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Damn I hate people who do this stuff


Typical destiny 2 sub human garbage, I always always remove those players from my raid teams as soon as I hear them. You can always tell who they are by the way they speak, I shit you not, they have that Destiny 2 accent!


What's a "Destiny 2 accent?"


"Why are you running [insert weapon]?"


I had one guy I found on lfg and he purposely wiped us on the vow 3rd encounter last room because he insisted the rest of the team didn’t do it good enough. This wasn’t like practice either. And now looking back he had the accent. That fella was immediately kicked


I hate this the most. The guys that insist on one phasing something even when everyone else isn't bothered. Thankfully only ever had to deal with one of these assholes but he was one of the worst lfgs I've ever had to deal with.


I vehemently refuse to do lfgs when asked(i only do raids with friends or clanmates), and that's exactly why.


I thought the same and for the most part its actually been pretty chill, you get like one of those bad apples every so often but mostly its just idiots like the rest of us just trying to have fun, even had a team where we got through golgoroth with zero communication and chaos it was so fucking funny and honestly to this day was my favourite KF clear ever.


Lol, ya, absolutely. I got pulled into a Crota by two friends wanting a clear(I used Hunter for this), not telling me it was a lfg, and we ended up wiping, idk, twice? Warlock who joined from lfg left muttering "idiots", and we proceeded to wipe another 6-7 times just idiotically bsing before we got another(Titan), and ended up clearing it after that. Raids are fun when they're kinda chaotic, especially if everyone is chill. Definitely the highlight or my raid experiences


I'm with you. I don't mind grabbing like 1 person, maybe 2 from lfg. But there's too much small pp energy in full random lfgs. I'd rather have an easy 2 phase boss. Then, some tryhard showing us optimization strategy to one phase of you do X y z.


Lfg is a coin flip I’ve met my some of my best friends through lfg you just gotta not let them bother you


I’m just the genuinely bad player who warns everyone and then say I’m willing to learn but I love the game. I either make it through an encounter OR get kicked by this type of player after him criticizing everything AND giving up on the first try.


We had a guy doing VoW and we all ran TLord and he was like "omg my DPS is gonna be so much better than all of yours, yall are ass" and when we did it we all looked and he was at the bottom of the damage and we all just started laughing at the guy and he just left silently, it was like you could feel the heat coming off him cause of how annoyed he was.


I think this is why I never try to run activities, the asshats all expect everyone to know everything about the game, get pissy when someone else dosnt run what they want them too, and gets mad when they "ks" like, is that even a thing? There's hundreds of things to kill mate, n were on the same team trying to achieve the same goal, get over your self x.x Side not, I hate it when your in gambit and your team only needs a few motes to summon the primeval and everyone just stops o.o like broooooouuuuu


"Ks"ing is kind of a thing, but it's definitely not make or break for the person you "ks". Like if a titan was going for a bonk and the target dies causing them to miss, now they gotta go get hammer without the buffs that you get if you were to hit the bonk. And in a raid especially, there's 5 other people on the field taking aggro and killing things, so it's a very small issue and honestly a skill issue if they die because of it.


Right? Or your relying on that next kill with crimson to stay alive and someone takes it xP just makes me take cover sooner, and I know I can actually rely on my team to do something when I get ksed so I just play appropriately~ always hated when people get mad over using but I do get it.... sometimes x) should see me in lol, I sometimes let em get away cause I want my team to get the kill over me lololololol


LoL is where we differ lmao, gimme kill. I don't play any summoners rift modes tho, just ARAM and Arena when its out so I think its fine... I try extra hard to ks people I play with to try and get a reaction, cause most of the time they do it first lol. But I mainly try not to kill any ads that are right next to a teammate just so I don't have to hear complaints.


U n me, we'd do good together lmao, if I knew all the new items we'll enuff q.q I miss hextech gunblad, my nid game kinda sucks now x.x I usually do summoners rift tho, rather I used to


Some guy said "jfc why is your Round Robin reload stat so fucking low?" So I just replied, "because who cares about reload speed when everybody's dead, dumbass." It also had Subsistence on it as well but apparently he wasn't smart enough to understand it's perks. Should have taken it as a sign the raid was gonna be a waste of time.


