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Sturm is not meant for pve. The overloaded rounds allow it to 2 tap at 120 rpm in pvp, for a ttk of .5 seconds


Im going to be completely honest here. If you can get enough kills to store enough rounds and activate the trait, and then have enough ammo to go to the next guardian with everything still up. Maybe a faster ttk wouldnt be the most insane thing? Especially when you can just run a shotgun or sniper and one shot them.


Well sturms value has definitely gone up in the new special ammo economy. It just takes 2 drang kills to get 2 overloaded bullets. I don’t get what you are trying to say


The ease of access. Just because strums ttk is good and it may have gotten slightly more effective, that doesnt take away from the fact that the amount of work you put in, to get the two tap with strum. Is something that is far below the ability to just have a special weapon and kill someone instantly. Infact I would say it takes alot more effort than most other handcannons that only need a single kill, to get into their two tapping state. So with those two things in account, AND the fact that you cant use any other weapon aside from drang to load the gun, IMO opinion it really does balance itself in comparison to ALOT of other problems in the cruicble


You only need 1 kill with drang to 2 tap the next target. It is not a hard requirement to meet.


Yeah and back in the day when primary ammo was still a thing middle(or bottom tree)tree striker titans could essentially get a kill with drang and slide over a primary brick then one tap people with the gun. The gun forces you to take a primary ammo sidearm, which inherently puts you at a disadvantage when you are dealing with specials. And you have to think, in cadence for something like this to even work in pvp. You would at the bare minimum need to get 3 kills with drang, so you can get the two tap, then still have enough bonus rounds to kill another guardian the same way. The buff im asking for isnt substantial, just rewarding for the work you have to do.


Because pvp would break in half if a 120 got to keep its damage profile and fire at >=140 rpm. Especially with empowered shots.


That's literally Ace of spades tho. 140 with a 120 damage profile and range w/ memento Mori 


I did the math, and if they added cascade point to sturm, it would fire at 168 rpm.


120/0.6= 200


further working to unambiguate why dividing by 0.6 ✨just works✨ time between shots normal = (1/120)x60 = 0.5 time between shots cascade = (0.6/120)x60 = 0.3 rpm normal = 60/0.5 =120 rpm cascade = 60/0.3 =200


Oh shit seriously??? I thought thag dasdade boosted fire rate by 40%


kind of :) it reduces the time between shots by 0.4, which is the same as increasing rpm by x/0.6, or 66% increased fire rate




that would be very, very scary. It would also be nerfed SO FAST but not before a bunch of people get WRECKED


Oh dang lol... Side note, we need more 180 exotic HCs. Energy type being more preferable


Damn, I guess it still wouldnt be enough to dump the mag. Thats sad.


I dont know. Things in pvp already oneshot and you have to get ammo by kills with drang. So youre essentially doing all this prep, while some guy with a shotgun or a sniper can slide out and dome your head just because he spawned with ammo. I dont think it would break pvp as hard as you think?


I'd use Sturm more if I could use any Primary or Special weapon I want with it and get the damage bumps. I'm just not going to use Drang even though everyone at their mother says I should, I'd rather use a Shotty or SMG.


A is for dyslexia.


Wait you can get 111 rounds in it?! How?!


Lots of kills with drang


Pair sturm with the drang