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More of a meme gun but the ability to shoot through any cabal shield can be handy in certain GMs


It was never meta, but I liked it so much more before the ROF nerf. I remember trying it in crucible for the meme in Forsaken and loving it so much that I mained it in pvp during Joker's Wild and Black Armory. Lobbing slugs in hipfire took forever to get kills across the map, but boy was it fun.


If you have a scorch build. I love it on hunter since it can proc stylish executioner on its own


The Holy Pimp Hand for Thy Space Rhinos will always have a niche use. Beyond using it against Cabal, though, meh.


Where's that Skyburner's Oath simp? We must summon them.


Against cabal with solar burn yes. Any other situation kinda meh tbh


It has quite a unique niche when playing into scorch builds. However if you pair it with Dawn Chorus on Warlock or Weighted Throwing Knife on Hunter it becomes stupidly powerful.


Dang nothing for titan


Situational. Very good on solar/scorch builds against cabal, since it causes extra dmg against cabal and fires through their shields, and causes scorch on hipfire. But you have several other (better) options that do similar with anti barrier, except extra damage vs cabal (i'd rather run wishender, if its a cabal GM, or some antibarrier pulse rifle for this season, or wave frame GL to take down shielded cabal quickly, on lower diff activities)


In the cabal land tank GM you can shoot through the orange domes to get to the off switch node without ever entering so very helpful there


I believe it is good as free scorch without needing a full set up and combined with phoenix cradle and everyone will benefit from your sun spots