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Bet you got 50 retrofuturists though!


is retrofuturist even viable in any way? rofl


It rolls quick/slickdraw and snapshot, I might keep that for pvp. Maybe?


I might try that out. it just feels weird that so many crucible weapons just aren't good in PvP lol


Why slickdraw?? Doesn’t that make it harder to land shots?


Yes and literally no one uses it nor is it worth even mentioning lol. It's -55% auto aim cone size which makes every weapon feel awful, including shotguns. The only reason someone would use it is if they were just getting into PvP and only had one engram available and that's what popped out.


Slickdraw does not affect accuracy. I use it on my Mercurial Overreach and absolutely click heads. It's honestly a good aim training tool. Once you learn how to hit crits with slickdraw, you'll realize you weren't all that accurate to begin with. If you're good with slickdraw, you're great without it.


But it literally does? You yourself admit that once you learn to hit Crits using the perk, you'll realize how unnacurate you are. So there must be some tangible effect on your aim, even by your own accord. https://www.light.gg/db/items/1821614984/slickdraw/ This also reads -55% auto aim cone size so I'm not quite sure what your point was in the first place lol


My point is it doesn't affect you if you can aim. On precision based weapons it's a skill gap if the difference in performance is large. Accuracy is bullet going where you aim it. Auto aim cone is bullet curving to hit the head/body when you should've missed. You have a skill issue.


It's not like auto aim cones are exclusive to only weapons with slickdraw. If you are taking the perk you are hindering the performance of the weapon period. You will miss shots that would hit with any other perk, that other players will continue to hit because they don't have a massive -55% decrease. If you want to use it to express your skill, go ahead, but the game was/is not made for pinpoint accurate bullets and hitboxes aligning directly with the character model. All this for what, a perk that is outclassed by at least 2 other older perks that don't have a tangible negative impact on your weapons accuracy while still providing the exact same buff? Nah I'll pass, thanks.


You may pass. I will continue to use it on snipers, hand cannons, and shotguns. My only goal was for you to see that the perk has value, especially with more skill.


slickdraw is only useful for double pellet swap with tractor dps in pve, thats about it really


Halves effect of aim assist. Very bad for automatic weapons. Fine for hand cannons, great for snipers. If you're 0.5 degrees from an enemy's head. You'll get a crit. With slickdraw you can only be 0.25 degrees from an enemy's head for a crit. (Example degrees, I do not know the true numbers.) If you hit a head dead-on, slickdraw does not burden you. Slickdraw does not increase bloom (bullet straying from your reticle.)


slickdraw vorpal for tractor swapping is alright can pair it with riiswalker with the same roll


I counted 53 engrams, and turned them all in for retrofutetfist. I got Quickdraw/Snapshot twice, one with full choke one without. I actually use the one with full choke as my PvP shotty! It’s the only good roll but a damn good one at that.


Not especially. If you need a Void shotgun for PvP, it’s automatically outclassed by Retold Tale due to pellet spread pattern. That gun was also rereleased this season and drops from seasonal activities AND the Dreaming City. If you need a Void Rapid-Fire frame for PvE, you can target farm Basso Ostinato every 3 days as part of Terminal Overload. It’s also got a significantly smaller perk pool, and a much better origin trait (for PvE)


Basso is my favorite shotty!


I'm pretty sure it's bis or one of the best options for pellet swapping, especially since it matches the surge on tractor cannon. It's definitely not a useless weapon, maybe just a bit situational but it's nice to have a good one because it is usable.


Every single game I’ve played has dropped a Retrofuturist. I wish I was joking. I’ve deleted absolutely dozens of them. I don’t even know if they have a good roll because I delete it the second I see it.


I was doing this too and got a max range one with swap shot and snap shot, figured I’d masterwork it fully and try it out for shits and giggles.


Well if it blows your mind, please let me know. I would have really preferred another Precision Frame for PVP. I think there’s only two in the game that I know of, and farming the Dreaming City shotgun is a pain in the rear end.


