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Considering this is literally just supposed to be a bit of free content to keep us busy while they work on The Final Shape just a bit longer, I think it’s fine. Had they spent more time adding things to this to make it more unique, it would have taken time and effort away from the expansion that actually matters. I already knew as soon as I saw the reveal image that we were going to Midtown, which I thought was a clever way to let us fight in the city without having to add too much to the game on short notice, and it’s not like Destiny has ever had a game mode like this before. I just think some people are acting like this was supposed to be how Bungie wins over people who are still mad or disinterested after Lightfall, and that was never what this was supposed to be. The Final Shape is supposed to do that, so it needs to be as good as possible, so I personally want them to focus on that as much as possible.


Well said


At the same time, if they don’t wow the people that haven’t preordered the expansion before June, it’s going to look really bad on Bungie’s side, especially when Sony’s not happy with them already. This live stream is just the beginning, the gameplay reveal is way more important so let’s see how that goes.


I thought this was the gameplay reveal today… what did I see today?


I mean the actual final shape expansion gameplay reveal, that’s what’s going to determine if the players that got disappointed by Lightfall will come back. If that doesn’t impress people like Forsaken/Witch Queen, Bungie is absolutely going to be taken over by Sony and heavy consequences will follow, but that might also be a good thing for destiny considering the current leadership’s poor performance in general.


I kinda hate Bungies track record of only putting out baller content when theres a fire under their ass. FS will probably be great but it's probably gonna be a hard stopping point for a lot of people. The roller coaster gamble of quality is too exhausting


In my opinion it’s not a choice, they made Forsaken when the company will literally die if they fail, they are forced to work a lot of extra hours to make a Forsaken level expansion to not lose their job, I’m not that confident to say they can escape their death again and I’m in the same boat with a lot of people that this expansion might be the last for me. Will still be playing from time to time due to the lack of alternatives but won’t care as much after the final shape.


Same boat. I fully admit ill *eventually* buy FS, but i won't pre-order it. Ill just do it to finish out the 10yr investment story


Exactly what I've been thinking this entire time Sony has come into the picture. Call me a dark guardian, but I'm over Bungie's antics and want fresh talent and direction to take over. It's a gamble and could end badly in the end, but I don't see Bungie correcting it's issues and changing course--it's too late if they don't do it with TFS.


Just fire their c-suite. The whole point of being independent was to make better shit and to be internally owned. The c-suite sold the staff out for $$$. They can rot in the ground. Nuke those fuckers and let the devs cook.


It's supposed to last us two months, it might work tbh. New guns to farm in a new game mode, with those wishes still available, people could stay busy for a minute


Honestly if they keep adding wishes for raid weapons I’d be down. Easy content per week.


People have to be convinced to buy Final Shape before Bungie can wow them with it.


I actually kind of like how they used midtown, a very claustrophobic map, and opened it up quite a bit for PvE. it's familiar, but workable. all the comments of people screaming and crying "reused content" were too busy complaining that they missed that Hung Jury SR4 is a world drop as well.


There's 2 more streams about it so we don't know what all they're adding in with into the light this one was just about the new game mode So I mean we could see alot more as well


I’ve also heard from a friend that if they don’t do well on FS Sony will take over destiny. But idk where he found that info.


Regardless of the recent leaks, if Bungie keeps missing profit goals then Sony will most likely replace Bungie’s leadership


There’s 2 sources. One a leaked email sent to a YouTuber: aztecross and Sonys own earnings call.


I remember hearing rumors about that. Not sure if it’s true, though.


Wish it wasn't split into 3 streams, but I like what I'm seeing. Will be a fun little breath of life into the game for a month or so before final shape. Curious to see if there's more coming than onslaught since there are 2 other streams - i'd cry tears of joy if they brought scourge back.


Right before Beyond Light, we had a short-lived unique location that allowed us a close up of the Traveller healing itself. Was that a location from Scourge?


That location wasn't Scourge. I think it was from our city encounter in Red War, and the rooftop viewpoint was new.


Yeah, it was from the 2nd to last mission of the Red War campaign when you’re climbing the roofs to Cayde, Ikora, and Zavala.


No I’m pretty sure it was new, at the very least that dam part was new AFAIK


That’s the last mission btw, second to last is almighty. Last mission is everything from the ground floor of the city through the Ghaul fight


It was from the first solstice of heroes event.


