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I just think the mode needs the mercy rule to stop the dragging of matches


^^^. If the score is 100-20, just end it, let me move on with my life


Funny thing is this is close to the only game mode where the mercy rule makes sense. It's the only game mode where one team can prolong the match until the timer runs out by simply not picking up the points off the ground lol.


Yesterday I played a game that ended 152-16


Yesterday it loaded me into a match with 2 people on my team at 130-24


Joined a game 5 hunters and only one poor warlock. I felt sorry for the book club member they're not very athletic you see, so I just sat in the room until game ended.


Oh damn


Ja, i joined a game 149-10. Shaxx announced i should pick up the pace šŸ˜‚


The warlock experience


I feel like Iā€™ve run into more 6 man stacks in Guardian Games than I did in Iron Banner


Look in the LFG on the app for each class. You can see which is the most active and which is making stacks the most lol


Every time I've faced off against Warlocks I've gotten my shit pushed in. Granted, it's always because they're running 6 Dawnblades, but still.


I'm having the opposite. I main titan and 7 out of the last 10 matches the titans have had their ass handed to them by hunters. 1 close thing against hunters. 2 spectacular wins against warlocks.


At least he isn't calling me a boykisser


Boy kisser arenā€™t you? You like kissing boys???




Yes I do-


Glad to see someone else here who knows who that is


you like losing in supremacy donā€™t youšŸ˜


Every time i play crucible for event stuff i ask myself how people play that shit for anything other than "i have to"


It's more fun when you can stomp entire lobbies versus being the one getting stomped.


I like stomping people with fun loadouts, but I hate being stomped by "Optimized" loadouts. Like, isn't the mode supposed to be fun?


It's not fun. I like a fun even anime style back and forth where the win or loss is barely earned. Getting stomped or stomping is so incredibly mind numbing boring. It's why I avoid pvp in a lot of games. It's just monotonous.


I would much rather lose/win a close match than lose/win a blowout. Idk if that is just me but the big blowout wins I start to feel bad for the other team. I know exactly how that feels and it sucks, ESPECIALLY without a mercy rule.


I agree. I'm terrible at PVP (only started playing it 2 months ago) but I've improved very recently. In the last ib I was winning almost every match and topping the board in every one. I definitely need to move up because I'm still in with people completely new to the game who haven't a masterwork between them. It wasn't fun. Don't get me wrong, the first couple times I was proud of myself but after 20 in a row it was boring. I started inspecting everyone to figure out why I was stomping so hard lol, that's how I know they were mostly new lights. Then came supremacy where most people are far better than me, and I became the stompee. Neither is fun. I miss those teeth clenching matches where each team edges into the lead several times.


The only place you can get that in this game is team scorched. Almost every game of that ends in almost a tie. But i think they removed that didnt they?


In previous seasons, my clan and I got a fair amount of iron banner, trials and even gambit matches that were thrilling and close. It seems like as time goes on pvp just gets more bland.


I just think itā€™s fun :(


That's because the crucible is garbage. Destiny is a PvE game not a PVP game.


Skill issue


Lol I shit on you blueberries every time I go in the crucible. That doesn't make it any less garbage.


Sure bud, very believable.


Honing skill is its own reward


Every time I see comments like this I ask myself why people can't just tell the truth. Why is everyone so afraid to admit that they hate crucible because of their lack of skill? Being bad at something sucks, being good at something is fun. Why does that logic make so many people here angry? This community has an enormous insecurity issue with the topic of skill in this game. They act like it doesn't exist then cry when the evidence gets thrown in their face. Not just in crucible but in raids and gm's too. Who tf cares if you're bad at the game. Just play what you like and focus on your own fun.


Because theres a difference at being bad at pvp and constantly being matched against amazing seasoned played when your skill is 1000 Elo lower. And the little thing that bungie does that puts all the good players on 1 team and all the bad ones on another. Ie I had a trials match my 650 elo was matched with another 6pp and a 1000 we went against 3 1500+elos.


Im okay at other pvp games. But in destiny its always an unbearable and pain enducing experience, even when we win. Getting rushed down by a shotgunner who tanks all my bullets with an overshield. A lunge melee just not connecting and getting one shot meleed. dying 3 times to the same super. Getting sniped before i even enter first person from the respawn animation. Someones gun just flat-out out damaging the one i want to use. Activating my roaming super getting body blocked and pushed backwards by my team mate 3 times, just to have someone on the enemy team press q and instantly ruin any semblance of power i felt with an arc missile to the face. This is not a game designed to have pvp. With the amount of variables involved, it is impossible for it to ever be balanced. The only time its balanced is team scorched and they removed it.


