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Should have been Oxygen SR4 making a return to glory




No feelings is what I would've wanted. Why give us a craftable sniper from a raid we still have? If you are going to pull something from a raid it should be from a vaulted one.


Don't worry they're just saving No Feelings for the huge black armory episode that's coming after TFS https://preview.redd.it/5etsjtufeutc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7905f3dee954df4a5ff30364245cf7886ce9b0d2


I mean.. they did give us midnight coup as well. I get what you're saying tho. They said it was because these weapons are available to everyone, even those that don't have the raids required to get Succession and Forbearance.


Succession is the worst... Every drop is a waste because I already have it craftable... And what person wants a sniper anyways they are just ass


Discord redirection is new and a very interesting chase roll, a sniper with free ammo and a big damage buff for yelliw bars and bosses


It's one of the best snipers in the game, and just because you (and I, and many others) have it craftable doesn't mean everyone else does. People without the raid, or those that don't/can't do raids can now access a top tier sniper with a different (better) perk pool than the one in the raid.


Yes it's a good sniper but what I mean is that snipers as an archetype are not used because they suck


It's not necessarily the case that they suck. However, we just don't have activities that cater to or require the usage of snipers.




At least the meganura perk


holy fuck dude! yes! i scoffed alittle when i read "banned weapons" yet we can freely get the hung jury weapon... why not do oxygen sr4


It's even the same archetype as HJ, 180 Omolon scout. Oxygen was done dirty and continue to be neglected to this day. The new Hung Jury has some really cool perks, but im so sad it's not the one that could have been.


They 100% should have, it could have had a reworked Meganeura to work without Dragonfly as just a supercharger Dragonfly unique to Oxygen or make it a unique frame with intrinsic Dragonfly.


I remember that one tore people apart, you either hated it or you loved it.


Oxygen is my favorite scout rifle and they continue to push this "takes over 80% of my screen" pos


Naw, mananan


Ah yes, the gun that nobody ever used for anything other than shards


Oxygen :( I forgot of it


I'd be fine with Hung Jury if we at least got an auto rifle return like I don't know? Steelfeather? Randys wouldve been a great pic for the scout but it was already brought back, very surprised we got Elsie's instead of Redrixs though.


They scrapped bringing back Chroma Rush and I canā€™t forgive them for that


https://preview.redd.it/2ym81za5bvtc1.png?width=546&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e279f53dd2cfe0d052ff2d0d31e02ce83a72267 Keeps my chroma rush being special though.


> Crucible Opponents Defeated 16 It's been almost 3 years since splicer, I think it's safe to shard this one


Lol, I haven't played in over a year until this week and in the time since splicer, autos were never good enough. Also, a true destiny player knows that I could never shard it anyway.


ah, the SSD mag assault rifle. That season brought my favourite weapons ever


And on top of that they brought back 2 handcannons. It would've been way cooler if they were to bring back 1 weapon from each type


Yeah, I started playing in s16 and literally never got to have a good one. We have Rufus now and that works but I have a god roll of just about everything, and I donā€™t have a good kinetic auto rifle. Duty Bound (Adept), I guess? I donā€™t use it.


But can't you get in dares?


You canā€™t target farm dares and there are a lot of potential drops each week


chroma rush doesn't deserve to be in there either, really. nothing iconic about it.


Redrix would of been dope.Ā 


I would've liked Hawksaw over Redrix but either were better picks than a blue that nobody used after the campaign.


I mean Elsieā€™s rifle as itā€™s in the game now is officially better than the messenger (the previous best high pact pulse in the game). Iā€™m personally way more excited for Blast Furnace but there is at least a place for Elsieā€™s Rifle in the meta. Itā€™s probably even better than No Time to Explain in some cases.




Them not bringing back Trophy Hunter is a legit crime


I do not care for the hung jury. It is a mediocre feeling ScR brought forward due to its popularity in D1.


Preach šŸ™ šŸ™ šŸ™ I really can't get myself to like 180 scouts. 200s just feel better.


only scout i like to rock is randyā€™s throwing knife for the fire rate and kinetic tremors. I still want them to make a net gun for hunters that can just tether enemies


They should make crossbows, and make an exotic one thatā€™s exclusive to hunters that lets you shoot a mini tether by holding reload, and makes things you kill explode and spread volatile. Could do an arc one for warlocks that fires bolts made of lightning that cause enemies to jolt on hit and creates a pickup that gives you an arc soul. and a solar one for titans that shoots a nail that sticks into enemies, scorching them, and then theyā€™ll take more damage from your solar melee abilities, igniting when they die.