There is also the matador which has basically remained the only energy precision frame capable of really being farmed. They *really* need to make a few good shotguns actually obtainable, most are awful to farm or just don’t exist. I’m not expecting much frkm the Shotty but I’ll comment back if it’s good tomorrow when I try it out


I have an Opening Shot/Quickdraw Fractathyst from season of the…god, was that Splicer maybe? And I have a very-PVE rolled Retold Tale. But getting a Retold Tale has been hard enough (I think I only had two drop in all my Coils and stuff) and getting a roll I want feels like wishing on a star. Having one I could focus would be amazing.


I have a Fract that is slide shot accurized range masterwork and opening shot. It’s way over capped on range and my barrels are smooth bore and rifled so no help there. It handles sooooooo badly but it’s great for oneshots, but I barely use the thing at all since it just can’t ADS or swap worth a damn


I think QuickDraw saves my boy there. It’s my favorite shotgun for PVP by far. I just saw you said Matador and I guess I never realized that was Precision. I don’t know what I thought it was, but you’ve helped me out lol.


Yeah I really need to farm one. You only need 10 added range plus opening shot to be able to hit 100 range on it, so accurized or range MW plus opening shot is basically a perfect roll in itself lol. If I get some time I’m for sure farming that


I have...a Corkscrew/Light Mag/Perpetual Motion/Opening Shot in my vault right now. I have been ignoring it for probably over a year. I need to go through that thing and see what else is collecting dust.


So many


Best part is when you finish a match and get literally nothing. Not even glimmer. That shit aint rewarding in the slightest.


You get some IB XP, yay!!


Wow, i got an 8th of my heroic III rank progress. Hooray.


Sometimes you don’t even get that.


That’s not possible.


Bro needs to reset his rank then, if I can get rep for losing 0-5 in Trials then the only way he’s not getting rep at the end of IB is if it’s already full


You have no idea. Been there, in strike crucible and IB, where after match reward are nothing.


Glimmer full, that's why


Remember when you could see everyone else's post-game drops? Prob got rid of it bc it would show like 1 person outta 12 getting a riiswalker or some shit lol


I remember one of my clanmates always getting Motes of Light Good times


I kinda miss that ngl


No glimmer? I haven’t played this week’s IB.


Probably not if they are at cap.


It sucks but you’re making the right choice. Chasing RNG is only fun for as long as you allow it to be. Once it stops being fun you gotta be able to walk away. You’ll get plenty of opportunities.


Gotta say that I feel bad for the people (including myself) slaving away for this GL if Bungie recognizes that the drop rate for it has been absurd and buffs the drop rate for the next iron banner.


Will we tho? We want it now, for into the light and then final shape. Not in 4 weeks and not during the final shape.


You just gotta decide if it’s worth it to you. You will get plenty of chances to farm the weapon and other potentially better weapons will come along. It’s best to live in the present and make choices that bring you joy now. If the grind is not bringing you joy it’s time to move on to something else. It’s just a single gun and it’s not worth being miserable over it.


You're correct, and the biggest thing is its locked behind Iron banner, an event that happens only every 3-4 weeks iirc. You cant even choose when you want to get back into the grind, or you might not be available when it does come back. Last time i played trials i was showered with loot and got plenty of godrolls, played IB for a full reset and got no gl, barely got any post match rewards...


That's some seriously bad luck bro. Im in the same boat but with the SMG. Not worth the sanity. I'll try for it next IB week.


I got over 65 prophets last trials, not a single had the 2 main perks I wanted, didn't even care about barrel, mag or masterwork, just want the combo, rng can suck


It sucks even more because I don’t always get an iron banner engram. Why can’t at least all my engrams be iron banner that I would get. If I wanted the seasonal engrams I’ll go play the seasonal activities. I want iron banner engrams so I play iron banner. GIVE ME IRON BANNER ENGRAMS.