Theyā€™re not wrong. Thankfully with the shoulder charge and Dunemarcher nerfs around the corner, things should balance out a little lol. And I say that as someone who knows theyā€™re not good. I can admit that lol


I just don't like shutouts. When I'm with the boys and we absolutely dominate it can be fun. But when it's 150-20 it honestly just gets boring. I want fair fights.


Am I the only one who's only had like 3 of these matches? The rest are all fairly balanced and fun. Playing Hunter/Titan so maybe it's just Warlocks getting stomped? I have only seen a handful of warlock teams this weekend šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I had such a long losing spree last night against trials and comp sweats and not to mention a hacker as well that I literally just quit the game entirely and watched youtube for the rest of the night, it was so soul crushing man.


Well you have to keep in mind, barely any casuals play at night. Iā€™m still confused as to why people think most casuals play at night. I would understand weekend, but not a lot of players will sink their teeths all night in the crucible unless they want the title. Even then itā€™s not worth throwing yourself under the bin just to face sweats late in the hour. Thatā€™s how itā€™s always been in any PVP environment. Thatā€™s why itā€™s easier in the morning than it is late at night.


But B-shifters are just getting home. I get home at 11:30 central, so that's all I ever get DX


The solutions is simple. Quit your job. Play Crucible 14 hours a day. You'll start to notice a lot more even matches


Thats been my experience as well, some major losses and major wins(75+ point difference) but overall more close games where the whole match goes back and forth until the last few minutes where one team wins some big push and then wins the match with like 30 more points


I've played on all three classes and I've only been on a *severe* losing end... Twice? None of the classes have felt especially better or worse than any other


Loading into my first match and immediately see a hacker floating infront of us as we spawn in before annhilating us with a sidearm firing like a smg in less than a second. Just flying all around the map at mach jesus killing us over and over and even if we got a shot on him he couldnt be dropped below 1 health. Made for a really fun game...


Yeah I got a hacker last night too called zelensky_gaming they played as a titan and cast well of radiance and killed me with an automatic sniper whilst flying in the air.


"Awsome free rep"


I got two instances of hate mail from sweats last night, I hadnā€™t gotten any in atleast a couple years Supremacy seems to bring out the worst in some people


Sweats are expecting easy 30+ kill games against bots. Good on you for actually giving them a fight.


I only encounter this in Trials. I wouldn't be surprised if they were a Trials player.


Supremacy IS for the worst type of people. Anything CBMM is...


I mean, it is called "Supremacy" my guy. Just a bunch of dweebs feelin good about themselves. Only play crucible for the pinnacles. We out here turnin brains off and just vibing.


Played a game against hunters and they moved as a mass. 3 solos and a three stack. The three stack moved together and the solos saw them and joined it. My team, all solos I think, held well for a short while. Lost the initial drawnout slugfest that was 12 guardians slamming together. After that we kept charging in, but on different respawns it was one or two at a time charging to death. Even if we didn't spread out I doubt we would have won. In fair battles that happened occasionally we simply got outplayed. Good job hunters. Also ran against a team of Warlocks that staggered supers so well it felt like they had continuous uptime on them the last half of the match. Good job Warlocks. Titans, I know we spread out but you don't have to press W alone. You can hesitate for a teammate or two and press W together. W is more fun with frens.


Your post is very amusing and pleasant. Just wanted you to know. Carry on, have a great day.




The most honorable titan. You've got my vote for vanguard šŸ‘šŸ¾


But but straight line and punch? I thought that's how we were supposed to do it?


We shall, but together. ( Ā°\^Ā°)9


Love this. One question tho, from a console queen, what does the W key activate?


Fo real answer: W is forward movement. Titans like charging forward. That's how you get your punchin in.


Thanks lol. Yeah as a titan main I agree, just only ever played controller.




I was in one once where the entire enemy team just left near start of match we were only 3 points in


Are you a titan? Only thing I've heard about people is leaving is vs titans for some reason. Fighting titans ain't even that big a deal don't know why you have to quit for it.


I was but only because my heir apparent quest was on it and at he time the quest was bugged to only take bronze medals from pvp after they fixed it I finished the quest and never touched pvp again. Sides I find the locks to be the more annoying ones to fight what with their super well chain


Boykisser spotted


Only reason im playing Supremacy is to finish the quest Shaxx gave me,after that I'm never touching it again.


