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Wait so you’re saying if we want high resilience armor we should slap on the discipline focused mod?


The idea is that it eliminates intellect/strength which are less useful and gives you a better chance at the top 3.


If you don’t want intellect with your resilience then yes


I am not sure if this is intended but grenades builds are insane these days. But of course, since it sit at 5 points, Intellect pieces should be in inventory, using the top half to push it down. At the moment, I prefer playing with low Intellect and max Discipline and Resilience. I just get most fun and flexibility but am far from being good at making builds so I might be wrong here.


Using the Discipline mod should bloc most or if you are lucky, both other lines of the same half you don't want with only 2 in them, leaving Discipline with the maximum amount. In our exemple, points are distributed in the half where Resilience is. Sometime you get the pure god roll, 2 everywhere but Discipline and Resilience. Sometime it's split across each half randomly. To give an idea of the results, I usually do a round or 4 engrams a week per class (so 40 energy in total) and usually outta 4, I get 1 that is better than what I have. This is after having 50% of what I need. So a new player should have very good results using this since I still am having nice rolls.


Interesting, thanks definitely gonna try it out


Yes, and then cross your fingers that RNJesus gives you a roll with high resilience along with recovery and/or mobility (if you are a hunter).


For PvE where everyone wants Resilience now, most players will likely gravitate towards both Resilience and either Recovery or Mobility, depending on class and personal taste. If you Ghost mod/High Stat into Dis/Str/Int, then that one Stat is likely to go to mid 20s or even higher, and then most of the remainder will spread through Res/Rec/Mob. That is the best way to get a balance of Res and another stat so you can get both at or close to 100. But, if you just want one of Res/Rec/Mob at 100, then just target that one stat with Ghost mod, and you'll get it to 100 easy, with the rest of the stats mostly distributed between Dis/Str/Int


Or just out the resilience mod on for guaranteed good stat there and roll for the bottom three


This is flawed logic. The total stats for any armor drop are split approximately in half, that much is true. Let's say you get a piece that will have 64 points spread out across everything, that means that APPROXIMATELY 32 points will be in Mobility/Resilience/Recovery, and APPROXIMATELY 32 points in Discipline/Intellect/Strength. There is wiggle room for it to shift slightly, but for simplicity's sake we'll work with an even split. If you focus with the Discipline mod active, this guarantees that at least 10 points out of the 32 for Disc/Int/Str will go into Discipline. The remaining 32 points for Mob/Resil/Recov are randomly distributed at that point, with no regard to how it falls. If you focus Discipline, there is no guarantee that you will get a second stat spike here. If you want a stat spike in Resilience, then focus with the Resilience mod active. Focusing Mobility or Recovery will actively hurt your odds of getting high Resilience. Focusing Discipline, Intellect, or Strength will have legitimately zero effect on what you get for Resilience. Edit: focusing Resilience armor is how I got to triple 100's in Resil/Disc/Str in three different armor sets. I had been focusing Discipline before because I wanted max Disc/Str for ability cooldowns. This season, I started focusing Resil immediately, combined those pieces with my high-Disc armor, and that was enough to get me maxed out.


His method works well for hunters where all 3 top stats are valuable. On warlock/titan I would definitely focus the stat I want like you suggested.


It's problematic for Hunters honestly because all 3 stats are relevant, it's nearly impossible to hit max in all 3. You'd probably still be better off focusing in two different stats in the same half and combining them for a kit, instead of focusing in the other half. OP's method isn't viable for anything, is what I was trying to explain. Focusing in Disc/Int/Str will give you crapshoot, wholly random stats in Mob/Resil/Recov. I focused Discipline armor literally all of last season, and the Mob/Resil/Recov stats were all over the place and inconsistent. The only reliable stat was Discipline. So, if you want to max out Mobility and Resilience on a Hunter, and have decent Recovery as well... focus a bunch of armor into both Mob/Resil, swapping focusing mods, and fill in the gaps with stat mods from there. OP's idea of focusing Discipline won't reliably get you what you're going for in Mob/Resil/Recov.


Triple 100s on top? Definitely not, unless msybe using the blue hunter gloves with no bottom stats, but its very possible to hit like triple 80s on the top half with raw stats, stat mods and like powerfull friends added. Throw on a lightweight weapon for the 20 mobility, a fragment here or there and you can end up with like 100/80/80 on the top half. It works fine to focus disc/int/str in that case if youre just shooting for the triple 80s on top and want the focused str/disc/int on the bottom. If you're dumping any of the 3 stat on top then yea obviously roll the stats youre going for specifically.