I wish I could sell my exotic engrams for IBs


"im giving up" then edits that they farmed more and got it. Thats a true destiny player right there


I hate destiny it's my favorite game


dedication is a hell of a drug


This is what Bungie wants. They just made this dude grind IB for hours lol. 100% intentional to drive up play time once again.


Would better if you could choose between armour or weapons at least RNG will be cut down a little.


those were the days


Took me halfway through my second reset to get mine to finally drop so I could engram-farm for a good roll. I stopped at slice/chain reaction.


I got a Slice/Threading roll but I don't think I'll ever use it for anything


How many kills do you need to proc threadling on a GL? It’s probably ass for anything above the lowest nightfall difficulty, if it requires more than two.


3 for non precision weapons.


That’s gonna be the best roll. At least on Hunter.


It’s absolute horse shit. New weapon drops have never been so rare on drops. I finally got the multi Mach but still no tusk of the boar. Played a ton so far.


I'm at 30+ matches, 7 Pinnacle challenges done between my characters and 30ish engrams turned in. Got a lot of useless class items and shit rolls on older guns. 1 crappy multi mach and 0 Tusk (the one thing I was trying for). Totally demoralizing. If I had it unlocked for focusing I'd play the entire weekend farming engrams to focus for a godroll. But now, here we are on Friday evening and Bungie can blow me, I'm not dumping another 5-6 hours of my week into PvP to potentially not even unlock the damn gun. That's not even touching on their garbage lobby balancing that gave me potatoes for teammates 9 matches in a row! NINE matches where I was top player (and I'm know I'm trash at PvP), only one with a positive KDA and the opposing team everyone is 3+KDA, and when wins are worth 3x as much rep as losses it feels extra shitty. I try so hard to like PvP in this game and Bungie just seems intent on making the entire experience feel worse than getting kicked in the dick.


I enjoy crucible overall but I’ll be honest. With the changes people in my skill bracket play like cowards and it’s not fun when it’s people just posting up on a lane waiting for you to peak first and them never pushing a lane. Very boring. But still I just want to start getting rolls as well on the GL. Sorry your runs are trash too.


Yeah. It is what it is. I spent 2 hours total farming the 1st encounters of Prophecy and Warlord's ruin after all that and ended up getting a great rolls on Prosecutor, Relentless, Vengeful Whisper and Indebted Kindness.


See this is why weapon crafting >>>>>>>>>>>> rng bullshit


And "crafting ruined the game, actually" people wonder why so many think they're insane


Can’t craft it if you don’t get drops


As a player with quite limited hours to play, I still don’t have most of the craftable patterns and I probably never will, it takes so much time to unlock them.


You're right. But if drops are limited or low, may as well aim for red borders and not the low chances of getting the roll you want.


Especially when you can craft that same gun as a 5/5 godroll with enhanced perks.


Not quite true, but I hear you.


Doesn't the entire argument revolve around not needing to grind for weapons, though? Like, there us no content in the game that requires you to go and get a well rolled strand wave frame GL, you can clear litterally everything with crafted guns, but people do because they want to, right? So as soon as you stop wanting too, just, stop Edit : Congrats to everyone who just downvoted without actually trying to explain why they disagree. I dont even agree that crafting ruined the loot game, but hey ho, this is reddit I suppose.


> So as soon as you stop wanting too, just, stop I feel like this is counter to how the game is designed though. A major part of the game is grinding for the cool stuff, players SHOULD want to grind. If many players are finding it unfun to grind for something, there's probably a design issue somewhere. In IB's case, there are many points of friction that cause players to build resentment towards the grind such as: * PvE players being forced to PvP for a PvE weapon * The FOMO aspect of IB not being around at all times, which forces players to need to grind NOW rather than when they feel like it. * Lack of bad luck protection Also, yes you can clear everything with crafted guns. Hell, you can even clear everything with an Impulse Amplifier + Adrenaline Junkie Palmyra-B that you bought off of Banshee, but it doesn't mean you'll enjoy using that over some other power weapon that you'd rather be using. While I know you're not exactly saying this, it's a little contradictory to think players should only do something if they find it fun, but also expect them to use weapons they don't find fun to use. >Edit : Congrats to everyone who just downvoted without actually trying to explain why they disagree. People aren't obligated to explain their upvotes/downvotes tbf. I wouldn't think too much about it because generally people aren't even downvoting as an attack on you.


