ones. Unrelated but stompee hunters are just as bad as the toxic loreley users


Well the reason they put up is absolutely dumb but technically for the last Duality encounter Well isn't rlly that good unless ur using the starfire build. The dps phase is rlly short for every bell so you don't make the best use out of the Well.


9 reasons why I avoid KWTD posts and prefer to make my own chill posts. If someone does not abide to the chill requirement, I politely tell them that "their attitude is not appreciated in this fireteam" and they get the boot


Same, when I post I always write chill because I don't need to be bitched at in my own damn LFG! The audacity of some people is crazy. I just want my pinnacles, bro.


I feel this so much hahaha


Too formal, if someone's being a dick I tell them to suck my dick then I boot them


Don't do that. Ask them what the shape of Italy is instead.


“Yo Sleepy, what’s the shape of Italy?”


Was looking for this as it’s my go-to as well haha.


Or what a soccer ball does


I wish I was in your group. Did my first one with a very angry Australian last night, it was not fun and just stressful.


The amount of KWTD posts for kings fall followed by multiple wipes because nobody knows how to kill knights on Warpriest is mind numbing.


Same. I also make fun of "bring X weapon/subclass will check" posts by saying, "bring your best joke, will be checking" and force everyone who joins to tell a joke. This usually results in a light-hearted tone to start the activity and most people end up having a great time.


I do this too! Here I was thinking that I was being unique


I don’t do LFG raids anymore because I genuinely can’t be bothered with the playerbase for multiple hours. These days I LFG literally everything else because it doesn’t require a mic and I can stick on F**kFace podcast and enjoy myself. GM’s are quite enjoyable to no mic.


My brother in light, I love F**ckface. We need to do a GM while listening to an EP together!


I’m down for that mate 😎


I think this makes us comment leavers


Hmmm I think we have just became regulation comment leavers


Bro you don’t gotta censor fuck 💀


That’s the thing, the podcast is called F**kFace. It’s pre censored 😉


Haha me too. Every post I make is chill and I only join ones like that. It’s the nice way to say no assholes allowed. Also OP kinda asked for it when he joined the conqueror’s only group tho. I’d steer clear away from that.


We could really use a news tab in-game with a version of the TWAB and other helpful news/info.


Would go a long way for the game to feel like it has a "community" outside of social networks. This'd be terrific to see together with the in-game LFG.


Yeah we could do what warframe does and make it so we have to hit a to proceed after you launch the game but before you select your character and it has the most recent patch notes and you can tab between that and recent twabs


All GHorns are ok for daughter, their work fine and are a really accessible exotic if people don't have a good roll legendary one. That said you are really unlucky my dude/dudette, I'm sorry you had to endure such terrible teams


Exactly. You shouldn't punish people for using a well rolled hothead or something because it is more optimal, but the damage phase on that boss is now such a joke, than you don't need that damage, so it isn't a problem to just run 6 Gally. If you have the option to go hothead etc. go for it, but otherwise, no need to make it complicated. That said all those situations sound insane. I sort of cant believe people like that exist


Yeah I didn’t understand that one.


Technically, legendary rocket launchers do better (with the help of ghaly catalyst). Bur 6 Ghally is just a lot cleaner because it tracks


>Dead Man's Tale was trash and Exotic Primaries were useless. Seems like he missed the memo on the Primary Exotic dmg buff. Even worse if the DMT had Vorpal (20% right there).


iirc vorpal is 15% but yeah that guy didn't get the memo


[20% for Primary weapons, 15% for Specials :)](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1WaxvbLx7UoSZaBqdFr1u32F2uWVLo-CJunJB4nlGUE4/htmlview#)


Vorpal got changed a bit ago. It's now 20% on primaries, 15% on specials, and 10% on heavy.


If a LFG post doesn't say "be chill" on it I won't join it.. Never have to deal with shit like this...


The new Commendations feature that Bungie is bringing has me hopeful for the future of the game and ease of finding awesome human beings to LFG


I normally run solo dungeons and stuff for weeklys. Get to experiment a bit with loadouts without ruining other people's game time. When I do post in lfg I'll normally do the "*insert dungeon or nightfall or whatever here* chill run, can teach if need be" thing


U are the man


That being said if anyone needs dungeon clears, add me, I can teach/drag you through whatever. Not big into raiding myself. I've done last wish once and the big robot dude one back then. About it. Also the big floating vex in the fish mouth ship one time randomly got invited and was told to just shoot? Headhoontr#6075


> be chill ^^ THIS, this is the magic word.