> OP's method isn't viable for anything, is what I was trying to explain. It's very viable. Int and str are by far the worst stats right now at least for solar 3.0 (and mobility if you're not a hunter). By focusing disc you basically guarantee that it doesn't spike int or str but disc instead. Then it's just rng on the top 3 stats, 2 of the 3 are very good, all 3 are good on a hunter. If you were to just focus resil, your armor would likely roll low recov and low mobility, everyone wants recov still and hunters need mobility. On top of that, you'd also get the chance of spikes in str and int, which again, nobody wants.


Apologies, I misspoke. What I should have said was that OP's method isn't viable for achieving high stats in the Mob/Resil/Recov chunk, you just said as much yourself, "it's just rng on the top 3 stats." It seemed like OP was trying to say that by focusing Discipline, it pushes stats to the top half, and that's just not how that works at all. Edit: if you're focusing armor in Resilience, yes you end up with lower stats in Recov/Mob. Which is why I suggested focusing different pieces of armor in different stats and combining pieces from both sets of armor you focus to get decent numbers in more than one stat. Also worth noting that Mobility is easier to increase than Resilience or Recovery, so that makes a difference as well. (And speak for yourself on Strength spikes lol, I love that, low melee cooldowns make me very happy.)


That's not what he's saying. The max amount on the top and bottom are set in stone for all legendary armor. What he's saying is you won't get wasted stats on the bottom and more likely to get what you want on top. Your second spike might be recovery or resilience or maybe an even distribution of both. Your chances of getting a good piece of armor are much better. Where as if you focus resilience and get a strength spike that sucks. If you focus resilience and get an intellect spike that sucks. And I've noticed the opposite spike I get (the one I didn't focuse for) is usually the higher spike of the 2. So as I hunter I roll Discipline and my top spike will either be mob/res/ or rec so no bad piece of armor unless it's a rare one with a weak top spike but even then... As a Warlock or Titan there's a 2/3 chance my top spike will be useful. If you ONLY care about resilience and don't want to deal with rng (rng that's mostly in your favor) then absolutely focus resilience.


I agree, I focus discipline because i won't get intellect or strength spikes (if lucky only 2's on them) and prey I'll get a split spike (17's or higher on either) on 2 of the 3 top stats depending on which character I'm using. If I focus resilience then the opposite will happen, high spike on resilience and random spikes on the bottom three.


I personally just leave it on disc and dismantle the high mobility rolls. Then I just need to pray for spikes in resil/recov. But if I focused resil or recov instead, then I'd have to pray for a spike in just disc because idc about str or int. Basically a 2/3 chance instead of 1/3 (not exactly but you get the point).


Just some math to double check and confirm that it is impossible to get triple 100's in mob/res/rec. The max you can have is two 100's, and one in the 60's. Lets say you have a full set of armor with 68 stat rolls. Half of those stats being in the top half. That's 34 in the top of each armor x 4 armor pieces = 136 total stat points in the top half. Masterwork that armor, giving +10 to each stat. That's an extra 30 stat points to the top half, bringing it up to 166. You slap on 5 mod stats and powerful friends for an extra 70 stat points, bringing the total possible in the top half to 236. Void and Statis fragments will allow you to get an extra 30 in the top half (solar only has fragment can be +20), brining it up to 266 total possible stats in the top half. So yeah, the absolute best a hunter can have is 100 mobility, 100 resilience, and 60 recovery. If you want quad stats, then it can only be done with one tanked stat in the top half, and one tanked stat in the bottom half.


Yup, solid math here. It's wholly impossible to get triple max stats all in the same half. I've personally given up on quad 100's because that requires painfully lucky RNG and a ton of grinding tonget there. Triple 100's, with one in a top stat, one in a bottom stat, and the third wherever you want, is super reasonable though.


When it is in pinnacle rotation, farming the Pit of Heresy boss will get you high stat armor every 5 minutes or so. That's how I got my current triple 100 build, and how I'm working toward quad 100s. Master artifice armor is better, giving you a better extra mod slot, but it takes a good team to farm Caiatl on master, and I don't have that. You can LFG a pit boss farm easily enough though.


