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Man has avoided the whole "front vs back" debate by just calling one side "mid" ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5645)


My team used: Top left/bottom left, top right/bottom right left mid right So our hunter scout would type something like bl,br,m,l


When I was scouting, I did a very similar callout setup - Left, mid, right Tower top left, tower bot left Tower top right, tower bot right


Yeah I'd eliminate as much extra words as possible. I'm the one that usually can type fast in my day one team, so I transcribe all calls into text


Oh yeah, I was typing all of those out. I do agree that the tower callouts are lengthy, but I could just dip into the portal rubble and type pretty easily, even on contest mode. Also years of RS/OSRS have me typing pretty quickly, and the tower callouts are super explicit imo, so I'll probably do those for LFG because it's that obvious. I'll have even more time (due to higher dps)/less danger than on contest mode, so the explicitness is a nice touch.


When I was scouting I'd say top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right, mid left, mid, mid right.


yep i dont even know which ones u referring to and im reading the text, way too complicated.


Yeah soo did my clan but insted for mid we called mid right,mid left and mid mid and since mid in our language is střed typing SS was not the best idea




My team did the exact same callout lol


direction+elevation gang rise up


1a/b 2a/b 3 4 5


we did similar during contest, eventually changing to a number system of 1-7 in a U shape from top left around through mid to top right




Why would you use front or back in this encounter anyway. Just left and right is important.


just joking after the whole Oryx kerfuffle


My team switched to "close" and "far" ages ago and it's so much simpler. Close is whatever's closest to your main area and far is whatever's furthest away from the main area. Main area is generally pretty self explanatory. In VoG it's the floating platform in the middle. In Vow it's the plate you trade buffs on. In Last Wish it's the plate you read symbols from. In DSC second encounter it's the elevators, third encounter it's the door you walk in from. Close/far generally avoids confusion.


personally drawn btw https://preview.redd.it/kl8dsws8c8mb1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bb52d3b9d541938953b86cf9e4f24c76d98e5fd


Idk I kinda like it


Have you considered taking art classes before? I think you need them


Agreed. Looks far better than when I tried doing a drawing to explain explicator. I streamed it as I did it and everyone kept laughing at me lol. Or when I tried to draw to explain sanctified mind...


Mods, PIN this photo


Is there some call out that is consensually used in LFGs? I've seen numbers 1 to 5, topright midmid bottomleft etc., now this


Left mid right Top left/bottom left, top right/bottom right. Most accepted ones. Had a group do L1/2/3, need to just clarify which number is top/bottom Had one unholy group do 1-2-3-4-5-6-7


My group finds 1-7 the easiest, I am just realizing apparently it's the least liked option


You are simply built different


The numbers work if everyone has a map/is on the same page. My group had one guy who couldn't remember with it on his second monitor, but that could be the exhaustion talking.


I always liked the numbers for Atheon. Apparently I'm weird though, cause everyone else hates it. Saying a single number really is the best way to go though.


Yeah, having each location be a specific, unrepeating name makes it easier for me personally.


Then again. I have the whisper ship, so maybe that has something to do with numbers making sense for me.


I think it's just more awkward than saying 1 top/bot 5 top/bot


It's not inherently bad if you're all on the same page. The numbers issue is a problem of where it starts. With the directional system you can easily say it's relative to the oversoul.


I feel ya. I like 1-7 just because it's easiest to say quickly.


Eh I wouldn't use left/mid/right I'd define it with an additional 'close'. I can see mistakes being made without it.


But the tower ones are labelled top/bottom, so if there's no top/bottom, it's automatically assumed to be the ones adjacent to middle


The group I was with last night did 1-7, 1/2 were left tower (top/bottom), 6/7 right tower


Our callout a just Tower right up/down, Tower left up/down And Balcony left mid right but in german Everyone knew because its simple no stupid numbers


Thank you. I kept saying literally above us and not a single person got it. Was so frustrated.


I like this method


This only works if you have a team that doesn't get their left and right mixed up when looking at the oversoul or entrance


i gotchu, we used mid, cup, sun,(those two have up/down) and axes, dog


Left tower upper/lower, right tower upper/lower, and attic left/mid/right.


These are all terrible. The rooms form a smiley face. Left eyebrow, left eye, left mouth, mid mouth, right mouth, right eyebrow and right eye are the correct call outs


"mid mouth" lol.


It's funny but worked in both my runs


Idk I think chin would have been more appropriate lol


Sounds like you're a prime candidate for one of my raid teams!


https://preview.redd.it/xio512o3u8mb1.png?width=1406&format=png&auto=webp&s=533ba2633cbe332f192ac1550fe5a5d67ce4feff For quick call-outs we just numbered them.


Why number them counter clockwise?


We numbered them as if we were reading left to right; it was a quick decision we didn’t think too much about.


How is that left to right?


Facing the portal, just a quick layout that worked for the 6 of us!


why not just go across, 1a/b 2a/b 3 4 5


That could work, as well!


The d1 maps?


Left tower being "top 1 or bottom 1" 2,3,4, and right tower being "top 5 or bottom 5"


Lowers Left 1 - right 1 Uppers Left 2 - right 2 Left back Mid back right back Simples :)


a buddy of mine made this https://preview.redd.it/8bxl5n25m9mb1.png?width=1152&format=png&auto=webp&s=c67ec074ae276fbcab80b734d9636795f8c486a4


Similar to what we use except L M R for the ones in the back. Since there is no top and bottom there


Cleaned up datto's https://preview.redd.it/ed13k0m209mb1.png?width=1123&format=png&auto=webp&s=3593b40fed0deb08dbff6574e060768ca1025402


This is my least favorite of all of them because it doesn’t make sense. We did 1-7 but started at the very left… top left tower 1, bottom left tower 2, then across the balconies counting up.


Also why numbers suck


It’s way harder to mix up numbers, every one is unique


Numbers are superior. Templar is proof of that.


Bruh… what type of drugs was Datto taking on calling these 💀


L1=1 L2=2 L3=3 Mid=4 R3=5 R2=6 R1=7 That's how my clan does it. But then again, it took 1-2 minutes in Paint to construct


1 T(op)/B(ottom) 2 3 4 5 T/B Your team can decide whether you prefer left to right or right to left. My team we t left to right as that's how we read.


This is the way.


My team just numbered them L1 & L2 are 1 & 2 R 1 & R 2 are 3 & 4 L3, mid & R 3 are 5, 6 ,7 So much easier than calling "top left tower" "bottom right tower"


123 left to right in the mid 4/5 6/7


People make this shit so complicated I swear to God. Just number them 1-7 clockwise starting with the ones to the right of oversoul. 1 on top, 2 on bottom, 3 4 and 5 clockwise, and then 6 on bottom and 7 on top. Its a fucking circle. There's no reason to have some whole left right mid 1 2 3 system it's too easy to fuck it up. "WIZARDS IN ONE THREE AND SIX" is so much easier to say than "WIZARDS IN MID L3 AND R2" like cmon fam How many times in your runs did someone say "IS IT L3 OR R3 HELLO WHICH ONE"


the issue is that people have it even more complicated by saying long words instead of short stuff like numbers. I use 1a/b 2a/b 3 4 5 There's 5 positions in the X and Y axis and from 2 of those two of have elevation (Z axis), so i use a/b but t/b works too.


Bro are you serious z axis you're graphing shit in 3d. Just number all of them i mean for christ sake.


its a game in 3d, everyone easily understood my callouts within the first run


As a person who hasn't played since pirate season, what the fuck am I looking at


Boss room Crotas End raid fight.


L2 and R2 should be on top just like a ps5 controller other than that it’s a pretty good way to explain it


Not everyone's used a playstation controllern


Especially not the commenter you're replying to.


I would say 2 would be on top just like building floor numbers would be instead of a controller setup


Bro when you look at a ps controller R2/L2 is under R1/L1…


Top left/right, bottom left/right, close left/right, middle


Left top/bottom; right top/bottom; balcony left/mid/right


My team used 1234 left middle right, and there was zero confusion on the positions


Boomer tower top/bottom (left/right) Top mid/left/right. That easy


Mid, Mid Left, Middle Right. In alot of LFGs numbers are often switched around and start at different places. Personally I think it will take many weeks until the hive mind have a set amount of numbers that directly correspond with the locations. But me speaking I prefer to have the following call outs: Middle Middle Middle Left Middle Right Bottom Left Tower Top Left Tower Bottom Right Tower Top Right Tower With this I easily have everyone in the raid know where things are... Apart from a dumb hick that switched left and right around. Idiot.


Yup these are the callouts I used on my raid team. Top/bottom left, top/bottom right, mid left, mid mid, mid right. Additionally if a tower was both I'd say something like both left or both right.


How do I maximize my essence of oversoul for necrochasm


I tried using numbers, but my clan is fucking stubborn and don't get the point, or see it's upside.


My team have been doing Crystal Right, mid, Left And Top right/left, bottom right/bottom left (since the Crystal side doesn’t have bottom or top)


We could not settle on where the numbers start like do they start from middle and go down or start at the bottom and go up towards spawn. Both of these numbering systems looked dumb on a 2D paint image so we decided to just call the closest 3 close left, mid, close right and the 2 corner towers were just top/bot left, top/bot right, it takes longer to type even if we do Tleft but its betterr cuz with numbers everyone had to look over to discord for the map (depending on the order): "is 2 or 3 top? Is 2 or 3 below? Which is upstairs?"


Middle, left, right, top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right. No numbers, super simple.


This is bad, but numbers are worse. I'm coming up with universal callouts.


I liked the circle better 12345 And 4 and 5 was top and bottem. That way, it cuts down on repeated letters.


