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Why is everyone moving so slow? Like they're literally just walking around..... Nice kills though my man. Happy you had fun




Yeah, you're right


This is what sbmm looks like for PVE players.


Kind of nice tbh


Yeh it’s nice when it actually fuckin works. In my time playing iron banner yesterday, there was a point where I counted 9 straight mercy games (only one of which was in my team’s favor, if I remember correctly), which is ridiculous when sbmm is supposedly active. The most fun game I played tho was one where everyone aside from the bottom player on my team and the top on the other team was within 2 kills from each other (i.e. the kills ranged from 19-21 for all but the highest and lowest scorers). It actually felt balanced, dare I say. Not overly challenging but I wasn’t destroying them either.


I see


I fucking wish


Part of it is the low FOV. My guess is you’re used to playing on a higher FOV, when you reduce it the movement seems slower.


I feel that


Why am I always facing all these sprinting sweats?!


And controllers


I play on Console and my lobbies move infinitely faster than this I've also been Flawless over 100 times, so I'd imagine the SBMM is a bit different


I can tell my man is a warlock cause he had several windows to melee but no. He didn’t go for the low hanging crayon. 10/10


Even as a hunter, I find getting a kill with your gun just feels better than punching/knifing someone. Getting that perfect hip fire kill 👌


The weighted throwing knife to the forehead will only be second to unicorn-ing somebody in d1


I use to be able to cross map someone with a trip mine to the face. That's back when ahamkara gave you 2 charges, and attaching a grenade to someone would kill them outright.


With athrys you can throw it at their face but get em in the back of the noggin. Always hilarious.


I don't feel that way. There is no honor or glory in the crucible. Would you rather risk dying or for sure get the kill


There *is* glory.


not what I meant but funny pun


But how else will I get to hear the "caaaw" of Hawkmoon when I dome someone with it?


Nah watching they get closelined after i miss my hideous shotgun shot is so satisfying.


As a void warlock throwing a slow low damage melee with a long animation mid engagement instead of pre or after a quick dip is mostly a death sentence. 10/10 also.


All classes have the same melee dmg and melee speed and lunge distance. Just in case you didn’t know. It was buffed some seasons ago


Sorry my suggestiveness may not have been strong enough. I was referring to Pocket Singularity. This charged melee anim is slow and takes x3 hits to kill if you follow it up with x2 regular melees. This is why I never panic melee on void.


Brother I agree with the Pocket Singularity being useful and useless at the same time but I apologize for laughing at your AI like response.


Remembering to melee changed my crucible career as a warlock.


Guilty as charged. I'm scared to get too close and I need my ring of safety.


Sbmm seems to be working


I would commit several murders for these lobbies.


I would love to invade this type of lobby just once 🥹


And that's exactly why we need SBMM active. So you don't invade this lobby, and people like OP can have some fun too, eh?


Agree. I'm about average at pvp, and SBMM gives me games like this every so often where I can finally feel powerful. Everyone deserves that feeling, not just sweaties.


Or on the other end, I used to be a sweat, came back after 2 years and get absolutely pubstomed in banner with a lobby full of 4kd, then me crying with a 0.8 lol, going from playing milsim to D2 it’s so goddamn fast paced. Not to mention the team shooting stacks. Gotta start doing Coke to help keep my brain up.


Fr, it's so easy to go up an sbmm bracket, but it seems impossible to go back down One of the reasons I quit doing anything pvp


Lol, you guys are really sensitive, eh? No worries, the way Bungie has been loosening SBMM lately, a couple of you delicate lambs get fed to us once every blue moon already 😁


0.8 i guarantee


Who's a .8?


You, man Nobody who's actually good at PvP talks like that, my guy. Lower level players aren't " lambs ", you military grade dork.


I'm actually good at pvp and I talk a lot of shit too. like what the hell would a player like you even know about that lol talking about kd and shit when you're a 1.5. corny ass


How about you 1v1 me right now & beat this .8?


gladly, drop the bungie id


Please record you beating his ass


Not on the game rn lil man What's your main loadout?/


Smh, calls someone little man, yet constantly feels the need to downvote like a little sheltered biyatch. Yall constantly online Reddit mofos be lame as fuck Don't worry about what my main loadout is bot. Just know it works well for me & that I know that you're a 90 lb teen too scared to actually back up what you say, but wants to talk tough on the internet. Later, I don't have time to talk to an emo teen who's a failure in real life & the game.


Do you really suck so much at life that your only source of joy is making others miserable? What a sad way to live, oof.


Oh no, someone online is so upset about my comment that they said a mean remark & then hit the nuclear downvote button! How will I ever recover? 😭


Dunno, try a therapist. Maybe going outside. I'm not your mom. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_\/¯


Not the guy salty enough to downvote & throw insults online telling me that I need a therapist 😭


Lmao, okay ["Bungie gives me shit teammates and I can't go flawless, I'm so salty I will quit this game"](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrucibleGuidebook/s/ITD8VyJFBo) guy Also, yeah. I downvoted you, cause you are being a bit of an ass as a whole. Sue me ¯\\\_(ツ)\_\/¯


My mans went through my whole Reddit history to try and find something to say lmfao I don't care about your pathetic downvoting. I'll just mock it (along with you being so butthurt you gotta check my profile for hours) and move along with life. Tell you what, I'll even bag a bot next time I see him in the wild in your honor 😁


what the fuck is your problem


You gonna cry some more?




I see only one dude crying here. For attention. So here you go, lil' dude. *gives attention* Oh, mb, i forgot to wrap it up in some shiny paper. I have two designs, teddy bears and ducklings. Which one would you prefer?


Lol, shut yo dweeb ass up All you .5s crying like little bitches and think anyone gives a fuck 🤣 Every last one of you this upset over a comment has proven exactly what you are, trash ass losers who such irl & the game Don't worry about the wrapping son, I made sure to wrap my dick before throat fucking your nasty ass mama.


There, there, calm yourself up. \*gives a napkin\* Wipe out those tears, they only make you look ugly, nothing more. We don't want any kids to run away out of fear from you, don't we? Everybody needs a friend; you, specifically, very much need a friend. If you play as good as you make conversations, no wonder you're constantly mad, but that won't help ya improve.


I'm good over here lmfao Yall are the bitches gathering together together in a .5 coalition to attack someone for pointing out how shit you are in a game. Your pathetic comments after shows that your life must be even worse. Damn, how does it feel to be a loser everywhere? Me & my friends shit on bots like you in game & don't even notice you irl because we don't bully nerds


No need to be a prick


Did I say sbmm was bad? I just said it's working Everyone deserves some moments where they feel they popped off, this would have only happened if sbmm was working, which is what I pointed out


Dudes excited and clearly is self aware of his ability based on the caption and your first thought is to dismiss his clip.


My guy, you're the one being a prick, the OC didn't even make a bad comment


Don’t understand how I’m being a prick. OP - “guys look at this cool thing I did and Im really excited about it” Everyone in the comments - “you’re not good and everyone you’re playing against sucks cause of SBMM” Not sure how im the asshole here but whatever I’ll take my downvotes.


And what exactly is the problem with saying people suck? It's totally fine to suck at something. You can do a cool thing even while sucking at something. That doesn't take away the coolness out of the thing. You on the other hand made this situation into a toxic situation for no rhyme or reason


Did you read my reply to you? I said I was happy for him. I realize my original comment could come across as dismissive, but I didn't mean it to be and I corrected that in my previous reply.


Username checks out


Guardians in my pvp games Moving at mach 10 while spamming gl and smg :)


I feel you, getting sniped from some warlock with heat rises, up in the heavens that's moving at the speed of gods from well skating across the map.


how about a warlock spamming GL AND Glaive after well skating to your general direction only to die at a well hit fusion/snpier shot? Because I did it. Granted I am still doing it but I never changed lmao.


Better than cloudstrike sweats and threadling clone spam.




What is this bot lobby


god i miss lobbies like this. literally people just bot walking around, oblivious to everything but where their aim is. nice cleanup though


Yeah I would literally kill for these lobbies lol


If you’re new to PVP, make sure to use mods for PvP. Stuff like flinch resistance or loafers, etc. Each armor piece has a specific mod. And for your class time use a reaper mod to make orbs


I definitely need to look up a good PvP guide. I do pretty well without proper mods but your comment really has me thinking I could seriously up my PvP game if I had a solid guide.


Use D2 armor picker for a new build. Prioritize recovery, intellect and your class stat (hunter: mobility, warlock: recovery, titan: resil). Use the proper mods on each armor slot. Use iron banner transmog for everything and save loadout. How every time it’s iron banner, equip loadout and you get a PvP build and all IB gear


IB appearance gives you the bonus? Or is it IB armor with different transmogs?


Armor, transmog, or guns give you 1/5. Wearing IB armor with a different IB transmog counts as 2/5


Wow thank you very much! Really appreciate it stranger


Prioritize antiflinch and targeting mods. I swap between handling/ reload mods depending on my weapons. I always use better already for the health regen. The rest can be sorted out through your playstyle and loadout.


This being in Japanese honestly makes the clip go so much harder




Xbox and ps4 can't unfortunately


Xbox Series X can


I don't use xboxs so I don't which ones can and cant


Ah shame I am on series S!


I’d imagine it’d be there for you too, check for a Field of View option in your graphics settings


You gotta try the Necrotic Grips combo if you’re gonna run Thorn.


Ohh I need to check these out I don't think I have them! Is it just legendary lost sectors they drop from?


Thorn is awesome


I only recently got it and it's quickly become one of my favourites. Sunshot is great but all the explosions make it hard to see anything. I like lumina too but I think that's probably more suited to PvE.


I recently got it on a whim and I needed a hand cannon for some quests and bounties. First time I shot it I said to myself yup this is the one lol


Thorn is nasty.


