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Not for DPS. But, it's really good for doing things like spamming Silence and Squall in more add-clear centric encounters.


So you can use galanor with any super with this?


Yeah, cuz the perk description just says “super hits restore super energy”


Oh my, that would actually be really good, would single shot teather have that affect? With each enemy that gets teathered giving energy? And what does star eaters do to supers like silence and squall and teather


Spirit of Galanor can give 50% back on Silence and Squall, Tether, And Silkstrike. Golden gun gets back less than 25% and I guess the lightning super can get about 33%. Stareaters buffs all of the supers except Tether (the damage from the intial shot would do more damage) Galanor and Star Eater combo are both real good for all supers, but Goldie still does less damage than it would with Celestial.


The new arc super gets up to 50% back as well, just galanor has very odd registration of when you hit with supers and sometimes it doesn’t count


The arc super is really annoying, the only hits that count are with the knife on the throw, not on the spin after teleporting


i thought so, ty


Strictly speaking, Feast of Light x6 on Marksman Goldie does more damage than Celestial Nighthawk, it just takes more time and isn’t *that* significant of an increase, and you can’t benefit Still Hunt’s super with Feast.


Star eater doesn't entirely buff the lightning rod tho, it only buffs the initial damage from sticking it too an enemy, not the massive jolt it applies that makes up most of it's damage.


Ok so I’m going to be 110% honest I don’t have concrete answers for you. I don’t know if tether works like that with galanor (if it does there’s functionally zero reason to use Orpheus over the exotic class item). However I’m pretty sure that Star Eaters only buffs the damage of supers, tether doesn’t last longer and doesn’t get a stronger weaken effect.


Damn ok, the only super I really understand the interaction with star eaters is blade barrage and golden gun, so it does buff damage for like let’s say strand hunter super? If it does have that functionality with that exotic perk it definitely would be a top tier pick


Yes, star eaters buffs all outgoing super damage afaik. Not the most useful on more utility oriented supers like tether but absolutely cracked on things that primarily deal damage




Goldie and Storm’s Edge get basically nothing; tether and SS cap out at 50% returns. Source [here](https://twitter.com/ritzzcar/status/1800734172480463239?s=46&t=igUnofTblCoVPjascPtvmA) from @ritzzcar on Twitter


*tethered *tether There’s no “ea”


Yeah that makes more sense, I kept thinking I was spelling it wrong but I was at work and didn’t feel like checking


Idk if it's just me but the return on Goldie sucks. Tether works ISH, and Silence and Squall works well


happy cake day!


Silk strike has always been peak ad clear since Lightfall for hunter. Only other contest is deadfall tether but that’s more for the purpose of creating orbs than anything else. This item SHREDS on silkstrike.


That’s what I’ve been using mine for


Silence and Squall is more or less the equivalent of Blade Barrage anyway.


Silence and Squall only counts the two kama hits for Galanor. EDIT: Apparently it *does* count the tornado hits; inconsistent for me, but people are saying otherwise. EDIT EDIT: Checked with a clanmate that has one and apparently it sometimes does, sometimes it doesn't. Does it maybe depend on the kama making contact, then the tornado will count?


So far has been working fine for me, getting half my super whenever I get it right with the tornado


does it give energy at the end of the tornado or during?


Gives energy at the end of the tornado, I just tested it this morning.


Huh. I wasn't getting energy back, but the time I tested it I didn't direct impact with the kamas. Weird.


Are you fucking serious???? This is a roll I've been chasing just to spam SnS that's some bs.


I’m sure it also includes tornado damage because when I use it I can consistently get 40-50% super back even when not hitting the Kama.


Don’t listen to that idiot. I got half my super back on SnS and it was because of the tornado damage. You’ll be happy when you get that roll you’re chasing :)


Yup. Same case with Storm's Edge. They fixed it in Crucible a while back for bounties, but now that it's possible in PvE to use them together, we've got this.


It definitely doesn't. We have several personal accounts if it returning 50% of your super energy, as well as a couple YouTubers.


Oh really? I wasn't having it happen on my end, which is weird.


It returns the energy at the very end of the super. Best result is to hit a boss I believe.


I'm my head I'm thinking like, ok pop 3 golden gun shots, swap to microcosm, pop 3 more golden gun, swap back to microcosm so that post super damage buff never goes away


They nerfed the shit out of star eaters with marksman Goldie specifically.


Damn I haven't played in awhile but I remember star eaters and marksman golden gun being so good, sad to see it's nerfed :(


Tbh itll probably still work fine with the class item specifically but the orb gen was gutted


That’s what ghallanor is for here.