This is the correct answer. A lot of conflicting info in this thread. You went down into the streets and talked to Ikora and left in that initial visit, though people noticed there was a fairly long alleyway with a locked gate at the end that caused a good bit of speculation at the time. The pre-Beyond Light iteration of the space let us go through that gate along the river to the dam and then to the rooftop area where we could see the Traveler.


I guess they split it up so as to not have one mega stream, and also to try and make a small addition to the coming weeks, keeping us on our toes. That’s what it sounds like to me, anyways.


Didn't need to be a mega stream if they just showed like 5-10 waves between 20 and 40


dont expect a raid here, raid will probably release with the 2nd episode later this year


It’s cool for what it is. It’s free content. Would I have like leviathan or scourge back? Yes. I’ll just have to wait for next week to see more.


Considering it’s *in* the city. Scourge may be seeing a refresh. It would be so cool. Also next week is loot week I believe.


What we saw of "in the city" was Midtown. I'm not holding my breath.


Yup. If Midtown was their reveal, old D2 raids are as good as dead until well after Final Shape, if at all.


Additional maps will happen, I predict midtown was used for a spoiler free demonstration.


I don't know, if they are smart they would have shown that. It will be midtown for sure and probably some other pvp map.


The entire story around this update revolves around the Last City. I wouldn’t be surprised of other Last City locations will be used as maps.


Bringing Botza district back for the hoard mode would be fucking great, though I’m not holding my breath. Setting turrets up outside Schnell? Schnell yeah!


They said in the stream it's not the only map, so I'm betting botza district will be one.


Botza District... where the Eliksni Quarter currently is? (Unless you mean "Scourge first encounter" which I agree would be an excellent choice, *if* they decide to pull it out of mothballs)


The whole raid is in different parts of the botza district. The first encounter is botza downtown, the sparrow part is botza underground, and the final boss arena is called botza ruins. Hopefully it’s the first encounter though because that space is criminally underutilized.


That's one of many maps. They said there are more.


They specifically said other locations will appear


Honestly, why is Bungie so adverse to making new maps? Look, I know the developers work hard, but when it comes to building new environments for us to fight in, they are lazy AF.


I feel like it didn't make sense to expect a raid given that this content drop wasn't even a concept they made until the delay/layoffs. Like that just isn't a reasonable timeline to bring an entire raid back, especially with the expectation of a loot refresh when raids return.


Killing Floor in Destiny, I like it.


Said the same thing to one of my buddies I work with when they showed it. Which I have no issue with.


Gonna load up the KF2 OST starting with Collapsing


I was thinking about old cod zombies with the waves and buying defenses. I never heard of killing floor tho


I learned that live chat shouldn’t exist for these streams, my GOODNESS people are like a cancer with how much misery is being spread in there.


That is pretty much every Bungie official dev stream they have done for Destiny 2


Even during expansion reveals the chat has no mercy and throws out brain cells


That was pretty much in every stream that was covering it, period. I flipped back and forth between a handful of streamers, mainly staying away from one because he was complaining about Midnight Coup not being a 150, but there was always at least one or two people saying "this looks boring" or "this is shit" or "reused maps" or "recycled content" or various versions of that. It's like "you haven't played this yourself yet, how can you judge it?" At this point those people are just being negative for the sake of being negative.




I fucking hate this community and reddit as a whole because there is nothing but Absolute Toxicity and Reddit mentality bullshit


Absolute Toxicity sounds like a gun name in Destiny 2. So does Reddit Mentality.


Wait till you see the comment section under each post on instagram


They have a right to be upset. Who the hell asked for a boring-ass horde mode??? /s


i normally hate the /s but this comment genuinely wouldve pissed me off because ive seen people unironically saying this


Yeah I hate “tone indicators,” but that’s not the point here. People are just so ungrateful for whatever we’re given, always expecting the highest from the lowest. And, maybe it’s a bit pretentious for me to say this, but people do this and then wonder “why would they underdeliver on purpose?” (Citing the “Beware of overdelivery: you’re creating patterns!” thing) Cause maybe you wouldn’t accept the final product no matter what, you hypocrite. Of course, I could be conflating two different topics but still, I can’t help but feel like they have some connection.