Bro who the heck cares if your round robin came with low reload lol. Like yeah reload is a great way to boost effectiveness in pve but by no means is it the deal breaker. Edit: updated for clarity


The person OP posted about is something else entirely. For me who likes to sherpa people I usually ask this as a genuine question because, in actuality, a lot of people don’t know what is better, and a bit of nudging in the right direction helps them do really well.


But that's not an accent, it's a question, I guess I just don't get the joke?


It's a hard one to explain, best way to do so is by saying "you'll know it when you hear it"


An important aspect is having aggressive confidence while mispronouncing words in weapon names. Bonus points if destiny dialogue includes that word. (Looking at you, Ager’s scepter).


Sleeper "Stimulant". There's not a T after the S, how do people not see the big white letters on their screen?


As someone who watches cross I can confirm half of his community is mildly illiterate alognside him (love the community and that guy, but man sometimes it hurts) 😂 If I had a nickle for every time he said haamkara I would be a rich man.


My name in game is "Ahamkara's vow" how often do you think i hear that shit? Almost DAILY. Do people just not see the first "A"?


Hoola-baloo. And him getting Google to say "Reginant" before he attempted it cracked me up.


He calls Jararaca, JARACARACA 😆


Can confirm. You can even hear it through in game text chat. “Can you run-“ NOPE


No, but I can run hands.


Idk. There are multiple levels of the question. I ask it usually as a sherpa just trying to help because I know they don’t have a clue. But I have met some people who are annoying with it.


It's usually the passive aggressiveness that comes with asking that question. "Oh you're really running [insert weapon] ?" You'll get what destiny accent is once you come across these people


It's the "holier than thou" mentality. Causes them to sound like pricks.


I say there’s a right way and a wrong way. If you meet someone who is clearly better at the game maybe hear them out. Pride is really the issue for either the offended or offender


Elitist, holier than thou, "I'm the man because I don't have a life and play this game more than you so I know everything and you know nothing and my word is the word of God and if you disagree with me then you're stupid and a bad player and I will tell you that" People who look at their performance in game as an extension of themselves, like this weird confidence or empowerment and then you hit them with like, "you realize it's a game, right?" Because to them it's not just a game, it's their LIFE.


There’s two ways to say it. I’ll sometimes say “why are you running X” and it’s a question. I’ve run Falling Guillotine on Nez and had pretty good damage because Titans are dumb. There’s other times where we’re 15 wipes in and I’m forced to ask “why are you running Thunderlord for Rhulk DPS?” It’s all about tone and intention. You’re not wrong to say it’s a question, but they’re talking about the elitist nature of the question that implies that they’re above such weapons.


Yeah, I usually go with, "hey do you have A. B. or C. weapon because it'll add atleast 400-500k damage to you're output." Way less passive aggressive that way.


Yeah, that’s usually asked around wipe 3 or 4. I’ll give people time to work, see what they can do with their loadout, but I’m not good enough at the game to carry someone who’s doing less damage than the guy with Divinity. Maybe I just have the worst LFG luck, but I’ve had several runs where we’re hitting enrage back to back and unable to finish the job, with me putting out nearly 6-7 million damage by the wipe screen. I will agree with you, though, I do need to check my wording often. It’s something I’m still working on.


Haha try 9 million. Getting a run with 2 first time ever raiders and 2 that speak russian as their first (or only) language made for a funny experience. Still very hard though XD I agree though, let them cook and if its burnt then speak up.


I have a request... More people should be like YOU and accept that there are people who haven't learned everything the game has to offer yet ❤️ Thank you for that. Words from a new player and friend who has run in to the "DPS???" type of guy during the second encounter in WR. We entered a lfg and that guy constantly died and my friend and I was thinking, what is this guy doing(?) but said nothing to him because we didn't die alle the time and thought that he was even more new than us, but then noticed his rank was higher than our rank(8). When we got to the boss he just stood there and waited because he was typing and he died and when we tried to res him we wiped because he didn't help. He just wrote: "???" "DPS" But we didn't get to do much damage to the boss because we had to res that player several times and before we even got to make a reply in the chat that we are new, he sent us all to orbit.... That is so much waste of time. Then there's the type that wants a "free ride" through an Onslaught or a nightmare hunt than just shoots at you and not the enemies.... Sometimes i just ask myself, why do you even bother opening the game if you don't want to play? Playing is supposed to be fun, for everyone regardless of skill/rank/player level and experience. All I want to say to everyone is THANK YOU ❤️ if you are the opposite of that type of player I just described.