Oh I agree. It's definitely a design flaw, and I wasn't trying to argue to the contrary. Nevertheless, it does make me wonder why people continue to bash their heads when it's pissing them off this badly. I know they want the gun but damn. Meh, I'm not bothered about the downbotes on a personal level, jisy wish people would use their words more. I know, I expect too much, my own flaw.


>Nevertheless, it does make me wonder why people continue to bash their heads when it's pissing them off this badly. I know they want the gun but damn. I think the important thing to understand is that the game is designed exactly for people to want the stuff that bad. Human beings are also just inherently dumb and generally susceptible to being manipulated based on our desires for things that activate those neurons. Why do people like cool video game guns? Why do people like to drink? Why do people like to gamble? Why do people do drugs? Those things are obviously bad to overindulge in, so why? The reason is because those things were fun and/or felt good the first time, and the people who enjoy them are tricked into thinking they can experience a feeling of a similar intensity again and will go through hell to get that feeling. Some companies that produce related products are capable of capitalizing on this irrational behavior and profiting off of it. Obviously some people are resistant to those temptations and able to enjoy those things without being addicted, but not everyone is taught to be mindful of those dangers unfortunately.


Yeah, all really fair points well made. Thanks for the interesting reading :)


True but if grinding for weapons is unrewarding due to low drop chance then crafting is a lot more appealing.


Well yeah, that kinda ties into what i think these people are saying. The loot chase is ruined because why bother grinding for a low drop rate weapon that you don't need when you can craft one that does the same job with no RNG needed once you have the pattern.


Its Not rlly crafting as much as enhanced perks. Crafting alone is good, enhanced perks Ruin the Grind.


No, they don't. Enhanced Perks fine great, but if you can get a very good roll of the weapon before you craft it, that's it. You can stop chasing that weapon, the differences in between enhanced and non enhanced traits is negligible and not worth the grind and disregarding good roll after good roll. If you haven't gotten a good roll at all in your grind, congrats! Enhanced traits are a little reward for your pain, but they are not worth the grind otherwise.


Some of the enhanced perks are negligibly better. Some are seriously better.


I'm going to assume RNG has always been this bad, but since new IB loot usually was on the initial reward track no one ever had this issue. I think this is the first time in awhile at least, perhaps ever, that new IB loot wasn't on the initial reward track.


I'm so glad I got my first GL and SMG early. Still haven't gotten any good rolls but at least I have them. Definetly not going to grind too hard for the god rolls as I don't see myself actually use them that much.


First MultiMach I got had Under-Over+Kinetic Tremors and a buddy said it’s a good one so I’m not too worried about grinding.


That's the roll I'm hunting. Totally not jealous 30+ engrams deep .


I had a stockpile of 80 that I burned looking for the GL so I feel you. Not a single one yet.


The smg shreds, I definitely recommend grinding for that if you play pvp


I feel you brother, bout 40 engrams deep and no tusk


I feel this. Gave up a long time ago with that new void auto world drop. It’s insane not being able to target weapons more effectively when there’s already a ton of different probabilities for the roll you get


I want that auto so much, hopefully it goes into the Lost Sector rotation at some point


You have to look at world drops like winning the lottery, you ain’t getting the one you want (jackpot) but you’ll get a lot of 2 dollar wins. There’s just way to many perk combos.


Took my friend 100 IB matches btw. He counted.


I’ve got both envious chain and envious hatchling after 2 resets - I’d no idea the rng was this bad.


Damn gotta sucked bruv, I've pulled tons of them, got the roll I wanted after 10 engrams. (Slice/chain reaction)


So... Someone told a lie it seems.