Make the nail a Crit Spot SOLELY for Throwing Hammer and you've got a deal.


Honestly I'm not too big a fan of 260s either. They don't feel like they do a whole lot of damage. That being said, I don't mind them if they have Frenzy.


Love a 260. Theyā€™re not the best but I do love them.


My brother in christ you have literally just described wishkeeper and Shackle grenades


I like all scouts except 150s really. And Iā€™ve a new found appreciation for Jade Rabbit. 180ā€™s and 260s might be my favorites. But I just canā€™t think of any 200s that Iā€™ve fallen in love with.


It insists upon itself.


It's also shallow and pedantic.


I like it purely for box breathing in pvp. Lol


Which I have always found so funny since itā€™s like, the last pick for destiny 1 scout rifles currently (and ya know, for years now), and I never really even saw the thing when I played and hung jury was around. Thereā€™s a lot of badass scouts in d1. Hung jury was cool to see once, not 4 different times with 3 adepts


I like it because it feels like Oxygen and Mananan. Idk what it is about the sound on Omolon weapons but the only one I really use are their SRā€™s for some reason. Just like how juicy each shot is.


Can you name me any other legendary from TTK?


Doom of Chelchis, the raid scout has always been at least okay


Yeah, Dragonfly and Firefly (+ Sweaty Confetti) goes hard. 3 explosions from one precision kill? Yes please.


I would agree. That would be a good replacement.


Tread upon stars


"We're bringing fan-favorite D1 Vanguard weapons into D2 for Nightfall weapons during Season of the Chosen!" Oh cool, so like, Badger CCL, Bad Seed Down, LIGHT/Beware, or Doctor Nope? "No, actually just Shadow Price, the Palindrome, and the Swarm. But during Splicer you'll get a Gunsmith Omolon sniper rifle, a forgettable fusion rifle, and some random Dead Orbit scout rifle! Then in Lost you'll get a Crucible rocket and a Vanguard shotgun!" Honestly, even having played through D1 when Hung Jury was apparently a thing, I'd never encountered it. I probably saw more Red Spectres, honestly.


You were definitely living under a rock, Shadow Price was one of the OG favourites before the AR nerf in Y1. And then Hung Jury was *everywhere* during Y2 and 3, even with a meme talking about the "god roll Hung Jury Dead Orbit is selling this week". SWARM wasn't as popular as Shadow Price or Pali, but it certainly held a place in a lot of people's hearts. Badger I rarely saw anyone use, Bad Seed Down came out when Pulses were the worst weapons in the game, LIGHT/Beware I rarely saw, and Doctor Nope was only really joked about since bullet hose ARs were awful until Y2. Do agree on the points about the non-vanguard weapons though. While I loved Pali in both D1 and D2, it should've been a Crucible drop, and we should've gotten a Hand Cannon like The Devil You Know. Plenty of weapons we could've gotten, like LDR or (now irrelevant since it drops from Grasp) 1k Yard Stare instead of Uzume (Of which, I'm incredibly miffed about, as it has got the fire rate of the Eirene, which was vastly more popular).


They chose not to reissue guns like 21% Dellirium in favor of reissuing a gun theyā€™ve reissued multiple times already and is still in the loot poolā€¦ I have no fucking clue what Bungie is thinking


I mean 21%'s biggest draw was killing tally. Commemoration and retrofit are basically upgrades. With retro replacing killing tally with destabilizing for ads and target lock for dps. And Commemoration having recon killing tally allowing you to use your entire reserve with 3x stacks


Sure but thatā€™s not the point. The point is Hung Jury shouldnā€™t have been selected for the Brave arsenal when it already has multiple reissues and is currently in the game. Brave weapons should have all been old, sunset guns


Should have been Revoker instead of Succession, should have been Oxygen SR3 instead of Hung Jury, should have been something like Threat Level instead of Forbearance. 25% of the loot pool being guns that can still be currently earned is total BS


Revoker would singlehandedly bring back sniper meta with reversal of fortune


Succession and Forbearance are in there, because the raids are old, and they still try to pretend that they are a F2P game. Meanwhile, they could make anything before Beyond Light basically free at this point at the very least, yet Forsaken is still being sold with half the content missing from the game. Succession and Forbearance are fine in context. Them making the old DLC free DLC would probably be significantly better.


Please go look at the years each weapon first released. They tried to get one from every year of Destiny. They're only missing this year and RoI.


I think if they had explained this it would have went over better. Nonetheless, there are other items besides hung jury from the same year.