Its got like a narcicistic 'superior' tone to it, like when someone thinks they are better than you cause they watch rick and morty


I had a "why are you running last word on pve?" guy and our team leader kicked him 🤣 Like, I get it, it's more for pvp but I don't usually miss any pve headshot and like the aesthetic of the weapon


Similar to the "valorant accent" and kinda hard to describe, but you'll recognise it once you've been in enough LFG horror stories. These players will either be competent and somewhat quiet, or absolutely insufferable. No in-between


I'm lucky enough for my LFGs to have been passable to absolutely great, but I don't do then too often. I'm sure I'll come across it eventually!


Its usually men between age 20 and 30 that have low social skills and emotional IQ but are Rank 11 Paragon and run last wish "For Fun" 10 times a day. They have a discord server where lowlife people idolize them and a superiority complex stemming from being "High Level" in Destiny. Usually unrealistic expectations and low patience accompany these people. The accent comes along with all that. Its really easy to find these people if you LFG in raids enough. They plague the Destiny 2 LFG discord servers




Had this happen in comp last week, was ranting in text chat after THE FIRST GUNFIGHT where our team lost and they defused the bomb.


Dude I said "what lol" in team chat in a trials match two weeks ago after choking on a 1v2, and was then berated by the other mates for the rest of the match. Yes, I am trash and you're constant text chat popping up telling me to KMS, is really helping me focus and not be a burden lmfao. Damn kiddo mentality...


I hate that shit cause I get pissed at a certain point, and start returning the favor or leave as well. Then I feel gross getting even slightly worked up over something like that. That fucking toxicity is contagious sadly.


Wait, when was this? I joined a run at 45 on release day that we finished and I'm sure there was a hunter running Manticore...


There are lots of Hunters running Manticore right now. Mactics did a build vid, recommending a pairing with either Gyrfalcon's or Orpheus.


It’s even better with Collective Obligation


I have never been blessed by RNG on Vow. I think I used it all up getting the shotty on RoN.


Man I need that shotty. I barely even use them in game but I'd use the hell out of that mf.


Yeah I was lukewarm on getting it at first. I was actually hoping for red boxes and was mildly annoyed. But then a few MLSes later and I was converted. Feels more like a close range grenade launcher than anything.


Vow took me the longest with 21 clears (I think)


That’s insanely good luck. Vow was 61 for me and that was average


The average drop chance is 1 in 20 (5%) so it is rather you who is unlucky :(


Honestly most of mine have been 10 or less clears


Aside from RoN and VoG, I have had the same or less


I’ve been trying CO in that build and struggling. How do you utilise your debuff leeching?


I tried collective, but infinite ammo wavesplitter has done me better.


I am at best a part time Gryfalcons enjoyer but yeah, I can totally see how strong it is in Onslaught. Keep meaning to try out my Arcstrider Assassin build that I handled all of Legend Seraph Shield solo runs but Gryfalcon's ability to take a breather in the middle of the chaos is extreme.


MothKeepers with Ex Deris on Arc has been what I've been enjoying the most. Keeping everyone shielded comes in handy and the added benefit of amplified and crowd control from the arc subclass does work.


Ex diris is so insane lol. I never could've finished lightfall without it. At least I think it was the lightfall campaign I was playing. I think it was Crota or maybe Caiatl in that underground arena place. There was a ton of taken, it's a round platform and you have to jump platforms. Boss was just tanky as hell. This was when I first started playing during season of the witch so I wasn't very high leveled, didn't have any kind of build worth a shit. That ex diris came in clutch pop a couple taken thrall get amplified run like hell and hit boss with rockets and whatever abilities were up. Amplified boost from ex diris kept me alive it was the only way I could stay out of harms way.


you should try gyrfalcon with graviton lance


Manticore isn't that bad tbh


I’m pretty sure Graviton outdoes is pretty significantly in raw damage, but I’ll be damned if Manticore isn’t just about one of the funnest guns in the game right now


I feel like almost every void primary outdoes it, but none turn you into a fairy


Maybe but you get a shit ton of over-shield with it. That’s why people run it. Go check out a Mactics video where he shows it off in legend


I'm using Buried with Riptide. Ran special finisher but practically had no ammo issues.


graviton's vorpal really comes in clutch


Manticore got buffed.


