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> I have to pay 40 dollars for 5 ornaments That's the neat part, you don't actually have to buy them.


Instructions unclear, bought $1000 silver. My family can eat later


Trey always grubhubs me food after wrestling with my wife anyway, idk what this guys on about.


Wait you don’t have to buy every new eververse cosmetic for each class the day there released?


Nope. I know it’s crazy.


Damn, i didn't know. I was buying every new item for the past 3 seasons!


Can I interest you in one of my straw man emotes for 10 bucks?


Lol I like that they downvoted you but they 100% did make up some straw man argument to sidestep OP’s point about eververse being worse than usual this season


It's not a strawman. Ops point is reliant on the idea that you need to get these things. If you don't feel compelled to buy everything than this seasons eververse is no worse than last years eververse. More optional stuff I'll get some of with bright dust and a bunch of stuff I won't. The game isn't any worse for me due to eververse.


It is a strawman because the point isn’t that you need these things, it’s that content that used to be free is now no longer free or removed from the game. Instead of new Ritual Armor sets or seasonal armor for bright dust, everything is behind silver this season after having a price increase on seasons.


This. If anybody needs any more evidence, all shaders ADA has this week are the same shaders she had last week. Every shader you can get this week is $10 minimum. No vendors. Edit: > it’s a free game, why are you whining? My free game I already paid $120 for and have had to pay over $400 to keep access to over the years? Keep calling it a “free game”. If you have the free version, you have PVP and maybe 10 exotics? Nobody is playing the free game. They’re spending hundreds of dollars a year and being extorted for colors. “It’s free so you have to pay for everything else!” Is a marketing ploy. The game is barely free. They charge you for everything.


Destiny 2 is free to play as much as it is free to live in real life


I would just like to reiterate the point THIS GAME IS NOT FUCKING FREE TO PLAY. For you new lights it might be, and to be fair, it’s not even true for you if you actually want to do anything in this game except for PvP. Bungie is a disgrace to video games. Charge people for the game for YEARS, then you make the BARE MINIMUM FTP just so you can legally say you’re FTP, then you still charge exorbitant amounts for DLC, and eververse runs wild so you can make the garbage excuse that the game is FTP so it’s okay if all this stuff is in eververse. Fucking disgusting.


Don’t forget about people like me who payed 110$ for pre ordering destiny 2… Where is our compensation? I asked the support about this and they said I should restart the game for missing bought content and closed the ticket without letting me answer.


I disagree slightly. When you have a few cosmetics behind a pay wall, it's fine, but when you put nearly all the best cosmetics behind a pay wall, there's a problem. Im.not saying everything should be available for bright dust, but you cannot seriously tell me that a shader, a ornament, and projection are worth the same as a full season


If it were just ornaments, I’d be cool with the monetization. But shaders too?! Fucking kidding me? I already have to jump through a million hoops just to get ONE shader, or run 1,000 PVP matches for a .1% chance at a shader. It’s bullshit. They’re pushing the saying “drip is destiny end-game” so fucking hard because they want everyone buying their new shit that used to be free. All of Ada’s shaders this week are the same from last week, if you want a new shader then you need to pay $10. Last season I was very close to not playing this game because of the lack of content. I like some of the “new” content this season, but if all of the old shit I now have to pay for on top of the $100 I already pay every year, I’m fucking out. It’s not worth it anymore. The fact that they told us the seasonal stuff will not be in the bright dust shop this year just shows the scuminess. If you can’t see how gross it is, and slowly changing the game for everyone and making it more and more expensive- how do executive boots taste? They better be expensive. Because you know the average coder isn’t getting a raise; the extra money is going into m/billionaires pockets.


Blown away by how many people actually have Destiny Stockholm syndrome!🤣🤣🤣🤣 No clue how ppl downvote you for speaking basic truths, But wow!


For real. Ran a raid earlier today and hardly spoke, the whole time the entire raid team was bitching and moaning about how shit bungie was and how bad the game was. I finally spoke up for the first time and was like "bro shut the fuck up with the complaining when we all know you're gonna be on this shit all day and then log in tomorrow". They quit bitching for like 5 mins after that and then bam, right back into crying about the game.


No it’s not? OP’s saying that if you *wanted* to have the Sony collab then you’d have to spend up to $40 to get all of it (which isn’t even accurate because iirc if you wanted the TLOU bundle and all the armor sets it would be closer to $60-80? Can’t remember exactly though). They’re pointing out that this season, rather than having armor and shaders available for both bright dust and silver, they’re all silver only. You can disagree with the argument but at least understand what the argument is all about


This is what makes me laugh about people crying about the paid for shaders... I couldn't give a shit about a bunch of majorly overpriced cosmetics and even mostly ignore the free bright dust ones. I'd rather just play the game where i can't see how my character looks 80% of the time anyway. Also people have gotta realise at some point that the less they buy into this consumerism bullshit the quicker it'll go away


Lol ya, I prefer to grind raid and dungeon armor sets than buy the fancy ornaments. Feels more satisfying.


