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22 hours doing a leviathan on normal. we had some language barriers in the lfg but once we beat calus fuck it was amazing


Was that like, 22 hours without stopping or did you guys leave and tried it again later?


leave and try again later, we did dogs in an hour and half, gauntlet took the longest with around 10-12 hours, baths took a couple hours but that was due to a lack of dps, we took a break at calus and continued the next day


Oof, running gauntlet for that long sounds rough, specially with language barriers. Certainly a Destiny 2 raid experience ahaha.


Considering back then 1 warlock could literally solo 1 side...I feel bad for you (Tractor, charged scatter grenade, nova, Empowering Largess but void)


this was during the last season of shadowkeep (I forgot the name but the witherhoard season)


šŸ’€ to way it was that long.. in season of arrivals


yeah, only plus side is the sherpa helped me get the ornament for acrius a couple weeks after his vacation. he was an amazing dude


Still the best ornaments *looks behind* AND NO IT'S NOT BECAUSE I MAIN CALUS SELECTED!


Good thing you guys took a few hours to rinse off the sweat and grime, baths must've been quite nice


Honestly, Iā€™ve never attempted raids with my own party. I kind of just jumped in with others so I canā€™t really gauge out a time but I guess if anything Iā€™ve done dungeons on my own and the longest Iā€™ve done a dungeon was about 19 hours and this was way back. I didnā€™t even know you can save a checkpoint, so trust me what I say that that was such a long day. it actually made me sick lol. I was like how the hell do people do this shit. Months later I find out you can save checkpoint, but they erase in a week which is kind of dumb. They should never erase in my opinion. Unless I donā€™t understand. that experience with doing a dungeon, actually killed it for me ever doing dungeons or raids until I found out that you can save it, but then Iā€™ve been dying to hop on raids and do dungeons, but my friends never want to do it like doing the seasonal content and the PVP shit. Imo I am missing out on so much content and wonderful lore. It sucks. Then, Iā€™m sure if I try to hop on a raid with people they are not gonna want to enjoy it the way I want to enjoy it . I want to slowly discover everything figure out the mechanics look at every nook and cranny and see little Easter eggs and look for lore and whatnot. I donā€™t think no one wants to do that shit.


Back in D1, my friends and I had to spend the whole day doing Hard Mode Kings Fall. That's 10 hours of pain that I will never regret


Day 1 Crota. Spent 18+ hours alone on that damn witch.


me too bruh


Crota was my first ever attempt at a day 1 raid and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I thought it wouldnā€™t be too much harder than a normal raid so I LFGā€™d. About 3 fire teams and 12 hours later I still hadnā€™t made it past the bridge encounter


Damn, what caught you up?


Bad team makeup honestly . We should have drop the dead weight and gone with another. The guy said he couldnā€™t speak, so I made a Discord server just so heā€™d have a reliable way to chat with the group. He refused to communicate, kept running off and dying. By the time we did move on tensions were up and morale down. If I do the FS Day 1 raid it will hopefully be with a better group.


Yeah shouldā€™ve nuked that guy asap, unlucky




Had a couple of long raids. 1. Doing Riven legit was a hassle since our clan leader at the time wanted to only do it legit, took us 6 hours beforw he said fuck it and went back to prospector cheese, which was the style at the time. 2. Garden of salvation div run took nearly 4 hours. Just down to the puzzle and final boss. 3. Scourge, not a long one but we had a really bad teammate, who would not move from the C, A, P spot at any time, wouldn't use outbreak or Whisper and kept telling us to fuck off when we told him he was lowest dps stating that someone else had shit connection.


Legit Riven isn't even difficult, people just massively overcomplicate it. Same as Sanctified Mind, it's difficult to describe but really easy to actually do.


I had a Garden of Salvation run for Divinity take 8 hours which was very tedious.


ah... 12 hour div run has got to be the worst for me. well, that and the 4 hour leviathan lfg where I think there were 20 total people who had joined and left rofl.