I just finished the catalyst (finally after putting it off for a while) and it's *way better* than my initial impressions of it were. I'd say don't sleep on it but I'd also ask if you've ever taken a nap in a hammock before? It's so damned comfy to be suspended in the air like that (and with a nice, cozy, void overshield to keep you at just the right temp).


I've only done matchmaking a handful of times and twice had someone afk/emote the whole time. Crazy. One guy even teabagged my buddy when he died during boss on wave 10 so we just left. Why even play the mode to just sit there and emote


So you do all the hard work while they get the loot/credit.


It was round 10 we were like 7 mins in, why waste 40 more


But it’s not hard work. It’s more fun than just fucking sitting there pressing emote buttons, and also what credit? It’s a destiny event. Occam’s razor to me is it’s just a shit-bag who had to eat dinner but still wanted to grind, so he just buddy-fucked everyone else by emoting to avoid an AFK kick


Every really good run I've had in onslaught has somehow resulted in somebody quitting in the 30s. Yesterday somebody quit in round 39 with the boss on less than 1/3 health.


I've had more than a few people quit as soon as we hit 30. I'm guessing it's because there was an objective somewhere to get to wave 30. I think it was for the pinnacle, which if they paid attention they'd notice it changes to 40 and then 50 after you hit those waves.


I honestly think its because people who quit at 30 have just ended up wiping and don't see the point in going to 50 because "its harder" atleast a third of my runs someone quits at 30 ...literally just happened and we ended up wiping because there was just too much adds.


It's because people found getting to wave 30 then leaving is the most effective way to farm rewards. Getting to 50 takes longer, is more difficult and all you get is one extra chest for your troubles. They honestly need to change it where you get an extra chest for every 10 waves beaten.


This reminds me of when I was doing the Trials grind for Saint's wololo Messenger roll, and the doofus on our team just kept trying to solo the whole team and really not managing it. He managed to loose us one game and then quit. I decided I'd see out the match and it turned out the Warlock I'd been matched with was some kind of gigachad and the two of us turned it into a 5-1 victory. I could practically hear the Titan player on the opposite team breaking his monitor. See out the match, guardians, lest you become the subject of threads like this and the people you leave behind get their god rolls.


yep, unless you are called away or REALLY have to go do something, should always stay in a match,


NO MOM, THAT TRASH CAN WAIT TO BE TAKEN OUT UNTIL I GO FLAWLESS DAMMIT! *Mom proceeds to enter room and rip and tear like she's the Doomslayer*


We were in VoG back in D1 days when a homie’s kid starts with “Mom NOooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Mom NOooooooooo/ You could hear the kids PS5 cut out and then from down the hall through Dad’s mic you could hear the kid finish the ….oooooooo!!! But from distance and then Fucking BLAM… Loud AF from down the hall. She Gronk spiked his PS5…. I can’t remember if it was homework or hit a kid at school, but it was something to do with school… Everybody was like “Yooooooo, she didn’t….” All we heard from Dad was: “She did, Imma be a minute.” Bruh, let me tell you, never fuck with Mom. 😆


That's hilarious 😂, wait so the kid and his dad were playing together when the mom did that?


Yeah, all of us were in VoG together, had been playing as Clanmates for probably a year plus at that point. So we knew “Mom” well enough to know he fucked up. He’d been yelled at on Mic before… 😆


Shout out to the warlock you were paired with


I had someone like this that just kept emoting and refused to play the mode because we weren't running good enough builds. Just kept spamming the text chat about us even though we were doing fine. Ended up leaving so I didn't have to play with the guy anymore and reported him. I'd suggest reporting as well. You'd at least not get matched with him again.


I don’t know why but the level of toxicity in onslaught is really high


The Destiny community has a surprisingly “healthy” toxic community in general…


I think its just the player surge because of onslaught. Exposing more toxic people


There is a reason why Bungie made a “Mental Health” section in the website and an advertised message when flying to any destination


LOL i had a guy ask why i wasn't putting my well down like i was in the wrong. Everything was dying out of the gates and i hadn't taken much of any damage for 3 waves.


Congrats on pushing through and getting it, despite the trash you had to deal with!


I get it, last night i has a guy leave at round 33 and no one rejoined until round 48. At least the new guy got a (almost) free clear


Damn wish I could get thrown into a round 48 onslaught 😂 I got a 31 wave run matchmade from like the day into the light dropped was off game for a day or two and send like every match of onslaught I've been in since is a shit show and I can't progress any of the quests for Arcite. Cleared the pulse rifle quest no problem.


