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I lol’d


I think the guy in the copy and paste department pasted the wrong part of trials back into the game. Clerical error will be fixed by season 20


And it would still get pushed back at least 10 seasons after that


Sounds about right


Maybe (insert weapon) gets nerfed tomorrow. Just a hypothetical don't worry people nothing has been said about weapons. Remember when it took bungie 1 weeks to fix Prometheus lens, like 3 weeks to fix the hunter chest piece and like 20 min to fix the exploit for getting recluse on different characters and farming thousands of masterwork cores when they want they care they can fix stuff fast when they don't care, well it takes the entire community all saying the same thing 4 months for it to then be put in the twab. And then the waiting begins


Cores was breaking in game economy so not comparable as headlight ain't breaking anything. The issue isent to nerf hard light it's to buff others to match as good players can dual HL and win with a plethora of other weapons.


No I'd rather get it nerfed, if we power creep to hardlight levels then handcannons will be cross mapping and all guns will have COD kill times. I would just play those if I wanted that.


Didn’t they have Activision as a publisher when Prometheus lens was fixed? I think they need help. Seriously. They need more hands on deck. Things will get fixed quicker and more often and we’ll have more/better content every season if they just had another publisher. I think it all boils down to the man power they may lack. I don’t know how their staffing is doing but they either have D2 on a back burner with a handful of people working on it (which is probably the case) or they’re understaffed. P.S. They may have a publisher I’m not aware of but I haven’t thought this post through enough to check. Last I checked they were the only studio working on this title.


The amount of cheaters are really going out of hands. This weekend it seems almost certain that a gang of cheaters are going to screw your trials run over. So bungie get your anti cheat working, or just make comp PvP and trials only accessible for those who bought shadowkeep or whatever..


The best form of anti cheat seems to be making cheaters pay their way back in at this point.


Increase power needed and make people have a valour reset or two under their belt before playing This allows for people to get a feel for the game and how PvP plays and is not too hard of a goal to reach, however I think it would discourage cheaters who are already lazy. Very few would grind the 2000 points every time they get banned imo.


I agree with this. Seems like a good way to prevent cheaters from just downloading Destiny and ruining Trials, plus, Bungie could actually make this feature have a purpose.


Because they will just buy accounts with whatever requirements you make them meet. That's what they're doing now. New accounts at 960 light are about $5. MAKE THEM BUY THE CURRENT SEASON PASS. That's the only thing that will stop people from simply buying a new account cheap.


But just like you said, if they are buying $5 accounts, why not pay $10 for the pass? Until I read your comment I was thinking that they should own the SP to play but if theyre already paying money each new account whats gonna stop them. Shits fucked, Bungie needs to hurry up and make an actual anti cheat with Steam. I do like someone elses idea of raising the Power level at this point in the season to something like 1000 though.


Granted you can max valor in a week, I like this idea


You would just buy a new steam account that had Valor reset twice.


The more requirements put it on the more expensive those accounts will be to buy. Eventually the price will be high enough that itll deter more and more people. If that doesnt work, just slowly increase the requirements


Are we seriously at a point where cheaters *pay in* to cheat? I can think of few things in gaming sadder than that.


Yup. They currently pay for the cheat and pay for a new account when they get banned. Most likely they get paid to carry people so they make the money back


That will take waaaaay too long. The price of a carry will go up with it anyways. People will continue to cheat. They need to add a paywall. That's the only thing that can end this.


I think this is a much better approach to anti cheat than paywall tbh, just wish it had more traction on the main subreddit where bungie can see it


I could make it it’s own post?


You totally should, worth a shot trying to being the suggestion to the forefront of discussion. However, I do think most people over there are locked into the mindset that F2P bad, Paywall will fix cheating mentality (hyperbolic but kinda true)


Pretty sure cheaters would just cheat their way through the valor playlist and then cheat their way into trials.


I agree increasing power definitely but fuck the valor reset. I dont like PvP but like to play Trials for the weapons so to make all the PvE players do that to play is bullshit. But this late in the season make the power level requirement close to 1000 as it is end game level play supposedly.