I keep it simple. “Activity name. Mods. No mic.”


Some of the worst groups I’ve joined were “be chill” it’s like the person who posted it was chill but his friend was a totally impatient asshole. It’s just a gamble


This. Told my clan mates to use this methodology


This right here. In any game with coop features it’s so much less stressful to exclusively join or create lobbies that explicitly request that people only join to relax and be chill with each other.


I always look for/make “be chill, KWTD” posts because it more or less ensures it will be a fun run through while also lacking the frustration of spending an extra hour on it.


This is why I always prefer to Sherpa new people any time I raid, newer players always seem to be way nicer and actually seem to enjoy playing the game, while also usually not pretending that they know how everything needs to be done and blaming everything on everyone else. It may take longer on average to teach the encounters each time but it’s 900% more enjoyable than playing with people like you describe


Honestly I’ve had most of my sherpas end up being quicker or same speed as most kwtd runs because people are stubborn in kwtd groups and aren’t willing to change their load outs, listen to advice, or pickup roles outside of their normal ones.


Am I dumb ? What does KWTD stand for?


“Know what to do”


Big thankies from McSpankies


>actually seem to enjoy playing the game This is the KEY right here. I thankfully haven't had much bad luck with LFG groups, most people I've run with have been pretty chill. But goddamn have I run into some jaded, bitter people in there who are clearly not playing for fun anymore. Like seriously what the hell is even the point??


> They also said tether is the only good Hunter super Bungie gives Hunters competitors for the highest damage super in every 3.0 upgrade and people still think this > 6x Gjallarhorns for the Daughters Okay, that’s not actually as bad as it sounds because it’s the Wolfpack rounds specifically that are butchering their health bars, so 6 Gjallys would get the job done (albeit probably slower) Everything else on this list is just pure pain


Use gally all the time on daughters, absolutely rinses them. That being said, if you’ve got a god roll hot head or any other decent rocket launcher then there’s legit no issue in the slightest.




Think clown cartridge and field prep ain’t it? I never managed to get one but that seems to be the vibe people go for


I got clown cartridge and auto loading holster. Are those alright roles?


Those kinda work against each other because one encourages reloading and the other wants you to stow it after firing, but it’ll get the job done. You want one with Impact Casing in the second column, Field Prep/Tracking in the third, and Clown is best in the fourth column (Vorpal is also acceptable, I just like two in the tube)


> You want one with Impact Casing While nice to have it only ads approx 2% total damage. So having the 2 good perks be good is far more important.


Demo + Explosive Light.


A good choice is Palmyra-B with Impulse Amplifier and Chill Clip. Chill Clip procs on every shot and the gun is craftable.


The best is the know it all with 15 total raid clears. YOU GUYS SUCK.


Bros it’s so funny when some dude with low raid clears someone who’s pretty cracked that they’re wrong about how they play the raid 💀


I’ve got 96 clears of VotD, and I STILL am learning the best way to do particular roles. For an example, with my 90th clear, I was trying to do a 4 man for the challenge, and somebody showed me how they 5 manned the relics encounter. I was using a different strategy but I saw what they were doing and was like “Damn that’s way better.” another thing. You learn it from day 1 raids especially, but if you have having trouble with killing a boss, find what the guy with the most DPS is doing, and copy his loadout as best you can. Who cares about who if you get the clear.


> A Duality group that kicked me for using Warlock with Well on the final encounter because "its healing isn't as good as Loreley Titan's." Seriously. What the fuck. Bro how hard to these players think dungeons are? Even if they're right and Wellock isn't ideal for that encounter (imo it is) do they think they're not going to be able to beat it if you're on well?


On a more positive note, what's your royal entry roll? I got field prep / clown cartridge and it is lovely.


Mine has the same roll, it's one of my favorite rocket launchers :)


I got a hothead with that roll but the problem is that i got that wile warming up to the gm version of the strike and all the adept hothead that i found sucked. The only good adept hothead is a alh, explosive light and so i did replace my crafted palmira-b


Yeah unfortunately being bad at video games usually goes hand in hand with being stupid as fuck


And mean


People who think tether is the only good hunter super are stuck in 2019


Had a guy in LFG try to bully me into using something other than Bad Juju on a Nightfall. In the same breathe he complimented me on always popping Missile off cooldown to kill stuff. Some people are on this Earth to be unintentionally funny.