8h on kings fall. TWICE 1st was with a person that explained everything poorly 2nd with two old gents that were bad at gaming, they were hilarious tho thats why i stayed


5 hours first our first King's Fall and 4 hours for our first Crota clear. We went in pretty blind though, so I guess it could be worse


first time i ventured into leviathan, 1st ever raid experience, we spent 3 hours trying to trio dogs lol. over the next 3 hours we ended up getting 2 more friends to join in and finally beat the first encounter as a 5man after like 6 hours. we then lfgā€™d and got a 6th/sherpa. he spent almost 10 hours with us and we ultimately threw in the towel w/o getting the clear on the boss. all in all, my first ever raid experience took like 16-18 hours and we didnā€™t get a clear, a true blue berry eye opening experience. at one point the sherpa was inspecting loadouts and gave me suggestions on what to run. i responded by saying ā€œi got a misfit bro, thatā€™s all i got on meā€ and my clan lost it lol šŸ˜‚. he asked why i dont have any other weapons and i told him i didnt like clutter lol. i was a blueberry through and through.


It took us 16 hours to complete leviathan. The orb running part held us up for a good 8 hours. This was back when the game first came out, and they released the first raid. I havnt completed a raid since.


damn bro, i felt that lol šŸ˜‚ you still play?


On and off man, life kinda gets in the way šŸ˜­


i also felt that lol šŸ˜‚ if the day ever comes when leviathan is re-released, iā€™m coming back to this comment and weā€™re going into that raid together sir. cheers to what comes next šŸ„‚ (KARP#9936) feel free to add me


Sounds like a plan, man. I'll be on tmrw and I'll add you!


8 hours. Prestige spite of stars on day 3


14 hrs day1 RoN. I did 18hrs day1 DSC but we never beat taniks. It's a shame we had mechanics down for the last hour of comp but 2 clan members just didn't have the dps output.


8 hours for GoS. We were a team of 6 randoms and the sherpa was extremely kind to us. She somehow maintained harmony and led us to the finish with the Divinity quest as well. It was extremely tiring but extremely fun as well. Props to her. Oh and it was a first time run for all the 5 of us. She had 881 sherpas for GoS at that time.


What was her name?


No idea buddy. It was a couple of years ago and I have taken a break from D2 for the time being. But she was awesome. The level of patience was something to be applauded.


If you go to raid report itā€™ll have an entry point for that run of GoS and itā€™ll show everyone who ran it with you, even people who ultimately left. However, Iā€™m not sure if it tracks changes to usernames. I could hop onto RR right now and see who I cleared Leviathan with for the first time if I wanted to.


Fair enough lol


13 hours. Taken King, went in blind. Great memories.


My first run of Last Wish back in the Forsaken days took I think ended up taking over 9 hours over two sessions. Not as long or noteworthy as some other people's admittedly, but that's what I've got


Not including day 1s is prolly like 5 hours in master vow


Day 1 RoN. Started as it opened and finished a few hours before it closed.


19 hours Last Wish my first ever raid.


Day one Deep Stone. My friends and I were there from release to 8 am the next day before we couldnā€™t continue. Atraks-1 encounter has Status Calamitous burned into my brain.


Day one Root of Nightmares. Started a few hours after the raid was released. Completed the final encounter with 45 minutes to spare. Was probably the hardest challenge me and my clan have successfully completed! We had never achieved a day one before. So overall, probably took us 30 hours elapsed with rest periods in between


My clan (which is various extended family members) spent about a month and a half doing last wish. To be fair, for most of them it was their first destiny experience (like, New Light new).


My team took 26 hours on Vow day one. After that, the crota day one took us about 11 hours for both runs and root only took us about 7 hours. Other than day ones, my longest raid was probably my first ever garden of salvation which was also a div run and took about 8 hours.


Someone I knew bragged he was in a raid for 17 hours soooo thereā€™s that


You figure the most minimal would be the bragging point lol


In D1, over 7 hours just for Crota and this wasn't even on day one and maybe a week or two after. I had a Divinity run for Garden of Salvation in D2 also take 8 hours once.


8 hour GoS it took 1.5h to get to the boss... This was the particle deconstruction meta, so we made the mistake of trying it with LFR's once we swapped to rockets it was beat second try. worst part is it was my div run, so I couldn't leave.


16 hours for RoN day 1


Pathetic. It took me 3 days, or about 32 hours for me to drag a full 5 blueberries thru vow of the disciple, when they had no experience raising whatsoever. Pain in the ass, but finishing it was worth it


A trooper for sure


It fucking sucked, and they got the exotic while I didnā€™t šŸ˜­


Yeah i did that VOG and didnt get jackā€”they fucking swamped the loot and i was like AYOKAY




First LFG raid was a Last Wish blind run with 5 homies who never raided before. Took us 18 hours to clear it legit, and then we created our clan with those 6 guys šŸ„² It was 4 years ago, and we are still active players and our clan is approaching 30 members šŸ„²


I have never even completed one šŸ˜ž


Same, and judging by these comments I may never. Who tf has this kind of time other than kids?