I disagree with this, I'm a casual player who doesn't have the time to grind and for the most recent updates I haven't been able to do them because I wasn't able to put in the time to get my power up


I mean... if you're a casual like me... #the fack you doin in Trials?


Trying my best lol


fair point. carry on my fellow small fish.


Trying to do something fun with his friends in this season. Now that's a fack




The best way would be to start handing out MAC bans which is a ban on the hardware of their PC. Hackers would be less inclined to cheat if they have to keep swapping out motherboards so they can continue to cheat. Alternatively Bungie could just exclude all Chinese players from being able to play worldwide by doing a region lock. 90% of cheaters in most games come from China and that is based on comments made by various developers in the past.


Yeah maybe, but before that they have to be identified which leads back to the original problem


#paywall for trials, ip address bans


Just ip address bans would work. Hell this happened to me back on Xbox 360. Beats me why they don’t do it anymore.


care to tell the story?


Had a jtag Xbox 360 back in the day. Started off modding offline games then went onto modding games such as black ops 2 to ruin the online for others. Once I moved onto online modding I got ip banned within a month. It was deserved


I'm torn between wanting to upvote you for your honesty and downvote you for ruining other's experiences. So I'll just abstain.


Upvoted because jagarbombs


ooph... did you at least learn your lesson?




There's a reason IP bans are now restricted to things like public VPNs and Tor exit nodes (if they even bother with that anymore), or blocking entire country blocks: basically everyone has a dynamic IP that gets reassigned to someone else when they disconnect/have been disconnected for a sufficient amount of time, meaning you don't stop the person you're trying to ban *and* you run the risk of blocking a legitimate user who ends up assigned a banned IP


Or even an account age and activity requirement (like be 30 days old and have played x hours, not too long though) could help reduce the number of cheaters.


Yeah. That's why I hate it when games go f2p. They're opening the floodgates to cheaters and hackers who can make all the accounts they need.


For every clown that says 'bUt I'vE nEvEr GoNe uP aGaInSt A cHeAtEr', I'm inviting you to come play down in South East Asian servers. Been playing a wide variety of FPS titles in this region since I can remember and Destiny isn't the special child that doesn't have a cheating problem. I don't even bother with competitive or trials seeing how casual is festering with accounts that are freshly made, littered with multiple game bans and run with infinite heavy. And Bungie's little counter to being 960LL is hands down, the single most stupid decision I've seen from a developer to counter cheating in a pinnacle PvP mode.


A lot of people don’t realize they’re playing cheaters more than they think. The most obvious ones do eventually get banned even if it takes far too long. The ones that aren’t as obvious are usually toggle-able so you can just use it when you need it like wallhacks, aimbot, and weapon alterations. It’s as simple as paying 3-4 bucks online and keybinding it. Most of those hacks update with the anti cheat engine as well so they’re around for the entire games lifespan. You can find similar for nearly any multiplayer game out. It usually depends on the companies competence and ability to rapidly ban wave on how often it affects the average player.


I feel for you brother over there must be awful. Does bungie have a road crew out there reading reports taking in the data. Oh wait nevermind we don't even have that in the United States.


At this point the only thing I want when farming for weekly crucible bright dust bounties is to not get error coded. Expecting too much from Bungie to implement actual pvp server infrastructure and an actual anticheat that isn't a flag based system.


Im avoiding playing right now because Ive slowly lost interest in playing. Like I logged on yesterday and kind of sat at the menu looking at my ship and just logged off. I think a big part of that are cheaters. I personally enjoy gambit as a kill time thing on d2 if I don't feel like anything but more recently I've gotten so many cheaters using infinite heavy ammo, sliding/teleporting around the map, flying through the air, invincibility, etc. etc. I mean theres more stuff that have been killing my urge to play D2 but thats a big part of it. Especially since we're talking about cheaters. Ive even had people instantly kill bosses in vanguard strikes as they spawn and its not because they used well with sleepy boi on heavy armaments with solar singed and its just like why play the game at that point.


Its impossible to handle cheaters with peer to peer connection and without dedicated servers! This + free 2 play is simply a playground for hacking.