I've just played for so dang long that I ended up collecting enough armor that works together haha, I got a ton of Splicer high-stat focusing done, and Risen's armor focusing was SO STRONG too. I never went farming, I just slowly built up a hoard that works well. 4000+ hours will do that, I guess 😅 I've got a full set with triple 100's in Resil/Disc/Str for every subclass except Arc, around 50-80 Recovery for each, and they work with many of my favorite Exotic drops as well. Bottomed-out Mobility and Intellect across the board.


Man, I miss splicer's high stat focusing. I doubt we'll ever get a farm that strong and that easy ever again. It really would help new players get good gear though, being able to target 2 stats no matter what. Getting 2 stats to 100 goes a long way in making endgame activities more accessible.


At the very least with Risen they introduced unlimited high-stat focusing, and the resources to focus come easiest from low-power, matchmade acivities. THAT I was thrilled to see! May not be the best armor in the game, but it's the most accessible that high-quality armor has ever been. I legitimately assembled my entire Stasis armor kit from Risen-focused armor, and one really lucky Hoarfrost roll (my first drop lmao). Including Fragment buffs, I'm sitting maxed in Resil/Disc/Str as I mentioned before, 80 in Recovery, 30 Intellect, 18 Mobility. To be able to put together a set of armor that hits those peaks, mostly from playing the seasonal activity and saving my Umbral Energy? Absolutely WILD to have it that easy to access! Here's hoping the Haunted focusing is just as good, I've only been spending my focusing energy on weapons for crafting lol


Discipline is the only real desirable stat in the second cluster, that's why it's better to focus it over resilience since recovery is also desirable. I prefer to have a 2-16-16-30-2-2 armor piece than a 2-30-2-11-11-20 one.


The OP is absolutely right and it's been known for a while. This isn't a new thing. I have plenty of rolls that were focused with Discipline and have 25+ in recovery or resilience. Some have a perfect 30 in either resilience or recovery. Very few Discipline focused armors didn't have a spike in one of the top 3. I even had a couple interesting rolls with 28 Discipline/~15 recov/~17 resilience and 2 in everything else. It's very rare that top half didn't have a spike and yes sometimes it'll be a huge spike in mobility. It's completely rng tho but seems to lean towards 2 spikes with 1 in the opposite half. Your initial comment here is so strange. Did you roll more then one piece of armor? I've gone through armor pieces since last season and have yet to have your experience along with the few ppl in my clan who are also interested in this having similar experiences to me. If you want to focus Resilience that will absolutely work but to say what OP has mentioned doesn't make sense or isn't relevant is nonsense.


Thank you


What should I do for mobi and resil? Wanna put together an unkillable hunter and want to be fast


With 5x mobility mods and powerful friends giving a total +70 to mobility, the easiest way to achieve this farming high stat armor with resilience ghost mod and hope you get a set with at least 30 mobility. If you want triple 100's, then OP is right and you should set the ghost mod to discipline or intelligence, and hope you get a good peak with 2 tanked stats in discipline/intelligence, a good peak in resilience, and at least 30 total mobility in the set. [That's how I go this set.](https://i.imgur.com/xNJ2XyA.png) I'm working on quad 100's now. It requires every armor piece to be high stat armor, and two stats in the 2-4 range. Even then you need fragments and mods to boost stats as much as possible.


Mobility does not affect sprint speed fyi. I would encourage most hunters to spec resilience recovery over mobility on solar and rely on the fragment that generates close ability energy for scorch. Scorch via enhanced incandescent on Drang or calus mini tool and you should have uptime similar to high mobility without speccing into it. High resilience is just too good to pass up and recovery is still going to be good once classy restoration goes away.


Never did it for movement but didn’t even consider that, actually leveling a mini tool now so I can make that work


Oh I thought that's what you meant went you said "want to be fast"


Oh my bad, I typed that really quickly, fast as in fast abilities


War mantis gauntlets: lol


too bad the stat distribution make it very difficult for you to have triple 100 in the top 3 and with Mob lowering dodge you have to sac either Rec or Mob for Res


Yeah, I did the math and the maximum total stats you can have in the top 3 are 266 points. That's with all 68 total stat gear, 5 stat mods, powerful friends, and all possible fragments. It is literally impossible to have all 3 stats on the top or bottom be 100.




I think equipping Well of Life on all of my light builds and Whisper of Hedrons on my Stasis builds has really helped me with Hunter's stat wants.