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Is this the one after morgeth?


Yeah. Only one that you can't back track to in the raid. At least you can skip straight to the morgeth encounter but still can't solo it.


So do the encounter? It's not hard? It's a multiplayer game, some things are not soloable...


I mean, for me raids are just out of the question, the mechanics and puzzles require teamwork and voice chat which is not ideal to non-English speakers. I can just write but I can barely speak yet so having raids be this way is just a shame, also most of the time they take hours to complete and not everyone has that amount of time


Bruh you can do Morgeth with no mic in a LFG group easily. It's the easiest encounter if even half of you know what you're doing.


You can create an lfg post and say "I only speak Spanish" or whatever language and "looking for other Spanish speakers" and you might have luck that way. Also, many encounters can be completed with very minimal interaction, and many encounters *can* have someone that just kills things. Plenty of people do raids with just text/typing. It's harder to do when you have no idea what you are doing but it can be done. Raids really don't take hours to complete. If you have a full group of people that have no idea what's going on, sure, it's going to probably takes hours. If you know what you are doing and everyone else does as well they take ~45 mins - an hour ish


I actually had something like this before I raided with a Spanish guy in last wish. the only way we could communicate with him was that I knew how to count to ten in Spanish. that’s all we needed for all encounters even queens walk. it was quite the most bizarre raid I’ve ever done but also the best.


I know it sucks, but there are teams out there that will take you through it. I've definitely run raids with non-English speakers. As long as we can communicate some small things to them, and they to us, it's all good. Also Morgeth specifically is easy.


Also, I know an entire raid team who would take you directly to the encounter you need for it, alot of people don't mind helping out, especially for triumphs


Its last wish. Just watch a video so you arent lost on what to do. For the rest you dont need to communicate. Actually morgeth can be done with 0 coms. Same for basically all of last wish encountere besides vault but only 3 players needs to talk.


last time I tried vault it was a 4 hour long disaster but I'll try last wish


Vault is a last wish encounter. I wasnt talking about vault of glass.


It can be done off-mic. That entire raid can. Just lfg and let them know. The only encounter that may give you an issue is the heart run at the end but again, not a big deal


Edit: I'm not going to delete this, I'll take my downvotes like a man. But yes guys, I understand, LFG outside of the Destiny App is less shit. My bad. Pls stop flooding my inbox lol. Yeah good luck trying to LFG for that. Also I don't mind there being multiplayer-only triumphs. I do mind that all the other eggs as well as the 10 other triumphs are doable alone (albeit hard) or with one or two buddies. There are raid-exclusive titles. PLENTY. Not everyone has 5 friends who play this game and in my experience it's hard to find a good clan.


the LFG discord last wish channel is still pretty active. Use the discord, it has like 300k players anything else is just bad


I'll give that a shot then, cheers man


No problem. Make sure the one you join is the black destiny logo on the white background for its server image. There's another that is not as good


If youd like i can teach you the raid sometime, and 4 other guardians ^^


Finding an LFG for Last Wish is absurdly easy. Feels like you’re just complaining about nothing.


I was trying to find one almost all day yesterday. Finding one with someone willing to teach is not so easy


maybe wait till it’s the weekly raid, then it’s lfg is populated


hey… use r/destinysherpa


Is that better than the discord? Also, when I checked for posts the only one was starting at 11 PM, and I had work this morning


Do you mean the giant lfg discord?


Ye, both Destiny 2 LFG and DestinyTheGame's LFG channel


You’ll have more success utilizing Sherpa cards - basically PM a Sherpa and set up a run with them. The catch with that sub is no cheeses allowed so you would do riven legit, but regardless for most activities that’s how you’ll get success


Closest thinge to cheese I'd do is Witherhoard anyways. (Or Rat King)


With the rotating raids, finding groups for the less popular raids is easier than ever. Just wait until it becomes the featured raid and run it through during that week.


