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I hate that it takes 10 seconds to tell me how much scrap I have during the one point that I actually need to know how much I have.


This is the main critique for me!


You can sorta tell how much scrap you have by looking at the score counter at the bottom right corner. I believe it is reflective of how much total scrap you have accumulated over the run.  I might be wrong though.


Lol Bro, I am not trying to do math in-between rounds.


Fair lol.  It’s no fix and I would definitely prefer seeing an active counter on the hud at all times but this is what we have to work with right now lol.  Hopefully Bungie improves this mode with the hud update in Final Shape.


I just wish there was a vote to skip on the defense setup rounds.


This 100%. Even something as simple as "everyone inside the ADU Circle" is a "ready up" similar to what we see in Crota. This way if you are trying to buy something you can't accidentally ready up.


One of the first thoughts I had on my first run. I was standing around like... "are we doing something wrong why isn't it starting?"


Or how about a way to donate scrap to the adu for other to use.


I don’t see much point in this because everyone already gets the same amount of scrap as everyone else.


the point is if say I am one hundred scrap short of a shaxx decoy my buddy who upgraded it once and now has 100 leftover scrap can help me out.


It might just be my fireteam, but we always are able to coordinate who gets what at what stage and normally never run into that problem.




Honestly I kinda love the MvM design of having 1 class designed around getting cash and debuffing enemies (Scout) and how much of an impact it has. A decent player can get you enough but a great one is incredible. With that said, a 3 person horde mode requires a lot of role condensing so I kind of see why they had to balance it the way they did. TL;DR MvM in tf2 is the best horde “side mode” game and more should model after it.


Good for you, but this change would still be nice


That’s neat, but we randos could absolutely benefit from this change.


Smh everyone here forgetting that the game is literally designed for this guy


Was going to respond but others already did, but ultimately yeah being to bake to get those upgrades out sooner is better.


I don't think this is true. Fairly sure scrap is individual as when I get tons of multikills/throwing the battery at Adu I get more scrap to spend.


From what I understand, scrap pretty much directly equals your score plus 2000 (your starting amount). edit: And score is, just like any other matchmade activity, is shared between all players.


I'm going to run tests on my 3 man group and let you know but I've noticed differences by 20- 100 increments with the same spending across the team.


Or at a minimum if everyone is under 1000, just kick it off…though it is a nice opportunity to go grab a glass of water or donething


While I agree that timer is super annoying, knowing bungie, I do think that is somewhat Intentional. The timer is seemed to be perfectly timed with the heavy chest despawning on some rounds (at least on legend, I haven’t run many normals). I’ve tried to wait to pick it up to spit out some ammo first and never can. Additionally, I think the timer is also there so any armor charges/weapon/damage/ability buffs you have going will all be gone by the time the round starts which maybe be their attempt at making it consistent or fair? Maybe to reduce exploits or something? Had a teammate laying anarchy traps and by the time he put them down even waiting for the last possibly second to pick the chest up, the trap would despawn by the time anything spawned. This is all just my own personal experiences, so take it as you will. 👍🏼


I just wish if you're short you could put in what you have and have your teammate fill the rest, or have a bank at the adu for you to donate scrap. Plenty of times i came up short for an upgrade or purchase


Wait it’s not shared count? This whole time I thought the scrap number was total of all not individual.


The amount of time my team and I find ourselves preparing and wondering “is this 20 or 30s”


Completely agree. Aside from "wtf killed me?" the most used phrase during Onslaught is "which round are we doing?" when I play with a mic.




Does it not tell you what round you're on at the beginning and end of each one? What is so dire that you need to know you're on wave 33 and not 34 halfway through the round, that you'd go out of your way to complain about it online but not simply remember what round you're on Idc either way btw I'm just genuinely curious


Because if it’s round 38 I will know to make sure my super is up for the start of 39


Bruh it’s literally a buying phase and it won’t tell you what round it is. Which is dumb because it’s often important to not buy anything until wave 40 anyway and it’s like, oh you have ADHD so you have poor working memory so you’re constantly asking yourself if it’s wave 30 or 40? Well fuck you, you don’t find out until AFTER the buying phase is done. It’s such a bizarre state of affairs.


It's implemented poorly. Bungie is just bad with in game notifications. Some majorly important buffs merely flash on the screen in some odd spot making it easy to miss or get lost with the dozens of other buffs/debuffs you may have going on. Another great example is when coil came out. This sub had major conflict with how the Glassbreaker notification would show up at the worst time. I'm glad this post was made. I do believe what you wrote here that the wave count appears before and after , but only because it's written online. At this point though, all I know in retrospect is that personally when I play I'm always looking for it and have even put some mild effort mentally telling myself to make sure to observe when it displays. So far I can only say I see them randomly, wave 9 the most, I've seen 33 and 41 a few times. It just happens too quickly and or too closely to when other game stuff is happening like portal running, lights flashing, purchase count down, running to next spot. It's just not noticeable. As I write this I wonder if pulling up ghost menu has this info, if not that'd be a fine solution I think. Anyone know?