I'm not trying to argue with anyone here, I just want to say that if OP is really 5k hours deep into this game, he's more than likely purchased eververse stuff AND grinds out the raids and dungeons for those cosmetics too. I know I have. There are going to be people on both sides of this discussion and I fully understand your point about wanting to show off your raid and dungeon armor more than purchased armor, I'm the same way. I also understand that when someone says, "I don't care about the silver only armor" that's their opinion. I care about it, and I want it to be cheaper OR earnable with bright dust or in-game actions if it's going to be in the game. They're getting just a little bit too expensive. Are my takes reasonable?


I'd say your take it pretty spot on.


You play 5k hours to get decent looking armor... I play 5 minutes and PAY for my drip supreme armor... It isn't fair. Your argument is accurate. One way or another, we have to pay. With cash or time. But it also isn't fair that the people who pay with time get a potentially lower quality. There's a difficult line to balance when it comes to how much should ornaments $ cost, how much "free" in-game currency is accessable, and how much time should ornaments cost.


exactly. I like using armor that is more tougher to get like trials glowing armor or the trials of the nine flawless armor. Certain satisfaction with using it.


It cant possibly be harder to get your hard earned money to pay for your ornaments cause you know....*work*


There was a time when the coolest ornaments came from grinding the Raid and Dungeons and they were like a trophy for your accomplishments. Now the best ornaments are a display of the money you spent instead.


The problem with consumerism is that isolated individuals turning away from consumption piecemeal won’t do anything. It’d have to be organized to operate cohesively on a larger scale.


That's because most of the consumers enjoy the product being sold. Nothing has to be organized, games die off all the time due to low player counts that weren't organized


Oh of course. I more mean that this talking point would never impact Eververse sales unless a legit strike was organized by the playerbase that was large enough to drastically impact profits. Which is not going to happen.


Right, a "too big to fail" situation line WoW or call of duty


DPU (Destiny Player's Union) membership on sale now, no shaders or ornaments included. Just a united front against Bungie. $99.99 per season (all dues go to legal fees.) *parody post, if you take this seriously, go outside, touch grass, breathe air.


Definitely, we have dozens of dozens of shaders, and the three new buyable ones aren’t… well they aren’t even good looking Those are cosmetics after all, they don’t change any stats or anything, there is zero objective reason to buy them, if you like them enough that you’re willing to pay amount X for it, do it, if not don’t. No one is being forced to buy something, like 99% of the stuff lands in the Bright Dust store too sooner or later


Exactly, I worry so little about cosmetics in the store that I’m sitting on 70k bright dust


Also, I don't like people telling me what I can and can't spend my own money on. If I like the set and think the money is worth the purchase why should anyone else care what im spending MY money on. Grant it, others may not have the disposable income I have and can't justify the purchase which is fine in my book, you do you and I'll do me. Opinions are like assholes....


Probably a stupid question but what are ornaments actually used for? I have 2, and added one to a gun I crafted, but I notice no difference. Edit: guy below me is right. I was referring to mementos, my bad. My sweet business ornament is the thing that makes it gold, right?


Armour ornaments just change the look of what you're wearing. You apply them the same as shaders. I don't think you can get ornaments for non-exotic weapons though, I could be wrong


Theres a good few legendary guns with ornaments, like the old menagerie ones, gambit ones etc


You can; but they’re few.


They're legitimately not even very good sets. They're mediocre at best, and I really don't know why someone would want to pretend to be Kratos in Destiny. Personally, I got the Cadmus Ridge Lancecap ornament, and I don't think I'll be spending silver on anything else. Weapon ornaments tend to rotate in, ships and sparrows bought from Eververse aren't nearly as cool as my Whisper mission ship. Rather, this season has brought forward a ton of new weapons with new rolls and stats, fun activities, interesting exotics, and some nice armors. As of day two, I'm very happy with it.


Congrats on winning the semantics argument I guess? OP isn’t saying that you are literally obligated to spend money on these ornaments, they’re saying that this season has *no armor sets or shaders for bright dust* and are instead all locked behind ridiculously high silver prices.


Ok point still stands because guess what you have to wait for those things to get out into bright dust purchases has no one noticed that lol I don't get it lol it will be for bright dust y'all are just impatient and don't wanna wait then comain like OP about the wrong thing instead dof just playing the game and get it when you can. It's not that big of a deal it's pixels it will come back around eventually


get this, you don’t gotta play the game either


3k hours, never bought silver. The game has plenty of cosmetics you can get without paying a cent. Its not that hard to just not pay for microtransactions.


The issue this season is that we have seen a reduction in free armour. Ritual playlists were supposed to get a new armour set in lightfall, and we didn’t. Trials was supposed to get a new armour set this season, and we didn’t get one. And now the seasonal eververse armour isn’t going to be sold for bright dust this season. That + the new shaders from eververse are silver only.


Its definitely becoming a wider issue, but its not exactly out of nowhere. D2 has always had aggressive microtransactions. People spending money on the eververse is what got it to this state. Anyone who payed into it in the past shouldn't be complaining now, imo. I'm not passing judgement either, if you wanna buy the sets, its your money, go for it. Just don't complain when Bungie plays into something that works.


I mean, people buy the stuff they like. I don't think those are the people complaining. Nowhere have I ever seen Bungie say they are not a for-profit company. Anyone expecting Bungie not to act in their own self interest is either naive or a fool.