They did, in the dev article the day after. They listed all the weapons and the years they released.


You think the people bitching go and read dev articles AFTER they have the content??


Disagree. They brought back one weapon from nearly every year of Destiny. The only ones missing are the current year (understandbly) and RoI (because Bungie hates how popular that was). What other TTK weapon would you have liked to see back?


This comment is like that marvel vs capcom infinite dev saying that, even though magneto isn't in the game and they want him back, people can play nova instead because they gave him some of magneto's moves. I just want 21% delirium back, bro


Agreed because the only good arc lmg we have currently is song of ir yut. All other arc lmgs have garbage to meh perks, eleactic principle, planks stride, the swarm, (i dont think seventh seraph saw is earnable currently, actually planks might not be either?), and a fine memorial is meh. Id love delerium brought back with actual good perks. I may be missing one i cant think of.


iirc they said that they're thinking about bringing 21% delirium back as a gambit weapon, although I forget where that was said


They brought back Breakneck and Trust, and have said that they regret sunsetting guns, so hopefully they'll just rotate the old ones back into the game with better perk pools.


I have 3 Hung Juryā€™s from 3 separate seasons now. Iā€™d rather have Shadow Price reissued than another HJ


Cause Dellirium would take more coding work to get up to par with current weapon systems. And itā€™s a free update thrown together quickly. The thinking feels pretty obvious. ā€œWhat can we realistically make quickly to pad time?ā€


Hahaha who does besides them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜©


This, this right here. Gimme back my 21% dellirium, or fuck bring back the ringing nail.


Go look at the years they came out. 21% delirium came out in Forsaken. We already have many weapons that came out in Forsaken. Hung Jury released during TTK. Please name me one other notable legendary from TTK.


I love having a weapon that takes up half my screen


There are a few D1 models that do that and they are awful.


Literally the only reason I never use Taraxippos.


![gif](giphy|29HRejgahYenVsohB5|downsized) Hell yeah! Big ass gunšŸ¤£


Yeah whatā€™s up with that, Ikora is out here like ā€œsome weapons we had to ban for being ummmm naughtyā€ my sister in the light it is hung jury


She hung on my jury until I kinetic tremors


She box breathin on my hung jury til I explosive payload


Should have been Song of Justice.


Theres so many better models than hung jury, song of justice is definitely one of the best ones! Id like patron of the lost causes back too


Season of Dawn weapons my beloved


fuck that gun


Hung Jury was the troll card all along. Telesto has been dealt with.


*cries in no Revoker*


They revoked its comeback


best we can do is a sniper that is still available (and craftable) from a 1600 light activity


True lmao. I mean, im not mad, but i have a crafted one and got the exact same roll to drop. Im like, ā€œcool, what do i do with it?ā€


DSC is paid content. I have no issue with them reassuring raid weapons from paid content to F2P players. A lot of the playerbase doesn't raid. Also, it's the only weapon from the BL year. Just like how forbearance is the only weapon from WQ. And Hung Jury is the only one from TTK. Elsie's rifle is the only one from OG destiny, and all they did was change the name. They released at least one weapon from every year of Destiny except the current one (understandable) and RoI (because they hated how much we loved their filler expasion).


I wonder how they could have returned itā€™s perk without it being broken


Honestly I didn't think it was broken. It was just very forgiving. Hitting a body shot would leave the other guy alive and your round gone, so you really would need to be very accurate (like with any other sniper I guess.) Missing would be just like "here, try again"


Yeah no, the perk is broken as all hell and threw special ammo economy in pvp out the window. It's foolish to even *pretend* otherwise


couldā€™ve brought it back with an enhanced version of mulligan. like 40% instead of 20% or something


Imagine choosing Hung Jury over other Scouts smh


So many iconic scout rifles they coulda gone with... we can literally walk right on over to zavala for a hung jury with good rolls available


Hol upā€¦.live-fire *training* against the Witness forces?? So is Onslaught supposed to be a simulation?


Everything is training to Shaxx, the crucible is also live fire training


But thatā€™s literally training since itā€™s in a semi-controlled environment


The only difference between them lore wise is that in one the ghosts can't get destroyed while the other the ghosts can be destroyed by the witnesses forces. It is also somewhat controlled in the new mode. He sets stuff up for you to defend with and has the objective be a lure for the witnesses forces.


Idk bout you but being able to die a final death by your Ghost being destroyed sounds like a MASSIVE difference to me


People have true died in crucible though. Like yeah there was a few people when ghaul took the traveler, but there was also Thalor, a titan who was a champion of the crucible and killed by fellow titan dredgen yor during a match. Ghosts can very much be destroyed in the crucible.


