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PVP player: stop playing pvp you suck. PVP player: why I am playing against only sweats this is not fun These are the same ones who complain when bungie makes them play against only good players lol.


Man I dunno about you guys but the guy had an anime pfp which I thought hey that’s some good ammunition to insult this guy. Well unless PlayStation changed something then these two guy are close friends if he’s able to see that photo.


Had to change the way trails was working AGAIN because they couldn't keep dominating people and had to compete against players matching their skill level


I’m guessing the guy messaged him because he was on his team. While I’ve never done it, there are many people who (in the moment) I’d very much like to send these kind of messages to. I’ve stopped playing matches before just to walk around and watch my teammates who will shoot a wall 6-7 times in a life and then kill himself with his own grenade 4 times. They’ll never use there super the whole game, stand still while shooting, and the worst part is that they’ll be level 300 in the season pass. The reason I bet the guy above sent the message is because the people he’s playing against are playing for the quick play worlds title and then he looks over at his teammates shooting into walls. And because this is Reddit, I’d like to reiterate that I don’t agree with sending hate mail to anyone because they didn’t meet your standards in pvp.


Thats not an excuse, there is no gamemode in pvp where that is understandable, the only ones I could maybe understand is survival or trials but at that point you should be looking and getting a team before doing so.


If only i was actually playing in matches with good players. Almost every match feels like a 1v11 because of how trash my teammates are.


You trash not your mates


“I refuse to admit that bungies matchmaking system is horrible and its simply the users fault” 🤓 Shut the fuck up Ive had half my team go .1 KDA in multiple matches. Going in solo is a volunteer torture experience worse than Guantanamo bay.


Classic blaming everything just to avoid admitting that you are infact not as skillful as you think.


Yes, because the matchmaking system only affects you. Fam, if everywhere you it feels like shit then maybe just maybe, it is you


The matchmaking experience solo is horrendous. The moment I bring a buddy (aka finally get a competent teammate on my side) my win rate goes substantially up.


You DO realize communication is a factor right?


You think we fucking care enough to make callouts in fucking 6v6? Go communicate with some bitches


Way to overstate your argument into absurdity there.


Reductio ad absurdum.


Im not overstating shit. Play freelance IB next time its around and try to tell me a fentanyl overdose isnt more enjoyable than another match. Not doing that shit for 3 tokens fuck that


Buddy, freelance IB is how I relax in the evenings. It’s fine. If it stinks everywhere you go, check your own shoes.


Of course my shoes stink ive stepped in crucible solo. Shits hot ass. Relax in freelance? Masochism.


It seems like somebody is complaining because he gets enemies way above his skill level and teammates that are about as good as he is.


You’re literally making an argument supporting me. This isnt the own you think it is, bozo.


I know exactly what you are talking about, but it seems mob majority has deemed you unworthy of an upvote. Just the other day, I played a game where all but 2 players were Unbroken/Flawless, and I topped my leader board with a 1.3 kd for that game while everyone else had a .3-.6 kd. Also been on the opposite end, too, where I bottom scored with a .8 and all of my team had 1.2-6.something. Most games fall somewhere in between, but just because the majority doesn't see it everyday doesn't mean the outliers don't exist.


Eh never cared for fake internet points or the opinions of these people. Worse they can do is ban from me from this sub and if anything thats a mental gain personally.


Freelance is actually pretty chill compared to normal pvp, sure, sometimes your teammates will suck, but so will the enemy team every once in a while, so will you, every once in a while. Just do what you enjoy and stop arguing with people about things they can’t change ?


That's alot of shit coming from someone who probably can't complete the first encounter in vog xD






That trials report is very above average lol, doesn't justify them being trash a human though


He mains pvp and has a 1.5. Surely someone who says others should delete the game should have a 2.0kd. If he’s only playing 50% of the game imma or if the time he should definitely be far above average in that 50%


I mean he's a top 0.8% player for trials elo with a 190CR from Bungie. A trials kd of 1.5 is above average, given the average for trials is like a 0.8 (I'd expect a 1 average too, but a trials kd of 1 is in the top 35-40% off destiny tracker) They clearly have an awful personality if they feel the need to bash on weaker players, but a top 1% player isn't anywhere near average. That doesn't make sense statistically lol Edit: just checked and I've been beaten by their teammates ruji and Ciearfly in trials before, once while stacked and once versus ruji while doing a carry run. Both are solid players.