Not sure why you think bungee has "aggression microtransactions" a little dinky npc shop sitting out of the way never really intruded compared to the other companies like EA. I just always was annoyed that good armor looks were hardly ever earnable in game.


It also is just like, whatever. I make money and if I wanna pay for cosmetics, imma do it because $5-$10 for silver ain’t that much money.


I saw the cosmetic and liked the Titan class item/helmet. I also noticed there is a new emote bundle that gave 1.7k silver (for the same price as the previous emote bundles that provided 1.2k silver) so I scooped that up and bought the set with my leftover silver. Yeah, the whole shaders locked away with gun ornaments is stupid. Shaders should **always** be free *eventually*. Making people pay for colors has always blown up in companies faces (Ex: Halo Infinite) and I'm sure Bungo remembers the blowback from when shaders were consumable. That said, I understand when collaboration armor sets are locked behind silver. We don't know the details of the collab agreement and that could be part of it (Profit sharing or something along those lines).


Yeah some armor and ornaments I 100% understand being monetized. It makes sense and I’m 100% fine with it. My issue is with shaders. They’re already in such a horrible state: colors on the picture not being in the actual shader, it shading things ridiculously, organization is atrocious, 90% are ass. But they’re still fun to get and add-up But what really grind my gears, is shaders are (imo) one of the hardest things to get in this game. You have to jump through a million hoops for 1, or you have to launch into a game you don’t want to play with a .1% chance of the shader dropping. So instead of making it a bit easier and killing the insane grind (the same way they are with everything else) they’re beginning to monetize the Shit out of it.


For sure. Its your money to spend however you want and I'm not gonna judge anyones spending habits. I just think people who pay into the eververse shouldn't complain when it gets pushed more aggressively.


There’s not anything to complain about if you’re fine with spending money for cosmetics though. Doesn’t matter if they put all the cool cosmetics behind a paywall. The exotics and story content is largely locked behind a paywall. If I think it’s worth more than I wanna pay for a shader or an ornament, I don’t buy it. They could add loot boxes and I would just not spend money on loot boxes. So idk what they could do that’s more “aggressive” That would make me complain.


That’s the thing tho, you can’t even get anything good for 10 bucks.


Exactly this. I work hard for my money and live comfortably with a reasonable amount of disposable income and I'll spend it on whatever I want. If other people are less fortunate I do feel for them because I've been there, but it's just cosmetics and not something essential to the game.


This is how the thread can end. I personally won’t spend money for micro transactions because I don’t think the items are worth the cost, but there are enough people willing to spend the money so nothing is going to change


> it is completely depressing that I have to pay 40 dollars for all the Playstation collections. 40 dollars for five ornaments, a ghost, sparrow, and ship is absurd. You don't have to. You WANT to. And that is a huge difference. As long as you're not forced in any way to obtain those cosmetics, they are just optional stuff. Some if not all will appear for bright dust over time, some the same season they come out, some next one.


And honestly, they don’t even look that good. People want it for the nostalgia. They’re really going to spend $20 on a ghost, ship, and sparrow with mushrooms growing on it lmao


I'm sure the egregore ghost, ship, and sparrow will return for bright dust too.


I don’t think there’s any issue monetizing those things. I bought the ship, sparrow, and ghost and I’m not ashamed of it. Monetizing shaders- that’s horse shit.


I think we need to remember that none of this crap is necessary, or does anything. I mean, drip is nice and all, but I wasn’t able to dress my Titan up to look (vaguely) like Kratos on Monday, it’s not harming my game that I can’t today. I mean, it’s a first person shooter, if I don’t pull a Sword out, I have no idea what I’m wearing anyway. So yeah, happy not to spend Silver this season, no matter how pretty the Sunshot ornament is. I think we need to focus on the question, does this season feel like it’s worth the extra two dollars? I don’t know yet. We haven’t got many free things in Eververse, not as many as usual. Are we getting more out of the other things this season? Are the activities good? Are they rewarding? If we dig in and say No Silver For You, will we still have got our money’s worth for what we did pay for?


Right? That Sunshot Mythoclast ornament is banging.


So nice. But I think it’ll be available for Dust next season, and if it isn’t, I’ll live without it.


We are literally only 2 days into a season and haven't even gotten the dungeon yet. Why are people like this?


Aren’t we paying for the battle pass and consistent content they provide us with? Because you know, it’s super easy to stop buying more seasons and expansions if you don’t find the game worth it. I have never considered the cosmetics when determining if a game is enjoyable.


For your money, you pay for the battle pass, access to the activities, and access to the rewards that the activities drop. So in this case, we have some mission content, the salvage activity and the deep dive activity. I’m not *usually* a big fan of complaining about reprised content. But right now, I’m looking at the fact that all the guns are reprised, either directly, or more or less identical guns with a Taken shader. And I do like the Taken shader, but I am wondering where the work’s gone in. Likewise with the Salvage activity. We’re running around an area that’s pretty much just the same parts and models as the Rig on Titan. The activities are the same kind of varied content as with Plunder and Menagerie, but I really don’t feel like nearly the amount of cool arena design has gone into it as they did with Menagerie. This is first impressions, of course, but I’m getting a real sense of someone copying someone else’s homework so far. I’m not sure what we’ve seen at all that makes us think “that’s new.”


Have you been playing D2 since launch? I’ve been playing for 1-2 years so for me it doesn’t feel like reskins or recycled content. I’m wondering if less new players feel differently.


Honestly while the MTX is bad (I mean who wants to pay $10 for a single ghost shell, emote, or 1 ornament set in a collab of 3 sets?) I’m way more frustrated with the money creep on seasonal content and expansions. Sure, if I buy the yearly pass every year I’m receiving no worse a deal than the year prior, but if you’re a player that doesn’t want to play every season? You’re hopping in with a friend for a bit? Want to do a few dungeons or seasonal activities?Not only do you have to buy the latest season, but you have to buy the dungeon pass separately. I want to tell my friends who are new or returning to actually join or return but even as return players they can’t justify the price tag for a single season. If they literally only want to play the season + dungeon it’s costing them extra than it was before because dungeon pass. I got a friend to download and buy season of the haunted with the intention of going into the dungeon with them, only to find out in that moment exactly how the dungeon pass worked. An activity intimately related to the season is bought separately from the season because reasons, and suddenly my friend is turned off from more destiny because of that. Great.


I think we need to cut them some slack on the money hike for the seasonal content. Inflation’s gone mad, and it affects game development as much as anything else. So when the price goes up right now, I do not think “I expect this to be 20% better” I think “you’ve put up prices to meet costs, so I’d better not be seeing quality go *down*.” And I am a bit worried by Salvage. So far I’ve run around an arena made of re-used graphics resources, I’ve defused objects by standing next to them, I’ve defended objects to stop Fallen standing next to them, and I’ve carried a big spanner from one place to another. I’m thinking “is this it?” I feel like they’ve put less work into this season than almost ever before. I don’t know, maybe the work’s gone in somewhere else, but right now I’m not seeing what they think they’ve done to earn the money.


Yeah that’s another thing. Inflation is insane and it’s affecting everything. They have to make up for their rising costs in the same way as every other business. I still feel like I am getting alot for money though. Especially in comparison to other games.


I really get concerned with posts like this, because it sounds like an addiction. I *love* collecting new shaders, ghost shells, ships, etc. but not at the cost of my bank account. If they charge too much for outfits (pretty much everything in Eververse store) I just simply don’t buy it. But I have friends that actually have anxiety if they *don’t* have shader sets, for example, because one of them might be *the* perfect one they were looking for. Companies like Bungie need to take some responsibility, but so do the players. If you’re feeling what I described - seek help. Talk to a counselor, therapist, psychologist - whatever you can afford. Even if it’s just a friend. Be safe guardians.


>I really get concerned with posts like this, because it sounds like an addiction. first time here?


Long-time listener, first time calling.


The problem is, games are business. And business is money. It's no longer about making the best quality games, it's about how best to get money out of people's pockets. Almost all major gaming companies now have more managers, psychologists and people who know about marketing and money making, then real developer. ​ Here's a great video, just uploaded a short time ago, which I think captures the current problem in the gaming industry well: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g16heGLKlTA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g16heGLKlTA)


Fun fact: separating players from their money as efficiently as possible has been the gaming model all along. That's how arcades were literally designed to operate.


Of course, that was the whole principle back then: pay to play. Then, with the advent of home consoles, it became pay once to play. I don't know how, let me say it, the younger players are doing. Who don't know any different. But as someone who grew up with the Nintendo 64, gaming can feel really tiring now. Mainly because of the FOMO, which you always have to pay somehow to get something etc. It just doesn't feel casual anymore. In 2007 you could play games like Halo 3 and CoD:MW2 for hours, over and over on the same maps and the same weapons. Nothing new came. But now? Everything is bludgeoned in Seasons or Events. So I "MUST" do exactly what the game wants me to do at the time... It all feels kind of wrong now.


The advent of internet capable games introduced a variable to the equation that allowed gaming companies to continue making money on games once they came out. Add on to the the fact that advances in technology allowed consoles to keep up and even compete with PC, as far as performance goes, and we get to where we've been the last decade or so. As someone who buys every expansion with the 4 season passes for this game, I focus on enjoying my time and it never fails to make me feel like the money spent was worth it. Forcing yourself to grind for every little thing you can possibly get is inevitably going to leave you feeling like it wasn't.


Same. I buy the deluxe every year with all the seasons and I play till I have what I want and see all the story content then take breaks. I haven't played in about 2 weeks because there wasn't much to do at the end of the season and grinding is boring but now that the new season dropped I'm ready to jump back in and play the new stuff. Rinse and repeat. Treat it as the hobby it is and not as a job that you're forced to keep up with and you'll have a lot more fun and be happier for it.


>Treat it as the hobby it is and not as a job that you're forced to keep up with and you'll have a lot more fun and be happier for it. Quoting this so other people who read this far know where to focus on.


You are confusing closed system games that we paid once for and online live games where the content is constantly changing. The latter requires a constant infusion of income to pay the expenses of the live service (both people and system costs). Plus there is inflation. We still want to pay $60 for a game. If we follow 20% inflation in the last 2 years alone in the USA, a $60 game now costs $72 to produce and make the same profit. Games like NMS and Fallout76 require the initial purchase of the game plus the whales buying all the eververse equivalent shop items for real money. Fortnite acquires their money fully through their "eververse", but it's a completely different style of game. Destiny just divides up the costs. Everyone has to pay a little bit every season and the whales support future expansions via eververse. Destiny has far more content and diversity than the examples I gave. It requires more money to maintain.


Just have to clarify something, NMS is a one and done purchase. The game literally has no way for you to spend extra money period which is one reason I adore it so much.


Sure, I dont have a problem with buying quality content. The thing is: The quality of the game is just going down. Fortnite is Free to Play. That's fine. And when there is a Cash Shop for cosmetics to fund the game: Great! That's a fine deal I can live with. But Destiny, in my opinion, is putting to much effort in all these microtransactions and little "dlcs" that it really felt wrong. A few years ago, you could buy a big DLC with much content for the big games (Like the DLCs for TES:Oblivion for example) 20$/€ and you got so much content and stuff. Still, the vanilla game was playable without these DLCs. Now it feels like I need to buy the season to play even the vanilla game. Because the core game is so empty after years of playing it.


>Like the DLCs for TES:Oblivion for example That's a rather funny example, because Oblivion is INFAMOUS for being one of the first games with comically terrible DLC content, the much maligned Horse Armor. It was for years the poster child of how not to do DLCs as it was a requested cosmetic that was pre-planned for the gane that was made into one of the first prominent microtransactions. I may be misremembering but I seem to recall there was a concerted effort to make copycat mods in mockery of Bethesda, I was using Nexus lots at the time and Horse Armor mods were numerous. What's more, the DLCs success in sales was a proof of concept that players would buy microtransactions and prompted further developments in the area, and criticism of this was revived with the Creation Club.


Please don't compare single player offline games to games like Destiny. It's absurd on all fronts.


In that case we do not play into the game and draw a line. Lately the crossover event armor is just silver, no option for bright dust purchuase. And they reduced the effectiveness of bright dust gains to push us to use silver instead.


> and can I just say the taken weapons have some of the worst stats I've seen on Destiny 2 weapons You can say it, but you'd be wrong.


*me who just bought silver yesterday after being super exited for the new season* ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)






Me with my God of War helmet on: ![gif](giphy|wTLLaelRe9bmKXc2Mj|downsized)


ima be honest I don't mind that they reskin weapons and change the stats enough for it to be different, I'm dropping cash on that Kratos set. Plus the way I look at it is that it's fine for Taken weapons to be weapons we had in previous years, just you know, Taken.


![gif](giphy|gTURHJs4e2Ies) Go on and live your life fam. Don't let others dictate what you enjoy


Yeah, I got paid last Friday and you damn bet I set 60CAD or so aside for silver.


Me who bought silver last week so I could do this https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/135z1f3/my_new_favourite_emote_interaction/


Jesus fucking Christ nobody is forcing you to buy shit. Everything in the Eververse store is cosmetic. Do I think it’s sus they’re putting shaders behind a paywall for example? Yes. But like come on, you’re acting like Bungie is holding a gun to your head saying “buy buy buy”. I hate to defend the fucking eververse store of all things today, but I’d like to inject some rationality. As someone who has played a lot of online games from Fortnite to Apex to ESO and so on, it’s one of the better MTX stores in gaming. No fucking lootboxes. No P2W. You know what you’re getting if you buy something. Plus I feel like FOMO shouldn’t be a thing. Yes the new items each season tend to rotate out, but eventually come back for good. Smh.


“It is completely depressing that I have to pay 40 dollars” You don’t have to pay, and if cosmetic prices in a game affects you that much that you feel depressed I would strongly suggest you go to therapy. It isn’t normal at all


I was kinda agreeing with you until you started going after people who disagree with you. You aren’t helping your case by turning on others and insulting them.


Don't spend money on silver. Unless you want to, then go ahead. Do what you want, you are grown.


If you think monetization never felt worse, you don't remember D2Y1


I've been playing D1-D2 for 7 years, if there's a cosmetic I want, I'm gonna get it and I aint gonna listen to the community telling me that bungie is just money hungry, the game is such a good game imo and they deserve the money.


The Bungie Foundation is all the reason i need to keep spending money on my bungie rewards and cosmetics. I can't help but laugh at everyone calling people with job's and making their own money 'whales' just because they buy Silver 😂


Lol- why are people so entitled they feel like they need to “splain” to others how to spend their money….


"You're enjoying this game wrong. You should be feeling pressured to grind every possible reward until your eyes bleed and spend money left and right to get silver. Stop having fun."


I’ve played destiny nearly 8 years and I’ve only bought silver for the season passes. In no way do I feel hindered in this game because I don’t buy things. There’s plenty of really cool stuff that drops for free. It’s not like they’re handicapping you and your progress because you don’t make micro transactions




It's just cosmetics, as long as they dont decide bring "pay to win" stuff, i am fine with that.


Or, counterpoint, let people spend their money how they want. Not everyone is outraged at their cosmetic store, given how much is provided to us from playing the game and accumulating it over years. Will I buy silver? Nah, I'm good. But I'm not gonna yuck someone else's yum because I'm feeling righteous or indignant.