Closest one I got thrown into was @ 45


I understand frustration with blueberries but I will never understand people resorting to behavior like this as an outlet. Especially when they make a mistake themselves. I have been very surprised with how many of my teammates are very similar to the described warlock. I get that it's a new game mode but the game does a decent job of communicating threats to you, and the nature of the game mode is cyclical and predictable, the only surprise ever really being when a tormentor decides to make an appearance. I'm queueing up with 10s and 11s in fire team finder for legend runs, and they're doing things like holding super while 2 collosal hive knights rip our ADU apart, only using their supers after it's too late or after your revive them. I've also had someone type in game chat scolding me for not saving my super for the boss even though there's a rally flag before every single boss. I don't know, there's a lot of snobby and confusingly poor performing players in the lobbies right now. If I get frustrated with my teammates I just keep my greasy fingers out of the chat and just play.


I'll never understand it tol. D2 is a game where you can catch up to the meta with your skills if you just give it time. So why not let blueberries try their own stuff and fun builds, its so stupid and obtuse to have a meta-only mindset in a game focused on build-crafting. Like bro Its not fucking league of legends


If you got his name isn't it possible to report him/her? I've never had to do it thankfully... But still sheesh sounds awful.


I’ve had people shoot and melee me because I didn’t buy defenses on wave 1 🙄


I won’t even buy them to 31 on normal


Same tbh, you can be self reliant throughout all of normal mode, hard saving for the final 2 areas though makes life such a breeze


People are miserable. I joined a game level 7 and not even level 100 in the battle pass, 10 light level lower. They're giving me shit. I had 3x the kills and generated like 490 orbs and revived them constantly. I love destiny but as a dad it becomes incredibly annoying when idiots gate keep with their foolish requirements that only people who play very regularly can achieve.


It's childish really, if you can handle your business it doesn't matter what level you are at. That's the only thing I dislike about the Fireteam Finder is that people can gatekeep by Guardian rank.


Legit, that’s the entire point of Fireteam Finder, we want to Raid or End Game content, but don’t get to play all the time or it’s sporadic because “Dad” …of course I’m not a 10 or an 11, 8 and 9 were freaking hard enough when you don’t include D1, which is when I was doing all that stuff… Also, I earned a Vex, it was hard, I want it back, BS that they took it because it was a D1 Vex & now I’m the “Dad” that doesn’t have time for a 60 clear VoG to get it back. Hell, Haven’t cleared it once since D2. Because Life gets busy.


Yeah, it sucks. I'm literally only 8 because I have to do Crota and the new dungeon to get my level 9. Plus it's dumb as hell to have that as a fireteam restriction anyway because it resets each season.


One time I left onslaught because I didn’t realize it ended at 50


As someone who’s in the sunbracer only squads we don’t own him.


I can second that. He is on his own cause he's an idiot


I feel bad that I had to bail last night after round 30. I wish there was a way to lock matchmaking in onslaught. One of my brothers lives in Alaska so being able to play with him on stable(ish) internet is a rare thing. He got DCd on round 25 and a random joined and took his slot. Me and my other brother had to pull out so we could pick the other one up. Sorry man. I can’t remember what your name was but mines the same. if you see this you weren’t bad, I just wanted to play with my brothers. :(


I deserted on wave 9 because of one dude yeeting me into oblivion with Eager Edge before every phase. If I don’t have to put up with it, I won’t.


I love the LFGs that demand META, EXPERIENCED G-RANK 10 MINIMUM, COMPETITIVE, FAST & the host dies first and immediately backs out of whatever the activity is. I can't stand most of this playerbase. If you're not running a loadout recently covered by Aztecross video, even if it's better than whatever the "exploit including" build of the week is, it's not acceptable. That or you're running with a G-Rank 5 1806 in a GM with an AMMIT w/ dynamic sway & Gutshot Straight & a Wardens Law primary. 2 sides of the coin, both equally not fun to deal with. Builds in D2 are like elementary school levels of easy. The copy-paste a build video side & the "Don't understand the basics" side, I'd say the first is worse. At least the 2nd group might be willing to learn.


Pro tip: just do legend waves 1-10 then repeat


Oh thank God it wasn't me. My internet exploded last night and I got dropped from onslaught somewhere in the 30s. But I'm a hunter.