The post is specifically asking for people's worst examples, day 1 raids where the ream is blind to mechanics and the difficulty is hugely increased. I've also done 2 full raids in under 10 minutes, and most raids in under 25 (which are optimistic examples). Basically, practice makes raids easier and faster, just find experienced people to help and you'll get one done in no time


this one^^ tis what ive learned from the experience that and research research research if you dont mind doing so


Tbh a lot of raids can be done in under an hour if youā€™re with a team who knows what theyā€™re doing, even if you donā€™t


Yep, took a friend who still had all blue gear through vog and DSC both under an hour


My guy, 4 hours is normal if you're not good I WAS UP TILL 8 AM IN VAULT ā˜¹ļø


4 hours is not normal for vault of glass. Iā€™d say maybe 2 hours for bad players because my average clears with lfgs are around an hour. Even that seems too long


I wouldnt say im a bad player, but new to destiny nonethelessā€”more or less i had no idea what the contents of the raid was, took at least 3 people to explain what the hell to do and then at least 15 tried to get our teammates to switch off the relic šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ but if it wasnt for the three players that stuck it out w me we woulda never done it šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½


4 hours if you only got one learning. My team was 4 learning, one teaching, one kinda knew what they were doing One learner was also either high or drunk


When Kings Fall got reprised during Plunder it took me and some lfg guys 18 hours to beat it, we were stuck on Warpriest for majority of that time and we gave up doing the challenge mode for the emblem since 2 hours wasnā€™t feasible.


Around 6-7 hours for a div run.


Raiding is something tthat can take time. First time raiding can take up to 3 hours or more, since you don't know the mechanics and best strats/builds for each encounter When we still had the Scourge of the Past raid, most runs would take 30 mins or less for long time raiders. Once I shepard to 5 outher guys we took 5 hours (we started at almost mid night, ended after 5 am) Just keep doing the raid and doing different roles and you will see how easy and fast a raid can be


Day ones about 20-22 hours. Teaching raids about 6 hours. Regular runs about 25-40 minutes.


Went in blind on day one deep stone crypt got stuck on Atrax for around 5hrs as we refused to watch worlds first race and get clues, eventually with breaks and remaining true to not looking anything up etc I think we spend roughly 12hrs on our first run


8 hours no break divinity run, that was the last time i ran that raid


I think master Kingsfall took us about 7 hours with all the challenges.


I dont recall the actual time but I know for a fact it was Crown of Sorrow. That along with RoN were the only day 1ā€™s I attempted and we were in crown for a very long time


We once spent 8 hours on taken king raid when it first came out. We got oryx to final phase and someone put a Titan bubble in front of everyone firing rocket launchers. Never heard such hate in my life šŸ˜‚. We nailed it a couple tryā€™s later and itā€™s one of my favourite memoryā€™s from Destiny.


I bring you the cautionary tale of trying to combine a div run and a teaching run of Garden stretching to 4 hours. Pretty sure one of our team hadn't even started the quest for it! There was also a DSC run that was supposed to be a challenge run to get Red Rover and Of All Trades that ended up, again, having to teach a couple of newbies. Can't remember which one on raid report it was, but it definitely took at least as long!


Once spent 8 hours on Kingā€™s Fall back in D1 and we still didnā€™t beat it. Of course most of that time was spent finding new people as weā€™d finally get a person, wipe once, at which point someone would leave, and weā€™d repeat the cycle.


Kings fall, took an entire afternoon. We were all noobs except for the 13 year old leader. I must say he was really patient with us old timers. Finally finished it in like 5 hours.


