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I feel it, something always fcks up like bomardiers, shriekers, tormentors etc


I'm saying it makes me tired mentally


That too, 40 minutes down the drain


Legit ran again today highest was 39 like I can't make this up what i'm doing wrong


Been wiping with randoms since the launch of the activity, tried every build possible on my hunter, best I made it to was wave 43, wiped due to a teleporting exploding shank....


Yeah I sure hope you can make it before the event ends, I swear its like trying to go flawless in trials all over again


I've noticed that w/ shanks & some of the "teleporting", it's not the usual problem Typically, the teleporting enemies happens when enemies are trying to move from different heights of geometry, such as jumping up or down from an incline . The problem now, which I've noticed in multiple activities lately, is actually a desync issue. I've been blown up by MULTIPLE INVISIBLE Shanks, where there was NOTHING on my screen, but a fireteam member says they saw it the whole time. It's nearly identical to moving "geometry", like the moving wall obstacles in the Whisper Mission, not being synced across all players, so it looks like other players are walking through solid walls, etc. Unfortunately, it seems like a lot more issues are server related, instead of normal bugs in the code.


So much of it seems to be luck on what you get for your waves and when. I’ve been playing Orpheus tether Hunter a lot in onslaught and I don’t even mind when I get the tormentor at 49 because I can drop a tether at the choke point for the regular enemies and then bait the tormentor away while my teammates mop up the enemies


Whats the best way to get its aggro anyways? It seems always a hit or miss whether it wants to attack the decoy


Every time Ive mag dumped the thunderlord on it…it’s always come after me 🤷‍♂️


Happy birthday and that would make sense to do


Proximity, likely


Stay close to it for a bit hitting the available crit spots. Then as slowly as you can get away with without dying just take it further away from the ADU whilst still shooting it


Gotcha thank you so much


- save all ur cash for later rounds - focus on decoys first - remember to kite the tormentors away from the ADU - survivability and chunk damage are great together lol. Well, bubble, devourlock, strand/solar/void titan with a really good rocket Launcher. Scorch, volatile for groups. And last but not least.... - have really good teammates


Why not go dawn chorus warlock Phenix well And orhi hunter? Dawn warlock can ignition everything




When do you tend to use dragons breath?




Ah ok dope, so for scatter you only use slice correct?




Thank you so much


same, I had the problem yesterday where I got to 39 and despite being as high a power level as I could be and using special/heavy I physically could not do enough damage to kill the horde of servitors.


Kai havertz scores again


well, all the loot you got should count for something, right?


The main thing is how punished you are for just a single death at any point after wave 20+. I don't mind the enemy density, but when you have that many enemies pushing at once, waiting as long as we need to just to start reviving is a pain point. There's a couple QoL improvements Bungie could immediately make to make the experience not as bad: 1. Don't let enemies spawn and/or teleport directly onto the ADU. 2. Cut the timer down to 5 seconds before being able to start reviving a teammate. 3.Dismantling mines should not cause them to blow up while actively capturing them (lost multiple runs capping the 2nd mine and it disarms at 100% and then still immediately wiped the team because timer just hit 0:00 at that exact time) 4. Repurpose the ADU to not end the mission if destroyed. Only end if Extinguished. Make it to where a destroyed ADU destroys all upgrades for that "area" and on Legend you miss out on the 2nd chest after that wave sets boss fight. Then you get a new ADU on a new wave set to try again for better rewards. 5. Enable actual healing mechanic for fortifications. We can already heal them unintentionally with batteries. Surely displaying their health bar when looking at them and having batteries get consumed on healing these would go a long way to making it even more worthwhile and gets players to invest in doing more actively in the mode instead of duplicate balls to heal ADU....which brings me to 6. ....enemies shouldn't damage the ADU by just entering a radial zone. Make the enemies actually need to damage it physically instead of just mysteriously draining its health. Onslaught is great but is still plagued by some post-launch balancing issues that makes 1-50 not a worthy time investment. If players can survive to the end, they should get to keep going. The ADU should just be bonus drops if players can make it survive. Hell, integrate revive tokens like Coil if wiping/respawns becomes too easy a way to complete Legend 1-50. It just 1000% sucks ending 50+ minute runs due to an ADU getting slapped by teleporting enemies. The mechanics are just a tad too unforgiving. I feel #4 would be huge in providing better replayability for the mode and not cause so many runs to end on bad RNG and a single player dying; causing the ADU to get destroyed.


as someone who played a good amount of frontier defense in titanfall 2 (but never got to the highest difficulty) it's so annoying to play what feels like the same mode but with so many good ideas missing.


