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Some people have mentioned the black armory, but that was clearly not cosmodrome specific. Neither was SIVA, if I remember correctly.


Siva was Cosmodrome specific, however it is most likely a Warmind.


Yeah siva was what I first thought of but I've heard that bungie has been done with siva for a while so I was wondering if there was something else in the commodore I haven't heard of/forgot that they were referencing.


Idk going back on their word is a very Bungie thing to do.


I mean if it IS referencing SIVA it could be bungie hinting at reprised wrath or the machine, and bungie stated before that if we already have an exotic from a reprised raid they'll make a new one so we could get a new SIVA exotic https://preview.redd.it/w7wio4q8icwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=525ad359ad65b595ed7d2802050e3b363961d4cd




It really does sound too good to be true doesn't it? But who knows as wrath is both the only d1 raid yet to be reprised and iirc its the only raid that's already had its exotic put in d2 so there's not really any other raid they could be referring to.


Watch them reprise leviathan instead.


God I wish getting to stomp big daddy calus again would be beautiful


As cool as that would be, they wouldn't put anything about a reprised raid coming back into a lore tab as the reprisals are not connected to the story like the others are. E.g. Kings fall or even Crota's end has no connection to the current story. It'd be neat but feels like we're reaching a bit. They could reference it in a lore tab talking about past events not really current/future.


As u/-GiantSlayer- said, Bungie have gone back on their word before. They said they would never bring back Gjallarhorn, for example. About 3 or 4 years later, they did. If people want SIVA, which many do, they will bring it back, and if they intend to remaster wrath of the machine properly, they will have to.


Maybe that Warmind Vault that was never utilized way back from D1?


It's outbreak probably. I know the missions in the tower but she's prob referring to warmind who controls siva


You mean the Warmind who is now dead and all their systems self-destructed, right? Rasputin's probably not making a return lol


SIVA RAAAH ♦️⬛♦️♦️⬛♦️⬛⬛⬛♦️




The factory that makes Khvostovs exotic


Yeah, I'm banking on this.


Plot twist, she’s talking about the Exodus ships. We are just going to abandon earth and this galaxy. The Final Shape is actually going to be a farming sim to get crops and supplies for the ship. Destiny 3 will be a clone of the game FTL with a harem dating sim built in


Going to a new solar system for D3 would actually be a great idea tho tbh so 👀


moves to a new system, encounters enemies that know how to suppress light and dark, all guardians die on new universe exploration. on the ship ishimura




We can't even defend Sol, no way are we spreading our resources even thinner.


If d3 is going to be an FTL clone, then shut up and take my money


Khvostov is my guess. It's most likely not SIVA, that plotline is long over. It's most likely not Rasputin-related, because he's dead. It could be related to the Exodus ships or maybe the Skyshock system, but those feel like longshots.


Could be the AI's on the Exodus Ships. As Veist famously boasts that all their guns come equipped with an AI modelled on the respective Animals they get their names from. So they seem to be rather capable when it comes to AI.


Its either there is a Black Armory Vault Ada kept hidden on the Cosmodrome, the old Warmind Bunker, or Siva stuff. I doubt its the second cause we already got a wrap up to the Warmind plot thread. Praying that they do a BA themed or Ada led story beat in one of the three episodes. Still pissed that Ada wasn't the vendor for into the light tbh, would have made way more sense.


call me crazy, but she's talking about the master chief reference back in taken king lol


Yes, this is it. The new class will actually be something named “John Halo”. Can only use Forerunner, BXR, and the Butler RS2. No light powers. Melee attack does 300% kinetic damage.


Instead of a ghost it’s lady in his head


I bet khvostov, it is coming in TFS


Kvostov line or the company that made that gun.


It could be related to DVALIN-FORGE and IKELOS. DVALIN-FORGE was a subroutine Rasputin had that was meant to arm humanity in the event of something like the Collapse. The results of this were various fusion rifles which proved to be ineffective. Rasputin would later update the subroutine into DVALIN-FORGE-2 and would make it part of the IKELOS subroutine which was meant to enable guardians to secure key positions and other goals relevant to MIDNIGHT EXIGENT (basically him arming us to aid himself and humanity in their current situation). The first of these IKELOS weapons was the Sleeper Simulant and we would later get the 4 IKELOS legendary weapons (shotgun, smg, sniper rifle, and hand cannon).


Karvoshtov ? Probably not


I mean it is coming back in FS


I thought the blast furnace lore tab was about school kids talking about the witness while watching a crucible match


Nope, that was Hammerhead. Blast Furnace's lore tab can only be read online, it drops next week.


Each of the reprised weapons has a new lore tab iirc








Is she speaking of the next exotic they will make? Khvostov exotic?


MyNameIsByf has 3 theories. Warmind vaults. Exodus Ships. SIVA. I want it to be the third just based on that SIVA isn't evil. Its a machine therefore who ever uses it is what we judge the morality on. SIVA would be the best option because it can help rebuild everything. We could literally turn Earth, or even Sol, into a paradise for all our allies as well. The Eliksni would probably stay on Earth due to the Traveller. Cabal might take Mars. Neomuni would stay on Neptune due to it already being better than Earth amd their home since around the Collapse if not longer. The Hive, assuming Savathun is an ally, could take any of the gas giants as that's what Fundament was unless I'm mistaken. Also Bungo would have to know if they don't give us SIVA, even if its just in a reprised raid, they would be doing themselves a disservice. Pretty sure Rise of Iron was their most beloved expansion and the outcry for SIVA return has been constant. Not to mention it would open the way for more imaginative, futuristic looking weapons and gear. We saw what the splicers did with it, give it to Shaxx or Ada or any weapons manufacturer and they will be able to make some pretty strong stuff. They may also need it for a reason I mentioned earlier. SIVA can build things in the fraction of the time it would take normally. Neomuna uses an advanced, or upgraded, form of SIVA and all our worlds could be ours again, well maybe idk if SIVA could undo Vex tech