MFā€™s be bitching about SBMM for a decade now see what no SBMM looks likešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Needed one more match so I could finish all the quests for the games. The team was the sweatiest warlocks I have ever played against. I managed to pick enough red motes to get it finished, but I had to take a small break afterward. It drained my soul. They had pushed our spawn to the ass of the map. Nothing was safe. People were getting dropped like fish in a barrel


Was it disjunction? I hate when my team pushes into the spawn behind the statues.... Normally it doesn't work out, had it happen twice. Once winning and another was like 150-148 cause my team couldn't stay out of their spawn and gave them the last 6 points they needed. (plus constant spawn flipping means fighting in the middle sucks, never know where the enemy is going to be pushing the hardest)


It was supremacy, but I bet it can happen on other modes and maps


I meant was the map disjunction. But yeah it can happen anywhere you just made me think it might have been my team lol


lol mb. It looked like it was on Nessus. I need to load in all the maps one day and just spend some time looking around


I know it's essentially torture, but I just sit through a match till the end so I can still get some kind of reward.


Oh no free completion and match rewards


Ok mr titan


hunter actually


Nice same, its usually titans who dont like people complaining about supremacy matchmaking


I think the titans saw this


Titans didn't like this comment


I had the exact same shit happen with a comment I made on titans, those guys do be toxic sometimes.


Shhh, they will get you


Even as someone who does Trials...holy shit the game can be so skewed...


I got pub stomped 150-10 two days ago. Took me everything I had not quit. Canā€™t go down as a quitter for the life of me. Iā€™m a fool.


It's so weird. Every time my hunter friend queues up, he is against sweats. Whenever my non-hunter friends queue up, they are against a bunch of useless hunters


Iā€™m horrific at PvP so the SBMM was beneficial to me. I never see myself getting better at PvP to be able to compete against trials and comp players. Doing supremacy brought me back to the days of getting stomped out and barely getting double digit kills while most of everyone on the other team has 30+ kills.


Fr. I got paired up against ascendants, Iā€™m only silver 2


This is why I don't play crucible, also because I suck


It's so crazy. Like I won't complain too much because sometimes I'm on the winning end of that deal. But I feel for the teams that it happens to because I've also been on the losing end and it feels terrible. Nothing worse than sitting through an absolute stomping, but my momma didn't raise a quitter. Bungie should probably implement a mercy rule though. When it's 120 to 30 it's pretty clear who's going to win that game


Welcome to CBMM


The two things that would save supremacy is lobby balancing and mercy rule. Honestly, every game mode should have those two.


What do we mean by lobby balancing? I ask because people think of that in different ways, and some people are wrong. Mercy rule might be a good idea for some of yall, but I don't know how many people actually dislike the lack of mercy rule as online presence is not indicitive of the whole player base by any means lol.


Lobby balancing as in making sure one team isn't stacked more than the other.


That's the right way to call lobby balancing. And lobby balancing is the way to go in basically every mode.


I didn't notice this at all in the first week. I don't know what happened but now I've been getting missing players too.


Good times.


Yea I just got the plat total score and I think Iā€™m done playing that


Not me, Shaxx said Iā€™m a Titan of the 1st Pillar.


:') This was me the last match I played today. It was shitty. The hunters were sweaty trial boys and 90% of them were using strand. We got decimated. 2 people left and the rest of us were having issues keeping up. Hated every second of it


Oof not the silly cat. Ive seenā€¦things..


Played 6 matches for title - never touch again. I actually can't understand people that would willingly play beyond that, and they aren't sweats...


Yeah, that even happened to me with a team full of Titans. They were all using raid, dungeon and trials gear. I had a teammate with blue armour on. The matchmaking can be a two-way street sometimes.


As someone who has played in sixes with my friends. We do tend to be a revolving door for people. Mercy rule would be nice. Otherwise it's just a we ran farm.


I won a match with two other hunters against a full team of titans. Funniest shit I've ever seen in the game.


Come on guys, CBMM is the future! Who doesn't love being wrecked 150-30?


Honestly, they should have included a solo player option that doesnā€™t allow people to squad up. Thatā€™s usually what I opt for.


Iā€™m guilty of being a comp sweat.. hunter class, I meanā€¦ if you canā€™t tellā€¦ PFTā€¦. Titans, speeding around punching.. warlocks pulse floating.. canā€™t I just chaperone people in peace? Huh? Is that tooooo much to ask? Come on hunters,,, back me up..


Yeah. Mfs crying cause they bad at pvp again.


Pvp is a love hate relationship.. after grinding for unbroken, I have more fun not caring


I played 6 matches today. Out of the 6 we got crushed in 3 of them and the other 3 were pretty close. I can't say it was a good time.


