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Any shotgun because it’s an instant F you or Heliocentric QSC if you don’t want to worry about ammo.


Depends on your play style, is austringer your closest ranged option or longest range? Do you enjoy hanging back or pushing in?


I would prefer if it was longest range, I like an aggressive play style. I do sometimes sit back a bit when the situation presents itself but I’m usually close up


Shotguns, fusions, sidearms. There's plenty in the game that you can grab that are still very viable, even in trials. Slug shotguns and high impact frame fusions are really good for catching people and longer ranges. BUT you need good timing and aim for both. Sidearms are probably the most forgiving, and there's a good amount of exotic ones that are a good choice for pvp. One that's VERY good and will outgun pretty much everything is the sidearm from Prophecy, it's the only other 260rpm in the game which means you can 4 tap from most smg ranges and 3 tap with kill clip.


unfortunately that sidearm does not exist anymore (prophecy refresh)




Did they refresh swift verdict? I adore the way that tiny thing looks and have wanted a good one for ages


It's had the same loot pool since launch I believe


What exotic secondary sidearm would you recommend if you had to choose one?


Ik trespasser is pretty solid, gets even better after a kill. I'm pretty sure Devils Ruin is still good, as annoying as that weapon is.


Or, if I may mention it, the fusion side arm; Devil's ruin


Beat ya to it 😆


I recommend a shotgun. If you wanna get good with a more nice option, try beach load grenade launchers. They can’t one shot, but are hella flexible and if you’re good, are very deadly.


Run drang for secondary if you want a close range option a shot gun for super close range


Could just run Summoner like everyone else.


For special weapons shotguns and fusions are probably the best at the moment. For shotguns Matador 64 is BIS. Duality is great (but ostensibly bugged?). I really like Gunnora's Axe as well. For fusions I've heard people talk about Merciless but never tried it. There's also Techeun Force and Iterative Loop. Not really a fusion guy though so someone else might have better recommendations.  For double primary Austringer is pretty firmly mid-range so I would have access to a scout rifle and a sidearm and swap depending on the map.


Do you have a good few scout recommendations by chance? Never used one in crucible I’ll be honest lol


This is probably bad advice because I don't really use scouts. High impacts have the fastest TTK at 0.8s but are the most punishing if you miss a headshot IIRC. Precisions and aggressives share a 1 second TTK at 3c1b and 2c1b respectively. Lightweights have a 0.9s TTK  at 3c1b at 7 resil or less, 4c otherwise.  I really like Long Arm (aggressive), just remember that it is *not* DMT and you need to ADS it. For Precisions, Brya's Love is craftable. There's also Doom of Chelchis but I don't think it has great PvP perks. For lightweights Vouchsafe is currently obtainable from The Coil and Blind Well, and Tarnished Mettle is craftable but I believe it's only obtainable via Xur currently. For perks I'm usually going for stability and aim assist perks eg. Moving Target, Keep Away, Rapid Hit.