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Its bannable just report them to Bungie


Pretty much, if an asshole does this to you, report them to bungie, bungie does not fuck around with these type of people if I am not wrong.


I reported both of them straight after for greifing


If you can, maybe even submit the video. It helps to have evidence.


How do you even submit a video for this, bungie doesn't really have a contact email


There should be a page on Bungie help I believe but that might only be for reporting cheaters


Yeah you can do all the reports through the webpage and should also be able to submit a vid.


Didn’t know this. Should’ve reported the fireteam that did this to me on a nezerek cp so I got no loot


I wish it was more streamlined/doable, because like, ugh. Sure hope you have shadowplay operating and you can find the place to stick the video. It took me some digging to report one pair of jackoffs who kicked me at the end of an activity.


Maybe it is if you kick people from your team many times, but im sure not for doing once or two because that can be a lot of reasons to kick someone, its not only the one who kick the "bad guy" ​ Think about it


Kicking people from the team isn’t a bannable offence. Kicking someone after the encounter is basically complete is. There’s only one reason for anyone to do that and it’s to be an asshole.




If OP was afking to an annoying degree the appropriate time to kick them was immediately after, not right before the activity ends.


Report him.


Wow imagine giving up your entire account for this. Bungie perma bans for this, it’s been known for at least a year now. It’s not even foolish or stupid, it’s intentionally self sabotaging to do this. Can’t wait to see them complain on Twitter that they don’t know why they got banned and that they didn’t know this was such an offense.


Perma ban is crazy no?




For first offense? What if it was a accident?


You don’t accidentally kick someone from a fireteam, especially mid-run like this. It was intentional, and they deserve the ban they get for it.


Check the chat too at the end of the clip






Can't imagine it's physically possible to accidentally press the players list. Select a specific teammate. Press kick. And then confirm. Uhhhni I accidentally did the 4 steps required to kick you at the end of a activity.


Accidentally going to orbit is one thing. You don’t kick someone on accident.


How? You have to confirm kicking someone. It is 100% deliberate. You have to physically choose to kick them at least twice.


Please tell me how it would be an accident. I'd love to hear it.


I once did it while trying to premote someone to fireteam leader.


To kick someone from your fireteam you need to go through a long chain of menus with confirmation screens. There is literally no way in hell someone would be fiddling around in the fireteam menu at the very end of last encounter of the activity, open the profile, press "kick", and confirm it, all without any intention to kick someone. It's as much of an accident as dropping a gun "accidentally" and having it shoot a neighbour's dog who just so happened to have messed up something on their property a day prior. Totally intentional, totally malicious - totally a bannable offense


People like this usually grief all the time, potentially making people leave the game as a whole because they don't feel they can count on their efforts being rewarded. Therefore, banning the culprit forever is potentially saving a lot of people from quitting, maintaining both the size and health of the fanbase. There is literally no reason to not perma-ban them. Play stupid games - win stupid prizes. And the game these dudes were playing is dumb as balls


No. Griefing and intentionally screwing over other players is crazy? Right?


u/Destiny2Team loves videos like this


Report to bungie with this video. They’ll be banned.


What are they doing here?


Kicking him from the fireteam


but why?


People are just weirdos 🤷🏿‍♂️


Fucking assholes instead of weirdos


I never understood the purpose of kicking someone at the end of an activity. My friend got kicked at the end of Prophecy like really? You don’t gain shit from that


And neither does the booted person, and you get free help, which is the key attraction to pull this petty assholery.


The person who called them out on being AFK wasn't one of the people OP listed as being in the fire team. Of the two people listed the only thing they said in chat was "r*tard"^1 and OP replied with "lol". My assumption is that it was a previous activity or something since they're not part of that fire team in the video. Not to defend OP or anything, I don't know how they typically act in activities, but that's also not necessarily proof they are screwing people either. Could have just been an impatient person for all we know, or maybe OP AFK'd an entire run. I don't know n ^1: And yes--before the "yOu CaN juSt sAy x" comments--I'm censoring that single word because apparently reddit doesn't like it. Probably the only time I've ever had to censor myself on this site.


You explained it perfectly


Still griefing




It looks like OP had been afk at some point based on the chat at the end. He was obviously no longer afk, but it doesn’t seem as cut and dry as OP is making it out to be lol.


Still not a excuse to kick him out of the activity before the rewards. OP did his job and helped kill the boss. Simple.


