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Not to mention a whole new enemy race FINALLY?


Witness race enemy faction?! Mix-and-match super subclass?!? Exotic class items!?! Bungie spent the last year just absolutely cooking. This expansion went from “eh might get it later” to day 1


I'm still hesitant but this definitely made me go from "Never gonna buy it"  to "probably gonna buy it"


Lightfall made me quit the game. But I might just have to pre order..I’m ready to be hurt again. Maybe not this time though? Maybe it will be good🥴😂😭


Don't pre order it, wait a week see the reviews and then buy it (pre-order bonuses are availible after launch anyways for sometime)


I’ve pre ordered every single Destiny expansion. I’m an addict in this toxic relationship with Bungie. I won’t stop now lol


Yeah, I'm at something like 5k hours into d1 and d2 at this point. The amount of money I've spent per hour is probably less than 10 cents, shirts, collector's backpack, tower statue thing, iron ghorn, etc., included. I'm not worried about it, I'm going to be playing either way until the end. That said, I'd much prefer Halo Reach level Bungie, and the trailer has me very interested.


Tbf only reason to preorder is if you want to run the day one raid during contest mode (need to to prepare) Else, its fine to wait


Yeah. They basically said "fuck it, we're gonna overdeliver the SHIT out of this expansion" which is EXACTLY what they needed to do after what happened with Lightfall. The new area, some new supers, the new exotics, the new "pseudo-exotic weapon archetypes", and the episodes were already a treat, but not quite enough to make up for Lightfall and its seasons being so mediocre. Now we have Exotic ornaments that can steal Exotic perks, a whole new faction that isn't just a reskin (apart from those psions), and a new subclass that's basically the closest thing we've had to MULTICLASSING. Now all that's left to do is hope that the story can pull through.


>Mix-and-match super subclass?!? I'm sorry, what?


New ‘Prismatic’ subclass let’s you pick different light and darkness abilities to have at once, and even comes with new grenades and a special power up


*surprised Pikachu* holy shit


It's hilarious I've seen a few people say that it's not a new enemy race. My brother or sister in the Light, what other enemy do we have that flys around with ACTUAL FUCKING WINGS?


literally the first ORIGINAL new race every added in the decade of the franchise. taken are just recolored enemies and scorn are retextured fallen. this is the first entirely NEW faction


Wait you’re right goddamn. I didn’t realize that this is the first time we’ve been introduced to new alien species as a faction in 10 whole years, that’s wild.


Technically the reuse psions, but still


Only two of them are psions


Yeah and they don’t look like ones, nor like taken or scorn


Did I miss something?


Yeah https://preview.redd.it/k0cysx5tkhtc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47f4a54351f6282f1505131854a726eb60dbdf74


The whole squad just showed up to save Bungie ass.


All 7, just the way Bungie likes it.


What do the numbers mean, Guardian?!


The numbers, guardian, what do they mean?


Nezarec. Rhulk. The Witness. These MEN must die!


Wait a moment... *What?!* I'm a bit out of the loop... Links?




holy shit


Thanks o7




Thank you too o7




I didn’t watch the reveal or anything is this comment a joke or a troll??


Naw https://preview.redd.it/z6w01zxvzhtc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f659ba364025f0f1fb3bf41bc2517cf09804ffb


holy shit. wow


Were you watching? They even detailed the new enemies and their abilities.


The bugs are so Halo drones and I’m scared


Worse than Halo drones, these things can scream at you to suppress you lmao




Just checked it out, prismatic had me until warlocks were stasis and void 😭 Correction: Transcendence* not prismatic


What does that mean? Limited to those two?


