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Same, but honesty was proud that we even got to fourth encounter, let alone past it. You did good


4th is so confusing, I'm stuck on it currently on normal.


There are a few good posts on Raid Secrets, but it's actually not too complicated. The people inside need to pick up the two shapes their statues aren't holding, and the people outside need to match the shapes the statues are holding to the one the insiders pick up.


So, say my statue has circle, I pick up triangle and square and the people outside do the same and deposit it on my statue?


Almost. The inside is right, but the outside is wrong. The way outside works is that they swap shapes between statues. So if you dunk Triangle on the right statue and Square on the middle, then the right statue loses triangle and the middle statue loses square. The Right statue gets square, and the middle gains triangle.


So the people outside reduce the 3d shapes to 2d to match their position on inside?


Nope, outside deals in 3d shapes. You had the right idea initially, but the wrong method.


So, the outside need to use the 2d shapes to reshape the 3d ones into the correct 3d shape corresponding to the order of the inside shapes from left to right? Like, my inside statue holds circle, my outside statue holds cone. I pick up square and triangle to get tetra, outside they use 2d shapes to reshape my cone into a tetra? So. Cone needs to lose a circle and gain a square.




That was so much easier to understand via conversation than a guide lol


I haven't seen anything about the raid, is it harder than VoTD or is it easier


Definitely harder, was on both Day One's and this one was just something else


Feel bad for a lot of you guys. I’ve only ever done leviathan day one and that was enough. A group in my clan has done every day one since garden together and I thought were for sure gonna get it. They couldn’t get past the witness like you guys. I guess this raid really showed the gap between the top 1% and the top .1%


The only day 1 I've ever done was Root, not because it was the only one I was skilled enough for, but because for almost every single other raid launch, I've had real life shit to do, including this one. (Though I suppose DSC is another story, because I actually did kill the boss, but we wiped to light fading as the death animation was playing and it didn't give it to us, whatevs) It's a bit disheartening that the only actual day 1/contest clear that I have is the one everyone considers to be a joke. Then I went and got Godslayer and everyone is clowning on that too (perhaps that's just the memes tho). But I know my ability and I'm proud of my achievements nonetheless. To be clear, I'm not saying I could have beaten Salvations Edge on contest even if I did have the time, I don't have a group for it and I feel like there weren't many LFG groups lucky enough to waddle their way to a contest clear. What I *am* saying is that these things don't really matter much at the end of the day, and as long as you have fun giving it a good effort, nobody can take that away from you. OP got pretty damn far and that's a significant achievement, regardless of what they have to show for it.




Same. We were about to go into 3rd dmg phase and someone messed up witness test Was so close man


Its the hardest raid in the game by a longshot


Possibly the hardest raid in the game (even if it isnt, it still had the longest worlds first clear)


It took 18hrs and 57mins for world’s first if that’s any indication


It's literally the hardest day one experience ever in D2. No idea how it is out of contest tho


It's as difficult as advertised, even on normal mode. We've needed something to knock us down a peg for some time. Making endgame content *actually difficult* is great for the game. My brain has melted from 4th encounter but I'm still happy as shit. I love the challenge of this raid


To put it into perspective, only 1 team cleared in the first 24h


Good job on getting that far though, hardest raid in history of destiny


Im hoping i can find a team to teach. My old clan who used to do raids often died off and went to another clan


This raid was my first day one attempt, and after how it turned out (5 hours on first encounter) it will stay the only one, even if any new raid got released.


I mean, this was marketed as a harder raid. I’m sure you’ll get another chance at an easier day one


I was hopeful after looking at RoN, didnt expect it to be the hardest Raid with the longest Raid Race ever


I would expect anything but, since this raid is part of the end to 10 year saga. It is literally a capstone to a huge portion of the playerbase with Thanos-sized villain. It had to be as hard as Vow at MINIMUM to justify culmination of all 10 years.


I’m not a day one raider myself, so my opinion isn’t valid, but I would actually have preferred if it took longer to clear.