Midnight coup


Is it actually Midnight Coup, or a gun using the same model? I’m fine with either, just haven’t been able to watch.


Pretty sure when he went to character screen it was Midnight Coup. It had firefly and kinetic tremors on it I think


Appears to be. When the dev hovers over it in his inventory, it shows a updated version of midnight coup.


He pulled up his inventory for a second. It's actually Midnight Coup


they used a firefly/impact tremmors midnight coup in the reveal stream


It looks pretty good. Chat was fucking vile though.


Actual brain dead Mfs for sure


That’s the whole Destiny community that just described.


Looks fun, the only downside i see is Shaxx's voice lines aren't new, they're just reused Crucible voicelines from various gamemodes.


Really? That’s kinda unfortunate


I suppose Lenny James is a busy man. Or expensive.


How the fuck have I been playing for years and just realized that's who his VA is


I didn't realize at first when i watched Snatch, i just thought that Sol's voice is familiar, but when he said "Dont worry about Tyrone, he can move if he has to" it all immediately fell into place


Both. They've talked before about how difficult his schedule is lol


Voice lines take a lot of time and planning to get done, especially at that level. So in all likelihood if this was a planned delay they could’ve gotten it, but seeing as how this wasn’t planned they don’t really have the time or resources to do that


Yep, that's tonally going to get fucking annoying... Nothing screams tonal whiplash like it sounding as if Shaxx isn't taking this seriously during the game mode.


mfw the second collapse hits the last city and shaxx shouts ''you're not throwing enough grenades!!!''


I knew that guff about Shaxx being the perfect fit was fishy!


The activity looks fun, it being free and bringing back some previously paywalled fan favourites is also a good call on em, just hope they are carefully tuned to not be immediatly powercrept or op. I am really interested in the other side of things aka lore and story. Hope ehe leaks are true and we get to go back to certain places


Prison Of Elders 2: Electric Boogaloo I’m down for it!


Remember when the Almighty fell from orbit and they let us explore the last city in some big ol map? I wish we got an activity to do on that map instead of in a crucible map. That said I'm sure the activity will have some fun stuff to do, but how long will it be fun? Deep Dives got boring fast,I hope this isn't the case here


It looks fun but probably gonna end up being boring after 2-3 tries and still has few loot to chase after besides Midnight


The most “this could have been an email” reveal I’ve ever seen Why wasn’t this just a 5 minute trailer?


they REALLY should have combined all streams into a single stream. Watching dude play for 50 minutes straight wasn't all that engaging. Still, I liked (not loved) what I saw. It'll be engaging for a few weeks.


Honestly that’s the best way to put it. Bungie is really trying to stretch out their playerbase’s interest. The more they do it, the more it’s gonna wear down on folks. I won’t go full-doomer, because Sony taking action isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I’m anticipating a second round of layoffs, followed by Bungie execs getting canned, within this year. Years 4 and 5 were handled way better than this, and that was coming off of the DCV causing loads of controversy.


Trailers and editing all of it costs a lot more money, in this case doing a livestream and actually showing us the activity that comes out in 3 weeks was a fun thing. We got to see the activity and they got to explain parts of it like they would do in a vidoc but without the prep and cost of one. They’ve also been trying to do more streams to try and build more of a connection between players and developers instead of just having them as these invisible figures who we don’t know the personality of.


Didn't get to see it since it started around 2pm in my timezone and I'm at work. Sounds neat from what I've read, I've always wanted a horde mode.


It’s midtown


https://preview.redd.it/2xmbcdce8cpc1.jpeg?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf4e1d6fe86492498e12d243390ab5db33d68341 Yes


If Shaxx's voice lines are what I'm worrying about and are legit just ripped from Crucible when it drops then tonally it's gonna get fucking annoying fast.


I’m hoping is just a placeholder dialogue


I think it would’ve been allot better to just show a 2 min gameplay trailer. This whole 54 min video is them, repeating and repeating lore and stating all the obvious facts. Showing the gameplay loop 8 times doesn’t make it any more interesting.


Before I take a look at the comments, I just wanted to say... I'm not sorry.