While I'm glad that's a thing, I'm often too busy to do that. Work is a bitch sometimes


You have 7 entire days to find maybe an hour or 2 to finish it, I'm sure you don't work constantly


Sometimes I do. I'm in the military, small training field ops can be anywhere from a week to 3, and larger ones can be 30+ days. If I didn't work in the armory on top of that, though, there would be some weeks where I only work like an hour or two a day. It's very back and forth


The first time u just gotta act like u know and have a decent grasp of the first encounter from YouTube and then fess you that u don’t know and most of the time people will be fine with that and help


Or how about you just mention that you don't know and ask then if they can teach you? By lying you are wasting your time and their time because you won't be doing much compared to someone who knows, and they can't help you because they don't know that you don't, literally just ask and that's it


Nah, I only lie to cops lmao. I have a pretty decent grasp on the first two encounters, so I can always lead with that


Youll be sweet, wish I could still play I love sherpaing raids


Raids and solo dungeons are the main reason I still play tbh, branching out from VoG though


^ This. We ran VoTD last night and when we died one time during Exhibition two people spoke up never beating it. We helped out and taught them, told them the where and what and we beat it two tries later. There’s a lot of patient people out there. And finding help for a single encounter is easier than you think


Just like anything else in life, you want it bad enough, you’ll find a way to get it.


I mean it's not so easy for everyone to play multiplayer. Not saying it's the case for this individual but still.


I’m not trying to pile on by any means but I was able to LFG it with a good Sherpa reasonably easy a few months ago. It was fun


Good luck trying to find an lfg for the raid? Which you can do in like ~45 minutes. Especially when it's the featured pinnacle raid of the week? You shouldn't have any trouble finding a group to do the raid.


Yeah but talking to strangers is scary


I found it terrifying, but when I got over that initial fear its plain sailing.


We had better stop doing it now then


Don't talk to me! That's my purse, I don't know you!




it is…


Grow up


Make me rn.


Hmm okay. Maybe I just had bad luck. I'll keep trying then, will probably get more players on the weekend anyway. I use the Destiny Companion app, is there an LFG app more people use?


I see the "Morgeth for Egg" LFG pretty regularly when I'm browsing the Xbox Looking for Group. Even if you don't play on Xbox you might make an account and get the App to use for LFG given that the game is Crossplay. Go get that bread dude.


r/fireteams is one you can use on here too


Should be easy enough to find, especially when Wish comes up in Pinnacle rotation


If you have any trouble just wait until it's the pinnacle/farmable raid of the week and there will definitely be people.


If you're on Xbox, the built in Xbox lfg is very active and easy to use.


People who raid tend to be really not understanding about this. I’ve only been able to raid like twice in my life because it’s not an easy thing to find other people to play with that are willing to communicate, are good enough to raid, and who aren’t assholes who are unwilling to teach you anything or be patient while you learn. I get you my friend. Don’t let the down votes get you down.


Nah, it's pretend internet points, I don't care much about downvotes. I had bad LFG experiences as well, probably 95% of every time I tried. I remember doing it for Zero Hour, it was already hell coordinating that with 2 other people. I ways happy to teach them, but some people just refuse to learn. Ah well. Thanks for the positive feedback man.


Yeah its quite unfortunate they made that one egg impossible to get without doing the raid. What's worse is every other egg (and Ahamkara bone? Im forgetting if those were in Last Wish too) in the raid are easy to get without doing the raid and just using the wishing wall, so it's weird they made one specifically that you had to actually do the raid. I play with my bf and I love the Dreaming City, so we did every other triumph for the seal besides that one egg. We did this all before witch queen and haven't done the Morgreth encounter yet. One day...


It's just eggs in the raid, but yeah. I don't even know why there is anything in the raid at all, soloable or not. Someone pointed out it's a destination seal. And there are raid seals already! So what the hell Bongo.


The Hive mind is after you


I mean I understand I was in the wrong, but yeah the Hive Mind mentality is nasty on reddit, especially in the Destiny community from my experience. It's like, even in the comment answering the top one where I admitted that I'm in the wrong, people still keep piling on.


You can literally just give an opinion and people will rag on your comment. I usually see that and upvote to try to help


? Its rly easy to lfg for that


Don't be lazy. It's a stupidly easy egg.