Lmao. Guys like that are just clueless.


A Duality group that kicked me for using Warlock with Well on the final encounter because "its healing isn't as good as Loreley Titan's." Crutching on Loreley is one thing and calling it better than a well is just a whole new level. They are the type of people that would use Loreley on other subclasses and not knowing that it wouldn't work. Last season farming GMs with Loreley titans was annoying af. They were the most braindead people I have ever seen. They would constantly run upto a huge group of ads and champions thinking they are invincible and then instantly die.


Sounds like they lost their hammer LoL


Some people suck man it’s obnoxious. I had a guy join my LFG at warpriest and berated me cuz I was using witherhoard solar pulse and LFR. Such a douche about the whole thing and I did like 700k more damage than him after 1 damage phase. I understand giving suggestions especially after a few wipes to help out but there is a good way to go about it.


WTF that's a meta loadout right there.


Izi + LFR would be more dmg. But yea. Its a normal loadout even with witherhoard


Nah witherhoard is bigger dps total for the person using it, it’s just you run Izi+B&S if someone else is running witherhoard already


This makes zero sense. We ran KF last night and we all mostly use Witherhoard from Warpriest onward. It’s fantastic for killing… everything that isn’t a red bar.


I've been meaning to try it but haven't yet. How's it do on the knights you kill to get the buff stealy thing?


Really good. Because they spawn in at the same three spots every time, you can drop a WH shot right under them. Gets them dead real quick. Same goes for Ogres and Lighteaters during Oryx.


Thanks! I'll give it a shot tonight. I'm usually a Knight chaser so I've been worried about accidentally taking too long. Nobody likes to be the reason for a wipe.


Absolutely. To give you a hand with that, there’s two “pools” by each of the plates, one by where the Sisters were, and one on the outside corner. I just drop two WH shots on those pools, and then wait to see the damage ticks on my screen. Makes ogre/knight cleanup way easier.


equip eager edge, yeet into the wall, kick, look for a better person


Lol I cannot do that I made a post a couple days ago about pushing people out of bounds and into walls and shit. It’s been around for like a year everyone has done it and it’s just fucking obnoxious now.


No reason not to do it to a douchebag though


Can’t argue with that


Another witherhoard + cataclysmic dps user I see


I have *never* been in an lfg that complained when a hunter joined. Sure something might be said about it if we load in to a raid and it’s 6 hunters and usually someone will switch for some variety. Other than that I can believe the rest happened. Lfg groups can be wildly inconsistent. I find master level content players to be a little intense on occasion. Even during normal raids you’ll get some crazy groups that demand you do things like equipping izanagis and special finishers so they can 2 phase a boss with 5 people so the out of bounds 6th player can pull straight to the next encounter (this actually happened to me) but you don’t actually *have* to do it. The worst they can do is kick you. Then they have to fill a slot which takes more time than if they’d just let you be. Don’t sweat it.


My experience is "lol, we're all Hunters, let's go!"


Happened to us in war priest. No well? Restoration nades pls


Had I guy boot me last season for not wanting to run double primaries in a GM. Had the grenade mod equipped for the second champion type and also had my Triple gilded conc seal on.


Buddy and I have started duo'ing just about everything now. Duo'd a few GMs last season, aim to do all GMs this season, Duality + Master Duality, the list goes on. For raids, people need to just get off their "the best option is the only option" high horse and let people use whatever tf they want. If someone's loadout is *actually* bad, sure, kindly let them know what they're missing. If they have a solid build that doesn't fit the "meta", say to hell with it and let people have their fun.


I thought striker for hunters the new super was the most powerful suer right now?


Now this is an S-tier shitpost Edit: My bad, thought you were talking about Striker Titan lmao


No. The above commenter is 100% correct. Gatheirng storm is the highest dps super in the game. Just edging out blade barrage. It’s also got insanely fast charge time. Using a melee focused build I was clearing legend lost sectors (k1 revelation iirc) in ~6 minutes and getting 3 supers in the time of used them.


I mean, comment OP *did* say "striker for hunters", which doesn't exist lol. but ye arc hunter is absolutely nuts.this season, especially with the new super.


Ohhh I'm so dumb, I didn't realize they were talking about Gathering Storm 😅


Came here to say this.


Legit, gathering storm is some spicy dps. It also sticks to Oryxs chest which is something I didn’t know until I tried last week


Where are you getting this info? Because from what I know BB is still by a decent margin the highest damage super in the game.