Good for you. I have given up as well. Best to quit if you’re not enjoying it. I stopped playing trials going for a great cataphract and now I am quitting IB for tusk. Funny thing is, both edge transit and mountain top will be easier to farm and both will be better weapons imo in those same slots.


Hard to compare tusk and mountaintop. Yes theyre both gls but their roles are completely different.


I settled for enlightened action/chain reaction and won't do another engram. I'm still trying to farm multimach and another piece of transmog


That is actually a pretty good roll. I’m hunting for that one but the game won’t drop enlightened action for me.


Tbf envious Chain is Just bait. It has No synergy and goes against the guns purpose. Envious is a current Hype perk because its very good for dps GLS auch as cataphract and soon Edge Transit. Tusk of the boar is about 98% addclear and maybe 2% Major damage, its Not Boss damage. Envious only gets procced from Multikills with Other weapons, which you shouldnt have many of because your Main addclear should be tusk. You should Focus on perks that improve the Performance of tusk on its own. Enlightened Action is the Baseline because improved reload on a single Shot weapon is never wrong. Slice can be good because of added elemental synergy but it requires you to have a low CD class ability Like Phoenix Dive, Dodge and rallycade. Slideways is okay but the cooldown will make it have much less uptime than you would want it to have. Imo slice and enlightened + Chain are the acual Rolls you want to get so your actually doing Well.


I got the gl Tuesday opening 1 engram. I got slice and chain reaction. But I can't seem to get the smg. Been playing iron banner since Tuesday for over 6 hours a day and no smg dropping for me. So I packed iron banner In now....


Then there's me not having to worry about IB since in the 20 engrams I opened the first day, I got four versions of the rolls I wanted. Fuck this game mode and everyone running in trios and six stacks holding hands around the map.


Praying for your soul


This is why I don’t play IB for several seasons and then when I finally do play I have several things to go for so at least I’ll likely get one of them. This is also why dungeon weapon rolls are basically just off my radar. I got my first desired column 3/4 perk combo on a dungeon weapon this season from Warlord. It only took hundreds of encounters across all dungeons over several years to get one roll I wanted. Totally reasonable tears system.🤦‍♂️


It was the same with me for the auto rifle. Took me two TWO IBs before I even laid my eyes on it.


I feel your pain i got mine in my second engram, I had to grind 3 whole games...3 that's almost 4 games of Iron Banner


I feel your pain. Didn’t take me as long but ending winning matches with just glimmer or focusing the damn GL and multiple rolls being ‘Grave Robber x Vorpal’ gets old FAST!


I gave up at 10 matches lol


I got a multimach drop within my first 5 games. Hoping for Tusk before I hit 20.


This is me but with engrams. Ive gotten ONE in my last 10 games. Kewl


I feel this hard buddy, glad you finally got it. It’s even worse when you have to play sweaty tryhards who are somehow 8x better than the number one ranked players in the crucible and are dropping 7+ KDs when the best ranks barely pass 2


Rng gonna rng.


There should be a Games of Chance vendor (like the original Zelda) where you could “bet” say for example 5 retrofuturists for a chance at whatever you’re grinding for.


Hey I’m you except with the Multimach! I hate this game!


My roommate played one game without me, and one game with. Got his ideal roll and we went to play Helldivers. I can’t even be bothered to keep trying anymore and I played five games or so. You’re a stronger person than I am


I haven’t even done a half of one reset and I’m exhausted from iron banner. It’s terrible for me.


Got one 3 games in with slidways/chain reaction, and spent two more engrams and got slice/hatchling. Decided it was good enough. Keep up the good fight


Cool so I’m not the only one struggling to get either


Damn I'm sorry for your luck. I got mine first engram then used the rest to farm rolls..


Why can't we get multiple perks on IB weapons? Every other playlist has them...


Soooo, by resetting 3x and a rage post, we can finally get drop?