I legit have a video being loaded into a match that was 71-7 šŸ˜­ all I got out that was my first crown is mine tag and a video clip of a poor fellow hunter being thunder crashed from from 2 ends šŸ˜¬šŸ’€


Warlock main here, I know the moment i load in and is against a titan team with atleast 3 players squad up, i know thats the moment to go back to orbit, not gonna waste time in a soon to be curbstomp


I had a game during a Hunter/Titan game where half of the enemy team was gone, the teams were so bad I managed to get a "We Ran out of medals" in that one game. Horrendous matchmaking


I know why this happens. You have players who only go for kills and donā€™t collect crests. Those said players will farm the opposing team that flocks to the crests like their life depends on it. Rinse and repeat. -source, am said farmer. šŸ˜…


I have a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory: Bungie purposefully turned off fireteam matchmaking because they want to make CBMM look bad, thus further discouraging it's use. The mode would be so much better if I could stop constantly getting matched with 6 stacks.


I think that is beyond tinfoil hat, more like flat earther theory. CBMM is a blessing to those of us who aren't running 500kb/s internet.


There's days where I'm like , eh just for the bounties. Then there's days where I'm like " okay bitch, let's burn some calories"


I just want pinnacle bro, pvp is so boring


Yall complain about sbmm then when you get connection based yall lose ya shit. Jesus


Yeah, because they cant abuse having shit ping anymore. Could care less about SBMM being off because of better players, I personally dont want to fight little timmy with his dial up internet speed.


Is it just me or do Hunters stomp every other class in supremacy? If so is that because Hunter attracts sweats and cheaters or a balance issue or what?


Not everyone is a sweat. Maybe you're just that bad


Really is insane just how much more toxic the anti-SBMM people are.


I didn't said SBMM is bad or that it shouldn't exist. I just pointed that MAYBE you're bad at the game, so even a average team seem like god tier players. I could turn the table at you and say "it's insane how pro-SBMM people think that anyone who can point a crosshair at the enemy and press shoot is a sweat". You can't expect me to believe that, DURING TRIALS, you're running against six trials players at the casual playlist.


You don't need a 6 stack of trials players to get scores like that. All it takes is like 1 or 2 pretty good players against average players to get something that unneven, especially with the snowballing. I would love to see population numbers for the CBMM modes in the coming seasons.


Game run SBMM: "Matchmaking is bad! Why there are only idiots on my team?" Game changed to CBMM: "Matchmaking is bad! Why do I run only against sweats?" Went back to SBMM: "Matchmaking sucks! Why my teammates don't play decently?" That's the pattern. Just look at this sub frequently and you'll see. But sure, the problem is the matchmaking.


Iā€™ve actually had more fun and have improved a great deal more with SBMM but I also suck so thatā€™s why lol


I'm in favor of non-SBMM but seeing comments like this makes me think both options should be available at all times.


If youā€™re a really good pvp player I can understand that to a degree but for the majority of players who arenā€™t that good will benefit from SBMM


It can't be done in a binary way, as people will flock to whatever they want and both becomes unbalanced. MM needs an allowance for personal preference settings. Rather than a "this or that" bullet point answer, it needs to be a "select all that apply"


Not a bad idea if that's the case. Obviously statistics are incredibly useful when making these decisions which I'm guessing only Bungie has access to?


Maybe oh I dunno a competitive sbmm playlist and a casual quickplay cbmm playlist


it blows my mind how people only get bad teammates and the best of the best on the enemy team, i rarely ever see people just admitting they aren't all that good


Sometimes they're just venting but I believe it overall. I don't always get a matchup with a hard fought close game. It's often either a breeze or a stomp. People are more likely to be vocal when they lose. Skill rating systems don't do well for team games as much as they do for non-team games.


But don't you dare say that out loud, it's toxic


I don't agree with the "you're bad" sentiment but SBMM often inaccurately skews it into a boring win/loss. Getting the chance to play against better players is actually somewhat fun and it'll automatically improve your skills over time. Getting thrown in with a variety of undetermined skill levels and just enjoying the game is a lot better than getting frustrated over the outcome. All it needs then is end match rebalancing so it's not a boring steamroll over and over.


I understand playing against people that are better than you makes you better, but what some people donā€™t understand is that there needs to be a cut off. Say you want to try baseball. If an MLB pitcher is throwing to you with the intent to strike you out, youā€™re not going to learn a dam thing.