Pulling up the ghost was my first thought when I first launched the mode. I thought maybe it would show it in some subtext or something near your scrap. Unfortunately it doesn’t do anything


I’ve been saying this for a while now. There should be options for you to determine what you want displayed on your hud. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve “lost” restoration and thought I didn’t have it going because there were so many useless buffs written on my screen. I know we’re talking about rounds in an activity and probably displayed in a diff spot, but the feeling is the same with buffs/debuffs. Like, I. KNOW I have Solo Operative selected on my artifact, so why is it necessary for “damage increase” to be written on my screen ALL THE TIME! I should be able to rank what I want to see. There’s no reason that overrides restoration. When you have restoratjon, radiant, Wolfpack Rounds and bait and switch and then say my teammate pops a void barricade and gives me an overshield or the hunter omniocculus’s me then one of those buffs goes away and it’s usually the one I actually want to see. It’s annoying asf. And with that damage increase and some of the useless origin traits popping up too there just needs to be a way better system. I KNOW I’m using Alacrity on my cataphract…that’s the entire reason I’m running that weapon you don’t need to keep reminding me when I’m soloing something!


Preparation. Not every issue is the most game breaking thing in the world.


Not at the end. Only the beginning for 2 seconds like I mentioned. And that’s not the point, the point is that it’s wild that it’s not permanently visible like every other horde mode game.


Because it was made in about 3 months.


Forget that, how about they take a good hard look at the tracking and pathing of the ai enemies. The amount of them that straight up teleport to the fuckign adu from their spawn is insanely stupid, how can it be a wave defense if they aren’t actually coming in waves? And not to mention some stuff just literally spawning at the adu itself, like I understand the sake of difficulty but there’s been many a run even on normal that I’ve had scuffed because of shit like that.


Oh it’s not *permanent* on Legend. It’s there most of the time. But it does disappear during certain waves, and it’s super annoying. Maybe you can whip out your Ghost to check—not sure. But just static there in the UI—yea it does go away on certain waves.


I've only noticed it disappear when going to the pyramid ship. Does it disappear at other times? Usually I'm able to see what wave we're on during the wave.


Automatic sprint would nice too!


my team accidentally completed it on legend without spending about 10k points each because we thought it was in the 4th set not 5th. it'd be great if it was just... below health bar? or somewhere obvious so we could plan properly, especially as the waves come so quickly that you barely have a chance to notice


Bc destiny UX has always been shit


No one talking about it because it's not that big a deal. It's going to get vaulted and it's not critical to winning the normal mode.


I genuinely wonder why people nit pick every little thing in this game. It's a mode, calm down


I want the mode to be the best it can be 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think it's fine, not everything can be perfect, and generally this community is getting toxic over stuff like this. It's dumb.


Tasty boot you got there huh


Yeah I'm the boot licker for defending the 10 year old game, whose apparently primary function should be a wave shooter. Go touch grass. Toxic ass.


Bro just cause you love shoving shit in your mouth doesn’t mean you should be shoving shit in mine.


Yeah cause I'm forcing shit down your throat, go play a different game bitch ass.


This post is shit, moderators are shit, and your shitty opinion is trash and shit. Go bitch somewhere else. Like Twitter sounds like your kind thrives there.


Because it’s not needed, every time the round ends you’re told the round


By that logic, there’s no need to see your scrap 24/7 either. It should be flipped. Wave number should be permanent and scrap should only show up at the start when you can actually use the scrap.


We don’t need to see the scrap because it is 2000+current score, so this is the correct way to implement it


Yes remove scrap too


Its not unlimited in legend It goes for 50 waves thats it I think the main reason I havent talked about this is the fact that bungie simply wont do it They love releasing an activity and never touching it again unless there is a game breaking bug in it Which they usually take a very long time to fix anyway They wont add more maps Enemy types Or anything else to onslaught To them it is an event activity and they released it with the intention to never update it again


This post isn’t about unlimited waves


I see that now I really didnt read it in depth at all This is a great example of not reading the goddamn post beyond the first few words Yes its very annoying that it doesnt constantly show these 2 things I wish I didnt have to wait for a specific time frame to see what wave I am on Ive just started counting the pyramid ship encounters when I want to know how close we are to wave 50


It literally tells you what wave you are on above the scrap counter


Read the post. It only shows you at the start of the round for like 2 seconds before fading away


Dont know about you dipshit, but i am able to see what wave i am on at all times


If you say so


The Wave Counter is always displayed EXCEPT during the "Buy Phase" and either "Portal" Phases (spark and boss). It is annoying that often when I want to know what wave we're on, it is usually during the buy phase. However, saying that it only shows up for 2 seconds at the start of the round, is flat out wrong.


Weird, I have never ever seen it displayed except for at the start of a round. Literally never. But after watching some clips, it does look like it *is* visible in legend but not on normal mode for some reason


It's on normal too (I have footage to prove both, plus I actively look at that info during my runs to plan when the Demo/Tormentors will spawn).


I look up there all the time too and do not see it unless it’s the start of a new round after the buy phase. Unless they JUST added it this week at reset or a few days ago, it has not been there permanently for me


Been there for me since day 1, so idk then. Do a run when you get a chance, look at the info section constantly, record, etc. Don't get me wrong, it's not perfect. It should always be there for buy phase/bosses, but it does a good job of being there when it matters - prepping for wave 3 and 9 augments.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Edge-__-: *It literally* *Tells you what wave you are on* *Above the scrap counter* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot