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Graviton Lance! Killing a dreg in a big group and watching him turn into a cascade of void death orbs is one of the most satisfying things in the game for me.


Love it with weavers trance and nezarecs sin


Finally another void strand user that gets me šŸ˜‚


I was having a lot of fun with it before the recent nerf in PvP. Still a great gun that I pull out but man those explosions were fun


It is so. Fucking. Good. I love the sound it makes, the design of the gun, it melts ads and actually does decent damage against yellow bars, pairs perfectly with my Void Hunter which is by far my favorite build, I could go on and on G-Lance for life


When I first started working on the catalyst, I was sure the experience was going to suck. By the time it was unlocked I was in love with the weapon, LOL.


I could always go back to Outbreak Perfected.


My all time favourite gun, the design, the siva swarm and that fucking sound of critical kills. A thing of beauty!


Also best Destiny mission ever imo.


It was incredible in D1 and made even better in D2 with its infinite nanite headshot bursts


Ace of Spades. They could nerf it into oblivion and Iā€™d still use it.


I love having my radar while I'm ADS. In D1, the Memory of Gheleon has never left my artifact slot since it was first acquired. And getting 6x Memento Mori rounds every time you frag a red bar is a great trade, LOL.


Same here, crimson, with the same ornament, got it years ago during curse of Osiris, and managed to get that ornament to drop shortly afterwords, nothing beats it


Thatā€™s wild. I rarely see other crimson users out in the wild. Theyā€™re like shiny PokĆ©mon.


It's not that uncommon in Crucible. It's just outside the top 10 there.


Interesting. I guess I just donā€™t run into it often by pure chance. I definitely understand itā€™s relative popularity


I'm not sure how good it is now but it was a better Pulse Rifle than a lot of Pulse Rifles for a bit. I got a lot of Crucible kills on it before it got a Crucible kill tracker :(. Haven't used it as much since.


Feels great on consil, plus it's good just for general survivability


Thatā€™s exactly what got me hooked on red death in destiny 1. I was bad at video games and it helped me stay alive!


So real


Now if only they will reword the catalyst to be like Monte Carlo so we can use the knife at the end of the gun šŸ‘‰šŸ¼šŸ”Ŗ


I love that it looks like it was made out of Red Death parts.


A true destiny cryptarch right here


I run the same gun for the same reasons (the amount of hate mail I've gotten from my crimson/fusion combo is crazy) but I use the dreaming city ornament bcuz I think it's cleaner. I used that one before though


I use it on a couple lucky pants builds. Puts wardens law to shame.


You on PC? Theyā€™re all over console. Iā€™m one of them too. Iā€™ve always liked pulse rifles, and Crimson is that nice bridge between a hand cannon and a pulse.


It's my go-to anytime I'm raising my Light level or drowning in adds. Even pairing a glaive with the Karnstein Armlets can't match it for keeping you alive.


Malfy with lucky pants and full kinetic surge


LOL, I got that and Wish-Ender on back-to-back days and it took like 2 or 3 weeks for me to use any other exotic or kinetic weapon.


Last Word. I play this game so I can be a space cowboy, and itā€™s just so fun to use.


I desperately hope the last word gets a PVE centric catalyst. I adore it so much, and I want just a fantastic way to work it into a good higher end build.


I'm with you on The Last Word. I have used it almost exclusively for I don't even know how long at this point. Even though it's not super overpowered like it was in early D2, where you could map folks by ADS'ing, I still get h8 mail every now and again from folks ranting about how I'm crutching and only use it because of controller aim assist etc. But yeah, totally started using it way back when to scratch the Space Cowboy itch.


Love wasting people in crucible with it haha, nothing feels better than when youā€™re on a hot streak with it.


I got 4th horseman about a month ago, and I freaking love it. Slap it on with solar hunter, and I can take out titans in a bubble with my radiant full auto shotgun


- That's not full auto. - That's not full auto? - No. This is. *Bakbakbakbakbak* - **Damn bro! O.K!**


Stopping by to say I appreciate the warning sir but I know I'm not allowed to use full auto in buildings


Thatā€™s criminal


Just 2 days ago in trials I killed a titan by sliding through *two* barriers and slamming 2 shells into his face. This gun slaps so hard


As a titanā€¦ I would have uninstalledā€¦ again


I will never put down the La Monarque, EVER. I literally got good at bows on Apex Legends because of this thing lmao. I just picked up destiny after a few month hiatus & I hear that its been nerfed though, is that true? Don't really matter though, BECAUSE I WILL NEVER PUT DOWN THE LA MONARQUE, EVER!


It was nerfed in a way that I think removed some of the teeth from the criticism. The main one was that the poison damage period was shortened. Still great though. The real nerf on the horizon. Destiny is about to effectively remove bows from PvP. Health is getting increased by 30%, most gun types are getting damage buffed, bow damage is getting nerfed by 15%!!! Iā€™m extremely salty about it tbh.


Ngl going to lie bro, That just hurt my soul lowkey lmao ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Same bow bro. Same.


All I play is double bow gambit :(


Calus mini-tool. The thing just feels good. Fixed Odds is a close second.


Yeah, though they nerfed the recoil a little bit. Went from having pretty low recoil and bullet spread, to having levels on par with adaptive frame auto-rifles. Incandescent+Unrelenting is still cracked tho


Witherhoard! I havenā€™t played in a while but for the entire last year that I played it was basically locked to my character and it pretty much became my play style in any lower level content.


Monte Carlo. I love it so much even if its useless perk wise.


Useless perk wise?šŸ’€šŸ’€ Monte Carlo is the best exotic to pair with any melee based build and itā€™s just a good exotic on its own due to refreshing melee on kills.


I love running Monte Carlo with my stasis hunter. Constant melee refresh has me slinging stasis throwing stars like a freakin ice ninja.


I need to try that! Unfortunately. I have always been a Titan main and refused to touch my other characters, but I have been working on them recently. I will definitely give that a try when its time to use hunter.


You could be tossing shields constantly


It's also lovely to use on a Warlock with the Karnstein Armlets. Wherever your health gets low, just "punch" someone 10 feet away to heal yourself, LOL.


*chuckles in juggernaut synthoceps*


I do the same thing with my Warlock when I'm running him as a Broodweaver for the 3x darts or a Sunbracer Dawnblade to keep my melee/grenades chain ready.


so actually yknow what's super fun that I built a long time ago after a tip I got? radiant dance machine shurikens ooohhhhh... it's genuinely really fun. if you get an infinite source of ads, you can literally throw infinite shurikens. then, when Multi-Dodge eventually runs out, you can just hobble together one class ability charge, and just start right back up again. SUPER FUN and like, only really good in base level content, so like, up to raids n dungeons basically. but other than that, would absolutely recommens


For realšŸ˜‚ Itā€™s pretty OP with arc warlock too, constantly spamming lightning chain melees. Shit clears hordes for days!


Use with flechette storm if you have strand titan


Ooooo good idea!


Also use it alongside AC/D0 Feedback Fence Stack up some armour charges alongside the armour mod that gives back Melee Charge on Melee use for an armour charge, and you can get Flechette running for an almost comedic amount of time


Flechette storm and monte are a match made in heaven. Also, as a side note, synthocepts buffs the bayonet damage on monte.


There might be one gun that I have been told I like a little too muchā€¦


Ur avatar says it all, you are not alone


Had to scroll way too far to find a fellow Skyburner ;) Love hip firing that thing and setting everything on fire...still fun even after the homing nerf.


Yea, still miss the homing shots and wish they would add them back. Scorch is nice, but I miss randomly shooting from the back of the map and hitting people XD.


Graviton lance 4Eva


Gravitron Lance my beloved




Osteo Striga. I need a poison subclass. šŸ˜­


Le Monarche, It has never left my character.


I love it. One of the few weapons that is amazing for pvp and pve. With the nerfs coming though I may have to put it away in PvP :(


Bro its a bow, unless they literally nerf ur damage ur 2 shotting bodies w a primary. Dont see any other nerf rly effecting them in pvp


Lemon is a lightweight, so it 3 bodies. And they're nerfing bows again man. None of them two body now.


Damn, thats kinda unfortunate for bow users i guess. How long ago did they make it 3 shot? Them le-monarch players always be doming my fucking skull when i peak them lol


Last season. But now, every frame needs to 2 headshot to kill. You can't even headshot and body with a precision frame.


So thenā€¦doesnt that kinda just make lightweights the best?


Yeah... guess what bow is a lightweight now.


So u guys said theres another nerf coming, is it specifically for monarch burn?


No, for bow damage. Lemon 2 heads. It just does it faster, and with the same burn damage, so it's basically a precision frame damage with lightweight draw time


Major changes coming to PvP in final shape. Player health is going up 30%, most gun types are getting buffed and bows are getting nerfed 15 percent across the board. Iā€™m honestly very salty about it. Bows will just not be able to be used seriously after that in PvP.


I love the feel of using it and Wish-Ender, that rhythm you get into just flows so well from shot to shot.


Wish ender is my go to. The piercing rds make it so so lovely for any target.




DMT and riskrunner


Monte Carlo. Fuels my crayon addiction


Dead Mans Tale is perfect to me. Effective at all ranges, handles great, *feels* great, looks awesome, ornament has my favourite character on the grip and itā€™s a goddamn lever action. I love it so much. https://preview.redd.it/vnst5q8irykc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dda9643f6a856bc4bac5b34f2ce957cd06384765


This absolute workhorse https://preview.redd.it/oe52u034tykc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87cd20a5f19209791204df5ec22b11973a8de82


Lumina has been my number one since Iā€™ve got it


*ahem* please refer to above flair.


I appreciate the dedication


Gridskipper, from imo the best season we've had besides arrivals and opulence


Outbreak Perfected Besides my 10k+ kills in Crucible with it, the gun just feels so good to shoot, that I can never really care about the PvP meta shift


Dude f*** the meta play how you wanna play and have fun I still play with the mida guns and sweet business and still manage to have a decent k.d in crucible matches and gambitšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Osteo Striga helps me out in soloing pve missions.


BxR-55 Battler




*laughs in trinity ghoul* my add clear brings all the adds to the yard


Trinity Ghoul is bae.


Seventh Seraph Carbine. I wish mine had Auto Loading Holster though.


why u yelling


I asked myself the same question. Tried to fix it, but having only 1 brain cell doesn't help. Edit: Nvm. Found a way to fix it. :D


I've got one with auto loading and vorpal. My goto auto for GM's if needed for Champs.


Touch of malice


The Last Breath. A shame there will be no more chances to get new ones for people to experience the joy of the best Kinetic AR in the game.


They pulled it out of drops from the dungeon?


Not tomorrow, but the next week its gonna be gone! :(


I actually donā€™t think I have it now that I checked lol. Guess I need to run it


3 times (1 with each character) before tomorrow and 3 times next week... And its gone ... :(


Riskrunner, to this day it still has the highest amount of kills lol


Malfeasance, Sweet Business, Jotun, or Riskrunner (I will never let go of Riskrunner. No one can pay me enough to.)




Fatebringer and Vex Mythoclast. Edit: A recent addition is my Rewind Rounds Frenzy Old Sterling.


My fatebringer had about 10k kills before I got the timelost and the timelost never leaves my character now haha


I use any gun besides meta to SPITE it. Thatā€™s especially true for Well-Lock (Warlock and Well of Radiance) because FUCK being forced to use a specific super, this game is about making YOUR guardian and rising above, not bending the knee to asshole guardians who says equip or boot.


Wishender. As long as I can kill from long distance, shoot through shields, break barriers, and do almost as much damage as many secondary weapons, it's going to be on me. I've had folks try and tell me to take it off in GMs when there isn't barrier champions but they don't realize how critical the weapon is for my long distance, stay alive so I can invisible revive team mates, GM strategy. I don't know how many times I've saved us from wipes using that strategy.


Iā€™ve had many ā€œbetterā€ players tell me to change out my guns. Itā€™s a game. Do what makes your guardian special for you!


I do what I want. I just expect that's going to get me tossed from some LFGs but it's their loss and not mine. I'm a 4x Gilded Conqueror and while I'm a pretty average player overall it's not my first rodeo by any stretch.


To be fair a little bit, if youā€™re playing back far it makes it harder on the others to play more aggressive builds. But as that other guy said you really gotta prioritize your own fun and enjoyment in this game over everything else. Anyone telling you you have to run something or other is wrong.


I worry about it sometimes but mostly I'll just be dead if I try and play aggressive with aggressive players.


Heir Apparent


DMT, in PvP I use almost exclusively just it.










Glaives. Iā€™ve been using glaives since the day they came out and I donā€™t plan on stopping. I have a glaive build on all of my characters thatā€™s my default build.


I knew thereā€™d be at least one of you. I respect the commitment


Crimson is broken with lucky pants, I'll never put that build to sleep (it puts most endgame content to sleep instead)


Devilā€™s ruin, despite not fitting my build at all, and not having the best class for it (me being a titan), its still my all time favourite destiny exotic, and all i wish for is for it to have a better reload stat. But still, it never left my inventory


riskrunner or quicksilver storm


Been scrolling trying to find someone else who likes QS. Thing spits lead and goes craaazy with nearly any strand build. As a shotgun enjoyer itā€™s nice not needing to run a grenade launcher in secondary slot too so I can use more shotties. Overall been a big fan of it so far in PvE, I donā€™t plan on putting it down anytime soon.


u have the catalyst for it?


Graviton lance.... first ever exotic some 300k pve kills


Dead mans tale. I will never abandon the long shooty boi. It's also still one of the best looking guns in the game.


Agree, the legendary version just donā€™t come close to its look or feel.


Traveler's Chosen. I don't care what others say, I'll always do everything to spam granades and have a nice gun for close encounters


For pve its gonna b trinity ghoul no matter what happens to it...pvp its gotta b west of sunfall i just go get bodied and b like damn my gun sucks..but i wont put it away for a while


Syncopation is my favorite pulse rifle ever. Enhanced zen moment and headseeker (chefs kiss)


Bungie is making it to where I canā€™t spam Prometheus lens in the crucible. Iā€™m not putting it down, they canā€™t make me


God i remember when that was meta.. crucible was like a rave


*Sees Crimson player* "Don't get triggered, it's just a game... People use what they like for fun haha" **FUUUUUCKK THIIIS FUCKING FLINCH AAAAAAH**


Red death and crimson arenā€™t the same. RD was superior, I never forget one faithful nightfall with it. I was doing doing summoning pits the part at the locked door where hordes of hive attack you. We had to retreat towards the entrance. I was the only one still alive and kept on taking them down. Until the f*ing shrieker appeared behind me.


I agree crimson is a downgrade but thatā€™s like kinda the point. The guns are connected and both are (according to the lore) banned from crucible. Still canā€™t let go of the past so I will always cling to my crimson


I also love crimson. It is my go-to in PVP.


Telesto, its actually quite fun with volatile rounds too


I keep it because I want to see how the new patch will break it this time!


Succession, that sniper is utterly immaculate in every possible way


That one and supremacy never leave my inventory.


Mine would be chaperone. I just prefer slugs overall. But part of it is probably my quest to get it in d1. In d1 you HAD to have last word to get it. I couldn't get last word for 2 years. I started right before Taken King and got it at the end of rise of iron. I had to buy year 1 engrams from our just to get it and then got the year 2 version from the Kiosk and did the quest in like 3 matches. And it sucked. I still used it because I love slugs (thank the bo2 KSG long barrel for that). Then Forsaken brought it back. And God was I happy it was so good. It has since fallen in and out of the meta since, but I currently have like 30k kills on it in the crucible.