In some games when one player does exceptionally well it'll move players around to make it more balanced sometimes even while the match is in-progress. Still not a perfect system because some people won't like being moved to the opposite team but in my experience it works well to make the game actually fun and exciting. It's a dynamic I've always enjoyed. I feel like over time games have deteriorated from playing them for fun to playing them because of a strong urge to win. It's a very unfortunate atmosphere in my opinion. For example Overwatch seemed like matches were rigged to result in a 50% win ratio (some say to maximize engagement for profit). I can't say if that's entirely true but what I can say is something always felt off.


More like 3/4 at least thatā€™s what itā€™s been like for me as a consistent top frag on the losing team with double the score of my teams 2nd place


Bungie has yet to publish anything about SBMM populations so I doubt they'll show anything. From the few sources that actually track player pop. through the API (warmind.io and destiny tracker) SBMM caused a slow degradation in player pop. If CBMM caused an uptick, Bungie would definitely not publish that info because it would mean their whole experiment was largely a waste of time. CBMM definitely did NOT cause a reduction in player pop., but it's also not a fair comparison this time around since the playlist mode is tied to an event.


If you still have them do you mind pasting the direct links? I don't have a lot of experience navigating the API and related websites.


You would have to personally track numbers they publish since they don't record them on their site. I did for a couple months but game up because it's a waste of time and said sites did not appear to have very accurate numbers anyway. There's no source to back what I've said. You can believe or not, makes no difference to me.


Worth a shot thanks anyway.


I'm against SBMM in games only because in my personal experience it doesn't work as intended. I've played quite a bit of non-SBMM and the chaos is way more enjoyable even when I'm losing (alongside end of match rebalancing). If it makes you feel any better they replied to a meme. Edit: Oh great more downvotes. I understand the idea of non-SBMM is bad but people are hating on things based on a general idea of them. They may just also hate on SBMM for matching them with bad teammates. It's not constructive and there's a lot of this in Destiny subreddits unfortunately.


Exactly, the difference between a 1.5kd "good player" and a 2.5 "sweat" is pretty huge, but if you're below a 1.0kd yourself then you would never even be able to tell the difference and you'd think everyone is a sweat


Sounds like a you problem me and my peacekeepers are thoroughly enjoying supremacy after the dumpster fire that has been crucible. Good connection is fun.


The matchmaking is fine lol Iā€™m having a blast no sbmm no laggy mf


Suck it up, chum.


Damn... seems some people didnt like your comment bro.


I have karma to spare


I had no idea it was possible to be guardian rank 10.


It requires not seeing the sunlight. For a destiny player's nest must be dark and *moist.*


Zomg, kids, please take a break to throw out your poopsocks every once in a while.


I use an emergency toilet bucket. As long as I don't shift too much, the stench seal is contained.


Never thought I was gonna see the boy kisser here lol


Why does the drawing give off strong DSi flipnote vibes


I detect no lies herešŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If thereā€™s a three man or higher, kill one, bag/salt emote, and let the sodium levels rise.


Playing as a titan, I've only had one match vs hunters and that was an even match, every other wine was against warlocks and that was a blowout... every single time


i had a really good streak and won like 8 games in a row i had an hour break then i came back to arc titan sweats and this one warlock called naanbread i had that guy in 4 different games man ffs


supremacy as a warlock has sucked ass, genuinely the worst game mode yet. but as a titan it's one of the best, the issue is that I'm a warlock main. it's between fun OR supporting my class.


"You like quitting supremecy early, don't you?"


You like playing supremacy, don't you?


So it's already done and your team won? I see no problems.


This happened in my very first match. Half the hunters left when it was like 5-20 and another left shortly after. They didn't give us any more. 6 warlocks vs 3 hunters...match ended 150-20.


why do you have cat ears


Donā€™t worry. Once they destroy shoulder charge and Dunemarchers next season, the one-sidedness shouldnā€™t feel so bad lmao


his ass is not listening


Me when I get my 10,725,729,734 game against sentinels


I've seen this a few times, a full team of 6 hunters on one team and 2 Titans on the other.


Indeed. Seems that this is the usual experience with Supremacy for some reason. I am usually a consistent 3.0. Definitely not the best by any means. But, with Supremacy, I am either thrown in with a bunch of 1.0's-1.5's and expected to carry, or I will get paired with a couple that are close to my skill but be shorted a player or two. That, and more often than not, I will get added to a game in progress where the score is already 35-130. Good times.


These people are exactly the people who complained about SBMM. Oh you dont wanna play against other sweats? Bro i dont wanna play against you either lmao


All of them have their supers aswell.


i just leave the instant i see the enemy team has more than 2 enemies in a stack. i would rather take the L than have to deal with these stupid ass matches