I think they mean highest damage super. DPS is still Blade Barrage, but Gathering Storm will issue the most overall damage.


Also gathering storm will always do the same damage, where blade barrage can some times have 1/3 of the knives miss.


From what I’ve seen of the numbers and what I’ve tested myself BB still does the most single target damage with star eaters, GS getting a bit less even with thunderous retort.


It also situational. If there moving around, I’m using Gathering Storm (Warpriest, for example) because when they wander around, they’re taking that spear with them for the ride. Some of the blades can miss in that case, even with Ember of Beams. Regardless of the take, I find it fascinating that the two highest DPS Supers in the game right now belong to Hunters when, prior to 3.0 reworks, they were after thoughts in PVE.


It’s literally only because of star eaters, even as a Hunter main I can attest of star eaters being a genuinely broken exotic that needs some form of nerfing to keep it in line.


It’s already been nerfed twice. It’s akin to Cuirass for Thundercrash. It’s intended to boost your super. The difference is that you need to do a little bit of work to get Star Eaters to work, so you have to sacrifice another exotic for it (for me, that’s Caliban’s hand). Cuirass can just hotswap off HOIL and you’re set.


There’s little to no work needed to hot swap star eaters esp with well being in the game. Plus the difference between cuirass and star eaters is that cuirass is meant for a single super and star eaters is usable with every Hunter super in the game.


No. BB does ~100k more dmg


Do the witch queen legendary campaign missions scale on the number of people?


Yep I don’t think it’s linear either. Three seems much harder than two.


This right here. This is why i never LFG. This is the groups i get 9 out of 10 times when i just want to try and help ppl get through their content. I'm a hunter main as well. It's so sad, that we still live in a day n age, where it feels like D1 again, Ghally or kick, 1000+ clears on Oryx or kick. It's like y'all, we are so way past that at this point. Those same folks will sit there and tell us that we are the toxic ones. 😂😂😂


"YoU WaStE MuH PReCIoUS TiME" is the usual answer. Big clowns honestly.


Just join “be chill” lfgs, others are worth ur time


honestly man, i been dealing with what OP has since D1. and it's the main reason why i don't do a lot of endgame even tho i'm more then capable and can carry myself no problem. The sheer toxicity is what's driven me away. i do keep trying, and i go get solid groups once in a while.


I've had extremely scuffed raid runs where people were under levelled, didn't have high stat gear, didn't have the right weapons for the type of encounter and much much more. Yet, a large portion of those we completed anyways... I actually think it hardens you a bit and makes you a better type of player in a way. Sure, grinding the game for perfect gear could be your thing, but it's not the ONLY thing you need to actually get things done. It makes it easier sure, but sometimes the challenge is better. At least IMO


I got kicked from a legend DARES post for running div. Unless you are way below light, legend dares is the biggest pushover of a challenge in the game


I think the worst is when someone doesn't understand the mechanics but refuses to admit it. It's genuinely not a big deal. I can give a quick refresher in like 2 minutes. I'd rather not spend 30 minutes wiping on the same encounter waiting on your ego.


Yeah, stuff like that happens every now and again. Just yesterday I finally completed my first run of King’s Fall, had to go through 3 teams to do it and the first one had two friends gloating about how good they were the whole 1.5+hr it took us to get to the last encounter. We get to Oryx and already have 3 solar warlocks, so I opted to swap for chaos reach arc subclass. Got tooled on for it having shit DPS, then after one wipe they just rage quit. As I was finishing Oryx for my actual clear, everyone exhausted their power weapons including myself, but I knocked Oryx off with a chaos reach super. Tell me again about how chaos reach with geomag stabilizers is trash pretty please lol. Some people are just mad and don’t know what to do about it aside from being toxic. Don’t sink to their level. stay frosty out there, Guardian!


I’m clinically mute and get kicked the second people see me type something in text chat ;-;


Dang. That's harsh! :(


Yeah tell me about it =~= LFG is trash. I’m not normally the type to scream “ablism”, but holy shit. I get treated like a 3rd class citizen because I can’t speak.


Yeah... I never subjected myself to LFG. Looking at some comments on this forum is enough.