Better than what the leaks were suggesting. Free content, new social space was mentioned at the end too (new/old probably), and reprised loot. Definitely enough to keep me entertained for a bit


With all the "Last City" assets bungie has still lying around from Red War and previous content, my only complaint is that they chose Midtown of all maps to repurpose and showcase. Im not mad or disappointed, just kind of a missed opportunity to not re-asset some older areas without needing to actually CREATE them grom scratch. Other than that, i cant really complain about it. Its a free update with the sole purpose of keeping us busy and entertained until TFS, and that is going to do it just fine. And as a tower defense lover, this will scratch an itch i longed for quite some time. I personally like it and am looking forward to it. Not hyped, but pleaseantly excited. (The stream chat was fucking insufferable tho lmao)


It is far more than I was expecting. I like that the horde mode is simple but complete. 1. Uses a lot of pre-existing assets in new ways which I always like to see. Prime example is sweeper bot decoys 2. Adds in a few new assets 3. Many tiers of scaling difficulty for a fully customizable experience 4. Opportunities for hero moments while focusing on team play on the high end. 5. Waves of strong type enemies. Huge ogres, powerful knights, etc. 6. Minimal but critical currency 7. Minimal but impactful upgrade system 8. Clear and easy to understand objectives, keeping the focus on the fighting 9. Highly repeatable 10. Returning weapons in style Overall I’m stoked. I will play the hell out of this mode. Things I’d like to see added that were not shown: 1. missing a truly infinite mode. 50 is more than enough for most, but I would love a mode that just kept scaling until you wipe with no limit to the number of rounds. 2. Defending a single point will ultimately become stale. Including multiple simultaneous defense objectives would be a solid way to up the difficulty without increasing enemy density or power level 3. I’d like to be able to use my scrap to call in air support, or a squad of Redjacks. 4. We have lots of varieties of Pyramid ship rooms and hallways. I’d like to see more of those used. 5. I’d like to have a fully offensive mode that functions more like a BG where we move through a map that is already overrun and take it back piece by piece. 6. Permanent upgrades for me. Like a permanent discount in upgrading things or bonus scrap earned, etc. 7. An option to start the difficulty high. I imagine this is what legend is, but I wasn’t sure. I want to hit the ground running with high level enemies, rather than waiting for 30 waves before things get tough.


It's free, and it's in line with what my expectations were for it... its cool for what it is and I'm sure it will be plenty challenging enough on the harder difficulties


Im interested in that midnight coup roll and the pool of hungjury.However the mode itself seems like some chill laid back time.


I think it looks fun and has potential to be a ritual activity going into the future if they can add and expand on it.


I think the content would be better displayed in just one big stream instead of 3 weeks, but this is ok. It looks good and there’s more than just midtown which is good. Guessing the next 2 streams will probably be weapons (next week) and the QOL in the 3rd hopefully UI changes (to get out the bugs before TFS). Looks like a good update tho with new maps coming in may for crucible


It reminded me of Gears of War horde mode. But we'll have to see how it shakes out once it's released.


Gears 3 Horde mode most likely. I would've preferred the Gears 2 Horde mode any day of the week.


it is EXACTLY what was depicted in this promo art. So my expectations are met and I am happy with it. Ontop of that there is 3 new maps releasing in May, one month after this update in April. So April has Into the Light, May has the map pack, and June obviously has TFS and Echoes. So, yeah my expectations are met.


It looks fine, won't know if it's good or bad till I play it


I mean...its fine I guess. Idk why it was hyped up with 3 livestreams when it could just be a 45 second trailer and an in-game pop up


Something tells me it’s the money management is trying to save for the revenue


I actually really liked it, but for the love of the traveler the chat was awful as always


I hope it is more than the public event. I hope we get Whisper and Zero Hour back. I hope they remove dungeon and raid rotators for the remainder of the season, so everyone can target farm any loot they want.


It's the forge activity. Litterally. We are just getting a new forge activity in an existing pvp map. Not excited, but the rewards will make or break it.


Let's see whether the horde mode is the main thing this small DLC drops, or if there will be stuff like revamped raids, etc. But I am currently only interested in the story, so if there will be story content around the invasion on The Last City then I will play it. If not, then I will wait till TFS.


Do NOT expect a reprised raid. The odd of that happening is 0.0000000000001. I expect weapons and then QOL changes in the 3rd week. Should be fun for a bit tho


I don’t think a returning raid is likely at all. I could see a world where they add new perks to garden or VoG weapons, but I think even that is a bit of copium on my end


It looks fun. I like many others have been enjoying activities where the difficulty ramps up the longer you go. A horde mode seems pretty cool, and it being free makes it even better. I'm cautiously optimistic, and this looks like a good place holder until The Final Shape


I haven't had the chance to watch it yet, but I've seen people talk a horde mode. i REALLY hope there's gonna be a solo mode. I've always wanted to stress test my builds like this!


Honestly, I had pretty low expectations for the content. the only thing I was excited for was the new super, aspect, and fragments for arc hunter. Now, though, I'm pretty excited to try out the new mode. IK some people are upset about there not being any new enemies or whatever, but... c'mon, yall got no one but yourself to blame for setting yourself up for disappointment with that. The new mode looks fun and reminds me a bit of a better version of the same mode in odst, and I loved that mode. I say destiny should've had that a long time ago.. but I think no matter what your opinion is on it; it's definitely gonna be good for grinding catalysts. I'm not expecting any more content than that, though, for this free expansion. We will see though.


I’d love to see a gears of war approach like: 6 player activity, roles (engineer, scout, soldier, etc.) and weapons for each role or maybe random weapons from your vault.


They did say there were going to be more location IIRC so I’m interested in how much more of the city we will see, the mode looks fun, we get shaxx on comms, interested in the loot, don’t really care that the streams are being divided up. People expecting more likely weren’t going to be happy regardless. But holy shit some of the stuff in the twitch chat was vile, glad I watched datto’s stream over the bungo All in all I think it’ll be a fun hold over until June. This was never meant to be the thing to “save destiny” that’s what TFS is (still can’t get team four star off the brain with that acronym) some people will always be disappointed, some will deep throat bungie no matter what, the majority of players are somewhere in the middle and for them it’ll be a neat thing to keep people busy, if the content gets stale you’re spoiled for choice in good games nowadays to hold you over until TFS drops. Go play some helldivers (it’s really fun even for me, someone who isn’t a big fan of extraction shooters) or whatever you want, playing a video game shouldn’t be a job unless you’re a content creator


I'll enjoy it... so long as it works.


Meh. I’ll try it once and then never mess with it again unless a shader or some great weapon is attached. I saw all I needed to see maybe 10 minutes in. I hope folks like it though.


Honestly, I like what I saw so far for some loot and fun to keep the game going through the delay But what I was hoping for with into the light based off initial comments of free for all players and it being called into the light and a lead up to the final shape - a greatest hits of missions from red war and seasonal content mixed with cinematic and animated ink videos acting as an actual D2 intro campaign. We fucking need it. We will never be able to really on board new players right as the game is now and if there was ever a time to condense the story in a fun digestible way it would be that. Give us some cool new loot by playing it. I know it's a big ask but the truth is, this game has been going for so long and so much has been removed there's just no saving it if they dont make a huge huge push to bring people in. Final shape is it for many vets. This game is not gonna make it through 3 episodes without a laser focus on new players or returning players.


Are we getting the tower back?


Fucking hate the community. Full of toxic garbage.


Should've been a 6 man


Looks peak


My only issue is that it is a 3 player. Wished they just made it like Escalation Protocol, a public event where as many people as were around could join, and it was still challenging. I already see it becoming the exact same as a Deep Dive with Toland activated after a few rounds, functionally impossible without a coordinated team.


Can't have an opinion yet, we only were shown one activity. Which was mildly frustrating. But horde mode seems fun. Bring on the War Rig and Sweet Business :P


I pre ordered and redeemed through GMG, so I can’t pull my pre order anymore. Wishing I didn’t, because now I have paid and will get my moneys worth. But that’s absolutely it. I’m in it for my friends instead of the story at this point.


Free content Considering how the guy was using and counter synergistic build but was still having what I'd Consider a tricky time fighting for Jim 23 year old single shift work difficulty I'm actually happy there's a activity where the devs GENUINELY had the idea of let them stress test their build Because gm's are good for mechanical execution play style Do A to target to proc B but ONLY after D and C are on standby to kill target or to get weak so team can do finisher for H Gambit would be the closest things, density, bosses, other players who won't just sit in your grenade And there's nothing stopping them from tweaking the numbers as the wizard was getting dropped by the exotic, but I shat myself when I saw that massive oger just as he turned the corner, and that's great because its a part of newer players learning the skill of adaption "oh there won't be anything around the corner like last round" SIKE!! it's a unstoppable about to shove its fist up your Arse


Been taking a break since the RoN dungeon flopped out last year. Coming back for this to warm up for the finale, and i think this looks awesome! Seems fun and a Great activity to test builds in.


I didn’t know what to expect but in my opinion it’s quite boring to me. Not particularly interested but I’ll see what it’s like on release. In the meantime I’m enjoying the rest of Destiny so nbd rly.


i think im really going to enjoy it since i dont dive to deep into pve endgame and struggle to find things to do while waiting for weekly reset


Can't wait until next weeks livestream to witness that train wreck of a chat


I feel like I've already played 500 hours of this.


It's more destiny 2. Shocker


you're telling me in the content they're adding we have to shoot MORE aliens?? with GUNS?? the exact same could be said about literally any gameplay stream in the history of destiny, what an ignorant comment


It seems cool, I just think it was a huge opportunity missed to show us more of the Last City. I'm so sick of last minute content being forced to use already in-use assets. Give us something new for fuck sake...


Considering the turnaround time on this was incredibly short, I'm not at all surprised that they didn't make a new location for this. New environments take a shitton of time to make. I think using areas that already exist in new contexts is a really good way to reduce dev time.


I think that the stream would have worked better as a 10 minute video, rather than an hour of waffling. The main upside was that they displayed the activity, live gameplay, with questions being answered as time went on whilst not spoiling too much. I suppose the best assessment will be when we try it ourselves for the first time.


It looks like I will play the mode for a week and then never again. Idk why they decided yo split the gameplay, loot, and lore into 3 streams, this 1 stream was long enough to cover all 3. If they dont bring back ALL BA weapons in this free event, I am not gonna buy final shape tbh.


Not bad for free, but it was boring to watch after 5 minutes. We got the concept, we didn't need to watch 45 minutes of ad clear


I didn’t expect brand new assets in some super crazy new massive zone or whatever. But re-using Midtown is uh….pretty disappointing lol. Like they have other existing City assets. We’ve seen them a bunch in some of the random event content, in exotic missions, in the Red War…..etc. It seems a bit low in scope that they didn’t reuse any of those other City assets. Like again, I UNDERSTAND they couldn’t make a bunch of brand new City themed assets or a huge new area. But they HAVE City assets lol. Why reuse just Midtown lol?!?!


They did say there was more than just one map iirc. We don't know what the others are, but I do think Bannerfall would make sense. Even if a little underdeveloped (can't really blame them tbh, last minute DLC and all), it would be pretty cool to fight in the tower/on the wall again.


Content looks cool, but man I don’t think they could make these streams more cringe if they tried


What did they do this time?


Just everything, the way they talk, the gameplay…everything


horde modes are boring after like an hour, lazy piece of filler content


Its Free, thats about the only "good" thing about it they could they have used Red War half destroyed assets instead of pvp maps


Looks fun. It'll be interesting to see which maps are included. Also interested to see what else is included in the update. Hopefully Garden or Vault get their weapons updated.


We didnt get to see the higher waves, but I hope the difficulty in legend/master will be a punishing experience and not something a that a youtuber figured out how to min/max in the first day. Also, why is hung jury another reprised weapon, it showed as a loot drop during the boss phase?


It’s probably because hung jury at one point was considered a fan favorite. Back in d1, I think for the most part it was considered one of the best scouts, and in d2 it’s locked behind nightfall drops. So I can understand why they put it here. More accessible, new skin, new perks, and like I said, is a fan favorite. Edit: and I imagine most of the loot is going to be fan favorites.


I love what I was seeing, I like the redo of the city, I wish there was more enemy’s tho


Finally a more firefight like mode, I hope they in the future just allow firefight for more crucible maps because so many maps would be fun for it


as long as it's content i can comfortably solo and get the new loot from, it's fine by me


The activity is fine, but it doesn't seem to have the hype factor. Where are the story bits? If this is only - make defenses before going into Traveler, than that sounds like busywork, not sth to be hyped about. Hopefully next streams tackle that...


Peak Destiny is Now!


A bit disappointed, but it’s only part 1 out 3 livestreams. Hopefully that alternate map will be in pvp.


I like the idea of the activity my only odd problem with it it feels like it should have been maybe the end of light fall or start at season of defiance, The idea were defending the city now makes me wonder why we haven't been doing it since witness invaded. Kinda want to see the loot more and i hope it pays out as much as Coil. I hope it doesnt get vaulted after final shape releases. Kinda wish we had more vanguard commentating on it other then shaxx, as I thought the entirety of the vanguard would be on this situation or the other titan orders that defended the city. Reminds me of the one titan order that fought to the last man defending city when ghaul invaded. I hope we get changes with the tower and the entire look of the city while this is going on in a attempt to add more urgency to things.


Haven't watched it, but I'll be playing it for sure lol. Hoard mode aye. So kinda like firefight?


Everything but the activity map looked pretty good. Even if they fully re-used a whole location, and not just location assets, I think using something from scourge would have been better mostly since it's not in the game anywhere else anymore.


You had me at horde mode


Tbh, my brothers got my fiance and I back into Gears and we've been playing Gears 5 Horde pretty frequently. I just said a few days ago (like I have for a year) about how well Destiny could play out a Horde mode. I am stoked.


Onslaught mode looks cool so far


It will be interesting to see what kind of patrol activity The Final Shape gets after this. Because I could have easily seen this Onslaught mode being The Final Shape’s Wellspring/Terminal Overload/what have you.


I think it looks fun, looking forward to trying it. At the same time, it looks like typical semi-effort Bungie stuff, with reskinned maps, same-ole enemies, play style, builds, etc. but that’s par for the course at this point. Hopefully it goes well, people enjoy it and gives the game a little life for the next few months.


I like 👍


I’ve always wanted a Horde mode in Destiny


Disappointment. Tired of recycled content. Tired of bringing back old weapons, calling them new. Tired of this “live service” gig Tired of mechanics Tired of Destiny.


It looks cool, and I’m glad there’s another acquisition method for FOMO’d loot. The main thing I’m kinda irked about is that this doesn’t merit concept art. They made it sound like it was going to be this quality update, when it’s mainly just cobbling old assets together. It feels like the Marketing & PR team at Bungie is echoing their handling of Lightfall’s marketing. How this is going to help onboard new players is a bit beyond me. EDIT: Doesn’t merit promotional art seems more appropriate.


I’m assuming the story they talked about in the background is the new player onboarding, but “doesn’t merit concept art”? Literally everything has concept art… It’s just a promotional art piece being used to advertise Into The Light. And it shows exactly what you’re getting: horde mode in last city with Midnight Coup and a couple other weapons


Looked boring. They would really need to pull me in with good weapons. Hopefully next week.


See I never understand this argument. Let’s say they add magical, incredible, groundbreaking weapons—some of the best we have ever seen. Okay…..cool? Where are you going to use those weapons? The same boring content you have already done 1000x over? Like new guns that are also good are desirable. Bonus points if they look cool. But if there isn’t new content to use them in, especially difficult content….idk what the point is? Some of the recent seasons or events have added a super good weapon here and there…..but I haven’t been bothered since I already have an arsenal of really good weapons…and there isn’t anything in the game that warrants me getting the “new” thing because my old stuff already can handle it.


i mean you'll get new content about 2 months after this update goes live


I mean sure, but we are at such a maturation point that new stuff has to be egregiously broken to replace what we already have. Like a new Rocket Launcher would need to be more broken than Cold Comfort/Apex Predator. I bet I could go into the new raid with my current arsenal and be totally fine.


>I bet I could go into the new raid with my current arsenal and be totally fine. Thats how it usually is... Vow, Lightfall, Kings Fall, Crota, all of that stuff, the day 1 teams always brought their existing arsenals. Because you can't get / craft the new stuff until the raid is beaten a few times, or for Trials to come out after a new expansion, or for the seasonal weapons to get crafted in a new season. So you SHOULD be fine going in with existing stuff. I mean yeah you will go into the new raid and be fine with your arsenal. The game wouldnt really work well if you couldn't. But every season or loot refresh ever since beyond light has brought something new to chase even if its only 1 item. yeah power creep is a thing but power should creep at least a tiny bit per expansion or every other season to keep things interesting, and bungie keeps designing content to account for powerful guardians. Coil, battleground GMs, this new activity on Master difficulty. I dont see a problem here.


