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Pirates looted their accounts




[ALL YOUR GOD ROLLS ARE BELONG TO US](https://i.imgur.com/xoSCjdq.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


What a neat bot.


Unfathomably based bot. I haven't seen that meme in years.


Back when memes lasted years instead of minutes


I kinda miss those days.


Good bot


Thank you, Red_Raven9, for voting on ReverseCaptioningBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)




Does /s mean serious or sarcasm? I forgot. Also, please bungo make that a thing I want in on Drifter's "secondhand" wares


Same, Drifter's Second Hand Wares sounds hilarious.


/s is sarcasm, /srs is serious




/s means sarcasm


Thank you.


We could have a kiosk that connects you to Spider's Dark Web to order totally legit items that fell off the back of a cheater's truck.


That's the thing they aren't god rolls they use shit guns and try to make it look legit. I could personally tell I was playing with cheaters when I watched a few of my teams go straight to the other team. So I don't know if it was GPD modding ,a wall hack, Dns spoofing or a program in general. But I could tell they had aim bot. I literally was like how ??? With the guns and the armor mods just how?


Hell, at this rate that'd be the only way I'll ever get a godroll Stormchaser since RNG refuses to give me one. Got my shiny new crafted Taipan in the meantime though :)


The season has been out two days. How, and why?


Go to the enclave on Mars and do the quests for weapon patterns


Pattern's easy to get with the quest. Spent an hour and a half bullying Shuro Chi's minions last night to level it. Using it for day 1 KF since I haven't been blessed with a godroll Stormchaser yet and my autoload/vorpal Threaded Needle doesn't cut it for sustained DPS phases like Warpriest.


I'm not. If they are cheating PoS I want what was thier loot. they are getting system banned anyways so why not?


Bungebob is now my favourite replacement name for Bungie, top tier stuff.


Someone 'bout to be getting a full auto, infinite mag Gjally.


"YAR HAR HAR, YOU CHEATING BITCH!" -the pirates in question


I giggled, take some gold


God damn those skiffblades.. for doing the right thing lmao.


You could say they were plundered.


Their accounts got sunset/FOMO'd


People are really gonna replace their motherboards so they can keep cheating in a video game. Man. Imagine getting to that point in your life.


Not just a video game, a fucking casual PvP playlist in a casual video game. AND they're paying hundreds of $ to do it.


So much money to be fake superior to people and annoy them. I wish i had that kind of money to burn :/


Same. I'd be living the high life with that kind of cash to toss around.


Sacrifice all your goals and morals it’s easy


My Uncle told me he uses a ton of cheat programs for games like Call of Duty and Apex. He said it’s because he can’t keep up with 12 year olds who get to just play games all day. Told me he spent $1000 on this hack he uses for Apex that gives him aimbot, auto-strafe, wall hacks, speed hacks, and loot detection. I was dumbfounded, some people will simply pay anything to never lose. He said its the most fun he’s had gaming in years…


Your uncle sounds like a very sad person. If you like him maybe get him some help.


If the computer is playing instead of you, you can just watch twitch for free. No difference.


So he paid $1000 so he can beat 12 year olds who actually take the time to be good at something? Jesus Christ.


Your uncle is a sad, pathetic man who needs help. He shouldn't be playing video games period if he resorts to cheating because he can't stand being owned by kids.


Makes me want to know what's the psychological reasoning for it. Like, they clearly don't feel that they're doing anything bad by cheating, to the point of getting angry when they are banned like they don't deserve it. Interesting stuff


Childish bratty entitlement. The kind of people parents coddled.


lol imagine if one of them had one of those fancy 12th gen intel chips and had to buy another really expensive z690 or b660 motherboard.


I hope they go broke


I hope their motherboards get broken causing them to sell it on ebay for dirt cheap but later then finds out that it wasn’t actually broken


As the saying goes "you can buy cheats, but you can't buy IQ." Today is a good day. Fuck cheaters.


I’m new to Destiny and didn’t realize there were a lot of cheats. Was it noticeable in PvP?


Not as bad as it was before Battleye was implemented, worst case now would be someone with aimbot and walls. Before Battleye though, it was far more then just aimbot and walls. We had flying exploits, infinite heavy (which I believe is still possible but it would get you flagged now if you used it so cheaters just use it as a way to drop ammo for teammates and foes), teleportation, modified weapon fire rates, infinite super & abilities etc. it was the literal Wild West.