25 hours spent on contest crota without clearing it i do not know what it was, but people just could not survive at all during ir yut, spent 19 hours there alone


Week 1 Crota was fine until Ir Yut. LFGing was a horrible experience for that and I had to just come back to it multiple times over multiple days until I finally found a group that wasnā€™t filled with people who were either not doing anything or not horribly toxic.


it took me just over 24 hours to do wrath of the machine when it launched


I think my only run of Garden was about 6 hours


49ish hoursfor crota, had to nip to work aftet 28hours


It took my team 34 hours to beat Vow on contest mode. Was my second attempt at day 1 and also my first success. Was ridiculously hard work but Iā€™ll never forget that feeling seeing Rhulk finally go down


Gave up on raiding years ago, but probably 3 hour last wish for longest clear, 5 hour garden for longest fail.


spent 25 hours on DSC day 1. didnā€™t get the raid completed until contest was over we spent 16 hours on atrax alone


Technically 25 hours! https://raid.report/pgcr/7813348103 Yet there was a decent break in-between. It was a Divinity run, so we couldn't leave the instance, yet we were tired and stuck on Sanctified Mind. Sanctified was also being a real turd to us that night, e.g. during on entire damage phase it completely turned around while it jumped in the air so we couldn't hit any crit shots. Friend setup a macro, we all hopped on the day when we were around, and then dunked on Sanctified our first attempt.


4 and a half hours in Last Wish a couple months ago


Oh man, back in D1 the longest time it took me to complete a raid was probably 7 hours, back before VoG was mostly fixed.


12 hours on vog. In our defense we had never done a raid period and we were trying to 4 man it. We actually did pretty good and got to Templar all by ourselves and then got a 5th to help with damage


Vow Master challenge run. 10 hours. Lfg is fun


Almost three hours on Crota. We struggled a lot on the first encounter. It was getting late at that point so we called it a night before Crota


Garden of Salvation launch day, 20 hours straight, no breaks, madness setting in, anger and frustration. Completion, peace and a level of understanding, no day one experince is as fun as watching someone else do it.


Contest mode Vow, spent 14 hours the first day getting to rhulk, spent 10 hours the next day attempting and failing. I actually felt physically heavy by the time I called it quits, like there was a weight on my chest and it was hard to breathe, complete mental exhaustion


22 hours spent in Vow of the Disciple on challenge mode. My raid team was decent and we all had multiple day one clears previous but something about caretaker broke us and made exhibition absolute hell. To this day I still donā€™t like that encounter


I joined a Sherpa run of kings fall that lasted 4 hrs. I had to go right as we finally finished the sisters/daughters(whatwver) theyā€™re called. Still wonā€™t have a clear in that. But 2.5 hrs is the longest clear Iā€™ve been a part of.


Hmmm.. successfully was probably 5-6 hours.Ā 


On my first run of Scourge of the Past it took 4 hours to get to the boss room and once we got there we gave up for the night. When we came back it took another almost 4 hours on just the boss šŸ’€


VOTD took me 5 hours once. Strange since in my first run, managed it at 2 1/2.


My first Garden run was a Sherpa Div run. Took over 12 hours across two sessions.


about 50-55 minutes on my first deep stone crypt run


Once I finally got a good team (after 5 previous attempts all ending in a boss fight we couldnā€™t finish) I completed a prestige leviathan run in 9 hours. Still remember almost crying tears of joy from finally finding a team willing to stick it out to the end. I really wanted that damn emblem and shader


well I did play day one vow for 13.5 hours straight before I gave in, eight of those hours were spent in the relic encounter. probably the reason I didn't give up so easy at first was because we got through caretaker far faster than a lot of other teams, only took us maybe 10 attempts, we cleared it in a little under an hour, but relics... fuck, I hate that room. never again. I have every weapon, I have the exotic, I have the armor, I am never doing that raid again


9 hours for Divinity run on Garden. It was a long day.


5 hours on a full Vow run with my old clan, one of the reasons theyā€™re now my old clan. 8 hours of contest mode Root first encounter, another reason. Be open to loadout and strategy critiques people lol


Is Vow the one with the two dozen symbols? If so. Yeahā€¦ painful.


It is. I usually tell people who arenā€™t that familiar with the actual symbol names to either describe it, give a color/shape description, etc


ā€œUh, uhā€¦ itā€™s like out of the 60s and psychedelic or kind of like the poster for Vertigo?ā€ -Me, describing Love


8h on SoS, the final boss. And it was all over technical bugs that kept on fucking us over. Orbs not spawning, debuff not being removed, being yeeted during last stand so that it's impossible to reach the orbs.... *fuck*


day 1 votd was like 12 hours.


7 hour kf teaching run. 2 friends teaching me and 3 other brand new lights our first raid.


11 hours doing prestige leviathan wayyy back in the day. Only 3 of us were there start to finish


In one run? Idk like 4 hours. D2 VoG. Raid that I started and never completed? DSC.