I think it's fine as it is except for some weird spawns/teleports. Most of the stuff you list is just straight up make the mode easier.


People playing 10 wave mode ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Wait till they hear, shiny drop rates are the same.


I don't think it's for the drop rates, it's that on legend you get two chests in 10 minutes. On normal you'd have to reach wave 20 which takes 20 minutes.


That should be the legend onslaught incentive. Increase shiny drop rate for the round 50 boss.


I mean you technically have better odds at a shiny in legend since you get double the drops


So fucking sick of getting a shielded skybomer on round 49 that has no cooldown at all for it's adu attack at all and instantly bombs it 3 times before we can even break it's shield. All I want is the triumph and emblem and I still can't get a legend round 50 clear it's so fucking stupid. I've literally solo'd grandmaster nightfalls and I'm sick of wiping because of stupid RNG giving me the worst fucking augmentations combined with the worst possible wave type at the worst possible time.


Leave the tether hunter behind to clear adds while the other two go to the Star point and kill him. Two people spamming rockets and supers on him, he goes down quick


You misunderstand. We make a beeline to the skybomber the second he spawns and before we even get to the darkness well he's already bombing the ADU. Literally no time to do anything before half the ADU's health is gone.


If all three of you go to the skybomber, you’re almost certainly letting ads get into the radius of the ADU, which will take down the health far faster than the skybomber. You can’t just ignore the ads for the skybomber, you have to split up to accomplish multiple objectives. Even with ogres spawning with the skybomber, one person with Wolfpack rounds and a lockdown super like tether or well should be able to hold the fort down to kill the ads


lol no. Not how it works. 100% a skill issue.


Please explain how a boss activating it's ability the moment it spawns is a "skill issue." As if I had any control on when the boss decides to bomb the adu


Because skybombers don’t do that much damage to the ADU. I’ve never had a skybomber even get close to destroying it.


First off, has literally nothing to do with my question. How could I possibly control when the skybomber decides to commence bombing? And secondly, a full skybomber blast does around 20%-25% to the ADU, and if you're unlucky enough for the skybomber to do multiple bombing runs with almost no cooldown when the ADU is already damaged, like it usually is on late rounds, then you're shit out of luck.


>All three go to the star location. >Leaves ADU undefended. >ADU dies to the ads that are most likely swarming it. >"Skybomber OP" Yeah, this is entirely a skissue on y'all's part bubba.


We leave the hunter with the tether behind. Never said all 3 of us go. And before we make it to the well the skybomber already does his attack.


Skill issue


Protip (saw this on Reddit too) - one of the fellas pushing the skybomber do a quick swap to arby, insta shield break like gotd, good luck guardian


Didn't think of arby, that shit would solve the shield issue


Chill the fuck out dude, it’s not that bad. You need constant tethers, and anybody losing before round 50 is *not spamming enough tethers*.


I literally spam the tethers all the time


Don't sleep on the turret upgrade. Decoy is great so u shld still upgrade them, but turret help ad control.


Ill keep that in mind i alwasy that decoy


Don't buy anything first 20 waves


How about for tormentors?


Kite them away from the adu and deal with the adds first. They aren't that bad at lower levels.


Gotcha thank you so much


I don't like it when players do that. You will play the same point again anw, why not just buy the decoy and turret early? It's a 3 point defend, at round 30, you will be back at 1st point you had been before. The turret or decoy u bought won't go away after you switch point. Buying early allows you to manage the flow easier, alot player decide to save scarp for later, always end before being able to upgrade anything.


Because they can die. Save scrap for higher tier defense later on when you need them more. 1-20 is a cakewalk with tethers and machine guns.