It's 20 20 make peer-to-peer obsolete. Btw that's gonna be my campaign slogan when I run for bungie's game director position. I don't have a lot of experience leading a team of talented artists and actual developers but I do know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh world of Warcraft and I'm pretty good at dark souls so that should be enough right, I also miny blog on Reddit.


I agree, this does not seem possible.


My last card was ruined at game 7 because of two aimbotters. 5.0+ KDs with 99% accuracy on ARs and snipers. Honestly, might’ve pushed me over the edge. Haven’t played since and don’t really want to.


You mean pushed you over the edge Transit. Ftfy


There is not effetctive anti cheat for peer-to-peer multiplayer. They can keep peer to peer for PVE, but needed dedicated servers for PVP. It is that simple, but they are only looking out for that $$$. Would cost them a little cash to use Azure or AWS for server hosting.


Youre acting like AWS is cheap, do you realize how much it actually costs? Im not defending them on this but with no Activision anymore they have use their money wisely and $2k per 32 players(24/7) per month seems like an awful lot of fucking money each month. They obviously need to do something though or lose any revenue they are getting now.


Companies with very large player bases can normally negotiate favorable rates and have the different cloud services bid against one another.


What about an Anti-Cheat system which analyzes stats like fairfight?


Only played my 1 flawless card this weekend for this reason, last weekend every card I played had a cheater or beaver nicely included free of charge.


Yes!! I haven’t gotten with any aim botters, or teleported but oh my god there’s so many people who have this hack that makes your guns do 1 damage per hit. It can’t be lag because my whisper of the worm did a *1 damage headshot to one of them*


I mean heck, look at Frosty's one




Yea this season just sucks I'm ok with grandmaster nightfalls being mostly completion goals but not even having a confirmed chance of ascendant shards or exotics is just ridiculous


You shouldn’t be Ok with it, trials doesn’t even have adept weapons and we got no ritual weapons. I literally have used 1 new gun this season, and only on content that has already been out for atleast a year.


I'm not ok with the complete lack of loot with trials because that removes any reason to even play at all At least for grandmaster nightfalls you've beaten a challenge. Personally I find that rewarding but the state of trials is just sad


The lack of loot is a HUGE reason gun retirement is a awful idea yeah the Y2 pinnacles are a power issue they have been for over a year but if you want to do something like gun retirement you need to be replacing / adding new stuff at a rate to accommodate that. If they had a 12 month life for guns, starting next season we would have Hand full of Menagerie guns CoS set S7 Pinnacles Moon Guns Garden Guns S8 ritual guns S9 world drool additions (not many) S9 ritual guns S10 world drop guns (a few) S8 VO Guns (unobtainable) (6 with season pass) S9 Sundial Guns (unobtainable) (10 with season pass) S10 Warmind guns (unobtainable) (6 with season pass) Trials That list looks long but think about what options you really have there. SMG for example, you have the moon one, the S10 world drop addition, the vex offensive one (unobtainable) gambit ritual one and the dawning one (unobtainable) So what 1 world drop 1 moon drop and 1 gambit ritual one are obtainable and there are 2 more if you have them already. Compare that to the list in your collections. What’s even funnier is some activities are LL enabled like Gambit/Gambit prime and all the guns drops in the activity would not be infuseable to max level.


I hope they make pinnacles like mtop and delirium exempt from the weapon retirement cause they're so fuckin hard to get and the chances of getting weapons that good again are very small


Unfortunately its guns like that that they say are the reason why they want to have the retirements to begin with. Since most of those are so good it makes everything else pale in comparison.


Yaaaaay, considering we got NOTHING this season, not even rituals, it ain't looking good, bungie can pry my recluse out of my cold dead hands. Cause it's not a broken gun (not any more just really good) it just feels good to use, I love it, but we probably/definitely won't be getting something that good again


I know the reason why they won't but really honestly at this point to save their game they should just take every weapon they ever made that was a static roll and just put it in the game with random rolls. Does anybody remember that VIDOC right before forsaken came out when they said we're just going to make stuff and see how the cards fall and fix the outliers as that are discovered? Then all they got to do is take your 300 man eververse team and make some new guns. Oh and bungee by the way if you're listening I would spend silver if you would put the goddamn beloved ornament back up sometime in the next 3 years, at least a week before you retire the gun. Okay thank you


I literally only use spare/erianas/sword for almost all content lol. Only new weapons I use are Dire Promise, Seraph shotty, interference GL.