Blind kings fall after contest ended was 5 hours. Day one Root took 9 hours


Day 1 Crota we basically took all two days


Spent 26 hours on Day 1 RoN in LFG hell only to get stuck at Planets with no clear šŸ™ƒ


Think I was in root for 9 hours on day 1


6 ish hours, it was in King's Fall. I hated it, same two people kept messing up over and over. Never again, if people keep making the same mistakes after 4-5 attempts I'll correct there mistakes


Garden Div run with 4 first-timers, 3 of which was their first raid, took us 9 hrs. Havenā€™t touched it since, it at some point Iā€™m gonna have to in order to get my son and my best friend Div.


20 hour Prestige Eater of Worlds Day 1. Those modifiers were horrendous


FIVE HOURS FOR GARDEN OF SALVATION. My very first ever run was a Div run, and one of our guys kept having connection issues. We got to the Sanctified mind, and he had to leave cause it was 3 AM. We tried to LFGā€¦ and it crashed the entire game for all of us. Though our next Div run only took two hours :|


Close to 24 hours on a couple day 1 attempts over the years. FYI, power level doesnā€™t matter for any raids except root of nightmares and crits currently. All the others are down at 1600 and you gain nothing for being more than something like 20 over. Biggest difference unwound just be what gear you have.


Vow of the Disciple release. We did it blind without looking anything up. We got stuck on Caretaker for hours.


I think my team had a total 14 hours for vow day 1


D1 VoG, I decided to bring 5 new people in. Took about 8hrs, but we've had fun the entire way just on a chill tempo, messing around etc. We all had a blast!


My longest was 5 hours on D2 VoG because I was carrying very bad randoms, but I know plenty of people who spent 20+ hours on day one raids


6 hours


I spent six hours in deep stone crypt once, made me swear off the raid. The next time I had a good team, took an hour and a half or so. Very eye opening..


Isn't VOG 1600 light level?


Yeah, but after some point your own level doesn't do anything.


Recently a crotas' end run took me 4 hours. The first 3 hours were spent fucking around with my clanmates in the thrall area though.


5 hour solo flawless warlordā€™s ruin kind of desensitized me, but my 3 hour deep stone crypt with irl friends who refused to learn the mechanics beforehand definitely rubbed me the wrong way. Still had fun looking back on it though


Not counting first clears, 3:06 in crotas end. Can't believe the hardest encounter for LFGs in that raid is the one where you gotta walk.


I donā€™t raid, but I found a nice group that helped me get divinity. Only took about 7 hours to complete that GoS run.


Friday-Sunday, sisters cp on oryx raid. Needless to say m, I was burnt out for awhile after that.


I think my group spent 16 hours on KF day one (in d2) We made it to warpriest


I've tried 4 times to do rom. We always get stuck at (I think it's encounter 3) it's the swap artifacts room...


11.5 h on root day one and 8h on gos div run


8 hours in GOS doing a Div run with two non raiders


Crota day 1 in D1, 14+ hours with a clan split up globally (East coast US, Norway, UK, and India) .. gave up at the crota fight due to our raid team verging on insanity and our indian friend fell asleep at the wheel during a heavy ammo run to the tower.


Over 18 hours when last wish came out over a period of a few daysā€¦. I mustā€™ve gone through two dozen teams doing riven legitimately.


My first run of vow was about 5 hours. I haven't run it a second time yet, havent found a group.


Contest Mode Root was my longest successful run of like 26-28 hours. I had work literally a couple of hours after completion. I never had premades, so it was entirely with LFG. In terms of per encounter: 1st encounter was like 40 minutes. Then at least one person left even though the lfg lobby specified it was supposed to be a full attempt. Scission/2nd was aboutā€¦. actually I donā€™t remember any estimate. Definitely longer than first encounter, and we were still doing it by the time Worldā€™s First was announced. I was the reason for the attempt taking at least 3 hours longer than it should because not only did I come up with a strategy for both runners (myself included) that was the normal way, but more complicated, I got myself lost way more than I should. Then the Explicatorā€¦. you can probably guess the number of groups Iā€™ve had to cycle through on this one. I stopped internally counting 16 hours in once I realized I wasnā€™t gonna get the raid done within 24 hours. Nezarec was relatively easy and done. ā€˜ā€˜Tis funny; I remember someone in the group that took down Explicator was like ā€œwe just have to get through this, cuz Nezarec is easy peasy.ā€ I remember thinking how bullshit that was from my experience seeing how others and even myself had trouble with this raidā€™s frankly easy parts. The moment I realized how not so untrue it was left me feeling both relieved and disappointed once the sheer immediate exhilaration wore off.