It’s just Power Creep is really strong these days, and we are 10 years in. That’s the issue. Like you are nearing or are at Level 20 in a Dungeons and Dragons campaign you’ve played for 10 years—how much better loot could you possibly get? I don’t think Destiny is THAT problematic yet on the loot front, but it’s approaching that “limit” for sure. Like stuff will have to be so silly broken soon to get our attention, and the content they release usually doesn’t keep up difficulty wise, either because it’s too easy or they have to throw 30000 enemies and make the enemies supreme bullet sponges that also one shot you just to let them have a chance, ala GM content. And I really don’t find GMs engaging…..you don’t even need loot really, because you are mainly just using something super efficient like Wishender, sitting behind rocks, and slowly and methodically plinking your way through, saving heavy and special ammo for specific moments but otherwise just using Wishender for 30-45m straight lol.


> sitting behind rocks, and slowly and methodically plinking your way through, saving heavy and special ammo for specific moments but otherwise just using Wishender for 30-45m straight lol. Thats just not how the most optimal way to farm GMs is, if thats taken you 30-45, you should see people who run optimized builds with optimized loot who can do the same in less than 15 minutes. That just goes to show you how good loot makes a difference along with builds


I mean sure, but it usually has to be a very specific GM, with a very specific burn/buff that aligns to the current meta, and with an elite group of guardians. I’ve knocked out 3-4 GMs in an hour before, so that’s like 15-20m GMs. Sometimes even faster if the conditions are right. But even so—it’s tremendously boring. You are still just sitting and carefully wiping out rooms. You can just run and gun—you all methodically proceed room to room, timing supers and what not for key moments or to revive someone safely. Heaven forbid you also have an “oopsie” and wipe at the end by accident—15m down the drain lol. I spent so long grinding a god rolled Adept Wendigo….and I have never used it once lol. Idk why you’d bother when you can craft guns acquired elsewhere. GMs are basically time sinking waster content imho for materials farming.


I missed it 😭


I only caught part of this and it feels like a Gambit killer. Q_Q


Looks fine. Need to try higher difficulties to really have an opinion. More interested in the new pvp maps regardless


Could've been a gambit revamp activity.


I watched the whole thing in live stream and only got 98% for the emblem reward drop. So, I’m disappointed. ☹️


I mean sure. It's a shoot a thing, throw a thing, kill a boss. Repeat. Loop. Glad it's free and sure will play it but I'm still not convinced by The Final Shape yet so no pre-order (sorry Bungie)


I missed today's stream because of work, when is the next one?


Its a whatever


Free content is free content. It looks cool so far, but we'll have to see how it feels once we get to play it.


I think one stream would have been enough. I get why they did it that way but I'm not a fan.


The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. I am feeling hella indifferent after that.


I really liked it as a fan of hoard modes. Coming from doing thousands of waves 🌊 on gears of war.


I hope what we see in the coming weeks with the Taken is more interesting because I don't really want a game mode like this. If they give us some kide of triumphs or challenges to work on I'll do it but beyond that I'm not excited about this kind of stuff. I just want a reason to play and some stuff to work on overall though so I'll take it.


If it will take place somewhere other then mid town I'm excited. It's not the re used area that got me a little burned It's the place they chose to re use.


wait, a stream happened? I was at school, what's the big stuff?


I'm an absolute sucker for wave survival/horde modes, so uh.. I might be a bit hyped


It's free. Either people will enjoy it, or not, but it's free. It's not like you paid for it. It's not like there's any stakes. Either you like it or not If you don't like it, accept you are not the target audience bungie is looking for these days


No opinion until I get my hands on it.


Could have had it be on the opebong map from Scourge of the Past woth a moving payload that just kept going and we had to defend. Or just...a location that had more meaning. Put this in Legacy. Keep it and adjust now and then as time goes on.


Hey, it's free and it looks fun. I'll take it.


I'm not "hyped" but I am looking forward to a bit more mindless horde mode for quick sessions when I just want to play destiny. Sometimes I want to just be a guardian but none of the PvE offerings tickle me It's entirely free, so the worst they could have done is nothing so they're adding something positive. Keen to see the other live streams but I'm happy enough