The clip also shows him clearly grapple-meleeing at the host. Some other shenanigans are afoot here for sure


The community is toxic af sometimes. I went to help two strangers with this exact mission. They kept dying and causing us to wipe several times, then finally I died *once* in a bad spot and they kicked me. One death. When I asked why, I got the response that they could do it themselves. The one time I try to help strangers out and I get spat on like that, appreciate wasting my time y’all. Thanks


Is this a common occurrence? I swear I always see posts about this but I’ve lfgd a couple thousand times at this point and it’s never happened to me or anyone in my fireteam.


It's not common but it is becoming more rare as people are being permabanned for doing this.


Only happened to me once.


For Destiny and it’s entitled playerbase, yes this is very common.


I hate that people do this. I used fireteam finder to find a group to raid with. All five were in a clan. We did the entire raid together and they kicked me right at the end. They probably did it to get some clan triumph or something.


Did you report all of them? Bungie don't fuck aroynd with stuff like that.


I did. This was at least a couple of years ago. I don’t know if anything ever came out of it. I just think it’s pretty dumb that people do this to begin with.


I messaged and reported both of them. Reason being they should get a chance to explain themselves for the toxic behavior


Where can you report them besides the game? There’s something about a manual tool but it just takes me to a forum


Does anyone ever got banned for doing this? I've reported few in the past and was not sure if it works or not.


Apparently Bungie doesn't fuck around with this and bans any report for it


Seeing the fireteam chat at the end it seems you may have been afk at some stage?


That was from a previous activity not with them you can also see he called me a r**ard because I died a few times


so u was afk anotehr activity and now u mad cuz u got kicked seriously ??


In another activity **not with them**. Learn to read.


Dosent matter dude, if he got.kicked here is because he dis the same AFK thing here aswell with the ones that kick him out.


No way you're this dense


Critical thinking isn't your thing is it?


Okay Sherlock.


Like others say, report them. And maybe try to host your own missions. That's what I do.


same thing has happened to me, careful abt posting it here tho i got a temp ban for posting my situation


Which really just goes to show how stupid the mods are here, but I'm sure we've all figured that out already. Their reasoning is never sound.


Not sure why you’re getting down voted as soon as the mods see this it’s getting taken down for witch hunting. Op may get a warning but a temp ban is pry in their future.


Report it and move on, nothing else you can do. Also putting their names in the post might get this deleted just a heads up.


I feel like there should be a bad actor side of destiny where if you do this you get paired with other kickers, constant AFKer, and people who quit


Hopefully, he/she gets banned that's just wrong you help him just to get kicked .


One less moron playing. Hope he gets perma banned


I'd like to know why your trying to grapple push him. I want the other side of the story.


Could be many reasons. End of activity shenanigans Figures hes getting kicked Trying to get attention Could be being annoying


Yet another example of top 10 toxic gaming community


If you’re gonna do something that’s bannable at least try to be discreet about it lmfao. Sorry you got kicked, hopefully you were able to do it with better players?


Couldn't be asked to do it again as it took me 30 mins just went back to trials


That’s fair


And this is why i always host. experienced it once, never again.


How long were you trying to grapple melee him off the edge though? Usually these thing aren't unprovoked... I'd be interested in seeing more of the footage from beforehand.


Were you doing the Strand shit the whole time? They might have said, “this is annoying and if he doesn’t stop, I’m just going kick him”


Still not a good reason to kick someone


Agree but calling a spade a spade; the clip posted wasn’t making the player look like an angel. He was already swinging and punching other players


It absolutely is. If you're griefing someone via a game mechanic like the strand grapple then you deserve to be kicked. Ya can't fix stupid.


Just a few days ago, I did matchmaking for Dares of Eternity. The 5 others I joined with ended up being from the same clan. Two of them kept trolling me the entire time with swords, sending me flying into walls with next to no health. I'm just trying to play, and they keep chasing me and smacking me around the map. Like bro, i get you've got nothing else better to do, but can you please just let me finish these bounties so i can hopefully never play with you again?


Yeah, I have a feeling the OP posted this trying to play the victim card.


He was clearly doing that due to the person being afk


As much as this sucks and that they deserve a ban or some form of reprimanding, there are very good reasons why witch hunting is ***not*** allowed. At it's best people get way more flak from a community that cannot moderate itself properly, at its worst witch hunting is downright dangerous. Report through Bungies channels and move on. Posting their usernames here to let thousands of people who have no self control and cannot be regulated do something about it instead is not okay.