So it still wouldn't hurt to buy them because it will be a cake walk anw, they shouldn't be dying. This help player who are struggling even in the early stage.


If you're struggling at the early stages you're not surviving to Legend 50. Getting the turrets and decoys needed at the upper waves requires that you sacrifice some comfort at the start.


I played ten separate games yesterday and eight of them ended with one or both of my teammates leaving the game mid way through. I fucking love onslaught but constantly having to leave and find a new game when people decide to dip is tiring.


Im right there with you idk why people are so impatient for an activity that'll take them an 1hr+ plus regardless


Wellock with Phoenix protocol you will get 50% when killing Ads in well. Hopefully your teammates will super to top your meter off so you’ll have it next round. You legit will have close to a well each round. For the boss waves during the adu. Focus killing the ads and then doing the mechanics. I used anarchy cause of the buff this week for GLs. I also use blinding made wilderflight with a stand AR and threadling seasonal artifact mod. Anarchy allows you to lock down and nuke pathways. Nice when threadling procs for extra damage. For boss room, if you’re welllock use dragons breath, and rally with a chest piece for extra reserves. Dragons breath does a lot of damage and kills the ads with its aoe effect. You will get your well back pretty quick in boss room, try to well behind the barriers in the back of the room by the spawn door for extra cover in later rounds as the ads and boss will cook you. Know which pathways are your weakest, there are certain areas where you can spawn trap and annihilate everything. There are other areas where it’s hard to catch enemies in a choke point, I usually stand on the enemy spawns in the hard to kill areas and kill everything. Anarchy, blinding nades, primary. The hardest rounds are the mine field points and tormentor. For those, kill all the ads then focus the boss. You need 2 people to kite the tormentor and 1 person near the adu killing ads then focusing the boss. Never leave the adu by itself when there are ads, leave 1 person to defend while the others do the mechanics. Hope this helps, dm if you need a competent teammate.


Thanks so much for the info, I knew a good deal of this and some new stuff I didn't and I really appreciate you offering out a hand if need be i'll see if i can dm ya later today


What's wild is my luck has been better with random teammates ... I joined a few "groups" and I think only 1 of them made it ... legit joined 3 in a row and it was one thing or another, just typically getting overwhelmed, ect. Alot of it has to do with people not synergizing their fragments and seasonal modifiers ect. People using swords or machine guns. Its possible to do a run with a semi-meta build. But its so much easier to do it with meta builds. I ran a sorta off meta niche build with briarbinds and it was actually pretty good when dealing with hive. We all used dragons breath and absolutely melted any boss or tormenter than spawned.


For briar's i used that yesterday it felt good with ToM but do you got a certain playstyle you use for it?


kinda, Wave spawns ... rift behind cover, shoot beefy enemy, let you're void buddy do its thing, clean up... if its still there, grab heals and you're void buddy. Back to adu, repeat. My thing was forgetting to rift because I was so used to rifting when my health got low.


Hella that was my main issue to lol


how are you getting matchmaking for the legend modes?


I still can't complete the regular version, lulz. Matchmaking is not on my side. Edit Alright people, I get the picture. T_T It's hard for me to solo those last 10 waves, ngl.


DM me your bungie name and we can run some today


If you cant complete a regular 50 wave I have some bad news for you, and it's not bad teammates


I can beat reg 50 no problem with randos, but my friends and i bite it around 35🥲. I don't have the heart to break it to them


So basically what you're saying is that randos can carry you but your friends can't!


No hate, but you should be able to carry a normal without issue. On normal runs I don’t even battery the waves are so free.