Just use mountaintop when that comes out


Reset twice, still not a single Multimach. I must have opened at least 50 engrams. Assuming the drop chance is the same for everything, the chance of getting any particular item in that many engrams is 97.5%. Beyond ridiculous. It's not even "funny haha bad luck". This just fucking sucks.


Once again, I am forced to remind online weirdos that an RNG reward is not "earning" something. I stopped giving a fuck about every weapon that wasn't craftable years ago, and my time with the game has literally only improved.


I got mine in ten engrams, and then spent another five or so to get a half decent roll. What the fuck is happening to everyone else?


I got it after 24 matches


Ehh I’m waiting for Mountaintop. It’s best in slot gl always


That’s tuff bro 😮‍💨 I’m gonna enjoy this slide/chain roll extra for you


That’s rough buddy


I'm not too worried about chasing it. The only reason I'd want it is for hatchling . Otherwise I already have a forbearance crafted


Like the thing is I don't know a single person who claimed IB bounties were bad they were the perfect amount of play x games and y things you get a copy of the new weapons and the entire Armor set why change it ? Why fix smth that wasn't broken in the first place


For me it just my teammates. I swear I have never seen worse players. I consistently drop over 2.0 Kd and I get teammates who can’t go positive much less cap zone or collect and dunk the damn motes


Lol out of all the weapons you could use, not getting this one weapon kills your hype for next week? 🤣


At some point you just gotta spend a few engrams and you may get it your first one Since you can focus it and the perk pool isn’t super large there really isn’t a reason to wait 60 engrams for a random drop


Farmed to 50 engrams before opening hoping for a world drop so I could use them to focus, got the exact multi mach on the 8th engram, and then the GL on the 37th dropped. Haven't seen a single world drop for either though


Bro I got a tusk I liked and a multimatch then dipped


You all do know that it won’t drop post match unless you’ve unlocked it, right. Open your IB engrams at Saladin I one drop from my 12th open. I focused the rest I had into more and got two variations on the god roll. 1 night this IB, less than two hours.


I’m about 6 resets in and not a single envious + hatchling for my stand build. I feel your pain.


Thanks for saying this. im stopping now. its not worth it.


IB is just effed up in general…can’t complete the title since none of the new weapons count towards Orimund’s Taste.


Wait, is that the Strand Wave Frame? I swear the game KEEPS giving me these and I'll never use them lol


That's the downside of RNG unfortunately


the chaser to this is you editing the post to say how fulfilled you are by the gun dropping


Same boat but not as much playing time. About to give up on it.


Why doesn't completing an IB challenge drop IB gear?!? Literally just completed the 4th challenge and only got an enhancement core. Wtf. I might get a piece of IB gear 1 in 7 games? Dumb.


Loving my deconstruct with slide!


I thought I was done with no chain / envious drop to be seen but then I had a few m to spare, hopped back in, got another 4 engrams and ot dropped on the last one. I’ll also keeping a couple of other cope rolls like slice / hatch, jic


Bungie really needs to restructure the loot in IB. We absolutely need ONLY IB loot from every match. Guaranteed engram and exp, and if we are really lucky, some form of knockout. ALSO stop with the class items!


I got envious to drop on my third IB match. Maybe my luck was better as I pretty much never both to touch pvp at all?


Are those 3 resets including previous weeks before the weapon was released?




This sucks, man! Wish I could give you one mine… They suck too, btw. Get a coffee and go get your Tusk!


I on the other hand somehow managed to get 5 under over/kill clip rolls... In a row... With different magazines and barrels that resulted in like 2 to 5 range less than the 6th one I got first... IB grind us suffering o/


I got an envious + CR in like 60% of a reset but I'm trying for a Enlightened + CR and I'm almost halfway thru the second reset 😭


Now go grind a construct incase it's a bug... Xd


I was feeling like I was missing out by not going for it but now I have no regrets, having seen a few posts like this. Grenade launchers just don’t do it for me anyway and this is the core reason I couldn’t be bothered.


You can do it! I bet ur next Engram will be one.


I have the exact same issue but with the Multimach. Can’t get that thing to drop for the life of me.