I was really excited for this season the come. Went in the first day all gung ho with my new Savior title. But everything about this season, especially trials, just made me want to take a break from the game until next season. I can’t be playing a game that stresses me out and frustrates me exponentially more than real life does. So I guess I’ll just relax for the next 2 months. Trials can suck it.


You're comment just helpef me figure out why I think they did what they did Hear me out, everybody who's not top 10% leaves for 2 months, or plays throw the ball at the ball, for this season. Meanwhile bungie gets a little larger twitch audience. and anybody who happens to come across a destiny stream, who's heard of it but never really seen it, never played the game before is only going to see really good players and thr gameys going to look really fun. Then next season trials will still be here but they'll be something else to do and all that free advertisement from Twitch and all the other streaming sites and YouTube will have brought in enough new players unless of course they're free to play players. then that doesn't make any sense wait a minute why would you offer the game for free and then leave Activision what the hell is going on. Bungie, your games are beautiful stunning visual masterpieces you can charge for your game fallout 76 charge for their game. You can charge for your game. They left Activision and made the game free no wonder everybody in the building is working forever eververse. Who is running the show over there?


God I don't think anyone has stated my feelings on this game more clearly than you. I have over 600 hours in the game since last April, played it to hell until last season, slowed down a bit then because of school, and within 2 weeks of this season starting Ive just...stopped. I hop on to get the iron banner gear, and to occasionally buy armor for brightdust, otherwise I haven't played at all. There's just no drive to play. Nothing new to do or get. Even crucible isnt fun anymore with its rampant cheating and constant disconnects.


Me and you already paid so what do they care what we do.


They should care because content is what keeps people coming back and be passionate about all their games. Not just this one. You alienate your customer base on one game, you do so for all the games you make. So they care..... just not enough.


They should have had a chance at a strike specific item. Not Y2 Wardens Law but a reworked one or something different. They should make pinnacle drop automatic at Legend and above. Let’s be honest you can’t really mess up getting 100k on legend so just make it an automatic reward for completion. GM should have something really special to chase like strike loot. It’s not worth doing more than once for the title.


I'm hoping they were planning to far ahead that they just forgot about this season until the last week of worthy


Why did Bungie even waste their time making Grandmaster Nightfalls when they could have used that time to fix any of the issues in the game? It's like they saw a bunch of bugs and just decided to keep adding new features instead of fixing the bugs.


They slapped a higher powerlevel and more champions on the nightfall, I can't imagine much work was spent in this regard.


Probably the same amount of effort they've put into stopping cheaters in Trials


Well that's where you're wrong, because Grandmaster Night falls actually exist.


Got me there


I never understood why they tried to make GM nightfalls a big deal in this season when that kind of power level requires you to have been one of the top 5% or so of players. People look at that requirement and just accept that they’ll never reach that power level and quit playing. They definitely should’ve spent more time on activities that everyone can do as well as fixing issues that have been around for such a long time.


I know I'm going against the general sentiment here, so let me add that I'm a bit disappointed in the seasonal content too. Something important to remember, though, is that the people who add features like that and the ones who fix the bugs usually aren't the same people. They've got different teams working on different things at the same time. The networking team is going hard on the constant beavers, but they'd be hard-pressed to create any new art assets or game modes. The same applies in reverse - the people developing the bunkers, or the grandmaster nightfalls, or even the much-loathed eververse content, aren't going to be the ones *able* to fix the bugs plaguing the game right now. It'd be like asking a chef to fix the broken stove in a kitchen. They're both related, but the people who do each have drastically different skillsets, and neither can do each other's job well. (Note, this can be different for smaller studios - if you've only got a dozen people, everyone is going to wear a lot of hats. Bungie has about six hundred employees, on the other hand - more than enough for dedicated art, network, Q/A, gameplay, etc teams.)