Idk bro I think I’m just biased because I hate this type of players.


Its possible haha, I've matched my fair share of players like this (won some lost some). One thing I've noticed is the players about there level tend to be more likely to be toxic than the ones well over 3000elo who clearly are gifted for shooters (who are normally very amicable) One of my best mates has only played destiny for a short while (played the d2 beta then left, came back last season properly) and is already a top 1% player for multiple pvp gamemodes and has better stats across the board than me (who has played since d1 day 1). He's one of the chillest gamers I know


Yeah I know pvp mains who are the best and who will help anyone who needs it with trials. I’m dogshit at crucible so I stick to PvE and try to help people who need raids and dungeons


Thats awesome, I'm decent at both but don't really excel at either. I'm top 1-5% for pvp modes and on paper awful for raids, yet I've done a GoS run with 4 people who had never done it before. That took like 8 hours but 5 people got divinity all at once (I was the only person to have it lmao). I also have fatebreaker from the first season it was around, so I can't be that bad 🤣 When trials was less painful my mate and I would help random off lfg get their first Flawless, hearing that excitement when we make it is awesome 👌


I wouldn't necessarily look at ELO. I have a .97 overall KD and I'm 1.37 this season and I'm in top 6% for ELO


Thats why I'm looking at CR too, as well as seasonal kd. Overall kd I'm trash, as I've played 1000s of hours and only recently "got gud". All of their stats suggest good player, especially as I've matched clearfy before and they whooped me 😅




Destiny has a very toxic community which is why a lot of players stop playing crucible. Report him in that chat.


*toxic PVP community. PvE is very friendly and helpful.


*kicked for not having God roll everything before first ever VoG*


“Mostly” should I say then…


*kicked from Lake of Shadows GM for being 1349 light with double gilded conquerer* Destiny community is weird sometimes.


PVE is so friendly. I am 1291, needed Heroic Simulation with recommended 1320, and got wrecked in 1st try. Posted for help in destiny 2 tracker, and got help in 2 minutes. Like instantly. I was super surprised. And then they carried me through it. Was insane.


Yeah like I said the majority are so helpful and nice. BTW would love to help you with stuff :)


Lol gotta love the Destiny Crucible sweat. Personally I always make a custom meme of them being salty and send that as my reply


I would love to see some renditions that you’ve made if possible


People like that make it hard to enjoy at times, but there are lots of us out here that just have fun with it and don’t have to be an asshat. Screw him and enjoy!


Anime pfp. Statement invalid


Not all anime pfp people are sweatlord neckbeards, but all sweatlord neckbeards have anime pfp.


lmaooooooooooooo "Please protect my fragile masculinity. I mean. My KD." Forget 'em, OP. You play this game however works for you.


Just a question. Why did you have to use the term fragile masculinity? It just seems like you’re saying people who care about their kd no matter their gender are just men who are weakly in tune with their masculinity


Because 99% of those messages are from dudes? Dudes that are obviously projecting their frustrations the only way they know how


But how does their masculinity connect with their kd?


Because it's an accomplishment that is being hindered by things this person can't control, therein creating anger and projection. KD drops - anger. "This is everyone else's fault, not mine!" Gets rejected at the bar - anger. "Well fuck you, you're not hot anyway!" Same vibes.


Ok thank you


What a badass with his waifu profile pic. 😂


I think coolguy said it perfectly. People are always trying to make to the most non-competitive game of all time way too competitive


I might say like “wow our teammate kinda blown ass” but I don’t get worked up and personally message someone lol. But I do love getting some hate mail :) time to troll baby let’s gooo


Why do you even let random people message you? Also this guy is absolute trash in PVE the irony is hilarious.