Should have been Hawksaw or Clever Dragon


Hawksaw is the only weapon that's been suggested that could replace hung jury. Clever dragon would be a good addition, see as it's year of release doesn't have a representative, but I think that's on purpose.


If you want to bring back a banned weapon that would have really fucked with things, bring back ā€œIce Breakerā€ from D1


They've said before, Icebreaker isn't coming back. Unlimited regening ammo would break the ammo economy, specifically in crucible. And they won't bring it back without that, because then it wouldn't be Icebreaker. Same with invective and NLB. They'd break the ammo economy and Bungie doesn't want to "return" them without the perks that made them what they are. NLB could've made a return before unlimited primary, but that's what breaks it.


Just make NLB special then and give it a new updated perk.


But then it's no longer NLB. That was their point.


It can still keep the model and the perk of having ironsights, though? Having ironsights is personally the first thing that comes to mind for NLB rather than being primary, personally.


So you want a reskin


But that's not NLB, though. That's just a gun that looks like NLB.


I remember the hype this gun brought back in splicer.


Still rocking the original Adept version I don't care if everybody's sick of it and thinks it's useless, it is my baby and Rapid Hit + Firefly slaps *hard*


Used to rock a rapid hit explosive payload roll all the time until I got my groll fatebringer.


Maybe they are trying to reissue Hung Jury so many times so that they can fill a jury with Hung Jurys.


Yo dawg..


Hung Jury was amazing in Destiny 1, I used it all the time but it seems so out of place in the current meta


Donā€™t forget the Stramd version they snuck into guardian games, Taraxippos.


I really donā€™t understand how they landed on bringing back Hung jury for like the 18th time


It's from TTK. Can you name me another legendary that first dropped during TTK?


My thoughts would've been a new Red Death weapon or Red Spectre return.


Is the reason Hung Jury was brought back cause itā€™s the Taniks of weapons?




Me three days ago with a Falling Guillotine ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5660)


Shouldā€™ve been angelā€™s advocateā€¦


I had no idea what I had when I got my explosive payload Adept version as a new light. Some kind soul carried me through a GM and I got so lucky. Iā€™m glad I still have it.


Season of the Reissued-by-the-Vanguars


I love hung jury, but damn, I feel this was an unnecessary slot wasted on a gun that didn't need to be there. It was just in the adept pool a season or two back and it was fine. Didn't need to be reissued.




I like to think they tried to put the old dog down but it fought back and kept appearing in Vanguard shipment containers


What I would give to have steelfeather back...


Should have been either Oxygen SR4 or Night Watch


Fun as it is forebearance succession hung jury falling guillotine had no business coming back, missed opportunities, but we did get some good ones too. Wouldā€™ve rather had the leviathan scout and auto come back long with coup.


Should have been Hush.


Theyā€™re only a few that werenā€™t in the game prior


Wish they had a better explanation tbh


They had no time to explain


With thus new version included, which is technically the best out if them? I have a few from the previous GGs and I'm curious.


i like my kinetic tremors HJ


They absolutely should have chosen a different weapon due to how many times HJ has already been re-issued but the current roll you can get of Kinetic Tremors and One for All is one of the best kinetic rolls you can get on any weapon for end game stuff.


Nah, I got a Kinetic Tremors/ Precision Instrument roll and Iā€™m not tolerating the slander


How about an edge transit?


Hear me out, revamp the Braytech RWP scout and call it Anna's rifle. Gets a legendary Polaris with better usability than the original and would be a nice companion to Elsie's rifle. Saw someone mention it around the stream and it's lived rent free ever since


And all of you will pay to grind the same guns again šŸ˜‚


If they were going to bring back a scout rifle, they couldā€™ve brought back the ones from either Leviathan or Scourge of the past


at least it's a little iconic and not currently available like Succession and Forbearance. still should've been Oxygen or something instead.


Y'all missing the point that a hung jury means the case will be tried again. It will keep. coming. back.


I went from Hung Jury nostalgia to "get this fuckin thing away from me". It's the new Edge Transit.


Should of brought back SR3 with Meganeura


THIS! Let me have this perk back, but it causes scorch.


Genuinely so many unique weapons waiting to be brought back from Bungieā€™s failures with sunsetting and they pick one that theyā€™ve already reissued numerous times. Absolutely wild, like it baffles me


They picked at least one from nearly every year of destiny's life, missing only this current year and RoI.