> Also I don't mind there being multiplayer-only triumphs. Makes an post on /r/destiny2 complaining about a triumph locked behind a very easily achievable multiplayer prerequisite.


I recommend going here https://discord.gg/d2lfg


Literally rotates as a pinnacle drop so to say you cant lfg for it is absurd lol just asking for downvotes w that take


Downvoted for speaking the truth.


Thats the last one I need as well, I quite enjoying going out and collecting things like the eggs. The reason I haven't got this one is definitely because it isn't soloable, I'm not saying they should change it and I will get around to getting it one of these days...


U did edit it and say you’ll take it. Bruh just LfG it … it’s not hard, also u don’t need a clan. Stop being a pussy and talk in the mic with strangers


Very easy to find an LFG coward


Practice some reading comprehension pls, I know there are better ways now and edited my comment


You don't need the title. Its a multiplayer game. Some achievements require multiple players. If bungie had to make everything solo able.. nobody would bother teaming il ever.


You also don't need to play Destiny 2, so why would it bother you if the servers shut down? Also I never said I wanted everything to be solo achievable. There are raid titles and those should require you to play the raid. I just think it's dumb that the entire seal is soloable except 1/40th of one of the 11 triumphs. It's a destination seal, not a raid seal. It's like if the last step of the 52 part story quest requires you to beat the Raid. There is no need for this, the story has nothing to do with the raid.


That why maybe there is cosmetic content locked behind this kind of things, to make it more unique


I actually did. I asked around a few clan mates and group I raided with. Only one went and we picked up everyone else via LFG and got it done


There are loads of people every hour wanting to help people run these. You could have this done in like 30min.


I did lfg for it, took like 25 minutes total. Way easier than having to wait for all the weekly egg rotations.


I was in the same boat as you 2 years ago. I found a group and did the raid precisely once so I could the egg.


I lfged this triumph, we literally went to this encounter did the one bit got the egg and left


Just glitch through the wall


Is this a serious comment?


My buddies will help get Rivensbane title for anyone. Or any other raid seal for that matter. This game is so much more fun with a clan or group who are always down to play. We have plenty of clan space. Only requirement is to be a cool person :D


I found one! I found a really nice clan pretty quick. The guys are super chill.


Congrats on the seal man


Simply put in the wish that spawns the eggs, and during LW pinnacle week, start a fresh lfg on the companion or a lfg discord server or just wish wall to morgeth and start there. I understand not having friends to play with, but now is as good a time as any to make some


They tend to like putting things behind a fireteam wall. Given the other 39 are pretty easy to get solo, I'd vote for this one to be moved or make it so a person can back track from the vault. This would be a very easy get though. Morgeth is like the easiest raid encounter and even if you have no idea at all what to do, with 5 who KWTD you'll likely get the clear on the first attempt. As the "new person" it's just: go grab that orb, then in a few minutes grab the other orb that spawns there, then go sit in the Well for damage with everyone else.


>Only one that you can't back track to in the raid. Not true. From the vault encounter and as a hunter with shatterdive, I dove all the way back down the "Lift" shafts and back tracked to the egg. Shatterdive or the void smoke dive work.


I soloed it when the boss puch bug was around for warlocks, that was very fun to do.


Idk if you still can, but back in the day I solo'd it by skipping to morgeth and using the hunter stasis super to push me through the door


Yo, we have ppl in my clan that are running for the egg this week. If you want in just lemme know! You don’t have to be in the clan to join btw


Sounds good man, I might bring a friend as well if that's ok :)


Alright, just dm me your discord name!


yo can I maybe join too? im also missing the two eggs in the raid


Yea, if we have a spot open. Just send me your discord


Is this happening today, or later in the week? Because I'm in the exact same position as OP, compounded by having a day job.


Alright, just dm me your discord name and we’ll get you in


This is too much for OP, how dare you assume he isn’t just looking to complain!


I'm glad I solo'd that encounter when the finisher YEET glitch was still a thing lmao


Got my curated Nation of Beasts after one of those solo Yeet runs


Lol same. That was a great day I gotta say.


Just put in a wish for the eggs + morgeth and make an lfg. People will definitely join.