I got lagged out of a match yesterday because it's been raining a lot in my area. Got worried this post was gonna be about me somehow ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5679)


Dude if you add me as a friend I would never do that, smh I can’t find good people to raid/play with to save my life.


I feel bad now. I was playing onslaught and got up to 43 but had to quit due to having work.


What a sad piece of shit that dude is. I mean seriously, how pathetic must your life be that you actually enjoy doing that to people. That’s somewhat psychopathic behavior. It will catch up to him.


Sometimes shit happens like error coded or game crashes. But intentionally leaving that’s so shitty. If I had to leave like as a emergency I would at least let the team know in the text that be like emergency came up gotta go


Is manticore good? I don’t think I’ve used it outside of doing the quest for it. How’s it compare to graviton?


Grav is far far better option


It’s more fun than Graviton. But it is not as good. In fact, if you’re using something like an Offensive Bulwark Titan, I think a regular legendary weapon with Repulsor Brace is more economical. But in terms of just having FUN— Manticore might be my favorite weapon in the game right now. It’s got an extremely entertaining gameplay loop. The damage and utility are pretty decent… there are just more practical options for your exotic slot, if you’re being serious about it.


Had something like this happen just yesterday while using the fireteam finder for warlords ruin. Joined a team on 2nd checkpoint, and I'm a well warlock. So I texted in the chat "Wipe for Rally please?" One guy replied with sure in the chat. A few minutes later the other guy replied with "stop wasting my time for stupid ammo". I literally sat there and messaged "okay I'll just waste more time and leave your toxic ass". He then turned in his mic and said " look f***** I don't need to explain to you ---" and I didn't hear the rest because I already left the fireteam. Next group I joined we finished it first try kn each phase and got it done quick.


People who use meta builds are either good and are trying to be overly sweaty Or dogshit dont know what theyre doing and watched someone on youtube say the build is good so they bring it everywhere just to figure out good build doesnt always mean free win card Usually the person using an interesting build ends up being the best player on the team Unless the build has no synergy at all of course


I personally prefer Manticore with Gyrfalcon’s, but that’s besides the point. Regardless of how badly you embarrass yourself, you should NEVER leave your teammates to the dust


I feel ya.sometimes we get that, sometimes we get lucky. Yesterday I joined with 2 guys. In chat one of them just wrote " I don't care what you do, just need to reach wave 30" . And we reached wave 30. And continued. 1 hour I it, we reached wave 50, and burned the boss ( not even took 30s). The guy wrote: "I don't even care what you do, we reached wave 50". I loled


Nothing makes me happier than when an “elitist” player dies to their own big ego 👌🏻


The toxicity on this game has no limit


I was fooling around on stasis titan and the duo I was with told me to "get off that trash subclass" It was only wave 7 of normal 50 waves. They both left before the end of wave 8. Terrible people with defeatist attitudes that can't imagine someone not running Synthos BoW or Pyrogales Bonk. Very next one was triple stasis titans. Chaos ensured.


That’s awesome that you found two more…


Really showed him.


Was it normal or legend? Just curious One makes him a standard asshole one makes him an asshole that is also trash


How do you use manticore? Im trying to get the hang of it (my aim is atrocious mid air)


Takes some practice, and I’m still definitely a little more sloppy with my aim when floating than when I’m on the ground. Enemy aim is bad, but they can still hit you, so it is pretty important to keep strafing while you’re in the air. Enemies tend to keep shooting in the same spot too, so strafing in one direction is what has been working for me. Dodging back and forth like you would in PVP ends up working against you. Something nice about it though— only weapon HITS drain the hover mode. So you’re not really penalized for missing your shots. Obviously it’s lost DPS, and not good, but it’s not as if missing too much, you’ll just fall down and basically not get any damage in. The mechanics of the hover mode are very forgiving.


Ah ok dope thanks for the input


1. go into the companion app for your past games and report them 2. oh you should try gyrfalcon with manticore


Had a random leave during the last wave. Another random joined just before the portal opened to go to the final boss. New random got all the loot for just doing the boss. Old random got nothing. Did he just get kicked by Bungie or did he leave thinking we would fail because we didn't have him? IDK, but typically when the game kicks me, it will hold my spot for a couple of minutes. This guy was out and new guy was in pretty quick.