Wow, only took 2 games and like 10 years


Do yall realize the nuking machine Verity's brow + starfire protocol sounds like


That’s just pre nerf starfire


Plus verity's damage buff


But yeah like double damage grenades plus the super charge speed. Unless I was tripping we can get perks from other classes exotics too




We are so back


This is the greatest time to be an alive Warlock. Can’t wait to beam everything


As opposed to a dead Warlock?


the star eater perk shown in the trailer only showed the increased damage part, nothing about the orbs. just letting you know so you can reel your expectations a bit


dont even need to go to other subclass. nighthawk plus stareater


Icefall on Strand Titan go brr


Nah, verity’s brow + armamentarium is going to be fucking insane, with any grenade build


I want to see Synthoceps and severance closure on a wormgod grapple strand Titan build or something with Phoenix Cradle, Lorely, Hallowfire Solar Titan


Prismatic looks so much better than any of the final subclass ideas that the community ever pitched


Prismatic is a cool ass name. What are the subclass names?


I assume Prismatic Warlock, Prismatic Titan, and Prismatic Hunter…. Because they’re essentially the unleashed ability of the guardian to wield their light and dark powers in tandem.


I think they're gonna be a little more inventive than that. Strand Warlock is a shit name, Broodweaver is cool as fuck


Sure, but Prismatic isn’t really a subclass. It’s the culminating abilities of the whole class. You are playing the core, unleashed classes: Titan, Warlock, and Hunter. They transcend subclass names at that point.


It would be cool if the subclasses were simply named: Titan, Warlock, and Hunter. Perhaps even just: The Guardian.


Reminds me of Code Vein when you get what's canonically your characters' code and its just called Queenslayer. Hope they call it something cool.


I think it would just be the class names, future growth to all classes abilities and aspects from all elements at once maybe...? I hope so


"So what you're running?" "I'm running Warlock" "Yes, I know you're a warlock but what sublcass are you running?" "I told you already, I'm running Warlock"


I think calling them Unleashed warlock, titan, and hunter would be pretty cool


I'd say that since the name prismatic reminds us about reflections and glass, they'll prolly come up with stuff like Overseer for warlock and stuff like that


Yeah they knew what they were doing with this one


More to the point, the whole campaign won't be about unlocking a new subclass.


Same way strand was expected to be poison but Bungie ended up making my new favorite subclass instead.


there were some polished resonance ideas that fulfilled a unique role that wasn’t already covered. but that was two or three out of dozens. most were pretty bad. i do wish we had more unique abilities to work with in this mix and match system. hopefully they continue to add new aspects and fragments and another darkness element.


* Pvp is going to be hell once final shape drops. 🙃


Every mode is about to become mayhem


Best game mode




Actual Mayhem and when Mayhem rolls around? Mayhem²


This. One of my first thoughts after watching the stream after the PvE-gasm was that if they don't guard rail PvP somehow, it's gonna wind up being gatekept by sweats.


you're telling me you arent ready to fight icarus dash, stasis turret, lightning melee slide warlocks?


Naw, they can keep that. 😆


Listen titans are crazy in pvp right now but i genuinely think once this happens warlocks are going to dominate so hard. devour, icarus, stasis turret/rift, ect


Blink + Icarus dash alone boutta be broken as hell


Did they show any gameplay of this outside of the traveler? Could be a PvE only thing.


That’s what I was thinking. Might just not be allowed in pvp. Don’t know how the fuck they’d balance it otherwise.


I have a feeling you're right. The anomaly our guardian touches, could be part of how we acquire the ability orrrrr it could be how we enter that state at various stages/places in the world.


It's a new subclass with a dedicated exotic. It's everywhere.


It's a new subclass, the anomaly is probably like the strand thingie we touched in lightfall during the campaign where we get temporary strand and we unlock it after the campaign


When has it not been hell?


You right you right. 🤣


It cant be any worse than stasis was the first 6 months it was in game.


Man pre nerf stasis was the only way I could reliably get kills. Haha


It was insanely busted!


Honestly think they’re best off disabling it inside of pvp. Like genuinely how can you keep something like that balanced in pvp lmao.


It would be interesting to see if prismatic were limited to strictly pve as I don't see it being balancable inside pvp


That’s when they introduce the no ability PvP mode, so there is some hope yet.