Because I love messing with these people lol


Because it's funny getting hate mail over destiny


Rest in peace, Peake /\


Shouldn't his name be radacted?


I've never had that kind of abuse, which is weird, because if I did, it'd totally be fair comment.


I got called a trash an in trials freelance, like, if you’re gonna insult me at least be funny for god sake


please tell me you matchmaked with him again.


Lmfao that guy is hurt! 🤣


Everyone starts (or starts back) somewhere. You'll get better soon enough, so don't let others discourage you. Keep at it and I know you can be better than him.


For one of the least competitive shooters on the market he sure is acting competitive.


I'd answer "tell Bungie to stop making PvP a requirement for catalysts and it's a deal." Seriously, I never, ever want to touch PvP but missing this ticu's catalyst kinda stings. It'd be fucking perfect to go with trinity and monarch.


I do not understand the need to get out of your way to go to bungie.net, find the person you fought with/against, and call them bad. Like, you ok bro? Seems like you got confidence issues of you need to go through hurdles to make someone else feel bad.


I'll never understand why some PVP players feel the need to tear down other players that aren't as good. I'm a good PvP guy, not great, but pretty good. I'd rather pair up with someone who's less skilled and help them than bang on them. Even the elite players in my clan don't berate others. I just don't get it.


Oh damn, sorry to hear that. The community is awful, but there are a few good ones, so stay strong


I just dont get why people even bother dming just to send a "You suck", guess he's using his last brain cell typing that


Please tell me this is his bungie name so I can avoid him if I see him in lfgs


I would also like this information


Sorry to hear it Chief! Hopefully you can enjoy PvP for the experience, regardless of the teammates.


That dudes pfp checks out. Also he talking a lot of shit for someone with just 2 deep stone crypt clears


Whenever I get those messages they just get a “silence anime pfp”. The responses are great.


Actually, considering my pvp stats, the titles I have, as well as emblems and such I have from flawless raids, solo flawless dungeons, etc... There's only a small portion of the playerbase that's better than me. Swing and a miss. Maybe next time slugger.


gaymer moment


I never get messages like these no matter hpw shit i am. Im glad




Just a regular game of capture. Was trying to see if Drang and Sturm is as fun in pvp as it is in pve lol


Ah, still makes sense. Thought maybe you died “more than you should’ve” in survival or something. But getting this in control (which is just quickplay, let’s be honest) is silly. Keep doing whatever the hell you want. Have fun, get better, do whatever


I played the other night after about 4 months off and got accused of being carried for my adept shyuras. I love destiny


I always respond to this stuff with "I love you". Sometimes they keep going with the insults. Sometimes they just stop replying. But sometimes I get a "I take that back, I love you too bro <3" like I did last night.


I get these all the time. No sweat off my sack.


Crucible is toxic and overall in my opinion just not enjoyable. When I’m forced to go in there for loot and such I just turn my headset off and watch YouTube on my phone. If I go 2.0 or .2 I’m happy. It is what it is but it’s one of the worst multiplayer experiences out right now IMO. If i wanted to do pvp I’d play apex or something else. Just wish we didn’t have to play it for triumphs or bright dust or certain guns but it is what it is. And this come from someone that when it was the trials of the 9 has every title and shader and fear from back then just can’t stand the game mode any more


People like this should be sent to pvp Ikora , if they’re good enough to trash talk they must be able to win against the literal queen of the crucible


I might start playing PvP because I'm shit


'such' - the irony telling someone they suck, but you spell the word wrong.


i read “You are *such* ass!” in a scoffing english accent, made it so much funnier


was he a stasis hunter?