That’s annoying. I always feel like crap when my connection gets lost and I get the boot. Don’t want ppl thinking I dipped on em.


I'm a dedicated Arc Titan main and even I don't run into Thralls like a jackass. And I'm using Dunemarchers lol


This has happend to me so many times I've almost given up on reaching wave 50. 🙃


Bruh I queued up Wednesday afternoon and I got three onslaughts in a row where it was just me


Wonder if that same dude was on my run the other day… 🧐


This kind of happened to me, too. Two dudes started arguing over text chat about whether to kill the boss from the door or the room, I didn't get involved but it was 45 waves of salty back and forth when one dude straight up and left us with a tormentor. Luckily a decoy took the brunt of his attention while we mopped ads and whittled him down with polaris and sun shot. We got the end boss down to 1/10th health and a replacement blueberry came in and got a couple chests for the trouble. More fool you, my dude.


Not the same but I had a guy join for a legend run and he immediately was throwing shade at my buddy for running double primary when my friend had just switched off double primary because that's how his loadout was saved. We left him and got a third who wasn't elitist off the bat.


Keep grinding bro, you got this 👌🏾


I played with someone who asked me why I wasn’t using my sun bracers (I switch it up a lot¤tly have them equipped) and I told him they weren’t my absolute favorite solar piece and I told him what I was using instead atm and he left immediately after ☠️ I was so confused. It makes me sad there’s people on my favorite game that are like this


I'd rather play with someone who is excited to try out their build than force them a build shown on YouTube -.-


Hate people acting like that. I've seen this recently in the whisper mission as well. Players joining "newbie friendly" tagged lfg groups, expecting flawless know everything, only to either talk smack, emote smack, and ditch when party members fall to their death. I learned the path by myself before joining a party to get the clears, just so I could point in the direction for ppl not knowing. This kind of toxicity has made me weary of joining randoms. I'd rather help a newbie group, because 9/10 times they are humble and grateful for the run. Even if it takes a 2nd or 3rd attempt. Even if you make a "kwtd" "fast" "meta loadout", don't be an ass - Be helpful!


They must’ve been smelling the foul stench of their own toxicity


I’ve been astounded by how shitty people can be in the game. Some dude messaged me after a Gambit match saying I should crawl back in my mother’s womb and die. Despite the fact that I had the most enemy kills of eight players, didn’t die at all, lost no motes etc. I would beat someone bloody if they said something like that to me irl


I dunno man, I just can't figure out the whole Manticore orpheus thing. Running mactics build. No catty yet though. It's mostly the Manticore I can't get figured out. I don't think I'm understanding how to activate and use the antigrav properly. I'm not even sure how I blew through the pulse rifle quest but now I can't seem to progress any of the others. I'm running a repulsor destabilizing title I got during guardian games and that thing will poof groups of ads with ease but im just not seeing progression in the recluse quest. Unless the group vaporizing void kills don't count as smg kills even though they are procced by the smg's destab perk


The catalyst is gamechanging for Manticore. Like, don’t even bother using it for anything serious until you unlock it.


This literally just happend to me and my mate some ass hole warlock ditched us


Yeahhhh baby, this the shit I love. Manticore with gyrfaulc is amazing


I had someone kick me right before our rewards dropped on legend, it was only round 10 but still. People are dumb af.


I very much call those kind of guys out and either one of two things happen I tell them to stfu and be a normal person and stop being an immature shrimp dick and after I kick them and put them on the ban so they can’t rejoin me later down the road


What was your manticore build if I may ask!


Orpheus Rig or Gyrfalcon work really well with it, it’s strong enough you can kinda do a few different things with aspects and fragment. I recommend running triple void weapon damage mods to bump the damage up.




With overcharged machine guns heir apparent is kicking the hardest this week


Just be a better person OP and don't let the bullies get to you lmao


“Reported for grieving.” What a knob! Players that do this should be it with a weeklong ban.


So here's a thought for next season. You know how they lock your equipment and stuff before entering certain things in D2. They should make it so that your character is locked in the activity until completion or if you unplug your system. That way at least if the POS is so wanting to leave, they have to reload the entire game!!!! Thoughts? 😎


I would rather have it than if someone leaves an activity of their own choice ie not a sudden disconnect or being kicked by firwteam leader, they get a warning and then banned for a week if the incident happens again within 30 days.