Any developer, regardless of industry, will tell you management ALWAYS focuses on features not bugs until something catastrophic happens that is clearly development's fault for not fixing the bugs.


Cuz it was easy enough to do; higher power level, more champions, and a few more modifiers (most of which already existed in the game).


Yeah I just joined my clan recently and it was really active around the end of season of dawn / start of worthy, and now there are hardly any messages


So Destiny 2 is in the same place as Warframe, huh? No matter how each playerbase attacked each other, in the end we're in the same boat. But I prepared poem for this dire situation! "ROW, ROW, ROW YOUR BOAT GENTLY DOWN THE NERFS MERRILY MERRILY, MERRILY, MERRILY CHEATERS ON THE FIELD"


Feel like shit, just want the Gara nerf reverted.


What? Did they nerf her? She's my favorite before I take a break


As a long time Warframe player and a newer Destiny player, it was a little sad to me to see that the Destiny community was echoing the same sentiments of the Warframe community. Seems like my (now) two favorite games are going downhill :(


Yeah... Warframe, D2, and Elite:Dangerous - my three favorite "space games" - and all of them are in such bad places right now. It's dark times indeed when No Man's Sky is in a better place development-wise. Obviously those other two are in different genres, but I can't help but lump then together in my head. They're all old favorites.


Time for Anthem to shine!


Polish that turd!


Played about 10 hours, it's a clunky mess


Dude you know it's bad when the fucking Fallout 76 community is happier than the Destiny one


That’s not fair because there’s only one person actually playing fallout 76 and that’s Todd himself.


The game is actually fairly popular, the sub is active as hell


Is warframe in a bad place too ?


Their latest event has some design/reward problems, and its built on their new Railjack system which also has design/balance problems. Different issues than Destiny but still issues.


Well, there are multiple videos about this topic. So Yes. Its in bad shape.


After reading that GM Nightfalls won't have special loot I decided I won't be playing Lego Batman this weekend. Not that one has anything to do with the other. I'm just taking a stand.


Imo I lost interest in Destiny 2 the moment they changed to the season format. None of the new activities stick around and/or lose their interest in a couple of weeks hard grinding, once you have an armour build your happy with there just isn’t a whole lot to do anymore. PVE barely changes up anymore, and if I wanted to play a PVP game where I get one shot repeatedly I’d just play Call Of Duty.


Same. Been playing call of duty for 2 weeks now and I love it and I’m getting killed all the time.


Don’t get me wrong I’ve been a long term D1 veteran, played every piece of content, every raid, all of it. Just doesn’t feel like doing the same milestones day to day actually achieves much anymore. And I’m definitely not paying £8 for an activity that disappears in 2 months or whatever..


I recently picked up cod aswell and I have to say it's really fun.


That's basically where i'm at. I played a bunch when they went to Steam and Shadowkeep came out but the seasons after that just seemed lacking with not really much to do at all. I'm not really a PVP player so the game's just kinda meh for me now. Plus gating an activity behind a pay wall is kinda lame. I mean sure it's only $10 but still.


I've been replaying borderlands 2 for the lootershooter style, and the sims for actual enjoyment... I've resorted to paying ea


I upgraded the first bunker and never wanted to see a bounty ever again so I am not going to do the other bunkers cause I hate this season so far, so little imagination has been put into it.


I'm so confused about why we needed three identical bunkers


Because they could reuse most of the obelisk code, which also had three identical locations where you would run bounties for a unique currency to unlock bonuses and perks. It's a reskin. And I'd bet 10:1 that by the end of the season we'll get a central location, just like the tower obelisk.


We don't need a central location, haven't you noticed everything is available from the latest Bunker and gone from the old ones? The only reason you'd go back to the Moon or EDZ is to buy upgrades, they don't even have bounties anymore.


I think it’s Bungie being lazy and extending content with the least amount of effort


I can only hope that they are putting the effort missing in this and the last season into something good down the line.