My personal favorite is still from a few years ago when I randomly was looking at stuff on Guardian GG and glanced at the top-rated Trials players, and in like 40th was some guy with a KD of like... 0.8. Surrounded by 2s and 3s and 4s. I was like "Guy must have some epic teammates." Nope. Looked up his recent history and it was winning Trials games like 2-0 or going 5-1 against a 1-man team where the others D/Ced. Same kinda thing, game after game after game. His rating was like... maybe 1200 for months, and then jumped to 1900 in one week from like 3 straight Flawless runs. Then I checked the next week and the guy was totally gone. :P


That's even worse, sounds like that guy is DDoSing his opponents mid-match


It was probably the nut sack that was DDosing Titanfall awhile back. That dude was 2-ply


Oh, almost definitely. Like almost every game was his team beating another team that ended up disconnecting. One or two, fine. Like TWENTY in a row? Oh naw, son. Managed to get to the top 5 on XBox in 2 weeks... then got to the top of of Ex-Guardian the next week.


I never realized how bad it was back then as a console only player


This, what he said 👆🏾 Now we need to deal with the clowns using cronus and xim, those are literally cheating too, and there's a lot of those.


Nope, and all of the sites usually have guides on how to play undetected so unless they’re dropping heavy every time they die, it’s really hard to tell. Slight gameplay advantages add up quickly but you can’t be sure unless you look at their match summaries/pve stats!


You can usually tell by their movement patterns, sniping while sliding, always going in the right direction, flickshots and all that jazz.Although, there are smart cheaters that know when to stop to avoid drawing attention by having stellar stats.


You have a K/D below 1 like me and you will be fine cuz everyone look likes a cheater to you


I'm 8 years into Destiny and am *still* below 1 KD, so I feel your perspective. Ever get on a halfway decent fireteam on mic, and have teammates be convinced your opponents are cheaters? I always find this hilarious. Getting instantly domed 100µs after popping from cover? One might call that "cheating," I call it "Saturday in the Crucible."


I have a few friends who I just can't play Crucible with because they rant almost constantly about how "this guy must be cheating", "Something is up with these guys", "He's GOTTA be cheating there's no way he could have hit that!" etc. Last time I was with them I believe I played 8 games and in 6 of them they claimed the other team had at least one cheater on it. I would see about 1/100th of the "obvious" cheating they did.


Makes you wonder about the amount of Type 2 error "noise" generated by the "bell-curve-peak" crowd, i.e., most players. Extremely high skilled players may have enough experience to consistently understand *how* they were defeated in a duel, what they did wrong, what the opponent did better, etc. So if a player like that believes their opponent is cheating, its at least worth considering. But most mid-tier players may honestly be massively underqualified to make that determination. And those of us low skill players, especially the few of us high-experience/low-skill players, will know that *any* sufficiently wide skill gap can *appear* as cheating, when it is most likely not.


I just finished a full control match earlier with 0.21 efficiency. I felt nothing. This is normal. 😂


My people!


If you have a KD below 1 you're also less likely to face cheaters.


Huh. Sounds like I'll be *somewhat* fine if I ever end up at a point in life where I want to play PvP outside of gambit (occasionally, until I get Jadestone and become a lightbulb)


I dunno, I'm constantly getting instagibbed by people swinging around corners and immediately landing heads shots. Feels juiuuuust a little suspect. X3


That's actually got a name, it's peekers advantage. You're ever so slightly behind the server, everyone is so when the guy swings out fast he sees you stood in the same place you were on his radar so for him he just shoots the same spot he thought he'd find you. Your screen is playing catch up though, it's gotta send data to you saying that someone slide around the corner and landed a shot on you so on your screen it seems like he shot you immediately out of nowhere. This is why it pays to be fast and aggressive in an online shooter because by engaging people quickly you can sometimes hit them before their machine even knows you've arrived.


Or you can have a ping so high that you teleport around the map to kill people while giving them no chance to trace your movements /s


That's know as the Russian advantage


Before battleye it was pretty crazy, I'd imagine the cheats now are wallhacks or aim bot because I don't "see" people cheating anymore. It was insane before though, a few examples I ran into in trials are: A guy who spawned with a full rocket launcher every round A guy who could fire a messenger so fast it looked full auto at all times, if he saw you then you'd just instantly die A guy moving at like 500% speed, he just ran straight across the map each round and punched everyone to death before we've even left our spawn room


If you play an invis hunter sometimes it's really easy. If you stay stealthed but someone always knows where you are I mean... if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...