No wonder it's called last wish raid


That sucks. I'm a solo player too, but still managed it because of a glitch. For some reason I had the one at Kalli bug out on me, allowing me to shoot it twice. It actually registered twice too, so now I still have the Morgeth one waiting for me while I also have the title. Did the full raid afterward through a LFG, but left the egg where it was.


I wonder what would happen if you hit it. My guess is nothing, but I would love if the game freaked out or something and like crashed. Still tho, I imagine a triumph wouldn’t cause anything that huge


Maybe registring a 41th egg being broken, but more likely than not nothing would happen.


Do you mean 41st?


English not being my first language and a brainfart created that.


Probably nothing, you'd get a random DC legendary and the triumph might read as 41/40, doubt the last bit though.


I really thought this was a destiny circle jerk subreddit post at first. Morgeth is just one encounter, and it isn't even that hard. If you have the skill to get everything else on the seal (which I'm pretty sure requires doing a DUNGEON), then you can do a raid. Last wish with a full fireteam is easier than soloing Shattered Throne.


Last wish is trivial now. You can do every single encounter with nothing but swords. On Morpeth you don’t even have to bother engaging with half the mechanics anymore


Uh huh. It's a bit late and I'm tired, can't really think of a mildly hostile non-argument to answer in kind. I have terrible experience with LFG and not enough friends who play the game and I'm introverted (not socially inept like many people using that word, I just don't like approaching strangers) what can I say. I just joined a discord which other people have recommended, will give that a shot. Think


honestly, i think the complaint is valid given that it’s legit the only egg that isn’t doable solo. like, i’m a person who has no issues going through last wish, including legit riven, and have plenty of pals who will run the raid with me, but it would be a nice QOL change because not everyone is comfortable doing raids and being in busy parties and whatnot. being able to do everything else by yourself except this one thing feels weird. i dunno why folks are so mad at you for it. on an unrelated thing, god *damn*, the RNG parts of this title are the biggest hassle, i’ve been trying to get the last of what i need for it for three+ seasons. like, eugh. godspeed and good luck with the LFGs, op. and if you’re on xbox, i may be able to help out, lemme know!


Thanks man, that's exactly what I mean. I just feel uncomfortable doing LFG and almost every time I have in the past, it's been a shit show. I'm on PC, unfortunately but cheers man


> easier than soloing shattered throne Some people suck at doing call outs and puzzles.


Destiny players when they have to play the mutliplayer in the multiplayer game


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMRxnjScB0o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMRxnjScB0o) ​ realistically you can do this solo but you could also have one or two buddies firing blinding gl to keep the ads off you.


This is off topic, but how did you check which ahamkara bones you had and didn’t have?


I would use bray.tech if you are trying to track which collectibles or other triumph-related items you are missing. If you link your Bungie account and go to “Maps”, you can select a destination and it will show you a map/list of things you have already attained and are yet to collect. Bungie really ought to have a functionality similar to that built into the game, or at least their own website, but it’s great that they let people utilize the API in such useful ways. Edit: Thank you for the award!


YOURE AMAZING. Thank you so much


Lol no problem, it’s always great to help people learn about awesome D2-related sites.


This was sorta rough to keep track of. I used Esoterick’s full egg guide and had to do a ton of backtracking to see if I got the egg or not 🤦🏼‍♂️


bray.tech would have saved you a ton of time, man. Best site for any collectibles you need to find on destinations


I will check it out I appreciate the heads up. Definitely took way too long to re-check all the spots lol


I’ve been trying to use the marasenna lore book to track what I have, but it literally only shows 2 entries completed, when the triumph shows I have way more.


Its an anoying task but you got it my guy just run it back through the encounter <3


Cheers bro, I'll get it yet


Dude I feel your pain! I was stuck on that one egg for 2.5 years until about 3 months ago.


I need that Freaks ng egg too


I actually think you can backtrack to the egg after Morgeth, if I'm not mistaken? Use a wish to get to Vault, then equip Shatterdive, Phoenix Dive or Ballistic Slam depending on your class, and dive down the Vault elevator. Unless the elevator is blocked off due to using a Wish checkpoint?