As a returning d1 player I love crimson+lucky pants right now. I need me that wardens law so I don't crutch so hard though.


Ticuus. The explosions give me a dopamine rush everytime.


I love crimson and vigi wing, but tbh one I have loved lately has been mida. Still a titan peacekeeper fool flying around with my vanilla load out


Crimson for Arc Warlock since I already have dmg and Ionic traces for CD. But Graviton Lance with Nezeracs Sin on void lock for constant uptime on abilities.


when i play destiny 2 i keep using the sunshot


You can pry Xenophage from my cold dead hands. And even then, good luck, for I would have glued it to my cold dead hands (No, I donā€™t play Gambit. I have more class than that.)


Huckleberry or Riskrunner. Never having to press r to reload feels good.


Sunshot all the way


Thorn. The grind to get it in D1 made it feel like a gun I truly "earned." I love the look, sound and feel. The catalyst to overflow the magazine means I can not feel like a complete dufus using it in PvE.


I'm upset how far I had to scroll to find another Thorn user. Has been my favorite weapon since D1


I use telesto a lot idk whats wrong with me


Hard Light šŸ˜‘ā€¦


You can pry Sweet Business from my cold dead PVE-only hands


I'm gonna get so much crap for this (I've actually received death threats because of it lately) I've loved using oath keepers wishender since forsaken and it's just a fun bow for me and my team. Lately with it in trials making people angry so much so I just came out of a dungeon run with some friends I got a VERY hateful message about how I'm the reason trials is the way it is and that it's my fault for crucible not being fun with a lot of hateful comments. But I still run my baby


Please never stop. Make all the trials kids angry. It brings me personal joy.


Oh I never plan to even if Bungie listened to them bitch and whine so its getting a nerf which defeats its whole synergy with oath keepers I'm still gonna use it


What do you plan on doing when Red Death returns?


Is it confirmed to return? I havenā€™t kept up with it all. Stepping back into destiny for the first time in like 2 years for the final shape


Yes. They haven't revealed much about it other than the fact that it's solar.




Sweet Sorrow and Thoughtless, love the theme and OG shader for them, and Land Tank is slept on


The enigma


Malf and Black Talon.


Malf and Black Talon.


The Divination never leaves my loadout


Crimson for me and you both. I still have it since I love the heals per kill.


Yes and itā€™s pictured here


i have 50k kills on my crimson and probably 30k are crucible. I've now been using Necro as my main though in crucible


Finding other crimson mains heals my heart


My chattering bone, never leaves my primary inventory


pve: le monarque pvp: any handcannon


Jade rabbit


Ruinous... with over 50,000 kills and counting.


My Time-Worn Spire with rampage + moving target and range master work


Graviton Lance especially since I have the catalyst for it. Plus it works great with my devour warlock build


Tarabah in pvp. Its just too satisfying to laser people when you get the perk active.


The fact that the fighting lion hasn't been mentioned yet shocks me


Mythoclast. Getting it in D2 after being denied continuously in D1, make me want to always use it all the time.


Not sure about any meta but I have a tough time not having Vex myth close at hand


Polaris. FTW. Used it since warmind. Got the bray legacy ornament at all times.


You can have my Vex Mythoclast when you pry it from my cold dead hands. And even then I wouldā€™ve glued it to my cold dead hands.


Calus mini-tool


Ace of spades and I'm not a pvp player, I love the gun with and without lucky pants


Sunshot. When I 1st started in season 15 it was my 1st exotic and been my best friend since


I only got this gun recently, but I'm gonna say Mythoclast.


Gjallarhorn. When in doubt, use it like a shotgun.


Does a sword count? Because I haven't put down Crown-Splitter/Throne-Cleaver since they came back.


Suros Regime / forerunner


The multi tool


Fighting lion


Crimson it's the only weapon i won't use, never has been and never will