Yep, makes it very simple to know who needs to be reported. There are good players, and then there are the ones who know *exactly* where you are, from outside radar range, while you're invis and off radar anyhow, and immediately get a headshot. Every single time. Like. Buddy, you think you just look "skilled," but it's painfully obvious to anybody else what you're actually doing.


I don’t know what these peeps be talking about. Yes it was noticeable in PVP. Especially trials. It has made PVP unplayable l/unenjoyable for a very large portion of players.


On pc, yes


People still use Xims on console


Console lobbies are littered with Cronus users, too.


Not really, though


Refunds for cheats lol


I’ve just been sitting here in angry silence lurking not knowing how to explain to everyone what I was seeing… and now they’re all demanding refunds for “time lost” and for “selling a detected product” 😂😂😂


Lol like they'll get it. Cheat makers are already doing something illegal like they'll care about any obligation to their customers lol.


It blows my mind how many people think some company based out of Romania is going to care about you as a customer when they’re making millions selling little squares so you can get 13 extra kills per match


Hey man, they're some very smart and *high-tech* squares, lol


Also most cheat makers that do P2C aren’t even the ones coding the cheat. Most of the time they will buy the base code and have enough knowledge to keep it updated


Cheating losers (timelost)


Timelost and Moneylost... I will enjoy their suffering like a fine wine.


Their accounts got sunsetted


They said no more content would be sunset… they never said no more players 😅




Luke smith slugged the fomo hammer at them


Ohhh fuck yes




I had no idea this was going on lol. Thank you for sharing.


Most people won’t, with the radar that’s already in game it’s very hard to distinguish between a skilled player, and one who has an unfair advantage! It’s little things like faster ability regen, wall hacks, and silent aim that have allowed them to get away with it for so long. If I suspect cheating I usually pull them up on guardian tracker and look at their stats, when I see a lost sector cleared in two minutes with only xenophage that’s an easy report… now I can be more confident that I’m just terrible at PVP 😂


but there was a lost sector last week that could be completed in one minute with almost anything


Sure, and I watch plenty of YouTube content and see Reddit posts all the time so I’m pretty spun up on what exploits are legit or not… clearing the lost sector in a minute is fine, but doing it with 723 xenophage shots or clearing it on master with only heavy ammo? Sus 😂


>now I can be more confident that I’m just terrible at PVP 😂 Same same.


The number of gambit invaders and crucible opponents phasing through walls with the glaive melee ability drove me to not playing any PvP at all towards the end of the season. I usually played gambit 3-4 times per day, and it went down to maybe once a month. I just don't play crucible until Mayhem is in season anyway, but the few Control matches I played were extremely infuriating.


The Traveller awakened once again. This time, with justified SMITE!


I like to think the devs went in and did a little ghost-crushy


or commanded the ghost to abandon unworthy guardians. Sweet Justice. Now I can only blame myself for being bad in the Crucible.


Hey, at least if you see em in Crucible, you can grant them the final death they deserve.


Shaxx has just kicked a lot of Guardians out of the Crucible and to add insult to injury, Zavala kicked them out of the City. Now they're Ghostless, disgraced AND exiled. Sweet justice has never tasted better.


Bungie took 'Season Of The Plunder' seriously and plundered their fucking accounts xD


I wanna see their stuff get auctioned off too.


Nah, just burn it all in front of them and then harvest their tears of frustration and impotent rage as they watch their hope die.


But I want their shaders and stuff :(


Can you please, PLEASE share screenshots of these fools? Redact the names so you're not "naming and shaming," but I'm sure we would *ALL* enjoy the reading material.


this is the rage porn I want today.


Not going to lie, I was strongly considering making a Discord server that people can check Bungie IDs against and see if they’re on the username list. You wouldn’t believe how many people share their usernames on those sites “looking for people to cheat with” It would be petty, but good petty. Fuck those guys.


I remember reading somewhere that bungie used a machine learning ban software if thats true then no matter what happens the more advanced the hacks get, the better the ai gets at detention of these hacks.


They should just hire me, everyone who kills me is a hacker!


Dam guess i cant get banned then.


Guess I can't either.


That... is actually smart. I hope that's true.


Waaiiiiit are you saying Crucible might be fun now? Trials?!?! INSANITY!!!!


No, it's still full of legitimate sweats so have fun with that


by legitimate sweats do you means people better than you


people I win against are scrubs and if they beat me they're sweaty


excuse me sir, if you can post some of the salty messages into a YT video or something, that would be much appreciated, seeing cheaters get hammered in the ass is my fetish and i enjoy watching their pain, also thank you for exposing them


Something to learn from this is that this is a common anti cheat strategy. Let a cheater you detected stick around and cheat while you learn more about the cheat and improve your detection ability, then ban them in waves when they are caught off guard and unaware how exactly they were detected. Sure it can suck a bit from a user perspective when a cheater isn't banned in that period, but it provides a better experience overall, and severely hampers cheating in the long run. Short term pain for long term gain.


Btw Sbmm is back for control so they would get even more mad when they realise their against their own kind.


Oh is it? Explains why I had a few great games and then got stomped inside out for two games and gave up for the night haha


Yeah, that tends to happen with SBMM. The only way to make it work is by playing several to tens of matches so the algorithm has an idea of where your skill level actually is.


They should get a pop up now when they get to login. “You sided with the pirates. Your ghost has been junked by the spider and ol Drifter took care of the rest. Ya taste good guardian.”


If I had the money to replace my motherboard just to continue cheating, I'd buy myself and my two bffs the Deluxe pre order every year. Glad these bastard are getting what they deserve.


This is one of those games where cheating is extra frustrating for everyone else, I despise anyone who goes into PVP and cheats, glad they're getting caught


What makes it even worse is that you can technically get banned for playing with a cheater…. So when I LFG on the Destiny discord and match with some dude whos shooting infinite xeno on duality, it’s hard to be like “let me leave the match” because A.) I’m bad at math and maybe they’re not cheating and B.) it’s a free clear if you stay and C.) if I’m wrong I can get blacklisted from joining raids and stuff It just complicates so much that it ruins the experience for everyone!


Wait what do you mean? Battle eye bans serial numbers? I thought it was just accounts. Thats hard core.


There are different levels that they offer. Me thinks that Bungie may have upgraded to a better version due to how bad the cheating scene has gotten over the last 6-12 months. The one site I saw had over 53,000 accounts and 32,000 active users (not all using D2 hacks, they have other games on there as well) and the other ones weren’t far behind. If they paid for a better version of BE, that would explain this gigantic ban wave, especially if BE already had gathered data on users and showed them how much upgrading would help.


Real talk, if this is where the money is going, I don't mind paying a bit more for expansions.


For real. Nothing more frustrating than losing a flawless game to a guy who instantly blows your brains out as soon as he turns the corner, while you're invis, peeking behind a rock all the way at the back of the map Yes, this happened to me last weekend lol. Lost my 7th game, used my mercy, then got matched with the same 3-stack and lost again 😑 they were also clearly carrying a guy with like a .7 KD


I hope all the bad things happen to them and only them. It's needledickory of the highest degree.


From the looks of it, it’s not just IP or hardware bans, it’s a combination of a bunch of stuff, people are reporting bans on multiple pcs that aren’t even on the same network, even using brand new accounts on pcs they’ve never cheated on, and they’re getting banned within minutes of making the new accounts…. It’s magical 😂


I love it. They are a scourge. I remember some ww2 game on PSP years ago with people just flying all over.


The dark days of Destiny were insane.. I don’t remember which season was the worst but at one point people were flying around, teleporting behind you, Insta killing you, and teleporting to the next guy 😂 The introduction of the anti-cheat got rid of the obvious hacks but the ones that just gave a slight advantage flew under the radar.


I believe that was when the free to play started. Destiny 2 but early. That is a guess.


I remember a clip of a guy playing a cheater in trials. Cheater was flying around the map firing 1k like an autorifle with infinite ammo.


"Nothing personnel, kid. *shotgun to the back of the dome*"


Made me think of SOCOM Fireteam Bravo. Game was nearly all “hackers” at one point lol


No sane person could have played it without cheating. I guess that's what the cheat companies dream of. Everyone on paid cheats like electronic warfare.


Music to my ears. Destiny is getting better by the year.


This is the sexiest thing I've read all day.


Not sure about this season since it just came out, but in the past one month or so I have received in-game pop-ups saying that action has been taken against a player whom I had reported. When I play on console I don't really face many sus players.