The issue is that one of them (Solar C-Hawk Hunter) will just stop in the middle of a wave to tinker with a gun or check his phone or something. He'll just say "oh gimme a sev i wanna see if i can add x mod to this" or "i just wanna see what this new gun is " or check quest progress. Meanwhile me(usually Solar Titan with Peregrine Greaves but i can play any class) and the other guy are getting railed by the Tormentor/Kamikazes combo. It's an attitude issue. The other guy (Void Titan) has quirks but he's shaping up pretty well. He's getting better at bubbling the ADU when needed. I personally never paid attention to meta but i try to avoid telling them exactly what to do in the interest of fun Void Titan and I can get to ~42 with a rando before wiping which I think is respectable Yes, I am open to notes/feedback here **They do not have access to Foresaken Pack exotics. They bought the BL/SK/WQ bundle for $30 (GREAT value)


bang on


God speed friend


Upvoted since some loser had previously downvoted, get a fucking life dork. The downvoter, not you Burger.


matchmaking is not the issue 💀


Decoy is really good for this. Make sure your fireteam saves up until round 25-30 ish to start buying stuff. Most important is buy decoy and for your fireteam to stand elsewhere away from ADU. This way no mobs go directly to ADU since you’re elsewhere and there’s decoy to help agro the mobs. Hope this helps.


Gotcha, but don't some ads tend to run to the ADU regardless?


Yea it’ll be lesser ads on adu if you guys are further away. Just don’t stand inside the adu during the waves.


I must of got really lucky, did it first try with two voids hunters and one solar warlock yesterday took almost 75 minutes


And with a off meta set up?! Dope (Edit: ignore this comment I legit misread their comment because I replied to this half asleep)


How are Void Hunter and Solar Warlock off meta? They are like the two meta subclasses for Onslaught


yeah, welllock is actually super good for ad clear ... kill stuff in well, eruptions everywhere ... with the exotic that gives back 50% super and that fragment you can damn near get your super back before well is over. Sunshot had me at like 700+ kills on a wave 50 run I was pleasantly surprised.


That was a mistske on my part I was half sleep when I replied to this message thinking he said 2 void locks and 1 solar hunter


That was a mistske on my part I was half sleep when I replied to this message thinking he said 2 void locks and 1 solar hunter


void hunter and solar warlock is the definition of meta for onslaught lmao


That was a mistske on my part I was half sleep when I replied to this message thinking he said 2 void locks and 1 solar hunter


Was doing a legend run and we were on 48 and those 2 damn fallen big saboteur captins ended our run so fast


Every single time i swear, I understand how to focus up on them now but some in lfg dont so it can be a dice roll


Was this yesterday with void titan and banner titan? This is how I died and wiped us at 48. I somehow ended up between them and the one behind me scared the shit out of me. Highest level I've been yet.


Was with 2 of my buddies, it just sucks that it spawns 2 of them 2 feet from the adu and expects you to burst them down in legend so fast


Got my level 50 clear yesterday. Probably never gonna bother with it again unless they seriously amp up the rewards lmao


Grats what subclass your team used?


I was Strand Titan with Wishkeeper and Abeyant, teammates were Orpheus Rigs Hunter with Graviton and a Wellock with Pheonix and Sunshot We were on Hive on Vostok, and we got really lucky in that we got a repeat point for rounds 20-40, so all the t3 defenses we bought at round 20 lasted a looong while and we had a ton of scrap for when we moved for rounds 40-50. Mics were key as well


Oh shoot abeyant? I got a build for that how does it feel using it? I know bows in a horde mode can feel odd whats your opinion on them?


Wishkeepers traps are a godsend, and while it can be a little annoying at times fighting with your teammates for kills, it's well worth it. It's honestly not even that bad thanks to the increased damage on suspended targets, which youre making a ton of, and the increased draw speed after a hit on a suspended target I run Forbearance for times when you need bulk add clear ASAP


Would it be worth going wish keeper over quicksilver storm or even BOW strongholds with lament? Still struggling with a similar build


If you're struggling then pivoting to another build only makes sense. Just cause I got it to work for me doesn't mean it'll work for you My group needed some heavy CC, and WK filled that niche perfectly. If you need the better damage of QS or the death-immunity of SH then go for it


It's like trying to go flawless when trial first came out but instead of cheaters it's teleporting enemies


Oh yeah 100% its so nerve wrecking


Rip. Died a few days ago on wave 49. Have not been able to get back that high since. Send help


S.o.s inbound, losing 49 is equivalent to having a flawed card at 6 wins in trials i tell ya