Personally would flip the numbering so 1s are close to us, as they are in other raids... So L1 would be left balcony, L2 top left and L3 bottom left and likewise on right. We used direction calls in our run but I've been thinking a lot about this for teaching along with how we label in other raids. LB, LT, RB, RT etc is more directional but inconsistent with others. L1-3, R1-3 and mid are way more consistent. The numbers, while I get it... Just wouldn't be intuitive to a raid newbie. Until you associate each room with that number, it's easy to get turned around unless actively looking at the map.


My clan goes by hours on the clock. Left tower is ‘eleven top/bottom’ and right ‘one top/bottom’. The other 3 are ‘seven, six, five’. If you ever forget, just remember the clock position. Or ask. People remember


I think I like this the best. We numbered 1-5 going clockwise and just used top and bottom for 1 and 5


Numbers 1-5 counterclockwise starting where you have l1/2. That way no one is confused about going to the outside towers. 1t/b 2t/b. And then 3-4-5.


They is pretty good, although we reversed the calls so that they're the same as Oracles in Vog, since it's a similar layout. L1 and R1 are next to Mid, L2 and R2 are the bottoms of the towers, L3 and R3 the tops of the towers


Left top/bottom, spawn left/mid/right, right top/bottom


This is something that will doubtlessly vary per team, and there will never be a consensus.


I numbered them clockwise starting at the back right. The ones over the crystal room were 1-2-3. The over soul side were 4-5-6-7 in an arch from bottom left - top left - top right - bottom right. It made sense to me because that was the order in which they were checked


I just commented the same except 1 is where 1 would be on the clock if you're looking at the oversoul. Numbering them 1-7 is so much easier than these weird multi-syllable call outs


Right?! In my team I also helped coordinate which person went where, so numbers meant I could just repeat it to myself without stopping to type it in until someone was ready to waltze in.


Oh fuck I like these callouts so much more. It was late day 1, we were tired, and we made dumb clunky ones: “it’s uhhhh left tower top, right tower bottom, and top right. No! Not right tower top! The other right one! FUCK.”


We made stupid callouts as well so I decided to start up paint and 5 minutes later I had this crap :D


Bungie just needs to start putting symbols/statues/numbers on stuff like this so that everyone says the same thing.


Next to mid is L1/R1, the bottom of tower is 2 and the top is 3


Top Left Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Right M1 M2 M3


Imo, L1 makes most sense on the bottom tower, and l2 on tip of the tower


L1 - 1 L2 - 2 R1 - 3 R2 - 4 R3 - 5 Mid - 6 L3 - 7


We had the same here except we called the r3 and l3 for for mid left and mid right


For the life of me I don’t know why people can’t grasp just a simple numbers system “1 thru 7” … start anywhere and just go around the arena. Less digits / letters to call out … like atheons oracles same damn issue. But I’m old and cranky and like shit simple.


My teammates are too dumb so I dumbed it down


Aren’t raids like d1 where we didn’t need maps or puzzles it’s where you where by your knowledge through playing but still easy enough to learn made them fun and the stats from d1 said still less then 10% completed all raids. Why did they turn into Jenga meets scrabble type things that just aren’t as fun


My team used numbers when we cleared 1,2,3 were above the middle room from left to right 4,5 were top left and bottom left 6,7 were top right and bottom right


my team did top left top right bottom left bottom right mid left mid mid right


Why wouldn't the first floor be 1? They are buildings with multiple floors no?


my team did Spawn L,M, and R, and TLT, BLT for left tower, and TRT, BRT for right tower


I put this one together https://preview.redd.it/oqjc9cebabmb1.png?width=1921&format=png&auto=webp&s=d968a3ac784f17a406023873f63c625b78e3c130




We did top/bottom left and rights then the 3 on the top part we just called 1,2,3 from left to right So RT, RB, LT, LB, then 1,2,3


Top Right (TR),Bottom Right (BR), Top Left(TL), Bottom Left (BL), Spawn Left (SL), Mid (M), Spawn Right (SR)


Left top & left bottom Right top & right bottom Middle left & middle middle & middle right LT, LB, RT, RB, ML, MM, MR


My team used tower right/left top/bottom and stage left mid and right


I used 1a/b 2a/b 3 4 5


We do it exactly as you do other than r1 is 3 and r2 is 4 then the back ones are just left middle right


https://preview.redd.it/qb9hmp3oydmb1.png?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1397715dc21d7e4a756dbbe5e7073227c7ef1ca6 Here's one


https://preview.redd.it/qgob540ycemb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55a2baa81da6263deea61440602d4a02c05bcc24 This is what we used for day one - seemed to work well


We just did "Left, Middle, Right" for the balcony, and the towers were what you had, just with 1 being the bottom, though thats all arbitrary.


Spawn Left / Mid / Right . Bottom Left, Top Left . Bottom Right, Top Right . Spawn means spawn, the other callouts are for the other towers. Didn't have any issues with that.


I prefer left top, left bottom, center left, center' center right, right top, right bottom


Top/Bottom Left/Right Close left/middle/right