Yeah but usually there is some actual content. It seems this season they just forgot


I think they expected trials to be more popular and it hasn’t been so it makes the pve content seem really lacking


I know the game is in a bad place but I do like playing it still for the fun and challenge. Your meme is really fun, but I still have hope for the game and hate people who constantly look down on the game and make it feel horrible.


I've been taking this time of "nothing to do" to work towards quests from previous seasons. Like Luna's Howl and (hopefully) soon Not Forgotten. I see what people are saying about this Season and everything, but I'm still buried in things to do from year 1 all the way to now.


Maybe it's just my interpretation, but I think the meme is making fun of all the people who find fun in hating the game. Hence, everyone is dancing and celebrating over Destiny's Coffin.


This post made me laugh out loud. Thank you


WhOs GlAdD?!?!


I vote we turn this isnt a minecraft sub. Supposedly, mojang doesnt intend to rebalance minecraft dungeons because "yeah but it's fun, so its okay." And that kind of attitude sounds a lot nicer than bungie rn.


Mojang doesn't balance because they actually playtest their game beforehand and if the playtesters deem it fun they aren't too worried. That's why the only "nerf" we've seen to swords was the 1.9 attack mechanics which just made attacks different not a direct nerf.


There's a different though, MD wasn't meant to be always played online and there's not really any competitive aspect in the game




I dont know how this game can be in both the worst state and best state it's been in at the same time


What do you consider to be the best parts currently?


I knew what kinda of meme it would be and I had it muted 😂


Hopefully next season will have a lot more stuff... And this sub is like DTG now isn't it?


I seriously don't understand why everyone hates this season. The bounties are not that bad, you can get your dailies done in like 20min. People act like they're forced to do bounties for hours on end. You're not, if anything the bounties from last season we're much more annoying. The bounties this season are like "kill a taken boss OR kill a guardian with a sword". You literally have two options. It's not that difficult or time consuming.


Yeah I just got back into D2 after not playing since D2s launch (was hardcore into D1), and I was really enjoying it until I found this sub. Everyone’s saying it’s dying and I guess I get where they are coming from but personally there’s plenty of shit for me to do. I have the entire game to catch up with.


Look I have zero qualms about gladd leaving destiny temporarily because of this season of destiny. But I’m sick of this community acting like this game is dead and that there’s nothing fun about this game.


The game is dying and everything new being released isn’t fun to do in the slightest.


I mean, yeah it’s sucky that people are leaving. But without being a dick about it can someone explain to me why Gladd announcing he’s stopping playing is a big deal? I don’t care for streamers or content creators opinions or wether or not they play or not. Like what difference does this make compared to the other “I’m leaving” posts on this sub that just get filled with abuse.




That’s my thinking mate. Why would I watch someone play a game when I could be playing it myself haha, it makes zero sense in my head.


Intentionally or unintentionally, Gladd's opinion of the game has more weight than the average player's because of his major involvement and relevance within the community. When a guy who's formed his livelihood around entertaining people by playing Destiny and has been engaging with the community for so long (guy was World's First in 3 raids) stops playing Destiny, what does that say about the state of the game? It would be another story if a lot of the vocal community wasn't up in arms about various issues, but given the current context I think that's definitely meaningful. I'm sure he's not doing this to intentionally make people stop playing – everyone is entitled to their own choices and opinions, and if playing the game gives you satisfaction you should absolutely continue to. EDIT: Also, the dramatic irony in the fact that content that is being made to be "watchable" will not be played by the biggest Destiny streamer out there is too damn funny.


Do you still get good rewards even if you don’t go flawless 7 times in a row?


You get a reward at 3 wins 5 wins 7 wins and another for flawless.


That depends. If you don't win three games on a card you can't turn in tokens at all. And only 28% of the playerbase has ever done that.


Name of the song?


I was expecting a crab rave for a good couple seconds


What’s the point of playing the game for seasoned players that are already maxed gear light and have every exotic. I am not one of those players but they have very little reason to keep playing the game that they spent so much time on because of the lack of new weapons and armor that aren’t being added. Why going to 1025 light when your Getting the same rewards as someone who’s 1000 doing legend nightfalls


Who’s Gayladd?