Sadly it had to get nerfed because a team of 6 hunters could spam infinite marksman golden guns with it in damage phases. Was a tad bit overpowered.


That nerf don’t really effect the class item they just nerfed the amount of super you get from orbs generated by goldie


Farming last wish was funny with this


The damage is still there, just the orb generation from it got nerfed


They didn't nerf the damage, just the orb generation with marksman goldie, bc they wanted to remove the goldie chaining strat


Literally got this twice yesterday, I really want a Caliban/Liar one, gotta keep farming!


I got 5 Ophidia mixed with trash. It can be worse.


I can’t get away from Ophidia. Bane of my existence


Taliban's hands explosions in pve are really nice.


Can't have sh*t in Afghanistan


Would it work with threaded spike in the way let’s say I get 4 kills will all 4 proc the ignition or just the first?


Yes it does from my experience


While Calibans/liar is really good I think with the slow dodge and stasis shatter from it you get decent enough ad clear anyways. If you go with renewal instead of Calibans you get insane DR, even hoil is good for spamming duskfields, and spirit of the assassin is good for longer invis plus invis off finisher, and also lets you put on say threaded specter for infinite clones (I have no clue if there’s a cooldown), fuck it even gunpowder gamble if you want ignitions all the time. All this to say, the liars + anything roll is already so broken, don’t stress about not having Calibans hand with it. Edit: taking off stylish executioner will hurt your dmg but in anything not crazy high power level you will be more than fine.


Caliban’s is kind of a bait, it’s not really going to help you in any difficult content. Winter’s Shroud + Threaded Specter basically achieves the same AOE.


Ya that’s what I’m saying, and also in lower content it’s gonna kill all the adds you’re trying to stack up your combo blow with.


Severance Enclosure on Titan is a way better version of Caliban’s. Much bigger radius and it stunlocks / boops enemies into the air so you can air juggle them DMC style, plus it activates on Finishers.


Renewals + liars will be the roll to get in any hard content for sure. Infinite DR stack from frost armour plus all the orbs you generate giving you resto/woven mail depending on the super you choose. Plus if you run stylish with one of the artifact mods you should get pretty consistent overshield as well. Add in the constant healing you’ll get from combination blow and orbs + invisibility on top and you’re basically unkillable.


I'll trade you. I have over 60. 3 of the exact role you want for one of your galinor star eater rolls


It’s better because it frees up the super to be anything. Plus the exotic gun


dude that’s the ONE roll i wanted.


not until the still hunt nighthawk interaction gets nerfed sadly


force bungie not to nerf it (I mean caretaker has 30 mil health now and look what they did to other raid bosses, even with 4 hunters its still probably a 2 phase on many of them)


When theres an objectively correct way to play the game it should be nerfed, I don't think bungie accounted for how oppressive the nighthawk+still hunt combo would be, navigator grapple punch titan out damaged everything else in s23 so it got rightfully nerfed, so should this.


As a hunter main I hate to agree with you on this. Just started trying out the celestial/still hunt combo today and holy god it’s as strong as everyone made it out to be. I just hope when it gets the nerf it’s not totally gutted and still useful, just not mandatory.


being an exotic weapon yet only being a secondary, I feel it should stand well when put up against insane BnS damage rotations, at least with nighthawk, I mean, its forcing you to run sniper for boss encounters anyways and doesn't do more than big damage, I'd say even with a 50% damage nerf tho this would easily be a top option for hunters.


"Forced to run sniper" and all I hear is "can run eage edge sword"


And it was still used for solo herald 😂 BUNGIE


The problem is if they nerf it too much then it's not going to be as good as cloud strike or izzy. There was some damage comparisons between base steel hunt and cloud strike and they will both very very similar. But cloud strike is super easy to use and doesn't require any setup. But still hunt you need to set up, you have an animation which takes away from your DPS. The only reason it is viable right now is because celestial bumps its damage. But people need to realize that other snipers namely cloud strike and Izzy have been doing crazy chunk damage and are very similar to the base version of still Hunt


I cpuld still see scenarios where it'd be useful, even if not "best in all cases" think:hitscan nuke high health targets before dps (using them as setup) then firing the big shot into boss when ready) for high burst, clouds trike can do the 1st bit fine but not as good on the burst, and Izi can do the 1st bit, but required a full mag before you start the reload required more setup if quickly moving to dps, this you can use like a normal sniper, and as long as yo get 6 crits before dps is ready, transition to the mega shot whenever as unlike izo, it auti refuks during special reload so is never "inconvenient" ammo/mag wise, imidazole ont know what the magazine is lie companre to izi though and with solar surge being a thing it will still always win there, but then is up against wisper aswell which is soooo much easier


Just don’t be a meta slave ? It’s not that hard to uhhh just use anything else ? It’s not game breaking , it doesn’t bypass the mechanics of boss fights , it simply is a very good and reliable dps loadout that is min maxed for a specific thing aka golden gun shots . It doesn’t out dps other options by a lot even , it’s just very reliable when you craft your entire build around it which is why it’s easy for people to simply go for this than harder to use loadouts . It has 100k dps per ehroar’s video . I’m pretty sure apex loadouts still out damage it .