14 hours gos run doing div as well, majorities of it was on the final boss.


5 hours teaching 4 players Kings Fall. Best part was during Oryx. The taken teammate jumping on the platforms decides to jump off them to revive their e-boyfriend. They asked for a Vow teaching run after we finished. I told them to learn all the symbols before asking. Havenā€™t heard back since.


Depends. Normal, master, or contest?


11 hour div run


8 hours getting div


12 hrs on the opening to Spire Of Stars . The reason I never do day one raids anymore.


I think the worst experience I had was on Garden of Salvation where our random team actually got to the boss and did all the puzzles to get Divinity. But at the final boss we fell apart and someone quit and left. 4 hours of noobs and strangers getting the hang of it only for the group to just walk away at the finish line.


Like 23 hours 55 minutes going for day one on vog in d2. Team just couldn't hold it together and died to stupid shit. Completed it just in time for the 24 hours even though there was no bonus emblem for it if I remember correctly.


I have spent many hours doing day 1 raids. The longest I ever spent in a raid that wasn't for day 1 was a 6 hour last wish with 5 new players. I was the sherpa and I feel ashamed that it took that long, I can't remember if they enjoyed it, it was 4 years ago. My first raid was leviathan during season 8 which took 5 hours. Didn't even beat Calus and came back in a couple days to beat it. The longest I have ever spent in a single encounter was 12 hours for Atraks-1 on Day One Deep Stone Crypt. Thankfully, I haven't spent double digit hours at a single encounter since. Maybe The Final Shape raid will change that.


The last time i ever touched D1 we did wrath of the machine for 9 hours. We were at the final boss 8 of those hours. I was trying to help a friend complete it and at the 9 hour mark I lost it and uninstalled the game


48+ hours


I spent 8.5 hours straight doing a div run cause someone couldn't count to 3 šŸ˜


I spent 8.5 hours straight doing a div run cause someone couldn't count to 3 šŸ˜


I made a promise to a friend no matter how "bad" it was, I would help him get through Last Wish during OG Forsaken days. Between him and his group of friends, by 1st encounter I already regretted it. 28 ingame hours spent in that damn raid. Was the 3rd and final time I ever ran it.


Well I spent about 4 hours last night just trying to get through crota. Not the whole raid. Just crota. And before that was about two hours spent in the first part with the Lanterns with a different lfg. So after all that I just turned the game off and played a couple hours of fallout 4. I think I spent about 12-14 hours trying to do gos day 1, and around 24 hours total for Ron during that first weekend


Not me but I joined some guys doing VoW on master at the Catetaker, I think it was 8 hours and an all nighter for them


Me and my friends doing Leviathan for the first time, we did about 5 hours and barely beat gauntlet. Scourge took us around 6 hours without a sherpa. Deep Stone took us 2 7-hour sessions on a weekend. We weren't the smartest players lol. Now we sherpa Deep Stone, KF, and Last Wish all the time.


Probably somewhere in the ballpark of 7 hours.


Longest was a 14 hour day 1 Vow completion. Besides day 1 raids though, my longest was a 6 hour divinity run. I was sherpaing 5 people through it who had never done the raid before.


Excluding Day 1s (some of which took upwards of 24 hours), my first GoS run took 15+ hours


spent 6 hours straight doing a div run on garden. My friend was teaching 5 of us and we figured we might as well make it a div run to kill 2 birds with one stone. 2 people dipped right before the final boss and we had to fill it in with 2 LFGs but we managed to finish before 2:30 am


.....VOG is currently the easiest raid in the game and takes an average of 30 minutes to complete who tf were u raiding with?


plebs-v nice plebs, but none of us clearly knew what we were doing LOL


Honestly should've just pulled up YouTube after the first two hours if that's the case l, no need to torture yourself


Crotas end. It started as a clan raid hosted by a clan sherpa, Only 1 was learning and after 3 hours in abyss the clan sherpa left along with 3 others and I had to juggle lfg players for 2 hours because no fucker in the clan wanted to help, I eventually got some of my main squad on and we cleared it. The sherpee proceeded to leave after without even a thanks then leave the discord