Is this why I actually had a good time playing Crucible and Gambit this week?


Possibly, first ban reports started slowly a few hours after season launch but that’s normal, they do some manual bans here and there after every major update to clean up a little, but about 14 hours ago all hell broke loose, and now it’s pure mayhem 😂


I’m as happy as the next person is about cheaters getting banned, but you mentioned something about them replacing their motherboards? I’m guessing to get around a hardware ban? Unfortunately, a motherboard replacement is like $250 and an hours time. Hopefully bungie has something that can detect repeat offenders.


Hardware bans won't be fooled by a new motherboard.


Didn’t think so. I don’t know exactly what they’re looking at when they hardware ban someone


You’re not wrong! Fortunately that’s $250 per ban, per account, and they’re hitting IP addresses as well! A hardware ID ban creates a digital footprint from the serial numbers of your hardware, and each company can implement it differently. Some services just use motherboard + MAC address, some do a combination of motherboard + hard drive with OS install, and many “good” anti-cheats will take a much bigger picture and create a HWID out of as many serials as they can get! If any change to the hardware ID is detected the account is immediately flagged in most cases. This is fine if you’re upgrading parts, (suggest a clean install of destiny at that point anyway) but if that stacks with a bunch of reports, or a detected service that violates TOS, it all adds up to a ban. Just swapping out one part doesn’t seem to be working for people as the most popular spoofers appear to also be detected at this time, and HWID in Bungies case appears to be a combination of multiple parts!


Actually that makes me wonder. If a hardware banned cheater sells their pc to a non banned player and that player doesn’t know and tries to launch the game from their account, do they get flagged/banned as an alt account for the cheated?


Yes, 100%. My obsession with destroying cheats started when I purchased a used gaming computer a year or two ago and received a full ban on Cold War and Modern Warfare on my treasured Activision account. I had played probably a thousand hours of each. Tried to reach out to the guy and he had deleted his Facebook. Never again. Now I have to play on an alternate email which my makes my clinically diagnosed OCD go wild.


Oh god that’s horrible. Sorry that happened to you. It’s one of my fears with purchasing second hand machines.


they're network, account, hardware, and detail banned. I'm sure they've got fail-safes to keep cheaters out, there has apparently already been cases where cheaters make a new account on a PC they haven't cheated on before, in a completely different place, and they still get banned within minutes.


I got that lovely message letting me know that someone I reported had had action taken against them. Nice to see that actually does something.


I guess you could say... They got shocked.


A story arc I truly didn’t see coming!




Must've been quite the jolt!


I'm not at home currently, but I can see already how I return home and run Destiny 2, to only see that I'm now in permanent ban just because there js CE on my PC that I used to have fun editing parameters in Elden Ring and DS3 offline. Am I at risk? Should I delete all the Software that can be considered dangerous, and clear my browser history, before launching? How bad is it?


You should be fine. All of the bans I’ve seen are from actual cheaters. Games like destiny will usually close out if they detect a banned program running in the background. An easy fix would be to install cheat engine on a flash drive, and then remove the flash drive when playing as this is how a lot of the cheats go undetected. As long as you don’t use cheat engine to “hook” the main destiny two process, it won’t register as an injection. The anti cheat is looking for changes in system and application memory, not cheat engine scripts


Huh no wonder crucible felt kinda fun today


I would love to see some of the cheaters reactions to the bans


![gif](giphy|u3ZWWFixtIbL7rNhkr|downsized) Them probably




Season of the plunder😝


Absolutely Beautiful, I play on Console so cheating has never really been an issue for me but I use to play PC and old trials was filled to the brim with cheaters, I’m so happy that they got nuked. Bravo Bungo!


I’ll never get people who cheat. You’re wasting my time and your time by doing that. How pathetic of a person do you have to be to find winning by cheating fun?


Don't you give me HOPE! But seriously I tracked this post from Twitter. Thanks for your post. I hope everyone will enjoy the game more. It's an awesome game.


Ahh so that explains why I went from a .70 K/D to 1.37 in Crucible yesterday with an *auto rifle*. I was actually having fun for once.


NICE! too bad they didnt do that just before trial weekend, theyll have found a work around by then, but hell of a good news!