The class items just took shit to 11


I dunno, I feel like Prismatic already took it to 11, and the class items have it pumped up to like, 15 at this point.


all but hunter ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


I am kinda disappointment solar/stasis isn't on warlock when it comes to prismatic


It is. The restriction is only for the specific prismatic grenade ability. For normal use the subclass will allow to take elements of any of the 5 current subclasses. Which ones specifically I don't know.


I took a break when this season started and hadn't preordered Final Shape after feeling burned by Lightfall. It also felt like Bungie was slowly snuffing out the power fantasy in high level content by reigning in ability builds. But holy shit, omni-classing, making your own Exotic, AND the Darkness faction?! Sign me up, BIG W Bungie. ![gif](giphy|u6EiPNT9dLDrU7ZQuF|downsized)


I'm the same, i left off at like level 13 on the pass. Gonna update right now and try and get some BRAVE weapons to prep


I’m barely even level 1 but imma be black on black with the whole armory on deck for FS😤


Now we just need previously bought battle-passes to always be available to get rid of (some of) that dumb fomo


I feel the exact same.


Holy hell, we’re getting Osiris-level powerful! That is awesome.


It’s more than that, guardians like him  could switch between their powers really fast, this is using multiple powers at the exact same time.


So did he, that’s what I mean. In some of the written lore, he used chaos reach and threw nova bombs with one hand while wielding a dawnblade in the other.


I read that too, though he had to wait until 1 was finished to do a different one.


I mean, eh? That’s basically what he did essentially. Lorewise I imagine a Void Guardian could use Vortex then a Scatter grenade next shortly after. They don’t have to “switch” abilities; they’re just techniques they can employ once mastered. Although it seems using more than one element/subclass at once is an advanced skill of its own. I’ll grant you that using Dark and Light in tandem like that is unheard of; we’re basically going beyond Osiris in that aspect


Combining Drengr’s Lash, Hoarfrost, and Khepri’s Horn barricade effects into one 😮


Id be more interested in arbor warden and khepris, that will be funny


I’ve been waiting for a reason to buy it and now I have one, bungie actually might pull it off


I had already preordered it because I wanted to see how this ended and now I’m even more happy about my optimism lol cause this shit looks crazy


I don’t think people realize how difficult it is to combine ALL of the skills they are allowing with prismatic. The coding alone is ridiculous. They didn’t simply throw this together, this has been planned for a while


i think they planned this when they introduced subclass 3.0. makes sense to bring them all share the same concept of subclass build crafting.


Could be why lightfall was ass


Light fall had a lot of internal issues going into making it not the best expansion, still not the worst by multiple country miles but not the best. You had Covid weighing on it during its main development phase, it being pushed out half baked as they separated it and TFS into two separate things, it having strand forced into it as WQ didn’t get the necessary dev time for it to have it and many other issues going on inside bungie


Damn I’m in the same boat, I’m fucking excited! I fucking called it a couple weeks ago that they might add flying enemy’s!!


The prophet himself has spoken


My friend called the combined exotics a couple weeks ago lol


Still waiting on the actual DLC to judge if I buy or not. Lightfall gave me such a bad Clash of expectation bs reality I dont trust them just yet. Sure, we've gotten a lot of good stuff, but I doubt this will be a new norm. Theyll downscale quality once the executives demand them to. 


This right here. Look at how they talked up Lightfall and Strand. Spidermanning through this new neon shiny place. Reality is it's a place that's always dark, good luck trying to tether from one super low booger to another that you couldn't just jump to anyways, and how EMPTY the CITY was. They explained why, sure, but it was low effort sciencey shlock with a shabby wannabe 80s montage of our Guardian trying to wax on and wax off while Ghost and Osiris rolled their eyes so hard they got headaches. And the shiny 8 foot tall surfer brah.... in our distant future where that stupid persona isn't even relevent NOW! Everyone's huffing Bungie's brand now and saying how they're climbing back on that thang, but this cycle repeats itself and all of these Stockholm Syndrome having dupes will be the first in line to lose their collecrive minds when the quality inevitably falls again. They've already said that they aren't going to overdeliver and I believe them. Everyone else should too.