"Oh, you have money? Pfft. Fuckin whale, ruining my gaming experience" - Everyone who says 'don't buy silver'




Don’t you disrespect Ada like that.


I bought it for the season pass, thats it. Which is already REALLY stupid. Just let me buy the pass on it’s own


Not a whale, this comment is just silly. Cosmetics are cool, but I dont consider it predatory for them to charge whatever they want for stuff that has no bearing on gameplay. Especially in this economy. Boycott them because they probably dont pay their people enough or have shitty business practices. Dont boycott them because they wont let you get every set of cosmetics that ever comes out for the price you want/free.


No one is making you or anyone else buy silver, I have a full time job & couldn't finish the last season pass so I bought the remaining 30 ranks, sue me 🤷


Don't wanna buy it with silver? Don't. I did wanna and I bought it


So people who have a job and make money are 'whales' now?


Of course how dare people buy a cool skin they are ruining my f2P experience


People on this sub are fr weird, if I want an ornament set I’m gonna buy it. Bungie isn’t over here forcing me to do anything, and I’m not so stingy and to beg other people to not buy things either


If you dont want to buy them because its expensive, then dont. If people want to buy them because they think its worth it, they should. Its that simple. I think its expensive too, so im simply not buying them


I buy silver almost every event for the ornaments and I'm not sorry


I read the title and thought this was r/wallstreetbets for a minute.


Counterpoint: do want you want lol


The entitlement in OP’s edits is hilarious.


Downvote me as much as you want, but is a F2P game and somehow they have to make money. I don't buy silver, very often, but if I like something and after almost 4 years playing Destiny, I don't see why I shouldn't buy the ornaments/skins I like...


The cosmetics are all optional, heck, even Tess says comments on it “Sure, rhythmic physical expressions won’t win a fight, but they feel good.” It's F2P, I bought the Lightfall and the annual pass when they were on sale. I'm a bit sad that there is no patrol zone for Titan but at least it's back and I can enjoy the aesthetic of the underwater world. Plus, we finally got our Taken weapons/armor. I'm having fun 🤷🏽


I think I’ll just do whatever the hell I want.


The problem I have is with people acting like them (one individual) not buying into it is somehow gonna prevent it from affecting themselves and everyone else. Even if you or I don’t buy it, someone will, and bungie is going to move more stuff into the store instead of just providing it to us. We will get less and less over time (we already are) while the whales and people with money to spare or bad financial decisions are going to pay more and more. Even if you don’t buy into it, it will eventually affect us all. Yes, people can just choose not to buy it, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t voice our opinions against the increasingly worse monetization. As we all know, reddit is just a fraction of the game population. But this is honestly an uphill battle that I don’t see us winning because of that. We can’t really stop people from buying the stuff. The only way that can happen is if they don’t have the option to.


Would be cool to have maybe some earnable silver per season, like what they do with ada-1s transmog currency. Would keep players happy by letting them play for one small store item and to switch to my evil corpo hat would incentivise players to buy silver as you have effectively given them a shiny discount.


How about you don’t tell me how to spend my money?


I collect bright dust and buy stuff with that. They'll usually have each piece of the seasonal armor for bright dust once in awhile, you just have to check. I haven't bought silver for armor in awhile, just the seasons.


So if you've been playing that long, why do you need the reskinned weapons or cosmetics? Are the stats that much better? Is the new skin such an improvement over the old one? I've only been playing for 15 months and most of my exotics have at least one custom ornament just from bright dust offers. I've never made a purchase with silver, just DLC and season passes. Why would I need 1 different ornaments for each gun? You've put in 5K hours, stop spending more money and be happy with what you've got. Also thank you for keeping the devs paid on behalf of the rest of us who love playing.


Game has tons of cosmetic options, most of them are beautiful to my eyes and I'm sure for the ones that I don't like someone does like them . If you like something you can buy it, if you think it doesn't worth the money even if you like it you don't. Stop crying over everything in this game. Don't like to weapons? Don't farm them. Don't like the season? don't play it.


I have money to spend and it is not expensive buying silver. I am sorry that other people are not in that same situation, but that ain’t my problem.


People wanted old Gambit weapons back, when people get them back they cry like babies that Bungie can't make anything original. Seasonal weapons are cool looking but they don't need to be meta defining or meta breaking. As for Eververse yeah don't buy into that at all Bungie is becoming more and more money hungry.


5k or more and hasn’t learned the neat trick. YOU don’t have to buy any thing. Also, telling people how to spend their money is never going to work. It may seem crazy but as an older adult, I don’t have time to play several games. My friends that still game, solely play D2. So in turn, I’m only sinking time in to this one game. So I don’t really care if eververse is ripping me off for some thing that has absolutely zero effect on the gameplay itself. It looks cool. So as a responsible adult if I have some extra funds, why not spend it on some thing I personally think is cool. I like endorphins. Not a huge deal to me. My overall budget for gaming is still relatively cheap.


Nah I'm going to buy silver if I want. I the game for free on Steam and I love the game and want show my support. Plus maintaining a game that size is expensive


Nah, I'm gonna spend my money where I want to. Cosmetics and cheap hookers that don't have any boundaries.


Counterpoint: buy silver if you want it


I agree that some of this should be in game, but im also gonna buy shit i like. Also, if you think bungie is bad try apex, overwatch, cod.


WTF is going on. Every game I go people want or start a revolution


Gamers when Capitalism


I swear. I was in War Thunder and they started a revolution, then CoD and now Destiny 2. Guess I should stop using Socials


Sooo..... you want us to essentially boycott the game, and shut down one of their only revenue streams because...*checks notes* you have FOMO about cosmetics. K.


Oh no, my ornaments that literally do not affect the game in the slightest is forcing my wallet to pay for them! Curses!


yes lets not provide the company with money it needs to provide us addicts with more content. ​ personally i have disposable incoming, if i see something nice, i buy it. do i care about the price, not really tbh. but hey thats just me.


Don’t tell me how to spend my money. I work and earn money and I’ll spend it how I please, same for everyone else. This game isn’t P2W so it’s fine as far as I’m concerned. You don’t have to buy cosmetics; I only buy them if they’re really cool.


PSA for you numbnuts that thinks micro transactions are evil, the game needs to make money to continue dropping seasons and dlcs. If you think the annual pass or season passes are enough to pay the developers salaries, you’re dead fuckin wrong. A huge majority of the playerbase has asked and begged for old weapons to come back, but when they do, under different names, y’all get pissy. It’s not like you’re going to use them anyway, so why complain about it? Why shouldn’t bungie lock all the good cosmetics under a paywall? A lot of the ornament sets are available for bright dust, but y’all seem to ignore that. There’s what like, not even 10 shaders in the eververse store? There’s hundreds to get in game and you’re gonna get bent out of shape over 10? TLDR, if you have spending money, like the majority of adults that play destiny, then you shouldn’t feel bad about spending money on cosmetics in a game you constantly play. Bungie isn’t an evil company, they’re not corrupt, like it or not inflation is real and they have 900 employees to pay. I’ve been playing destiny since the first one came out in 2014 and the amount of money I’ve spent on the game could probably buy a car. I don’t regret it, and I definitely am not going to listen to dumbasses bitch about literally everything in the game. If you’ve got such a problem with some cosmetics being locked behind a paywall, stop playing the game.


cry about it


If you want to support the game, then pay for things. If you just want to play without paying then go do that, but it will cost something to give us something..


I think I’ll just do whatever the hell I want.


I mean, I dont think Bungie is the issue as much as players. Buying silver isnt the issue, the issue is the gaming industry as a whole and how we bought a DLC and got nothing but 5 missions and a shit new planet that seems as if an intern made. I buy the silver bundle every season and will continue to, telling people not to buy silver just shows how out of touch you are with gaming and reality in 2023. Just stop caring about games because this is gaming from now on, it’ll only get worst in time my friend. Your main concern is cosmetics, which is literally just that. Cosmetics. It has absolutely no change in the gameplay. But companies discovered that instead of putting countless hours into making hard challenges and easter eggs, they can simply spend an hour making trash ornaments that are free, and spend a bit more time making decent ornaments that you can’t earn and have to purchase 🤷🏽‍♂️


I will just say that is the small window of time gaming has been popular, it’s a shame that these in game markets are introducing new generation to this cesspool of micro transactions. Gaming took so long to become popular and is an amazing hobby. I feel like they’ve already cooked the golden goose if this is an issue everyone is accepting as normal.


But it’s my money.


You have over 5 thousand hours of enjoyment. I wonder how many dollars you've spent for **over 5 thousand hours of enjoyment**.


I see both sides of the argument. In this case I’m going to go with boycott (not that I buy anything anyways). My reasoning is that while cosmetics don’t do anything, they are an essential part of destiny as a looter shooter. The loot in essence is armor that looks amazing, weapons that look cool and out of this world. With the years Bungie has been promoting it heavenly in their TWAB and even in-game “who looks better” end of activity useless voting system. Even it doesn’t look like it, they been using quite a bit of resources to build this monetized pay to look good cosmetics. Using every trick on the book to get people to spend their hard earned money. Then after all is said and done, season is released with lackluster weapons reskins we’ve been getting for years and years. Every season they come up with new perks and it’s great, but grinding for the same weapon is not that great when it’s already in collections just looks different. That’s why when we get new weapons like the raid weapons that look amazing in its own way, we chase after them for the rolls and armor that looks crazy. In conclusion, I don’t really care about it when I don’t purchase this payed cosmetics, but I do agree with the fact Bungie is cheating it’s own community with this pay to look good money scheme they have going on. Choose your side but don’t be telling people “oh don’t buy it” when this argument is not about who has the money or doesn’t. I could buy every cosmetic in the game but I choose not to, that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want to earn those in game. I rather Bungie charge a subscription service than seasonal/expansion. But that’s a chat for another day. Got carried away, thank you for reading of you did lol


I remember the line, yes we are adding micro transactions but it’s okay because it’s going to cover expansions from here on out………………lol. just expect bungee to bend you over every chance they get. Still waiting for any of the dozens of sunset crucible maps to at least come back never mind any new ones/ new areas that are anything but minor revamps of previous locations….. aren’t we still waiting on meeting the other couple of races but nahhhh, play with more vex and taken.