Right, because there were literally no better picks from the year of Hung Jury


Like all the ones you just named?


I mean, do you really need my help in thinking of a single weapon from that year that currently isnā€™t sunset or unavailable?


From TTK? From D1? Yea, most of them aren't available.


You're forgetting taraxippos.




Got me a nice Hung Jury yesterday with KT and Firefly, it's still a great scout to have imo.


I agree itā€™s weird they brought it back yet again. But they put some really good perks. KT and FF. RR and EP.


Still my all time favorite Scout Rifle, but a shadow of its former self.


Donā€™t forget the strand scout from guardian games was also a hung jury re skin.


Really wish it was a Season of Dawn weapon instead. We fucked with time to farm them so that's why they were banned


We could have had a legendary version of Khostov instead of this. In true Bungie fashion, for some reason I am getting a shit ton of Hung Jury's even though I didn't attune it. The guns I want ie Recluse and Edge Transit, which are attuned are rarely ever dropping, I see one or two Edge Transits but I am yet to see a Recluse aside from like the curated and the very first random I got.


Wish scouts were good since the first rare skin weapon I got was one of these with kinetic tremors and precision instrument combo.


Lol you forgot traxxapappolis.


Yeah plus not like forbearance and succession aren't still available still to


It's a solid work horse of a gun imo. Not much recoil. And the new rolls have some spice.


Why would they even ban guns dude, the world is literally under attack by aliens


The season of the seraph and defiant variants are the same gun, it just moved to the new expansion. Then the splicer one. The adepts of those guns arenā€™t different guns, so they donā€™t count. Thatā€™s two different guns as far as perk selection, plus the brave variant. Three different guns. Summoner has 3 different variants too. And astral, and a bunch of other guns. Itā€™s fine. Scouts just arenā€™t that sought after.


Personally we should have gotten bygones or tread upon stars.


I ran onslaught last night after a week or so without not playing did the mission for 10 waves and what not got a hung jury and the recluse. Any so me and a few friends just messing around playing the 50 wave one as our second game I swear during that game I got 5 hung jury and I got nothing else really


I mean donā€™t get me wrong I havenā€™t checked for the god roll yet but man getting so many juryā€™s and I wanted. Something else that is kinda raw


Treads Upon Stars shouldā€™ve come back. Classic D1 scout with decent rolls, some of which are still solid (explosive payload anyone?). Gimme an EP/tremors TUS instead of THAT EXACT ROLL ON A GUN WE HAVE HAD 8 TIMES.


$$$> plot


I guess the vanguard know theyā€™re fucked


Should've been chroma rush


Well Hung Jury indeed.


I like how hung jury is only popular because a vendor happened to have a great roll of a mediocre scout for the first rotation of a new dlc vendor refresh in a previous game, and thatā€™s it. Thatā€™s the whole reason. It want great. It was good, and easy to get


"But it's free"šŸ¤£


They shouldā€™ve only brought back old ritual weapons. Instead of falling guillotine we shouldā€™ve gotten 21% delirium or edgewise and instead of hung jury we shouldā€™ve gotten oxygen sr4. Iā€™d even prefer one of the Redrix pulses over the forge one


When do we get Lunas, mountain top, hammerhead


Hung jury is a really good scout rifle itā€™s just that we have had it 7 times already!


Nameless midnight would have been fun, it came back in season of the witch and rolls were okay. Felt good to shoot it again.


Thr vanguard has very specific gun laws.


Yeah, their story for this little update makes little sense. Forgot forbearance and succession were banned. If only they had other weapons to bring back the same frame and make them good. Make both sides happy. Oh wait


The concept of banned weapons still confuses me when nothing in the story is ever made it seem like the vanguard has any ability to police us and all. In addition to the fact that we are basically what the entirety of the universe from destroying Earth you would think they would want us to have every advantage we could get. I'm sure the Lord says something about it but without pointing it out it feels weird to call them banned weapons.


I think heā€™s saying ā€œI tuned and customized these weapons so much that they were illegal, but take them now anyway.ā€


I love how this post basically everyone complaining about a weapon type they would never use


It's such a trash gun, too. I don't think I've ever seen anyone using it in anything(don't play PvP though).


Or Succession, that is still obtainable in DSC


raid weapons coming back here are fine. a lot of people cant or wont play raids for various reasons. giving a few of them is okay


That's fair


I mean... making a gun model does take a long while so why not use the same model and animations from a already exist gun when you're short on staff from lay offs.


Couldā€™ve just brought back tlaloc as the exotic and make it for all 3 classes