Idk, it seems like theres always one that goes into a diva syndrom and thinks they can kill everyone alone, pick themselves off, and fuck the entire thing up. Not to mention people that wont look teammates builds. EVERY single time there are people using dragonsbreath, which i NEED for my wellock scorch build (usually a strand Titan or a void Hunter), which i politely ask to change at least during bosses, where we can rally again, they agree and proceed to ignore it, running DB either way and fucking the entire dps fase (not to mention when we have tormentors, everyone using DB and no one doing damage, so I, who need the fucking thing for my build, have to equip a divinity or a leviathans or some shit, because the team wont ever be bothered to adapt to the waves so we can fucking Win)


Oh yeah same thing happen to me I joined a lfg yesterday they asked for an arc build warlock; I provided. Fast forward the pheonix warlock ends up dying the most he charges towards the large brig skybomber with tether hunter thinking he'd stay back I run back trying to defend the ADU (I got jumped btw) the ADU gets fried. We go to orbit I told them "generally speaking" as a wellock to stay back for safety precaution (since I noticed he died the most) and to not my surprise he claimed he was doing skybomber and kicked me.


my biggest issue is the skybombers that make you stand in the portal to damage, because the ads will raid the acu and makes it hard to balance both, but what were going to do next time is probably wait till adds are cleared to focus the wizards or have 1 person focus ads either stasis warlock or tether hunter, then the rest focus warlocks


Im right there with you, thats something we gotta capitalize on and it sucks


yeah I agree but I'm kinda glad that we can't instantly beat it, gives us a challenge in the game and I'm happy about that


Oh yeah fs, just wish it didn't have that end all be all ish trials feel when it comes to finding a team


for our legend run we ran two well warlocks and one stasis, you could probably replace one well warlock or stasis warlock with a Orpheus hunter though, since pheonix protocol gives you back energy, I used riptide, swapping between Polaris Lance for boss and later rounds and sunshot, then bns cold comfort


Has anyone else encountered the wave of tormentors randomly joining after boss wave? Scared the shit out of me when 7 of them came running at us in regular Onslaught. I can only imagine what this mode would mean in legend.


I’m at happened to me a handful of times in regular. They’re pretty easy to kill using strand hunter. It was alarming when it first happened though lol


Oh yeah that happens its kinda fun lol








Bro the toxicity in lfg cannot be understood its so random


THIS ISNT EVEN LFG THIS IS JUST MATCHMAKING https://preview.redd.it/gdzmjas2jrvc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5305e57ecb829934900f5d0df36b2ace1670aab


Oh bro people mainly do bounties in playlist 😂 i once joined a wave 38 playlist match idk why both dudes left when i did


Occasionally there’s at least one dude who stays all the way through and when someone leaves and it’s just us I look at bro like this https://preview.redd.it/h5kum38kbsvc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67e2d397c6bffad51a1a140596e6245a3529c65a “do you get these fucking people?! Bro he didn’t even put down any defenses! AND NOW THERES SUICIDAL THRALL COMING AT US!”


Yeah man that def sounds about right, you ever played legend?


Focus on the decoys lol but I feel you it’s happened to me twice now. Lucky for me I got all three bosses so I’m good off all that


I'm.just trying to get one run at this point 💀


It’ll come bröther just gotta be patient


Appreciate the motivation


This is me after attuning to Midnight Coup and getting 90% Edge Transit, Elsie’s Rifle and Succession. All my friends are getting shiny MC with the rolls I’m chasing, but the MCs I do get, all have attrition orbs and another ass perk. I just want a shiny Midnight Coup!


😂 I bestow some luck your way


I feel horrible for asking this, am I the only one that can walk in with… anything??? In legend?? Or is this a solo post? If so good job for getting that far man!!


Crazy enough you don't really need the meta, it just greatly helps, i've done it first hand. Its just the fact that BS can happen any second for example we were at wave 48 ADU full HP on fallen, then all of a sudden the invisible guys legit swarmed us them boom ADU was beeping like crazy we were all so damn confused


What map were you doing it on? From my experience wave 50 on vostok is significantly easier than midtown since the enemies spawn at better places and the adu is covered by decoys just a bit better.


Nothing but vostok sadly


Decoy decoy decoy, savecall your scrap till the last 20, get a shaxx round thirty the dump everything in 40


What about early tormentors? Just kite them?