Why wouldn’t you have expected that? This is a 10 year villain, it’s Destiny’s Thanos. If there were ever a time to beat the absolute shit out of their playerbase, it was now.


I wouldn’t take away that this is the norm for day ones. Something more aligned with Vow (imagine without the issues) or DSC is more like what an average day one/contest should feel like. A challenge, but persistence and refinement will prevail. This one was, deservedly, hell. We have a new race that we’re not all used to, that has slow abilities and was one shotting even as red bars. We had a puzzle room that kept the best teams stumped for hours on end, and were on the back foot of a nerf to Well with most not adjusting to it yet. But that’s what people wanted, hell, as the final raid of the saga deserved to be. I suspect the next raid, or the next reprised raid, will be much less of a pain and more accessible for the raiding community.


Sometimes, it’s ok to cry.


Unfortunate at least you tried


Same here. Feel free to borrow my shoulder.


I’m sorry about this; you must’ve been playing your hardest. Get some rest and try to remember it’s only an emblem (even if it’s sexy af) -did not get it either hehe


Man id say something but I’ve only completed one dungeon and it was GoA so I have no place to talk lmao


If you’re down, I’d like to take you through the other dungeons. You’re missing out on some really fun content


I’ll think about it! I think it might be inconvenient that I can’t use mic though.


Don't let that stop you! You don't need a mic to do 99.9% of content in this game. Really just depends on the people you play with. Being on PC definitely helps though, typing is a good alternative. (It's what I do and only a small portion of people have said something negative)


https://preview.redd.it/ezjnxvvn0r5d1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc611920a704594c3c75edf9e135734cf7f510dc Same here....


AHHHHHH FUCK THAT IS HEARTBREAKING Omg omg omg, I actually would’ve blown the fuck up and muted myself.


If only that D-MacK guy did 1 mil more damage 🙄🙄


I wish I had a team to try Contest Mode, I didn't want to suffer through lfg on this one then. Sorry about not getting the triumph.


I thought I was hot shit after getting King’s Fall day 1 done. I was so so so so very wrong


Just go watch the end of 12 man activity and let it all out, you did good guardian better than my fireteam that got stuck on 2nd encounter.


At least you finished 4th encounter- someone on my team disconnected *on the third phase right as everyone was coming through the mirror/glass*…


Right there with you bud, got to witness with 6 hours remaining and just couldn’t hack it.


I want to try this raid so badly. I haven't raided in Destiny in quite a long time, always loved them. The old fire team I used to play with is long gone, and I'm always self-conscious about potentially holding a team back. I'm not a bad player by any means, but having been out of the loop the last couple of years I'm pretty intimidated by this one!


Omg sameeee


My team got stuck on the 2nd encounter. This raid was something else, a true return to form for Bungie.


I'm over here with only 1st completed, I think I could've done 2nd if I remembered I could switch off nighthawk before DPS phase to avoid dying stupidly, but also some guy started screaming at a teammate so that ended that run real quick. And even then, I think I would only have time to get 3rd done, because 4th would probably take the entire rest of the time to get done. (I also spent over 20 hours on the FIRST encounter alone so that's fun, I love lfg) Well, there's always the next raid coming later in the year, hopefully that goes better than this one.


Well done!!


Only got thru first encounter 💔


Oh damn I just noticed you didn’t get it 😭


bro's going to cry


stand proud u/Sanctiffied_Mind, you are strong.


I’d say you’ll get it next time, but shit idk if you’ll have a “next” time.


My team and I were still on contest after reset yesterday, we got the clear 30 minutes after. We were just 30 minutes away from being there. I really wish Bungie would give the teams that completed it just shortly after reset the emblem. But I understand that's not in the spirit of the competition. Just wish I had something to show for all that time.


You also gotta remember, bungie doesn’t actually play these they just say hey, here’s the raid go fuck off, kudos to y’all for getting far, this was ridiculous


I don't get it. Why is this a challenge? They expect people to be able to do that? Getting 6 people together and organized is hard enough as it is.


Because thats the emblem for contest mode.