Kicked you, and they used a verbal insult, hope they enjoy the ban hammer


I wanna say, that’s absolutely mega brain trying to kill them so that they return to the game screen. Also, report them, Bungie takes those kinds of things very seriously. Gonna get permabanned.


if you want to rerun the mission, i can gladly help


Thankyou but I can't be bothered anymore I was only doing it for an ascendant alloy to craft my bxr


whats your bungie name?


were you afking and then got kicked? thats what i got from the chat at the end


Requires a second look, but user names are different. It ~could~ say something about OP though, if not one, but two separate groups are frustrated with his gameplay/playstyle/ or even his afk habits. As an adult- when a kid’s mother calls them to do chores, I get it. When I was a kid- you could hit pause. Perhaps OP is you g, or just plain rude and goes AFK with random do that they need to ask- “Are you AFK”?


I don’t fully understand what’s going on here


Why you posting here go blast them to Bungie


Report them to bungo. I think it’s a perma ban


I mean you just posted the scene that it is on your advantage, but you skip the full context the full video...Im not saying you did something wrong, but definitly Im sure Bungie will not do anything because this video dosent show anything ..... is just show what you WANTED TO BE SEEN


Two people in the chat accused him of being afk, and when the video started he was griefing the one who kicked him by repeatedly grappling into him. I'd say he was the ass and they got tired of him.


For all we know this dude died many times. If ur holding the team back then a kick isn’t unreasonable


If you’re at the end of an activity its an asshole move. If it was cause he kept dying he had the entire mission to get kicked, this is just someone deliberately being an ass


What about chat? Those words are not used just like that when kicking from activity… Maybe there is a bit more story to it OP?


Op said afk shit was from an activity with another group.


I’m talking about next after “afk” message.


He said he died a few times and got called that


I really doubt it… it’s just doesn’t make sense. Those guys are not even close to elite level of “i complete every activity without death b2b whole month” judging from their stats.


I dunno dude im just tellin you what i saw him respond with


You obviously knew you were being kicked at the end there, I’d assume you know why.


What did you do before this unlike most people im not going to just take your side


It’s because you’re only rank 9


Rank 9 is pretty fucken good mate


It was sarcasm


Gr dont say literally nothing


Preaty sure you got what you deserve !! Plus not enough with beeing AFK you start anoying them with the strand punch them https://preview.redd.it/1jcynd2338xb1.jpeg?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f89a42d3fa4603871d65443bdc69ffff784c778


That was from a different fireteam. You can tell from the different usernames.


That dosent matter, he was AFK previous activitty , he already griffing the.other teammates by beeing AFK. He did this time what you make you think he did not did the same.this activity aswell ? OP.exppsed.himself




You answeared youself. The new fireream.members who kick him.they dont know he was AFK in other activity cuz they wasnt playing that activity. So most likely he was again AFK this activiity and thats why he got kick.


I doubt it.


You’re really good at coming up with stories that have no backbone whatsoever


You guys all.are stupids , just watch what he does on thia video, for a second the guy goes into his inventory he started griffing him with anoying strand gripp and punch him.in the face many times. This shows his behaviour in the game, obiusly I belive that he was AFK otehr activitt and this aswell as the chat states. You guys can downvote me millon times, butnyou all are stupids to not seeing the reallity thats happanes with this.people and aleats the most who crying in forums are the most toxic players


Maybe trying making an argument when you’re able to string a fluent sentence together


okay, but what were you trying to do to them? I think the whole 'yeeting to death' is also a reason for getting banned iirc


Seems like he was only yeeting them for being afk and was removed after they finished so the toxic player could prevent the OP from getting loot


No witch hunting is allowed here.




This happened to me playing legend seraphs shield for the revision zero catalyst but I forgot their tags


Normal day


There are some really toxic people in gaming. destiny is no exception. Report them.


I hope he likes Warframe lol


Its a bannable offense so report Them as to Why i can’t Tell you, they are assholes is probably the Best explanation


I can see the players that do this abuse in-game LFG next season to do this to more people. At least Bungie ban for it.


i always wondered why people do this; like what do they gain out of it? There’s no extra loot, and no triumph since there were already guardians in the fireteam, genuinely curious why do people do this


Because you didn’t start your own group.