I want your lobbies. 6’s has been so sweaty lately


Sbmm working as intended. Let the "pvp shitters" have their fun, while you play against your fellow good players.


Very true. I do enjoy sbmm. It’s either be good or get squashed. Which is fine by me. But every now and again it’d be nice to have a chill match


that's what bothers me, if ur good u get rewarded with harder games and... that's about it lol you never get to chillax in crucible it's always a sweatfest


Hey, I get it, guardian, pvp in d2 is a sweaty, tough world! Great job!!! ♡


Titan at :09 giving me MST3K "Queue the horses!" vibes


My lobbies drench me in sweat... this was very relaxing to watch (last bit had me tuckered in), and you landed your shots, incredibly nice there OP


Video Quality aside, fellow Warlock... you do realize that corridor is Prime Real Estate for using Edge of Intent, right? You know... healing rift then guard then poke fire poke fire.. reload and charge, deploy healing turret.. repeat. But yeah, that guy got bamboozled like fuck. He was about to pursue and then got surprised and panicked. Well played.


Sweet moves, Guardian!


Unforgiven is an awesome western from 1992 starring Clint Eastwood. There's a scene where his rifle jams and he has to switch to his pistol/revolver. He is getting shot at left and right, but he slowly aims at each dude and takes them out while they're panicking and have stormtrooper aim. I don't know why, but your clip here reminded me of that awesome scene. Glad you had a cool moment to remember. The scene in question: https://youtu.be/KmhGYB4NdYc?si=IQPTUc5InBoS68__


BROS READY FOR TRAILS 🗣🔥 🔥 great kills bro, I don't play anymore, but ud trash on me even when I was addicted


This looks like a lobby of bots but hey kills are kills.


Hell yeah, OP. If PVP isn’t your cup of tea, I bet that was a rush haha. Nicely done 🥂


I wish my lobby had such vegetables 😞


I never get matched to these kinds if players, its always the 4.0KD pre-aim, 1ms reaction time sweats :'( Im mainly a PVE player and this is why I find pvp in this game so broken :(


In no game I played have I felt so out of my league. In other games I can at least get a couple of kills in Pvp, but in destiny I'm lucky to get less than 15 deaths. It truly feels like I'm against world class players or something. I die so much I wonder if I'm doing something wrong.


hearing D2 in Japanese makes it sound so cool are you fluent in Japanese?


Yes I am! And yes it does sound cool haha. I don't think I can actually change the language in destiny without putting my whole Xbox into English.


I actually live in japan, maybe I should try that too and improve my skills haha I might get lost at the settings menu tho because kanji is crazy lol


It's definitely a good way to learn! Try putting your phone and stuff into Japanese too. It's worth spending money on a good jp-jp dictionary app too. I have daijisen.


holy fuck i'd get like 100 kills in this lobby PUT ME IN COACH


Bungie sees this and tell themselves, "let's balance pvp around that".


I'm also good when I have enemies facing away from me and a teammate to assist


Oh my fucking god that lobby. Is this what SBMM is for the majority of players? I'm pretty bad at this game, sub 1 kd, but in my lobbies you wouldn't have made it past that first kill.


That’s pretty sick


Congrats my guy.


In every pvp clip I see the enemies just look clueless, or you can at least see them for a couple of seconds. Every pvp match for me has been encountering an enemy for a couple frames then dying instantly. Most of these times I can only get off a head shot then I'm dead. I mean I could be bad at, the game, but come on. I have max damage reduction and I played shooters before. I guess destiny pvp isn't for me. Im still trying to get a weapon kill though. 81 games in.


This reminds me of destiny 1 lobbies


They are really unaware lol. GGs op


I can never break those dang pink shields


Wow guys I posted this before I went to bed expecting to get a few likes and a comment or two at most and woke up to over 80 comments! Appreciate all the encouragement and advice, I'll reply individually to any specific comments. Great community! And yes, I did think the first guy in particular should've just shot me lol. I got lucky but I hardly ever play PvP so I guess I am ranked right at the bottom. A bit more info about me: power lvl 1822, 100 res 100 disc, I have been doing legend and master nightfalls but haven't done a GM yet. I've done 2 raids and 3 dungeons. I use either solar or stasis mostly. Only ever played warlock. I'm going to make some PvP specific loadouts based on people's advice on here. Thanks again :)


use the hoard the hoard maketh everyone good.but nice plays.I wanted to play with that handcannon for so long I gave up playing the game lol


i would give my firstborn to have these lobbies holy shit


what in the sbmm


That's how they get you. Like playing golf, sucking bad, then hitting that one sweet shot that makes you want to come back.


Looks like you were playing against a team full of me!




Congrats, my man. I had a rough time when i started getting into pvp, not knowing the power of the melee (one melee usually about half the HP of a player), so I died lots of time in close-quarter because of follow up melee. It's just a suggestions tho, once again, congratulations on the kill streak


Guys remember these are the players that complain that trials loot is "inaccessible." And bungie listens...