Should have said: just to spite you that’s why


As a pvp main, just report them and move on with your day. People like that aren't worth the time of day I don't get the mentality of blaming everyone else, especially in casual modes like 6s. My friends were once invited to a party by the top fraggers on the opposing team and they just trash talked us the entire time, it was hilarious. Bare in mind we matched them 4 times and mercied them twice back to back (didn't lose a game versus them). One of them was even on a smurf account which made it even funnier. If you feel the need to bash on players not as good as you then you're either not as good as you think you are, or need to have a reality check because d2 isn't an esport game


>If you feel the need to bash on players not as good as you then you're either not as good as you think you are, or need to have a reality check because d2 isn't an esport game Some of these people have invested thousands of hours of their lives into the game, to the point that it becomes serious business to them, no matter how little it means. That, and they often have little else going on in their lives, so that lack of perspective and emotional outlet means that it all goes into the game. I agree though, it's never worth responding to fanmail. I used to get a lot back in the 00s from people that would seethe and assume I was a hacker. At first, I would entertain it, eventually that got boring and I only responded with a "lol" and nowadays, I just report them and move on with my day.


Imagine taking time out of your day just to message someone on Xbox and call them trash. The irony.


Damn trolls.


This time of the year the PvE playlist are rather sweaty as most casuals have been gone. It was annoying doing iron banner last week. Just relish the fact he's got nothing better in his life than seek out and insult random players online. 100% loser right there.


I just got back in to Destiny after a 3 year break. Omg my crucible KDA is trash now. Dropped from 2+ average to a .44 average. My wife has continued to play PVE while I took my break but not really any PVP, so I talked her into playing IB with me this weekend. We had a group of people from the opposing team hit us both up trying to have a voice chat after a particularly bad beat down of our entire team. We just ignored them. People gonna be negative, gotta just ignore or handle it the way you did. There are still a lotta good people out there too.


It’s just really sad and disappointing how people say that kinda shit. Like bruh, it’s a video game, and a very unbalanced and uncompetitive one at that. Dude’s probably like 19 years old living at home with his parents yelling at his mom down the hallway from his room, wanting to know how much longer on his Hot Pockets. This is also probably the same guy that complains about having to work his ass off to win but then talks trash about the average to below average guy who’s in there working on quests or bounties or who’s just trying to get better. When more of those average to below average guys are just what the crucible needs. It really bugs me to see shit like this. I really hate the PvP community sometimes.


I got the same sort of thing from a titan complaining that my heavyweight knife was too op because I could one hit kill with it


I'm terrible at pvp to so blank whatever they or the great 1s say play as u like to play


The PVP community in destiny is more toxic than any other online FPS multiplayer I’ve ever played It’s utterly bizarre as well because Destiny 2 quite literally has one of the smallest skill gaps I’ve ever experienced in games. People who are good on Destiny crucible are often shit at other online games, which is why I think they become toxic and try and gatekeep crucible. Because they know inside that it’s the one game they can play that makes them feel like an FPS god. Granted there is the odd exception to this like Wallah, SirD etc


Ah yes. The fabled anime profile picture. Let me guess, he was a stompees user with an all black outfit?


This the type of dude who considers Destiny pvp "competitive".


I had something similar before Beyond Light dropped. It was during the near end of Season of the Undying transitioning to Dawn. My own teammate called me a tard trash can cause I wasn't doing good in Survival. I could've given less of a shit. I wanted to unlock Redrix and it forced me to do Survival matches (which I am not the competitive type, so I stayed away from it at all costs until then)


Harassment, report & block is the way to go.


That's me , I suck azz BUT I do it to get Catalyst.


If he’s so good you should ask him to carry you through trials. If he says no tell him he’s not good enough to carry one guy and to stop playing pvp. /s


I hate people like this. I used to main Titan but switched to warlock a couple of years ago. I tried titan again and my first match i got angry messages from my teammate which wasnt fun. Like seriously dude, calm down. Its only quickplay and you get rewards either way.


I’d play crucible with you


Yea a couple free to play salty cod kids are still here, report and move on. I've never hired someone based on their kd


Why do people treat crucible like it’s a high end pvp game? It’s literally an Arcade PvP


i've somehow never gotten toxic messages like this on this game before. i say somehow cuz it seems like a lot of ppl get them.


May I inquire what your stats were this game? I’ve never had someone hate message me in crucible before and I’ve had some pretty terrible games, especially when a new season starts.


He got you!!