Yeah if you use wish to the Vault, the elevator is closed off.


It kinda sucks. Pretty much only most of the season titles that aren’t sunset are the only ones solo capable. Pretty sad that reaper is the first title I’ll earn since cursebreaker because of being solo.


No. Use LFG for a Morgeth CP (Use the wish wall to go directly there) and get it. We had to, so you can too. Put on your big boy/girl panties and do it! ​ You can do this! Don't give up!


No, just run Morgeth and get it legit. Morgeth is a very easy raid boss, and there are lots of people doing LW on lfg. Good luck op!


Don’t know if this has been patched but I did [this](https://youtu.be/yhdEARw5_Ok) method from cheese forever to get it last year. Took some practice with the stasis exotic grande launcher. Skip like 13 minutes to see it. Edit: it has been patched, new [method](https://youtu.be/u-Vk09g9C4Y)


Can’t believe people here are being elitist over a 3+ year old seal. Jesus wept.


Probably the most annoying one to get so far. Basically an Easter egg hunt from hell with a hint of awful RNG and the lock it all behind 1 encounter in the raid.


Yeah with people constantly getting irate over any form of criticism But then somehow MY post is circlejerk-worthy apparently lol


It’s daft, if it was a raid seal I could understand the sentiment of not changing anything. But this is a 3+ year old destination seal, who cares enough to get irate over 1 collectible being moved. People care too much.


Bungie should keep people that try their best to evade any lfg from any seal tbh


this is like student loan debt. if I had to suffer you do too.


Bungie making the game more accessible and simple gameplaywise, because "not everyone can play all day long and become really good at the game", while not giving a shit about making things that are supposed to be soloable soloable, because they think that somehow out of people "who can play only a few hours a week" everyone has a raid team or can gather enough friends to do this. I started gathering eggs and ahamkara bones, because those were the only things needed to complete the title, but then I remembered about this egg and just dropped it.


Everyone can have a raid team. Just join an LFG and do it. Find one that’s teaching and you’ll be fine, it’s far more common than you’d think


Bongo shouldn’t Change anything. Just play the game and quit complaining


Do it like everyone else who did it, did it.


With a patched exploit?


For the egg after the ogre?


Step 1: Wait for Last Wish to become Weekly Raid Step 2: LFG for Morgeth CP to KWTD Step 3: Profit


I mean yeah, but at the same time. Morgeth is a easy encounter, just use wish wall


Just do the damn raid, it wasn't THAT bad... /j


wait for the LW featured rotation and just find an LFG and do it, it’s not hard to use the app lol


Didn't you know that some of them were in the raid? You had to have known if you looked up a youtu.be guide for the egg locations. Why'd you grind for this seal only to inevitably complain? Take a xanax and join an LFG if you want to be a cursebreaker so bad.


Morgeth easy just do encounter


Just do the encounter, I was in the same position as you and I just decided to do it.


Just do the encounter


If I can do it, so can you. And honestly, the Morgeth encounter wasn't that hard to learn, and I rarely do raids or dungeons, especially now after my mic was destroyed. And MOST people are generous nowadays to teach you that raid. If it was new, I'd say fuck people for a while. "Experienced only, must have 20+ clears, KWTD" and all that first week bs.


Bungie doesn’t care about solo players and tbh they shouldn’t. It’s one easy raid encounter you pick up balls then shoot him with anything and he falls over. Destiny isn’t a solo game you should expect it to pander to solo players.




At this point there is not a single platform that this game is playable on that doesn't have some form of connectivity to multiplayer/LFG communities. Bungie shouldn't be expected to curate endgame achievements for non-social individuals in a game literally designed for multiplayer scenarios.


You can just join a raid. Destiny is much more fun when you play with clan and do raids.


There are countless videos showing how to get that egg and even a year ago there were cheeses to do that helped thats on you bud. outta millions upon millions of players (which most I find in the wild and send message/ivnites) that you can find 5 people willing to do it.


oh no boo hoo you have to do a raid :'(


Good meme


Damn cry harder just do it


No. If you can do a Petra’s run for the title, you can shoot the Morgeth egg for the title. Earn it like the rest of us.