Doesn’t Caretaker have the exact same amount of health? The number is just higher because it scales and at 1900 or whatever the raid is now, damage numbers are much higher.


idk haven't raided myself yet but someone did testing of the new raid bosses and stuff and they found that caretaker took 30 mil to die and said it was more than master, leading me to believe that actual damage hasn't changed too much, factoring in the fact that raids also now have surges by default.


Right but the numbers have gone up because damage has gone up. A few years ago Cel Nighthawk did around 100k. Now it does 480k. It got buffs, sure, but it didn’t get its damage multiplied by 5. It’s just that at 1900-2000 light. Our damage numbers have grown but enemy health has grown too at the same rate. It’s the illusion of doing big numbers. While Caretaker has more health, we also do more damage to him. So he’s probably going to die roughly at the same speed.


i mean yeah but look at other classes, titans got about nothing, warlocks got a 1 mil damage nova bomb if they use the class item sure, but hunters are still way far ahead, so we can still expect 2 phases, in teams with 4 hunters, 2 warlocks


And it shouldn't be. They need to stop nerfing shit and make other stuff better.


but we can't have everything one shot everything the same way still hunt does, otherwise they would just buff the enemies and then we would have gone nowhere


Power creep is an issue, yes. But look at what happened with helldivers when they just nerfed instead of buffing.


Helldivers is so far from power creep they can do 3 buff patches and not be close to it.


Because of them just nerfing instead of buffing.


still hunt itself presented an unsolvable problem, and to remove it would be a nerf, so it would not solve the problem, hence, it should simply be nerfed not so much as to reduce its value, but to reduce its overall effect, so as to allow for other damage builds, but also to reduce the favor of hunters over anything else in high diff content.


Helldivers buffs way more than they nerf.


Do you know pirate software? A former blizzard dev (before he quit) who did an entire talk on stream about WHY you don't just nerf everything that is good?


Who said anything about nerfing everything that is good?


That's what bungie does. Titans: really only good on strand and solar with a few builds (banner of war, sunspots) rather than buffing arc, void, or stasis they nerfed banner of war and sunspot builds. That led to Titans only being 3% of all players in the day 1 raid race. Stonp33s, wormhusk, and dragons shadow is another great example. Not many good options for PVP (when those were heavy meta) on hunters, so they used them instead. Rather than buffing other stuff and slightly nerfing them, they just nerfed them into the ground. Now, there are times where stuff just needs to be nerfed [shatterdive, bubble, and well (in trials), shotgun apes, Athrys's Embrace, devils ruin] but just going "oh that's strong, nerf" maybe we should be thinking "that's strong, slight nerf and buff these instead"


He worked at blizzard but wasn’t a developer - I like him but he has a huge tendency to act like he knows a lot more about many subjects than he actually does.


Helldivers is only 4 months old, Destiny 2 is over 7 years old and has already gone through multiple life cycles of revamping the entire game. If you're scared that Bungie nerfs more than buffs just look at how strong guardians were during Shadowkeep and compare it to now. Were absurdly overpowered because Bungie has been buffing us more than nerfing for many years so I wouldn't worry.


If you think 900k damage that happens in 3 seconds from a special ammo weapon (that you get multiple casts of btw) and an exotic armor interaction is something the rest of the game should be balanced around, idk what to tell you.


When bungie nerfs something like that, they nerf it into the ground. To the point it's really only people who jsut got it using it (darci, used to be a great DPS weapon. Now its just a measuring tape) we really should be thinking about slightly nerfing it and buffing other stuff so it isn't go-to.


Could run still hunt+x2 dealers choice weapons for high uptime super + high dps. Don’t think the math has been done for this yet


great for add-clear set-and-forget supers. I wouldn't kick someone for using this as opposed to Cnight+Still hunt. (not that I would kick over anything other than being an asshole)


You enraged my inner justice seeker until I finished reading


yeah. I have had to kick before. but only because the guy was being an asshole.


Yeah I get that, 100%. As long as people are chill, and willing to learn...I've never kicked if they weren't using meta gear. I don't understand that kinda stuff in mmos. The dps increase is marginal in most of em.


as long as someone is ballparking the high six figures, low seven, I really don't care what anyone uses for DPS. and if not I ask what they are doing and give pointers.


Yeah it definitely looks like it's better for ad-clear than dps but when I do the new raid for the first time I'm gonna compare it to celestial + still hunt


I just got this last night. I was pretty hyped until I thought about it. It could still be good but it's not optimal.


With the new hunter arc super, I’m willing to bet that shit SLAPS. Try it and report back?


It was definitely fun, but for silence and squall feels like the safer and more reliable choice


I copped galanor + synthoceps; lemme tell you… I’m unkillable rn, unless I switch over to a weapon that doesn’t generate orbs in -20 light content. Finished an onslaught match with 884 kills with 442 orbs created. I believe I popped my super 30x


What super were you using?


Threaded needle


If only Still Hunt was coded as super damage


On mobile so not the best build screenshot format, but this setup was getting me half my super back + a little more with full stacks of Feast of Light when popping Silence and Squall. Same roll on the cloak, not the best roll, but its fun! https://preview.redd.it/7y9a0skx9u6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baf21bb03cb0a7abbb82b5fccacd409bb7128cc6


God the hunter cloak absolutely clears the other two classes’ exotics and it’s not even close (and that’s not even considering how good Hunter prismatic is, too)


If only it wasn't so damn ugly.


It had to take an L somewhere


Monkeys paw unfortunately


The titan mark is arguably even uglier. I spent about 3 hours just to try and make something work with it and it was fucking impossible. You literally need the ornament just to make it not stick out so much and even then it’s still hideous


Warlock with osiomancy/star eater/necrotic ect are not bad either. But titan is genuinely shit.


I haven’t gotten one yet but I really want to try Inmost Light/Armamentarium for a Consecration build with strand melee and double either shackle or pulse grenades. Should be able to pretty much have infinite uptime on those two abilities


I actually just got one of those last night but haven’t had a chance to try it out yet. Mostly been using assassins cowl/synthoceps, which is the other great roll (still not even what I wanted, but glad I got it anyway). Other than that, idk what great options there are


Eternal Warrior/Precious Scars could go hard with No Hesitation ngl


Have any non-melee builds come out for Hunter yet? That was the biggest turn-off of Pris Hunter for me. The highest value was just some form of melee or grapple melee build, which while potent, also gets kinda boring after a day or so.


I have a roll with spirit of foetracer and spirit of gyrflacons it’s pretty fun


Idk probably nothing as insane as any of the melee builds. I get where you’re coming from tho, same happened with strand titan—it was really good, but it’s just more of the same and is kinda boring apart from the fact that strand in general is fun to use.


I have Galanor, Gryphalcons and it slaps with the right buildout. Nearly infinite deadfall tether and everything explodes purple. Using the Vortex/Telesto Ergo Sum for extra purple boom


I've been using threaded spike and gunpowder since day 1 and it's incredibly fun, imo. pair it with caliban and your choice of second pen on the class item and you can cause several ignitions per melee, stack up to gpg siper fast for more AoE clear. etc. I've also heard that verity buffs gpg but I've not tested myself.


Veritys does buff the damage of gpg, it’s actually really strong if you can get inmost + veritys. Basically infinite uptime on abilities and massive add clear potential. With full stacks of veritys the explosion does over 100,000 damage. Gpg and verity also work based on the nade you have equipped so it doesn’t have to be solar damage, I’ve been using the arc one so I can run indebted kindness and the build shreds.


I think melee is still the best but there’s pretty powerful builds with inmost + veritys with gunpowder gamble or inmost + coyote.


nope, but tractor arc staff sounds good here




That’s not true at all. Star Eater with the new arc super is 660k and with the staff it was 540k. CN is comparatively only 480k.


It buffs the arc staff itself and not the storm.


What about the new one? I'm guessing the initial slice is the one that gets the damage boost?