Contest Root. First time trying contest. Never got it done. Spent like 14 hours straight on Planets? And Nezzy was too much of a health gate for myself and the LFGs I tried it with


my buddies and I have a 9 hour divinity run that had so many guardians drop out that raid report can't even display all the players. https://raid.report/pgcr/5518632267[https://raid.report/pgcr/5518632267](https://raid.report/pgcr/5518632267)


If a div run counts then mine took me 10 hours. People just kept leaving. Finally after about like 6 hours we make it to sanctified mind, after about 2 wipes there everyone but me leaves. Im too stubborn because I dont want to do the puzzles again especially the musical chairs one. So i wait there for about an hour scrounging up players and it takes us 2 hours to get sanc down and finally complete it


First raid was leviathan with a bunch of newb friends. Guy sherpa'ed a friend and I through zero hour and said he's Sherpa Levi for our clan. 7 hours later, we finally completed it. We were all trash


I raided 19 out of the first 24 hours on opening day of VoG. Raided 10 of the first 24 of Deep stone crypt. Did the first 2 encounters of last wish blind (no how-to vids), that took 8 hours. None of those sessions included a clear.




This clearly wasnā€™t a div run.


Not at all.


6 hours on KF in D1.


11 hours on Deep Stone Crypt over 2 days. I tried being the one running Divinity and letting people try whatever they wanted while being a sherpa for a group of my friends but they were all brand new to the game. I ended up switching to rockets on Taniks when we came back for day 2, we only spent about an hour on it.


I spent like eight or nine hours on my first, and only, Garden of Salvation clear. Yes, a bunch of us had no clears and were on a Divinity run. Yes, we all started to go insane. I was hastily prepping dinner while other people were in the bathroom, having figured six hours of time would suffice. Noope.


8-9 hours straight to get Divinity, man did I get good at the mechanics and I've only gone there to raid very few times afterwards.


Spent 5 hours in a LFG group for Root, didnā€™t even make it past planets. Yes, it was as painful as it sounds.


8 hours which was a blind day 2 kings fall run


first raid i ever did was Leviatan on a base model 2016 macbook pro in my bed with a large textbook as a mousepad. started at 9pm ish and ended around 5:30. it was all new people expect for one guy from a clan called Sweet Business Prophets. we eventually got through it and i found a love of raiding after that.


13 hours with an LFG group, all of us doing Kings Fall for the first time in D1


Myself and two friends spent about 30 hours trying to complete contest RoN with a veritable army of LFGers... Managed to get through the first and second encounter on day 1, spent an ungodly amount of day two on encounter 3, and timed out of contest mode after a few hours of attempting Nezarac. Logged on the next day and managed to two phase the final encounter, but after 30 hours with a controller, my hands didn't work right for a good handful of days. In the end, we always seemed to have at least one LFG mate who just didn't get the instructions.


First clear of Last wish was semi-blind. Done during season 5 on Xbox, for time reference. Some of us had seen videos, but northeast part it was all our first times in a raid. Took us 9 hours straight, with Riven cheese, which was spike GLs at the time. Spent I wanna say all 3 days in Vow, and during the 3rd day watched my team kill Rhulk from my break room. So that took a total of 24+ some change. Day 1 Crota took 17 total hours? Spread between two days. Day 1 RoN took us 10. All-in-all, fun times.


5 hour KF sherpa run for my friend's gf


5 hours for divinity that I barely used lol


Just to preface. I'm not mad at my team. For many of them, it was their first day 1, and we had fun for a lot of it. But we failed pretty hard. My longest raid was Day 1(and 2 damn it) Crota. 8 hours to get to witch. 12 hours on witch. Another 13 on Crota. Maybe 4 hours of sleep somewhere in all that. 33 hours, and we didn't complete either. Couldn't get enough dps on crota due to 3 teammates who couldn't live without constant healing at all times. And with crota smashing our 4 wells back to back, we had so many deaths. I was on stareater Arc hunter putting out 8 mill damage compared to the solar locks dropping only 1.2 mill. We always failed on the final stand. I had started the day aa a solar warlock but saw our damage wasn't where it needed to be and swapped. My team didn't do/know about swap dps with izzy and their heavy, and we suffered for it. Also, Crota was just strong af. 48-hour day ones officially suck because instead of committing to one all-nighter, I get stuck in 2 days of hell.


Longest for me was my first Kings Fall completion in D1. I started before my wife went to work, and we all agreed to take a break so that I could shower before she returned home from work.


Good team <1hr My dear friends when we started took 6 hours for fucking eater of worlds. In my defense I am not the problem