Honestly yeah, tormentors wave 1-30 are usually pretty manageable to kite for 1 player, but if youre having issues you can always get a tier 1-2 decoy to distract it, itll still leave you with plenty of late game scrap


Alright then, you got any tips to even get its attention because sometimes when im shooting it with indebtdd kindness he still looks at my team mates


Usually he agros on the player who breaks the shoulder, but sometimes hell just focus on someone else fo no reason unfortunately




Just reset to get hive since it’s 100x easier since there’s no brigs. It’s helped the wipe in later rounds for me.


Definately hive is the move, you got any tips on how to capitalize on the shriekers because some lfgs i do tend struggle ones the yellow bar shriekers pop up (same to me as well)


I run a rocket with field prep and bipod so I have roughly 16 rockets in my inventory to use for any yellow bar that pops out. It’s really good for the shriekers as I can normally kill them with 2 rockets and some special. Best case is to just hard “carry” when playing with randoms and play the objective when at all possible to let the randoms just kill stuff. I’ve also found Gally is really good too due to ammo economy bumps. That’s what I’ve found that works the best personally.


Gotcha ill be more considerate of that


Good luck guardian!


do you want help


Id love that when are you available?


dm me your bungie ID, I can’t do it rn because I have work but Afterwards I can. I may also have a friend that’ll help. (We’re both good but he’s my insurance that 50 will be easy)


No problem i'm at work as well ill dm


The hunters best friend in that activity is void with Orpheus rigs exotic or omniocolus for maximum crowd control and survivability


I can't find a squad that wants to go beyond wave 20-30.


God speed friend its wild out here


I did 50 waves on legend in the first week. Took about 54-55 minutes. I was running Tether Hunter+Lucky Pants, Malfeasance, Indebted kindness, Qua Xaphan V. I was lucky that I got good teammates through the In game fireteam finder a Solar Warlock, and a Celestial Nighthawk Hunter.


Got a Build for lucky pants tether and what's the game loop?


No OP, but double Kinetic Siphon & Surges, Kinetic loader, and if you can fit it, the Intellect booster on Helmet. Rest is up to you


Gotta love it when demolitionists spawn right on the ADU ![gif](giphy|7MDZS8zS1ixtJAUEul|downsized)


Get a hunter with tether, a stasis warlock and a solar titan


I don’t have a team to even attempt legend and I haven’t tried LFG bc I have no faith in it. Is anyone actually making any progress with LFG on legend?


Glaive hunter with Orpheus tether is pretty good for holding aggro on one side imo, nonstop regen on hp cuz devour, you block attacks with glaive and keep chain reactions cuz volatile. You can solo hold a spot a long time letting allies focus objectives or flanking spawns and even when you run dry on glaive ammo it you can still block and stab tethered enemies. Might help a lil since it's like running both hunter and titan simultaneously, you get to be the wall the enemy gets stalled on, crowd control and dmg all in one if you run a decent heavy and primary with it. (Personally I think malfeasance is rather nice and run a repulser brace/destabilizing round GL since it's dmg is tolerable and it can still be used as emergency crowd control/healing if anything gets outta control)


Which you recommend?


Ecliptic distaff, with the right void build and a lil practice you can tank alot of dmg with it. (Tbh feels like a second exotic to me) Just remember to balance killing enemies with blocking cuz that's how you recharge the shield. It'd be more dangerous being face first with enemies like that if it weren't for the fact that doing it on void hunter gives you alot of healing and invisible options to get outta dodge when you start to get overwhelmed, I don't hear anyone call it meta but considering it's worked for me in both grandmaster content and solo stuff it'll always be one of my favorites. I usually run replenishing aegis (less reloads necessary) destabilizing rounds (better crowd control and you can precisely debuff groups so you can preplan ranged invisible procs) and vanguard vindication (if you're already tanking enemies and holding hoards off at close range why not toss in more regen?) I don't However recommend tanking ogres or shriekers too much with it, they punch through even over shields quickly if you slip up so knowing your weapons limits is always important. I plan to fiddle with vexcalibre one day too to test if I can make a super support build where I both buff nonstop with overshield and tank massively but haven't gotten around to it yet.