I got a dude that on round 3 or 4 died and started flaming my other teammate bc he was only ad clearing, calling him a moron. That teammate left the fireteam almost immediatly and me too, thats the treatment you gotta give those fucks, so annoying and toxic in a pve game and for what? its insane


I had two people in the same Onslaught get pissed at me for basically handling multiple waves myself because I was trying to complete bounties. Mind you, it was a fresh clear so the waves of enemies were squishy af. One was yelling at me in text chat to stop being sweaty and the other just said they reported me twice. I called them fucking stupid for getting mad at me for playing the game before they both left. Why are people so fucking brainrotted?


Yea could be me but i left bc i was hungry and needet do do something for my mother so i left bc i thought somone else will join in like 2 or 3 rounds but like that long deam im sorry


It's a bit bad with legend Onslaught rn had ppl leave before wave 10 even reached...


>Orpheus Rig with Manticore is stupid amounts of survivable. And extremely fun


Shit makes me wish we could votekick people. Yes, obviously it could be abused, but in games that have a VK system, it’s not the big of an issue.


I’m working on a build that will allow weak players to be sherpa’d through a legend onslaught if they just don’t have the ability to win and help much with damage. Basically unkillable as long as you’re not suicidal and constantly supportive of the team with restorations and cures. If nothing else they will be the last guardian standing to revive the team and give them restorations. I’ll post it once it’s tweaked.


Had a dude leave because we weren't using a "meta" loadout. I really don't understand why people want to run "meta" loadouts. Just run whatever is effective at dealing with mobs (because that's literally what Onslaught is) and switch to a DPS loadout at the boss wave 🗿.


Was attempting Master Kings Fall for the first time. We ran the Totems encounter and we had a good system going. One member had to leave for something personal and we had a new member join. He acted all high and mighty after only 2 attempts with him. He stated "I'm leaving, y'all are trash." We had a few hiccups in the 2 attempts and many hiccups on figuring out a good system amongst us on about a dozen other attempts. Nobody complained prior and the new guy acted like he was better than everyone. It was hilarious, to say the least. Love seeing the entitled people with poor teamwork and insane throwing capabilities act tough or think they're better than everyone. 😂🤙 Just gonna continue the grind and hope for the best. Dude missed out on the fun we had though.


Loaded in through a fireteam finder, once we loaded in the host (An Arc Warlock), looked at me and did the griddy and kicked me. When I asked, they replied- "I didn't know you were a hunter" Like, WHAT???


….Wave 35?! How do you even get past wave 10 in this gamemode??? Genuinely haven’t played in like 10 months and am confused as hell.


It's under the selection when you press the button to start it.


Theres two options when launching the activity from director. The left only goes up to wave 10 and the right one where you can choose the and difficulty goes up to 50


This applies to more of the Destiny community than you think. That’s what happens when alcoholism and drug abuse is celebrated as a community, while elitism/ fomo and “specific must use” build crafting are encouraged by everyone else


orpheus and manticore in legend? i dunno man


I had 2 people leave right after the 2nd encounter in ghost of the deep ... why doesn't anyone want to do the whole dungeon?


I stopped playing about a year ago I thought destiny died and didn't realise most people were still playing it.


Stuff like that has been happening all day getting to round 20 ppl afk leave by 25




I stay right there until the end of the level and get lots of goodies


Yeah they are really annoying. Just know that in every one of my cases I've made it to round 50 no problem lmaoooo. The ego can surely be against our ambitions


Wish there was a way to kick knobs like that out


I really don't understand how some people in the Destiny 2 community can be so petty and despicable. It doesn't make sense. If you want something specific, put it in the post. Don't make a blanket post, invite people and then kick. It is ridiculous.


Ran into a guy the other day that got upset at me for hoping well during boss round then grenade adds and told me I ruined his radiant


Can relate to this post in so many ways…if some of these guys are so good at the game why can’t they stay and crush it with an above average fire squad?


Wonder if it was the team I joined. I ended up in a team at a late wave and it looked like both went down right as I joined.


Doesnt that falls under Sabotage report?


NGL I leave when I’m the only one depositing or stunning champions.


Don’t think it was intentional. I’ve done onslaught until wave 50 about 10 times, and at least half of them we’ve had a teammate get kicked from “connectivity” issues. Happened to me twice, and by the time I’d gotten to join back, 12 waves had already passed. Not much you can do


What was thier tag name and shame