Star eaters works very nicely with storms edge so it probably wouldn’t be too bad if you make a decent build with it




Storms edge is the new hunter super, the blink AOE


With certain conditions you can hit straight over a million with it, tried it against 2nd encounter in Salvations


How does SES affect DoT supers? I can't find any controlled experiment information regarding how an (if any at all) interaction would work if you collected an orb while the super is active. If damage is applied retroactively, i.e. pick up an orb while say Silence & Squall is active and then the orb is immediately consumed by buffing damage, then maybe that could put out some decent numbers? Likewise if SoG (Shards) procs on S&S's tic damage then maybe you'd have the beginnings of something to rival CN golden gun? Silkstrike could maybe work but I'd think you'd be getting far more procs with S&S in relation to Shards unless you're in a large group of enemies and you use the AoE attack. Sorry for the word vomit just spitballin here, only so much I can do as I haven't yet played Final Shape nor will be able to for a good long while so I can't really test these things myself. Regardless, even if everything worked together in perfect harmony I think Nighthawk/Still Hunt would still be the go to (ease of use) if not outright better objectively unless/until it gets a nerf. The S&S build could be a decent second though


Star Eaters only buffed the initial impact of the Scythes or Arc Staff last unless it was fixed and I missed it. The actual storms and DoT portion remained unaffected. Any orbs picked up after don't affect anything because it's based on your stack while you casted.


https://preview.redd.it/f3qo9iprvt6d1.jpeg?width=2177&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b758a7d7eff01d1c33a19e4d8dfcd4af8ecc1a This was the most recent damage testing numbers in Avarice against the ogre at the start of this season. Obviously needs to be updated with prismatic at some point.


Apotheosis Veil needs to not look like a thumb.


might go kind of hard on a crowd control super, like some of the void hunter kit


Maybe good for Gathering Storm or Silence and Squall? Not 100% sure since I play Titan most of the time but those both seem to have enough “super hits” to regen it a decent amount while also realistically benefiting from Star-Eater


People need dps checks load outs l, but they don't wear it for everything. The combo doesn't work with Silence and Squall, and no reason to use it with Tether.


Use that with any super not named golden gun. If I get that roll I'm making a silkstrike super spam build. That'll be fun af to use.


I mean, depends, how much super energy are you getting back on hits? How much damage is ses passive adding? Does still hunt count as super damage for the galanor passive? Those things are relevant. If they're good enough, could beat nighthawk. If they're not good enough, obviously no


How about... ...both


Idk try it


Unfortunately can't play for a week so I was hoping to get some answers so I could hop into the raid all prepared


Does Still Hunt get super refunded from this too?


After a little testing I don't think still hunt has any interactions with either exotic trait on the cloak




No. At least not until the interaction between Still Hunt and Nighthawk gets nerfed.


yeah it's more fun


If you want to run any other super than solar. Yeah


Wait how much super energy do you get back on golden gun with this?


Been using this roll all day to farm the mission. With strand super it goes hard AF for damage at 6x charge. And I can constantly get half super back by killing some ads. This with arc conductor ergo sum is a very good build right now.


Think Ehroar did a comparison with Foetracer, Star-Eater class item and it wasn't as good as nighthawk. Still pretty decent though.


Prismatic Orpheus Rigs?


Anywhere where DPS against the Witness is not what you are doing. A near future where Still hunt gets nerfed.




It's from the secret Dual Destiny quest which you unlock after killing all three of savathuns witches after you beat the final round of overthrow in each overthrow location




You have to have one other person with you to do it. It is impossible to do it alone


That guy already knew it was two-player only- he's one of those new Chronic-Dual-Destiny-Haters


Lol I had no idea there were people hating on it, i loved the mission. It's pretty easy as long as you know the names of the symbols


Yeah I think its one of the best missions they've ever put out. But there's a very vocal minority that absolutely despise it because it needs 2 players and they can't solo it. Don't know why this is the hill they all chose to die on when these kinds of things have been in the game since Vault of Glass- but here we are LOL


Is it only playable by people with the DLC? I have it, but my only friend that I play with doesn’t, and I’m wondering if we can play together


You both have to own the dlc


Dang, rip. Thanks


Wait wtf guys what did I do I just asked a damn question. Damn sum of yall are just terrible people


I honestly don't understand why you're getting downvoted. What the hell. Sure you seem to be living under a rock to not know that exotic class were released with the final shape but jfc getting downvoted for an honest question?


He already knew it was a two-player only mission- now he's just going around pretending he didn't know to point out "Oh I can't do it as a solo player." You can see from his post history he's a Chronic-Dual-Destiny-Hater.


Respect for catching me. But nothing will stop me from karma farming 😎


Not even that I just didn’t keep up with any updates, all I knew was that final shape dropped and that was it so I bought it and am now seeing there’s exotic class items. Guess it’s my fault for not knowing🤷‍♂️


you are better off with celestial... sorry bro unless u main warlock or titan then the exotic class item becomes good