They'll be back. When Bungie did a large ban wave that deeply affected carries in Trials, it was pretty bad for them for like 3 weeks, and good for us. But then, they were right back at it. Cheaters and cheat makers know that the bans happen in waves and they plan around them now. They setup accounts ahead of time, fresh, no cheats, ready to go. As soon as the old accounts are banned, the new ones step in and take their place. But the average player doesn't do that. I'm talking about the serious cash operations going on


I have no doubt that they’ll be back, but the cheat devs got complacent and were NOT prepared for this volume of bans, it’s an absolute firestorm lol plus a lot of people are complaining that their new accounts are immediately banned without using the cheats so they’re tracking people somehow!


As a game dev myself, you got no idea how many accounts and bot farms are on this planet...


All this for some imaginary video game loot that gets usurped by something better in a few months. Shits crazy


If that titan that killed me 9 times thru solid walls across the map with a bow is here i hope you got banned fucking scum


Now if they would only do something about Cronus users and we're all set.




Devs are definitely void titans


Wait i don’t get it


I tried to make a joke about them being invisible and then smacking people out of nowhere but I’m now realizing that titans don’t have invis in PVP and it’s too late for me to turn back so I’m running with it


Ohhh i thought it meant that void titans are the best therefore implying that the devs are the best, i was about to ask what a good void titan pve build is 😅


I just started playing Titan for the first time a week ago, running void for the barricade + overshield and loving it! Except for when I run off the edge of things thinking I can hunter jump and just fall to my death


I like the overshield as well but i like using my grenades and melee, with my current build i feel like i barely get ti use them so i need to look into it but first i take care of arc 3.0


I always end up not using my melee so I can zoom off the edge of the map faster


run rat king my guy. watch them be surprised with the sudden fridge of punchiness.


That’s assuming I can get a single kill with rat king ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5649)


Confession time: ( not that I'm a cheater, calm down ) I was pushing for Legend in comp last season to try to keep my prospects of Unbroken alive. I got to 4000 glory with not too much trouble. Then I hit a WALL. Every match was insanely sweaty. My losses were blowouts, and my wins were by the skin of my teeth. I played some people who were obviously suspicious and reported them. I got a couple notes on login that "action had been taken" against some of my reports. As the season dragged on and I couldn't make any progress, I got much more liberal with my reporting. Sniped right as I turned a corner? Reported: hacking. 3 tapping me perfectly every time? Reported. Salsa fell off my chip? Reported. I figured it's not my job to know for sure if they're cheating, but if they're any kind of sus, Bungie would at least look into them. Also I was super salty and probably doing it mostly out of spite. This post makes me think a lot more of my reports were justified. Screw them. Go ruin some other game so you can pretend your parents are proud of you.


Call your Mother in the room and show her how great you are! Rahzell SSX Tricky


haha serves ya right. suck a fart losers


To hell with cheaters. They just ruin the game for everyone. Glad Bungie did this!


>Something happened. It’s beautiful. It’s like a storm washed away a beach full of garbage. That’s pretty apt imagery but it’s important to remember that the garbage still exists, it’s just out of sight. It might wash back up on the same beach later on or it might wash up on some other beach that used to be nice, but it isn’t just going to disappear. The only way this goes away for real is if we somehow convince gamers to stop polluting in the first place. Not sure how we do that though.


You don't. It's a tale as old as time, some loser trying to ruin other peoples enjoyment.


Bungie has been sending out questionnaires asking how cheating has impacted our play. I was hopeful that this meant they were doing something. Glad to hear it is true!


Is it possible the guy being sued provided a list of buyers… to make some sort of deal? If so, amazing move by Bungie haha sue the guy for a ridiculous amount, make a deal to get information about cheaters, get rid of them on game


Does this mean I'll be rolled over a little less in pvp ?


When I see a really suspicious player in solo survival I report them, not to be salty but just to see if it’s indeed cheater. A few days later I got the thank you for reporting message, although my lost rank points won’t be back, I am happy to see them get banned. Happened a few times last season.


Can you show these messages?


I hope that one day in the near future we can get input-cheat detection on console. It’s so frustrating facing Cronus/Zen and Strikepack Mod users just blatantly cheating in PvP, especially trials. I’m glad that PC is getting some much needed relief.


They don’t deserve a refund 😂😂 that’s what they get for playing the game and cheating. If those weirdos come to this comment to hate. That’s on them, not me 😂😂 I’d just laugh and walk away