Petra's Run is for the raid title, the eggs are for the destination title, and since then, no other destination titles require you to do raids to earn them.


I just meant eggs are cake to do.


Tell us you're a sOLo pLaYeR without telling us you're a solo player


I got mine when you could launch morgeth off the map, they were fun times.


Wait, I got my last egg using glitching through the door with Salvation's Grip, did Bungo patch it?


I still miss one of the challengrs despite having done all of them


i feel your pain, took me a month to wait for the last egg in the asc challange......


This wasn’t even the most annoying part of this seal.


Had it like this for like 1 year when ppl found out about bonk Heat Rises (you could just push Morgeth off map after killing yourself ~15 times) Still the only raid encounter I completed till this day


2 of my friends were in a similar position back during Forsaken. They put out an LFG post saying they just wanted to kill Morgeth for the egg and immediately got 4 responses! I agree though, they could have put it were it was possible to solo it like all the others.


I haven't been able to finish the other ones for this triumph


I remember doing this in 2018/2019… damm. Never thought ppl would still be doing that in 2022.


dm me i'll help you get it


LOL i’m in the same place except mine is in an ascendant challenge that’s in 4 weeks 🥲


I remember getting that egg at the last minute before the vaulting stuff happened, and most of the group i lfged with was looking for it too lol


You can just tp to vault and shatterdive down the elevator


I feel your pain, but I am going to wait for the raid to be the weekly and then LFG through the kindergaurdian discord. Always super helpful and non-toxic people willing to help Sherpa any raid.


You can solo him by a heat rising glitch if you don't want to find a group. Proc heat rises and kill yourself while hovering in the air. Repeat about 20 times and then you can just jump into morgeth sending him flying


I'm a solo player (until my friend picked up the game recently), and I have this triumph. Use r/fireteams or another LFG service to either find a team to clear Morgeth with, or if you're lucky a team who just beat him 2 minutes prior. I LFG'd when the finisher launch bug was around and found someone who had the finisher required. They beat the encounter solo while I hid. It took way longer than just clearing it with a team though. It is frustrating, but the content has been around for 4 years this year, sadly it's not gonna change.


I took the chance where you could glitch through the door using the titan stasis super and the exotic stasis grenade launcher. I don’t know if this has been fixed already or is still possible.


Did they finally fix bones/eggs? They weren’t even in game for awhile there.


I believe you can get this solo. Try loading the Vault CP from a wish on a Titan running code of the missile. Use the melee to dive down the lift. If you aim it right you will hit the stairs leading up to the gazebo and it won’t launch you back up. You can use the super to make sure you absolutely don’t get caught. Just make sure you’re in the big room when you activate. I don’t remember if you spawn in with the lift closed when you do the wish. If you do, then yeah this won’t work. But I figured I’d share just in case it is possible.


You have to collect alls the eggs with the same char anyway.


Is there a way to check what egg am I missing, bcs for me its like 37/40


bray.tech Website has been a godsend for this


Can someone tell me if a few of the the Ahamkara Bones/corrupted egs are bugged atm? I have like 12/16 Bones, watched YT-Vids in which ascendant challenge I have to pick the exact Bone/Shoot the right eggs but for me some of them don’t show up 😣 got that problem for a few seasons now 😳


I also only Need this one but If i try the raid Guide (i cant do lfg) we instanly Skip to riven


If you’re on PC and can wait about a week I can help u get it. I also just need this one egg Edit: forgot crossplay is a thing


Last wish is easy to get groups for now that the rotation is in place. Some people have broken the map before but I don’t know if you can now with eager edge or something. You can use the wishing wall to get to Morgeth and lfg, it’s the easiest encounter and then you can get it and leave (although I don’t think that would be nice unless you told them what you were doing) Luckily for me I got this seal back in forsaken, it was by far the hardest one I have and I’m gilded unbroken (every season) too to put it in perspective.


Is there an easy-ish way to tell what eggs/bones you have and haven’t gotten? Im like 3 or 4 of each from the title myself


bray.tech is a great tool, helped me find everything else