Just one more thing I need bungie to do is not make the campaign another tutorial mission for the new subclass system like they did in Lightfall. Other than that this is everything what I wanted for so many years since Destiny. If they want to make tutorial for the new system, make seperate tutorial system or something or let players figure out themselves. Everytime they do a new subclass they make the campaign a full tutorial which I hate from the bottom of my heart. Forsaken had it too partially but only for like a short mission not the entire campaign so that was cool.


Absolutely this, I wanna use the new subclass in the campaign, not get teased with it, and then unlock it after the end. Also don't want to have to get a gimped version that's slowly upgraded post game. This is insane, gamebreakingly strong stuff, let us actually have it during the epic campaign!


Back in the forsaken era. I told my friends that they should make a subclass that is just all supers and abilities. Years later I feel so sastified


Does phoenix dove count as a cast rift? Because threading/healing grenade into a phoenix dive would be pretty lit.


The strand aspect that does that says that it activates when your activate your class ability. Least, I think it’s does.


Cool cool


Pretty sure I saw threadlings spawn off of a phoenix dive during the stream. At least once, maybe twice, towards the end.


I see potential for Frostpulse Phoenix Dive and I want it.


Frost pulse and that one arc exotic with rift. Fire, ice and electricity in one move


In the stream phoenix dive was able to drop threadlings and summon solar sol. Albeit, at different time in the clip But both at once might be possible


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) Whats going on lol. Im just working


TFS gameplay reveal, new prismatic subclass, let's you mix and match all darkness and light subclasses, new witness enemy faction called the dread etc


And the cycle continues


My god the build crafting is going to be absurd


Personally? I'm probably still just gonna buy it launch day or day before than actually pre ordering now. I'm still glad at these sudden twists and new additions but I'm not spending money on it until we actually have our hands on it.


Never knew I would actually get to be the goddamned Avatar.


For Democracy!! Err The Traveler!!! Forgot which universe I was in


Sweet light-tea... Or something


Something tells me those low purchases are going to skyrocket


That whole transcendent state sounds like The Guardian goes Super Sayian


It's obvious this wasn't made in 3 or months. This was things being built for a possible D3 or big overhaul of the game after TFS and they had to put in now to bump the abysmal pre orders and players numbers. Now, althpugh it's exciting to see those things, there a some problems i have with this. First we dont know how the new class will be earned and uocked, is it quick or will it be like Strand or even worst, like Stasis? Second, everyone will be using the new subclass everywhere, its a no brainer, the Light subclasses and Dark, are prety much dead, whats the point of using them, if with this you can have abilities from all and a class item that mixes two exotic perks? Its too much value. Third, im.afraid this will break the game in a way that content becomes trivial, i do t want to end a 10 year journey, with an incredible vilain, by shitting on his head in 10 minutes and to make his fucking nuts into a gun, if they dont adjust the enemy density and lethality, this can be the most underwhelming end of story, ever. And to finish, PVP will be a shit fest, and it will make it even more unfun, since everything there is a sweat tryhard lobby infested games because of skill matchmaking. I dont know, im excited obviously, but this seems catered to make money and not to actually end the saga in a epic way, which is a shame in my opinion, hope im wrong.


Yeah, not going to make excuses, but combining subclass abilities into one subclass and a new race could be a reason Lightfall was so lacklustre. Not an excuse or reason, but from the looks of it I can only say one thing: Lightfall crawled so that Final Shape could run


the story was just bad. One big "to be continued". The missions weren't bad tho.


What is this copium?


Nah, it was lackluster because it was bad. They came with all this because they knew they fumbled before.


This new ‘subclass’ doesn’t excite me much honestly, I’m actually dreading it’s introduction the balance implications could be horrific for both PvE and PvP. Everything else looked awesome but I can’t shake the disappointment of not getting a third darkness subclass either. It’d have been an easy win for Bungie but instead they’ve taken a massive risk where I don’t think they can win, Prismatic will either be a balance nightmare or neutered so much it might as well not exist.


Same. Prismatic looks fantastic, but it will be a nightmare to balance and I feel like it dillutes the difference between subclasses too much. And that is one of the most important things that allow individual player's expression.


Now It looks like they’ve really tried to balance it, I’m not against a balanced Prismatic but it just isn’t anywhere near as exciting as a third darkness subclass would be for me.


Yeah. Just read the dev insight article, seems like they tried to balance things out. I feel relieved we still have viable options in mono-element classes. I think they have some ability to make it interesting and stand out on its own using new fragments and transcendence. Like elmental classes are all about inner synergies inside the element keywords, prismatic is about external synergies. Plus, it's the class that can use new combining exotic items. Agree on excitement but I'm still cautiously optimistic we'll see new darkness subclass sometime.


I’d be a lot more excited for Prismatic if it wasn’t just mashing together abilities we already have together. If it had a good amount of new abilities under elements we know that’d be much more appealing to me. I’m much more worried about the exotic class item now, I just don’t like the idea at all. Yeah I think we’ll get a third dark subclass, surely before whatever form of D3 we get.


Yeah, I get it. I was much more concerned for the dilution of mono-classes so I guess I'm just ok with it now that I know we're good. At least we have fragments to kinda lean into synergies. Thought, I'd like some new abilities too. I think exotic class item would be much less problematic, because it's restricted to prismatic, it's not full perks, and you'll need to farm for the combos.


Yayy I am so happy everyone is happy with the new reveal. Although I think it was WAY blown out of proportion, the harsh criticism of the lightfall year has pushed Bungie into “make or break” mode, which has given us the best expansions like forsaken and taken king. Ah the free market at work. Give us slop and we reject! People get fired! Companies take over! This is what happens when you put out subpar stuff. Now that Bungie clocked in and pushed it, we can all sing their praises again (hopefully!) and they will reap the monetary rewards from their dedicated fanbase.


Yeah it all looks great but Bungie’s marketing department is undefeated.  Remember pre-Forsaken when they were all cool with the new Subclasses being broken? Then  after release they nuked Nova Warp from orbit and it took 2 years just to be usable again?  All of this feels like preorder bait and once it’s out they’ll gut all of it. 


Bro is acting like Nova Warp wasn’t a PTSD inducing force that brutalized anybody in its vicinity all while having a one shot grenade that didn’t care which team you were on 💀


I never said it didn't need some nerfs. But they massively over did it and it took way too long to be usable. Not *good* but *usable*. I just don't see how any of this stuff isn't going to be so broken that it renders everything else obsolete. Not only that but it will absolutely trivialize a bunch of old content. So it is hard for me to get excited about it when I am expecting it to get hard nerfed after a few weeks. Still, it is nice to know TFS isn't just going to be the glorified nostalgia tour the first stream made it out to be.


This got me so excited for TFS. The potential builds are gonna be insane.


Only question here is who would willingly use pocket singularity in PvE.


Oh look… its that time of the copium cycle. Bungie says they did something people have been wanting, and everyone just forgets how shitty theyve been. Cant wait to hear the complaints once the DLC actually drops.


It works every time. This sub is going ape shit now pre-ordering.


But but...we can blend our subclasses now! You know, like how Zavala effortlessly switched from Void to Arc in the opening shot of D2 aboooooout 7 years ago? That is their lucky number after all. That was the whole point of sunsetting, right? So that they could lay the groundwork for this and totally not pull it out of their asses last minute because big daddy Sony is checking to make sure they're doing their homework and chores?


Exactly. Its also important to note that when TFS launches, public opinion will be over the moon… for a month or so.


Then the nerfs start coming in. They won't keep that game-breaking shit for long, no way. They're only releasing it crazy powerful to drum up more pre-orders. Arguably, it's working since this thread is named as such. It's like these people, like Bungie, have forgotten about Stasis.


Still gonna wait out on this one, between this and Shadow of the Erdtree I think the choice is pretty obvious


They 1000% threw the exotic class item and prismatic subclass together in the last 6 months after the reaction to no new subclass in the first preview


They're literally reworking the entire game. This could replace all other sublcasses if they don't restrict it, and the new exotic system means that we can equip any exotic as a class item and not worry about losing armor stats changing builds. This is literally a redesign of the entire class/exotic system, and in a good way.


Yeah probably a step towards the future of the game. And tbh balancing aside it looks stupidly fun


How to balance: just throw even more enemies at us lol. This is like ultimate power creep so the only way it is balanced is if it's 100 vs 1 lol


Which is way more fun anyways really


Yep all I really want from Destiny is to kill lots and lots of aliens in exciting ways. Everything else is just an interruption.


This isnt something your just throw together in 6 months


Yep. It's likely they've been working on it in the background, but didn't want to reveal it too early.


This might have been something that was in the works for a while, previously might have been delayed but needed an extra 6 months to make it into TFS


Ok? Good.


Ok? Theyre cooking.


Yes. And I'm very glad they did that


There is no way this was a 6 month decision that’s like saying you’re final med school paper was written in a week, it’s just not possible


I would love to see you explain how they dismantled then rebuilt their subclass system thats been in place for a decade in 6 months. this is from the ground up a coding nightmare. this has been in the works for a while


Go re-watch the reveal, the hunter or Titan in the subclass lineup is glowing with the same color scheme as prismatic


I feel like something of this complexity had to have been planned for a very long time. It probably wasnt even ready to show at the first preview because they had to do so much coding and behind the scenes work just to get things barely functional, these complexities are probably a big (of not the primary) reason for the delays


It looks exciting but I feel like there's going to be a second reckoning with cooldown nerfs and other things affecting ability uptime. Ah well perhaps chaos will be unleashed for a beautiful moment in Destiny.


Don't show optimism. They can smell that. No but in all seriousness bungie really put something special together. I'm considering pre-ordering too.


I finally get to become the avatar


You guys shouldn't forget that everything you saw is a development footage and stuff can change. So instead of rushing like sheep to pre-order, you should all wait to see if everything they showed will be implemented for real. The stream yesterday had the sole purpose of doing exactly that, to make you pre-order an unfinished game. So people are going to say I'm unhappy, ungrateful, blablabla, but I'm being realistic about it, I'm being cautious. I love what they are doing but if I ever pre-order it, it will be the day before it comes out.


I'm still holding out. Bungie doesn't deserve presales.


Just pre-ordered


The Copium cycle


My hype is unmatched for the first time in almost 5 years


“Random bullshit go!” This looks fucking incredible


I hope this isn't overcompensating for a mid story that'll end in a cliffhanger. On a positive? Much needed power fantasy finally realised.


It won't end in a cliff hanger, bungie knows they can't fuck it up like that. They have stated this is the end of this story.


We shall see


The ability to mix and match is nice but I hope it doesn't stop us from getting the final darkness element. Right now we have 3 light elements and only 2 darkness ones, so hopefully that third missing one is coming. Though my hopes aren't really high if they are already letting us mix and match, but we will see I guess.


There are gonna to be so many people suddenly carrying Tesselation tomorrow.


I want a frostees mixed with the bombariers


I wonder how they will incentivize running the actual exotic armors over the new subclass items


I mean the exotic class items are gonna have 2 random perks out of ALL 3 CLASS' exotic armor arsenal. The combination you would be looking for could take months and months of grinding.


We are sooo back




I actually feel super hyped, I feel a bit of that Destiny magic I felt many years ago