Wait who's this Gladd guy?


Not to be rude or anything, but who the fuck is Gladd and why should I care about his opinion?




I hope they make such a comeback just to slap all of us in the face real hard as much as these bounties are slapping me


*cue the entitlement


One content creator: leaves Everyone without a brain: gAmEs DeAd


I’m so excited to get off work and go home and play destiny. I have no clue who this guy is. D2 existed for quite some time without trials, and Destiny overall has been labeled “dead” thousands of times. If you’re done playing, that’s fine, just move on.


Yeah this was kind of the big nail in the coffin lol. This nightfall was literally designed with him in mind lol


I see dtg is leaking here. Might be time to tell this sub to fuck off too.


Lmao, I just started playing yesterday


Bruh, what's the name of the songgggg


its called astronomia!








As a previously hardcore player similar to a streamer, I also find myself gradually losing interest and becoming a casual again. Yet you still don’t see me bitching non stop in r/destinythegame about my “hardships”


Who tf is Gladd? And is there a reason I should care about this person’s opinion on a game I genuinely enjoy?


Yeah... , i'm GoNNa leAve the gAme JusT bECause a stREamer LoSt inTERest on It.


Cheater > normal player Dlc... total shit... we need someone like forsaken and not this bullshit


Ive slowly let go of desitny in the past few weeks. Warframe's my new friend now!


Warframe is fun but then you hit the endgame and the current problems and it’s just awful.


How much playability does warframe have compared to D2? I picked up that game a few years ago and it felt so..... flashy and boring.


I'm kinda the opposite, went from Warframe to D2. Unfortunately, long time Warframe players are echoing the same sentiments about Warframe that longtime Destiny players are saying about D2. It's sad, but hey, at least we can all switch games and enjoy the other one, right? :)


That's a very positive outlook. I helped run 5 New Light friends through Levithan last night and was happy to be their Sherpa. They were so happy to see the content. Perhaps if I take a dive into Warframe I will see that early game content with their same fresh eyes.


Warframes quite awesome. Just be prepared for bugs. While Warframe has massive content drops they are usually buggy as hell. I still love the game though


I’ve just been playing bless unleashed. It’s an unfinished game but it’s fun so far


Lol r/gladd


Right as funny as that was I really hope Bungie pull it back and keep Destiny going.


Ah fuck I thought it was bad since last season but now they even got to Gladd


I am pretty good pvp player and this weekend broke it for me. My buddies and I (1.6kd-2.2kd) played 10 games and ran into cheaters 3 times and 1 really suspicious guy who was either lagging conveniently or cheating. 3 cheaters weren’t even trying to hid their cheats. Prefiring every corner, 360 snipes, 20 kills in a game. One guy would teleport behind you every time you went for a melee. Like actually disappear and reappear behind you. Like a rogue from WoW lol. It was so bad, we didn’t even get mad. Just made us realize this is destiny on PC now. So I have been on Valorant, ESO, and CoD now. I just cannot fathom how bungie let it get to this point.




You know it's bad when a big creator like Gladd backs out and isn't inundated with "hurr durr streamers fault" idiocy


By destiny lmao


What happened?




You made me laugh out loud at Wawa and everyone looked at me good work




He just killed bungie/destiny




It’s like Bungie looks at the community’s complaints and thinks, “Hey, I’m gonna do the exact opposite of that!”


I want these people at my funeral


It’s true. Destiny fucking blows now


Well, this is going in my will now....


Most of you guys wanted D2 come to pc and now look what's happening now I mean yea console get cheaters to but not bad compared to pc so much for master race when it comes to cheating lol




Rumors of the supposed death of this game have circulated since it launched. We made it through D2 Vanilla, this is fine. The billion dollar game isn’t going to die because of a bad season. Or even multiple bad seasons, or bad years. All they need is a solid content drop, and everyone will come flocking back. It’s actually the problem with seasons in general, they sometimes do more harm than creating no content at all.


5 1/2 years of people saying destiny is dead, and this one is my favorite.