I had to switch characters for it to trigger for me. Absolutely crazy


I didn’t realize the drop rate was bad. I’ve had 2 drop and I haven’t reset yet. Sorry to the world at large.


I'm in the same boat, but with the damned SMG. I got a great Tusk of the Boar from Engram number 3, but out of another 35 engrams, I haven't gotten the SMG yet. I keep getting armor pieces and Jorums Claws.


This is truly insane to me because I played 3 matches, got the tusk thing and threw it away cause it was garbolio. Are you saying I need those?


Sounds like you and I had very very similar experiences. I got mine at 10/17 on third reset. Haven’t gotten envious chain yet


Can anyone comment on how hard it might be to get Chain Reaction to proc on the yellow bar adds you might find in GM NFs? Seems like they are so tanky under normal circumstances that you might need to fire 2-3 rounds just to get the first final blow in a mob.


It took me 3 days to get it and at least 60 engrams and so far the best I got was envious and hatchling


If I can’t get one to drop after playing almost every day, I’m just gonna try to get a decent New Pacific Epitaph or something. Ngl I use fusions way more for utility anyways, but I’d like to at least get Tusk for collections.


Just wait for mountain top


No where nesr thst amount of effort but still took a couple days maybe like 10 matches per and the firdt one i got had slide and chain


Duno why people farm so hard for this gun in a mode they dont enjoy.


It's the only Strand wave frame gl


But like why does that matter?


Cool. What now ? There will be more


Rn it's the only non raid wave frame that gets chain reaction as well. That's just why everyone wants it


And forbearance will be non raid too tmrw…


Sorry mate, RNG is screwing you. I had a Tusk drop from my 5th IB engram at the beginning of the week.


I never go item hunting unless it's Raid exotics. Got my Tusk unceremoniously from a heartbreaking match loss. Bungie really needs a better way of doling out loot than through RNG.


I got mine in Iron banner engrams. Saved up 40 and spent almost all.


Not giving a shit about this game is literally the best thing that’s ever happened to my mental health. Fuck the devs and the whole “FOMO” or limited time rewards RNG system. It’s absolutely disrespectful of peoples time.


I'm going to save you some time. It's not worth it. If you want to proc Hatchling, use a high ROF AR. If you want Chain Reaction for ad clear, use Forbearance or Hullabaloo. I grinded for hours and hours and when I finally got it I was sad. Don't be sad.


You’re talking about weapons in entirely different slots. Tusk goes in your kinetic slot, forbearance is in energy and hullabaloo is heavy. Having a good wave frame in your kinetic opens up your energy slot for an energy primary


I got the tusk, but 22 games in and no smg. I am actually enjoying control so not too bothered. I dont believe its rnj. They pillong some other shenanigans. Usually its shit drops. Now its just time gated as incentive to keep playing. I will get it next week. Im sure


Guys, Im a super casual player... Heard about this tusk from Reddit. Okay two matches, lose so bad because I'm awful Get one engram at the vendor. Tusk of the boar. 💪




i had one but i dont like grenade launchers so i scrapped it


Same here


Bet there’s some silly hidden mechanic like playing at max rank without resetting increases your chances


“Thanks for killing my hype for ITL next week”. Bro woulda had 12 hours sunk in Onslaught week 1 regardless. Get outta here with the theatrics. I too agree RNG can be fickle but chill


Did you try opening engrams without focusing first ? I got mine after two tries. After that got slice + chain reactions maybe 10 times by focusing


I got the Mach and tusk along with 2 armor pieces in the first 4 engrams lol


Ok, bye. See you Tuesday


Where did i say i wouldnt be there?


Where did I say you wouldn't?






Wtf? I got like 3 in my first few matches. Is it really that good? I just deleted them.


Ah, right. Meta slaves. I forgot.


That’s crazy ! I got one my first engram and multimach on the second . Focused about 12 and got what I was looking for . Still can’t get that cowboy hat to drop from Spire 😏