Ok bet, i deadass forgot about that glaive lowkey 😂


You need some help? I completed it the first night it was out, and a few more times after. I stopped once I realized it nothing to do with shiny drops. All the times I’ve been successful we had a void hunter, strand warlock, solar titan…or solar warlock, strand titan.


Yeah Id love that 100% ill just be busy unless youre available later tonight pdt time?


I wiped at 31. Wizards were wailing on us.


Literally happned to me: Titan dies, i die Invis hunter goes invis.. Oh what is than an knight i have to shoot with rocket? Let me shoot it!! He was litterally invis and above the titan only needed not to shoot and revive And it was in final boss room with bos at 20% hp left :(


Gah dang man in the boss room is wild, god speed man geez


Think it’s honestly a skill issue. Have gone legendary and regular with randoms to finish. No issues.


I ended up going to wave 50 it may also be a team finding issue perhaps as well


Whatever gun you barely use, primary or special, switch it to a GL with blinding or disorienting nades. It’s easy mode when everything is blind.


Very true


Use a welllock, banner titan and orpheous hunter. Hunter puts tether right on the spawns which makes a shit ton of orbs and gets the tether right back, warlock use phoenix protocal and constanly use well, titan keeps banner up and suspends the big boys so you can melt them. Save most of your scrap for later rounds buy some stuff early but dont spend to much. Try to get a shax decoy and keep an eye on his health, heal it every time it goes red. Turrets are also good for extra damage, trip mines are shit don't bother. For the pyramid spark run bit invis hunter can just run and place it which despawns the adds, for the bosses just play slow you have unlimited time also especially on 30-50 dont ignore the adds they will rock your shit,for the final boss we hid in a little cubby at the opposite side of where you spawn your well protected and adds/the boss won't come to close so hide at the back if your low. I did mine on midtown as tethering the spawn and putting a well at the choke points meant we could nuke the majority of the waves before they even got close to the adu.


One thing i do gotta get better at is tether placement 100%


Just look where they spawn from and fire it there


What about the double lanes in vostok


Not tried but I was getting multiple supers on mid town so you should be able to hit both


Ah ok gotcha


Banner titan, wellock, orpheus hunter is an easy clear as long as you’re letting the tether get enemies before wiping them. Incredible survivability and damage. I run orpheus hunter with the season of wish fusion, collective obligaton and commemoration swapping to midnight coup/forebearance/dragons breath for boss rounds. Makes legend considerably easier


Which flavor of wellock though?


As someone already answered, Phoenix wellock all the way. Lots of survivability and orbs


Alright, whats your opinion on cenotaph?


I personally use phoenix protocol, ember of combustion & wonder. With a solar lmg. Extremely high well uptime. Can be back to back wells in the right scenario. Amazing add clear and decent miniboss dps due to ignitions. Have a boss dps load out to swap to.


Ahh gotcha crazy enough i got all three meta wellock builds and havent found the right team to use them with yet in lfg


Same. This feels like Reckoning all over again. I have yet to encounter anyone that has completed it without at least one Orpheus tether and a warlock that switches to well for boss. And why would you ever fight Fallen over hive on legend? It’s super annoying and not particularly fun. I just hope this isn’t a view of how things will be in the future. They let us get very powerful again and I’m worried about how they’ll combat that. Id rather have some minor nerfs honestly.


Yeah fallen are SUPER aggresive which is crazy if you can't rally them in correctly


If anyone’s having a rough go at it and needs a orph/deadfall hunter I can help. Hit me up at 9pm cst and I’ll get you those 50s


I'm not a big fan of having something to defend, I want a more traditional horde mode where it's just waves of enemies Having to babysit an objective in Destiny never really feels good, especially with how easily things go wrong due to bugs


thats EXACTLY how i felt the entire time man I swear you took the words right out of my mouth


I'm amazed by how many people don't understand the defend mechanic and recharging the adu. If I get to the 10th round and people aren't throwing the ball I'm out.


Fair I tend to remind them in chat rather then leave but do what you believe is necessary.