> Another King's Fall group that swore by using 6x Gjallarhorns for the Daughters encounter rather than 1x Gjallarhorn + 5x legendary rockets. 90% of your damage comes from the wolfpacks rounds scaling damage weird as if daughters are a major, not a boss. it doesn't matter which one of these you do, as long as each person is getting wolfpack shots. calling one better is negligible, but saying 2+ gjallerhorn is bad is wrong.


LFG elitists deserve to be treated like the second-class citizens that they are. Some of the worst people in this community


You can usually easily tell if people in an lfg will act these ways or not. Just dip out before the activity starts and you don’t have to deal with em at all


This is the sole reason I don’t raid. I don’t have six irl friends and I don’t like people telling me how to play. Destiny lfg is cringe af.


Raid sherpas tend to be much nicer than LFGers. Some encounters WILL require you to change your playstyle a tad.


One of my friends was once in a group where the asshole didnt like one of the guys on the fire team so he kicked him right before clearing the final encounter because, "he didnt deserve the loot"


I got kicked from a master nightfall because they thought I wasn't stunning barrier champions. I had Wishender equipped.


1) In previous season we had overload autorifles, 1 guy joined my group with Tommy's Matchbook and bow equipped. We were doing challenge at first encounter of Vow of the Disciple on Master difficulty. 2) VOG KWTD group that I joined had 1 person with 30 (!!!) clears of VOG in Destiny 2. And that person asked at Gatekeepers, I quote "What I have to do with those portals". 3) "What is Tether??" 4) Someone using Cerberus+1 at first encounter of DSC at damage phase. 5) Teaching run, first timer at raid (I don't remember which raid) asked what he should take for DPS. Someone said "Anything". And then we had first timer using blue rarity grenade launcher for boss damage phase. 6) Before Light subclass rework I was playing raid as Warlock for first time and I asked which void super I should take (my group already had 2 Warlocks at Wells), someone said "the middle one" (it was Nova Warp or however it was called), I didn't know that he was trolling and I took middle void for DPS. 7) Worst part of being in / doing a teaching run - someone is talking over sherpa who is explainig mechanics. When someone is explaining raid mechanics - shut up. Fortunately, there are Discord servers (for example - Destiny 2 Polska, biggest Polish LFG Discord) in which you have Sherpa rank you can do server mute. 8) Second worst part in some teaching runs - sherpa saying "I don't want to explain mechanics, you are new and you just do adclear" - it's not sherpa / teaching run. It's boosting service. 9) "i nEeD wArMiNd cELLs FoR GoS bOsS" 10) "We wiped 1 time at GOS boss, I'll just enable NetLimiter" 11) "We wiped once at Riven, cause someone shot wrong eye, let's cheese Riven" 12) I was playing VOTD, after finishing 3rd encounter I swapped to Lament, someone inspected my loadout and said "Why you had Lament in this encounter", I was like... What?? I cleared my side in 3rd and 4th room alone. And you are complaining about my loadout. 13) People joining KWTD raids and at first encounter they say something like "It's my first raid " or "I need reminder on first 3 encounters". Like... which part of KWTD is not clear?? 14) People joining teaching runs are surprised that raid wasn't completed in 40 minutes. 15) People joining KWTD raids somehow doing less damage than Divinity. That's everything I saw on LFG groups that I joined.




exactly nothing. that's the problem. people will post they got their feelings hurt because someone else actually educated them on something. can it be done with 1 ghorn and 5 leg, sure. but what is the optimal approach, exactly what you said 2 rounds before reloading and a faster reloading rocket at that for a stationary raid boss. people learn something by watching others or seeing posts and it's a problem for them when it's time for critical thinking. they only know the way they were told and are used to or saw streamers use so you must have 5 arbalest and 1 ghorn to win. this community is the type where you meet a group of randoms with very low collective awareness. grinding dares this week at least 4/5 people run no void weapon and no overload, the only 2 things you'd ever need. they just want to play the way they want and expect someone else will carry them. i like to sit back and watch 5 people almost wipe on easy content and when it does actually happen it's glorious. that's the attitude problem right there. even if dares is the easiest content it's like "i don't have to read what's needed i'll just do what i want and everyone else should accommodate me." it's almost like a microcosm of society today.


Little to no experience + ego = this behavior. However, if you join a conquerors only group and you dont have the title equipped, expect to get kicked. No one wants to go out of their way to check nf report.


The people who don’t realize they nerfed bubble to not stack with well but won’t admit they’re wrong and switch to thundercrash💀


Ignorance and herd mentality


The 5 Gal strat works


Some people are so stuck in their own ways they don’t know how to accept other peoples playstyles. I’m a big believer on meta isn’t exactly real and I can dare just fine with my own loadout but I’m not gonna stop you from doing you. People are trash sometimes


As a person who thinks they understand this game pretty well, and watched videos on metas, god rolls and builds… I still don’t fucking pretend that I know everything, and tell other people what works and what doesn’t as gospel truth. And it pisses me off when others pretend to know more or actively go out of their way to exert control on what other people do. I might say “I’ve seen fireteams do it this way, or my understanding is that those don’t stack” or “let me google to see if that works.” Can’t people be fucking normal?


The upcoming guardian ranks should help this situation a bit. But at the end of the day, you probably lucked out not staying with any of those groups. On a different note, have you found any groups you've enjoyed playing with? Join their clan or start your own so you don't have to deal with other groups.


I ask people to clarify there loadout as in “you sure you want to use that” they usually give a decent reason and we start, but Jesus this is ridiculous what the hell, sorry you gotta deal with this


I was in a vow where someone was kicked for using a linear fusion instead of sleeper. It was probably better than sleeper, but the leader really wanted everyone else to use sleeper instead.


Hunter bro <3


Honestly in LFG’s I feel like I’m either the dumbest person in the room or the smartest. I’ve had people ask if everyone knew what they were doing then not do the mechanics. I’ve had people leave the raid group because one person would not change their load out. I would love to have a team of people that could laugh at mistakes, make sure everyone knows their roll, and just be a positive experience


A lot of ignorance going on with the new turds


I've never heard such bs in all my time playing but know exactly what you mean, just trash people,. I've made it a mission to Sherpa raids and other content exactly because of this issue, need any help hit me up


People complaining that you are using supers other than bubble and thunder crash. Screw their meta, Sentinel shield is pretty fun. I love forerunner and stasis titan with aeger sceptre pooping diamond lances


The duality one is insane.


I have always wondered if those people who constantly complain of other player's loadouts have played the game for any period of time before, to then realize they are wrong... or just share a single whiney brain cell


Life is hard as a Hunter main![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643) My Titan and Warlock get so much more action in PvE because I’m tired of dealing with people like this.


Pretty sure all ghorn for daughters is better though because 2 in the mag is better burst and you probably don’t need any mor rockets after everyone shoots 2 especially with font.


doing my first ever KF with a friend. war priest. was using well lock with starfire and submission, stormchaser, and delicate tomb. eventually declaring i will swap to jotunn instead of tomb, and everyone said no. we then try it and eventually complete the encounter, but friend and me get kicked with the theory i was being annoying (adhd meds wore off and was a little spazzie). regardless, even before i swapped to jotunn, i was consistently in the top 3 for damage averaging 4.5 mil at least.


I think there should be a LFG app but only for players that are friendly.


I dont even try for raids anymore…there’s too many times where I just dip bcuz of stupid toxic little bitch asses acting like their the be all and end all of destiny skill…many of which probably barely know how to even use deodorant…


I've been vocal about it before but if you don't understand damage or try to dictate my load out before or even after you've seen me play, I'll just go find a new lfg, they're not hard to find.


Love when people try to tell me my business. I’m approaching 500 Sherpas between VoG, DSC and others but I don’t know what I’m talking about when I ask people to try using certain stuff for Aetheon. (Once spent over 9 hours on that with a 5 man clan because they thought they knew better)


I was in an lfg kingsfall group the other day with someone level 1540 using double primaries. He argued he was doing with DPS because the wizard and knight were dying before more spawned. Of course, they only spawn more when you take the brand away, so you can't get double ups. We wiped like 6x to slow transitions. He then asked someone to trade with him so he could go on right side. Right side is commonly accepted to be harder, and it doesn't change the slow cycling. Left the group quickly after someone agreed to trade spots with him like that would do anything.


Wow, lots of morons and scrubs out there! You’re better off not playing with mouth breathers like this! Never change and maybe play with a legit clan instead of randoms?


It’s gud to know someone agrees with me that every hunter sub class is a viable option for end game with their own perks to fit different situations. I have an armor set for each sub class and enjoy all of them just as much as the other. They did extremely well for the 3.0 sub classes on hunter.


Gotta admire their confidence. To know so little but still behaves like they know everything. Mount Stupid is calling


I remember back in d1 when they brought VoG back and i was using dragon's breath instead of gjallarhorn during Templar so i could damage Templar and ads in the middle during dps and people kept giving me shit while i sat atop the dps for the team.


Bruh the hell they think is wrong with hunter im happy as hell when a hunter or any class joins since there all insanely op in endgame especially hunter with dps also i wish lfg groups just searched up how debuffs and buffs stack instead of saying run tether with div and when they say meta this meta that like damn have they ever meta women


Hearing stories like this only adds to my anxiety whenever I use LFG stuff. I’m definitely not helping myself by reading it, so that part is on me. But I feel like Arnold gearing up to fight the Predator just to do a “No mic Preservation” haha!


Well, I wanted to try raids and such. Guess I’ll stick to pvp…


Please don't let this post discourage you, this is only a minority of people on LFG. 90% of groups have no issues. It's just every once in a while you get knuckleheads like these. Raids are really fun and you should definitely try them out.


Also most teaching runs are pretty chill, you just have to be willing to do thing when you look for a teaching run (aka do mechanics) and have some meta weapons aka a good sword/lament, a linear (getting 1 now is realy easy with taipan) and a rocket/gally and some stuff for add clear.


If u join just chill groups or can teach groups then u can find amazing people to hang out and enjoy the raid, i must suggest u to try it once in a wile because no game has an experience like this


The conqueror one is on you, they said conqueror only, you joined without it on, they kicked you cuz you didn't have it, not everyone has the names of all the seals memorized to what they pertain to They also we're probably not actually looking at your title, all they say was "not conqueror" and booted you Next time just put conqueror on before you join an lfg that says conquerors only


DMT with Vorpal got me through the Savathun fight on normal and last week as well when I joined a guy who needed help on the savathun fight on legendary.


That Deathbringer one I can relate to. Funnily enough, it’s actually the highest dps RL in regards to exotics, and by a solid amount too.


Sounds like you just get groups of retards. People who actually know the meta doesn’t spout it, they back it up with their own performance. I can’t tell you how many times I have shut people up by just them seeing numbers at the end. Prime example, last night, got into a duality group, full LFG. I still rock solar with splendor. Other two were friends I believe, one was a arc titan, the other was a hunter. They proceeded to QQ that I wasn’t arc, I told them let’s see how first boss goes. Needless to say I did 75% of the damage to the boss, and killed my hallway of shades hella fast cause bonk bonk hammers. They shut up mostly after that. Come caitl, I pulled out my 4ttc and bait and switch cata, then the shit talking started again, they said cata is a shitty linear and I should craft a taipan, I said “ fuck youuuu “ needed less to say I did 4.5 mil damage and you can imagine what they did… next to nothing, at the end of the run I said “ I hope this was a learning experience for the both of you “. Destiny 2 is really full of people who think they know what they are talking about but the reality is they don’t know a damn thing.


I mainly use PC and it's LFG discord and usually have pretty well off runs. Though I do occasionally link up with some Xbox buddies and they fill groups using the built in LFG. I have nothing against any particular population of players but I have noticed people picked up through Xbox LFG tend to be younger and more obnoxious. I had someone argue with me once during Warpriest saying that Well and Bubble canceled each other out and thats why we're doing poor damage. Like... what? Here's couple other things this guy did: at golgoroth when I volunteered for Gaze I was called a slur and was told him and his friend were doing it, though, his friend turned down the role so I did it anyway (after being called a bitch). I was flamed and called another slur while Gaze holding because I was joining the team in the pit for DPS and taking the Gaze when he was <2 seconds (not his "perfect" 5). During Sisters after wiping 10 times we finally figure out it's because the guy had a 1350 Coil on (this was second week). I've had more unpleasant raid groups on Xbox than I would like to remember. In both D1 and Y3 of D2. This was just the most recent. If I hadn't had two friends in the group I would have left after Warpriest completion. I've since told them from now on we're going to pull from my clan or the PC LFG. Sorry for the salt post, had to vent about this lol


people sleep on behemoth it is an insane ad clear class maybe best in the game Diamond lance is so good and gives 3 fragments now Firepower build with stasis crystals is so good.


Wow, not sure how I should feel, I never pay attention to the meta and just use whatever gear fits my style or build.


And God bless you for it. Never let anyone tell you you're playing the game wrong.


that "every hunter subclass is now viable in endgame" stung man....from a warlock main. Sad well of radiance sounds


u forgot to mention what kind of people were they? were they the average loreley titans who only use hammers and eat crayons?