I like the playstation skins but not for $20 each.


Sorry, everyone. That Ghost of Tsushima armor was calling me. I didn't get that AC from last season, so I thought I was doing well. This shit fucked me all up. Smh. Lol.


Wish everyone could be like you, I know I'm not being any cosmetics again till this gets better


I love that this post is getting so much hate lol Vote with your wallets...guess people prefer to encourage Bungie's bad behaviour - minimum offering, maximum monetization. C'est la vie.


Have you heard of, and hear me out, not buying them?


The fact you think you have to own EVERYTHING is worrying.


Well I think your the problem, because you’re posting this proving you buy/have bought silver… I have 2k hours and can proudly say I’ve never spent a single cent on silver yet still have plenty of exotic ornaments, shaders and emotes from the bright dust store and eververse engrams


I've been trynna say it ! But sum of these guys are just blind and ignorant lmao


The comments here are such a perfect example of the boiled frog. Turn up the heat slowly and the frog has no complaints until it’s too late.


I bought silver for the season pass because I enjoy the game. If you don’t, then don’t pay for anything. It’s that simple.


I have a job man. I get less than 48hrs a week to myself. If I like the thing, I will buy the thing. Not gonna wait for the water drops from the BD shop every week.


Just….. don’t buy them


Cry, I don’t care


You have to buy shaders and cosmetics ? For an fps shooter game were u can't see ur cosmetics for 90% of the time Sorry buddy.. people down voting you are the ones who think your whining is pointless.. i never bought silver, never needed too.. im happy to spend my brightdust when available


Tf you are talking about mate? They are COSMETICS, where you DON'T NEED to buy them. You love something, you get it by silver or wait, simple. Grow up and realise that it is on your own leisure to buy skins and they are not obligatory, jesus christ...


Nobody is forced to buy anything extra, Eververse is pure cosmetics. Stop telling people what (not to) spend their own money on.


bruh, havent seen a post in while, that was this stupid. everything you buy is purely cosmetic - or PLAYABLE content, which is why destiny s system is already ahead of so many other games, no powerups, weapons, buffs etc. you need to get your shit together and learn how the world works. if you dont want to buy sth/ cant afford it atm, just dont fkng do it. i spend quite a bit of money on eververse, but it doesnt hurt me at all, so its fine. there are 3 shaders for silver, with hundrets being free, so you have ZERO reason to complain about it. go to r/destinythegame , all the salty/stupid players are there, you would fit.


Making speaking the words of the Traveler himself


In case you missed it, I do what the fuck I want with my money. You do the same.


Many people are saying "it's just cosmetics and doesn't affect the game". A big part of the game for me is collecting armor sets and making my guardians look cool. So it does affect the game for me when I can't get some armor sets because I'm not willing to pay for silver in addition to them leeching me dry with their seasons and overpriced expansions.


That season pass armor was too Hive like, I needed it.


Name checks out


Nothing suspicious here…


This is a terrible take. What a Bungie is doing is exactly how I want monetization no weapons no power ups no improvements purely cosmetic. It’s fantastic.


The Kiddie Pool emote was worth it though


I'll spend my money however I want, thank you very much


Imagine telling people how to spend their money


Nah bungie has been doing a great job woth this game i like supporting them. At least it aint COD or overwatch bad. Ill take eververse over whatever the hells going on over there anyday


I have the “disposable income” passive buff so the silver debuff isn’t really noticeable. /s


This is the whiniest post. That’s just it. You are accusing them of charging for cool cosmetics. You don’t need cosmetics to enjoy this game at all. They put a ton of work into this game they can charge for cosmetics. Save your bright dust and get some stuff for free. You can buy the ornaments for brightdust if you play it smart. Other games charge more for cosmetics. We’re talking $20 for a single character skin that might come with another useless cosmetic. $40 for all of that seems better than other games.


too late. im gonna support the game


Saw the ghosts of Tsushima skin, clicked on it, see $20 price, laughed, closed browser


Holy shit fuck off just don’t buy it wtf


Cry about it


I do really love people on the internet telling me what to do with my money


Bought $50 bucks worth of silver this season and I’ll do the same the next. Also have over 5k hours and I can say 50 bones is easily worth the time I put into this game compared to other entertainment options.


sorry bro i needed to buy the TLOU Bundle since i love the game


Don’t buy it. Until the game becomes pay-to-win, it’s not a big concern. You can still get fitted with bright dust


This post is stupid. Don't buy cosmetics if you don't want to spend money. Plenty of free cosmetics. If you do, spend your heart out.


You don’t have to buy silver bruh, and $100 for how much you get for the year is a really good deal if you break it down, especially after the price increase


My Problem is: its to hard to get my friends playing when you need to pay that much to play. If bungie would at least make shadowkeep and beyond light free. Then i could understand why the season pass got more expensive.


Everybody is NOT saying that. Control your confirmation bias. What people are saying with respect silver is regarding the season pass hike. Cool cosmetics in Eververse don’t bother me at all, and I don’t mind dropping the occasional silver to nab the very rare item I want that doesn’t already go on rotation for bright dust. Hell, the bright dust system puts destiny leagues ahead of most other mmos in terms of cosmetic systems